“The Hands of Christ” The first Sunday is a sharing … › media.cloversites.com › eb ›...


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March 2016

Grace Notes News from Grace United Methodist Church

Carbondale, Illinois 618-457-8785

Web site: www.carbondalegrace.org

E-mail: carbondalegraceinfo@gmail.com

March 6 Communion Sunday / Fourth Sunday in Lent Mark 1:40-45

“The Hands of Christ”

The first Sunday is a sharing Sunday. You are encouraged to

bring canned food for the food pantry. March 13 Fifth Sunday in Lent

Luke 7:36-50

“The Feet of Christ”

March 20 Passion/ Palm Sunday Matthew 21:1-11

“What Kind of King Is He? ”

March 24 Maundy Thursday Service “The Blood of Christ”

Dialogue Message, Special Songs, Communion &

Hand Washing

March 27 Easter Sunday

SonRise Service: 7:45 AM

Combined Service: 10:30 AM Matthew 28:1-10

“Born to Die, Dying to Rise”

Bring family and friends to the special services!!


Dear Friends,

We are studying Bill Hybels’ Just Walk Across the Room

for Lenten season. He indicates that there are two types of

Christians. One is “cocooners” and the other is

“connectors.” Hybels says, “The longer people walk with

Christ, the fewer their interactions with people living far

from God. They become ‘cocooners’---men and women

who rarely step outside of their warm, safe, comfortable

Christian circle. But for other Christians, the opposite is true; over time,

they experience an increase in their love quotient for people outside the

faith, making them more of a ‘connector.’” We often hear that all the

people I know go to a church. But we know that the surrounding com-

munity has been changed. In fact many people are not Christians, don’t

go to any church. We have a tendency not to be acquainted with them,

because we want to stay in our cocoons. But when we think of our faith

journey, we know there were people who made an effort to connect us

to Jesus Christ and even brought us to a church. They were connectors

who took a risk to introduce Jesus Christ to us. We know that our lives

wouldn’t be same without Jesus Christ, our Savior, our Redeemer, our

good Shepherd. And we truly appreciate the people who made a great

impact on us in our faith journey.

Hybels presents us the practical steps how to come out of our co-

coons and to become connectors again. The first step is to develop

friendship with the people who don’t have any relationship with Jesus

Christ, or who move far from Jesus Christ. The second step is to dis-

cover their stories. Be interested in their life stories. They might have

negative experiences about faith or church. They might have troubles

and difficulties in their lives. As we know their life stories, we might

catch an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ. The third

step is to discern the next steps. Are there any resources I could use to

help the person to find faith in God? Throughout the process, we need

to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, because it’s the work of

the Holy Spirit.

The great season of Easter is coming soon. We have the greatest

news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ who transformed our lives from

a doubter to a believer, from a victim to a conquer. Easter is the season

to break out of the dark cocoon and to fly freely and highly as a butter-


In Christ, Pastor In-Sook




March 20 Palm / Passion Sunday

Early Service: 9:00 a.m. / Late Service 11:15 a.m.

March 24 Maundy Thursday Service

Communion Service : 7:00 p.m.

March 25 Good Friday Worship Service

At Carbondale First UMC: 7:00 p.m.

Carbondale First UMC, Bethel AME Church and Grace UMC

will join to worship together.

March 27 Easter Worship Services

Joint Easter SonRise Service: 7:45 a.m.

Rev. Bong-Choul will preach.

Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.

Sunday School: 9: 15 a.m.

Joint Easter Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.

in the Auditorium

Pastor In-Sook will preach.

Special Music


Children’s Holy Week Activities

Palm Sunday, March 20th- All children, tod-

dlers through teens, are invited to gather just be-

fore the worship services at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. to

lead a Palm Sunday processional. Children will

be involved in other parts of the service, also.

Children's Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt,

Saturday, March 26th, 10:00-11:00 A.M. For ages 2-10.

