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(A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah

17 Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019)

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S.Pd.) in

Department of English Education


Gusti Fathia Cahyani












Gusti Fathia Cahyani (11150140000078). Applying SFV (Sensory Details,

Figurative Language, and Vivid Words) to Develop Students’ Writing of

Descriptive Text (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019). A skripsi of

Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences of State

Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.

Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil An‘asy, M.Hum.

Keywords : Writing Descriptive Text, Sensory Details, Figurative Language,

Vivid Words

This study was carried out to develop the students‘ descriptive writing by using

SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words) at the Eighth Grade of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019. The subject of

this study was 8-D class which was consisted of 27 students. The method used in

this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The classroom action research

design which is applied in this study was a collaborative classroom action

research. It meant that the writer collaborated with the English teacher of SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat as an observer and a collaborator. This study was

conducted by following Kurt Lewin model with several procedures; planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. This study carried out in two cycles. Each cycle

consisted of two meetings and the data of each cycle was gathered through

observation, field notes, interview, and test. The test was analyzed by using

writing rubric. After applying SFV in the classroom and test was conducted, the

result showed that there was development of the students‘ writing descriptive text.

They were able to find ideas for the text, organize their descriptive text in a good

content, and the content was relevant to the topic and no longer lack of detail.

Moreover, it can be seen from their score in each cycle. The Minimum Mastery

Criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English lesson at the school

was 75 (seventy five). The students‘ mean score in preliminary study was 67.51

with 8 students or 29.62% of the students who passed the KKM. Furthermore, the

mean score in cycle one was 71.00 with 12 students or 44.44% of the students

who passed the KKM. Meanwhile, in cycle two, the mean score was 76.73 with 22

students or 81.48% of the students who passed the KKM. In conclusion, SFV

(sensory detail, figurative language, and vivid words) can develop students‘

writing of descriptive text.



Gusti Fathia Cahyani (11150140000078). Menerapkan SFV (Detail Sensorik,

Bahasa Figuratif, dan Kata-Kata Hidup) untuk Mengembangkan Menulis

Teks Deskriptif Siswa (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Kelas VIII SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat Tahun Akademik 2018/2019). Sebuah Skripsi

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.

Penasihat I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Penasihat II : Zaharil An'asy, M.Hum.

Kata kunci : Menulis Teks Deskriptif, Detail Sensorik, Bahasa Figuratif,

Kata-kata Hidup

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan penulisan deskriptif siswa dengan

menggunakan SFV (detail sensorik, bahasa figuratif, dan kata-kata yang hidup) di

Kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat Tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Subjek

penelitian ini adalah kelas 8-D yang terdiri dari 27 siswa. Metode yang digunakan

dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Desain penelitian

tindakan kelas yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan

kelas kolaboratif. Artinya penulis berkolaborasi dengan guru Bahasa Inggris SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat sebagai pengamat dan kolaborator. Penelitian ini

dilakukan dengan mengikuti model Kurt Lewin dengan beberapa prosedur;

perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam

dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari dua pertemuan dan data dari setiap siklus

dikumpulkan melalui observasi, catatan lapangan, wawancara, dan tes. Tes

dianalisis dengan menggunakan rubrik. Setelah menerapkan SFV di kelas dan tes

dilakukan, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ada perkembangan dari teks deskriptif

siswa. Mereka dapat menemukan ide untuk teks, mengatur teks deskriptif mereka

dalam konten yang baik, dan konten tersebut relevan dengan topik dan tidak lagi

kurang detail. Apalagi itu bisa dilihat dari skor mereka di setiap siklus. Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah adalah 75 (tujuh

puluh lima). Nilai rata-rata siswa dalam studi pendahuluan adalah 67,51 dengan 8

siswa atau 29,62% dari siswa yang lulus KKM. Selanjutnya, nilai rata-rata pada

siklus satu adalah 71,00 dengan 12 siswa atau 44,44% siswa yang lulus KKM.

Sementara itu, pada siklus dua, skor rata-rata adalah 76,73 dengan 22 siswa atau

81,48% siswa yang lulus KKM. Sebagai kesimpulan, SFV (perincian sensorik,

bahasa kiasan, dan kata-kata yang hidup) dapat mengembangkan penulisan teks

deskriptif siswa.



حيم حمن الر بســــــــــــــــــم هللا الر

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

First and foremost, there is no might or power except in God. Truly, the

writer is only a frail branch on the end of a tree that she is incapable to finish this

research without God‘s permission and help. Because of Him, she is stronger, be

optimistic, full of hope, and be better in facing every challenge that occurred

during the process of her study. His blessings enabled her to complete this study


Countless salutations be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad salallahu

‗alayhi wasallam (peace be upon him) whose way of life has been a continuous

guidance for the writer. Blessings of God be upon him, his family, his

companions, and his followers.

Following the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in

thanking people who did us a favor, the writer would like to thank several

individuals from whom she benefited in completing this study, and possibly her

success in this work was a result of their prayers to God Almighty and the

precious support.

Therefore, the writer would like to express her deepest appreciation to her

precious family, especially her beloved parents, Papa Ahmad and Mama

Sonawati, who have done the greatest favor for her, in continuously fostering and

cherishing her. Papa and Mama, they are irreplaceable. Thank you for standing

beside your daughter, for the better and worse of her, and through all the hard

times. To her elder brothers, thank you for every annoying word delivered to her.

She knows each word means love and support. Then, a furry special thanks is

mentioned to her over-cute cat, Cimit, who have faithfully accompanied her inside

her room when she wrote this thesis.

Furthermore, she also extends her appreciation to her beloved advisors,

Bundo or Mrs. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Mr. Zaharil An‘asy, M.Hum., for their

patience in guiding her and sincerely lead her to this phase. She enjoyed the

process and every moment was joyful. The kindness and knowledge that has been

given cannot be described by words. Their words are lessons and their reprimands

are mental booster. Thank you for the support, feedback, and firmness so this

study can be completed well.


The writer also would like to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., The Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Didin N. Hidayat, Ph.D., The Head of the Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil An‘asy, M.Hum., The Secretary of the Department of English

Education and the writer‘s second advisor.

4. Dedicated lecturers of Department of English Education for giving the writer

precious knowledge and experiences. Thank you for the motivation so the

writer survives in reaching dreams.

5. Drs. Sayuti Sufriatna, MM., The Headmaster of SMP Muhammadiyah 17

Ciputat. Thank you for supporting the writer in conducting her research at his

school and for motivating her to continue her study to the next level.

6. Didah Nuryatin, S.Pd. The English teacher of the eighth grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat.

7. The colorful students of 8-D class for supporting the writer to do the best.

8. All of the writer‘s dearest friends in the Department of English Education

2015, especially for the class ―B Aja Yakan‖, for all the memorable days.

9. The writer‘s support system ―On Cloud Nine‖ (this name was taken from an

idiom which means extremely happy); Nana, Teni, Adit, Tami, Awe, Rara,

Nia, Marsya, and Noer. They helped strengthen the writer, physically and

mentally. She is rain, which always needs clouds to drain water. She feels no

pain because she runs her university life with her friends together.

10. Everyone whose name cannot be mentioned one by one, the writer also would

like to extend her thanks for all the contributions they have given to the writer

during her research.

Finally, the writer admits that this research is far from excellent. Therefore,

constructive feedbacks, suggestions, and critiques are kindly welcomed for this

research. Hopefully, this research can be useful for its readers and further


Jakarta, 28 October 2019

Gusti Fathia Cahyani




APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................... ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ........................................................ iii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xii

LIST OF CHARTS ............................................................................................ xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ........................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem .................................................................... 4

C. Limitation of the Study .............................................................................. 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ...................................................................... 5

E. Objective of the Study ................................................................................ 6

F. Significance of the Study ........................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................. 7

A. Writing ........................................................................................................ 7

1. The Nature of Writing ........................................................................... 7

2. The Process of Writing .......................................................................... 9

3. The Purposes of Writing ..................................................................... 12

4. The Types of Writing .......................................................................... 14

5. Types of Writing Taught in Junior High School .............................. 16

B. Descriptive Text ........................................................................................ 17

1. The Definition of Descriptive Text ..................................................... 17


2. The Parts of Descriptive Text ............................................................. 17

3. The Structure of Descriptive Text ...................................................... 18

4. The Language Features of Descriptive Text ..................................... 18

5. The Kinds of Descriptive Text ............................................................ 19

6. The Example of Descriptive Text ....................................................... 20

7. Writing Descriptive Text..................................................................... 20

C. SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words) .............. 23

1. The Definition of SFV ......................................................................... 23

2. The Function of SFV ........................................................................... 24

3. The Steps of SFV ................................................................................. 24

4. The Advantages of SFV ....................................................................... 24

D. Teaching Writing Descriptive Text by Using SFV ................................ 25

E. Previous Related Study ............................................................................ 31

F. Thinking Framework ............................................................................... 35

G. Action Hypothesis .................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................. 36

A. Time and Place of the Research .............................................................. 36

B. Method and Design of the Research ....................................................... 36

C. Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures .................................... 38

D. Research Subjects..................................................................................... 39

E. The Writer’s Role in the Research ......................................................... 39

F. Data Sources ............................................................................................. 39

G. Research Instruments .............................................................................. 40

H. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................................. 41

I. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................................... 44

J. Trustworthiness of the Research ............................................................ 46

K. Criterion of the Action Success ............................................................... 48


A. Findings in the Pre-implementation of the CAR ................................... 49

1. The Result of Observation .................................................................. 49

2. The Result of Interview ....................................................................... 50


a. Interview of the Teacher ................................................................ 50

b. Interview of the Students ............................................................... 51

3. The Result of Pre-test .......................................................................... 52

B. Findings in the Implementation of the CAR.......................................... 55

1. CAR (Classroom Action Research) Cycle I ...................................... 56

a. Planning ........................................................................................... 56

b. Acting ............................................................................................... 57

c. Observing ......................................................................................... 59

d. Reflecting ......................................................................................... 61

2. CAR (Classroom Action Research) Cycle II ..................................... 64

a. Planning ........................................................................................... 64

b. Acting ............................................................................................... 65

c. Observing ......................................................................................... 67

d. Reflecting ......................................................................................... 68

C. Findings in the Post Implementation of the CAR ................................. 72

1. The Result of Post-Interview .............................................................. 73

a. Interview of the English Teacher .................................................. 73

b. Interview of the 8-D Class Students .............................................. 74

c. The Result of Observation Sheets .................................................. 75

d. The Result of Field Notes ............................................................... 77

e. The Result of Post-Action Test ...................................................... 78

D. Discussion of the Implementation of the CAR ...................................... 86

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ....................................... 92

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 92

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 93

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 94

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 99



Table 3.1. Assessment Rubrics for Writing ....................................................... 43

Table 4.1. The Students Score in the Pre-test .................................................... 53

Table 4.2. The Students Score in the Post-test 1 ............................................... 61

Table 4.3 The Students Score in the Post-test 2 ................................................ 69

Table 4.4 The Students’ Mean Score in Pre-test,

Post-test 1, and Post-test 2 .................................................................. 71



Figure 1. The six areas of writing process by Clouse ........................................... 10

Figure 2. SFV Descriptive Writing Model ............................................................ 28

Figure 3. Mind mapping of Zebra ......................................................................... 29

Figure 3.1. Kurt Lewin‘s CAR model ................................................................... 37



Chart 4.1 The Result of Students’ Pre-Test ....................................................... 54

Chart 4.2 The Result of Students’ Post-Test 1 .................................................. 63

Chart 4.3 The Result of Students’ Post-Test 2 .................................................. 70

Chart 4.4 The Mean Score of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 ............. 82

Chart 4.5 The Percentage of Students who passed the KKM in the Pre-Test,

Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 ................................................................ 83

Chart 4.6 The Comparison Score of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 .. 85



Appendix 1. Classroom Action Research Timeline ............................................... 99

Appendix 2. Students‘ Name ............................................................................... 100

Appendix 3a. The Guideline of the Teacher Interview before CAR ................... 101

Appendix 3b. The Answer of the Teacher Interview before CAR ...................... 102

Appendix 4a. The Guideline of the Teacher Interview after CAR ...................... 106

Appendix 4b. The Answer of the Teacher Interview after CAR ......................... 107

Appendix 5a. The Guideline of the Students Interview before CAR .................. 109

Appendix 5b. The Answer of the Students Interview before CAR...................... 110

Appendix 6a. The Guidelines of the Students Interview after CAR .................... 113

Appendix 6b. The Answer of the Students Interview after CAR ........................ 114

Appendix 7a. Observation Sheets ........................................................................ 117

Appendix 7b. Observation Sheets Result ............................................................. 120

Appendix 8a. Field Note Guideline ..................................................................... 132

Appendix 8b. Field Notes Cycle 1 ....................................................................... 133

Appendix 8c. Field Notes Cycle 2 ....................................................................... 135

Appendix 9. Tests Instrument .............................................................................. 137

Appendix 10a. Lesson Plan of Cycle 1 ................................................................ 138

Appendix 10b. Lesson Plan of Cycle 2 ................................................................ 160

Appendix 11. Documentation .............................................................................. 182


Appendix 12. Pictures of Students‘ Work ........................................................... 183

Appendix 13. Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi .............................................. 185

Appendix 14a. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi Dosen 1 ............................................... 186

Appendix 14b. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi Dosen 2 ............................................... 187

Appendix 15. Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ................................................ 188

Appendix 16. Surat Pelaksanaan Penelitian ....................................................... 189

Appendix 17. References Examination Paper ..................................................... 190




A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, plenty of studies have been conducted by modern linguists and

scholars to prove the importance of writing skill, especially for educational

function.1 Writing is important in expressing individuals‘ thought, helpful in

fostering communication, and for a particular subject, it is useful in developing

personal thinking skill. For academics, writing or written language is used

extensively to express their thoughts in order to communicate with teachers,

professors, and peers. Moreover, most of the professional communication is

managed by writing, such as proposals, memos, reports, applications,

preliminary interviews, e-mails, and more are part of the daily life of a college


As mentioned earlier, writing is important for educational function.

Therefore, writing is also taught at junior high school in Indonesia for English

subject. Variety of writing texts are mentioned in English syllabus, one of them

is descriptive text. Descriptive text learning aims to give students the ability to

explain and describe their ideas about certain thing in written text.3 Through

descriptive text, the students are able to give an explanation of something

objectively. Descriptive text in the syllabus is taught contextually. For

example, a student who lives in a tourist area is guided by a teacher to describe

and promote its environmental and culinary aspects. This text is learned not as

a final target, but as a tool to do activities in real life. For junior high school,

descriptive writing consists of short and plain text.4 Even though the text is

1 Blanka Frydeychova Klimova, The Importance of Writing, Indian Journal of Research,

2013, p. 9. 2 Ibid.

3 Isrina Fitri, Eripuddin, and Pipit Rahayu, An Analysis of The Students‘ Skill In

Writing Descriptive Text at The Eighth Grade Of SMPN 7 Tambusai Utara, Students Journal of

English Language Study Program Pasar Pengaraian University, 2017, p. 1. 4 KEMENDIKBUD, 2017, Silabus Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama, p. 8.


simple, the students find many obstacles to create it. At SMP Muhammadiyah

17 Ciputat, the students explained the difficulties to find an idea for a text, how

to organize it, and the interference of their mother tongue in which contributes

the difficulties.

Similar to the explanation of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat students,

Jeremy Harmer mentioned the writing skill is considered as the most

challenging and complicated language skill. It is because writing takes time

and includes thinking process widely. For example, in order to get writing

ideas, the students need time to brainstorm the ideas. After brainstorming, the

students need time to draft, review and edit so the result can be good enough.5

In other words, a writing process cannot be completed briefly. Furthermore,

Pratiwi stated the students‘ difficulties in writing English can be influenced by

the lack of many vocabularies, grammar, ideas, and written exercises. Bryne

also stated there are three categories of writing difficulties. There are

difficulties in physiology, linguistics, and cognitive difficulty. The first is

physiology difficulty. Physiology difficulty is a difficulty which focuses more

on the writers‘ difficulty because there aren‘t direct interaction and feedback

from the reader regarding written material or content composition. Then, the

second is the linguistic difficulty, which focuses more on linguistic aspects like

grammar, lexical unit, language use and choice of sentence. The last is a

cognitive difficulty which focuses on spelling, punctuation, capitalization and

paragraphing.6 In addition, in the process of writing, students have to utilize

their cognitive skill; they have to analyze their sources and then unite them in a

complete piece of writing.7

Many difficulties also occurred in the process of students‘ writing

descriptive text. A researcher who conducted a study about the difficulties of

writing descriptive paragraph found that there are many difficulties faced by

5 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching: Fourth Edition,

(Edinburgh Gate Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2013), p. 326. 6 Kristy Dwi Pratiwi, Students‘ Difficulties in Writing English, E-Journal IAIN Bengkulu,

2012, p. 5. Retrieved from 7 Klimova, loc. cit.


the students, such as lacking vocabulary, confusing to differentiate between

physical appearance and personality, feeling difficult in understanding

grammar and finding new ideas. Those difficulties can be caused by many

factors. There are several factors influencing students‘ difficulties in writing a

descriptive paragraph, such as the lack of motivation in following English

activities, the environmental condition, the way the teacher teaches, and some

students feel lack of time to write.8

Regarding the existence of several difficulties as mentioned above,

actually, teachers can apply teaching descriptive writing strategies which can

be used as the solution. For instance, Cubing Strategy which consists of six

different perspectives as a cube is six-sided9; Imagery Strategy

10; Role,

Audience, Format, and Topic (RAFT) Strategy11

; Concept Circles Strategy12


Guided Writing Strategy13

; Think, Talk, and Write (TTW) Strategy14

; and

Sensory details, Figurative language, and Vivid words (SFV) that was

introduced by Spencer. Furthermore, according to Suriyanti & Yaacob,

Spencer‘s SFV strategy is the most detailed description of descriptive writing

strategies for EFL Learners. SFV is the acronym of sensory details, figurative

language, and vivid words. Those three aspects are fundamental in descriptive

writing. SFV consists of three processes; free writing, whilst writing and post

writing. First, it is a free writing process. The free writing process introduces

8 Pitri, Hidayatul, The Difficulties of Writing Descriptive Paragraph Faced by The Eight

Grade Students at SMP N 14 Kota Jambi, University of Jambi Repository, 2018 , p. 5. Retrieved

from 9 Jhonni Iskandar, Teaching Descriptive Writing by Using Cubing Strategy to The Eighth

Grade Students of SMP N 22 Palembang, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, 4(10), 2017, p. 56. 10

Fitria Ulfa & Rusdi Noor Rosa, Using Imagery Strategy in teaching writing a

Descriptive Text to Junior High School Students, Journal of English Language Teaching, 2(2),

2014, p. 101. 11

Teza Peby Alisa & Rusdi Noor Rosa, RAFT as Strategy for Teaching Writing

Functional Text to Junior High School Students, Journal of English Language Teaching, 1(2),

2013, p. 7. 12

Pahmi & Satriandri Yoskavia, Using Concept Circle Strategy on Students‘ Writing

Ability in Descriptive Text, Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching, 2(1),

2006, p. 105. 13

Tian Lestari & Zainal Arifin, Teaching Writing A Descriptive Text By Using Guided

Writing Strategy, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, 4(2), 2015, p. 7. 14

Riandi Riandi & Siti Nurfaujiah, The Influence of Think, Talk, and Write (TTW)

Strategy towards Students‘ Descriptive Writing Mastery, Journal of English Education Studies,

1(1), 2018, p. 60.


the techniques of brainstorming and mind mapping. Second, it is whilst

writing. It involves a detailed description of the descriptive writing elements.

In whilst writing, SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words)

is applied. Sensory details consist of the sense of sight, sound, taste, smell, and

touch. It allows readers to see the real objects that are described as if they can

touch, see, hear, and smell them. Figurative language, on the other hand,

consists of similes, metaphor, hyperbole, and personification. Lastly, vivid

words are specific words which entail in descriptive writing. Third, it is post

writing, which includes the processes needed after writing is done such as

revising and presenting the text.15

By applying SFV in teaching descriptive

writing, the description of a place, object or a person can be vividly created in

readers‘ mind.

Based on the explanation above, the writer assumes that SFV will

influence students to be familiarized with sensory details, figurative language

and vivid terms in describing something. Therefore, this issue is a useful

subject to be examined. So, the writer wants to conduct a research entitled

―Applying SFV (Sensory Details, Figurative Language, and Vivid Words) to

Develop Students‘ Writing of Descriptive Text (A Classroom Action Research

at the Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Academic Year


B. Identification of the Problem

According to background of this study as stated above, here is the problem


1. Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat find several obstacles in

creating descriptive text, such as the difficulties to find an idea for a text,

how to organize the text and the interference of their mother tongue.

2. Writing takes time and includes thinking process widely which means the

process of writing cannot be completed briefly.


Suriyanti & Yaacob, Exploring Teacher Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing in

Indonesia, Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 13(2), 2016, p. 76.


3. Students‘ difficulties in writing English can be influenced by the lack of

many vocabularies, grammar, ideas and written exercises.

4. In writing descriptive text, students are confused to differentiate between

physical appearance and personality, difficult to understand about

grammar, and difficult in finding new ideas.

5. There are several factors which are influencing students‘ difficulties in

writing descriptive paragraph, such as the lack of motivation in following

English activities, the environmental condition, the way the teacher

teaches, and some students feel lack of time to write.

6. SFV strategy is the most detailed description of descriptive writing

strategies for EFL Learners.

C. Limitation of the Study

This study is focused on teaching and learning process of writing

descriptive text by using SFV (sensory details, figurative language and vivid

words) as a strategy to develop students‘ writing of descriptive text at the

Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Academic Year


D. Formulation of the Problem

According to the research background above, the writer formulates the

question for this research as stated below:

1. Can SFV (sensory details, figurative language and vivid words) develop

students‘ writing achievement of descriptive text at the Eighth Grade of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019?

2. How does SFV (sensory details, figurative language and vivid words) give

positive effect for teaching and learning process of writing descriptive text

at the Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Academic Year



E. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find how SFV (sensory details, figurative

language, and vivid words) develop students‘ writing of descriptive text at the

Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Academic Year


F. Significance of the Study

By conducting this research, the writer hopes it can be beneficial for the

people who get involved, such as the teacher, the students and the readers. The

significance of the study is elaborated, as follows:

1. For the teacher

This research hopefully would be beneficial for the teacher in knowing

suitable strategy in teaching descriptive text and how far the students‘ ability to

produce descriptive text. So, the teacher may improve the lesson plan in

stimulating the students‘ motivation in learning English descriptive writing

because motivation is the most influence factor of SMP Muhammadiyah 17

Ciputat especially 8D students.

2. For the students

This research hopefully would be useful to help the students organizing

descriptive text, experiencing different way of learning, and recognizing SFV

as an important part of descriptive text. So, the students can improve their

knowledge over English descriptive writing.

3. For further researchers

The result of this study is expected to become a good inspiration for the

next researchers, specifically in teaching descriptive writing. Moreover,

hopefully this study becomes a good reference for those who want to conduct a

research for the same issues.




This chapter explains about the nature of writing, the process of writing, the

purposes of writing, the types of writing, types of writing taught in junior high

school, the definition of descriptive text, the parts of descriptive text, the structure

of descriptive text, the language features of descriptive text, the kinds of

descriptive text, the example of descriptive text, writing descriptive text, the

definition of SFV, the function of SFV, the steps of SFV, the advantages of SFV,

teaching writing descriptive text by using SFV, previous related studies, thinking

framework, and the action hypothesis.

A. Writing

1. The Nature of Writing

Writing is productive skill. It is a skill where students have to produce

language themselves.1 It is also a process to transform thought and ideas into

a written form that can be used as an indirect tool of communication to others

to convey information.2 As explained by Tarigan, writing is a skill of

language which is used without having face to face interaction with other

people. In other words, writing is used to communicate indirectly.3 In

addition, based on Nunan‘s definition of writing, writing is the mental activity

of discovering ideas, finding out how to convey them, and organizing them

into information that will be clear to a reader.4 Furthermore, according to

Harmer, writing is a cooperative activity in which students can take

1 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching: Fourth Edition,

(Edinburgh Gate Harlow: Pearson Longman ELT, 2007), p. 265. 2 Leny Saili Rahmah, Improving Students‘ Score in Writing Descriptive Text Through

Think Talk Write Strategy, International Journal of English and Education, 6(4), 2017, pp.180 –

181. 3 Faisal & Krisna Suwandita, The Effectiveness of FRESH technique to Teach

Descriptive Paragraph, Journal of Education and Learning, 7(4), 2013, p. 240. 4 Gita Yolanda & Muhd. Al-Hafizh, ―Teaching Writing a Descriptive Text By Using

Toothpick Game to Junior High School Students‖, JELT (Journal of English Language Teaching),

3(1), 2014, p. 52.


advantage of the presence of others to make writing by involving them into

the writing process.5 For instance, in language class teachers ask students to

write their holiday experiences and the teachers divide them into groups so

the students can give feedback to each other, this cooperative way is more

constructive and detail than if the students working individually because

discovering ideas in writing can be challenging.

In addition to writing is a cooperative activity; it is also a process of

discovery. It involves a series of steps and the steps are not simple. Very

frequent, writers do not find writing ideas until they explore their thoughts in

writing. For example, students had been asked to write about a best or worst

outing class experience. Only after the students did some freewriting on good

and bad experience did the students realize the most interesting detail is on

the good experience of visiting a historical place, for example. Through this

process, the students discovered the writing main idea which is about

students‘ good experience in a historical place. The point is writing as a

process of sustained discovery cannot be done in a short amount of time. It is

never a one-step action. Besides, as a productive skill which involves

complicated process, writing needs to be put on frequent practices so a good

quality of writing will be reflected on its product.6

Supported by Ede‘s statement, writing is a process. She formulated an

analogy about how the writing process works by comparing writing and

sports. Firstly, writing and sports are both performance skills. Someone who

knows a lot about playing tennis without actually play tennis doesn‘t mean he

is a tennis player. Similarly, not only to be well understood, writing also is an

activity to be demonstrated and improved. Secondly, writing and sports both

require individuals to master complex skills and to perform these skills in an

almost infinite number of situations. Even though athletes have learned

specific skills, plays, or maneuvers, they can never perform them routinely or

thoughtlessly. Similarly, even though writers have learned the principles of

5 Harmer, op.cit., p. 328.

6 John Langan, College Writing Skills with Reading, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008), p.



effective essay organization, for example, they still have to consider their

options and make new choices. That is why good writers do not rely on

formulas or rules but instead use rhetorical sensitivity to analyze and respond

to each situation. Thirdly, experienced athletes and writers know that a

positive attitude is essential. Next, to maintain a high level of skill, both

athletes and writers need frequent practice and effective coaching. Lastly,

experienced athletes and writers continually set new goals for themselves.

Athletes and writers who believe that they are either getting better or getting

worse continually set new challenges or goals for themselves and analyze

their performance. They look for opportunities to practice and they do not

measure their success by a grade, instead they see their activity always as

work in progress.7

From the explanation above, it can be concluded; firstly, writing is a

skill. Instead of a gift which everyone gets it naturally, writing is a process of

practicing, it is a learned skill. The more students practice writing, the better

they will write. The practices of writing can be done by doing cooperative

learning with other students who deal with the same writing issues, so the

writing process can be constructive and detail. Secondly, writing as a process

of discovery must be done by exploring thoughts. The more students explore,

the more they will find ideas to write. A continuing practice of writing will

produce a good written text.

2. The Process of Writing

The writing process is a series of steps that a writer completes from

general idea to completed and published work.8 According to LAS La Trobe

University as stated by Sarwono and Purwanto in English for Academic

7 Lisa Ede, The Academic Writer-A Brief Guide, (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin‘s, 2008),

pp. 36 – 37. 8 Evan Jay Gould & Judy Gould, The Writing Process and Conferences, (Dayton Ohio:

Lorenz Educational Press, 2015), p. 17.


