AP Review 1941 - Present Pearl Harbor through The Present


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AP Review 1941 - Present

Pearl Harborthrough

The Present

1941 - Present

The Berlin Airlift was America’s response to

A) The Soviet blockade of West Berlin from land communication with the rest of the western zone

B) The acute war-time destruction of roads and railroads, making land transport almost impossible

C) The unusually severe winter of 1947D) A widespread work stoppage by German

transportation workers in protest of allied occupation

E) The increased need for flu vaccine in the midst of a serious epidemic A

1941 - Present

At the Casablanca Conference in January 1943, FDR and Churchill agreed

A) To concentrate on beating the Germans first before dealing with the Japanese

B) To shift Allied efforts from the European to the Pacific theater of the war

C) To demand unconditional surrender of the Axis powers

D) To grant a general amnesty to Axis leaders who would surrender

E) To land troops in France in the summer of 1943 C

1941 - Present

Which of the following statements is correct about the case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

A) They were accused of giving atomic secrets to Germany during World War II

B) They were exposed as spies by former Communist agent Whitaker Chambers

C) They were convicted of espionage, condemned, and electrocuted

D) They were convicted but later pardoned by President Eisenhower

E) They confessed to having carried out espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union C

1941 - Present

The purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to

A) aid the economic recovery of war-torn EuropeB) prevent European meddling in the affairs of

African countriesC) aid countries that were the targets of

Communist expansionismD) reduce the independence of the European

economy on overseas empiresE) expand the Monroe Doctrine to include

Eastern Asia


1941 - Present

All of the following statements about the Taft-Hartley Act are true EXCEPT

A) it had long been the goal of a number of large labor unions

B) it allowed the president to call an eight-day cooling-of period to delay any strike that might endanger national health or safety

C) it outlawed the closed shopD) it was backed by congressional RepublicansE) it was vetoed by President Truman


1941 - Present

The underlying issue that led to the outbreak of war between the United States and Japan in 1941 was

A) Japanese aid to the Germans in their war against Britain

B) U.S. desire to annex various Pacific islands held by Japan

C) Japanese desire to annex the Aleutian IslandsD) Japanese desire to annex large portions of ChinaE) American resentment of Japanese trading

policies and trade surpluses D

1941 - Present

The 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Conference involved primarily

A) the trial and punishment of Nazi war criminalsB) the decision on whether or not to use the

atomic bombC) startling revelations of the Nazi atrocities

against JewsD) American plans for redrawing the map of

Eastern EuropeE) the formation of the United Nations E

1941 - Present

What was the name of the U.S. sponsored economic aid plan designed to rebuild Europe after WWII ended?

A) The Marshall PlanB) The Atlantic CharterC) The Massive Rebuilding Campaign D) The Eisenhower DoctrineE) The Truman Doctrine


1941 - Present

John Foster Dulles is most closely associated with the

A) policy of mutual assured destructionB) flexible response policyC) zero option policyD) Strategic Defense InitiativeE) policy of massive retaliation


1941 - Present

The American home front in the Second World War is best described as

(A) politically divided over the wisdom of the American wareffort

(B) unaffected by ethnic and racial tensions(C) economically invigorated by military spending(D) rededicated to the reform efforts of the New Deal(E) demoralized by food shortages


1941 - Present

Conscription policies in the First and Second World Wars differed significantly in that in the Second World War

(A) African Americans were drafted into integrated units(B) conscientious objectors were not officially recognized(C) the draft began before the United States entered the

conflict(D) the draft was administered at the regional and federal

levels by the armed forces(E) exemptions were offered for a range of war-related



1941 - Present

At the wartime Teheran Conference,

(A) the Soviet Union agreed to declare war on Japan within three months(B) the Big Three allies agreed to divide postwar

Germany into separate occupied zones(C) the Soviet Union agreed to allow free elections in

Eastern European nations that its armies occupied at the end of the war

(D) plans were made for the opening of a second front in Europe


1941 - PresentWhich of the following was the MAJOR reason

Truman used to justify his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945?

(A) He felt it would shorten the war and eliminate the need for an invasion of Japan.

(B) He felt it would end up saving Japanese civilian lives, when compared to the expected from an invasion of Japan.

(C) He wanted to send a strong warning message to the Russians to watch their step in the Pacific after Japan was defeated.

(D) He believed it would be an appropriate revenge for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

(E) Once the bomb was completed, Truman felt he had to use it in order to justify the huge investment in time, resources, scientific experience, and expense in developing it.


