APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway … Devon... · 3.1 Description of structure...


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APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

Name of Project Lynton and Barnstaple Railway

Name of Bridge or Structure Rowley Cross Railway Bridge

Structure Ref. No. LBR 57 OS grid reference SS 662 451 (266207 145050)


1.1 Type of highway – unclassified road near junction of Minniemoor Lane and Leys Lane

1.2 Permitted traffic speed - 60mph (actual traffic speed is likely to be less due toproximity of junction with A39)

1.3 Existing weight restriction - none


2.1 Obstacles crossed – single track of narrow gauge railway


3.1 Description of structure and design working life – masonry arch, 120 years

3.2 Structural type – masonry arch. The original arch is believed to have remained in-situbelow road level when the railway was abandoned and the approach cuttings infilled.The existence of the arch and its condition will be proven when excavationcommences, and any repairs such as repointing and re-waterproofing will be carriedout at that time. The condition of the foundations will also be confirmed. A loadassessment of the existing arch will be a carried out to BA 16/97, initially using MEXEanalysis followed by other methods if necessary. Strengthening of the original arch willbe carried out if needed to attain 40t vehicle loading. To give improved sight lines forhighway users turning to or from Minniemoor Lane, the arch will be extendedapproximately 2.787m westwards (centreline measurement) on a skew of 7.5° relativeto the road centreline, with a new masonry parapet constructed to match the existingeast parapet wall.

3.3 Foundation type – spread footings on bank seats

3.4 Span arrangements – single span 9.385m skew (8.534m square) measured betweenthe abutment faces. The crown of the arch is 6.477m above rail level. The structuregauge used is that of the Ffestiniog Railway, North Wales, due to commonality in thedimensions of rolling stock, which will be shared between the two railways. This haspreviously been accepted by ORR (formerly HMRI) thus setting a precedent. Thewidth of the structure is increased to allow for end throw and centre throw of rollingstock in accordance with curve geometry. See diagram ref. PW29J.

3.5 Articulation arrangements – abutments, arch, spandrels and parapets all integral instone and/or brick masonry, keyed into the existing masonry arch

3.6 Classes and levels

3.6.1 Consequence class – CC2

3.6.2 Reliability class – RC2

3.6.3 Inspection level – DSL2

3.7 Road restraint systems requirements – masonry parapets compliant with TD 19/06

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APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

and BS 6779: Part 4:1991. Metal safety fences will be used on the approaches to theends of the parapets.

3.8 Proposed arrangements for future maintenance and inspection

3.8.1 Traffic management – no effect upon highway traffic

3.8.2 Arrangements for future maintenance and inspection of structure. Accessarrangements to structure - underneath inspection conducted from scaffoldingor rail mounted vehicles when there are no trains running

3.9 Environment and sustainability – the masonry arch extension and parapet will beconstructed from locally sourced inert materials such as stone or brick with minimalenvironmental impact. No maintenance painting will be required. The use of recycledaggregates for backfill will be considered subject to meeting required qualityrequirements.

3.10 Durability, materials and finishes

4 Local stone and/or bricks class A engineering HD, F2, S2 to BS EN 771-1 and HighwaysAgency specification clause 2417, Table 24/4.

5 Cementitious mortar with added lime will be used; designation (ii) to Highways Agencyspecification Tables 24/1 and 24/6

6 Mass concrete C20/25 backfill to arch attaining 25N/mm2 cube strength at 28 days.Alternatively, foamed concrete may be used, subject to suitability.

7 Backfill to structure: granular material class 6N used above arch springing level. Note that inthe likely event of hard rock being encountered, a minimum width will be excavated for theconstruction of the abutment and the space behind backfilled with mass concrete.

8 Spray applied bridge deck waterproofing will be applied over the top of the extrados. Theremaining buried surfaces of the structure will be protected with two coats of cut back bitumenwaterproofing to within 0.3m of finished ground level in accordance with HA specificationseries 2000 and CIRIA C543 diagrams 3.5.3-2, 3.5.3-3.

9 Drainage will be provided at the back of the spandrels by means of a 150mm diameter filterdrain laid to 1 in 150.

9.1 Risks and hazards considered for design, execution, maintenance and demolition.Consultation with and/or agreement from CDM coordinator

10 Difficulty of extending foundations for the new bridge next to the existing bridge while retainingthe latter open to traffic.

11 Contaminated materials used to backfill the former railway trackbed and cutting exposedduring excavation

12 Uncharted utilities

13 Traffic hazards during construction. The highway will be kept open during construction of theworks requiring propping of excavations to ensure full support to the edge of the highway withfull live load surcharge allowed for. Temporary vehicle restraint barriers and demarcationfences will be provided to prevent vehicles and people entering deep excavations alongside ornear the edge of the highway.

14 No unusual hazards are anticipated during maintenance or subsequent demolition

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APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

14.1 Estimated cost of proposed structure together with other structural forms considered(including where appropriate proprietary manufactured structure), and the reasons fortheir rejection (including comparative whole life costs with dates of estimates) – archstructure is considered most suitable solution for whole life durability and lowmaintenance requirement, while replicating the heritage of the railway.