Purposes, the basic process of writing can be divided into five steps as


a. Question Analysis: identifying key instruction words, the topics and

specific aspects to be written.

b. Topic study: find sources supporting opinion.

c. Essay planning: Organize key ideas and related themes that will be


d. Writing process: writing the ideas into the key elements of an essay.

e. Citation: Include references of sources used.

In addition, there are six areas in the process of writing stated by Barbara

Fine Clouse as follows10


Figure 1. The six areas of writing process by Clouse

In Figure 1, Clouse divided the six areas of writing process into two parts:

writer-based and reader-based. It represents a writer who considering two

points of view; they focused on what they want to write and what their

reader‘s need from their writing. In writer-based, the reader is still considered

and in reader-based, the writer‘s goal is also one of the concerns.

Furthermore, the six areas also divided into three parts; prewriting, writing,

and rewriting. Prewriting and writing are writer-based activity and rewriting

9 Jonathan Sarowono & Yudhy Purwanto, English for Academic Purposes, (Yogyakarta:

Penerbit Andi, 2013), p. 61. 10

Barbara Fine Clouse, The Student Writer-Editor and Critic, (New York: McGraw-Hill,

2008), pp. 34 – 35.


is reader-based activity. In addition, there is a nature of the writing process

that must be remembered; the six areas of writing process are not always

finished in sequence, instead, it can jump back and forth as the writing

process in progress.11

As the affirmation above, Clouse stated there are three parts of writing

process; prewriting, writing, and revising. Similar to Clouse, Faraj stated

there are five stages of writing; prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,

publishing, which are more easily understood by EFL classroom context.12

Stage 1: Prewriting

In prewriting stage, students take about 85% of writing time to plan

the first draft. This stage consists of some activities: a) choosing a topic, b)

gathering ideas which involve brainstorming, reading from sources to

gather information of the topic, and interviewing an individual who deals

with the topic, c) organizing ideas, d) defining a topic sentences, e)

outlining the draft from introduction, body, and conclusion.

Stage 2: Drafting

After planned out the ideas, the next stage is starting to draft the

writing. This is a stage where students do not need to focus on the errors,

such as incomplete ideas and mechanical mistakes. The aim of this stage is

putting the ideas into sentences.

Stage 3: Revising

As the word ―revision‖ literally means ―to see again‖, so the

students in this stage have to revise and improve their writing. Minor

grammar mistakes are not necessary to be corrected because the focus of

this stage is the content and organization of the writing. This stage consists

of two activities; self-revision and teacher‘s feedback. Self-revision means

students are going to read again their work on their own and making

changes if it‘s required. Meanwhile, teacher‘s feedback means the teacher


Ibid. 12

Avan Kamal Aziz Faraj, Scaffolding EFL Students‘ Writing through the Writing

Process Approach, Journal of Education and Practice, 2015, pp. 132 – 136.


give comments about the students‘ work to help them realizing their

mistakes. The students will leave their work to the teacher and it will be

given back to do self-revision again.

Stage 4: Editing

In this stage, the students try to make their writing readable

optimally. The focus of this stage is about capitalization, punctuation,

spelling, and grammar changes. This stage also consists of two activities;

self-editing and teacher editing. In self-editing, the students ensure by their

own whether their sentences, phrases, and words are as strong as possible.

Meanwhile, in teacher editing, the teacher does not edit the students‘ work

by his/her own. On the contrary, the teacher will use symbols to give sign

for each part that has to be edited by the students.

Stage 5: Publishing

In this stage, students deal with their final draft and they will

publish their writing. The reader of their writing is the teacher. However,

friends and family are also the audience which students can take advantage

from reading their work in front of them; a real communication between

readers and writers during writing process. The audience must give

responses so the students can increase and develop their confidence as the


From all the explanations from different experts above, it can be concluded

that the process of writing basically consists of stages begin with prewriting

and finished with publishing as the final stage. All stages simply the part to

arrange the introduction, body, and conclusion of a written text.

3. The Purposes of Writing

Purpose is the reason why a person composes a piece of writing. Purpose

can be a guideline to consider what focus topic of writing is, how form of

writing will be used, whether formal or informal style will be implemented,

how much written text should be, and what kinds of evidences should be put.


According to Langan, there are three most common purposes of writing; to

inform, to persuade, to entertain. The explanation as follows13


To inform: to provide information about a subject. Authors who

are writing to inform want to give facts that will explain or teach

something to readers.14

For example, an informative paragraph

about how to be a teacher with creative teaching begin, ―Before we

declare to be creative, we have to comprehend what is creative in


To persuade: to convince the readers to stand at the same point

with the author‘s point of view on a subject. Authors try to

persuade the readers over their writing so the readers agree with

their statements. Authors who are writing to persuade may give

factual data, but their main aim is to argue or prove a point to the


To entertain: to amuse and delight; to appeal to the reader‘s senses

and imagination. Authors write to entertain in various ways,

through fiction and nonfiction.17

As an addition, Copeland mentioned there are eleven different types of

purpose; to express, to describe, to explore, to entertain, to inform, to explain,

to argue, to persuade, to evaluate, to problem solve, and to mediate. In a piece

of writing, an author sometimes combines purposes. For example, a business

report will begin by providing information to the readers about economic

facts before the author try to persuade the readers to take action after reading

the information in which the part of the business report.18


Langan, op.cit., p. 167. 14

Ibid. 15

Sri Narwanti, Creative Learning-Kiat Menjadi Guru Kreatif dan Favorit, (Yogyakarta:

Familia, 2011), p. 3. 16

Langan, loc.cit. 17

Langan, op.cit., p. 168. 18

Matt Copeland, The Writing Content: Writer, Subject, Purpose, Audience, and Form,

(Kansas: Kansas State Department of Education, 2010), pp. 2 – 3.


Based on the explanation above, it can be pointed out that an author has to

know the reason why the writing should be done. In other words, the reason

or purpose behind the writing will determine the result of writing itself. By

determining the purpose which reflected the motivation of an author, it will

affect the readers about how the author conveys messages.

4. The Types of Writing

The types of writing mean writing has many genres and each genre has

different way of usage. Most sources mentioned 4 types of writing; narrative,

descriptive, exposition, and argumentative, but Langan named the types of

writing with ―Nine Patterns of Paragraph Development‖ which basically

consists of the same genres. The explanation as follows19


a) Exposition

Exposition is a type of writing provides information about a particular

subject and the information completed by explanation. The

development patterns of this type are examples (giving instances),

process (detailing a process of doing or making something), causes

and effects (analyzing causes and effects), comparison and contrast

(comparing and contrasting), definition (defining a concept or term),

division and classification (classifying or dividing something into


b) Description

Description is a verbal picture of a person, place, or thing.

c) Narration

In narration, a writer tells the story of particular occasion.

d) Argumentation

In argumentation, a writer tries to support a controversial point or

stand in a position on which there is a difference of statement or



Langan, op. cit., p. 174.


Furthermore, Rofi‘i gives further explanation about the types of writing;

narrative, descriptive, exposition, argumentative20


a) Narrative

Narrative is the type of writing used to tell a story. Narrative tells

about what happened according to the setting of time and it has

conflict that is overcome. A narrative needs a plot which means it

needs an establishment of setting, an explanation of the challenge, and

the resolution of the challenge. Narrative is imaginative story but it

can be factual as well. The kinds of narrative, such as fairy stories,

fable, novel, short story, romance, etc.

b) Descriptive

Descriptive explains the way things look, feel, taste, smell, or sound;

it may also raise moods, such as loneliness, happiness, or fear.

Descriptive text provides description about a visual image of people,

place, etc. It is also possible to describe someone‘s personal traits or

character. It explains what a person or a thing is like.

c) Exposition

Exposition is a type to use for giving information or making

explanations. It includes editorial, essay, and informative and

instructional material. Exposition can be used to explain the process,

which is to tell how something is made or done.

d) Argumentative

Argumentative is used to persuade and convince readers. It is closely

related to exposition and is often found combined with it.

Argumentation is used to make a case, to prove or disprove a

statement or proposition.


Agus Rofi‘i, Improving Students‘ Motivation In Writing Descriptive Texts By Using

Mind Mapping Technique, ELT-Echo, 2(2), 2017, p. 152.


5. Types of Writing Taught in Junior High School

Based on curriculum 2013 in Indonesia, the English teaching is focused on

the improvement of students‘ competence. They are expected to be able to

use English in variety of context, both written and orally. One learning

approach which is focus to increase students‘ competence in using English

language is text-based learning. This learning refers to the function of

language and its use, which is a unity of meaning both oral and written. For

what is meant, a text is a unit of meaning that can consist of one word, such

as the word ―stop‖ on the side of the road, one phrase ―no smoking‖, and one

sentence in the form of announcement to one book. The text is learned not as

a final goal, but as a tool for carrying out various activities in real life. The

learning is designed to provide experience in using English texts. So, students

can understand and apply factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge

related to visible phenomena and events, through speaking, listening, reading,

and writing activities in a concrete realm.

Moreover, text-based English learning supports learning in other subjects

in the curriculum. For example, descriptive text learning will develop

students‘ abilities in cultural arts subjects to promote tourism in Indonesia. In

addition, learning other types of texts will help students expand their

scientific insights about material in other subjects on international scale. At

this basic level, teaching material consists of simple short texts.

There are eight genres of short writing texts that have to be learned by the

students, such as descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure, report,

explanation, analytical exposition, and news item. The descriptive topic is

related to excursion place and popular historical building; the recount is about

personal experiences; the narrative is about Indonesian legend; the procedure

is about manual and tips; the report and explanation is related to technology,

natural and social symptoms; the analytical exposition is related to factual

issues; and the news item is related to informational literacy. Mastery of each

type of text includes three aspects, such as social function, text structure, and


linguistic elements which are determined and chosen based on the purpose

and context of the communication.21

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the eight types of

writing taught in junior high school are aimed to improve students‘

competence contextually. Each type has distinct features that are useful for

students. From the eight types, the writer interested to research descriptive

text because it has some characteristics that makes it different with other

types. Furthermore, one of the types that should be taught in eighth grade in

junior high school is descriptive text which is relevant to this research


B. Descriptive Text

1. The Definition of Descriptive Text

According to Langan, descriptive text is a text in which readers can see a

picture in words. It describes particular person, place, thing, etc.22


process of describing is done by providing their characteristics clearly in

sequence, begins with naming, classifying, and dealing with their attributes,

behaviors, functions, etc., so that the readers can possibly recognize what the

writer is writing about.23

In descriptive text, observing specific details that

appeal to the readers‘ senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) is

required to make the words in descriptive text as vivid and real as possible. In

addition, a descriptive text needs sharp and colorful details.24

2. The Parts of Descriptive Text

There are three parts of descriptive text; communicative purpose,

rhetorical structure, and grammatical patterns. First, communicative purpose,

it is to describe an object both human and non-human. Second, rhetorical


KEMENDIKBUD, op. cit., pp. 1 – 3. 22

Langan, op. cit., p. 243. 23

Eko Noprianto, Student‘s Descriptive Text Writing in SFL Perspectives, Indonesian

Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 2017, p. 67. 24

Langan, loc.cit. p. 243.


structure, it consists of two parts (a) identification, it is statement that consists

of a topic to be described; (b) description, it is consists of the detail

description of the identified topic in identification. Third, grammatical

patterns, it is the usage of declarative sentence and present forms in

descriptive text.25

3. The Structure of Descriptive Text

According to Sarwono and Purwanto, descriptive text consists of three

parts. First, introduction part, which contains major aspects of the subject

discusses. Second, body part, it contains the description of aspect A, B, C,

etc. Third, closing part consists of conclusion.26

Besides, another source

stated the schematic structure of descriptive text is identification or general

statement and description. Identification or general statement is aimed to

introduce and identify specific participant such as a person, a thing, a place,

an animal, or an event. On the other side, description is structured to describe

the participant from its characteristics, personality, appearances, and habits or


4. The Language Features of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text contains some linguistics features as summarized



a. Focus on specific participants as the main character;

b. Use present tense as dominant tenses;

c. Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (is, are, has,

have, belongs to) in order to classify and describe appearance or

qualities and parts or functions of the participant;


Sumarsih & Sanjaya, TPS as an Effective Technique to Enhance the Students‘

Achievement on Writing Descriptive Text, English Language Teaching Canadian Center of

Science and Education, 6(12), 2013, p. 109. 26

Sarowono & Purwanto. op.cit. p. 93. 27

Noprianto, loc.cit. 28

Ibid, pp. 67 – 68.


d. Use action verbs or material process and behavioral process in

giving additional description regarding action and behavior done by

the participants in text;

e. Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings;

f. Use adjectives and adverbs to add information to nouns

(participant) and add information to verbs (actions) to provide more

detailed description about the topic;

g. Use adverbial phrases to add more information about manner,

place, or time and sometimes realized in embedded clause which

function as circumstances.

5. The Kinds of Descriptive Text

There are five types of descriptive writing paragraph29


1) Describing Process

Describing a process explains about how something is done, why

it is done, and what is needed to complete the process.

2) Describing an Event

In describing an event, a writer should memorize and remember

what happened in the event. As an example, an event of 2019

general elections, for the first time in Indonesia‘s history, the

president, the vice president, members of People‘s Consultative

Assembly (MPR), and members of local legislative bodies were

elected on the same day. In this case, someone has to explain all

details of the event, so the readers can imagine the real situation

and condition of the general elections at the time.

3) Describing a Personality

To describe a person, individual characteristic is one matter that

has to be recognized. Furthermore, it is entirely about physical,

emotional, moral, and intellectual attributes.

4) Describing a Place


Sumarsih & Sanjaya, op. cit., pp. 108 – 109.


Describing a place must be genuine as it is, such as describing a

museum, a waterpark, or an excursion place in the middle of


5) Describing an object

In describing an object, providing its physical characteristic must

be accurate and objective, such as shape, size, age (whether

antique or modern), color, form, etc.

6. The Example of Descriptive Text

Below an example of descriptive text:

My Toy30


I have a toy. It is a doll, a bear doll, and I call it Teddy.

Teddy bear is an American origin. My dad bought it as a present

for my tenth birthday anniversary last year.


The doll is small, fluffy, and cute. It has thick brown fur.

When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Because my Teddy bear is a

doll, I don‘t need to feed it. I wash it at laundry at least once a

month. Every night Teddy accompanies me sleeping. When I am

at school, Teddy stays in my bed. Teddy bear is really nice,

adorable, and charming toy. I love my Teddy bear very much.

7. Writing Descriptive Text

To write a descriptive text, the description has to be clear so the reader is

able to visualize in their mind, whether it is about how an object looks like,

smells, tastes, etc. Therefore, the descriptive text is organized based on how a

place, person, or object exists in the real world. Dealing with descriptive text,


Imelda Wardani, Hasan Basri, & Abdul Haris, Improving The Ability in Writing

Descriptive Text Through Guided-Questions Technique, E-Journal of English Language Teaching

Society (ELTS), 2(1), 2014, p. 3.


there are several points; the use of details, about objectivity and subjectivity,

about vantage point, and about creating clear dominant impression.

First, it is about details. The goal of using detail in writing descriptive

text is is to ensure if the description is specific. Specific detail is more

essential than labels. Instead of saying that someone is ―happy‖ or ―gloomy‖,

it is better to give details to make readers understand the reasons behind the

label; what does this person say or do which makes him or her deserve the

label? For example, this is a story about shopping on a special day opens with

a description of a happy shopper:

Last Friday afternoon, the day ritualized consumerism is traditionally at

its most frenetic, Alexx Balcuns twirled in front of a full-length mirror at the

Ritz Thrift Shop on West Fifty-Seventh Street as if inhabited by the soul of

Eva Gabor in Green Acres. Ms. Balcuns was languishing in a $795 dyed

mink parka her grandmother has just bought her. Ms. Balcuns is six.

-Ginia Bellafante, ―Staying Warm and Fuzzy during Uncertain Times‖

The author might simply wrote, ―A spoiled child admired herself in the

mirror.‖ Instead, she shows her subject twirling and ―languishing‖ in a ―$795

dyed mink parka and it seems the child was possessed by the soul of character

Eva Gabor. This detail is more vivid description. Moreover, sensory detail is

also essential because in addition to sights, it help readers to feel the taste,

hear the sound, odors, and physical sensations.

After the use of detail, second, it is about objectivity and subjectivity. A

description text can be written objectively, subjectively, or the mixture of

both. Objectivity means the text will be written down without personal

opinion or emotion. Meanwhile, subjectivity means the description allows the

author to involve his or her opinion and emotion. However, a description

better be written with objectivity because it shows how an object looks like in

the factual condition.


Third, it is about vantage point. Vantage point means a position where

somebody watches something. There are two kinds of vantage points;

stationary vantage point, moving vantage point, and multiple vantage point.

Stationary vantage point means someone describes a subject from one angle

only, as if he or she (and the readers) is a camera. Moving vantage point, on

the contrary, means someone describes what he or she saw as he or she

passed through a place, moving from one place to another. Lastly, multiple

vantage points mean the description to capture something from several


Last, it is about dominant impression. There is one aim in writing

description text, to create some dominant impression which consists the

overall feeling that individual add up to. It can be direct or implied


Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that all details,

vantage points, impression, and objectivity and subjectivity in description text

is a unity to make it as real as possible. These points can also be guidance for

a writer or author to create a good description about something or someone.

How good the description is depending on the writer, whether he or she

decides to describe it objectively, from any vantage point, or what impression

to deal with.

As an addition, there are many stages in writing descriptive text32

, (1)

creating a dominant impression; subjective and objective description, (2)

planning a paper of description; prewriting, determining the dominant

impression, and selecting a vantage point and transition, (3) drafting a paper

of description; drafting an introduction, developing a description, organizing

a description, and writing a conclusion, (4) revising a description.


Richard Bullock, The Norton Field Guide to Writing, (New York: W.W. Norton&

Company, 2006), pp. 285 – 292. 32

Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning & Writing Well: Fourth Edition, (New York: McGraw

Hill, 2006), pp. 141 – 145.


C. SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words)

1. The Definition of SFV

SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words) is a strategy

which introduced by Spencer in 2005. First, it is sensory details. Sensory

details consist of sense of sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. Sensory details

in writing allow its readers to see the real objects that are being described as if

they can touch, see, hear, and smell them. Second, it is figurative language.

Figurative language consists of similes, metaphor, hyperbole and

personification. Similes are used to compare two different people, places or

things by using words ‗like‘ or ‗as‘, such as ―her beauty is like Cinderella’s‖.

Metaphors, on the other hand, are also similar to similes, but it doesn‘t use the

words ‗like‘ or ‗as‘. For example, ―Anny is a flower in my class”, the word

‗flower‘ means beautiful. Meanwhile, personification is to give human

characteristics to something that is not human, for example, ―his pen dances

on his book”. The word ―dance‖ refers to human characteristic, and the word

―pen‖ is considered a live object. Lastly, it is vivid words. Vivid words is

specific modifier, for example, in the sentence ―the price of the car is

expensive‖, the word ―car― is not vivid enough, so to make it become more

vivid, we have to modify the word ―car‖ into ―the red proton car‖ because it

vividly elaborates in greater detail the attributes of the car. Besides the SFV

itself, there are several steps or processes in SFV.

SFV is a strategy in teaching descriptive writing that consists of three

processes which are free writing, whilst writing, and post writing. In free

writing, brainstorming will be collaborated with mind mapping. In whilst

writing, SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words) will be

applied. Meanwhile, there are two activities in post writing; revising and

presenting the arranged text.33


Suriyanti & Yaacob, Exploring Teacher Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing in

Indonesia, Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 13(2), 2016, pp. 75 – 77.


2. The Function of SFV

According to Suriyanti and Yaacob, SFV contains essential aspects in

writing descriptive text. Since descriptive writing depended on details and

colorful language, describing things by using SFV will bring the things to

life. By describing a person, a place or an animal with vivid details, a writer

can create a descriptive scene in the readers‘ mind.34

3. The Steps of SFV

There are three steps in SFV; firstly, the free writing process, which

introduced the techniques of brainstorming and mind mapping. Secondly, the

whilst-writing, which involves the detailed description of the descriptive

writing elements. In the whilst-writing, SFV (sensory details, figurative

language, and vivid words) is applied. Thirdly, the post writing, which

includes the processes needed after writing is done, such as revising and

presenting the text.35

4. The Advantages of SFV

There are several advantages of SFV. First, SFV makes descriptive text

to be more details and colorful language to bring a subject to life. Second, by

describing a person, a place or an object with vivid details, a writer can create

a descriptive scene in the readers‘ mind. Third, students will be familiarized

with these terms by providing plenty of vivid examples.36

In addition, since

mind-mapping is the part of SFV steps, it has several benefits as well. Firstly,

mind-mapping in descriptive writing is an enjoyable way. It could help

students to improve their writing skill in writing descriptive, such as

enriching vocabularies, increasing creativity, arranging sentences, and

organizing ideas.37


Ibid. 35

Ibid. 36

Suriyanti & Yaacob. op.cit, pp. 76-77. 37

Alma Prima Nurlaila. (2013). The Use of Mind Mapping Technique in Writing

Descriptive Text. Journal of English and Education, 1(2), p. 14.


D. Teaching Writing Descriptive Text by Using SFV

Before explaining how to teach descriptive text by using SFV, the writer

wants to provide explanations regarding the roles of teacher in teaching and

teaching writing.

When it comes to teaching, some people use the term facilitator to describe

teacher in the class. Teachers as facilitator means one who is democratic, one who

fosters learning independence through the use of groupwork and pairwork, and

one who tend to act as a resource rather than a transmitter of knowledge.

However, instead of using the term facilitator, it is more valuable to describe

different teacher roles in the classroom, as follows38


a) Controller

Teacher as controller means he or she leads the class from the front.

Teachers as controller are identical with the job as the transmission of

knowledge from themselves to the students. The teachers who act as a

controller give instruction to the class with their knowledge and charisma.

However, not all teachers have the charisma and their transmission teaching

tend to have fewer advantages. First, the students will have less opportunity

to explore learning by focusing only to the teachers. Second, when the class is

acting as a whole group, fewer individuals have a chance to speak up. Third,

over dependence on transmission learning will cause the lack of variety in

activities and classroom climate.

b) Prompter

To become a prompter means helping the students when they find

obstacles in a role-play activity for example, without taking charge over the

activity. This is because teachers have to encourage the students to think

creatively. Instead of hanging on the teacher‘s command, it is better to give

suggestion for the students. When a teacher prompts, it has to be encouraging,

supportive, and wise. Wisdom is essential because the teacher doesn‘t have to

be persisting, instead let the students to take initiative themselves.


Jeremy Harmer, op. cit., pp. 108 – 110.


c) Participant

To be a participant means, as an example, in a group discussion, there are

times when teachers act not only as the one who offer feedback or correct

mistakes, but also join in the activity with teachers‘ own right. There are

positive reasons to participate in the activity, such as the discussion become

more alive rather than organize the activity from the outside. When it goes

correctly, students enjoy having teachers with them and it is enjoyable for

teachers to act as participant rather than as resource. However, if the teachers

act as a participant, there is a possibility that students will be dominated

especially teachers have more English skills than the students do. The

teachers will get more attention than the other students.

d) Resource

Meaning of teachers as resource is not answering every question from the

students. Instead, when students need to ask or want to know information,

teachers offer guidance as to where students can go to look for that

information because it is essential to encourage students to become more

independent in their learning so they can use resource material for

themselves. As resource, teachers have to be helpful and available, but at the

same time not to make students over-reliant to the teachers.

e) Tutor

Acting as a tutor means combining the roles of prompter and resource. It

can be a difficult job in a very large group since the term of tutor implies an

intimate relationship between teachers and students. However, acting as a

tutor can be implemented by going around the class, staying briefly with a

particular group or individual when students are working in small groups or

in pairs, and give guidance to students about the topic being discussed.

In the case of teaching writing, teachers have specific roles, as follows39


a) Motivator


Harmer, op. cit., p. 330.


In writing task, one of the important roles of a teacher is to motivate and

encourage the students to make maximum effort for maximum benefit.

Besides, creating the right conditions for students to find ideas and

persuading them about the usefulness of writing activity is also the roles of a

teacher as motivator.

b) Resource

A teacher should be ready to supply information and language to the

students during the writing tasks. Thus, teacher must be ready to check the

progress of the students and offering advice or suggestions in a constructive


c) Feedback Provider

In giving feedback to the students, teacher should respond encouragingly

and positively to the content of students‘ writing tasks. Besides responding,

the teacher can also give correction by using symbols or codes to indicate the

errors or involving other students to peer review so the students are

encouraged to monitor each other.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the roles of

teacher during writing process is more specific and relevant to the writing

itself. However, teachers must consider their roles based on the students need.

Especially in writing, one of the principal roles is to become motivator since

writing can be complicated, takes time, and lead the students to be in a zigzag


As mentioned earlier, SFV has three steps and each step has its own parts

as seen in the picture below40



Suriyanti &Yacoob, loc. cit.


Figure 2. SFV Descriptive Writing Model (Spencer: 2005)

a. In free-writing, teachers guide students to brainstorm ideas starting from

finding main ideas until developing the main ideas into supporting details.

Firstly, the students are given guidance to create a list of ideas and details

related to the subject being discussed. The focus is on neither the grammar

nor selecting major and minor details; it is only about exploring what to

write since finding ideas is challenging if students are not accustomed in

writing. In other words, the goal is to accumulate raw material about the


It can be started from simple questions, for example about

animal, ―What is my favorite animal?‖ ―What animal interest me the

most?‖ After that, students have to decide ―Which part of the animal is

specific and vivid to be developed into paragraph?‖ These questions are

helpful to make students recognize about the topic. In order to make

brainstorming easier, students are guided to create mind map so it can be

41 Langan, op. cit., p. 22.


easier to organize the ideas. Below the example of mind map about



Figure 3. Mind mapping of Zebra

Based on the picture above, Zebra is the main topic of the mind map.

Furthermore, it is focus on the part of Zebra, such as the physical

appearance, reproduction, food, and its habitat. Moreover, it is

specifically listed that the physical of Zebra consists of black and white

stripes, four legs, rounder ears, and eyes on the side of its head; and so


b. In whilst-writing, students are guided by teacher to explore sensory details.

Sensory details involve the human five senses, such as see, sound, smell,

taste, and touch. If it‘s about Zebra, then the students have to explain how

the Zebra looks like; its sound, whether it is barking or braying; its smell,

it may has a distinctive smell of chewed grass; etc. After that, the list of

sensory details is described by using figurative language, such as ―The

Zebra greeted me by making high-pitched noise.‖ There are many kinds of

42 (Accessed on July,


2019 at 11:08 AM).


figurative language, such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole,

alliteration, and onomatopoeia. In this sentence, personification is used

because human feature is given to the Zebra in ―The Zebra greeted‖. It is

supposed to be human who can greet somebody, not an animal. Besides,

figurative languages may be difficult for students to be explored. So,

teacher can give example in advance by using more examples of

descriptive text from internet or book sources, and encourage the students

by analyzing figurative language from movie or songs. Popular culture can

be more interesting to engage the students‘ attention.43

However, not all

sentences in the students‘ descriptive text demand figurative languages. At

least their written text contains of figurative languages that have been

learned. Lastly, teacher asks students to use vivid words in describing the

Zebra. For instance, ―The Zebra‘s tail fluttered its rear body‖ or ―The

smallest Zebra gobbled all of its food until it remained‖. Rather than using

―eat‖ to describe the starving Zebra, ―gobble‖ explains it better and

vividly. In asking students to use vivid words, teacher can give them lists

of related vivid words or let them use online and offline dictionary so they

are able to explore the words by themselves.

c. In post-writing, feedback is given by teacher after the writing task has

been completed. In this stage, mistakes and errors are highlighted and

corrected, and suggestions for improvement are provided. Furthermore,

teacher can ask students to do collaborative work by giving correction and

feedback to their classmates. In revising the text, it may not finish at once

because the students may revise, re-plan, redraft, and edit again their

writing before they represent it in front of the class.44

After all the revision

has been done, the teacher asks students to read aloud their writing to their

classmates, whether in front of the class or in a group.


meaningfully/ (Accessed on July, 5th

2019 at 11:57 AM). 44

Anabela Reis Alves, Process Writing, 2008, pp. 11 –12, (Retrieved from:

artslaw/cels/essays/languageteaching/AReisAlvesProcessWritingLTM.pdf on July 5th

, 2019 1:01



E. Previous Related Studies

Researchers have conducted study with the same theme or problem, but the

writer takes five previous related studies which are relevant to SFV.

