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Dear Sirs and madam,

Ref.: “the new world order”!

The Question is, what is this today!?? – and where it should go to!?

St. John the Divine – the Revelation of all end times until the end times are ending! - and if you are looking for good Philosophy to understand this properly – with Thomas of

Aquinas it began, the Christian political thinking in terms of Plato and Aristotle linked with the word of Christ – with this understanding he could dethrone Avicenna, <Picture in Pisa<! - the Arabic Philosopher who has brought the Science to the 1st University in Spain – it came from the Arabs to the Christians and the Christians have developed Science and Wisdom as it is today! – because the Muslim Philosophy is only monopsychistic thinking! They cannot think Trinity – diversity in Unity! - So Democracy is very difficult for them to think! Erdogan!!?? So They fight it! Allah is Satan, Antichrist, see all the bad deeds of this old Empire also in peaceful India - the old Sun God of the Kali Yuga, the dark Age, whom the Christ has met in the desert and later after ascension Day dethroned in a battle in Heaven by St. Michael! -- “Hitler – rise of the Evil” – was an incarnation of Satan also! – the Antichrist and came – into the earth - from Hell -! Trumpet 5th. ! “The black mud flood of occultism” - as Sigmund Freud has called that! All end time Prophecies are explaining the end of this big old Empire of Satan and his false Prophet – which has had a greatness from Indus to the Nile! See trumpet 6th.!! The Euphrat!! It looks like China wants to establish a technocratic economic dictatorship!?? They also cannot think Democracy properly like India! They have the same monopsychistic thinking - so it is the same spirit of Ahriman – Wikipedia - the yellow Race is very old – the spiritual Science says: a left over from the Atlantis! In the Heraldic they show the fire–breathing Dragon! What does that mean!??


Sigmund Freud has had a vision already 1910 He saw a “black sludge flood of occultism” - and passed out about two times what the 2 WWs have been! But he didn’t know consciously! C.G. Jung his pupil saw 1913 “rivers of blood” flow! These both are the founders of the modern understanding of Psychoanalysis for the humanistic jew - christian image of God!

THE NEW WORLD ORDER! - Rev. of St. John the Divine 5,9 - 11!! and 6,2! - good to understand! --- "for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood o ut of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings (<the democratic elected Leaders of our days who are fighting in political parties for the Rights - RIGHTEOUSNESS and EQUALITY - “many are called and a few are elected”! A well known example is Barack Obama<) and priests: Pope Francis! - and we shall reign on the earth! --- and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing! - and I saw, and behold a white horse (<white horse/white House - it is meant the white Intelligence of GOD/Christ/Brahma in the world Democracy<) and a crown was given unto HIM ("King David forever") and HE went forth conquering, and to conquer!!! the only One Empire! “King David forever” - and the Philosophy for to understand is this: beginning with the "School of Athena"! - Plato and Aristotle!

<THE NEW WORLD ORDER<!!! ---- !"But to which of the Angels said HE at any time, sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool!" Hebr. 1,13! -- Hebr. 10, 12+13! "But THIS MAN, after HE had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of GOD, from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made HIS footstool"! -- This is two times very clearly expressed in the Bible!


The political dispute always is for all equal and righteous Rights. There is no respecter of person before God - all people are ultimately equal on the basis of

their physique that has made God! But there is Karma and Reincarnation what is the different levels!

But the Direction – the Goal to which the Rights should be developed is thus given!

The Problem in History was the not understanding of a holistic metaphysics! Today we can! It is the hindu-greec-jew-christian image of God of which Muslim is part by Abraham who has had two sons! Muslim and Jew! -- and Aristotle who was the teacher of Alexander the Great already knew that the


esoteric understanding of God comes from India – the Hindu Trinity! Brahma-Vishnu-Siva what is similar to Zeus-Poseidon-Pluto! --- and which has formed the culture of Europe and the Humanism and the modern Empire was beginning in Troy with Aeneas who found Rome! So Philosophy of History – Hegel – is a very exciting story to understand the spiritual development of Europe and the human beings from Heathendom to be Christians! --- and also the story of the one Empire we have today – White House! – and the Exciting Dragonfight which is still part of our contemporary Life! – Russia – the red Star of Mars, China the Dragon, Iran is also still in Contradiction to it! – what the Problems are! – but the final idea is of

the NEW WORLD ORDER – which is also well expressed in the Epistels of St. Paul – the Apostle for the Heathens - to arrange the nations in Hierarchies

and to connect them with each other in one World Economy! –and also the different Sciences under the Metaphysics (Karl Jaspers) in Hierarchies beginning with Theology, Philosophy “think of the causes”! , Justice (Righteousness) - and also why its inportant to overcome the national particular forms of Sciences, it can destroy the nations as we have learned from the past – Paulus says it is foolishness in front of God! - The different sciences are not national particular designed from the ground- “the School of Athena”! - and have brought suffering and destruction through national imprudent! – and you see Russia – China –Iran – all the advanced sciences and technology which they enjoy today they got from the humanistic – christian formed free Western world à priori from U.S.A. – which became the leading ONE Empire by their superior Science! --- and are very ungrateful and equip with weapons in contradiction against the Alliance of Freedom! What makes high expenses What would be better to use for other things! -

The Problem in Germany respectively Europe with the nuclear rubbish is so far not uniform and satisfactorily resolved! The U.S.A. have dry mountain in the desert to the disposal facilities! So Europe should do the same in the Sahara desert – then the Problem is solved! What would be the best solution for the Future, you have to build only the infrastructure there and so civilian life would come there! 130 years development of cars = perfect cars. 130 years development of nuclear piles you will have perfect piles! And you see in american battleships smaller units are developed – so this will be the future for decentralised energy supply and to the improvement of the climate!