14.2 Proposed arrangements for construction

14.2.1 Construction of structure – the cutting will be fully excavated back to itsoriginal profile. The cutting sides will be cut back and prepared to receivebank seat abutment extensions to the existing abutments. Erect centring andbuild arch, keyed and/or dowelled into face of existing arch. The new arch willhave an identical profile to the existing. Build new parapet on the west side.

14.2.2 Traffic management – one lane working with traffic lights will enable a safetyzone to be maintained on the west side of the bridge

14.2.3 Service diversions – unknown, but a full utility search will be conducted beforedetail design and provision made for diversions if necessary.

14.2.4 Interface with existing structures – the arch extension and new westernparapet will be identical in profile and appearance to the existing arch andeast parapet.


15.1 Actions

15.1.1 Permanent actions – dead weight, horizontal ground pressure, surcharge andbackfill to PD 6694-1

15.1.2 Snow, wind and thermal actions – none

15.1.3 Actions relating to normal traffic under AW regulations and C&U regulations –LM1 and LM2. In all cases wheel loads are dispersed at 30° to the vertical tothe top of the arch, the buried depth is approximately 0.6m. Surcharge affectsare applied in accordance with PD 6694-1.

15.1.4 Actions relating to General Order Traffic under STGO regulations - LM3 SV80as defined in NA to BS EN 1991-2:2003 NA 2.16 (up to six 130kN axles at1.2m pitch in one lane only). SV80 minimum required to BD 91/04 Table 3.1.

15.1.5 Footway or footbridge variable actions – no specific provision since the wholelength of the arch will be constructed with the same section capable ofcarrying highway traffic over its full length

15.1.6 Actions relating to Special Order Traffic, provision for exceptional abnormalindivisible loads including location of vehicle track on deck cross-section –none

15.1.7 Accidental actions - the concrete parapet and its connection to the structurewill be designed to resist accidental impact from errant vehicles in accordancewith TD 19/06 and BS 6779 part 2. A yielding or frangible connection will beprovided between the parapet wall and the arch/spandrel structure to enableaccidental damage to be readily repaired without impairment to thesubstructure. The wing walls will be proportioned to have sufficient mass to beable to resist overturning and sliding effects.

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APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

15.1.8 Actions during construction – the spandrel walls will be designed toaccommodate lateral pressure from vibratory earth compaction equipmentand/or wet concrete where this exceeds the loads applied by earth backfillpressure and traffic surcharge during use (PD 6694-1 7.3.3)

15.1.9 Any special action not covered above - none

15.2 Heavy or high load route requirements and arrangements being made to preserve theroute, including any provision for future heavier loads or future widening - none

15.3 Headroom provided – 6.477m to crown of arch. The structure gauge used is that ofthe Ffestiniog Railway, North Wales, due to commonality in the dimensions of rollingstock, which will be exchanged between the two railways. This has previously beenaccepted by ORR (formerly HMRI) thus setting a precedent. A greater headroom thanthe minimum will be sought where it can be provided with reasonable economy toimprove the draughting efficiency of steam locomotives and reduce the risk of blowback.

15.4 Authorities to be consulted and any special conditions required

16 Devon County Council Highway Authority

17 Environment Agency

18 Wessex Water Company and other utility companies

18.1 Standards and documents listed in the Technical Approval Schedule – see Appendix A

18.2 Proposed departures relating to departures from standards given in 4.5 - none

18.3 Proposed departures relating to methods for dealing with aspects not covered bystandards in 4.5 - none


19.1 Methods of analysis proposed for superstructure, substructure and foundations –plane frame analysis based upon a one-metre wide strip to establish thrust lines andfoundation reactions. The existing arch will be assessed by the MEXE method tocheck for its capacity and to ascertain whether any strengthening is required to attain40t vehicle loading.

19.2 Description and diagram of idealised structure to be used for analysis – see AppendixB for general arrangement drawing. The idealised diagram will follow.

19.3 Assumptions intended for calculation of structural element stiffness – Young’smodulus for concrete 31e6kN/m2 short term and half that value for long term effects

19.4 Proposed range of soil parameters to be used in the design of earth retainingelements – K values applied as per Tables B.1 to B.6 in PD 6694


20.1 Acceptance of recommendations of the Geotechnical Design Report to be used in thedesign and reasons for any proposed changes – a ground investigation is awaited.For the preliminary design, conservative parameters based on Tables B.1 to B.6 willbe used.

20.2 Summary of design for highway structure in the Geotechnical Design Report – to be

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APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

confirmed. Anecdotal evidence suggests a rock cutting with steep sides. This will beconfirmed upon excavation and the stability will be assessed at that time. In theunlikely event that reinstatement of the former side slopes is found to beunsatisfactory, then measures will be introduced such as retaining walls, groundanchors or battering back the slope to a reduced angle within the railway’s boundaryor limits of deviation permitted.

20.3 Differential settlement to be allowed for in the design of the structure – nominally10mm. Differential settlement is expected to be minimal as hard rock foundationsprevail. Resin anchor tie bars and/or masonry keys are envisaged to ensure astructure that integrity of the connection is maintained. Masonry cladding will havelime added to the mortar which traditionally has been found to offer flexibility.

