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Apple Cider Vinegar

Natural Remedy for Diabetes, Cancer, Heart

Health, High Cholesterol, Weight Loss, and Much



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Ignoring any of the detailed information or guidelines about the usage of Apple Cider Vinegar

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Table of Contents


How This Book Will Help You Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Life

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Vinegar

Who Should Use Apple Cider Vinegar?

Major Benefits of Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar

It Treats Diabetes

It Eliminates Cancer Cells

It Improves Heart Health

It Reduces High Cholesterol

It Helps With Weight Loss

It Enhances Skin And Hair

It Beautifies Teeth

It Provides Relief To Tired Feet

It Provides Pain Relief To Arthritis Patients

It Helps With Liver Cleansing

How Much Should Apple Cider Vinegar Be Used And When?

How to Ensure That You Are Purchasing the Right Kind of Apple Cider Vinegar?

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Water

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet

Using Apple Cider Vinegar Externally

Some considerations about Apple Cider Vinegar

Final Word

How This Book Will Help You Add Apple

Cider Vinegar to Your Life

As curious individuals, most of us try to get rid of common illnesses through self-medication.

Though it is an effective way to get back to your good health if you know for sure which

medicines to take, it definitely is an artificial procedure, something which can never be

substituted for natural cure. Apple Cider Vinegar is one of various natural ingredients which

can save you from a lot of diseases.

Still thinking what is meant by Apple Cider Vinegar, and how it can benefit you? All you need

to do is read this book! By reading this book, you will learn that the uses of this awesome

vinegar go beyond the most common ones. Additionally, it comprises of specific guidelines in

terms of using Apple Cider Vinegar the right way. So, whether you want to lose weight or

enhance your skin, all you should do is to make Apple Cider Vinegar a significant part of your


Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Vinegar

So, what actually is Apple Cider Vinegar? Made from apple mush or cider, it is one of the

types of vinegar that is medium amber or pale in color. It is mostly used in marinades, salad

dressings, food preservatives, sauces, and vinaigrettes.

Though it does not taste exactly like apples, it is prepared by using the same. Apple Cider

Vinegar manufacturers make this possible by crushing apples. When they have the apples in

a crushed form, they use the same and squeeze out its juice. Then, the step of converting this

apple syrup or juice into processed vinegar begins.

Who Should Use Apple Cider Vinegar?

If you are tired of trying to lose weight with the help of low diet and pills, and are still unable to

reach your goal, then Apple Cider Vinegar should be your true hope. Similarly, it is the perfect

tonic for all those who want to improve their skin and hair. People suffering from diabetes, bad

heart health, cancer, and those with high cholesterol, should consume this effective vinegar

after consulting with their doctor.

However, this is not a natural remedy for patients only. Even if you are fit and healthy, you

should add this nutritional vinegar to your daily diet. Developing this habit will benefit you in

the long run.

Major Benefits of Consuming Apple Cider


One tablespoon a day, or as recommended by your doctor, has been proven to be an

effective way to remove several diseases from your life. Interestingly enough, the benefits of

this vinegar are backed by authentic research conducted by numerous health care


Here are some of the main benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar you will find worth reading:

It Treats Diabetes

Apple Cider Vinegar provides a promising impact to all those who are diabetic. A significant

amount of vinegar intake affects their levels of blood sugar positively. Furthermore, research

indicates that the addition of vinegar in diet lowers glucose levels of the body.

A research was conducted by studying eleven respondents who were Type 2 diabetic patients.

Before going to bed, they took 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar. When they woke up in the

morning, their glucose levels were lowered by 4% to 6%.

It Eliminates Cancer Cells

Laboratory studies have a lot to reveal about cancer treatment through Apple Cider Vinegar,

i.e. it helps reduce the level of cancer cells. However, further research in the same area is

going on.

It Improves Heart Health

Due to the hidden nutrition in vinegar, a study shows that those who ate vinegar dressings on

salad 5 to 6 times in a week have low chances of getting any heart disease, as compared to

those who stick to their daily diet.

It Reduces High Cholesterol

Your arteries are an essential part of your body. In other words, arteries are considered the

crucial passageways that allow the blood to circulate in the body, while delivering oxygen to

all the vital organs. If you have a high level of cholesterol, it means that plague is present in

your arteries, leading to narrow to blood passage. Furthermore, this can cause high blood

pressure, stoke, or heart attack.

However, there is always a way to cleanse your arteries. Scientific research shows the

effectiveness of using Apple Cider Vinegar in terms of lowering bad cholesterol.

Additionally, those with high cholesterol can add this beneficial vinegar to their diet, but it also

depends on the specific amount of Apple Cider Vinegar recommended by their


It Helps With Weight Loss

Undoubtedly, weight loss has become every other person's goal. Though there are various

ways to lose weight, Apple Cider Vinegar is an unbelievable ingredient that can make your

weight loss dream come true without taking too long!