Bring your friends, grandkids, cousins, neighbors! Come to the

children's area for Bible story and party activities before the egg


Easter Egg Help Needed

Your help is needed in filling Easter

eggs for our children's Easter celebra-

tion. Bins with empty plastic eggs will be

located in the church foyer. Please take a

bag to fill with stickers, candy, treats,

prizes, etc. Please remember that some of our children have

serious allergies to all kinds of nuts and peanut butter. Please

return the filled eggs to the children's area by Friday, March


If you are skilled at hiding eggs, storytelling, or airing up

balloons, the children would also appreciate your talents during

the Easter celebration. Sign up in the children's area or contact

Kay Eckiss.

Adopting One or Two

SIU International Students

SIU has many international students who are away

from home to study and to learn about American culture and cus-

toms. They are willing to have American friends. If you would

like to invite them to have a conversation, to have a meal and to

learn about another culture, please let Pastor In-Sook know.




Circle of Friends Potluck Tuesday– March 8 - Noon

Bring a dish and join the fellowship.

Youth Group Highlights:

Questions? Comments? Want to stay

connected? Contact Jaci Arthur at car-


Upcoming Events & Announcements: ~ Join us on Friday, March 4th, for our second Youth Night

Out. We're going to have a game night in the auditorium at


~ Do you have a suggestion for a Youth Night Out activ-

ity? Let Jaci know! & join us the first Friday of every month

for Youth Night Out.

~ What does youth group at Grace mean to you? Let's give it a


~ Keep an eye out for more information on our summer mission

trip and ways to get involved. Most information will go out via

email and be on our Google Drive.

~ We're going to start monthly mission/service projects. Keep

an eye out for more information, and let Jaci know if you have

any suggestions!

Senior High Sunday School: February 28th - "Back to Basics - Christianity"

March 6th - "Back to Basics - UMC"

March 13th - "Back to Basics - Prayer"

March 20th - "Palm Sunday"

March 27th - "Easter"

April 3rd - We'll start a series called "Images."


Grace UMC Mission Statement

"Love God, love people, make disciples of Jesus Christ."



Sunday School- For the first two

weeks in March, we will be working

on special items to use on Palm Sun-

day, in addition to our regular Bible classes. Join in the fun with

ages 4-11 as we share Lent activities and prepare for Holy Week.

Drama- All youth and children are welcome to join Grace Players'

rehearsal for Palm Sunday and Easter. Come to the auditorium

at 2:00 P.M. on Sunday, March 13th, if you would like to partici-

pate in the special worship performances.

The Light Kids Conference- On Saturday, March 12th, in Marion,

Illinois, a conference will be held just for kids in 1st-5th

grades! An adult leader is required for each church group. Infor-

mation is found at kidsconference.org. The Harvest Worship

Band will lead the conference activities. Contact Kay Eckiss (521

-9895) or the church office (457-8785) if you would like to regis-


Children's Bell Choir- Children are invited to play in their own

handbell choir, which will begin to meet in April. Let Jaci Arthur

know before Easter if you would like to be a part of the choir.

Do You Like to Bake?

We would like to include a small loaf

of bread or tea bread as a visitor's gift,

along with our church information. We

will freeze the loaves to use as needed. If

you would be willing to bake and donate a small loaf (any kind),

please notify Kay Eckiss at church or call her at 521-9895.


March Birthdays

(by date)

4 - Timothy Park

5 - Lily Morthland

6 - Tim Crosby

16 - Dylan Edwards

18 - Ruth Brooks

21 - Matthias Schurz

22 - Sharon Ebersohl

22 - Elizabeth Shappard

23 - Katrin Schurz

23 - Monty Smith

24 - Gay Biggs

25 - Ed Herman

25 - Bridget Vale

28 - Margaret Wheeler

29 - Tommy Adams

30 - Danie Dawson

30 - Jim Frailey

30 - Myung Kim

Early April Birthdays

Apr. 2 Paula Arthur

Apr. 2 Joel Kirby

Grace United Methodist Church

9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship

10:10 a.m. Sunday School

11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship

March 7 Ryan and Laura Morthland

March Anniversaries


Please have articles for the April 2016 Grace

Notes to the church office by March 18.

It’s Coming!

It’s Coming!



Friday, June 3 2016, Grace church will hold its 25th annual


We need everyone’s help to make this race a success — 50 or

more volunteers are needed.