20.4 If the Geotechnical Design Report is not yet available, state when the results areexpected and list the sources of information used to justify the preliminary choice offoundations – to be confirmed


21.1 Proposed Category and Design Supervision Level – Cat 2 and DSL 2

21.2 If Category 3, name of proposed Independent Checker – NA

21.3 Erection proposals or temporary works for which Types S and P Proposals will berequired, listing structural parts of the permanent structure affected with reasons - NA


22.1 List of drawings (including numbers) and documents accompanying the submission

Appendix A Technical Approval Schedule (TAS).

Appendix B General Arrangement Drawing LBR-57-001a, and loading gauge diagram PW29J.

Appendix C Relevant extracts from the Geotechnical Design Report.

Appendix D Departures

Appendix E Relevant correspondence and documents from consultations

Appendix F Designers Hazard Risk Assessment


Signed ________________________________

Name John C Sreeves

Design Team Leader

Engineering Qualifications FICE

Name of Organisation Lynton & Barnstaple Railway

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APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

Date ________________________________


Signed ________________________________

Name ________________________________

Position held ________________________________

Engineering Qualifications ________________________________

TAA ________________________________

Date ________________________________

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Schedule of Documents Relating to Design or Assessment of Highway Bridges and Structures


BS 5268: Part 2: 2002 Structural Use of Timber

BS 5400 Steel Concrete and Composite Bridges. (The BS 5400 series is withdrawn, and replaced by Eurocodes but are still referenced by many BAs, BDs and remain in used for assessment).

Part 1: 1988 General Statement (see BD 15 (DMRB 1.3.2))

Part 2: 1978 Specification for Loads (as implemented by BD 37 (DMRB 1.3))

Part 3: 2000 CP for Design of Steel Bridges (see BD 13 (DMRB 1.3))

Part 4: 1990 CP for Design of Concrete Bridges (see BD 24 (DMRB 1.3.1))

Part 5: 2005 CP for Design of Composite Bridges (aligned with BD 16 (DMRB 1.3))

Part 9: 1983 Bridge Bearings (see BD 20 (DMRB 2.3.1))

Part 10: 1980 CP for Fatigue (see BD 9 (DMRB 1.3))

BS 5628: Part 1: 2005 Unreinforced Masonry

BS 5930: 1999 Code of Practice for Site Investigations

BS 6031: 2009 Code of Practice for Earthworks

BS 6779:2 1999 Highway Parapets for Bridges and other Structures. Part 2: Specification for vehicle containment parapets of concrete construction

BS 8002: 1994 Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures

BS 8004: 1986 Code of Practice for Foundations

BS 8006-1: 2010 Code of practice for strengthened/reinforced soils and other fills (incorporating corrigendum No. 1)

BS 8006-2: 2011 Code of practice for strengthened/reinforced soils. Soil nail design (incorporating corrigenda Nos. 1 and 2)

BS 8118: 1991 The Structural Use of Aluminium

BS 8500-1: 2006 Concrete: Method of Specifying and Guidance for the Specifier

BS 8500-2: 2006 Specification for Constituent Materials and Concrete

BS 8666: 2005 Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete

BS EN 1317-1-2010 Road Restraint Systems - Part 1

Terminology and General Criteria for Test Methods

BS EN 1317-2-2010 Road Restraint Systems - Part 2

Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for safety barriers including vehicle parapets

BS EN 1317-3-2010 Road Restraint Systems - Part 3

Performance Classes, Impact Test Acceptance Criteria and Test Methods for Crash Cushions

APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

DD ENV 1317-4-2002 Road Restraint Systems - Part 4

Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for terminals and transitions of safety barriers

BS EN 1317-5-2007 Road Restraint Systems - Part 5

Product requirements and evaluation of conformity for vehicle restraint systems (incl. amendment 1:2012)


NB: There are 58 parts; the top level headings are shown here. Users should also refer to NAs (National Annexes) and PDs (Published Documents) containing NCCIs (Non contradictory Complementary Information)

BS EN 1990 Basis of Structural Design

BS EN 1991 Actions on structures

BS EN 1992 Design of Concrete Structures

BS EN 1993 Design of Steel Structures

BS EN 1994 Design of Composite steel and Concrete Structures

BS EN 1995 Design of Timber structures

BS EN 1996 Design of Masonry structures

BS EN 1997 Geotechnical Design

BS EN 1998 Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance

BS EN 1999 Design of Aluminium Structures

Structural Eurocodes (expanded list) together with National Annexe date

Structural Eurocodes

(To be used in conjunction with the corresponding UK National Annexes)

Date ofNationalAnnexe

BS EN 1990:2002 + A1:2005

Eurocode - Basis of structural design 2004

BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002

Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-1: General actions – Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings


BS EN 1991-1-3:2003Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. General actions. Snow loads


BS EN 1991-1-4:2005Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. General Expected actions. Wind actions


BS EN 1991-1-5:2003Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. General actions. Thermal actions


BS EN 1991-1-6:2005Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. General Expected actions. Actions during execution