The first previous related study was conducted by Sufatmi Suriyanti and

Aizan Yaacob entitled ―Exploring Teacher Strategies in Teaching Descriptive

Writing in Indonesia‖. The study examined teacher strategies used by EFL

teachers in teaching descriptive writing to junior high school students in Delitua

North Sumatera, Indonesia. In conducting the research, the qualitative data were

obtained from observations, interviews and student writing. An intervention

conducted with four teachers for four months to enhance the teaching of writing

strategies by using SFV which was introduced by Spencer in 2005. The data were

recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic coding. The research

found that the teachers used limited strategies in teaching writing due to their lack

of knowledge and understanding of the writing approaches. However, after the

writing intervention, they improved their instructional strategies by incorporating

richer writing descriptions which contained sensory details, figurative language

and vivid words which are part of SFV.45

This research inspired the writer to

conduct the study about developing students‘ writing descriptive text by using

SFV. Since SFV is more detail than other strategy, the writer assumes students

can learn how to write descriptive text in a better way so their descriptive writing

can be developed.

The second previous related study was conducted by Zuhratul Aini with the

title ―The Exploration of The Analysis on Teaching Strategies of Descriptive

Writing (the comparative between public school and private English course)”.

The study aims at finding out the strategies used by teachers in teaching writing

descriptive text at private English courses and schools in Banda Aceh. This study

used qualitative research design through pre-observation interview, classroom

observation, post observation interview, and document analysis to collect the data.

The data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman‘s technique ranging from


Suriyanti & Yaacob, op.cit, p. 71.


data reduction to conclusion. The result shows that the strategies used by the

teacher in teaching writing descriptive text vary, such as brainstorming, mind

mapping, discussion, working in groups, and analyzing the picture. Using these

strategies to teach descriptive writing is helpful to make students active in the

class without feeling bored with the lesson.46

Brainstorming and mind mapping

are relevant with the part of SFV which is the variable of the writer‘s study.

The third previous related study was conducted by Elfrida Br. Silalahi entitled

“Improving Writing Descriptive Paragraph by Using Mind Mapping Technique

and Brainstorming Technique at SMK Methodist 8 Medan”. The objective of this

study was to discover whether the use of mind mapping technique and

brainstorming technique could significantly improve students‘ ability in writing

descriptive paragraph. This study was applying Classroom Action Research which

was carried out in two cycles and the subject was two classes consist of 20 and 27

students. The first class was for conducting mind mapping technique and the other

class was brainstorming technique. The quantitative data were collected by giving

descriptive tests and calculating the mean of students‘ scores. The mean scores of

the students were always improved from cycle one to cycle two. The result of

applying mind mapping technique and brainstorming technique for the students

were they are more active and more enthusiastic during the teaching and learning

process in the second cycle than the first cycle. It was showed that the use of mind

mapping technique and brainstorming technique significantly improved students‘

ability in writing descriptive paragraph.47

The similarities of this study with the

writer‘s study are the use of Classroom Action Research and the implementation

of mind mapping technique and brainstorming technique. Both techniques are the

part of SFV. Meanwhile, the difference of this study with the writer‘s study is the

subject. This study was taking two different classes to apply the technique of mind

mapping and brainstorming while only one class is needed for the writer‘s study.


Zuhratul Aini, The Exploration of the Analysis on Teaching Strategies of Descriptive

Writing (the comparative between public school and private English course), (Undergraduate

thesis, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Darussalam, Banda Aceh), 2018. 47

Elfrida Br. Silalahi, Improving Writing Descriptive Paragraph by Using Mind Mapping

Technique and Brainstorming Technique at SMK Methodist 8 Medan, The Explora Journal of

ELT and Linguistics, March 2016, 2(1), p. 1.


As an addition, this study involved SMK (vocational high school) students while

the writer applied SFV in junior high school.

The fourth previous related study was conducted by Agus Rofi‘i with title

“Improving Students’ Motivation in Writing Descriptive Texts by Using Mind

Mapping Technique”. This study involved a class of third semester students of

English Department. The class had 35 students and the situation of the class

during teaching and learning descriptive writing was boring. Students had low

motivation and almost all of them looked confused with what they had to study.

Especially when they had to construct descriptive text, they had hard time to do it.

Thus, this study was done through three cycles of Classroom Action Research to

result significant improvement. Based on the finding of this study, the result of the

students‘ writing from the pre-cycle to cycle 1 increased 2.96% from cycle 1 to

cycle 2 increased 3.95%, and from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased 5.26%, it means

that from the initial condition to the third cycle had the significant results.

Furthermore, the use of mind mapping technique was able to make the students

enjoy the writing activities. The students felt happy when joined the writing

activities because the technique gave much contribution towards the improvement

of the students‘ motivation. Besides, the implementation of the technique was

interesting and helped the students‘ in expressing their ideas, thoughts, and

feelings on paper.48

The mind mapping technique in this study is relevant to the

mind mapping of SFV. The difference of this study with the writer‘s study is on

the cycle of the CAR. This study conducted with three cycles of CAR while the

writer‘s study completed the study in two cycles.

The fifth previous related study was conducted by Refri Nisa with title ―The

Influence of Using Five Senses Technique Towards Students’ Descriptive Text

Writing Ability at the Eighth Grade of SMP PGRI 6 Bandar Lampung in the

Academic Year of 2017/2018”. Most of students at the eighth grade of SMP PGRI

6 Bandar Lampung were 62% got under the criteria. Thus, this study was

conducted to know whether there is significant influence of using five sense

technique towards students‘ descriptive text writing ability at the eighth grade of


Agus Rofi‘i, op. cit., p.155.


SMP PGRI 6 Bandar Lampung. The research methodology used was experimental

method. So, there are two classes; an experimental class and a control class. In the

experimental class, the researcher used five sense technique, whereas in the

control class the researcher used free writing. Each class received the same pre-

test and post-test. The population of this research was the eighth grade of SMP

PGRI 6 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018 and the samples of

this research were two classes consisting 60 students. After testing the hypothesis,

the results was that there is an influence of using five sense technique. From the

data analysis computed by using SPSS, it was obtained that Ha is accepted

because Sig < = 0.05. It means there is significant influence of using five sense

technique towards students‘ descriptive text writing ability.49

The similarity of

this research with the writer‘s research is both using five sense consist of see,

sound, smell, taste, and touch or in the writer‘s study, it is called as sensory

details. Since describing subjects need clear descriptions, five sense or sensory

details is useful to give details about the subjects. Meanwhile, the difference of

this study with the writer‘s study is the method of research. Experimental method

doesn‘t need any cycle to be applied while Classroom Action Research does.

Experimental method needs two classes for experimental and control class while

CAR needs only one class to be deeply observed and improved.

Based on the five studies above, they showed that SFV and its parts were

helpful for students in developing their writing skill, especially descriptive

writing. In this research, the writer is going to conduct the study about applying

SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words) to develop students‘

writing skill of descriptive text. Through this strategy, the writer wants to give

easiness to the students in writing descriptive text by using SFV.


Refri Nisa, ―The Influence of Using Five Senses Technique Towards Students‘

Descriptive Text Writing Ability at the Eighth Grade of SMP PGRI 6 Bandar Lampung in the

Academic Year of 2017/2018‖, Skripsi, (Bandar Lampung: State Islamic University Raden Intan

Lampung, 2017), p. ii.


F. Thinking Framework

Writing is an important skill that students have to learn at school, especially

descriptive writing. Besides its position in curriculum, it is important because in a

lot of activities, describing things becomes a part that cannot be avoided, such as

in higher education institution and work place. Unfortunately, students find the

activity of creating descriptive writing is challenging since it takes time, the

students are lacking of vocabulary, grammar, and lacking of idea especially in

organizing the text. Thus, teacher has to find way of teaching descriptive writing

that could help the students to be easier in arranging descriptive text.

Actually, there are a lot of ways to teach descriptive writing. For instance,

four-square writing method, discovery teaching procedures, the sentence builder

strategy, AWT (ask, write, and throw), SFV (sensory details, figurative language,

and vivid words), etc. However, according to Suriyanti and Yaacob, SFV is the

strategy which makes descriptive writing more alive and detail. It is because SFV

contains essential part of descriptive writing, such as vivid words and words from

five senses –sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch.

By applying SFV, the students are expected to get much input of figurative

language, vivid words, and sensory details. Besides, they will be helped by SFV

because it consists of fun way such as mind-mapping technique. Therefore, the

students have many opportunities to create descriptive writing in easier way until

they present their works in front of the classroom. So, it can be assumed that SFV

can develop students‘ writing of descriptive text.

G. Action Hypothesis

The action hypothesis in this research is formulated as follows: SFV strategy

can develop students‘ writing skill of descriptive text at the eighth grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat.




This chapter includes time and place of the research, method and design of

the research, subject of the research, the writer‘s role in the research, data and data

sources, research instruments, technique of collecting data, technique of data

analysis, trustworthiness of the research, and criterion of the action success.

A. Time and Place of the Research

This research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in Ir. H.

Juanda Street, number 211, Ciputat, South Jakarta in academic year 2018/2019.

This research was carried out for about two months. It was from Tuesday, March

21st 2019 and ended on Thursday, May 9

th 2019.

B. Method and Design of the Research

The methods used in this study were qualitative and quantitative method.

Furthermore, the design of this study was classroom action research (CAR). It is

called CAR because it is applied in the classroom. According to McNeiff, CAR

can be defined as a term which refers to a practical way of looking at teachers‘

work by their selves. Because action research is done by the teachers or the

practitioner, it is often referred to as practitioner based research; and because it

involves the teachers‘ thoughts and work reflection, it can also be called a form of

self-reflective practice.1 It means CAR is a reflective study to find the cause of a

problem, so the problem can be solved in learning activity. In other words, by

using CAR, solution for the problems could be identified. The solution could be

on the strategy or technique in teaching or the quality of teaching and learning

process in school.

The writer was collaborated with the English teacher to conduct the research

by using CAR. Then, several interviews were used to take information about the

1 Alek, Classroom Action Research, (Ciputat: UIN Jakarta Press, 2016), p. 126.


teacher‘s and students‘ responses in teaching and learning process. Next, the

observation was done to take the data of the teacher‘s and students‘ performance

in teaching and learning process. After that, tests that consist of post-action test 1

and post-action test 2 were done to know the students‘ writing development of

writing descriptive text through SFV strategy.

Research design applied in this study was introduced by Kurt Lewin in 1946.

The design consists of four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

The Kurt Lewin‘s design looks like the following chart:

Figure 3.1 Kurt Lewin’s CAR model


C. Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures

Based on the chart above, the writer was using the CAR by Kurt Lewin‘s

design consists of four phase; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. To tell

what happened in each phase, the writer would like to give explanation of each

phase. The following is the explanation:

1. Planning Phase

After identifying the students‘ problem in writing by interviewing the teacher

and students, observing the class, and giving a pre-test, the writer organized the

planning before it is implemented in the classroom. The planning consists of all

the CAR requirements. For instance, lesson plan, learning material, observational

guidelines, and the post-test. In this phase, possible obstacles for the CAR

implementation have to be considered. By anticipating the obstacles in advance,

the implementation of CAR is expected to be suitable as its hypothesis.2

2. Acting Phase

This phase is an implementation of the arranged plans and it will be done in

the classroom. In this phase, the writer applies the lesson plan that has been made.

It was teaching descriptive text using SFV strategy. The writer teaches the

definition and the function of descriptive text in the first meeting of the first cycle.

Next, the writer reviews the previous lessons and it is still about descriptive text in

the second meeting. The last meeting, the students were asked to write descriptive

text. The next cycle is also considered consists of the same actions but using

different theme or topic.

3. Observing Phase

Observation activity was carried out together with the implementation of the

action phase. While the process of teaching and learning is taking place, the

collaborator or the teacher observes the writer‘s performance, the class situation,

and students‘ responses. At the end of cycle 1, the students are given a post-test 1

with purpose to know whether or not the students make any progress toward

writing descriptive text development. In other words, observing phase was

conducted at the same time with action phase.

2 Ibid, p. 112.


4. Reflecting Phase

After getting the result of post-test 1, the writer analyzed its result together

with the result of pre-test. After that, the writer and the teacher discussed about

the implementation of the action. In other words, the teaching and learning

process was evaluated. Next, the writer made some modification to revise the

founded obstacles that occured in the first cycle and then conducted cycle 2.

D. Research Subjects

The research subjects were the students in the eighth grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat in academic year 2018/2019. There were four classes

of eighth grade students and the writer chose only a class in which their ability in

writing descriptive text significantly needs to be developed, it is 8-D which

consisted of 27 students.

E. The Writer’s Role in the Research

In conducting this action research, the writer did a collaboration work with

the English teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat. After arranging and

coordinating the research plans with the English teacher, the writer will apply the

strategies in the classroom. During the research, the writer played multiple role.

She positioned herself as the teacher and the observer. Firstly, as the teacher who

worked outside the classroom, she had to design required lesson plans along with

the teaching strategies. Then, as the teacher who worked in the classroom, she had

to implement the prepared lesson plan to the students. Furthermore, while doing

the teaching and learning in the classroom, she had to be an observer as well with

the purpose to analyze whether the applied strategy was suitable for the students

or not.

F. Data Sources

The sources of the data in this research were collected from the students‘ pre-

test, post-test, observation sheets, interview, and field notes. Since this research

used qualitative and quantitative data, the qualitative data consists of observation


sheets and field notes which applied in the classroom, and an interview for the

English teacher and the students, meanwhile, the quantitative data were from pre-

test and post-test gathered from the students of 8-D class at SMP Muhammadiyah

17 Ciputat in academic year 2018/2019.

G. Research Instruments

In this research, writing tests, interview and observation were used as

measurement devices.

1. Writing tests

Subjective writing test is used to discover the result of students‘ descriptive

writing ability. Subjective test means the students organize and present their essay

by following descriptive writing generic structure; identification and description.3

The tests were divided into two times; pre-test and post-test. These tests were

conducted before and after classroom action research implementation; the pre-test

was given before SFV is given, while post-test 1 and post-test 2 was given after

the writer applied SFV to the class in cycle 1 and 2. The pre-test aim is to find out

how far the students‘ understanding about descriptive writing skill before they are

treated by using SFV strategy. After that, the post-tests; one and two, were given

to see their development in writing descriptive test after being treated using SFV

strategy in the classroom.

2. Interview

In order to obtain clearer information, a structured interview was conducted.

This interview was done to the teacher and the students before and after research

implementation of CAR. For the teacher, the interview consists of eleven

questions before the action research and five questions after the action research.

Meanwhile, there were 13 questions addressed for the students which divided into

two parts; eight questions before the action research and five questions after the

action research.

3 Faisal & Krisna Suwandita. (2013). The Effectiveness of FRESH Technique to Teach

Descriptive Paragraph. Journal of Education and Learning. Vol.7 (4) pp. 239 – 248.


3. Observation

Observation was involved as the instrument of this research to observe the

teacher‘s performance. Structured observation or also known as systematic

observation was handled by using observation sheets and it has been planned in

advance. The writer specifies in detail what is to be observed and how the

measurements are to be recorded. In this research, the writer uses four gradation

responds consists of 4, 3, 2, 1 with its meaning for each number. Further

explanation about this observation is explained in technique of collecting data.

H. Technique of Collecting Data

Six techniques were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data. Those

instruments were observation sheets, interview, field notes, tests, and writing

descriptive rubric. Each technique is described, as follows:

1. Observation sheets

Observation sheets of this research were consisted about teacher‘s teaching

performance and students‘ learning performance. In this research, the main

English teacher act as an observer who observed teaching and learning process in

the classroom. The writer was used four gradation responds as stated by Arikunto

as follows:

4 -very high, very good, very active, etc.

3 -high, good, active, etc.

2 -low, bad, passive, etc.

1 -very low, very bad, very passive, etc.

4 and 3 categorized as ―High‖

1 and 2 categorized as ―Low‖4

The observer was asked to choose the best one which describes the real condition

that happened in the class by giving a checklist mark.

2. Interview

Several interviews were done in order to get the data from the English teacher

and the students. The interview questions involved teacher‘s and students‘

4 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2013),. p. 146.


perspective regarding English teaching and learning which occurred in the

classroom. The writer was asked four students to be the informants and interview

them separately in order to prevent the same statements among them. From the

interview result, the writer was analyzed the teacher‘s and students‘ responds.

3. Field Note

The use of field note is to explain furthermore about classroom climate in a

description form. Andrew P. Jhonson stated that field note was a written

observation about the occurrence that took place in the classroom.5 Five aspects

were observed; students‘ learning process which means whether they are capable

to follow the lesson, teacher‘s teaching process which means the capability of the

teacher to interact and deliver the lesson, classroom condition during the teaching

and learning process, teacher‘s knowledge about SFV strategy, and the respond of

the students toward SFV strategy as the strategy used in descriptive writing

process. The observer was in charge to make a written description in every


4. Tests

There are pre-test and post-test used in this research. The pattern of the

writing test between pre-test and post-test were the same; the difference was

located in the theme of descriptive text. The students were asked to write

descriptive text for 200 words with certain theme and they have to do it in the

specified time. When the time is over, the students have to collect their text to the

writer. In the pre-test, the writer asked them to write a text in order to see how far

their understanding about writing aspects. Then, after being treated by using SFV

strategy, the writer conducted a post-test to see whether the strategy help them to

reach the goal.

5. Rubric

There is a rubric used in this research. The rubric was guidance to measure

students‘ descriptive text assignment. It was adapted from Jacobs et al. in Weigle

5 Andrew P. Johnson, A Short Guide to Action Research, (New york: Pearson Education,

2008), p. 83.


and measuring four main aspects; content, organization, grammar, vocabulary,

and mechanics.6 It is shown as follows:

Table 3.1

Assessment Rubrics for Writing

Adapted from Jacobs et al. in Weigle

Aspect Score Criteria

Content (C)

- Topic

- Details

30-27 Relevant to the topic, give the detail information,

and match the purpose of descriptive text.

26-22 Mostly relevant to the topic, lacks of detail.

21-17 Inadequate development of the topic, almost match

the purpose of descriptive text.

16-13 Does not relate to the topic, does not match the

purpose of descriptive text.



- Identification

- Description

20-18 Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated, well-

organized, logical sequencing, cohesive.

17-14 Loosely organized, limited support, logical but

incomplete sequencing.

13-10 Non-fluent, ideas confused or unconnected, lacks of

logical development and sequencing.

9-7 Does not communicate, no organization, not enough

to evaluate.

Grammar (G)

- Use present


- Agreement

25-22 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies.

21-18 Several grammatical or agreement inaccuracies but

meaning seldom obscured.

17-11 Frequent grammatical or agreement inaccuracies

and meaning confused or obscured.

10-5 Dominated by grammatical or agreement

6 Sara Cushing Weigle, Assessing Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002),

p. 116.



Vocabulary (V)

20-18 Use effective word/word choice/word usage, word

from mastery.

17-14 Occasional errors of word form, choice, but

meaning not obscured.

13-10 Frequent errors of word form, choice, usage, and

meaning confused/obscured.

9-7 Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, and

not understandable.

Mechanics (M)

- Spelling

- Punctuation

- Capitalization

5 It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and


4 It has occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, and


3 It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, and

capitalization or poor handwriting.

2 It is dominated by errors of spelling, punctuations,

and capitalization or handwriting illegible

Total score = C+O+G+V+M

I. Technique of Data Analysis

The qualitative data were gathered from interview, which was done before

and after CAR implementation, and the observation sheets and field note which

was done by the observer during the implementation. To analyze the quantitative

data, the writer calculates the average of students‘ writing score in one cycle. It is

used to grasp the students‘ ability in writing skill. The formula used as follows7:


Mx = ──


7 Anas Sudijono. (2008). Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, p.




Mx : mean

Σx : sum individual score

N : number of students

After that, to get the class percentages which pass the Minimal Mastery Criterion

(KKM), the writer used the formula below8:


P = ── X 100%



P : the class percentage

F : total percentage score

N : number of students

The next step, the writer had to analyze the development that the students got

from their pre-test, post-test in cycle one and post-test in cycle two. To find the

result, the formulas below were used:

y1 - y

P = ─── X 100%



P : percentage of students‘ improvement

y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test 1

8 Ibid, p. 43.


y2 - y

P = ─── X 100%



P : percentage of students‘ improvement

y : pre-test result

y2: post-test 2

J. Trustworthiness of the Research

In conducting this research, the writer has to make sure that all the data are

valid. In checking the validity, triangulation method is utilized by the writer.

According to Creswell, triangulation is defined as the process of corroborating

evidence from different individuals (e.g., a principal and a student), types of data

(e.g., observational fieldnotes and interviews), or methods of data collection (e.g.,

documents and interviews) in descriptions. The inquirer examines each

information source and finds evidence to support a theme. This ensures that the

study will be accurate because the information draws on multiple sources of

information, individuals, or processes. In this way, it encourages the researcher to

develop a report that is both accurate and credible.9

Furthermore, Yeasmin and Rahman stated that triangulation is a process of

verification that increases validity by incorporating several viewpoints and


In addition, Johnson also stated that triangulation can be achieved by

gathering distinct type of data, using the distinct data sources, gathering data at

different period, and by asking other people to evaluate the data to get the

accuracy and adjust the findings11

. According to Yeasmin and Rahman,

triangulation method in social sciences refers to the combination of two or more

9 John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research-Fourth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education, 2012), p. 259. 10

Yeasmin, Sabina & Rahman, Ferdousour Khan. (2012). Triangulation Research Method as

the Tool of Social Science Research. BUP Journal, 1(1), pp. 154 – 163. 11

Johnson, op. cit. p. 102.


theories, data sources, methods or investigators in one study of a single

phenomenon to converge on a single construct, and can be employed in both

quantitative (validation) and qualitative (inquiry) studies. Bellows the basic

triangulation research model12


Related to this method, there are four kinds of triangulation13

; (a) method

triangulation, (b) triangulation of sources, (c) analyst triangulation, (d)

theory/perspective triangulation. Firstly, there is method triangulation. It is a

triangulation that involves more than one alternative to collect data, such as

interviews, observations, questionnaires, and documents. Secondly, it is

triangulation of sources which is used to examine the consistency of various data

sources from within the same method, such as in public vs. private settings, and

comparing people who have different point of view. Thirdly, there is analyst

triangulation which involves multiple analysts to review findings or using

multiple analysts and observers. The goal of analyst triangulation is not to seek

consensus, but to understand multiple ways of seeing the data. Lastly, there is

theory/perspective triangulation which uses multiple theoretical perspectives to

review and interpret the data. From these kinds of triangulation, this action

research is using method triangulation in facilitating the validation of the data.

In other words, to achieve validity, the writer will be used triangulation as a

method to measure accuracy from different instruments that being used in this

research. In this classroom action research, the data will be taken from

observation, field note and interview which it will be cooperated with the result

test which will be measured based on the arranged rubric.


Yeasmin & Rahman, op. cit. p. 156. 13

Johnson Honorene, Understanding The Role of Triangulation in Research, Scholarly

Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 2017, pp. 91 — 95.


Qualitative research Quantitative research


K. Criterion of the Action Success

Criterion (KKM), at least, there should be 75% of the students who need to

reach the target score. The target score of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat for

English lesson is 75 (seventy five). In this case, the writer has to develop 75% of

students‘ ability in writing skill to reach the criteria success.




This chapter presents the research findings and discussion from the classroom

action research pre-implementation, cycle I, and cycle II. Each cycle in this

research consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The details of the

process are presented below.

A. Findings in the Pre-implementation of the CAR

Before implementing the research, the information was gathered through

observation, interview and pre-test. The explanations were as follows:

1. The Result of Observation

The observation was conducted on Thursday, March 21st

2019 at 8-D

classroom of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat at 11:20 AM to 13:10 AM. It was

conducted to know the teaching and learning process before implementing the

Classroom Action Research (CAR). From the observation, it can be seen the

teacher was teaching the students by using teacher-centered approach, a classic

way in teaching and learning process. It meant the activity in the class is centered

on the teacher with the typical PPP (presentation-practice-production). The

teacher was leading the classroom activity in one way communication, so the

students became passive and not interested to the lesson. When the teacher read a

passage from English book, the students didn‘t even listen carefully. They were

chose to talk with their friends without paying attention to what is explained by

the teacher. Furthermore, when the teacher explained the lesson in English

language, there were many students raised their voice by saying that they didn‘t

understand the meaning. Next, after the explanation of the lesson from the teacher,

she asked the students to answer several questions from their English book as a

practice. According to the writer, it was clear enough when the teacher explained

the lesson and the instruction was quite well. It was only because of the one way

communication which makes the students feel bored and not enthusiast. It can be

seen from their respond during the lesson in the classroom.


2. The Result of Interview

a. Interview of the Teacher

The interview towards the teacher in the pre-implementation of the CAR was

conducted on Tuesday, March 26th

2019. The interviewee was Mrs. Didah

Nuryatin, S. Pd., the English teacher of 8-D class. It was conducted inside the

teachers‘ room of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat. The writer proposed several

questions related to the teacher‘s experience in teaching English, especially in

writing aspect.

Based on the teacher‘s answer, students are enthusiast in learning English.

Even though the lesson is not yet taught in the class, they are able to understand it

autodidact and they recognize several vocabularies related to the lesson. However,

the students are sometimes lazy and lack of curiosity to find the meaning of

vocabulary that is difficult to understand. It is also happened when they are

learning English writing, so when there are obstacles, they are often confused to

solve them. Furthermore, in learning descriptive text, the students often find

difficulty to explain and express their ideas in written text. It is because they

rarely practice and forget some vocabulary.

Next, in teaching English, the teacher usually involves the students to decide

the method or strategy to be applied in the class. For example, they choose what

game or ice breaking to be played during the lesson, and if the situation of the

class starts to be full of pressure or the weather is hot, she asks the students to

body stretch or massage each other so they can be more relax. Furthermore, in

teaching writing specifically descriptive text, she usually uses game, such as

jumble word or group discussion. In forming group discussion, she tries to mix

the student with low ability in English with the one who is better so they can help

each other. Moreover, in order to gain the students‘ vocabulary memorization, the

students are given vocabulary collection to be memorized and they will deposit

vocabulary that has been memorized routinely. Another way is she asks the

students to underline the difficult vocabulary from their English text book and

asks them to find its meaning.


Then, the writer asked whether the teacher knows about SFV Strategy in

teaching descriptive writing. She said that she never heard what SFV Strategy is.

In addition, she only knew about mind mapping technique. It means she knows

one of the step of SFV which is mind mapping technique and it was the first time

for her to know about SFV Strategy.

b. Interview of the Students

The interview towards the students in the pre-implementation of the CAR

was conducted on the same day as the teacher interview which was on Tuesday,

March 26th

2019. It was conducted inside the 8-D classroom and the writer called

the interviewee one by one while the others were waiting outside the classroom.

The writer separated them in purpose; they weren‘t allowed to copy another

interviewees‘ answer. The interviewees were four students with different English

learning condition; one student with average English skill who loves English (S1),

one smart student who always get the highest rank (S2), one pro-active student in

the class (S3), and one student who was not pro-active in the class during English

lesson (S4). The writer asked several questions about their experience in learning

English in the class.