If you do understand and like it make copies and spread them everywhere you want! - And wherever you want in your administrations!

Because I am a poor pensioner with an only small pension - € 862,--! The gross rent of my little Apartment is € 462,-- without Electricity! So I would be very happy of a donation – for studying all this and to understand properly you need many years! DE09 6601 0075 0200 1137 54 BIC: PBNKDEFFSincerely Holger Jester


Also a perfect form of freedom Philosophers have thought to a happy end – what the Entelechy of Aristotle is - and one of them is Dr. R. Steiner, who in 1919 made an analysis of the 1st. World War, and because it recognized that the world development towards world economy would go, - this font is called “Threefolding”! That means “free spiritual Life” cognition Art based on the wisdom of God, old and new testament! Sourced on: Moses: “free Life of Rights” - RIGHTEOUSNESS and EQUALITY!! - Judges would be upgraded because the highest judge is Christ/GOD! And related to that: “free economic Life” – we need common Rights which are for all the same! Associative economy takes the sharp national dualistic capitalist economies the sharpness – so it is

more human like! – and should be the Future! – it’s a long way to world happiness to go, you see, but this Evolution to Perfection of Human – the Entelechy of Aristotle - is driven from the collective unconscious of the invisible Archetypes of Christ! His 7 Archangels and 12 Archetypes against the contradiction of Satan and his fallen Angels of Evil to tempt the injustice. There are two movers – two drivers in the collective subconsciousness ( expression of C,.G. Jung) to bring it to the surface of the times! The unmoved mover is God/Christ who moves to good and Perfection! - and the moved mover, Satan, Pluto and his fallen angels, the anti-Christ, whom God has cast out of Heaven and fired into the Earth! The Magma in the Earth has the same substance as the Sun has and they are mentally connected by the solar wind ! And Satan, Pluto is the God in it! The old Sun God of the Kali Yuga! <THE NEW WORLD ORDER<!!! ---- !"But to which of the Angels said HE at any time, sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool!" Hebr. 1,13! -- Hebr. 10, 12+13! - "But THIS MAN, after HE had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of GOD, from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made HIS footstool"! -- This is two times very clearly expressed in the Bible! – in the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrew!

Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrew: 9,22!! - “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission”!! – see 2 WWs, and all Wars of History - what all old Karma has been! 10, 29!! “Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace”!!! -- -

This shows the unique importance for Maundy Thursday, and Corpus Christi, where will just be focused to only this point to avoid the shedding of human blood! And by the ignorance remains the danger for this for all Heathens!


PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY! -a philosophical ethics deals with the human practice, goes without saying - - -It is not so self-evident that it targets not only knowledge, but action. The practical character of the two associated with each other disciplines ethics and politics begins with the ability to access basic orientation and legitimacy problems. The philosophical ethics is created as well as the political philosophy in situations of basic forms of conflict, criticism and crisis. The practical character continues in the interests, within the limits of philosophy to a moral improvement, to contribute human action. Essentially she can reflexively brighten up only the already existing, but in a fundamental crisis of morality. In this way clarity about the principles, structures and basic aspects, it is able on the basic forms of conflict, to clarify criticism and crisis, by these enlightenment intellectually to cope with them and to contribute in this way to their improvement.The task to determine the good for the people, does not himself therefore with an interpretation of the given and a comparison of known life ideas satisfied. As well as the theoretical, the practical philosophy takes strict property definitions and principle analysis by using induction and deduction! O. Höffe – from Aristotle, the major works! --

Mystery of Christ are the Archangels and Archetypes through which HE is leading the new world order to victory! The Archangel of the 2nd. Day of new creation by Christ – 1000 – to 2000 - was Samael – the Archangel of strong Justice – Righteousness – of WAR by Defence - with him America build up the column of strength of Freedom and Rights for Eqaulity! This has shaped up!– the Archangel of the 3rd day is Raphael – with him the 2nd column of Freedom will be built up by divine Wisdom of God, Philosophy as Cognition Art “think of the causes”, a Paradigmachanging! – God - Brahma - Christ! Raphael, This includes also the Renaissance of natural healing by Yoga!

Believing leads to superstition, science to doubt; both together give certainty, and to unite them, you must not mix them! -- the most recent example is Pope Francis and the number 666! ---

- 666 is called whore Babylon and thus the Scripture says an unfair principle, which develop can be placed in the global economy, as long as the world has no common Rights in accordance with the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God! – and for this the “THREEFOLDING” aims!