BS EN 1991-1-7:2006Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. General Expected actions. Accidental actions


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APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Lynton & Barnstaple Railway(Bridge and other Highway Structures) Eurocodes Rowley Cross Rly Bridge

Structure Ref. No 57

BS EN 1991-2:2003Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Traffic loads on bridges


BS EN 1991-3:2006Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Actions induced by cranes and machinery (incorporating corrigenda December 2012 and March 2013) (2006)


BS EN 1991-4:2006Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures. Silos and tanks (incorporating corrigenda November 2012, March 2013 and July 2013) (2006)


BS EN 1992-1-1:2004Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings


BS EN 1992-1-2:2004Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. General rules - Structural fire design (incorporating corrigendum July 2008) (2004)


BS EN 1992-2:2005Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Concrete bridges. Design and detailing rules


BS EN 1992-3:2006Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Liquid retaining and containing structures


BS EN 1993-1-1:2005Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. General rules andrules for buildings


BS EN 1993-1-2:2005Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. General rules - Structural fire design (incorporating corrigenda December2005, September 2006 and March 2009) (2005)


BS EN 1993-1-3:2006Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. General rules. Supplementary rules for cold-formed members and sheeting


BS EN 1993-1-4:2006Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. General rules. Supplementary rules for stainless steel


BS EN 1993-1-5:2006Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Plated structural elements


BS EN 1993-1-6:2007Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Strength and stability of shell structures

BS EN 1993-1-7:2007Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Plated structures subject to out of plane loading

BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Design of joints 2008

BS EN 1993-1-9:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Fatigue strength 2008

BS EN 1993-1-10:2005

Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Material toughness and through-thickness properties


BS EN 1993-1-11:2006

Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Design of structures with tension components


BS EN 1993-1-12:2007

Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S 700


BS EN 1993-2:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Steel bridges. 2008

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Structure Ref. No 57

BS EN 1993-3-1:2006Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures. Towers, masts and chimneys - towers and masts (incorporating corrigendum July 2009) (2006)


BS EN 1993-3-2:2006 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures. Towers, masts and chimneys - chimneys (2006)

BS EN 1993-4-1:2007Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures. Silos (incorporating corrigendum April 2009 and January 2011) (2007)

BS EN 1993-4-2:2007 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures. Tanks (incorporating corrigendum July 2009) (2007)

BS EN 1993-4-3:2007 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures. Pipelines (incorporating corrigendum July 2009) (2007)

BS EN 1993-5:2007 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Piling 2009

BS EN 1993-6:2007Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Crane supporting structures (incorporating corrigendum July 2009) (2007)


BS EN 1994-1-1:2004Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures. General rules and rules for buildings.


BS EN 1994-1-2:2004

Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steel and concrete structures. General rules - Structural fire design (+A1:2014) (incorporating corrigenda July 2008 and August 2014) (2005)


BS EN 1994-2:2005Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures. General rules and rules for bridges.


BS EN 1995-1-1:2004Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures. General. Common rules and rules for buildings


BS EN 1995-1-2:2004Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures. General - Structural fire design (incorporating corrigenda June 2006and March 2009) (2004)


BS EN 1995-2:2004 Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures. Bridges 2006

BS EN 1996-1-1:2005Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures


BS EN 1996-1-2:2005Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures. General rules - Structural fire design (incorporating corrigendum October 2010) (2005)


BS EN 1996-2:2006Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures. Design considerations, selection of materials and execution of masonry


BS EN 1996-3:2006Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures. Simplified calculation methods for unreinforced masonry structures


BS EN 1997-1:2004 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design. General rules 2007

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Structure Ref. No 57

BS EN 1997-2:2007Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design. Ground investigation and testing


BS EN 1998-1:2004Eurocode 8: Design for structures for earthquake resistance. General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings.


BS EN 1998-2:2005Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Bridges


BS EN 1998-3:2005

Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Assessment and retrofitting of buildings (incorporating corrigenda March 2010 and August 2013) (2005)

BS EN 1998-4:2006Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Silos, tanks and pipelines (2006)


BS EN 1998-5:2004Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Foundations, retaining structure and geotechnical aspects


BS EN 1998-6:2005Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Towers, masts and chimneys (2005)


BS EN 1999-1-1:2007Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures. General structural rules


BS EN 1999-1-2:2007Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures. Structural fire design (incorporating corrigenda December 2008, March 2009 and October 2009) (2007)


BS EN 1999-1-3:2007Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures. Structures susceptible to fatigue.


BS EN 1999-1-4:2007Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures. Cold formedstructural sheeting.