Based on their answer, they love English lesson. S1 and S3 were having

similar idea; they want to learn English intensively for their future work and their

goal to go abroad. S3 added that English will help him to get into a university and

learning English is a key of his success. Furthermore, S2 said English is unique

language which makes him curious to find more about the language. S4 has

different answer; she loves English because it is fun to be learned. By learning

English, she will be able to talk with native to know more about English.

Moreover, the four of them said speaking skill is the hardest English skill to be

learned, in other words, they didn‘t feel writing is difficult. The only difficulty in

writing English, specially descriptive text, is they are stuck by their mother tongue

which makes them sometimes takes more time to finish drafting a descriptive text.

It is because they are rarely practice writing English.


Next, the writer asked about the English teacher in teaching descriptive text.

They said the teacher teaches them by explaining what descriptive text is, its

structure, and she gives examples of descriptive text so the students can

understand more about the lesson. They said the way she teaches them is fun and

easy going, but she is rarely combines her teaching with games. Furthermore, the

students explain their expectation in learning English. First, S1 said she wants an

English class with question and answer session and pro-active discussion. Second,

S2 said he needs visual learning, such as animations and pictures, and he prefers

group work during the English lesson. Third, S3 said he wants more practice in

English. For example, the teacher should provide an audio-video material during

the lesson. By using audio-video, he is able to listen to every words and practice

how to write it. Lastly, S4 said she prefers self-learning. She is more comfortable

to learn English by her own without doing group work or discussion. She also

added the teacher‘s instruction should be clearer so she is able to understand.

Since the standard of minimum score in English lesson at this school is 75,

the writer asked the students whether it is difficult or not. Two of them said it is

difficult to be reach and two others were saying it is not that hard. Furthermore,

the writer asked whether the students knew about SFV Strategy as a strategy that

could be applied in writing, they said they had never known it before. It meant

that it was the first time they heard about the strategy.

3. The Result of Pre-test

The pre-test was held on the same day as the interview session, it was on

Tuesday, March 26th

2019 at 8-D classroom. There were 27 students who

followed the test. The students were asked to write descriptive text about their

school. Once the pre-test was done, the writer found the mean was only 67.85, in

which there were only 8 out of 27 students or 29.6% of them who scored 75

points or more to pass the standard score. From the 8 students, 4 got score 75 and

4 got more than 75. Hence, it meant that the result was still so far from the

criterion of success.

The result of the pre-test itself is presented in this following table:



The Students Score in the Pre-test


2 75*

3 78*

4 51

5 77*

6 75*

7 67

8 66

9 75*

10 68

11 56

12 65

13 79*

14 69

15 56

16 74

17 54

18 73

19 75*

20 69

21 70

22 61

23 67

24 59

25 64

26 78*

27 69

TOTAL 1823

MEAN 67.51

*) Students‘ score that passed the standard minimum score or KKM.


Below is the chart of the students‘ pre-test score:

Chart 4.1

The Result of Students’ Pre-Test

The calculation of the mean score was as follows:


Mx = ──



= ──


= 67.51

Then, the calculation of the percentage of students who passed the KKM was like

in the following:











Score <75 Score 75 Score >75

The Result of Students'Pre-Test Score



P = ── X 100%



= ── X 100%


= 29.62%

Based on the table 4.1 and the chart of students‘ pre-test score above, the

percentage shows 29.62% or 8 students have passed the standard minimum score

criterion (75). The highest score was 79 and the lowest score was 51. The students

who achieved the highest score were already fulfilled the criteria in the writing

rubrics. Meanwhile, the rest who still achieved low score were 19 in total or about

70.38% students. It means that they need a lot of development in their descriptive

writing skill. Therefore, the writer conducted the Classroom Action Research by

using SFV (Sensory Detail, Figurative Language, and Vivid Words) Strategy. It

was expected that SFV Strategy can develop the students‘ writing of descriptive

text through its steps; free-writing, whilst-writing, and post-writing.

B. Findings in the Implementation of the CAR

The action research was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle was held on

March 28th

2019 to April 4th

2019. Meanwhile, the second cycle was held on April


2019 to April 16th 2019. The sample of the research was the students of 8-D

class which consisted of 27 students in total. The research took place at 8-D

classroom. In this action research, the writer intended to encourage the students in

organizing and writing descriptive text by using SFV Strategy. Since the students

were new to SFV Strategy and its steps, so the writer applied and explain each

steps gently to assure the students‘ comprehension on how to write descriptive


text by using SFV Strategy. The explanation of the activities in each cycle is

explained below:

1. CAR (Classroom Action Research) Cycle I

a. Planning

In the planning phase, the writer prepared the research need for the

implementation of CAR cycle I. In this phase, the writer arranged several

necessities based on the findings of preliminary study. The necessities consisted

of lesson plan, hand out of the lesson for students, students‘ group-work names,

observation sheets, field notes, and post-test 1. In this cycle, the writer prepared

two different lesson plans for two meetings. In creating the lesson plan, the writer

discussed it with the teacher and considered the findings of pre-implementation

CAR which were observation result, interview result, and pre-test result. There

were several problems that have to be solved in teaching the students, such as the

one way communication of the teacher and the classic teaching method. It was

made the students feel bored and lack of attention and response. In addition,

before each student writes descriptive text, the English teacher suggests the writer

to divide the students into many groups as a warm up. Therefore, the writer

included group-work in the lesson plan. In dividing the groups, the writer

prepared small papers as many as the total of the students. The small papers were

written by the writer with adjective words as the groups‘ name; brave, smart, kind,

friendly, cheerful, and honest. So, there were six groups in the class. Meanwhile,

in the second meeting, the writer teaches SFV steps in writing descriptive text.

Next, the writer prepared observation sheets and field notes. These

instruments used to observe teaching and learning process that took place in the

classroom. The aspects were included the teacher‘s performance and the students‘

performance. Furthermore, documentation tool, such as camera is used to take

photos in the classroom. The last preparation was to make writing test for post-test

1. The students instructed to write 200 words of descriptive text with specific

theme which determined by the writer. For the post-test 1, the theme was about


―Best Friend‖. By this theme, each student was allowed to write a creative text

about describing their best friend.

b. Acting

In this acting phase, the implementation of the planning that has been planned

is done. Here, the writer acted as the teacher who did the action by teaching

students of 8-D class by using SFV Strategy. There were three meetings in the

cycle one included the meeting to conduct post-test 1. The first meeting was on

March 28th

2019, the second meeting was on April 2nd

2019, and the third meeting

was on April 4th

2019. The theme for the first cycle was ―Best Friend‖ and so the

post-test 1 theme. Thus, each meeting in this cycle was discussing topics related

to describing people.

In the first meeting of the cycle one, the writer gave some motivation to the

students related to learn English language and the importance of learning

descriptive text. It was meaningful for the students because they were having a lot

of energy and enthusiasm after given motivation. In this motivation session, the

writer also told the students about the teacher‘s experience as a competitor of

English speech competition. As a part of English speech preparation, the writer

made the speech text by creating mind map which is the part of SFV Strategy.

Through the story, the writer told the students about the function of mind map in

organizing mind concept. Since the story was related to the lesson, the respond of

the students was full of enthusiasm. After telling the story, the writer started to

discuss about descriptive text.

Firstly, as the lesson plan had been planned, the writer spread all the small

papers or the name tag to the students which has been filled by several adjective

words. There were six words; brave, smart, kind, friendly, cheerful, and honest.

The writer was using adjective words because it is related to human attribute that

can be used by the students to explain somebody‘s character in describing people.

The students who got ―brave‖ must gathered with the students who got the same

words as a group. It was also done with the other words; smart, kind, friendly,

cheerful, and honest. If all the students have got the name tag, they have to put it


on their right shoulder, so everyone could see and check whether each of them

gathered with the correct group. The purpose of this activity was to make sure all

the students were blending together. Since the writer saw them gathered only with

their close friends, so by doing this activity, the students could communicate with

all of their classmates. After the students gathered with their groups, the writer

asked each group about the meaning of their group‘s name. Each group was able

to answer the meaning of their group‘s name. Next, the writer instructed the

students to point a person from their group as a group‘s leader. The writer wanted

to have a coordinator for each group, so when the condition of the class was out of

control, the leader of each group could help the teacher in controlling the group. It

is also purposed to develop the students‘ leadership and confidence. After that, the

writer gave a paper of descriptive text ―My Best Friend, Ernesto‖ and its blank

mind map to each group in the classroom.

Firstly, the writer asked the students to read the passage. After reading the

passage, the writer gave several clues on how to complete the empty mind map.

Secondly, the students tried to fill the empty mind map with their group. Since

mind map is a new term to the students, the writer wanted them to get the answer

by recognizing the mind map through the blank one from the teacher. Mostly, the

students were confused, only a few of them who were able to fill it correctly.

Next, the writer explained about descriptive text, mind mapping, and discussed

with the students about how to answer the mind map of ―My Best Friend,

Ernesto‖ passage. Furthermore, the writer came to the point of mind map as the

part of SFV Strategy which is a strategy in arranging descriptive text. In addition,

the writer explained about SFV strategy in descriptive writing. During the

explanation, students had chances to ask questions related to the topic. Lastly, the

writer asked the students to submit their work and closed the class by concluding

the lesson and telling the students about topic for the next meeting.

In the second meeting, the writer gave the explanation about the three steps of

SFV. Before the explanation of SFV steps, the writer explained what SFV are in

detail. First, the writer explained about sensory details and its examples. It was not

difficult to explain what sensory details are because sensory details involved the


sense of sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. Sensory details helped the students to

explain people from what they have seen, heard, etc. in real condition. Second, the

writer explained about figurative language and its examples. Third, the writer

explained about vivid words and its examples. Since figurative language and vivid

words is new term for the students, so the writer showed figurative language

examples by using PowerPoint slides. Next, the writer provided the three steps of

SFV and descriptive text example about describing people. After that, the students

were asked to practice writing a descriptive text by using SFV strategy. The

practice was guided by the writer. First, the students were guided to do free-

writing which consists of brainstorming ideas and creating mind map. The writer

gave them 10 minutes to find ideas and 10 minutes to create mind map. From the

mind map, the students were able to arrange a descriptive text in a good

organization. Second, the writer guided the students to include sensory details,

figurative language, and vivid words into their writing as the part of whilst-

writing. Third, the students were given time to check their work and revise it if

there were mistakes. During the descriptive writing practice, the students were

allowed to use dictionary. Lastly, the writer asked one volunteer from each row to

present their descriptive writing.

In the third meeting, the writer conducted the post-test 1. Before conducting

the post-test, the writer asked the students to review the lesson from the previous

meeting by answering questions given by the writer. Then, in giving the post-test,

the writer asked the students to write not more than 200 words of descriptive text

about ―Best friend‖. They were given time 40 minutes to write the text as creative

as possible and not to forget the generic structure of descriptive text which

consists of identification and description.

c. Observing

In observing phase, the writer observed the teaching and learning process by

using field notes and observation sheets. Since the writer cannot observe herself

during the activity in the classroom, the writer asked a collaborator which was the


English teacher of 8-D to observe her. The result of the observation sheets is

provided on the appendix section of this research.

In the first meeting, the situation of the classroom was fresh and full of

energy. It was because the schedule of English lesson for this day was at the first

and second hours. In other words, it was held in the morning. Thus, the classroom

was still clean, tidy, and adequate for the teaching and learning process. The

students were also full of energy and they were excited to learn about SFV

strategy in descriptive writing. Since most of them love drawing activity, they

were curious about creating mind map. Furthermore, the writer was trying to

create a fun learning for the students through group work and discussion.

The writer who acted as a teacher tried to be more communicative and open

mind by inviting the students to share their opinion about the material. They were

paying attention when the writer told a story about her experiences related to mind

map and they were also listen carefully when the writer gave them motivation

about learning English specially descriptive text. However, when the students

were divided into groups, they started to be more active by talking with their

friends in their group. It is actually good especially for discussion session. In

contrary, it was not good because they were sometimes talking when the writer

explaining material. On the other hand, the condition was controllable since the

writer asked the students to point a person from each group as a leader. The leader

helped the writer in controlling the groups. Therefore, the class was remaining

conducive during the activity in the first meeting.

In the second meeting, the students were no longer worked in a group. The

class was felt quieter because neither group work nor discussion was held. Only

several students were actively asking questions about the material when they

found something they don‘t understand yet. However, a few students didn‘t pay

attention to the material explained by the writer. Moreover, the schedule of the

lesson was in the afternoon at the end of school hours. Thus, it was a challenge to

get the students‘ focus during the lesson. Furthermore, there were several students

who tried to cheat by copying their friends‘ text when the writer gave a practice.


Hence, the writer was checking the students by approaching their seat one by one

and asking them whether or not they could finish the assignment.

d. Reflecting

In reflecting phase, the writer and the English teacher evaluated the result of

the teaching and learning process. Refer to the data from field notes and the

observation sheets, the students made a progress, even though it was not

significant in all aspects yet. Several students were developed their descriptive

text, especially in organizing the text and content. However, their vocabulary was

still need development, and they had problem in using conjunction and

punctuation marks. Furthermore, the writer and the English teacher discussed the

strength and weakness of the actions and the post-test 1. By recognizing what to

be developed and improved, the writer could be better in preparing the needs for

the action and the post-test in cycle two, so the result could be better as well. The

weakness of the cycle one was happened in the second meeting. Since it was held

in the afternoon, the students needed to be given ice breaking or game to get their

focus back. According to the English teacher, the strength of the cycle one was the

writer who was able to blend with the students easily hence there was no awkward

moment and the students was full of respect to the writer. Thus, it made the

students respect to the lesson delivered by the writer. After evaluating the cycle

one process, the writer also calculated students‘ post-test 1 using writing rubric.

The purpose was to see if the teaching strategies could bring positive development

for their writing descriptive text ability. The result of the test attached on table 4.2



The Students Score in the Post-test 1


1 68

2 79*

3 79*



4 55

5 77*

6 75*

7 66

8 70

9 75*

10 67

11 61

12 72

13 77*

14 72

15 65

16 68

17 63

18 76*

19 77*

20 75*

21 75*

22 66

23 75*

24 66

25 69

26 76*

27 73

TOTAL 1917

MEAN 71.00

*) Students‘ score that passed the standard minimum score or KKM.


The result of the students‘ post-test 1 is also provided by using the following


Chart 4.2

The Result of Students’ Post-Test 1

Based on the table 4.2 and the chart above, there are 12 or 44.44% of students

who passed the minimum mastery criterion. Therefore, there are 4 additional

students who passed the standard minimum score. After being taught by using

SFV Strategy, the students are able to organize the descriptive text in a better way.

The brainstorming phase is the chance for the students to explore more ideas as

much as possible. The phase is also supported by sensory detail phase in whilst-

writing which involved their five senses. Then, after given explanation and

practice about how to create a mind map, the students can sort the ideas that have

been obtained during the brainstorming process and choose which important or

central point of the topic that must be written down on paper. Conforming to the

development, there are four students who did not pass the minimum score in the

pre-test but they pass it in post-test 1. See table 4.1 and table 4.2 to compare their

test score. However, according to the data, the other 15 or 55.56% of them had not

reached the minimum mastery criterion which is 75 and very few students use

figurative language and vivid words in their text. The students had not reached the

criterion yet because of their limited vocabulary and they still need more











Score <75 Score 75 Score >75

The Result of Students'Post-Test 1 Score


development for their language use and mechanics of the text. Their vocabulary

was limited in range, confused in meaning, and there were errors in vocabulary

choice. Moreover, the language use is needed to be developed, such as the use of

conjunction and the students made mistakes by placing punctuation marks in

wrong place. Since the cycle one is not successful yet, that is why the cycle two is

needed to be conducted.

2. CAR (Classroom Action Research) Cycle II

a. Planning

Since several students had not reached the standard minimum score (75), the

writer conducted cycle two in this action research. Thus, it is necessary to modify

the lesson plans that had been made in cycle one. The English teacher helped the

writer by giving some advices that could be worked to develop students‘ writing

descriptive text. She gave advice about focusing on writing descriptive text by

using SFV strategy in cycle two without group work because the group work was

used as a warm up in cycle one and the writer agreed with the decision. Moreover,

reflected from the cycle one, the students still need development in vocabulary,

conjunction, and punctuation marks. Thus, in this cycle, the writer provided lists

of vocabulary regarding animal description and discuss with the students about

their errors on conjunction and punctuation marks. The writer provided feedback

regarding the problem by discussing one of the students‘ results and showing the

correct form of errors that occur. In addition, the writer provided lists of figurative

language and vivid words that can be used by the students in writing descriptive

text about animal for this cycle. The writer also prepared ice breaking to be

applied during the lesson to make students more focus in case they are distracted

during the activity in the class. Furthermore, the writer prepared observation

sheets, field note, interview guideline, and documentation tool for this cycle. The

last requirement was post-test 2 instruction and answer sheets. The theme for this

cycle is animal. So, the lesson plan consisted about how to describe animal and

the test was about it as well.


b. Acting

In this acting phase, the action was based on the plan in planning phase. Here,

the writer acted as the teacher who did the action by teaching the students of 8-D

class by using SFV Strategy. There were three meetings in this cycle included the

meeting to conduct post-test 2. The first meeting was on April 9th

2019, the second

meeting was on April 11th

2019, and the third meeting was on April 16th


In the first meeting of the cycle two, the writer started the class by giving

motivation. Motivation is important for the students of 8-D class because they

were always needed to be motivated before the lesson started. Furthermore, since

the theme of this cycle is animal, the students were more interested to the topic

because most of them had pets in their house. In accordance to that, the writer

provided examples of animal description and its mind map, and list of vocabulary

regarding animal description. After that, the writer started to discuss about the

steps of SFV; free-writing, whilst-writing, and post-writing.

First, in free-writing, the writer guided the students to brainstorm ideas started

from finding main ideas until developing the main ideas into supporting details.

Firstly, the students were given guidance to create a list of ideas and details

related to the subject that being discussed. The focus is on neither the grammar

nor selecting major and minor details; it is only about exploring what to write

since finding ideas is challenging if students were not accustomed in writing. In

other words, the main goal was to collect raw material about the subject. It can be

started from simple questions, for example, ―What is my favorite animal?‖, ―What

animal that interests you the most?‖ After that, students have to decide which part

of the animal is specific and vivid to be developed into paragraph. These

questions were helpful to make the students recognized the topic. In order to make

the brainstorming easier, students were guided to create mind map so it can be

easier to organize the ideas. For example, a mind map of zebra. Zebra as the main

topic of the mind map has many parts, such as the physical appearance,

reproduction, food, and its habitat. Thus, the students were only need to focus on

explaining the physical appearance, reproduction, food, and its habitat.


Second, in whilst-writing, the students were guided by the writer to explore

sensory details. Sensory details involved the five senses of human, such as sight,

sound, smell, taste, and touch. Since it was about Zebra, then the students have to

explain how the Zebra looks like; its sound, whether it is barking or braying; its

smell, it may has a distinctive smell of chewed grass; etc. After that, the list of

sensory details was described by using figurative language, such as ―The Zebra

greeted me by making high-pitched noise.‖ There were many kinds of figurative

language, such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, and

onomatopoeia. In this sentence, personification was used because human feature

was given to the Zebra in ―The Zebra greeted‖. It is supposed to be human who

can greet somebody, not an animal. Besides, figurative languages may be difficult

for students to be explored. So, the writer gave example in advance by using more

examples of descriptive text from several sources. However, not all sentences in

the students‘ descriptive text demand figurative languages. At least, their written

text contains of figurative languages that have been learned. Lastly, teacher asks

students to use vivid words in describing the Zebra. For instance, ―The Zebra‘s

tail fluttered its rear body‖ or ―The smallest Zebra gobbled all of its food until it

remained‖. Rather than using ―eat‖ to describe the starving Zebra, ―gobble‖

explains it better and vividly. In asking the students to use vivid words, the writer

gave lists of related vivid words and allowed the students in using dictionary so

they were able to explore the words by themselves.

Third, in post-writing, feedback was given by the writer after the writing task

has been completed by the students. In this step, mistakes and errors are

highlighted and corrected, and suggestions for development were provided. When

the students were arranging the text, the writer was approaching their seat one by

one to check the mistakes or errors. Since the students still need development on

using conjunction and punctuation marks, the writer focused to check it.

Furthermore, the writer asked the students to do collaborative work by giving

correction and feedback to their classmates. In revising the text, it may not finish

at once because the students may revise, re-plan, redraft, and edit the text again

before they present it in front of the class. After all the revision has been done, the


teacher asks students to present their writing to their classmates in front of the


In the second meeting, the writer reviewed the previous meeting‘s material to

check whether or not the students still remember what have been discussed. After

that, the writer started the class by giving motivation and explained again the three

steps of SFV. In this meeting, the writer gave more examples about describing

animals. After that, the students were asked to practice creating a descriptive text

about animal. It can be cat, snake, fish, etc. They were allowed to create a text

about their pets or other animals. For instance, they were allowed to describe an

animal they see in a zoo, on the road to school, in a garden near their house, etc.

In the third meeting, the writer conducted the post-test 2. Before conducting

the post-test, the writer asked the students to review the lesson from the previous

meeting by answering questions given by the writer. Then, in giving the post-test,

the writer asked the students to write not more than 200 words of descriptive text

about animal. They were given time 40 minutes to write the text. The writer asked

the students not to forget the generic structure of descriptive text which consists of

identification and description.

c. Observing

In this phase, the teaching and learning process has been observed through the

observation checklist when the writer did the teaching and learning process. Same

as the cycle one, the writer collaborated with the English teacher to help the writer

in observing the classroom. From the observation sheets, it could be taken what

happened in the classroom when the students started to follow the learning

process. Even though the students were needed to be motivated in every meeting,

they were much more interested into the lesson in cycle two than in cycle one.

They were more enthusiast and confident when the class was started. They were

listening to the material very well and pay attention during the lesson. They were

active in giving questions if there is something they didn‘t understand and they

were giving opinion when the writer asked them to.


Furthermore, same as what happened in cycle one; the students were

interested to learn about mind map because they loved to do an activity which

involved creativity, such as drawing and coloring. Since the students were refer to

the ―animal‖ topic, so they were also curious when the writer gave explanation

about describing animals by using SFV. However, several students got difficulties

to understand the material. It was because they were new to SFV terms.

In addition, during the assignment time, there were still some students who

got stuck in finding ideas and they were spending more time in finishing mind

map. When this was happened, the writer observed the student who was more

capability helped the students who got difficulties without being asked to.

d. Reflecting

In reflecting phase, the writer and the English teacher collected all the

instruments that were used in this cycle. It could be seen the students showed

development in following the lesson and they were developing their writing

descriptive text by using SFV. Even though it was not perfect, the students were

better in describing something, in this cycle was about describing animal. They

knew how to organize a text properly and thought about the content of the text

very carefully. Some of them confused about figurative language and vivid words,

but they were developing a lot in organizing the text. In cycle one, the writer still

difficult to understand what the students wrote. The point of their sentences was

unclear and sometimes they stopped their sentences in wrong position.

Meanwhile, in cycle two, the students‘ writing was clearer and better. Although

several students were trying hard to write, it was not a big problem since the other

students helped them. They were not only more involved actively during the

lesson, but they were also helping each other without being asked to do it. In other

words, they helped their friends with their own initiative.

Moreover, in cycle two, the students were more attentive than in cycle one.

None of them were talking to their friends when the writer taught them. In this

cycle, the environment felt more enjoyable. Most of the students were no longer

strange to the terms of SFV so it was not very hard to teach the students. Besides


the effort, the students‘ curiosity was one thing which made them developed better

in this cycle.

The writer also calculated and analyzed the post-test in this cycle. The result

is provided on the table 4.3 below:


The Students Score in the Post-test 2


1 74

2 81*

3 79*

4 64

5 80*

6 78*

7 75*

8 75*

9 77*

10 75*

11 69

12 79*

13 82*

14 78*

15 73

16 75*

17 71

18 78*

19 80*

20 79*

21 78*

22 77*



23 77*

24 76*

25 78*

26 78*

27 76*

TOTAL 2062

MEAN 76.73

*) Students‘ score that passed the standard minimum score or KKM.

Below is the chart of the post-test 2 score:

Chart 4.3

The Result of Students’ Post-Test 2

Based on the data above, there were 22 or 81.48% students who passed the

standard minimum score in the post-test 2. Since the criterion of the success on

classroom action research is 75% and more than 75% of the students of 8-D class

had fulfilled the requirement, the treatment in this research is stopped. After being

taught by using SFV, the students developed their writing and they were getting











Score <75 Score 75 Score >75

The Result of Students'Post-Test 2 Score


more confidence, that they were no longer find significant difficulties, such as

jotting down the ideas, put the ideas into sentences and paragraph, and they got

new way in dealing with descriptive text by making mind map. Therefore, the

writer and the English teacher concluded that with the right strategies and right

treatments, applying SFV Strategy to write descriptive text for the 8-D pupils by

can bring positive development on their writing descriptive text ability.

Furthermore, the writer provides the students‘ score in pre-test, post-test 1 in the

first cycle, and post-test 2 in the second cycle in the table below:

Table 4.4

The Students’ Mean Score in Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2









1 53 68 74

2 75* 79* 81*

3 78* 79* 79*

4 51 55 64

5 77* 77* 80*

6 75* 75* 78*

7 67 66 75*

8 66 70 75*

9 75* 75* 77*

10 68 67 75*

11 56 61 69

12 65 72 79*

13 79* 77* 82*

14 69 72 78*

15 56 65 73

16 74 68 75*

17 54 63 71

18 73 76* 78*










19 75* 77* 80*

20 69 75* 79*

21 70 75* 78*

22 61 66 77*

23 67 75* 77*

24 59 66 76*

25 64 69 78*

26 78* 76* 78*

27 69 73 76*

TOTAL 1823 1917 2062

MEAN 67.51 71.00 76.73

*) Students‘ score that passed the standard minimum score or KKM.

According to the table above, the mean score gained from pre-test to post-test 1

and from post-test 1 to post-test 2. Before being taught by using SFV, the mean

score of the students in pre-test is 67.51 which mean the students had not reached

the KKM yet. After SFV is applied in cycle one, the mean score is 71.00. Even

though it is developed, but it is not qualified as successful because it had not

reached the KKM (75) yet. Furthermore, the cycle two was conducted by

improving the lesson plan of cycle one. The result of post-test 2 is 76.73 which

mean it is passed 75 as mean of all students‘ score. Therefore, from pre-test to

post-test 1, the mean score gained 3.49 while from post-test 1 to post-test 2, the

mean score gained 5.73. It can be summarized the students mean score is

developed after being taught by using SFV Strategy in writing descriptive text.

C. Findings in the Post Implementation of the CAR

After the SFV Strategy implementation, the findings were gathered through

interview, observation, field-note, and post-test. Each of them was explained

furthermore, as follow:


1. The Result of Post-interview

a. Interview of the English Teacher

After finishing all the stages of classroom action research, the writer

conducted a structured post-interview with the English teacher of SMP

Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat. The interview towards the teacher in the post-

implementation of the CAR was conducted on Thursday, May 9, 2019. The

interviewee was Mrs. Didah Nuryatin, S. Pd., the English teacher of 8-D class. It

was conducted inside the teachers‘ room of SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat. The

interview was discussed about teacher‘s perspective after the implementation of

SFV strategy and its chance to be used for further learning, especially for

descriptive writing.

