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The objectives of this trial with the application of the Stoller Technology contained in Stoller products: NITROPLUS 9 + B GA, STIMULANTE PLUS, CITOCALCIUM, SET and HOLD PLUS, are:

• Improve the size of the fruit.• Act against disorders such as “calyx cracking” or

disorders like “bitter pit”, through: good cell division, an efficient application of calcium and a control of blockages due to heat stress.

• Do not affect the nuances of color or the firmness of the fruit.

• Ensure a good commercial quality and subsequent conservation of the fruit.



The PINK LADY apple is a crop made in “club” mode, from base varieties, such as “Cripps Pink” or “Rosy Glow”. The fruits which are destined to be marketed under this denomination, require an exhaustive control of quality in pre and postharvest, with only apples that meet the following set parameters being commercialized: diameter (> 75mm); percentage of surface with the characteristic “pink” (intense pink) (> 75%) coloration and absence of defects; then they will be cataloged with the “PINK LADY” identification, with the consequent commercial value in the market.

The supply of calcium throughout the crop cycle is essential in order to ensure a good vegetative development. It is particularly important during fruiting and, especially, during the phases of maximum rate of cell division or hardening of the fruit’s stone-pip, to ensure resistant structures and good xylem tissue formation.

Lack of Calcium availability due to: soil limitations (soil pH or physicochemical interactions); low root activity due to high soil temperatures, plantations located in low elevations; blockages due to stress situations or excessive fertilizers with formulations based on nitrates, requires the external contribution through compounds or formulations that ensure high absorption and translocation.

The absence or little availability of said cation, causes disorders such as “Bitter Pit”, which depreciate the commercial quality of the fruit and limits its subsequent storage and conservation.

In order to have a predictive method of such disorders, the existing relationship between the calcium content of the fruit is accepted, 60 days after the petal fall (coinciding with the end of the phase of maximum cell division rate, with fruits of 30-35 gr), and its content at the time of harvest (Lotze, 2008).

Trial code 17_16TFRMA_5_N9EPCCSTHP_LLES_EN

Location Bellvis (Lleida) Pol 5/parc 214

Trial area Lleida, Spain

Start date 17/04/2017

Harvest date 10/11/2017 (First picking)

Finish date 27/11/2017 (Second picking)

CollaborationMr. J. Arderiu.Apple plantation cultivated by the company ARDEPRO S.L.

Developed by Jaume Torres Guasch (Agronomist)

Crop Apple (Malus pumila)

Variety Gala-“Pink Lady”

Trial surface 2,1 Ha

Fertilization The client’s own Irrigation system “localized” with fertigation.


The Pink Lady plot is subdivided, so that two sectors totaling approximately 1.4 Ha will receive the foliar and STOLLER fertigation applications and another adjoining sector, of about 0.7 Ha, will receive only the inputs and phytosanitary treatments, programmed by the fruit grower.

Image 1.- Detail of the trial plot.

The Stoller Technology present in the product, will promote the orderly and balanced growth of both the aerial part and the root system of the plant, stimulating the continuous renewal of the latter. It is also an efficient source of calcium and boron, which are highly translocable.

The Stoller Technology present in the product stimulates cell division in new tissues (leaves, flowers and fruits).

The Stoller Technology present in the product regulates the synthesis of ethylene and, therefore, its presence in the hormonal system, thus avoiding: calcium blockages in vacuoles; Physiological abscission and overripening and fruit senescence. It ensures the fruit’s organoleptic and commercial characteristics and its subsequent conservation.

The Stoller Technology present in the product will ensure the proper hormonal balance of the three growth hormones (auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins). Likewise, it promotes the hormonal balance and the correct development of the plant, favoring the maximum expression of its genetic potential.

The Stoller Technology present in the product, ensures an efficient supply of calcium and boron and will stimulate the development of new tissues.



Of the two prediction moments, the first is indicative (considering a positive value, provided it is above 11 mg/100g of fresh material), and the second is definitive, (considering an acceptable value, provided it is above 5 mg/100g of fresh material).

On the other hand, the relationship between the fruit content of [Ca]2+, potassium [K]+ and Magnesium [Mg]2+ deserves special mention, through the attached expression (Aichner, 2001).

R= (K + Mg) / Ca

This relationship must be maintained at values between 10 and 13, to ensure good organoleptic and commercial quality, as well as a good conservation in storage; which implies, besides an adequate calcium contribution, a good fertilization management.