BS EN 1999-1-5:2007Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures. Shell structures (incorporating corrigendum November 2009) (2007)


British Standards (non-conflicting with Structural Eurocodes)

BS EN 1337-1:2000 Structural bearings. General design rules (refer also to parts 2 to 11)

BS EN 10025Hot rolled products of structural steels. Technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance

BS EN 15050:2007 Precast concrete products – Bridge elements

BS EN 1090-1:2009Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Requirementsfor conformity assessment of structural components

BS EN 1090-2:2008Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Technical requirements for the execution of steel structures

BS EN 1090-3:2008Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Technical requirements for the aluminium structures

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Structure Ref. No 57

BS EN 13670:2009 Execution of concrete structures


BSI Published Documents

PD 6687-1:2010 Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992

PD 6687-2:2008Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1992-2:2005(2008)

PD 6688-1-1:2011Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-1-1 (2011)

PD 6688-1-2:2007Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1991-1.2 (AMD Corrigendum 17225) (2007)

PD 6688-1-4:2009 Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-4

PD 6688-1-7:2009 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-1-7

PD 6688-2:2011 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-2

PD 6694-1:2011Recommendations for the design of structures subject to traffic loading to BS EN 1997-1:2004

PD 6695-1-9:2008 Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1993-1-9

PD 6695-1-10:2009 Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 1993-1-10

PD 6695-2:2008 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1993

PD 6696-2:2007 Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1994-2

PD 6697-2010Recommendations for the design of masonry structures to BS EN 1996-1-1 and BS EN 1996-2 (2010)

PD 6698:2009Recommendations for the design of structures for earthquake resistance to BS EN 1998

PD 6702-1-2009Structural use of aluminium. Recommendations for the design of aluminium structures to BS EN 1999

PD 6703:2009 Structural bearings – guidance for the use of structural bearings

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Structure Ref. No 57

PD 6705-2:2010Recommendations for the execution of steel bridges to BS EN 1090-2

PD 6705-3:2009Structural use of steel and aluminium. Recommendations for the execution of aluminium structures to BS EN 1090-3 (2009)


(The following list is replicated from BD 2/02, as applicable for highway bridges. The majority ofthese standards will not be needed for structures with a non-highway involvement).

Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Advice Notes BA Series

BA 9/81 The Use of BS 5400: Part 10: 1980. Code of Practice for Fatigue

Amendment No. 1

BA 16/97 The Assessment of Highway Bridges and Structures.

Amendment No. 1

Amendment No. 2

BA 19/85 The Use of BS 5400: Part 3: 1982

BA 24/87 Early Thermal Cracking of Concrete

Amendment No. 1

BA 26/94 Expansion Joints for Use in Highway Bridge Decks

BA 28/92 Evaluation of Maintenance Costs in Comparing Alternative Designs for Highway Structures

BA 30/94 Strengthening of Concrete Highway Structures Using Externally Bonded Plates

BA 35/90 Inspection and Repair of Concrete Highway Structures

BA 36/90 The Use of Permanent Formwork

BA 37/92 Priority Ranking of Existing Parapets

BA 38/93 Assessment of the Fatigue Life of Corroded or Damaged Reinforcing Bars

BA 39/93 Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Half-joints

BA 40/93 Tack Welding of Reinforcing Bars

BA 41/98 The Design and Appearance of Bridges

BA 42/96 The Design of Integral Bridges

Amendment No.1

BA 43/94 Strengthening, Repair and Monitoring of Post-tensioned Concrete Bridge Decks

BA 44/96 Assessment of Concrete Highway Bridge and Structures

BA 47/99 Waterproofing and Surfacing of Concrete Bridge Decks

BA 50/93 Post-tensioned Concrete Bridges. Planning, Organisation and Methods for Carrying Out Special Inspections

BA 51/95 The Assessment of Concrete Structures Affected by Steel Corrosion

BA 52/94 The Assessment of Concrete Highway Structures Affected by Alkali Silica Reaction

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Structure Ref. No 57

BA 53/94 Bracing Systems and the Use of U-Frames in Steel Highway Bridges

BA 54/94 Load Testing for Bridge Assessment

BA 55/06 The Assessment of Bridge Substructures and Foundations, Retaining Walls and Buried Structures

BA 57/01 Design for Durability

BA 58/94 Design of Bridges and Concrete Structures with External Unbonded Pre-stressing

BA 59/94 Design of Highway Bridges for Hydraulic Action

BA 67/96 Enclosure of Bridges

BA 68/97 Crib Retaining Walls

BA 72/03 Maintenance of Road Tunnels

BA 80/99 Use of Rock Bolts

BA 82/00 Formation of Continuity Joints in Bridge Decks

BA 83/02 Cathodic Protection for Use in Reinforced Concrete Highway Structures

Correction November 2002

BA 84/02 Use of Stainless Steel Reinforcement in Highway Structures

BA 85/04 Coatings for Concrete Highway Structures & Ancillary Structures

BA 86/06 Advice Notes on the Non-Destructive Testing of Highway Structures

BA 87/04 Management of Corrugated Steel Buried Structures (including correction February 2006)

Correction No.2 November 2009

BA 88/04 Management of Buried Concrete Box Structures

BA 92/07 Highway structures: Design (substructures and special structures) material. Materials and components. Use of recycled concrete aggregate in structural concrete (2007)

BA 93/09 Structural Assessment of Bridges with Deck Hinges

Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, BD Series

BD 2/12 Technical Approval of Highway Structures

BD 7/01 Weathering Steel for Highway Structures

BD 9/81 Implementation of BS 5400: Part 10: 1980. Code of Practice for Fatigue

BD 10/97 Design of Highway Structures in Areas of Mining Subsidence

BD 12/01 Design of Corrugated Steel Buried Structures with Spans Greater than 0.9 Metres and up to 8 Metres

