

Application for legal assistance addressed to Russian/Chinese authorities (security copy)

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Russian/Chinese authorities



During 2014 we saw a marked and general deterioration of official integrity in

Norway, and conspicuous lack of political competence and badly concocted lies

heralded by public services merely represents a tiny fraction of the multitudinal

symptoms indicating something is seriously wrong within the Norwegian kingdom.

One of several inauspicious tendencies worth calling further attention to in this

succinct application, is the increasingly flagrant malversation exerted by Norway’s

courts of justice.

Corruption of Norway’s juridical system is nothing new per se — what’s new in

this connection, is the rather overt support of said criminality and corresponding

human rights violations displayed by the present Government headed by Ms Erna


As apparent from enclosed documents, the formal and juridically correct

foundation for impeachment of a significant number of Norwegian politicians and

(senior) civil servants etc. has been duly established.....and — very much in

accordance with their criminal propensity and general low-mindedness —

Norwegian authorities abidingly refuses to handle the charges and impeachment

demands lawfully.

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A lousy pack of deranged, vicious and green-eyed politicians and (senior) civil

servants has indeed conspired to escape criminal proceedings and due

conviction.....and that’s why I have consulted you — I need

legal assistance (mainly specialists on international law and human rights


political backup (one of the criminals we’re going to impeach is Mr Jens

STOLTENBERG — NATOs secretary-general),

medical experts (the perversity, malevolence and long-standing criminalism

de facto exhibited by Norwegian politicians/officials are strongly indicative

of psychiatric disorders), and

armed/trained security personnel to guard the judicial investigation and

corresponding court cases etc.

in order to enforce national as well as international law in this most damnable


However — in perfect concordance with their psychopathic disposition and deep-

seated dikephobia — the Norwegian good-for-nothings will go to extremes to

avoid arrests, prosecutions and deserved imprisonment/institutionalizing etc.

As regards the application of armed forces and military equipment in this case, it

should be properly underscored Norwegian authorities time and again criminally

has abused their military technology to incite fires in strictly private/civilian

homes, sabotage electrical installations/appliances including smoke detectors and

personal computers, and to harass/persecute non-military persons lawfully

reporting their malversation.

In any event it’s essential to keep one’s eye on the facts establishing our legal

rights; we’re up against a rotten heap state employed/supported criminals grossly

abusing their social positions to terrorize/harm innocent people and dastardly

evade legal prosecution by means of utter corruption.

Moreover: the totally condemnable criminality abidingly indulged in by

Norwegian authorities may clearly be seen as explicit warmongering.....and we

know for sure normal enforcement of the law and international human rights

statutes won’t work in this case — the state employed/supported recidivists takes

marked pleasure in their brainsick lawbreaking, and empirically we know their

cloddish psychopathy are practically incurable.

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When it comes to Norway’s hideous and largely successful political manipulation

of other nations — including the USA, France, Germany and United Kingdom, a

treatise on this topic is provided through unpublished documents.

Norwegian authorities has received no copy of or information about nearby

application, and any encroachment by said nation should be regarded and punished

as hostile acts.


Wilhelm Werner Winther