The teacher agreed if SFV is applied into English teaching and learning

process. Since SFV consists of sensory details, figurative language, and vivid

words, the teacher thought it can be applied for another genre related to writing

text. Since the teacher was also new to the strategy, so the action research that has

been done in her classroom was an insight for the teacher. SFV strategy was

interesting for the teacher as well. Furthermore, according to the teacher, the

students seem more interested when SFV was applied because it makes the lesson

no longer boring to be followed. The teacher said the students need something

new for their learning experience and learning descriptive text by using SFV

strategy was one good alternative. Because of that, the students were trained to

recognize the structure of the text, be more aware of the organization and the

content, and they tried to be creative in expressing their ideas into words. They

were lack of grammar, but they were trying hard to make a text by using SFV

strategy because it was helpful to guide the students in arranging text, starting

from finding ideas, organizing the ideas into text, etc. Moreover, mind map in

SFV seems to be one of the most interesting things they have learned. It was a

new experience for the students to make mind map, and they liked it. However,

the teacher said during the action of SFV, the students sometimes took longer time

to create the mind map. It could be wasting time because mind map was not the

main focus. Thus, the students were always needed to be reminded about doing


other important parts in writing descriptive text by using SFV. Moreover, the

teacher added that if SFV strategy is applied in the lesson, it should be applied by

focusing one by one of the steps. So, the result could be more satisfying and the

students would be trained to do it well.

b. Interview of the 8-D Class Students

The interview towards the students in the post-implementation of the CAR

was conducted on the same day as the teacher interview which was on Thursday,

May 9, 2019. It was conducted inside the 8-D classroom after school and the

writer called the interviewee one by one while the others were waiting outside the

classroom. The writer separated them in purpose; they weren‘t allowed to copy

another interviewees‘ answer. The writer re-interview the four same students with

different English learning condition; one student with average English skill who

loves English (S1), one smart student who always get the highest rank (S2), one

pro-active student in the class (S3), and one student who was not pro-active in the

class during English lesson (S4). The writer asked several questions about

learning descriptive writing by using SFV strategy. There were five questions the

students had to answer.

The first question was about their respond after learning to write descriptive

text by using SFV. S1 answered SFV was a new term to her. It was quite

complicated but it was fun and interesting. S2 and S3 had similar answer, SFV

was a new knowledge for them and it was challenging because several friends

were asked their help during the practice time. Meanwhile, S4 said learning

descriptive text by using SFV was a good journey for her. She knew what mind

map is and she knew other new terms which according to her could be beneficial

for her future, especially for her senior high school English lesson someday.

The second question was about the differences they feel before and after

learning descriptive text by using SFV. The four students had similar answer.

Before SFV was applied, they learned descriptive text in a mainstream way. They

were depended on the English book and it was boring. Meanwhile, after the

implementation of SFV, they thought learning how to write descriptive text could


be fun with the strategy. It was also challenged the students to be more creative

and attentive to open dictionary because they frequently found difficult terms. S2

added that it was important to help his friend if they have difficulties. Learning

something new with his friends was fun. Moreover, during the group work in the

first meeting of cycle one, the four students could explore about SFV with their


The third question was about benefits the students get after learning

descriptive text by using SFV. The four students had similar answer. By learning

descriptive text using SFV, they were able to organize the text carefully because

they had to be aware about the content, the language use, the vocabulary, etc.

They were very interested to the mind map. Thus, they believe mind map could be

used for their further learning.

The fourth question was about difficulties they encountered during learning

descriptive text by using SFV. The students found obstacles in expressing the

ideas because they sometimes didn‘t know the vocabulary. Since they were new

to figurative language and vivid words, they were struggling to understand it

during the lesson. However, the examples given by the writer helped them in

understanding the material. Furthermore, they need more time to write the text

because the time during the lesson feels really short. Hence, they were sometimes

cannot finish the text when the time was over.

The last question was about their suggestions for SFV that were applied in

descriptive text learning. The students suggested the writer to only focus on SFV

steps and provide extra time because they had to do a lot of things in writing

descriptive text by using SFV.

2. The Result of Observation Sheets

In the classroom, the writer and the English teacher exchanged their role. The

writer acted as a teacher who taught the students while the real English teacher

acted as an observer who observed the teaching and learning process.

There were two observation sheets; students observation sheet and teacher

observation sheet. The teacher observation sheet was mainly about her preparation


before started the class, the teaching and learning process, and the teacher‘s

personal characteristics in teaching the students. Meanwhile, the students

observation sheet was about their learning process during the application of FV

strategy by the writer in the class.

After getting the result of observation sheets in cycle one and cycle two, the

writer concluded that the progress of the students gradually developed. In cycle

one, the students still adapted to SFV strategy, so they were seemed confused.

Several of them were sometimes talking with their friends when the writer

explained the material. They didn‘t very active in giving questions or comments

during the activity in the classroom. Even though they seemed interested to the

explanation, some of them were trying to cheat during the practice time because

they were still new to SFV strategy.

In cycle two, the students were better in contributing during the lesson. They

were enthusiast and actively giving questions and opinion. The situation in the

cycle two was more enjoyable and the students seemed more ready to follow the

lesson. They were very attentive and aware about what they were doing in cycle


Meanwhile, the role of the writer as a teacher in cycle one was good. She was

trying to create a fun learning for the students by dividing them into many groups.

Group work is a rare activity for the students because their real English teacher

usually teaches them by explaining material and giving them practices.

Furthermore, the writer was motivating the students before the lesson was started.

She was not always explaining materials and she also gave the students chances to

ask. In the class, the writer was didn‘t stay only at one spot, she was moving to

another part and checking the students condition. From the first cycle, the writer

was easily memorized the students‘ name because each student was unique.

Because of that, there is no awkward moment between the writer and the students.

However, in the first meeting, the writer was a little nervous to face the students

because she was worried if the students would not interest to the lesson delivered

by her.


In the cycle two, the writer delivered SFV steps and asked the students to

practice. The writer gave reinforcement to the students during the activity

positively. She tried to check the students seat by seat to assure all the students got

the attention when they found obstacles in writing descriptive text by using SFV.

3. The Result of Field Notes

There were five matters mentioned in the field notes. The first was the

situation of the class and the students. The second was the teacher‘s capability in

teaching the students. The third was the condition of the class during the teaching

and learning process. The fourth was the teacher‘s knowledge and the mastery of

SFV strategy. The fifth was the students‘ response toward SFV strategy in

learning descriptive text.

In the first meeting of the cycle one, the situation of the class was clean, tidy,

and good for the teaching and learning. Since the lesson in this meeting held in the

morning, the students were still fresh and full of energy to start the lesson. They

were excited to learn about SFV in descriptive writing. The writer was also

optimist to start the action research treatment in this meeting because the writer

tried to create fun learning environment. The condition of the class was conducive

and full of attention from the students, especially when the teacher gave

motivation. However, it was started to be noisy when group work was began. The

writer explained mind map in the first meeting because mind map is an important

part in SFV that could takes time in doing it. Thus, the students should be aware

about it in advance. Meanwhile, in the second meeting of the cycle one, the

situation of the class was quite hot because it was held in the afternoon. The

students were not focus because they were less energy. However, the writer tried

to control the situation by giving them a few minutes to stretch their body when it

was needed and the writer approached the students‘ seat one by one. In this

meeting, the writer felt challenged to get the students focus on the lesson.

Moreover, it could be seen there were some trash on the floor. Thus, the writer

asked the students to clean the class before the lesson began.


Furthermore, in the first and the second meeting of the second cycle were

better than in cycle one. Even though the students were needed to be motivated in

every meeting, they were much more interested into the lesson in cycle two. They

were more enthusiast and confident when the class was started. They were

listening to the material very well and pay attention during the lesson. They were

active in giving questions if there is something they didn‘t understand and they

were giving opinion when the writer asked them to. Furthermore, the writer

explained SFV steps one by one to make sure the students were receiving the

material well. In this cycle, the students were more curious than in cycle one.

4. The Result of Post-Action Test

Before finding out the result of the post-test 1 and two, the writer explains the

result of the pre-test score in advance, hence the students‘ writing score

development can be obtained. In obtaining the result of the tests, the writer used

several calculation steps. The steps were calculating the students‘ mean score of

the tests, calculating the class percentage, and calculating the students‘

development score from pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2 into percentage.

To know the result of the pre-test, the writer calculated the mean score by

using this formula:


Mx = ──



= ──


= 67.51


From the mean score calculation above, it was known that the score of pre-

test before implementing Classroom Action Research was 67.51.

After that, the percentage of the students who passed the standard minimum score

(KKM) was calculated by using this formula:


P = ── X 100%



= ── X 100%


= 29.62%

From the calculation above, the class percentage who passed the standard

minimum score was 29.62%. This percentage represents the total of the students

who passed the standard minimum score; only 8 students have passed the standard

minimum score criterion (75) in which 4 students got 75 and 4 students got more

than 75. Meanwhile, the rest who still achieved low score were 19 in total or

70.38% of students. Then, it means the result of the students‘ writing score of 8-D

class was low. As a result, cycle one must be conducted.

After the implementation of SFV in cycle one of the action research, the

writer calculated the result of post-test 1 to find out the development of students‘

score from the pre-test to post-test 1. There were two steps to get the result. The

first is the writer calculated the mean score of the class. Then, the writer

calculated the students‘ percentage that passed the standard minimum score.

Firstly, to find out the score of the post-test 1, the writer needed to calculate the

mean score. The mean score calculated by using the following formula:



Mx = ──



= ──


= 71.00

The result of the mean score of post-test 1 was 71.00. It means there was

development from the pre-test to post-test 1.

After that, the percentage of the students who passed the standard minimum

score (KKM) was calculated by using this formula:


P = ── X 100%



= ── X 100%


= 44.44%

Furthermore, according to the calculation of percentage, there were 12

students or 44.44% who passed the standard minimum score (75) in which 5

students got 75 and 7 students got more than 75. In other words, there were 15

students or 55.56% students who had not passed the standard minimum score yet.


It can be described that cycle two must be conducted to develop students‘ writing

of descriptive text.

After the treatment in cycle two, the writer calculated the result of post-test 2

to find out further development score. Then, in finding out the result of post-test

2, the writer calculated the mean score and its percentage. The calculation of the

mean score can be seen below:


Mx = ──



= ──


= 76.73

The calculation of the percentage score for the students who passed the KKM

can be seen below:


P = ── X 100%



= ── X 100%


= 81.48%


The result of the students‘ mean score in post-test 2 was 76.73. It means the

score was developed because the mean score of post-test 1 was 71.00. It increases

5.73. From the calculation above, there were 22 or 81.48% students who passed

the standard minimum score in post-test 2. The result of this calculation showed

that there was development from post-test 1 to post-test 2. In the post-test 1, there

were 44.44% of the students who passed the KKM (75). Meanwhile, in post-test 2,

there were 81.48% students who passed the KKM (75) in which 4 students got 75

and 18 students got more than 75.

Since 22 students or 81.48% had passed the criterion in post-test 2, hence the

next cycle was not conducted. It means that SFV Strategy can develop students‘

writing of descriptive text. To see the development of the mean score, a chart is

provided which consists of the mean score in pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2.

The chart below shows the mean score of pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2:

Chart 4.4

The Mean Score of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2

The cone chart above gives information about the mean score of the students‘

from pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2. According to the chart, the mean score is

increasing from pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2. The mean score increases













Post-Test 1

Post-Test 2

67.51 71.00 76.73


because the number of students who got interested to SFV Strategy is also

increasing at all times. Therefore, they can develop their writing of descriptive

text in each cycle.

Furthermore, the chart below shows the percentage of students who passed

the KKM in Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2:

Chart 4.5

The Percentage of Students who passed the KKM in the Pre-Test, Post-Test 1,

and Post-Test 2

Previously, the chart shows the students‘ mean score which is developing

in each phase of classroom action research. Meanwhile, the chart 4.5 above shows

the students‘ percentage in developing descriptive writing in pre-test, post-test 1,

and post-test 2. In pre-test, 29.62% (or 8 out of 27 students) was able to write

descriptive text in a good way. They know how descriptive text is structured and

their English is better than the others. In post-test 1, 44.44% (or 12 out of 27

students) was able to pass the standard minimum score. In post-test 2, 81.48% (or

22 out of 27 students) was able to reach the standard minimum score because they

were no longer confused about writing descriptive text by using SFV especially

after being taught in cycle two for two meetings. They get more enthusiast and







Pre-TestPost-Test 1

Post-Test 2

29.62% 44.44%


The Percentage of Students who Passed the KKM in Pre-test,Post-test 1, and Post-test 2


curious because SFV consists of new things, such as brainstorming and mind

mapping, which lead the students to develop their descriptive writing.

Furthermore, the writer analyzed the development that the students got from

their pre-test, post-test in cycle one and post-test in cycle two. To find the result,

the formulas below were used:

y1 - y

P = ─── X 100%


71.00 – 67.51

= ────────── X 100%


= 29.00%

From the calculation above, it can be seen that the development from pre-test to

post-test 1 was 29.00%. Meanwhile, the formula below was used to find out the

development from post-test 1 to post-test 2:

y2 - y

P = ─── X 100%


76.73 – 67.51

= ────────── X 100%


= 23.27%


The result showed that the development of post-test 1 to post-test 2 was 23.27%.

Furthermore, the writer interpreted the result of pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test

2 through the chart below:

Chart 4.6

The Comparison Score of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2

Based on the chart 4.6 above, it can be delivered that 19 students were not

able to reach the standard minimum score (75) in the pre-test. Meanwhile, a

significant development was obtained in the post-test 2, there were 22 students

reaching the standard minimum score. This significant development occurred

because the students had been accustomed to write descriptive text by using SFV

Strategy. They were no longer confused to express their ideas. Moreover, the

number of students who developed their writing descriptive text grew in every

cycle. The comparison can be seen on the charts; the purple chart shows the

students who got score below 75, the red chart shows the students who got score

75, and the green chart shows the number of students who got score more than 75.

From all the findings above, it shows that the students‘ writing in descriptive text

was developed after they were taught to write it by using SFV strategy.
















Pre-Test Post-Test 1 Post-Test 2

Score <75

Score 75

Score >75


D. Discussion of the Implementation of the CAR

Before implementing CAR, the writer came to the school to obtained data

before applying SFV by observing the class. From the observation, it can be seen

that the teacher teaches the students by using teacher-centered approach. It can be

seen the students become passive and not interested to the lesson. When the

teacher read a passage from a book, the students didn‘t even listen carefully. They

tend to talk with their friends. Furthermore, based on the observation, the English

teacher was explaining the lesson very clearly. However, many students give

questions to the teacher related to the topic because they don‘t understand it yet.

According to the writer, it is because the teacher delivered the lesson in one way

communication. Thus, students feel bored and lack of enthusiasm in following the

lesson. Their faces look like tired when they were given explanation. After the

observation, on the next meeting, the writer gives pre-test to the students. They

had to make a descriptive text about their school. Furthermore, after the pre-test

has done, the writer conducted interview to the teacher and students before

implementing the CAR. The questions is regarding the teaching and learning

process before SFV strategy is applied and how the English teacher teaches the

students in typical way. Furthermore, the writer analyzed the students‘ descriptive

text from pre-test by using writing rubric.

The total of the students who got pre-test were 27 students. From the pre-test,

the mean of students‘ score on understanding descriptive writing is 67.51.

Furthermore, it can be delivered that the percentage of students who passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) is 29.62%. It

means that there were only eight students who passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) (75) and there were nineteen

students who cannot reach the KKM yet. In percentage, there were 70.37%

students who had not passed the KKM yet. From the result, in can be concluded

that cycle one of the CAR have to be conducted by using SFV Strategy.

Next, the writer gave treatment by using SFV Strategy to the students in cycle

one in two meetings. In the first meeting, the writer prepared lesson plan, hand out

of the lesson, students‘ group name, observation sheets, field notes, and


documentation tool. Since the activity was group working, the students were

attentive and get more interested. They also had a time to share ideas with their

friends. Meanwhile, in the second meeting, the writer focused to explain all about

SFV without group work. The students were still attentive, only a few of them

who did not give attention since the activity was held in the afternoon. Thus, the

English teacher suggested the writer to add ice breaking during the lesson to bring

back the students‘ attention. After the treatment was finished, the post-test 1 was

conducted. The mean score in the post-test 1 after the implementation of SFV

Strategy in cycle one is 71.00. It means the score was gained after given treatment

in cycle one. The development of students‘ score from the pre-test is 3.49 (71.00

minus by 67.51) or 29.00% in percentage. Therefore, the percentage of the

students who passed Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal) (75) is 44.44%. In accordance to that, there were twelve students who

passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal)

and the rest fifteen students were not reaching the KKM yet or 55.56% of the

students had not reached the KKM. From the calculation process, it is known that

the students still need development in vocabulary, in using conjunction, and

punctuation marks. Since the criterion had not reached yet or at least 20 students

achieved the criterion, the writer continued to conduct the CAR in the next cycle

or CAR cycle two.

The cycle two consists of two meeting. Both meetings consist of writing

descriptive text by using SFV. The writer provides more examples of animal

description, its mind map, the vocabulary, the list of figurative language and vivid

words, and the writer discussed about conjunction and punctuation marks. Ice

breaking was also applied in this cycle. The students were more interested in this

cycle and their confidence in writing descriptive text was also developed. Several

students were having difficulties in writing descriptive text by using SFV.

However, it can be solved because the students who have more capability helped

their friends. Over all, the students were very excited to write about animal

because most of them have pets in their house. After conducted CAR cycle two,

the writer calculated the mean score of post-test 2. The result of the mean score in


the post-test 2 in cycle two is 76.73. Thus, the students were developed their score

5.63 (76.63 minus by 71.00) or 23.27% is the development from post-test 1 to

post-test 2. Hence the percentage of the students who passed Minimum Mastery

Criterion or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) (75) is 81.48%. It means that

there were twenty two students who passed the KKM and the rest five students

were still below the Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan


The percentage of each phase was showed development; 29.62% in the pre-

test, 44.44% in the post-test 1, and 81.48% in the post-test 2. The post-test of

cycle one has fulfilled the target of classroom action research because the

percentage of students who reached the Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM

(Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) is more than 75%. From the discussions of the data

above, it shows that using SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid

words) Strategy can develop students‘ writing of descriptive text. The students

were enjoyed in the learning process because brainstorming and mind mapping

phase helped them in organizing the content of their descriptive text. Therefore, it

can be concluded that the classroom action research has reached the target of

success and the writer ended the cycle.

Since this study found that there is a development of the students‘ writing of

descriptive text, the research question is answered; Spencer‘s SFV Strategy can

develop students‘ writing of descriptive text. Moreover, the finding of this study

has a correlation to several previous studies. The first previous study was

conducted by Tiarma Marpaung and Erny S. N. Hambandima.1

The research of Marpaung and Hambandima was conducted by focusing in

improving students‘ descriptive writing quality by implementing a collaborative

experiential learning (CEL) facilitated with a sensory detail chart (SDC) and it

was conducted through classroom action research. The research was the same as

the writer‘s did; it was conducted in two cycles and involved less than 30

1 Tiarma Marpaung and Erny S. N. Hambandima, (2019), ―Using Sensory Detail Chart in

Collaborative Experiential Learning to Increase Quality of Students‘ Descriptive Writing‖ in

International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture, KnE Social Sciences, pages 85–101.

DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i10.3891


students. The writer involved 27 students while Marpaung and Hambandima

involved 26 students. Both studies were also conducted in two cycles and

involved a writing rubric to evaluate the students‘ writing. The writer used Jacob

et al.‘s writing rubric that was written in Sara Cushing Weigle‘s book; Assessing

Writing. The rubric consists of content, organization, vocabulary, language use,

and mechanics. Meanwhile, Marpaung and Hambandima were using NWRL

(Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory)‘s 6 traits of writing rubric which

includes ideas, organization, voice, news choice, sentence fluency, and

convention. One important issue is the implementation of sensory detail in

conducting the action research.

The writer used sensory detail as a part of SFV Strategy which was found by

Spencer. The sensory detail helps the students in describing object because

sensory detail consists of five human senses; sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

In Marpaung and Hambandima‘s study was also involved those five senses. It was

beneficial for the students since the students experiencing direct observation in

observing the object being described. Furthermore, the use of sensory detail is

also beneficial in organizing students‘ ideas so that they can record all detail

information from the observation. The use of sensory detail also leads the students

to explore things in a best way by using their five senses. This is also useful to

reinforce students to think critically and creatively in expressing their description

about the object. Further correlated study is also proved the parts of SFV Strategy

have improved students‘ writing of descriptive text.

The second correlated study which was conducted by Elfrida Br. Silalahi has

proved that brainstorming and mind mapping were useful in improving students‘

writing of descriptive text.2 Even though the level of students in Silalahi‘s study

and the writer‘s study is different, both have the same experience in implementing

the brainstorming and mind mapping. Silalahi was implementing the study in

vocational high school and two different classes were given the implementation of

brainstorming and mind mapping. She used the first class to apply brainstorming

2 Elfrida Br. Silalahi, Improving Writing Descriptive Paragraph by Using Mind Mapping

Technique and Brainstorming Technique at SMK Methodist 8 Medan, The Explora Journal of

ELT and Linguistics, March 2016, 2(1), p. 1.


and the second class to apply mind mapping technique. In the application of mind

mapping, the students felt enjoy in creating descriptive text because mind

mapping uses colors, image, branches, and lines to help students in writing the

descriptive text. Similar thing was occurred in the writer‘s implementation of SFV

Strategy in the eighth grade of junior high school. The students felt more enjoy to

the lesson because most of them love drawing and mind mapping helped them in

organizing ideas before drafting the descriptive text. Furthermore, in the

application of brainstorming, the students were given a chance by Silalahi to

explore ideas in a group or individually. There were no boundaries for the ideas.

As long as the ideas related to the topic, students can use it to arrange a text. This

was also occurred in the writer‘s implementation of brainstorming as one of the

SFV steps. The students were given time to make lists of ideas as much as

possible. They were given instruction to not to be worry about the grammar in

brainstorming phase because the focus is to collect the ideas for the text. After

brainstorming, the students were asked to move to mind mapping phase. Lastly,

the correlated study regarding SFV Strategy was conducted by Zuhratul Aini.3

According to Aini‘s research findings, there are several strategies that are

successfully used in teaching descriptive writing. Those are brainstorming, mind

mapping, discussion, group work, and analyzing picture. Those are the strategies

which frequently used by the teachers in school and English course. Using these

strategies to teach descriptive writing is helpful to make students active in the

class without feeling bored with the lesson. It is also occurred during the lesson

when the writer applied SFV Strategy. As what have been stated previously, the

students were more engaged to write descriptive text after they were asked to

create mind mapping. Mind mapping helps them in organizing ideas and it is not a

boring activity to do. It involves colors, picture, lines, etc. which is more

interesting to be done by the students. Even though the students took longer time

in creating mind mapping, they were able to organize the content of the text

3 Zuhratul Aini, The Exploration of the Analysis on Teaching Strategies of Descriptive

Writing (the comparative between public school and private English course), (Ar-Raniry State

Islamic University Darussalam, Banda Aceh), 2018.


better. Moreover, as stated by Aini, group work and discussion are activities that

made the students to be more active because they were having time with their own

friends. Thus, new environment was created and the students were braver to face

challenges from the writer in writing descriptive text. In addition, they were able

to help each other, give feedback, and share ideas regarding their descriptive

writing. The correlated studies above confirm this study that SFV Strategy can be

applied in developing students writing of descriptive text.




This chapter consists of the conclusion and the suggestion based on the

findings of the classroom action research. The conclusion discussed about the

result of SFV Strategy implementation in developing students‘ descriptive

writing. Meanwhile, the suggestion discussed several alternative ways regarding

SFV Strategy that can be utilized for further studies.

A. Conclusion

During the implementation of classroom action research in the classroom, the

students enjoyed the process because the steps of SFV consist of activity they

prefer to do, such as mind mapping and brainstorming. Furthermore, the obtained

data showed the students‘ descriptive writing was developed. The text before the

implementation was not organized well and the content was poor of detail. After

the implementation, the students could organize the text logically and the main

idea and the generic structure were clear. The content of their text was also

relevant to the topic and no longer lack of details. In summary, SFV Strategy

helps the students gained better score in writing.

Furthermore, calculation result is done to support the data. The result shows

that the mean score of pre-test is 67.51 and there were 8 students or 29.62% of

class who passed the KKM. In the post-test 1, the mean score is 71.00 with 12

students or 44.44% of class who passed the KKM. Thus, the percentage of

students‘ development from pre-test up to post-test 1 is 29.00%. In the post-test 2,

the mean score is 76.73 and there are 22 students or 81.48% who passed the KKM.

The percentage of students‘ development from post-test 1 up to post-test 2 is

23.27%. Based on the criterion of success, the cycle will be stopped when the

percentage of students who passed the KKM is 75% of the class. Thus, in this

study, the action was stopped in the cycle 2 because in this cycle the score already

passed the criterion of success. Therefore, it can be concluded that SFV Strategy

can develop the students‘ writing of descriptive text of the eighth grade students in


SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat. In addition, the students enjoyed the process

because they experienced new learning strategy in the class when SFV is applied.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, several suggestions below are delivered by

the writer to students, English teachers, and further researchers:

First, this is a suggestion for the students. The students need to realize and try

to recognize what activities they would prefer to do during learning process,

especially in learning how to write descriptive text. Since the students easily feel

bored and lack of motivation, first thing to find out is who they are in terms of

learning style and habit. By knowing SFV Strategy, students may apply the steps

not only to learn descriptive text, but also to learn another genre of text and

another lesson.

Second, this suggestion is delivered to English teacher. A lot of issues must

be realized by the teacher in conducting everyday teaching and learning activity in

the classroom. Several things must be considered regarding the students‘ need. In

case of teaching descriptive text, teacher should consider what media the students

will like, what strategy should be applied, etc. Reflected from this study, the

students prefer to do group work, drawing, and discussions. Therefore, the teacher

must provide it and explore more about teaching strategy and technique. Teaching

descriptive text is not only transferring knowledge, but also an activity to be

enjoyed as a part of life. For instance, the teacher can use sensory details of SFV

Strategy in teaching the students. Sensory details is relevant to the students‘

everyday life, it will be helpful for them if the teacher promote this strategy to the

students as an alternative in teaching writing.

Third, this suggestion is delivered for further researchers who want to

conduct another study on the same field. In conducting a research by using SFV

Strategy, researchers can apply it not only to junior high school students, but also

to another level of students who are learning writing, especially descriptive text.



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Appendix 1. Classroom Action Research Timeline


Cycles Activities Meetings Date Themes

Observation before


March 21

st 2019

Interview and test

before action

March 26

th 2019 School



Teaching and learning

process 1 March 28

th 2019


Friend Teaching and learning

process 2 April 2

nd 2019

Post-test 1 3 April 4th




Teaching and learning

process 1 April 9

th 2019

Animal Teaching and learning

process 2 April 11

th 2019

Post-test 2 3 April 16th


Interview after action May 9th



Appendix 2. Students‘ Name































L* 14

P* 13

*L (Laki-laki)

*P (Perempuan)


Appendix 3a. The Guideline of the Teacher Interview before CAR

Interview Guideline for the 8th

grade English teacher of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat before the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research Implementation



1. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa secara umum dalam mempelajari bahasa


2. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam menulis menggunakan bahasa


3. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif?

4. Kesulitan apa yang dihadapi siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif?

5. Metode atau strategi apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajar bahasa

Inggris agar siswa mudah memahami pelajaran?

6. Metode atau strategi apa yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar writing?

7. Metode atau strategi apa yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar deskriptif


8. Selama ibu mengajar bahasa Inggris, kendala apa saja yang pernah ibu


9. Bagaimana cara ibu mengatasi kendala yang terjadi di dalam kelas?

10. Kendala apa saja yang ibu alami dalam mengajar writing teks deskriptif

dan bagaimana cara ibu mengatasi kendala tersebut?

11. Apakah ibu mengetahui sebuah strategi untuk mengajar menulis deskriptif

teks yang disebut SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid



Appendix 3b. The Answer of the Teacher Interview before CAR

Interview of the 8th

grade English teacher of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat before the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research

Interviewer: Gusti Fathia Cahyani

Interviewee: Didah Nuryatin, S.Pd.

1. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa secara umum dalam mempelajari bahasa


Pada dasarnya mereka antusias dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris, tapi

kurang memiliki kemauan dan semangat yang besar. Padahal tujuan mereka

mempelajari bahasa inggris adalah minimal untuk mengerti dan memahami

bahasa inggris terutama dalam penerapan speaking sehari-hari. Namun seringkali

mereka malas mencari dan menghafal kosakata yang sukar mereka pahami.