BD 13/06 Design of Steel Bridges. Use of BS 5400: Part 3: 2000

BD 15/92 General Principles for the Design and Construction of Bridges. Use of BS 5400: Part 1: 1988

BD 16/82 Design of Composite Bridges. Use of BS 5400: Part 5: 1979

Amendment No. 1 Aligned with BS 5400: Part 5: 2005

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BD 20/92 Bridge Bearings. Use of BD 5400: Part 9: 1983

BD 21/01 The Assessment of Highway Bridges and Structures

BD 24/92 Design of Concrete Bridges. Use of BS 5400: Part 4: 1990

BD 27/86 Materials for the Repair of Concrete Highway Structures

BD 28/87 Early Thermal Cracking of Concrete

Amendment No. 1

BD 29/04 Design Criteria for Footbridges

BD 30/87 Backfilled Retaining Walls and Bridge Abutments

BD 31/01 The Design of Buried Concrete Box and Portal Frame Structures

BD 33/94 Expansion Joints for Use in Highway Bridge Decks

BD 35/06 Quality Assurance Scheme for Paints and Similar Protective Coatings

BD 36/92 Evaluation of Maintenance Costs in Comparing Alternative Designs for Highway Structures

BD 37/01 Loads for Highway Bridges

BD 41/97 Reinforced Clay Brickwork Retaining Walls of Pocket Type and Grouted Cavity type Construction

BD 42/00 Design of Embedded Retaining Walls and Bridge Abutments

BD 43/03 The Impregnation of Reinforced and Pre-stressed Concrete Highway Structures using Hydrophobic Pore-lining Impregnants

BD 44/95 The Assessment of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures

BD 45/93 Identification Marking of Highway Structures

BD 47/99 Waterproofing and Surfacing of Concrete Bridge Decks

BD 48/93 The Assessment and Strengthening of Highway Bridge Supports

BD 49/01 Design Rules for Aerodynamic Effects on Bridges

BD 51/98 Design Criteria for Portal and Cantilever Sign/Signal Gantries - See IRRRS (IAN 44) for those aspects concerning the provision of certain types of road restraint systems at portal and cantilever signs

BD 53/95 Inspection & Records for Road Tunnels

BD 54/93 Post-tensioned Concrete Bridges Prioritisation of Special Inspections

BD 56/10 The Assessment of Steel Highway Bridges and Structures

BD 57/01 Design for Durability

BD 58/94 The Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures with External and Unbonded Pre-stressing

BD 60/04 Design of Highway Bridges for Vehicle Collision Loads

BD 61/10 The Assessment of Composite Highway Bridges

BD 62/07 As Built, Operational and Maintenance Records for Highway Structures

Amendment No. 1 - Appendix D February 2003

BD 63/07 Inspection of Highway Structures

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BD 65/97 Design Criteria for Collision Protector Beams

BD 67/96 Enclosures of Bridges

BD 68/97 Crib Retaining Walls

BD 70/03 Strengthened/Reinforced Soils and Other Fills for Retaining Walls and Bridge Abutments. Use of BS8006: 1995, Incorporating Amendment No. 1 (Issue 2 March 1999)

BD 74/00 Foundations

BD 78/99 Design of Road Tunnels

BD 79/13 The Management of Sub-Standard Highways Structures

BD 81/02 Use of Compressive Membrane Action in Bridge Decks

Correction 2 May 2007

BD 82/00 Design of Buried Rigid Pipes

BD 84/02 Strengthening of Concrete Bridge Supports Using Fibre Reinforced Polymers

BD 85/08 Strengthening Highway Structures using Externally Bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer

BD 86/11 The Assessment of Highway Bridges & Structures for the Effects of Special Types General Orders (STGO) and Special Order (SO) Vehicles

BD 87/05 Maintenance Painting of Steelwork

BD 89/03 The Conservation of Highway Structures

BD 90/05 Design of FRP Bridges and Highway Structures

BD 91/04 Unreinforced Masonry Arch Bridges

BD 92/07 The use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates in Structural Concrete

BD 94/07 Design of Minor Structures

BD 95/07 Treatment of Existing Structures on Highway Widening Schemes

BD 97/12 The Assessment of Scour and other Hydraulic actions at Highway Structures

BD 101/11 Structural Review and Assessment of Highway Structures

Bridges and Structures, Technical Memoranda (BE Series)

BE 13 Fatigue Risk in Bailey Bridges

BE 23 Shear Key Decks

Amendment No. 1 to Annex

BE 5/75 Rules for the Design and Use of Freyssinet Concrete Hinges in Highway Structures

BE 7/04 Departmental Standard (Interim) Motorway Sign/Signal Gantries

Traffic Engineering and Control, Standards (TD Series)

TD 9/93 Road Layout and Geometry. Highway Link Design

TD 19/06 Requirement for Road Restraint Systems

TD 27/05 Cross Sections and Headroom

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TD 36/93 Subways for Pedestrians and Cyclists, Layout and Dimensions

TD 89/08 Use of Passively Safe Signposts to BS EN 12767:2000

Highways, Advice Notes (HA Series)