There is logic behind the weight loss mechanism of Apple Cider Vinegar. If you take one to

two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar a day one hour before your meal, it will help you

reduce your hunger cravings. What works behind this is an essential fiber substance in this

vinegar, Pectin. When the pectin mixes with water, it expands, which makes you feel full.

The amount of potassium present in Apple Cider Vinegar is another reason behind its

effectiveness in terms of weight loss.

For instance, when your body retains the water, you will naturally gain weight because it adds

to the sodium content in your daily diet. This proportion of sodium might be one of the main

causes of weight gain in your body. The significant amount of potassium in Apple Cider

Vinegar flushes the sodium from the body, allowing you to lose those extra pounds within a

few days.

Another factor that clarifies the weight loss benefits provided by Apple Cider Vinegar is the

increase in metabolic rate.

Every bodily process relates to metabolism. This also deals with digesting food. So, if the

metabolic rate of your body is high, you will be able to digest food quickly, leading to fast

weight loss. The consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar makes this process much easier as it

consists of acetic acid, an acid that raises metabolic rate of the body.

It Enhances Skin And Hair

If taken in its pure form, Apple Cider Vinegar can be used as an ideal tonic for your hair. This

is even true when it comes to stimulating hair growth. However, to apply the Apple Cider

Vinegar remedy, you need to understand how it actually works.

For instance, if your hair follicles are clogged on your scalp, it may prohibit hair growth,

leading to dandruff. Using Apple Cider Vinegar will help you clear these clogged follicles,

enabling your hair to grow long within a shorter period of time.

In addition, the same vinegar will bring a natural bounce to your hair. Just spray it throughout

your wet hair. Dry them naturally. You will see a visible shine on your hair.

Of course, Apple Cider Vinegar has something great to renew your skin too! Due to its

soothing properties, it clears your skin by eliminating rashes, blemishes, and age spots.

Moreover, it has been proven to be a useful remedy for acne and eczema.

It Beautifies Teeth

The concept of using Apple Cider Vinegar for oral health is not new. People have been using

this since hundreds of years. However, most of us are still unaware of its amazing benefits.

Tooth decay is mostly caused by potassium deficiency. This is something nothing provides

better than Apple Cider Vinegar. Furthermore, it contains various acids that kill tooth bacteria.

This way, you can naturally get rid of sore gums and bleeding. So, gargle with some Apple

Cider Vinegar daily, and see the result! Eventually, you will notice that your teeth are

whitening day by day.

It Provides Relief To Tired Feet

Do you feel like you walked miles today? No matter how tired your feet are, Apple Cider

Vinegar has a way to refresh them within a few minutes. Just fill a bucket with warm water,

add 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in it, and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. When

you take your feet out, you will see a clear difference in the skin of your feet. Also, the pain

will be relieved, making your feet as fresh as ever.

It Provides Pain Relief To Arthritis Patients

It may be that you are taking the right medications that are specifically prescribed for arthritis

pain relief. However, these medicines can lower the blood levels of various minerals in your

body, such as, copper, calcium, manganese, zinc, and potassium.

Apple Cider Vinegar is rich in all these minerals, which means that the intake of this healing

vinegar can restore these minerals easily. Additionally, it aids with arthritis pain relief.

It Helps With Liver Cleansing

Our bodies are bombarded with a lot of harmful toxins twenty-four hours a day. The chemicals

as well as additives present in the food we eat are responsible for this. Additionally, all this

harms the liver, and increases the possibilities of getting various liver diseases. This is when

you need to cleanse your liver naturally.

You can do this easily with the intake of Apple Cider Vinegar, as it has everything you need to

detoxify those toxins. Since apples are full of nutrients and vitamins such as, Vitamin C,

consuming Apple Cider Vinegar in recommended proportion can strengthen your liver health

as well as immune system.

How Much Should Apple Cider Vinegar Be

Used And When?

Since you can use Apple Cider Vinegar in various forms, health professionals do not

recommend it to be used in specific proportions. This is mainly because it can be used as a

remedy for different health conditions.

Some people mix two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of juice or water, and drink

this syrup daily. Though this is the widely used form of Apple Cider Vinegar intake, you can

start off with this one easily. It may be that you do not adjust to its taste well. To overcome

this problem, you can add two teaspoons of honey in the same mixture. Drink it one hour

before any meal of the day, and follow this routine daily.

Whether you want to lose weight, get rid of arthritis pain, or solve any other health problem,

you will see definite results after a few days.

How to Ensure That You Are Purchasing the

Right Kind of Apple Cider Vinegar?

While purchasing a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar, make sure that you know about its following

important points:

It Should Be In Raw Form

Obviously, you will reap all the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar only if you are able to

purchase the original one. Often there are filtered bottles of Apple Cider Vinegar available in

the market. However, these forms of vinegar do not provide the same benefits as that of the

raw form. So, the best way to get pure Apple Cider Vinegar is to look for one which is raw,

unfiltered, and preferably organic.

If it is in the raw form, it means that it contains pectin, beneficial bacteria, enzymes, and trace

minerals. These contains present in an unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar will show the product

as cloudy. If the vinegar seems clear, it simply means that it is not in its raw form.