1941 - Present

During World War II, labor unrest was kept to a minimum with the exception of John L. Lewis’

(A) United Auto Workers(B) United Mine Workers(C) United Farm Workers(D) American Federation of Labor(E) Teamsters


1941 - Present

The U.S. military refused to bomb Nazi gas chambers such as those at Auschwitz and Dachau because

(A) bombing would kill the Jews kept there(B) bombing would divert essential military resources(C) the military was unsure of the gas chambers' location(D) all of the above


1941 - Present

During World War II, Native Americans

(A) demanded that President Roosevelt end discrimination in defense industries

(B) rarely enlisted in the armed forces(C) moved south to replace African-American laborers(D) moved off reservations in large numbers


1941 - Present

Franklin Roosevelt's sensational "Quarantine Speech" resulted in

(A) immediate British support of U.S. policy(B) a wave of protest by isolationists(C) support from both Democratic and Republican leaders(D) Japanese aggression in China


1941 - PresentThe thrust of Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor” policy was to

(A) guarantee the protection of Latin America and South America from European aggression by permanently stationing U.S. forces in the region

(B) retreat from the military interventionism and blatant economic domination which had characterized previous American policy toward Lain America

(C) promote “Good Samaritanism” in the U.S. by encouraging people who still owned their own homes to provide housing for less fortunate neighbors

(D) force Latin American countries to cooperate peacefully with each other and end their petty border disputes

(E) supply Britain with the food and nonmilitary essentials they needed to maintain their struggle against Germany


1941 - Present

The Allied demand for unconditional surrender was criticized mainly by opponents who believed that such a surrender would

(A) encourage the enemy to resist as long as possible(B) be impossible to obtain(C) be unacceptable to the Soviets, who had already suffered

terrible casualties(D) result in an armistice whose terms would lead to war,

much as the Treaty of Versailles had led to World War II


1941 - Present

After the Greer was fired on, the Kearny crippled, and the Rueben James sunk,

(A) Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act(B) the United States Navy began escorting merchant vessels

carrying lend-lease shipments(C) Congress allowed the arming of United States merchant

vessels(D) Congress forbade United States ships to enter combat



1941 - Present

The cross-channel invasion of Normandy to open a second front in Europe was commanded by General

(A) George Patton(B) Dwight Eisenhower(C) Douglas MacArthur

(D) Bernard Montgomery


1941 - Present

The northward migration of African-Americans accelerated AFTER World War II because

(A) the southern system of peonage was declared illegal(B) Latinos had replaced blacks in the work force(C) mechanical cotton pickers came into use(D) Northern cities repealed segregation laws


1941 - Present

1941 - Present

The first female justice of the Supreme Court was

A) Ann RichardsB) Ruth Bader GinsbergC) Madeleine AlbrightD) Sandra Day O’ConnorE) Dee Dee Meyers


1941 - Present

Which of the following best describes the agreement that ended the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis?

A) The Soviet Union agreed not to station troops in Cuba, and the United States agreed not to invade Cuba

B) The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, and the United States agreed not to invade Cuba

C) The Soviet Union agreed not to invade Turkey, and the United States agreed not to invade Cuba

D) The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba. And the United States agreed not to invade Turkey

E) The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, and the United States agreed to withdraw its missiles from Western Europe


1941 - Present

Which of the following is true of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?

A) It involved a clash of U.S. and Soviet warshipsB) In it, two North Vietnamese fighter-bombers were

shot down as they neared U.S. Navy shipsC) It involved the seizure, by North Vietnam, of a U.S.

navy intelligence ship in international watersD) It led to major U.S. involvement in the Vietnam WarE) In it, a U.S. Navy destroyer was damaged by a

guided missile fired by a North Vietnamese plane.


1941 - Present

Which of the following is true of the SALT I treaty?

A) It brought sharp reductions in the number of ballistic missiles in both the U.S. and Soviet arsenals

B) It was intended to encourage the deployment of defensive rather than offensive strategic weapons

C) It indicated U.S. acceptance of the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)

D) It was never ratified by the U.S. SenateE) It created basic equality in the number of

ballistic missiles on each side C

1941 - Present

During the Congressional campaigns of 1994, a year in which Republicans would take control of both houses of Congress, Newt Gingrich (Later Speaker) and 300 other Republican House candidates dramatically pledged to pass

A) health care reformB) a Contract with AmericaC) social welfare legislationD) increased funding for educationE) new civil rights measures B

Contract with America

On September 27, 1994, at the Capitol Building, Republican candidates pledged to pass a Contract with America, which called for:

1) legislation to lower taxes, 2) increase defense spending and 3) pass a balanced budget amendment to the


1941 - Present

The Bay of Pigs affair had what effect on John Kennedy’s presidency?

A) It made Kennedy a national hero for his tough, uncompromising stand against Castro and Communist Cuba

B) It forced Soviet Premier Khrushchev to schedule an early summit meeting with Kennedy

C) It had virtually no effect on Kennedy’s presidency or the way he was perceived

D) It forced Kennedy to allow Soviet occupation of military bases in Cuba

E) It was a major embarrassment to Kennedy’s administration and led to further crises in American-Cuban relations


1941 – PresentLyndon Johnson’s Great Society program was aimed primarily


A) spurring advances in American science and technical education and increasing funding to high-tech research facilities

B) sending American volunteers to impoverished foreign nations to help educate their people and build their economic base

C) securing civil rights for all Americans and eliminating poverty

D) providing minimum wage jobs for all unemployed Americans

E) retraining adults who had dropped out of school and increasing the number of Americans who attend collegeC

1941 - Present

The Senate confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas’ nomination to the Supreme Court were rocked by allegations of

A) nepotismB) corruptionC) sexual harassmentD) briberyE) political patronage


1941 - Present

The U.N. coalition’s main objective in Operation Desert Storm was to

A) establish Democracy in IraqB) expel Iraq from KuwaitC) take over the Iraqi oil supplyD) establish an area for new Muslim

settlementsE) punish Saddam Hussein