HA 59/92 Mitigating Against Effects on Badgers

HA 66/95 Environmental Barriers - Technical Requirements

HA 80/99 Nature Conservation Advice in Relation to Bats

HA 81/99 Nature Conservation Advice in Relation to Otters

HA 84/01 Nature Conservation and Biodiversity

HA 97/01 Nature Conservation Management Advice in Relation to Dormice

HA 98/01 Nature Conservation Management Advice in Relation to Amphibians

Highways, Standards (HD Series)

HD 22/02

Ground Investigation and Earthworks - Procedure for Geotechnical Certification

Interim Advice Notes (IANs)

Interim Advice Notes are issued by the Highways Agency to their managing agents and designagents with specific guidance to be used ONLY in connection with identified schemes on trunkroads and motorways in England. However, the Agency is aware that these notes are circulatedoutside of the areas for which they were intended.

It must be stressed these notes do not form part of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridgesnor the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works, and are not part of the agreednational standards.

IAN 1/95 TD 37/93 Scheme Assessment Reporting (DMRB 5.1.2 October 1995)

IAN 3/96 BA 50/93 Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges (DMRB 3.1.3 June 1996)

IAN 4/96 BD 44/95 The Assessment of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures (DMRB 3.4.14 July 1996)

IAN 5/96 BD 24/92 The Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures. Use of BS5400: Part 4: 1990 (DMRB 1.3.1 July 1996)

IAN 36/01 The Use and Application of Micro-Simulation Traffic Models (DMRB Vol. 12 June2001)

IAN 39/01 Post Opening Project Appraisal (POPE) (DMRB 12.1.1 June 2001)

IAN 41/02 European Cement Standards (DMRB 1.3 January 2002)

IAN 47/02 Post Tensioned Grouted Duct Concrete Bridges (DMRB 2.2 December 2002)

IAN 48/03 Measures to Minimise the Risk of Sulphate Attack (Including Thaumasite) New Construction and Structures under Construction (DMRB 2.1 January 2003)

IAN 49/03 Use of Warning Signs for New Asphalt Road Surfaces (BMRB 7.5 March 2003)

IAN 53/04 Concrete Half-Joint Deck Structures (February 2004)

IAN 56/04 Maintenance of Traffic Signs With Dew Resistant Coatings (TD 25/01 DMRB 8.2.2 August 2004)

IAN 63/05r2

Asbestos Management Applicable to the Strategic Road Network (October 2009)

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IAN 64/05 Driver Information at Road Works (April 2005)

IAN 68/05 Infrastructure changes to improve emergency access to and egress from the trunk road network in England (May 2006)

IAN 69/05 Designing for Maintenance (December 2005)

IAN 70/06 Implementation of New Reinforcement Standards (BS 4449:2005, BS 4482:2005, BS 4483:2005 and BS 8666:2005) (January 2006)

IAN 71/06 Marker Posts on Lay-By Segregation Islands (TA 69/96 February 2006)

IAN 73/06r1

Design of Pavement Foundations (February 2009)

IAN 75/06 Code of Practice for Emergency Access to and Egress from the Trunk Road Network in England (May 2006)

IAN 83/06 Principal and General Inspection of Sign/Signal Gantries, and Gantries with low handrails or open mesh flooring

IAN 84/10 Environmental Information System (EnvIS). Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and look up tables

IAN 85/07 Design of Passively Safe Portal Signal Gantries

IAN 86/07 Amendments to Design Requirements for Portal and Cantilever Sign/Signal Gantries

IAN 90/07r1

Guidance for the Use of Rapid Setting Emergency Repair Materials – Amendment No. 1

IAN 91/07 Interim Advice on the identification of 'Particularly at Risk' Supports

IAN 93/07r1

Driver Location Signs – Interim Performance Specification

IAN 95/07 Revised guidance regarding the use of BS8500 (2006) for the design and construction of structures using concrete

IAN 96/07r1

Guidance on Implementing Results of Research on Bridge Deck Waterproofing

IAN 97/07 Assessment and upgrading of existing parapets

IAN 98/07 HD 28 / Guidance for HA Service Providers on Implementing the Skid Resistance Policy

IAN 99/07 Implementation of Local Grid Referencing System for England

IAN 100/07 Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plans

IAN 103/08 Ramp Metering

IAN 104/07 The Anchorage of Reinforcement and Fixings in Hardened Concrete

IAN 105/08 Implementation of Construction (Design and Management) 2007 and the withdrawal of SD 10 and SD 11

IAN 106/08 Guidance Note for Traffic Consultants Employed on Highways Agency Schemes

IAN 107/08 Variable Demand Modelling as part of a Transport Assessment for the Highways Agency

IAN 109/08 Advice Regarding the Motorway Signal Mark 4 (MS4)

IAN 111/09 Managed Motorway Implementation Guidance – Hard shoulder running

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IAN 112/08 Managed Motorway Implementation Guidance – Through Junction Hard Shoulder Running [PR 100/08

IAN 113/08 Temporary Automatic Speed Camera System for the Enforcement of Mandatory Speed Limits at Roadworks (TASCAR)