Padahal mereka banyak memahami bahasa inggris secara otodidak meski hal

tersebut belum diajarkan. Tapi kembali lagi, kemauan mereka kadang sangat


2. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam menulis menggunakan bahasa inggris?

Dikarenakan mereka kurang menaruh perhatian terhadap bahasa inggris,

bahasa inggris itu kan ucapan dan tulisannya berbeda, sementara ketika praktik

menulis, mereka tidak mau berusaha mencari vocab atau kata yang mereka tidak

pahami, finally mereka banyak bertanya kepada guru yang mengajar. Bahasa

inggris kan seharusnya dipelajari secara kontinyu, termasuk menulis bahasa

inggris, tidak hanya sekali atau dua kali atau saat KBM saja, sehingga ketika ada

kendala, mereka sering kebingungan.

3. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif?


Saat mempelajari deskriptif teks, mereka mahir mendeskripsikan sesuatu

dalam mother tongue atau bahasa ibunya, yaitu bahasa Indonesia. misalnya

tentang pengalaman mereka atau yang lain. Tapi ketika diperintahkan untuk

mendeksripsikan dalam bahasa inggris, misalnya kucing kesayangan di rumah,

mulai dari kebiasaannya, bentuknya, dan lain-lain, mereka mulai kesulitan

menjelaskan dan menuliskannya. Padahal kan sebenarnya sama saja seperti

menjelaskan dalam bahasa Indonesia. intinya kan SPOK. Namun karena kurang

latihan, lupa kosakata, sehingga mereka kesulitan dalam merangkai kata-kata.

4. Kesulitan apa yang dihadapi siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif?

Selain itu tadi, vocab yang kurang, mereka seperti kurang tertarik kalau

deskriptif teks. Mendengar kata ―deskripsikan‖ saja sudah membuat mereka

malas. Terkadang mereka juga tertukar antara deskriptif dengan naratif sehingga

malah terlalu banyak mendeskripsikan apa yang mereka sedang lakukan daripada

mendeskripsikan suatu benda atau orang atau tempatnya. Padahal kalau diingat,

deksriptif teks itu kan patokannya hanya identifikasi dan deskripsinya, kalau dari

generic structurenya. Kembali lagi karena mereka kurang latihan sendiri di rumah,

sehingga kurang atau sering lupa kosakata sehingga sulit untuk mengembangkan

sebuah teks deskriptif.

5. Metode atau strategi apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajar bahasa

Inggris agar siswa mudah memahami pelajaran?

Perihal metode atau strategi, ibu tidak menentukannya sendiri. Ibu ajak murid

kira-kira apa yang enak untuk dilakukan agar pelajaran menjadi menyenangkan.

Kalau jadwal pelajarannya pada jam pertama atau kedua, kondisi mereka masih

baik, kelas pun tidak panas. Tapi kalau sudah mulai siang dan pelajaran terletak di

akhir jam sekolah, butuh upaya yang lebih besar untuk mengajar mereka karena

cuaca yang panas dan kelas mulai tidak kondusif. Maka, ibu ajak mereka untuk

saling memijat secara bergantian, games, ice breaking di tengah pelajaran.

6. Metode atau strategi apa yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar writing?


Dalam pelajaran writing terkadang pakai jumble word, lalu dari word anak

harus membuat sentence, dari sentence itu lalu dikembangkan lagi bersama grup

mereka untuk membuat minimal 5 sampai 7 kalimat, lalu perwakilan dari tiap

grup menuliskannya di papan tulis. Karena di sekolah ini minim sarana, berbeda

dengan sekolah-sekolah lain apalagi sekolah internasional yang sarananya sudah

terpenuhi untuk praktik, sehingga mungkin pelajarannya menjadi lebih menarik.

Tidak masalah untuk mengadakan games dan lain sebagainya di kelas ini, tapi

kalau tiap pertemuan harus menyediakan hal berbeda, sayanya yang minim dana.

7. Metode atau strategi apa yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar deskriptif teks?

Sudah pasti group work. Dalam pembentukan grup itu, saya tidak

menyatukan yang belum bisa dengan yang sesama belum bisa. Siswa yang

kemampuannya lebih bagus dalam bahasa inggris, pasti disatukan dengan yang

belum bisa. Selain itu, yang rajin juga harus bisa mengajak yang malas dan

membantu yang belum baik kemampuannya. Harus merata untuk saling

membantu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.

8. Selama ibu mengajar bahasa Inggris, kendala apa saja yang pernah ibu


Kendala itu banyak ya. Tapi saya nikmati saja, berusaha untuk tetap semangat

mengajar anak-anak. Seperti biasa, kendalanya adalah di awal-awal mereka fokus

belajar, sumringah, tapi semakin siang akan mulai tidak fokus, apalagi kalau mau

jam istirahat. Kemudian, mereka biasanya ngobrol, bercanda, sampai memukul

meja yang mengganggu siswa lain yang belajar. Kebanyakan yang terjadi kendala

dari luar diri saya, seperti keadaan kelas dan siswanya, hingga cuaca juga


9. Bagaimana cara ibu mengatasi kendala yang terjadi di dalam kelas?

Saya akan tetap mengajar, biarkan saja siswa yang sudah ditegur berkali-kali

namun tidak mau diam. Tapi setelah itu, setelah pelajaran usai, saya akan meminta

tolong temannya atau saya sendiri yang memanggil anak yang bermasalah untuk


diajak bicara. Bukan untuk dictation bahwa dia akan dihukum melainkan ajakan

untuk ngobrol karena ada sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan. Saat saya

memanggilnya pun tidak di depan temannya, karena saya paham dia pasti malu

dan punya harga diri. Jadi, bicara empat mata, pendekatan, lalu tanyakan

permasalahan yang membuat dia tidak bisa fokus ketika saya mengajar. Dari situ

akan ada tindak lanjutnya, misalnya saya bicarakan dengan wali kelasnya. Agar

saya tau, apakah anak itu berperilaku buruk hanya saat jam pelajaran saya atau

pada pelajaran yang lain juga. Saya berusaha mencarikan solusi tanpa

merendahkan anak, harus tetap mendidiknya dengan ajaran yang baik agar akhlak

dan perilakunya pun membaik. Sehingga dari pendekatan-pendekatan itu si anak

mau dan tertarik untuk belajar dengan saya.

10. Kendala apa saja yang ibu alami dalam mengajar writing teks deskriptif

dan bagaimana cara ibu mengatasi kendala tersebut?

Hambatannya ya itu tadi, siswa sulit fokus, semangatnya kadang menurun,

dan vocabnya yang rendah. Cara mengatasinya, misalnya dari vocabnya, maka

saya berikan salinan kumpulan kosakata, lalu menginstruksikan siswa untuk

mempelajari dan menghafalkannya. Misalnya 10 kosakata dalam sekali pertemuan

untuk disetorkan. Walau mungkin si murid belum hafal semuanya, tapi setidaknya

ada peningkatan dari pertemuan ke pertemuan sampai ke akhir semester. Cara lain

misalnya menginstruksikan mereka untuk underline kata yang sukar dari LKS lalu

diberikan arti pada tiap kata itu atau mencatatnya dengan rapi di buku latihan.

11. Apakah ibu mengetahui sebuah strategi untuk mengajar menulis deskriptif

teks yang disebut SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words)?

Tidak tahu. Hanya pernah mendengar tentang mind mapping yang biasa

diterapakan kalau ingin membuat tulisan yang lebih terstruktur.


Appendix 4a. The Guideline of the Teacher Interview after CAR

Interview of the 8th

grade English teacher of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat after the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research Implementation



1. Bagaimana tanggapan ibu mengenai SFV yang telah diterapkan dalam

menulis teks descriptif di dalam kelas?

2. Bagaimana peningkatan yang dialami oleh siswa dalam mempelajari

bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam menulis teks deskriptif setelah SFV


3. Apa pendapat ibu mengenai SFV bila diterapkan pada pembelajaran


4. Menurut ibu, bagaimana hasil penulisan siswa setelah SFV diterapkan?

5. Apa saran ibu mengenai SFV yang diterapkan dalam pengajaran teks



Appendix 4b. The Answer of the Teacher Interview after CAR

Interview of the 8th

grade English teacher of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat after the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research Implementation

Interviewer: Gusti Fathia Cahyani

Interviewee: Didah Nuryatin, S.Pd.

1. Bagaimana tanggapan ibu mengenai SFV yang telah diterapkan dalam

menulis teks deskriptif di dalam kelas?

Saya setuju banget kalau SFV dipakai untuk mengajar di kelas. SFV itu

kan menjadi sebuah hal yang baru, buat saya dan murid-murid, jadi bagi saya

menarik banget dan menambah wawasan murid juga.

2. Bagaimana peningkatan yang dialami oleh siswa dalam mempelajari

bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam menulis teks deskriptif setelah SFV


Selama diajar oleh kamu, murid-murid keliatan lebih tertarik sama

pelajaran. Mereka juga keliatan lebih tertarik belajar teks deskriptif karena

dikenalin pembelajaran baru pake SFV. Pelajaran jadi lebih menarik dan tidak

membosankan. Yang terpenting itu kan mereka mau tahu dulu. Mereka ada

semangat untuk mencari tahu tentang hal baru. Nah dikenalkan strategi belajar

yang baru membuat mereka tertantang untuk mengikuti pelajaran dengan lebih

semangat dan lebih baik lagi.

3. Apa pendapat ibu mengenai SFV bila diterapkan pada pembelajaran


SFV kan melibatkan ke-5 panca indera, ada figurative language dan vivid

words juga yang membuat suatu tulisan menjadi lebih menarik. Saya sih yakin

SFV bisa diterapkan juga dipelajaran lain yang berkaitan dengan genre teks.

4. Menurut ibu, bagaimana hasil penulisan siswa setelah SFV diterapkan?


Dikarenakan murid-murid butuh pengalaman belajar dengan cara baru,

maka menurut saya belajar membuat teks deskriptif dengan strategi SFV ini

bisa menjadi sebuah alternatif untuk dilaksanakan di kelas. Kalau membuat

teks kan harus benar strukturnya sesuai jenis teks tersebut, dengan SFV ini

siswa jadi lebih aware dengan generic structure. Jadi tidak asal-asalan

membuatnya. Mereka juga lebih aware dalam mengorganisasikan isi teks dan

kontennya dan mereka mencoba untuk kreatif dalam mengekspresikan kata

perkata dari yang tadinya hanya ide kemudian menjadi rangkaian kata-kata.

Terus kan mereka agak weak ya grammarnya, tapi mereka keliatan banget

trying so hard untuk membuat teks deskriptif pake SFV. Ya itu dia positifnya,

SFV bisa membantu siswa untuk arrange teks mulai dari menemukan ide-ide,

mengorganize ide menjadi teks, dan seterusnya. Pekerjaan mereka jadi lebih

terstruktur gitu, jadi merekanya sendiri tidak kebingungan. Terlebih lagi mind

map keliatannya paling menarik buat mereka, sebuah pengalaman baru, dan

mereka suka. Itu bagus banget untuk proses belajar mereka.

5. Apa saran ibu mengenai SFV yang diterapkan dalam pengajaran teks


SFV ini banyak banget plusnya. Tapia da juga suatu kendala yang saya liat

pas tindakan kelas. Mereka kelamaan membuat mind map karena keasyikan

menggambar dan berkreasi. Jadi agak buang waktu padahal kan mind map itu

salah satu siasat untuk membuat teks deskriptif, bukan main goalnya. Murid

jadi salah fokus dan kamu harus remind mereka terus untuk fokus pada hal

lain dalam step SFV. Berarti kalau ingin diterapkan di lain kesempatan, guru

yang mengajar harus tegas tentang waktu dan lebih fokus lagi ke step by

stepnya. Kalau dipoles dikit saya yakin hasilnya akan lebih memuaskan dan

murid terlatih untuk melakukan dengan baik.


Appendix 5a. The Guidelines of the Students Interview before CAR

Interview Guidelines for the 8th

grade English students of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat before the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research



1. Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran bahasa inggris? Mengapa?

2. Adakah hal yang membuatmu tidak tertarik dengan pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris? Sebutkan!

3. Berapakah KKM untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Apa kamu merasa sulit


mencapai standar tersebut?

4. Apakah kamu mempunyai kesulitan dalam mempelajari skill writing

khususnya descriptive text?

5. Apakah ibu guru menggunakan strategi/metode saat mengajar di kelas?

6. Bagaimana tanggapanmu mengenai strategi yang ibu guru terapkan saat


7. Apakah kamu paham dengan strategi yang digunakan oleh ibu guru?

8. Apakah kalian mengetahui SFV Strategy dalam penulisan descriptive text?


Appendix 5b. The Answer of the Students Interview before CAR

Interview of the 8th

grade English students of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat before the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research

Interviewer: Gusti Fathia Cahyani

Interviewee: S1 (students 1), S2 (students 2), S3 (students 3), S4 (students 4)

1. Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?

S1: Ya, sangat suka. Saya kan pengen les bhs inggris tp blm ktmu gurunya.

Saya juga pgn mempelajari bhs inggris lebih dalam lagi untuk bisa digunakan di

lingkungan kerja suatu saat nanti dan bisa ke luar negeri.

S2: Suka. Karena pelajarannya unik dan membuat saya ingin mencari tahu

tentang bahasa tersebut.

S3: Suka. Bhs inggris itu kunci kesuksesan mnrt saya. krn klau mau kemana2

misalnya melamar kerja atau ke universitas harus pake bhs inggris. Jd bhs inggris

itu kepake dimana2.

S4: Suka. Enak buat dipelajarin, seru. Kalo ketemu sm org bule jd bs

ngmngnya dan makin tau pake bhs inggris.

2. Ada 4 skill bahasa inggris, mana yg paling susah?

S1: Skill speaking. Hal itu sulit karena sangat rumit dan membuat kelibet-

libet saat mengucapkannya. Misalnya pengucapan even berbeda dengan event.

Tulisannya tapi beda cara bacanya.

S2: Berbicara dan mendengarkan. Karena untuk mendengarkan bahasa

inggris yang native ucapkan itu sulit dipahami karena bicaranya cepat. Saya harus

mengartikan satu persatu karena ga paham. Kalo berbicara, kesulitannya karena

rumit sehingga mengucapkan kata perkata berlibet-libet.

S3: Berbicara. Karena kalo berbicara sm org Indonesia aja selalu gugup dan

btuh waktu latihan yang lama, apalahi kalo brbicara sm org asingnya.

S4: Berbicara. Pelafalan kata2nya susah, lidah gak terbiasa.


3. Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran writing? Mengapa?

S1: Suka. Karena menjadi tahu bagaimana cara menulis dalam pelajaran

bahasa inggris.

S2: Suka. Karena bisa belajar mengartikan tiap kata dan mencari tahu


S3: Suka. Karena menulis bahasa inggris itu membuat saya mendapatkan hal

baru. Misalnya tau arti dari kosakata yg baru saya temui.

S4: Suka aja. Jadi dapat wawasan baru.

4. Apa kesulitan dalam writing English terutama menulis teks deskriptif?

S1: Kesulitannya adalah saat berpikir mencari idenya. Cara penulisannya

kadang gak tahu jd bingung.

S2: Susah ngartiinnya dari b.indo ke terutama kata kata yg ga sering

didenger atau ucapin.

S3: Ga ada kesulitannya. Yang penting sering latihan. Kalo deksripsiin

sebuah benda misalnya, ya liat atau bayangin aja bendanya. Kan deskriptif itu

kayak gimana udh dipelajarin di kelas, udah dijelasin guru.

S4: Nyari kata2 dan ide2nya. Kadang susah juga ngartiin dr bahasa Indonesia

ke Inggris.

5. Bagaimana pengajaran guru bahasa inggris di kelasmu terkait pelajaran

menulis deksriptif teks?

S1: Kayak biasa guru-guru yang lain. Asik, tapi jarang main game.

S2: Dia bisa membuat siswa mengerti pelajaran dan selalu memberikan


S3: Sering dikasih tugas setelah dijelasin.

S4: Ngajarnya kayak biasa, banyak nyampein materi.

6. Pengajaran bahasa inggris seperti apa yang kamu mau untuk diterapkan

di kelas?

S1: Ada sistem QNA dan diskusi yang pro-aktif supaya lebih paham



S2: Kerja kelompok, ada animasi2 atau gambar2.

S3: Saya tuh pengen kalo belajar bahasa inggris simple aja sih, misalnya ada

sound terus ada laptop, terus disuruh dengerin, kayak pelajaran bahasa inggris di

skolah SD saya. Jadi ntar habis dengerin langsung catat kata-kata yang keluar dari

sound. Terus maju ke depan, dinilai. Banyakin praktik aja sih intinya.

S4: Instruksi yang jelas daru guru. Saya lebih suka belajar secara individu

daripada kelompok. Jadi lebih bisa kalo nyari semuanya sendiri.

7. Apakah sulit mencapai KKM 75? Mengapa?

S1: Sulit, karena seringkali cara tulisan dan pengucapan berbeda. Jadi saya

sering keliru.

S2: Engga. Itu sih udah standar yang harus dicapai karena saya suka


S3: Engga susah asal mau usaha. Harus praktik terus untuk melebihi kkm 75.

Saya udah trbiasa belajar bahasa inggris jadi gak susah.

S4: Suka ga bisa ngerjainnya. Kadang yang dipelajari dikelas beda dengan

yang keluar disoal ujian.

8. Apakah kalian mengetahui SFV Strategy dalam penulisan descriptive text?

S1, S2, S3, S4: Tidak tahu.


Appendix 6a. The Guidelines of the Students Interview after CAR

Interview Guideline of the 8th

grade English students of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat after the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research



1. Bagaimana tanggapanmu setelah belajar menulis descriptive text dengan

menggunakan SFV?

2. Apa perbedaan yang kamu rasakan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan


3. Apa manfaat yang kamu dapat setelah SFV diterapkan?

4. Kesulitan apa yang kamu temui saat SFV diterapkan?

5. Apa saranmu terhadap SFV yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran

descriptive text?


Appendix 6b. The Answer of the Students Interview after CAR

Interview of the 8th

grade English students of

SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat after the Implementation of

Classroom Action Research

Interviewer: Gusti Fathia Cahyani

Interviewee: S1 (students 1), S2 (students 2), S3 (students 3), S4 (students 4)

1. Bagaimana tanggapanmu setelah belajar menulis descriptive text dengan

menggunakan SFV?

S1: Baru banget aku belajar dengan SFV. Lumayan rumit tapi seru dan

menarik banget.

S2: Menantang banget sih belajar pake SFV. Apalagi saya juga membantu

teman yang kesulitan selama belajar dan latihan menulis teks deskriptif.

S3: Bagi saya SFV ini challenging dan suatu hal baru yang seru untuk di

eksplor. Pasti kalo udah sekolah SMA nanti saya pake juga deh SFV untuk belajar

pelajaran lain. Selama di kelas ada teman-teman yang meminta bantuan juga, jadi

saya punya kesempatan untuk sharing dengan teman-teman.

S4: Pengalaman baru dan bagus bagi aku. Jadi tahu apa itu mind map dan

istilah-istilah lain yang bakal berguna banget untuk belajar di masa depan, jadi

gak kudet. Apalagi beberapa tahun lagi saya akan sekolah menengah atas dan

akan belajar bahasa Inggris lagi suatu hari nanti.

2. Apa perbedaan yang kamu rasakan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan


S1: Sebelum belajar pakai startegi ini, belajar Cuma gitu-gitu aja. Dijelasin

guru terus dikasih soal latihan atau tugas. Setelah belajar pake SFV ternyata

belajar teks gitu gak membosankan dan bisa menyenangkan. Jadi lebih sadar

untuk meningkatkan kemampuan karena SFV itu penuh dengan hal baru yang

harus dipelajari dengan baik karena pasti bakal berguna buat saya, apalagi saya


suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Pas belajar bareng kelompok juga bikin makin seru

karena eksplor bareng teman.

S2: Sebelumnya belajar Cuma pake buku LKS atau buku paket dan itu bikin

bosen. Terlalu biasa. Tapi ternyata jadi lebih colourful belajar pake SFV. Saya

tertantang untuk lebih kreatif dan berani menuangkan kata-kata ke dalam teks.

Saya juga punya kesempatan untuk saling membantu teman saat kesulitan di

pelajaran. Belajar hal baru bersama teman itu menyenangkan.

S3: Saya kira belajar tentang genre teks hanya itu-itu aja. Ternyata melalui

SFV jadi tahu cara baru. Semua istilah baru yang saya pelajari bakal jadi asupan

untuk otak saya. Saya senang lihat teman-teman saya antusias dan saya juga jadi

ikut antusias. Jadi seru belajar pake SFV.

S4: Tadinya bingung kalo mau bikin teks deskriptif, kalo cuma liat contoh

malah jatohnya jadi jiplak. Terus pake SFV ternyata bisa cari ide pake

brainstorming. Latihan-latihan jadi lebih asyik.

3. Apa manfaat yang kamu dapat setelah SFV diterapkan?

S1: Saya harus merhatiin satu-persatu aspek supaya strukturnya benar.

Seenggaknya enak dilihat. Jadi gak terlalu salah deh.

S2: Saya jadi bisa bikin teks dengan cara baru. Dan ternyata banyak banget

hal yang saya belum tahu. Saya suka banget pas belajar pake mind map. Seru.

S3: Yang pasti jadi punya wawasan baru. Seperti yang udah saya bilang

sebelumnya, saya jadi tahu istilah-istilah baru yang pasti berguna untuk ke

depannya. Saya jadi aware dengan kosakata yang saya pakai, diajarin juga

ternyata ada istilah conjunction untuk membuat teks jadi lebih smooth.

S4: Menurut saya SFV bikin saya mengalami pengalaman baru yang asyik

untuk belajar teks. Saya lebih suka belajar sendiri, nah SFV itu tantangan karena

saya harus bisa share ide-ide saya ke teman-teman. Isi dari teks juga jadi lebih

saya perhatiin biar nyambung kayak yang udah dipelajarin.

4. Kesulitan apa yang kamu temui saat SFV diterapkan?

S1: Kadang suka bingung ngungkapin yang mau ditulis karena susah kata-

katanya. Palingan buka kamus deh jadinya. Terus istilah-istilah baru yang ada

bikin saya loading lebih lama pas belajar. Tapi tetap menarik dan seru.


S2: Sempat agak kesulitan pas dijelasin tentang figurative language dan vivid

words. Tapi untung dikasih contoh-contoh. Dan waktunya kurang lama pas latihan

bikin teks.

S3: Saya kurang latihan sih, jadi kadang stuck ngungkapin pakai vocab yang

pas. Untung boleh pakai kamus pas latihan dan sempat kesusahan pas bikin teks

karena saat waktunya sudah habis, sayanya belum kelar. Kurang latihan sih


S4: Agak bingung untuk pake figurative language. Jadi bergantung pada

contoh yang dikasih aja. Terus kadang belum selesai ngerjain tapi waktunya sudah

habis. Saya lama ngerjainnya.

5. Apa saranmu terhadap SFV yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran descriptive


S1: Berikan ekstra waktu.

S2: Lebih fokus step-stepnya.

S3: Selain saya sendiri harus sering latihan, mungkin pas dikelas bisa ibu

tambahin waktu untuk bikin teks karena banyak juga yang harus dipahami dan


S4: Karena saya lama ngerjainnya, butuh waktu lebih lama aja sih.


Appendix 7a. Observation Sheets

Teacher Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah :

Kelas :

Cycle/Pertemuan :

Tanggal :

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

A. Persiapan 1. Guru mempersiapkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran

(RPP) dengan seksama

2. Tujuan pembelajarannya dinyatakan dalam kalimat yang

jelas dalam RPP

3. Materi pembelajaran yang akan diberikan memiliki

kaitan atau dapat dikaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran


4. Guru mempersiapkan media pembelajaran 5. Guru mempersiapkan seting kelas untuk


6. Guru mempersiapkan siswa secara fisik dan mental 7. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang hendak


B. Presentasi/Penyampaian Pembelajaran 8. Guru memotivasi siswa, menarik perhatian agar

mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan baik

9. Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran dengan teknik-

teknik tertentu sehingga jelas dan mudah dipahami siswa

10. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam langkah-langkah dan

urutan yang logis

11. Petunjuk-petunjuk pembelajaran singkat dan jelas

sehingga mudah dipahami

12. Materi pembelajaran baik kedalaman dan keluasannya

disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan dan

kemampuan siswa

13. Selama proses pembelajaran guru memberikan

kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa

14. Apabila siswa bertanya, maka guru memberikan

jawaban dengan jelas dan memuaskan

15. Guru selalu mengajak siswa untuk menyimpulkan

pembelajaran pada akhir kegiatan atau akhir sesi tertentu


C. Metode Pembelajaran/Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 16. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara bervariasi selama alokasi

waktu yang tersedia, tidak monoton dan membosankan

17. Apabila terjadi suatu permasalahan maka guru dapat

bertindak dengan mengambil keputusan terbaik agar

pembelajaran tetap berlangsung secara efektif dan


18. Materi pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang telah ditetapkan

19. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru tidak hanya

berada pada posisi tertentu tetapi bergerak secara

dinamis di dalam kelasnya

20. Apabila tampak ada siswa yang membutuhkan

bantuannya di bagian tertentu kelas, maka guru harus

bergerak dan menghampiri secara

berimbang dan tidak terfokus hanya pada beberapa

gelintir siswa saja

21. Guru mengenali dan mengetahui nama setiap siswa yang

ada di dalam kelasnya

22. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru memberikan

reinforcement (penguatan) kepada siswa-siswanya

dengan cara yang positif

23. Ilustrasi dan contoh dipilih secara hati-hati sehingga

benar-benar efektif dan bukannya malah membuat

bingung siswa

24. Media pembelajaran di dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran

digunakan secara efektif

25. Latihan diberikan secara efektif 26. Guru selalu bersikap terbuka dan tidak menganggap

negatif apabila siswa melakukan kesalahanan dalam

proses belajarnya

D. Karakteristik Pribadi Guru 27. Guru sabar terutama untuk memancing respon siswa 28. Guru berupaya memancing siswa agar terlibat aktif

dalam pembelajaran

29. Guru bersikap tegas dan jelas 30. Guru menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan berterima 31. Guru selalu menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah seseorang

yang selalu punya inisiatif, kreatif, dan berprakarsa

32. Guru berpenampilan rapi dan sopan


4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Students Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah :

Kelas :

Cycle/Pertemuan :

Tanggal :

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

1. Kesiapan siswa dalam mengikuti proses


2. Mendengarkan penjelasan tentang kompetensi yang

hendak dicapai

3. Memperhatikan penjelasan materi pembelajaran

4. Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar terhadap

penjelasan yang diberikan guru

5. Ketertarikan siswa dalam mempelajari descriptive

text dengan SFV strategy

6. Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami SFV

7. Keaktifan siswa berinteraksi dengan gurunya

8. Keterlibatan siswa dalam menyimpulkan



4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Appendix 7b. Observation Sheets Result