In order to achieve the proposed objectives, a thesis based on the application of Stoller Technology is evaluated, compared to a Control thesis, based on the application of conventional treatments based on synthetic hormones and applications, soil and foliar, of different calcium sources.

* The 2 theses, Treated and Control, received the same nutritional and phytosanitary treatments, with the only difference of the addition of the Stoller products, in the treated Thesis (T1).* The indicated products are mixed with the phytosanitary products (insecticides and fungicides) and foliar fertilizers, usually applied by the fruit grower.

Image 2.- Detail of fruit to be sampled, destined to the first mineral analysis.






Nº Treatments Dose (l/ha) Application method Application moment

T0 Control - - -


NITROPLUS 9+B GA 20 L/Ha SOIL Monthly (15/04/2017-15/09/2017)



3 joint applications: between final petal fall and the end of the phase of maximum cell division rate of

fruits (25-30 mm-phenological stage G-H). (04/17/2017, 01/05/2017 and



SET 3 L/Ha

HOLD PLUS 3 L/Ha FOLIAR3 applications, in the months of

maximum water stress (06/26/2017, 28/07/2017 and 28/08/2017).


At the end of May (31/05/2017), a visit was made to the trial plot, observing applications of kaolin, intended to reduce the appearance of some insects and to avoid “sunburn” (due to the high number of days with temperatures above 25ºC and high irradiation throughout the month).

On the same day, when the cell division phase already completed, samples of fruitlets were taken, with sizes between 34 and 46 mm and an average weight of 31 g, in order to determine, analytically, their mineral composition and the balance of its components.

Table 1.- Result of the mineral analysis of the fruits, in both sampling dates.


In the third week of October a manual defoliation will be carried out, in order to ensure greater sunlight exposure and consequent coloring of the apples. This causes stress to the plant, which together with high temperatures, leads to greater immobilization of calcium in vacuoles and several “sunburnt” fruits and the presence of different disorders or physical damage.

Finally, in the second week of November (10/11/2017), the harvest was started, with a light pass over the most loaded trees and with the lowest vegetative volume (fruits with the highest percentage of colored peel). The harvest process ended at the end of November (27/11/2017).

On the same day that the harvest began, 4 fruit samples were taken from different orientations of 5 trees chosen at random per thesis, to carry out a new analysis of the mineral composition.




T0 T1 T0 T1

Dry matter 15.60% 15.80% 19.20% 16.50%

N2 146 145 39 20

P2O5 21 19 5 8

K2O 178 182 45 73

CaO 15.80 17.20 2.20 5.80

MgO 12.10 11.40 2.70 4.30

Relationship (K+Mg)/Ca 12.00 11.25 21.70 13.32

The results of the analysis carried out on the two specified dates, for both theses, are as follows:

As shown in TABLE 1, the calcium content of the fruits treated with Stoller Technology is higher in the two moments of analysis, and superior in both moments to the limits established as predictive, in order to prevent “Bitter Pit”. The calcium content of the fruits belonging to this thesis at the time of harvest (above the limit set at 5 mg and 3.6 mg/100 g of fresh material, above the control thesis), ensures a good conservation during storage

On the other hand, the relationship between calcium, potassium and magnesium in the Stoller thesis, contrary to what happens in the Control thesis, is in the optimal interval (10-13), which ensures a good organoleptic quality.

Table 2.- Percentage distribution by category of fruit sizes of both theses.




The average caliber of both theses: the thesis treated with Stoller Technology, (80 mm within a range of 67-94 mm) and the Control thesis, treated with conventional applications, (81 mm, within a range of 75-90 mm), without significant differences.


T0 T0

<65 (mm) 9% 5%

65 – 75 (mm) 40% 13%

75 - 85 (mm) 50% 80%

85> (mm) 1% 2%


However, it should be noted the homogeneity in size of the fruits belonging to the thesis treated with Stoller Technology, with 80% fruit with caliber within the commercial range (75-85 mm), as opposed to the Control thesis, which only presented 50% of them.


The average penetromy of the fruits treated with Stoller Technology (4.45 Kg / cm2-9.80 Lb, within a range of measurements 4-5 Kg/cm2) and that of the fruits of the Control thesis (4.25 Kg/cm2-9.4 Lb, within a range of measurements 3-5.5 Kg/cm2), did not present statistically significant differences.