IAN 114/08 Highways Agency Carbon Calculation and Reporting Requirements

IAN 115/08 Hard Shoulder Working

IAN 116/08 Nature Conservation Advice in Relation to Bats

IAN 117/08r2

Certification of Combined Kerb and Drainage Products

IAN 121/09 Advice regarding implementation of Integrated Traffic Management

IAN 122/09 Rapid Condition Assessment of Hard Shoulder Pavements. Interim guide to dataand maintenance advice

IAN 124/11 Eurocodes: Implementation of Eurocodes for the design of new and existing highway structures

IAN 125/09 Supplementary guidance for users of DMRB Volume 11 ‘Environmental Assessment’

IAN 126/09 Environmental Impact Assessment: Reporting of Determination and Publication of Notices

IAN 127/10r1

The use of foamed concrete Rev 1

IAN 128/10 Highways Agency Supply Chain Incident Reporting Requirements (AIRSWeb)

IAN 129/10 Travel Demand Management Guidance – High Occupancy Vehicle Gates

IAN 130/10 Ecology and Nature Conservation: Criteria for Impact Assessment

IAN 131/10 Deflection of Permanent Formwork

IAN 132/10 Selection of the appropriate Electricity Supplier for new and upgraded electricity connections (Exit Points) for roadside equipment

IAN 133/10 Environmental Assessment and the Planning Act 2008

IAN 134/10 Interim Guidance for Highways Agency on Planning Act 2008

IAN 135/10 Landscape and visual effects assessment

IAN 136/10 Structural safety reporting

IAN 137/10 The use of stepped speed limits at roadworks

IAN 139/11 Managed Motorways Project Safety Risk Work Instructions

IAN 140/11 HAIL Changeover

IAN 141/11 Assessment of Implications (of Highways and/or Roads Projects) on European Sites (Including Appropriate Assessment) and the Planning Act 2008

IAN 142/11 Temporary Barrier Decision Tool (TBDT)

IAN 143/11 Supplementary Advice and requirements for the Provision for Non-Motorised Users and Accessibility during planning, design, construction and handover of Improvement Schemes

IAN 149/11 Existing Motorway Minimum Requirements

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IAN 150/11

Temporary Traffic Management Signs Simplification - guidance at road works using relaxation layout traffic management

IAN 151/11 NDD Safety Work Instructions

IAN 152/11 Road Safety Audits – compliance with EC Directives

IAN 153/11 Guidance on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Materials

IAN 157/11 Thin Surface Course Systems - Installation and Maintenance

IAN 158/12 Maintenance Assessment Procedure

IAN 160/12 Appraisal of Technology Schemes

IAN 161/12 Managed Motorway Requirements – All Lane Running

IAN 162/12 Highways Agency policy for the use of Variable Signs and Signals (VSS)

IAN 163/12 Alternative Entry Taper at relaxation scheme temporary traffic management on high speed roads

IAN 164/12 Managed Motorways - All Lane Running – Economic Assessment

IAN 166/12 Highways Agency Road Death Investigation (RDI) Guidance

IAN 167/12 Guidance for the removal of road lighting

IAN 168/12 Strategy for the repair/replacement of Bridge Expansion Joints

IAN 169/12 Temporary Cover Plates over Bridge Expansion Joints

IAN 170/12 Updated air quality advice on the assessment of future NOx and NO2 projections for users of DMRB Volume 11, Section 3, Part 1 'Air Quality

IAN 171/12 Risk-based Inspection Intervals

IAN 172/13 Ash dieback – Chalara fraxinea

IAN 173/13 Implementation of BD 97/12 - The Assessment of Scour and Other Hydraulic Actions at Highway Structures

IAN 174/13 Updated advice for evaluating significant local air quality effects for users of DMRB Volume 11, Section 3, Part 1 Air Quality (HA207/07)

IAN 175/13 Updated advice on risk assessment related to compliance with the EU Directive on ambient air quality and on the production of Scheme Air Quality Action Plans for users of DMRB Volume 11, Section 3, Part 1 Air Quality (HA207/07). A new version of this IAN is pending.

IAN 175/13 CRA Compliance Risk Analysis Tool Supports IAN 175/13. A new version is pending.

IAN 176/13 Guidance Note for the Production of an Appraisal Specification Report

IAN 177/13 Introduction of the Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011

IAN 179/14 Guidance on the Use of Vehicle Mounted High Level Variable Message Signs to provide advance warning of lane closures for Relaxation Works on Dual Carriageways with a Hard Shoulder

IAN 180/14 Guidance for the selection of remote controlled temporary traffic management signs for use on the Highways Agency trunk road and motorway network

IAN 182/14 Major Schemes: Enabling Handover into Operation and Maintenance

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IAN 183/14 Environmental Management Plans

IAN 184/14 Highways Agency Data & CAD Standard

(End of Appendix A)

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General arrangement drawing LBR-57-001a

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Loading Gauge Diagram

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Relevant Extracts from the Geotechnical Design Report

(Information to follow)

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Departures – None anticipated

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Relevant correspondence and documents from consultations

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Designers Hazard Risk Assessment

(To follow)

F 1