Teacher Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 1/1

Tanggal : 28 Maret 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

A. Persiapan 1. Guru mempersiapkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran

(RPP) dengan seksama ✓

2. Tujuan pembelajarannya dinyatakan dalam kalimat yang

jelas dalam RPP

3. Materi pembelajaran yang akan diberikan memiliki

kaitan atau dapat dikaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran


4. Guru mempersiapkan media pembelajaran ✓

5. Guru mempersiapkan seting kelas untuk


6. Guru mempersiapkan siswa secara fisik dan mental ✓

7. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang hendak

dicapai ✓

B. Presentasi/Penyampaian Pembelajaran 8. Guru memotivasi siswa, menarik perhatian agar

mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan baik ✓

9. Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran dengan teknik-

teknik tertentu sehingga jelas dan mudah dipahami siswa ✓

10. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam langkah-langkah dan

urutan yang logis

11. Petunjuk-petunjuk pembelajaran singkat dan jelas

sehingga mudah dipahami

12. Materi pembelajaran baik kedalaman dan keluasannya

disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan dan

kemampuan siswa

13. Selama proses pembelajaran guru memberikan

kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa ✓

14. Apabila siswa bertanya, maka guru memberikan

jawaban dengan jelas dan memuaskan ✓


15. Guru selalu mengajak siswa untuk menyimpulkan

pembelajaran pada akhir kegiatan atau akhir sesi tertentu ✓

C. Metode Pembelajaran/Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 16. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara bervariasi selama alokasi

waktu yang tersedia, tidak monoton dan membosankan ✓

17. Apabila terjadi suatu permasalahan maka guru dapat

bertindak dengan mengambil keputusan terbaik agar

pembelajaran tetap berlangsung secara efektif dan


18. Materi pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang telah ditetapkan

19. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru tidak hanya

berada pada posisi tertentu tetapi bergerak secara

dinamis di dalam kelasnya

20. Apabila tampak ada siswa yang membutuhkan

bantuannya di bagian tertentu kelas, maka guru harus

bergerak dan menghampiri secara

berimbang dan tidak terfokus hanya pada beberapa

gelintir siswa saja

21. Guru mengenali dan mengetahui nama setiap siswa yang

ada di dalam kelasnya

22. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru memberikan

reinforcement (penguatan) kepada siswa-siswanya

dengan cara yang positif

23. Ilustrasi dan contoh dipilih secara hati-hati sehingga

benar-benar efektif dan bukannya malah membuat

bingung siswa

24. Media pembelajaran di dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran

digunakan secara efektif

25. Latihan diberikan secara efektif ✓

26. Guru selalu bersikap terbuka dan tidak menganggap

negatif apabila siswa melakukan kesalahanan dalam

proses belajarnya

D. Karakteristik Pribadi Guru 27. Guru sabar terutama untuk memancing respon siswa ✓

28. Guru berupaya memancing siswa agar terlibat aktif

dalam pembelajaran ✓

29. Guru bersikap tegas dan jelas ✓

30. Guru menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan berterima ✓

31. Guru selalu menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah seseorang

yang selalu punya inisiatif, kreatif, dan berprakarsa

32. Guru berpenampilan rapi dan sopan ✓


4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Teacher Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 1/2

Tanggal : 02 April 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

A. Persiapan 1. Guru mempersiapkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran

(RPP) dengan seksama

2. Tujuan pembelajarannya dinyatakan dalam kalimat yang

jelas dalam RPP

3. Materi pembelajaran yang akan diberikan memiliki

kaitan atau dapat dikaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran


4. Guru mempersiapkan media pembelajaran ✓

5. Guru mempersiapkan seting kelas untuk


6. Guru mempersiapkan siswa secara fisik dan mental ✓

7. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang hendak

dicapai ✓

B. Presentasi/Penyampaian Pembelajaran 8. Guru memotivasi siswa, menarik perhatian agar

mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan baik ✓

9. Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran dengan teknik-

teknik tertentu sehingga jelas dan mudah dipahami siswa ✓

10. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam langkah-langkah dan

urutan yang logis

11. Petunjuk-petunjuk pembelajaran singkat dan jelas

sehingga mudah dipahami

12. Materi pembelajaran baik kedalaman dan keluasannya

disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan dan

kemampuan siswa

13. Selama proses pembelajaran guru memberikan

kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa ✓

14. Apabila siswa bertanya, maka guru memberikan

jawaban dengan jelas dan memuaskan

15. Guru selalu mengajak siswa untuk menyimpulkan

pembelajaran pada akhir kegiatan atau akhir sesi tertentu ✓


C. Metode Pembelajaran/Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 16. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara bervariasi selama alokasi

waktu yang tersedia, tidak monoton dan membosankan

17. Apabila terjadi suatu permasalahan maka guru dapat

bertindak dengan mengambil keputusan terbaik agar

pembelajaran tetap berlangsung secara efektif dan


18. Materi pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang telah ditetapkan

19. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru tidak hanya

berada pada posisi tertentu tetapi bergerak secara

dinamis di dalam kelasnya

20. Apabila tampak ada siswa yang membutuhkan

bantuannya di bagian tertentu kelas, maka guru harus

bergerak dan menghampiri secara

berimbang dan tidak terfokus hanya pada beberapa

gelintir siswa saja

21. Guru mengenali dan mengetahui nama setiap siswa yang

ada di dalam kelasnya

22. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru memberikan

reinforcement (penguatan) kepada siswa-siswanya

dengan cara yang positif

23. Ilustrasi dan contoh dipilih secara hati-hati sehingga

benar-benar efektif dan bukannya malah membuat

bingung siswa

24. Media pembelajaran di dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran

digunakan secara efektif

25. Latihan diberikan secara efektif ✓

26. Guru selalu bersikap terbuka dan tidak menganggap

negatif apabila siswa melakukan kesalahanan dalam

proses belajarnya

D. Karakteristik Pribadi Guru 27. Guru sabar terutama untuk memancing respon siswa ✓

28. Guru berupaya memancing siswa agar terlibat aktif

dalam pembelajaran ✓

29. Guru bersikap tegas dan jelas ✓

30. Guru menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan berterima ✓

31. Guru selalu menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah seseorang

yang selalu punya inisiatif, kreatif, dan berprakarsa

32. Guru berpenampilan rapi dan sopan ✓


4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Students Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 1/1

Tanggal : 28 Maret 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

1. Kesiapan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

pembelajaran ✓

2. Mendengarkan penjelasan tentang kompetensi yang

hendak dicapai ✓

3. Memperhatikan penjelasan materi pembelajaran ✓

4. Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar terhadap

penjelasan yang diberikan guru

5. Ketertarikan siswa dalam mempelajari descriptive

text dengan SFV strategy

6. Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami SFV ✓

7. Keaktifan siswa berinteraksi dengan gurunya ✓

8. Keterlibatan siswa dalam menyimpulkan



4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Students Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 1/2

Tanggal : 02 April 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

1. Kesiapan siswa dalam mengikuti proses


2. Mendengarkan penjelasan tentang kompetensi yang

hendak dicapai

3. Memperhatikan penjelasan materi pembelajaran ✓

4. Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar terhadap

penjelasan yang diberikan guru

5. Ketertarikan siswa dalam mempelajari descriptive

text dengan SFV strategy

6. Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami SFV ✓

7. Keaktifan siswa berinteraksi dengan gurunya ✓

8. Keterlibatan siswa dalam menyimpulkan



4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)



Teacher Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 2/1

Tanggal : 09 April 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

A. Persiapan 1. Guru mempersiapkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran

(RPP) dengan seksama ✓

2. Tujuan pembelajarannya dinyatakan dalam kalimat yang

jelas dalam RPP ✓

3. Materi pembelajaran yang akan diberikan memiliki

kaitan atau dapat dikaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran


4. Guru mempersiapkan media pembelajaran ✓

5. Guru mempersiapkan seting kelas untuk


6. Guru mempersiapkan siswa secara fisik dan mental ✓

7. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang hendak

dicapai ✓

B. Presentasi/Penyampaian Pembelajaran 8. Guru memotivasi siswa, menarik perhatian agar

mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan baik ✓

9. Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran dengan teknik-

teknik tertentu sehingga jelas dan mudah dipahami siswa

10. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam langkah-langkah dan

urutan yang logis ✓

11. Petunjuk-petunjuk pembelajaran singkat dan jelas

sehingga mudah dipahami

12. Materi pembelajaran baik kedalaman dan keluasannya

disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan dan

kemampuan siswa

13. Selama proses pembelajaran guru memberikan

kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa ✓

14. Apabila siswa bertanya, maka guru memberikan

jawaban dengan jelas dan memuaskan

15. Guru selalu mengajak siswa untuk menyimpulkan

pembelajaran pada akhir kegiatan atau akhir sesi tertentu


C. Metode Pembelajaran/Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 16. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara bervariasi selama alokasi

waktu yang tersedia, tidak monoton dan membosankan

17. Apabila terjadi suatu permasalahan maka guru dapat

bertindak dengan mengambil keputusan terbaik agar

pembelajaran tetap berlangsung secara efektif dan


18. Materi pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang telah ditetapkan

19. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru tidak hanya

berada pada posisi tertentu tetapi bergerak secara

dinamis di dalam kelasnya

20. Apabila tampak ada siswa yang membutuhkan

bantuannya di bagian tertentu kelas, maka guru harus

bergerak dan menghampiri secara

berimbang dan tidak terfokus hanya pada beberapa

gelintir siswa saja

21. Guru mengenali dan mengetahui nama setiap siswa yang

ada di dalam kelasnya ✓

22. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru memberikan

reinforcement (penguatan) kepada siswa-siswanya

dengan cara yang positif

23. Ilustrasi dan contoh dipilih secara hati-hati sehingga

benar-benar efektif dan bukannya malah membuat

bingung siswa

24. Media pembelajaran di dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran

digunakan secara efektif

25. Latihan diberikan secara efektif ✓

26. Guru selalu bersikap terbuka dan tidak menganggap

negatif apabila siswa melakukan kesalahanan dalam

proses belajarnya

D. Karakteristik Pribadi Guru 27. Guru sabar terutama untuk memancing respon siswa ✓

28. Guru berupaya memancing siswa agar terlibat aktif

dalam pembelajaran ✓

29. Guru bersikap tegas dan jelas ✓

30. Guru menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan berterima ✓

31. Guru selalu menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah seseorang

yang selalu punya inisiatif, kreatif, dan berprakarsa

32. Guru berpenampilan rapi dan sopan ✓


4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Teacher Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 2/2

Tanggal : 11 April 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

A. Persiapan 1. Guru mempersiapkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran

(RPP) dengan seksama ✓

2. Tujuan pembelajarannya dinyatakan dalam kalimat yang

jelas dalam RPP

3. Materi pembelajaran yang akan diberikan memiliki

kaitan atau dapat dikaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran


4. Guru mempersiapkan media pembelajaran ✓

5. Guru mempersiapkan seting kelas untuk

Pembelajaran ✓

6. Guru mempersiapkan siswa secara fisik dan mental ✓

7. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang hendak


B. Presentasi/Penyampaian Pembelajaran 8. Guru memotivasi siswa, menarik perhatian agar

mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan baik ✓

9. Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran dengan teknik-

teknik tertentu sehingga jelas dan mudah dipahami siswa

10. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam langkah-langkah dan

urutan yang logis

11. Petunjuk-petunjuk pembelajaran singkat dan jelas

sehingga mudah dipahami

12. Materi pembelajaran baik kedalaman dan keluasannya

disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan dan

kemampuan siswa

13. Selama proses pembelajaran guru memberikan

kesempatan untuk bertanya kepada siswa ✓

14. Apabila siswa bertanya, maka guru memberikan

jawaban dengan jelas dan memuaskan

15. Guru selalu mengajak siswa untuk menyimpulkan

pembelajaran pada akhir kegiatan atau akhir sesi tertentu ✓

C. Metode Pembelajaran/Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 16. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara bervariasi selama alokasi ✓


waktu yang tersedia, tidak monoton dan membosankan

17. Apabila terjadi suatu permasalahan maka guru dapat

bertindak dengan mengambil keputusan terbaik agar

pembelajaran tetap berlangsung secara efektif dan


18. Materi pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang telah ditetapkan

19. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru tidak hanya

berada pada posisi tertentu tetapi bergerak secara

dinamis di dalam kelasnya

20. Apabila tampak ada siswa yang membutuhkan

bantuannya di bagian tertentu kelas, maka guru harus

bergerak dan menghampiri secara

berimbang dan tidak terfokus hanya pada beberapa

gelintir siswa saja

21. Guru mengenali dan mengetahui nama setiap siswa yang

ada di dalam kelasnya

22. Selama pembelajaran berlangsung guru memberikan

reinforcement (penguatan) kepada siswa-siswanya

dengan cara yang positif

23. Ilustrasi dan contoh dipilih secara hati-hati sehingga

benar-benar efektif dan bukannya malah membuat

bingung siswa

24. Media pembelajaran di dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran

digunakan secara efektif

25. Latihan diberikan secara efektif ✓

26. Guru selalu bersikap terbuka dan tidak menganggap

negatif apabila siswa melakukan kesalahanan dalam

proses belajarnya

D. Karakteristik Pribadi Guru 27. Guru sabar terutama untuk memancing respon siswa ✓

28. Guru berupaya memancing siswa agar terlibat aktif

dalam pembelajaran ✓

29. Guru bersikap tegas dan jelas ✓

30. Guru menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan berterima ✓

31. Guru selalu menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah seseorang

yang selalu punya inisiatif, kreatif, dan berprakarsa

32. Guru berpenampilan rapi dan sopan ✓


4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Students Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 2/1

Tanggal : 9 April 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

1. Kesiapan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

pembelajaran ✓

2. Mendengarkan penjelasan tentang kompetensi yang

hendak dicapai ✓

3. Memperhatikan penjelasan materi pembelajaran ✓

4. Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar terhadap

penjelasan yang diberikan guru

5. Ketertarikan siswa dalam mempelajari descriptive

text dengan SFV strategy ✓

6. Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami SFV ✓

7. Keaktifan siswa berinteraksi dengan gurunya ✓

8. Keterlibatan siswa dalam menyimpulkan



4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Students Observation Sheet

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Kelas : 8-D

Cycle/Pertemuan : 2/2

Tanggal : 11 April 2019

Berilah tanda check list (✓) pada kolom sesuai dengan pengamatan anda.

No. Aspek yang diamati Kategori

4 3 2 1

1. Kesiapan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

pembelajaran ✓

2. Mendengarkan penjelasan tentang kompetensi yang

hendak dicapai

3. Memperhatikan penjelasan materi pembelajaran ✓

4. Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar terhadap

penjelasan yang diberikan guru ✓

5. Ketertarikan siswa dalam mempelajari descriptive

text dengan SFV strategy ✓

6. Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami SFV ✓

7. Keaktifan siswa berinteraksi dengan gurunya ✓ ✓

8. Keterlibatan siswa dalam menyimpulkan



4 = (Sangat Baik/Very Good);

3 = (Baik/Good);

2 = (Cukup/Adequate);

1 = (Kurang/Insufficient)


Appendix 8a. Field Note Guideline

Field Note Guideline

1. Situasi kelas serta siswa saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung


2. Kemampuan guru dalam mengajar siswa di kelas


3. Kondisi kelas selama proses belajar dan mengajar berlangsung


4. Pengetahuan dan penguasaan guru terhadap materi pembelajaran dan

strategi SFV


5. Respon siswa terhadap SFV sebagai strategi yang digunakan dalam

pembelajaran descriptive text



Appendix 8b. Field Notes Cycle 1

Field Notes of Cycle 1 – First Meeting

1. Situasi kelas serta siswa saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung

Catatan: Pagi hari masih bersih, rapi, baik untuk proses belajar dan


2. Kemampuan guru dalam mengajar siswa di kelas

Catatan: Sedikit nervous, namun optimis dan mampu menyampaikan

pelajaran dengan baik. Selain itu, guru mencoba melaksanakan

pembelajaran menyenangkan dengan adanya group work.

3. Kondisi kelas selama proses belajar dan mengajar berlangsung

Catatan: Siswa masih penuh energi, terlihat masih fresh, dan kelas masih

sangat kondusif terutama saat guru menyampaikan cerita dan motivasi,

seluruh siswa memerhatikan. Namun, mulai ramai ketika group work


4. Pengetahuan dan penguasaan guru terhadap materi pembelajaran dan

strategi SFV

Catatan: Guru menjelaskan materi dengan baik. Guru menjelaskan materi

mind map terlebih dahulu karena siswa harus aware terhadap mind map

yang akan takes time ketika pengerjaannya.

5. Respon siswa terhadap SFV sebagai strategi yang digunakan dalam

pembelajaran descriptive text

Catatan: Siswa sangat memerhatikan dan tertarik. Mereka juga terlihat

antusias ketika sesi diskusi dengan teman sekelompok.


Field Notes of Cycle 1 – Second Meeting

1. Situasi kelas serta siswa saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung

Catatan: Hawa kelas agak panas karena pembelajaran dilaksanakan di

siang hari sesuai jadwal. Kelas sudah agak berantakan dan sangat ramai

siswa yang baru selesai jam istirahat. Terlihat ada sampah berserakan di

lantai kelas.

2. Kemampuan guru dalam mengajar siswa di kelas

Catatan: Guru mencoba mengembalikan perhatian siswa kepada pelajaran

dengan memberikan waktu pada siswa untuk stretching tubuh agar mereka

lebih relax. Guru juga berkeliling menghampiri meja siswa selama proses

belajar agar mereka tetap fokus dan tidak ada yang mengobrol. Sangat

menantang mengajar pada pertemuan hari ini karena kondisinya sudah

kurang kondusif dan siswa kurang fokus. Agar siswa lebih siap mengikuti

pelajaran, guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk membersihkan kelas

terlebih dahulu dengan membuang sampah yang ada di sekitar tempat

duduk mereka.

3. Kondisi kelas selama proses belajar dan mengajar berlangsung

Catatan: Siswa sudah kurang fokus, namun masih bisa di control dengan


4. Pengetahuan dan penguasaan guru terhadap materi pembelajaran dan

strategi SFV

Catatan: Guru menjelaskan SFV step by step. Dikarenakan kondisi siswa

yang sudah tidak terlalu fit, saat latihan ada yang mencontek temannya

atau tidak berusaha sendiri. Maka, guru menghampiri tempat duduk siswa

satu persatu untuk memerhatikan kesulitan yang mereka temui.

5. Respon siswa terhadap SFV sebagai strategi yang digunakan dalam

pembelajaran descriptive text

Catatan: Siswa sudah tidak asing terhadap SFV dan mulai penasaran

dengan materi pelajaran.


Appendix 8c. Field Notes Cycle 2

Field Notes of Cycle 2 – First Meeting

1. Situasi kelas serta siswa saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung

Catatan: Situasi kelas pada cycle 2 ini jauh lebih baik daripada cycle 1

karena siswa sudah bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan pembelajaran yang

akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kemampuan guru dalam mengajar siswa di kelas

Catatan: Guru jauh lebih optimis dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran.

Guru menjelaskan step SFV satu persatu secara terstruktur agar siswa

tidak bingung.

3. Kondisi kelas selama proses belajar dan mengajar berlangsung

Catatan: Siswa terlihat lebih tertarik, antusias, dan percaya diri dalam

mengikuti pelajaran. Mereka sudah mampu memfokuskan diri sejak

pelajaran dimulai. Siswa lebih aktif dalam berinteraksi dengan guru.

4. Pengetahuan dan penguasaan guru terhadap materi pembelajaran dan

strategi SFV

Catatan: Guru sudah mempersiapkan materi dengan baik sehingga mampu

menguasai materi dan mebawakannya di dalam kelas dengan jelas.

5. Respon siswa terhadap SFV sebagai strategi yang digunakan dalam

pembelajaran descriptive text

Catatan: Siswa aktif dalam mengutarakan pendapat dan memberikan

pertanyaan bila ada sesuatu yang belum mereka pahami.


Field Notes of Cycle 2 – Second Meeting

1. Situasi kelas serta siswa saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung

Catatan: Kelas terlihat bersih, sejuk, dan siswa terlihat siap untuk

mengikuti pelajaran. Siswa menaruh perhatian dan keseriusan yang baik

selama pembelajaran.

2. Kemampuan guru dalam mengajar siswa di kelas

Catatan: Guru melaksanakan proses mengajar dengan penuh percaya diri

dan menambahkan hal-hal yang masih kurang dari pertemuan-pertemuan

sebelumnya. Sisw lebih dibimbing untuk latihan menulis dan mengikuti

pelajaran dengan baik.

3. Kondisi kelas selama proses belajar dan mengajar berlangsung

Catatan: Kondisi kelas sangat kondusif, tidak ada gangguan dari luar kelas

maupun dalam kelas.

4. Pengetahuan dan penguasaan guru terhadap materi pembelajaran dan

strategi SFV

Catatan: Persiapan matang telah disiapkan untuk memberikan pelajaran

sehingga penyampaian materi terbilang jelas dan runut.

5. Respon siswa terhadap SFV sebagai strategi yang digunakan dalam

pembelajaran descriptive text

Catatan: Siswa lebih antusias dan mengupayakan usaha maksimal mereka

dalam berlatih serta terdapat siswa yang saling membantu kawannya yang

mendapat kesulitan saat berlatih menulis.


Appendix 9. Tests Instrument

Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2



Write a descriptive text about ―School‖ not more than 200 words

Your time is 40 minutes to finish the text

Create the text as creative as possible

Please pay attention to descriptive generic structure

(Identification, description)

Post-test 1


Write a descriptive text about ―Best Friend‖ not more than 200 words

Your time is 40 minutes to finish the text

Create the text as creative as possible

Please pay attention to descriptive generic structure

(Identification, description)

Post-test 2


Write a descriptive text about ―Animal‖ not more than 200 words

Your time is 40 minutes to finish the text

Create the text as creative as possible

Please pay attention to descriptive generic structure

(Identification, description)


Appendix 10a. Lesson Plan of Cycle 1



Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : 8-D / Genap

Tahun Pelajaran : 2018/2019

Materi Pelajaran : Descriptive Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2 kali pertemuan)


KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong

royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan

prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri serta bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu

menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.



Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa inggris sebagai

pengantar komunikasi internasional

yang diwujudkan dalam semangat


1.1.1 Mengikuti proses

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang

dimulai dengan doa serta dengan

ketulusan, keseriusan, dan motivasi


2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun

dan peduli dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi interpersonal dengan

guru dan teman

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur,

disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi

transaksional dengan guru dan


2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku

tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama,

dan cinta damai, dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi


2.1.1 Mematuhi peraturan dalam

proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris


2.1.2 Menunjukkan perhatian siswa

terhadap guru bahasa inggris.

2.1.3 Menampilkan sikap baik siswa

seperti jujur, disiplin, dan

bertanggung jawab.

2.1.4 Menampilkan sikap siswa

yang baik saat berinteraksi dengan

guru, teman.

3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

dari teks deskriptif describing


3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi generic

structure dari teks deskriptif

3.4.3 Mengemukakan tenses yang


pendek dan sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya

digunakan pada teks deskriptif

3.4.4 Menentukan kata sifat yang

berkaitan dengan describing people

seperti young, educated, well-


3.4.5 Membedakan bentuk teks

deskriptif dengan teks lain yang

pernah dipelajari

4.7 Teks Deskriptif

4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis,

sangat pendek dan sederhana,

terkait orang,

binatang, dan benda

4.7.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif

lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait orang, binatang,

dan benda, dengan memperhatikan

fungsisosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan, secara benar

Dansesuaikonteks Mengidentifikasikan teks

describing people dengan

memperhatikan social function,

generic structure, dan language

feature sesuai konteksnya Menjelaskan suatu teks

describing people berdasarkan

social function, generic structure,

dan language feature secara

berkelompok Menyusun teks describing

people secara pendek dan sederhana

dengan memperhatikan social

function, generic structure, dan

language feature sesuai konteksnya

dengan bantuan mind map yang

terdapat dalam SFV Strategy



Di akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari teks deskriptif describing people

2. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks deskriptif

3. Mengemukakan tenses yang digunakan pada teks deskriptif

4. Menentukan kata sifat yang berkaitan dengan describing people seperti young,

educated, well-behaved

5. Membedakan bentuk teks deskriptif dengan teks lain yang pernah dipelajari

6. Mengidentifikasikan teks describing people dengan memperhatikan social

function, generic structure, dan language feature sesuai konteksnya

7. Menjelaskan suatu teks describing people berdasarkan social function, generic

structure, dan language feature secara berkelompok

8. Menyusun teks describing people secara pendek dan sederhana dengan

memperhatikan social function, generic structure, dan language feature sesuai

konteksnya dengan bantuan mind map yang terdapat dalam SFV Strategy


Deskriptif teks adalah suatu teks yang menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan

orang, binatang, suatu benda, dan lainnya baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya,

jumlahnya, dan lain-lain.

Tenses: Simple Present Tense

Deskriptif teks hanya fokus pada suatu objek tertentu. Pada describing

people, people can be described by the way he or she looks (physically or

non-physically) and by the behaviors (characteristics or personality


The expression of describing people:

-Physically: Handsome—Beautiful Tall—Short

Young—Middle age Diligent—Procrastinate

-Non-physically or personality traits:

Humorous Cheerful

Ambitious Lazy


Well-behaved Selfish

Intelligent Emotional

Honest Talk-active

Brave Taciturn

The physical features that we commony mention when describing people:

Height : Tall, short, average height

Build : Slim, skinny, average build, fairly heavy, fat, thin

Hair : Light, brown, dark brown, blonde, curly, straight, wavy,

long hair, short hair,bold, etc.

Face :Small eyes, big eyes, round eyes, round face, long face,

thick lips, flat nose, pointed nose, etc.

Age : Young, middle-age, old, elderly, etc.

Example: -My mother has fair skin

-That model is tall and beautiful

-He is handsome and his eyebrows are thick

Struktur teks deskriptif:

-Identification/Pendahuluan: berupa gambaran tentang suatu topik

-Description/Penjelasan: berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat

atau orang yang dideskripsikan secara spesifik.

How to describe people?

-Describe the physical appearance

-Describe the personality

Apa itu mind mapping:

Mind mapping merupakan pemetaan pikiran atau peta konsep yang

menghubungkan cabang-cabang permasalahan tertentu dan memiliki

sebuah inti yang menjadi sumber pemetaan.

Keuntungan mind mapping:

-Meningkatkan kemampuan memori dan kreativitas

-Memudahkan dalam mengorganisasi sebuah ide

-Memperkaya kosakata

Penjelasan SFV:


-Step 1: Mencari ide, membuat mind mapping

-Step 2: Membuat draft tulisan dengan memasukan sensory detail,

figurative language, dan vivid words

-Step 3: Mengecek draft, merevisi, dan mempresentasikan

Teks ―My Best Friend, Ernesto‖


Nama-nama kelompok:


Materi pada power point



Pendekatan: Scientific Learning

Metode: Group work, Ceramah Plus Diskusi, Problem-based learning, PPP

(Presentation, Practice, Production).

Strategi: SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words) Strategy.


1. Mind map paper

2. Nama-nama kelompok

3. Papan tulis dan Spidol

4. Guru

5. Laptop

6. Proyektor

7. Buku sumber dan buku tulis siswa dan guru

8. Kamus online atau offline

9. Video YouTube: (mind mapping)

10. Google

11. (describing people)



Pertemuan Pertama




(19 menit)

1. Guru masuk ke dalam kelas memberi

salam dan greeting (good morning/

good afternoon)

2. Guru dan siswa berdoa bersama

3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

4. Apersepsi:

- Guru menanyakan kabar siswa

-Guru dan siswa QnA tentang

mengapa harus belajar bahasa

inggris, lalu memberikan motivasi

-Guru bercerita tentang pengalaman

lomba speech (membuat mind

mapping untuk teks speech)

-Guru mereview descriptive text

-Guru menjelaskan pentingnya

materi yang akan diajarkan

1 menit

3 menit

5 menit

10 menit


(65 menit)

1. Guru membagikan nama-nama

kelompok kepada siswa yang

berisikan arti sifat manusia dari

nama tiap kelompok

2. Siswa berkumpul dengan kelompok


3. Guru bertanya kepada siswa

mengenai arti dari tiap nama


4. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk

2 menit

3 menit

2 menit

1 menit


menentukan leader kelompok

5. Guru membagikan kertas berisi teks

deskriptif ―My Best Friend, Ernesto‖

dan mind mappingnya yang masih


6. Guru menginstruksikan kepada

siswa untuk membaca teks tersebut

dan mengisi mind mapping

berdasarkan teks sesuai

pemahamannya. Guru memberinya

waktu 10 menit.