A Good Brand Of Apple Cider Vinegar Counts A Lot

Of course, you need to check the reputation of Apple Cider Vinegar manufacturers. If you are

purchasing it for the first time, then you may come across some confusion. To avoid this, ask

your friends which brand they use. Also, ensure that the brand of Apple Cider Vinegar they

use offers the same in raw form.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Now that you know that Apple Cider Vinegar provides you unlimited benefits, your next step

should be to know how to get those benefits properly. This wonder vinegar can be consumed

in the following three forms:

a. Adding it to water

b. Adding it to your diet

c. Using it externally

Let’s learn all of them in detail.

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Water

This is one of the most common forms of having Apple Cider Vinegar for various purposes. In

addition, this one is the simplest. Just take a glass of warm water, and add two teaspoons of

Apple Cider Vinegar in it. If you want a sweeter taste, you can add honey to taste. However,

this is optional.

Drink this liquid an hour before a meal. Also, keep in mind that you need to drink it daily.

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet

Along with providing the best to your body in the form of Apple Cider Vinegar, you can now

treat your taste buds with something they deserve! There are a lot of ways through which you

can add this healthy vinegar to your diet. Have a look below at some of them, and try them


a. Substitute

If you are one of them who plan to lose weight by skipping lunch, then Apple Cider Vinegar is

the right choice for you. Rather than avoiding your meal, you can eat healthy diet by using

Apple Cider Vinegar as a substitute for your lunch. Just make a chicken sandwich, and add

your favorite veggies in it along with this healthy vinegar.

b. Marinade

There is nothing more delicious and nutritional than adding Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily

meal. While preparing dinner, marinate the chicken by using Apple Cider Vinegar as a


Its sweet and sour aroma will not only be absorbed in the meat, it will also give you its

benefits in each bite. You can marinate it for around 40 minutes in a refrigerator.

c. Sauce

Popular dishes as such macaroni, taste best when they are served with sauce. So, while

preparing the sauce, keep in mind the ingredients.

Rather than adding usual vinegar into it, it is better to go for Apple Cider Vinegar. This way,

you will be able to get the same benefit even if this special vinegar exists in this sauce only.

d. Salad Dressing

Salad dressings cannot always be the reason behind weight gain. If you love salad dressings

and want to lose weight at the same time, then replace the fattening ingredients of your salad

dressing with Apple Cider Vinegar.

Incorporating this into your salad dressings will give you the same health benefits of this


Using Apple Cider Vinegar Externally

Apple Cider Vinegar is considered a tonic that cures various illnesses when applied

externally. One such example of this is its usage for oral health, arthritis pain relief, and skin


To Treat Sore Throat

Take a half cup of water, and add up to two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in it. Mix it

well, and gargle with this mixture. Repeat this task after every two hours.

After every gargle, drink plain water to wash off the vinegar from your mouth.

To Treat Eczema

Add 1.5 cups of Apple Cider Vinegar in a bathtub, along with filling it with the required cool

water. Get into the tub and soak for about 30 minutes. When you get out from this vinegar

water, dry your skin with towel. In this treatment of eczema, you do not need to wash the

affected skin with soap.

To Refresh Your Feet

Take a small tub, and fill it with water. Now, add 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar in the water,

and mix well. Soak your feet in it for at least 30 minutes.

After this, remove your feet from water and scrub the stressed areas in the form of light and

circular strokes. Rinse your feet when done.

To Bring Shine To Your Hair

Firstly, wash your hair properly with your usual shampoo. Now, come up with a mixture of one

cup water and 2 cups Apple Cider Vinegar. Rinse your hair with this mixture. The vinegar

should remain in your hair for about 15 minutes. When it is time, wash your hair again with

plain and warm water. Comb them properly to get the shine. You can treat your hair with

Apple Cider Vinegar every week.

Some Considerations About Apple Cider

Vinegar Though consuming Apple Cider Vinegar is extremely beneficial for your health and well-being,

there are some points you should always keep in mind. Have a look below to know when you

should take care while consuming this helpful vinegar:

a. Before swallowing Apple Cider Vinegar, always dilute it properly with water, juice, or tea.

This way, you will be able to reduce its harshness.

b. If taken in pure form, your tooth enamel can be affected. To avoid this, you can use a


c. If you are already suffering from osteoporosis, heart disease, or diabetes, you should

consult a doctor before using Apple Cider Vinegar in your diet.

Final Word

As a remedy for various problems, Apple Cider Vinegar is something that definitely goes

beyond being considered as just an ingredient for specific dishes. From internal to external

use, health professionals consider this magic substance an ideal solution to get rid of various


Now that you know what it is, and how it is going to benefit you, it is time to add this to your

daily life. Whether you want to lose weight, get rid of high cholesterol level, or want to say

good bye to your hair and skin problems, a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar is all you need now. So,

follow this eBook for detailed guidance, and start changing what you don’t like, with the help

of this vinegar!