However, and as is the case with the caliber analysis, the homogeneity of the fruits belonging to the thesis treated with Stoller Technology, has a much lower variability in the measurements, than that presented by the fruits of the Control thesis.


The coloring of the fruits of both theses is good, with no differences between them. All the fruits presented more than 75% of the surface with an intense pink color, characteristic of the variety, probably due to the adequate interventions of manual thinning of fruits and branches, which have achieved a good exposure of the fruits to sunlight and, therefore, a good pigmentation. What shows that the treatments developed in the thesis treated with Stoller Technology did not adversely affect the fruits’ coloration.

Image 3.- Detail of color and size, in fruits belonging to the Control thesis (T0).


Image 4.- Detail of color and size, in fruits belonging to the thesis treated with Stroller Technology (T1).


Despite not being quantified, the discarded fruits due to the presence of cracking in the calyx area, has been inferior in the plot treated with Stoller Technology (T1) compared to other “Pink Lady” orchards in the area.

Image 5.- Detail of a defect in the calyx area.


NITROPLUS 9+B GA: The Stoller Technology contained in the product, applied throughout the crop cycle, has promoted a hormonal balance that allowed a constant and balanced development of the root and vegetative system. Also, it was a source of highly translocable calcium and boron, which ensured: consistent and flexible cell walls and optimal physiological development.

STIMULANTE PLUS: The Stoller Technology contained in the product, has stimulated the synthesis of the three growth hormones (Auxins, Cytokinins and Gibberellins), inducing the necessary hormonal balance, to ensure a good development of the fruit.

CITOCALCIUM: The Stoller Technology contained in the product, has stimulated cell division in the newly fertilized ovary, promoting a greater number of filling points and consistent tissues, which will give way to a bigger caliber. SET: The Stoller Technology contained in the product, has provided a source of highly translocable calcium and boron, which has improved the mechanical strength and flexibility of the cell walls of the tissues.

HOLD PLUS: The Stoller Technology contained in the product, has regulated the levels of ethylene, controlling the maturation processes and thus being able to extend the harvest of the fruits without harming their organoleptic quality. Likewise, it was able to slow the activity of enzymes that promote the degradation of the cell walls of the fruits, thus avoiding their softening and susceptibility to disorders and damage.

Under the conditions in which the present trial was developed, it can be concluded that the Stoller Technology contained in the products NITOPLUS 9+B GA, STIMULANTE PLUS, CITOCALCIUM, SET and HOLD PLUS:

• INCREASES THE COMMERCIAL SHELF LIFE OF FRUITS IN STORAGE: The thesis treated with Stoller Technology (T1) presents fruits with a higher calcium content (> 5 mg/100 g of fresh matter) and a higher ratio (K+Mg/Ca = 13-14), than those belonging to the Control thesis (T0), which ensures: good consistency, firmness, organoleptic qualities and, therefore, conservation during storage, absent of disorders such as “Bitter Pit”.

• INCREASES FRUIT CALIBER AND HOMOGENEITY: The thesis treated with Stoller Technology (T1), presents a greater percentage (80%) of commercial sizes (75-85 mm), than the Control thesis developed with conventional treatments, such as synthetic hormones.

• PROVIDES A HOMOGENOUS AND COMMERCIAL FIRMNESS: The average penetromy of the thesis treated with Stoller Technology (4.45 Kg/cm2-9.80 Lb, within a range of measurements 4-5 Kg/cm2) does not show significant differences compared to fruits belonging to the Control thesis (4.25 Kg/cm2-9.4 Lb, within a range of measurements 4-5 Kg/cm2), but it does have greater homogeneity.



• INCREASE THE PERCENTAGE OF PRODUCTION INTENDED TO BE MARKETED AS “PINK LADY”, WHICH TRANSLATES TO A HIGHER INCOME: The thesis treated with Stoller Technology (T1), presents a higher percentage of fruits: by size (> 75mm); intense pink coloration (> 75% of the surface); firmness and absence of defects, which will be marketed under the name “Pink Lady”, with the consequent commercial value.

TRIAL PREPARED BY:Jaume Torres Guasch. Technical Advisor.

VICENTE DOMÉNECH and ABBAS CABALLERO. Stoller Europe Technical Department.