Anyone interested in working with Lena Hake or Thyra Russell

this year and assuming the duties of directing the race next year

will need to contact us. If not, the 25th race will be the final


Think about how you can contribute this year.

Thank you,

Lena Hake and Thyra Russell

The church office will be closed Monday,

March 28, 2016.

Mark your calendars! Grace Camp 2016 is

coming, July 11th - 15th, noon– 5:00 p.m.

Contact Kay Eckiss or Jaci Arthur if you'd like to



Attention 2016 Graduates of

High School, College,

Graduate School, or

Professional School

Please contact Jaci Arthur at carbondalegraceyouth@gmail.com

on or before March 15th so your name can be added to our list of


Easter Lily Changes

A group of lilies is a beautiful sight on Easter Sunday, but

their scent and pollen can trigger allergy and asthma complica-

tions for some worshippers. This Easter you will be able to con-

tribute an offering in honor or remember a loved one but the of-

ferings will be used to purchase a few lilies and other spring flow-

ers (maybe even a few silk flower arrangements) to decorate the

church on Easter Sunday. Funds collected in excess of the cost of

the flowers will be used for missions. This will be different from

past years as you will not be purchasing a flower to take home

with you. Names in honor and in memory will still be listed on

an insert on Easter Sunday.

The Opportunity to Have a Ministry Intern!

Our conference provides an intern with a $3,000 sti-

pend for the whole school year. The Wesley Founda-

tion is willing to be a partner with us to share one in-

tern if we provide a room or housing expenses. If you

are wiling to provide a room in your house, from the middle of

August to the middle of May, or any donation for renting an

apartment, contact Pastor In-Sook. It will be a great opportunity

to a young person who will experience being in ministry before

discerning God’s call to full-time ministry.


Chicken & Dumpling

Dinner and Auction

Saturday, April 2

Serving from 5 -6:30 p.m.

Tickets are $10 for Adults

$5 for children over 6

free for children 6 & under

All proceeds will go to GUMC missions such as Dr. Fasa,

Africa University, etc. Several members have already donated

items for the auctions. If you haven’t done so and want to but

don’t know what you can do, give us a call. As a member of one

of the church groups you may want to collectively prepare a

theme basket as an auction item.

Share your God given gifts and help raise money for mis-

sions. There is not time to waste as we will need to receive the

donations by the 28th of March. For more information call

Marilyn Hisgen549-4487, Thyra Russell 457-7554 or Joan Har-

ris 457-6001.

The GUMC Handbell Choir invites eve-

ryone, young and old, seasoned and inexperi-

enced, and everyone in between to their Open

Ring sessions. Every Wednesday, now

through the end of April, from 4-5 p.m., our

bells, chimes, children's bells, music, and

equipment will be set out for anyone who

wants to come try their hand at the bells. Instructors will also be

available. Drop by for 5 minutes, 15, or the entire hour; come

once, on occasion, or every week. Whatever you do, just don't

miss this fun opportunity!


Holy Communion:

Some Questions and Answers

May I receive Communion without standing

or kneeling?

Certainly. In some United Methodist congregations most per-

sons receive Communion while standing, while in others most

receive while kneeling; but you are always welcome to receive

while seated. If others are kneeling at the rail, you may remain

standing and you will be served. You may also come forward

and be seated on the front row or come forward in your wheel-

chair, and you will be served. Or you may notify an usher, and

someone will come to you and serve you where you are seated.

Our heartfelt sympathy is given to Cindy Hall on

the death of her sister Julia Lynn Berkel-Slager.

Christian sympathy is also given to Misty Mowrer

on the death of her grandmother.

John Vana

Marian Cliff Manor

381 Elm Street

St. Mary, MO 63673

Grace Players

The Grace Players are always looking for new

members, both on-stage and off. Everyone from

actors and dancers to artists, directors, sewists,

and writers, and everything in between is welcome! Contact Jaci

Arthur at gumc.grace.players@gmail.com for more information.

We received a thank you from the Midwest Distribution

Center for our $240 donation for flood buckets.