7. Guru menghentikan aktivitas


8. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa

tentang teks deskriptif dan mind

mapping serta keuntungan mind

mapping serta korelasi mind

mapping dengan SFV dan contoh-


9. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menulis sebuah teks dengan strategi

SFV; free-writing, whilst-writing,


10. Guru memberikan kesempatan

kepada siswa untuk bertanya

11. Guru menjelaskan bagian-bagian

yang harus dijelaskan dari seseorang

/ teman sekelas mereka dan

memberikan contoh kata-kata yang

harus dipakai untuk menjelaskan tiap

bagian tersebut

2 menit

10 menit

5 menit

10 menit

15 menit

5 menit

5 menit


12. Guru berdiskusi dengan siswa

mengenai teks ―My Bestfriend,

Ernesto‖ beserta mind mappingnya

10 menit


(6 menit)

1. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk

mengumpulkan hasil mind mapping

2. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan

materi pelajaran

3. Guru menyampaikan materi untuk

pertemuan berikutnya

4. Guru menutup proses pembelajaran

1 menit

2 menit

2 menit

1 menit

Pertemuan Kedua




(14 menit)

1. Guru masuk ke dalam kelas

memberi salam dan greeting

(good morning/ good afternoon)

2. Guru dan siswa berdoa bersama

3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

4. Guru memberikan motivasi di

awal pelajaran

5. Guru dan siswa mereview

pelajaran pada pertemuan


1 menit

1 menit

2 menit

5 menit

5 menit


(63 menit)

1. Guru menjelaskan tentang sensory

details dengan contohnya,

figurative language dengan

contohnya, dan vivid words

15 menit


dengan contohnya melalui power

point slides

2. Guru memaparkan penjelasan 3

step dari SFV strategy dan cara

menerapkannya dalam pembuatan

descriptive text tentang describing

people ―Best Friend‖ dan


3. Guru memberikan kesempatan

kepada siswa untuk bertanya

4. Guru menginstruksikan siswa

untuk berlatih membuat teks

deskriptif dengan menggunakan

SFV. Guru membimbing siswa

dalam setiap tahap; Free-writing,

whilst-writing, post-writing

5. Siswa diperbolehkan

menggunakan kamus online atau


6. Guru menginstruksikan siswa

untuk mengecek hasil pekerjaan

mereka dan merevisinya

7. Guru menginstruksikan 1 orang

dari setiap baris tempat duduk

untuk maju ke depan dan

membacakan teks deskripsi yang

telah dibuat

8. Guru dan siswa memberikan

feedback kepada siswa yang

membacakan teks di depan kelas

10 menit

5 menit

20 menit

5 menit

5 menit

3 menit

Penutup 1. Guru memberikan kesempatan 5 menit


(13 menit) kepada siswa untuk bertanya

2. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan


3. Guru menyampaikan materi untuk

pertemuan berikutnya

4. Guru menutup proses


5 menit

2 menit

1 menit


Teknik Penilaian

1. Penilaian Spiritual

a. Penilaian diri dan penilaian teman sejawat.

b. Menggunakan lembar observasi tertutup.

2. Penilaian Sosial:

a. Penilaian diri dan penilaian teman sejawat.

b. Menggunakan lembar observasi tertutup.

3. Penilaian

a. Menggunakan daftar cek atau skala penilaian (rating scale) yang

disertai rubrik.

b. Latihan (fill in the mind map)

4. Penilaian Keterampilan:

a. Lisan

b. Tulis

Instrumen Penilaian

1. Instrumen penilaian spiritual

1 : Buruk, siswa tidak pernah melakukan sesuai pernyataan.

2 : Cukup, siswa kadang kadang melakukan sesuai dengan pernyataan.

3 : Baik, siswa sering melakukan sesuai dengan pernyataan.

4 : Sangat baik, siswa sering melakukan sesuai dengan pernyataan.


No Nama


Aspek penilaian












rasa syukur



baik sesama

umat ciptaan






2. Instrumen Penilaian Sosial

No Aspek yang Dinilai Kriteria Skor

1 Santun


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap santun

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap santun

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap







2 Bertanggungjawab


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap


Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap








Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap


3 Jujur


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap kerjasama

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap kerjasama

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap







4 Disiplin


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap disiplin

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap disiplin

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap







5 Percaya diri


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap

percaya diri

Sering menunjukan sikap percaya diri

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap

percaya diri

Pernah menunjukan sikap percaya diri

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap

percaya diri






6 Peduli


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap peduli

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap







Pernah menunjukan sikap peduli

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap peduli


No Nama


Aspek Penilaian Jumlah




jawab Jujur Disiplin







3. Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan

No Keterampilan yang diamati

dan dinilai Skor

Mengamati media 4 3 2 1

Nama siswa:






pertanyaan 4 3 2 1

Nama siswa:





Partisipasi dalam

bermain game/ Latihan 4 3 2 1


Nama siswa:





4: sangat baik

3: baik

2: kurang

1: sangat kurang

4. Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan

a. Tulis (email untuk pen pal)

Isi / teks

4: Isi teks singkat, padat akan informasi, jelas keterbacaannya

3: Dua dari kriteria isi / teks yang baik dipenuhi, sementara salah satu

kriteria tidak dipenuhi

2: Hanya salah satu dari kriteria isi / teks yang baik dipenuhi, sementara

dua kriteria tidak dipenuhi

1: Isi teks terlalu panjang, miskin informasi, tidak jelas keterbacaannya

(seluruh kriteria tidak terpenuhi)


4: Warna menarik, ukuran elemen penyusun proporsional, pesan yang

ingin disampaikan menjadi pusat perhatian (ketiga kriteria terpenuhi)

3: Dua dari kriteria desain yang baik dipenuhi, sementara salah satu

kriteria tidak dipenuhi

2: Hanya salah satu dari kriteria desain yang baik dipenuhi, sementara dua

kriteria tidak dipenuhi

1: Warna, ukuran elemen penyusun, pusat perhatian tidak menunjukkan

desain yang baik (seluruh kriteria tidak terpenuhi)



4: Gambar menarik, bermakna sebagai penyampai pesan, dan orisinil

(ketiga kriteria terpenuhi)

3: Dua dari kriteria gambar yang baik dipenuhi, sementara salah satu

kriteria tidak dipenuh

2: Hanya salah satu dari kriteria gambar yang baik dipenuhi, sementara

dua kriteria tidak dipenuhi

1: Gambar tidak menarik, tidak bermakna sebagai penyampai pesan, dan

tidak orisinil (seluruh kriteria desain yang baik tidak terpenuhi)

Ketersampaian Pesan

4: Pesan sangat mudah ditangkap pembaca

3: Pesan cukup mudah ditangkap pembaca

2: Pesan sulit ditangkap pembaca

1: Pesan tidak dapat ditangkap pembaca

b. Lisan (Speaking)

Komponen Uraian Skor

Pronunciation Terdapat banyak kesalahan pelafalan 1

Pelafalan benar tetapi tidak seperti native speaker 2

Pelafalan yang sempurna seperti native speaker 3

Fluency Pembicaraan selalu terhenti dan terputus-putus sehingga

susah untuk dimengerti


Pembicaraan lancar dan halus, tetapi sekali-kali masih

kurang konsisten/ajeg


No Nama


Aspek Penilaian Jumlah

Skor Isi/Teks Desain Gambar Ketersampaian







Pembicaraan dalam segala hal lancar dan halus seperti

penutur asli


Vocabulary Penguasaan kosa kata sangat terbatas 1

Pemilihan kosa kata sering tidak tepat dan keterbatasan

penguasaannya menghambat kelancaran komunikasi


Penggunaan kosa kata lebih luas dan cermat, kosa kata

umum pun tepat sesuai dengan situasisosial


Content Memahami sedikit isi percakapan yang paling sederhana



Memahami dengan baik percakapan sederhana, dalam hal

tertentu masih perlu penjelasan dan pengulangan


Memahami segala sesuatu dalam pembicaraan normal 3

Lembar nama siswa penilaian lisan

No Nama


Skor Total

skor Fluency Vocabulary Pronunciation Content





c. Tulis (Writing)

Aspect Score Criteria

Content (C)

- Topic

- Details

30-27 Relevant to the topic, give the detail information,

and match the purpose of descriptive text.

26-22 Mostly relevant to the topic, lacks of detail.

21-17 Inadequate development of the topic, almost match

the purpose of descriptive text.

16-13 Does not relate to the topic, does not match the


purpose of descriptive text.



- Identification

- Description

20-18 Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated, well-

organized, logical sequencing, cohesive.

17-14 Loosely organized, limited support, logical but

incomplete sequencing.

13-10 Non-fluent, ideas confused or unconnected, lacks of

logical development and sequencing.

9-7 Does not communicate, no organization, not enough

to evaluate.

Grammar (G)

- Use present


- Agreement

25-22 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies.

21-18 Several grammatical or agreement inaccuracies but

meaning seldom obscured.

17-11 Frequent grammatical or agreement inaccuracies

and meaning confused or obscured.

10-5 Dominated by grammatical or agreement


Vocabulary (V)

20-18 Use effective word/word choice/word usage, word

from mastery.

17-14 Occasional errors of word form, choice, but

meaning not obscured.

13-10 Frequent errors of word form, choice, usage, and

meaning confused/obscured.

9-7 Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, and

not understandable.

Mechanics (M)

- Spelling

- Punctuation

- Capitalization

5 It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and


4 It has occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, and


3 It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, and

capitalization or poor handwriting.


2 It is dominated by errors of spelling, punctuations,

and capitalization or handwriting illegible

Lembar nama siswa penilaian tulis

No Nama siswa

Skor Jumlah

Skor Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics






Kepala SMP Muhammadiyah 17

Drs. Sayuti Sufriatna, MM.

Ciputat, 28 Maret 2019


Gusti Fathia Cahyani

NBM. 943 199 NIM. 11150140000078


Appendix 10b. Lesson Plan of Cycle 2



Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : 8-D / Genap

Tahun Pelajaran : 2018/2019

Materi Pelajaran : Descriptive Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2 kali pertemuan)


KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong

royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan

prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri serta bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu

menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.



Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa inggris sebagai

pengantar komunikasi internasional

yang diwujudkan dalam semangat


1.1.1 Mengikuti proses

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang

dimulai dengan doa serta dengan

ketulusan, keseriusan, dan motivasi


2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun

dan peduli dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi interpersonal dengan

guru dan teman

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur,

disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi

transaksional dengan guru dan


2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku

tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama,

dan cinta damai, dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi


2.1.1 Mematuhi peraturan dalam

proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris


2.1.2 Menunjukkan perhatian siswa

terhadap guru bahasa inggris.

2.1.3 Menampilkan sikap baik siswa

seperti jujur, disiplin, dan

bertanggung jawab.

2.1.4 Menampilkan sikap siswa

yang baik saat berinteraksi dengan

guru, teman.

3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait dengan deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda sangat

pendek dan sederhana, sesuai

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

dari teks deskriptif describing


3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi generic

structure dari teks deskriptif

3.4.3 Mengemukakan tenses yang

digunakan pada teks deskriptif


dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.4.4 Menentukan kata sifat yang

berkaitan dengan describing

animals seperti aggressive, tiny,


3.4.5 Membedakan bentuk teks

deskriptif dengan teks lain yang

pernah dipelajari

4.7 Teks Deskriptif

4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis,

sangat pendek dan sederhana,

terkait orang,

binatang, dan benda

4.7.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif

lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan

sederhana, terkait orang, binatang,

dan benda, dengan memperhatikan

fungsisosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan, secara benar

Dansesuaikonteks Mengidentifikasikan teks

describing animals dengan

memperhatikan social function,

generic structure, dan language

feature sesuai konteksnya Menjelaskan suatu teks

describing animals berdasarkan

social function, generic structure,

dan language feature Menyusun teks describing

animals secara pendek dan

sederhana dengan memperhatikan

social function, generic structure,

dan language feature sesuai

konteksnya dengan bantuan SFV




Di akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari teks deskriptif describing animals

2. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks deskriptif

3. Mengemukakan tenses yang digunakan pada teks deskriptif

4. Menentukan kata sifat yang berkaitan dengan describing animals seperti

aggressive, tiny, herbivorous

5. Membedakan bentuk teks deskriptif dengan teks lain yang pernah dipelajari

6. Mengidentifikasikan teks describing animals dengan memperhatikan social

function, generic structure, dan language feature sesuai konteksnya

7. Menjelaskan suatu teks describing people berdasarkan social function, generic

structure, dan language feature

8. Menyusun teks describing animals secara pendek dan sederhana dengan

memperhatikan social function, generic structure, dan language feature sesuai

konteksnya dengan bantuan SFV Strategy


Deskriptif teks adalah suatu teks yang menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan

orang, binatang, suatu benda, dan lainnya baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya,

jumlahnya, dan lain-lain.

Tenses: Simple Present Tense

Deskriptif teks hanya fokus pada suatu objek tertentu. Pada describing

people, people can be described by the way he or she looks (physically or

non-physically) and by the behaviors (characteristics or personality


Unsur Kebahasaan

o Nama nama hewan (monkey, giraffe, elephant, cow, cat, ostrich, eel,

owl, … etc)

o Kata benda singular dengan a, an, the, dan plural (-s).

A crocodile two crocodiles

A monkey two monkeys

A giraffe two giraffes

A snake two snakes


A hippopotamus three hippopotamuses

A cow four cows

A cat five cats

An eagle two eagles

An eel two eels

An owl two owls

An ostrich three ostriches

An ape four apes

Pronounciation nama-nama hewan :

Cow : kaʊ

Elephant : ˈel.ɪ.fənt

Giraffe : dʒɪˈrɑːf

Monkey :ˈmʌŋ.ki

Snake :sneɪk

Hippopotamus :hɪp.əˈpɒt.ə.məs

Rhinoceros : raɪˈnɒs. ər.əs

o Kata sifat (adjective) yang sangat lazim dalam mendeskripsikan hewan

: big, small, tall, short, strong, weak, wild, tame, deadly, disgusting dan


Kata sifat dalam mendeskripsikan hewan :

Big : bɪg

Small : smɑːl

Tall : tɑːl

Strong : strɑːŋ

Weak : wiːk

Tame : teɪm

Deadly :

Contoh model percakapan menyatakan dan menanyakan yang digunakan

guru dalam mendeskripsikan hewan dengan metode mystery guess

What animal am I?

A : This animal has a long nose, it has big body, it has large ears, it

eats grass and you can find this animal in Waikambas, Lampung

B : Does it have strong trunks?

A : Yes it has. What animal is it?

B : It is an elephant

A : Yes, you are right



Giraffes are easy to identify with their long necks, skinny

legs and distinctive spotted markings. They are the tallest mammals on

earth. The approximate weight of giraffes is approximately 2,000 - 3,000

lbs for males; females weigh less than males. The approximate height is

about 16 - 18 feet for males and about 14 - 16 feet for females.Giraffes

live in small groups in parts of Africa where food is adequate, south of the

Saharan Desert. The habitat of giraffes is the open plains of the African

savanna. Giraffes also live in the grassland or woodland where trees are

present. Giraffes prefer leaves from acacia trees. Acacia trees have thorns

that keep most animals away; however, giraffes' long tongues can

maneuver around the thorns to reach the leaves. They will also eat leaves

of other trees, bark, and grass if necessary. Female giraffes become

sexually mature around 3 or 4 years old. The gestation or pregnancy period

for a female giraffe is about 14 - 15 months. A female giraffe will give

birth to a calf that stands about 6 feet tall and weighs approximately 150


Struktur teks deskriptif:

-Identification/Pendahuluan: berupa gambaran tentang suatu topik


-Description/Penjelasan: berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat

atau orang yang dideskripsikan secara spesifik.

Penjelasan SFV:

-Step 1: Mencari ide, membuat mind mapping

-Step 2: Membuat draft tulisan dengan memasukan sensory detail,

figurative language, dan vivid words

-Step 3: Mengecek draft, merevisi, dan mempresentasikan

Materi pada power point




Pendekatan: Scientific Learning

Metode: Ceramah Plus Diskusi, PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production).

Strategi: SFV (sensory details, figurative language, and vivid words) Strategy.


1. Papan tulis dan Spidol

2. Guru

3. Laptop

4. Proyektor

5. Buku sumber dan buku tulis siswa dan guru

6. Kamus online atau offline

7. Video YouTube

8. Google:




Pertemuan Pertama




(19 menit)

1. Guru masuk ke dalam kelas memberi

salam dan greeting (good morning/

good afternoon)

2. Guru dan siswa berdoa bersama

3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

4. Apersepsi:

- Guru menanyakan kabar siswa

1 menit

3 menit

5 menit

10 menit


-Guru memberikan motivasi

-Guru mereview materi pada

pertemuan sebelumnya


(64 menit)

1. Guru bertanya kepada siswa

mengenai hewan yang mereka sukai

dan seperti apa hewan tersebut.

2. Guru mengawali pelajaran dengan

melakukan game word snake.


seterusnya. Setiap siswa harus

menyumbangkan satu kata.

3. Setelah itu guru menginstruksikan

siswa untuk mengelompokkan

hewan-hewan tersebut sesuai


4. Guru bertanya kepada siswa makna

tersirat dari permainan tersebut dan

korelasinya terhadap pelajaran dan

siswa menjawabnya.

5. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa

mengenai how to describe animals

dan mind mappingnya. Guru juga

menjelaskan step SFV dalam

mendeskripsikan hewan.

6. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk

membuat teks deskriptif tentang

hewan yang mereka sukai atau

hewan peliharaan. Guru

membimbing siswa pada setiap tahap


2 menit

10 menit

5 menit

5 menit

10 menit

20 menit


7. Guru mengecek ke setiap tempat

duduk siswa untuk memastikan

semua siswa dapat mengerjakan

dengan vocab dan punctuation mark

yang tepat.

8. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk

maju ke depan dari setiap perwakilan

baris tempat duduk dan membacakan

hasil tulisan mereka. Siswa yang

sudah pernah maju ke depan tidak

diperbolehkan maju kembali dan

memberikan kesempatan kepada

yang belum pernah maju.

9. Guru memberikan kesempatan

kepada siswa untuk bertanya dan

berdiskusi dengan guru terkait


5 menit

5 menit

2 menit


(7 menit)

1. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk

mengumpulkan hasil tulisan.

2. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan

materi pelajaran

3. Guru menyampaikan materi untuk

pertemuan berikutnya

4. Guru menutup proses pembelajaran

2 menit

2 menit

2 menit

1 menit

Pertemuan Kedua



Pendahuluan 1. Guru masuk ke dalam kelas


(14 menit) memberi salam dan greeting

(good morning/ good afternoon)

2. Guru dan siswa berdoa bersama

3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

4. Guru memberikan motivasi di

awal pelajaran

5. Guru dan siswa mereview

pelajaran pada pertemuan


1 menit

1 menit

2 menit

5 menit

5 menit


(65 menit)

1. Guru menampilkan matching

picture game pada power point

sebagai warming-up. Siswa

mencoba menjawabnya. Lalu

guru memberitahu jawaban yang

benar. Dari game ini siswa dapat

melihat dan memerhatikan

contoh-contoh animal description


2. Guru menjelaskan tentang sensory

details dengan contohnya,

figurative language dengan

contohnya, dan vivid words

dengan contohnya melalui power

point slides

3. Guru memaparkan penjelasan 3

step dari SFV strategy dan cara

menerapkannya dalam pembuatan

descriptive text tentang describing

people animals dan contohnya

4. Guru memberikan kesempatan

10 menit

10 menit

20 menit


kepada siswa untuk bertanya

5. Guru menginstruksikan siswa

untuk berlatih membuat teks

deskriptif dengan menggunakan

SFV. Guru membimbing siswa

dalam setiap tahap; Free-writing,

whilst-writing, post-writing

6. Siswa diperbolehkan

menggunakan kamus online atau


7. Guru menginstruksikan siswa

untuk mengecek hasil pekerjaan

mereka dan merevisinya

8. Guru menginstruksikan 1 orang

dari setiap baris tempat duduk

untuk maju ke depan dan

membacakan teks deskripsi yang

telah dibuat

9. Guru dan siswa memberikan

feedback kepada siswa yang

membacakan teks di depan kelas

5 menit

20 menit

3 menit

5 menit

5 menit


(11 menit)

1. Guru memberikan kesempatan

kepada siswa untuk bertanya

2. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan


3. Guru menutup proses


5 menit

5 menit

1 menit


Teknik Penilaian

1. Penilaian Spiritual


c. Penilaian diri dan penilaian teman sejawat.

d. Menggunakan lembar observasi tertutup.

2. Penilaian Sosial:

c. Penilaian diri dan penilaian teman sejawat.

d. Menggunakan lembar observasi tertutup.

3. Penilaian

c. Menggunakan daftar cek atau skala penilaian (rating scale) yang

disertai rubrik.

d. Latihan

4. Penilaian Keterampilan:

c. Lisan

d. Tulis

Instrumen Penilaian

1. Instrumen penilaian spiritual

1 : Buruk, siswa tidak pernah melakukan sesuai pernyataan.

2 : Cukup, siswa kadang kadang melakukan sesuai dengan pernyataan.

3 : Baik, siswa sering melakukan sesuai dengan pernyataan.

4 : Sangat baik, siswa sering melakukan sesuai dengan pernyataan.

No Nama


Aspek penilaian












rasa syukur



baik sesama

umat ciptaan







3. Instrumen Penilaian Sosial

No Aspek yang Dinilai Kriteria Skor

1 Santun


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap santun

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap santun

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap







2 Bertanggungjawab


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap


Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap


Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap







3 Jujur


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap kerjasama

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap kerjasama

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap







4 Disiplin


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap





Sering menunjukan sikap disiplin

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap disiplin

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap





5 Percaya diri


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap

percaya diri

Sering menunjukan sikap percaya diri

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap

percaya diri

Pernah menunjukan sikap percaya diri

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap

percaya diri






6 Peduli


Sangat sering menunjukan sikap


Sering menunjukan sikap peduli

Beberapa kali menunjukan sikap


Pernah menunjukan sikap peduli

Tidak pernah menunjukan sikap peduli






No Nama


Aspek Penilaian Jumlah




Jawab Jujur Disiplin








3. Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan

No Keterampilan yang diamati

dan dinilai Skor

Mengamati media 4 3 2 1

Nama siswa:






pertanyaan 4 3 2 1

Nama siswa:





Partisipasi dalam

bermain game/ Latihan 4 3 2 1

Nama siswa:





4: sangat baik

3: baik

2: kurang

1: sangat kurang


4. Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan

d. Tulis (email untuk pen pal)

Isi / teks

4: Isi teks singkat, padat akan informasi, jelas keterbacaannya

3: Dua dari kriteria isi / teks yang baik dipenuhi, sementara salah satu

kriteria tidak dipenuhi

2: Hanya salah satu dari kriteria isi / teks yang baik dipenuhi, sementara

dua kriteria tidak dipenuhi

1: Isi teks terlalu panjang, miskin informasi, tidak jelas keterbacaannya

(seluruh kriteria tidak terpenuhi)


4: Warna menarik, ukuran elemen penyusun proporsional, pesan yang

ingin disampaikan menjadi pusat perhatian (ketiga kriteria terpenuhi)

3: Dua dari kriteria desain yang baik dipenuhi, sementara salah satu

kriteria tidak dipenuhi

2: Hanya salah satu dari kriteria desain yang baik dipenuhi, sementara dua

kriteria tidak dipenuhi

1: Warna, ukuran elemen penyusun, pusat perhatian tidak menunjukkan

desain yang baik (seluruh kriteria tidak terpenuhi)


4: Gambar menarik, bermakna sebagai penyampai pesan, dan orisinil

(ketiga kriteria terpenuhi)

3: Dua dari kriteria gambar yang baik dipenuhi, sementara salah satu

kriteria tidak dipenuh

2: Hanya salah satu dari kriteria gambar yang baik dipenuhi, sementara

dua kriteria tidak dipenuhi

1: Gambar tidak menarik, tidak bermakna sebagai penyampai pesan, dan

tidak orisinil (seluruh kriteria desain yang baik tidak terpenuhi)

Ketersampaian Pesan

4: Pesan sangat mudah ditangkap pembaca

3: Pesan cukup mudah ditangkap pembaca


2: Pesan sulit ditangkap pembaca

1: Pesan tidak dapat ditangkap pembaca

e. Lisan (Speaking)

Komponen Uraian Skor

Pronunciation Terdapat banyak kesalahan pelafalan 1

Pelafalan benar tetapi tidak seperti native speaker 2

Pelafalan yang sempurna seperti native speaker 3

Fluency Pembicaraan selalu terhenti dan terputus-putus sehingga

susah untuk dimengerti


Pembicaraan lancar dan halus, tetapi sekali-kali masih

kurang konsisten/ajeg


Pembicaraan dalam segala hal lancar dan halus seperti

penutur asli


Vocabulary Penguasaan kosa kata sangat terbatas 1

Pemilihan kosa kata sering tidak tepat dan keterbatasan

penguasaannya menghambat kelancaran komunikasi


Penggunaan kosa kata lebih luas dan cermat, kosa kata

umum pun tepat sesuai dengan situasisosial


Content Memahami sedikit isi percakapan yang paling sederhana



No Nama


Aspek Penilaian Jumlah

Skor Isi/Teks Desain Gambar Ketersampaian







Memahami dengan baik percakapan sederhana, dalam hal

tertentu masih perlu penjelasan dan pengulangan


Memahami segala sesuatu dalam pembicaraan normal 3

Lembar nama siswa penilaian lisan

No Nama


Skor Total

skor Fluency Vocabulary Pronunciation Content





f. Tulis (Writing)

Aspect Score Criteria

Content (C)

- Topic

- Details

30-27 Relevant to the topic, give the detail information,

and match the purpose of descriptive text.

26-22 Mostly relevant to the topic, lacks of detail.

21-17 Inadequate development of the topic, almost match

the purpose of descriptive text.

16-13 Does not relate to the topic, does not match the

purpose of descriptive text.



- Identification

- Description

20-18 Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated, well-

organized, logical sequencing, cohesive.

17-14 Loosely organized, limited support, logical but

incomplete sequencing.

13-10 Non-fluent, ideas confused or unconnected, lacks of

logical development and sequencing.

9-7 Does not communicate, no organization, not enough

to evaluate.

Grammar (G) 25-22 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies.


- Use present


- Agreement

21-18 Several grammatical or agreement inaccuracies but

meaning seldom obscured.

17-11 Frequent grammatical or agreement inaccuracies

and meaning confused or obscured.

10-5 Dominated by grammatical or agreement


Vocabulary (V)

20-18 Use effective word/word choice/word usage, word

from mastery.

17-14 Occasional errors of word form, choice, but

meaning not obscured.

13-10 Frequent errors of word form, choice, usage, and

meaning confused/obscured.

9-7 Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, and

not understandable.

Mechanics (M)

- Spelling

- Punctuation

- Capitalization

5 It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and


4 It has occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, and


3 It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, and

capitalization or poor handwriting.

2 It is dominated by errors of spelling, punctuations,

and capitalization or handwriting illegible

Lembar nama siswa penilaian tulis

No Nama siswa

Skor Jumlah

Skor Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics







Kepala SMP Muhammadiyah 17

Drs. Sayuti Sufriatna, MM.

Ciputat, 9 April 2019


Gusti Fathia Cahyani

NBM. 943 199 NIM. 11150140000078


Appendix 11. Documentation



Appendix 12. Pictures of Students‘ Work



Appendix 13. Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi


Appendix 14a. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi Dosen 1


Appendix 14b. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi Dosen 2


Appendix 15. Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian


Appendix 16. Surat Pelaksanaan Penelitian


Appendix 17. References Examination Paper









