APPROX - RANDOM - · 4 5 Friday, September 9th...


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19th International Workshop on Approximation

Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems


20th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation



Wednesday, Sept 7 - Friday, Sept 9, 2016 Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) - Paris, France

A P P R O X - R A N D O M

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Wednesday, September 7th - Hermite Amphitheater8:30 Registration

8:55 Welcome

9:00 RANDOM - Invited Talk: Technical history of discrete logarithms in small characteristic finite fields. Antoine Joux

9:55 Coffee break

10:20 APPROX Session 1 Robust and optimal online algorithm for minimum metric bipartite matching. ShArAth rAghvendrA

Online row sampling. MichAel B. cohen, cAMeron MuSco And JAkuB PAchocki

Online energy storage management: an algorithmic approach.Anthony kiM, vAhid liAghAt, JunJie Qin And AMin SABeri

11:30 RANDOM Session 1 Towards a constructive version of Banaszczyk’s vector balancing theorem.dAniel dAduSh, AlekSAndr nikolov, ShAchAr lovett And ShAShwAt gArg

Lower bounds on same-set inner product in correlated spaces.JAn hązłA, thoMAS holenStein And elchAnAn MoSSel

On the Beck-Fiala conjecture for random set systems. eSther ezrA And ShAchAr lovett

12:35 Lunch

14:00 APProx Session 2 Near-optimal UGC-hardness of approximating Max k − CSPR.PASin MAnurAngSi, PreetuM nAkkirAn And lucA treviSAn

Proving weak approximability without algorithms.ridwAn Syed And MAdhur tulSiAni

On approximating target set selection.MoSeS chArikAr, yonAtAn nAAMAd And Anthony wirth

15:10 RANDOM Session 2 Tight bounds for sketching the operator norm, Schatten norms, and sub-space embeddings. yi li And dAvid P. woodruff

Approximating subadditive Hadamard functions on implicit matrices.vlAdiMir BrAverMAn, AlAn roytMAn And greg vorSAnger

Bounds on the norms of uniform low degree graph matrices.AAron Potechin And dhruv MedArAMetlA

16:15 Coffee break

15:45 APPROX Session 3 A deterministic fully polynomial time approximation scheme for counting integer knapsack solutions made easy. nir hAlMAn

Approximation algorithms for parallel machine scheduling with speed-up resources. lin chen, deShi ye And guochuAn zhAng

A competitive flow time algorithm for heterogeneous clusters under polytope constraints. SungJin iM, JAnArdhAn kulkArni, BenJAMin MoSeley And kAMeSh MunAgAlA

17:50 End

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Thursday, September 8th - Hermite Amphitheater9:00 APPROX - Invited Talk: Tossing a collective coin and coming to agreement.

vAlerie king

9:55 Coffee break

10:20 RANDOM Session 3 The condensation phase transition in the regular k-SAT model.victor BAPSt And AMin coJA-oghlAn

Belief propagation on replica symmetric random factor graph models.AMin coJA-oghlAn And will PerkinS

Uniqueness, spatial mixing, and approximation for ferromagnetic 2-spinsystems. heng guo And PinyAn lu

11:30 APPROX Session 4 Hardness of approximation for H-free edge modification problems.ivAn BliznetS, MArek cygAn, PAweł koMoSA And MichAł PiliPczuk

Planar matching in streams revisited. Andrew Mcgregor And SofyA vorotnikovA

Constant-factor approximations for asymmetric TSP on nearly-embeddablegraphs. dAniel MArx, Ario SAlMASi And AnAStASioS SidiroPouloS

12:35 Lunch

14:00 RANDOM Session 4 Every property of outerplanar graphs is testable. JASine BABu, AreeJ khoury And ilAn newMAn

Estimating parameters associated with monotone properties.cArloS hoPPen, richArd lAng, hAnno lefMAnn, yoShihAru kohAyAkAwA AndhenriQue StAgni

An Õ(n) queries adaptive tester for unateness. SuBhASh khot And igor ShinkAr

15:10 APPROX Session 5 The densest k-subhypergraph problem.eden chlAMtAc, MichAel dinitz, chriStiAn konrAd, guy kortSArz Andgeorge rABAncA

Revisiting connected dominating sets: an optimal local algorithm?SAMir khuller And Sheng yAng

15:55 Coffee break

16:25 RANDOM Session 5 Explicit list-decodable codes with optimal rate for computationally bounded channels. ronen ShAltiel And JAd SilBAk

A no-go theorem for derandomized parallel repetition: beyond Feige-Kilian. dAnA MoShkovitz, govind rAMnArAyAn And henry yuen

A direct-sum theorem for read-once branching programs.AnuP rAo And MAkrAnd SinhA

17:30 End

20:00 Conference Dinner (Musée d’Orsay)

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Friday, September 9th - Hermite Amphitheater9:00 RANDOM Session 6

Higher-order Fourier analysis over non-prime fields.ArnAB BhAttAchAryyA, ABhiShek BhowMick And chetAn guPtA

On the structure of quintic polynomials. PooyA hAtAMi

On polynomial approximations to AC0. PrAhlAdh hArShA And SrikAnth SrinivASAn

10:05 Coffee break

10:20 APPROX Session 6 Oblivious rounding and the integrality gap. uriel feige, MichAl feldMAn And inBAl tAlgAM-cohen

A bi-criteria approximation algorithm for k-means.konStAntin MAkArychev, yury MAkArychev, MAxiM Sviridenko And JuStin wArd

LP-relaxations for tree augmentation. guy kortSArz And zeev nutov

11:30 RANDOM Session 7 The niceness of unique sink orientations. Bernd gärtner And AntoniS thoMAS Lower bounds for CSP refutation by SDP hierarchies. ryuhei Mori And dAvid witMer

Bounded independence vs. moduli.rAvi BoPPAnA, JohAn hAStAd, chin ho lee And eMAnuele violA

12:35 Lunch

14:00 RANDOM Session 8 A local algorithm for constructing spanners in minor-free graphs.reut levi, dAnA ron And ronitt ruBinfeld

Local convergence and stability of tight bridge-addable graph classes.guillAuMe chAPuy And guilleM PerArnAu

Stable matching with evolving preferences. vArun kAnAde, nikoS leonArdoS And frederic MAgniez

15:10 APPROX Session 7 Search-to-decision reductions for lattice problems with approximation factors (slightly) greater than one. noAh StePhenS-dAvidowitz

Computing approximate PSD factorizations. AMitABh BASu, MichAel dinitz And xin li

Constant-distortion embeddings of Hausdorff metrics into constant-dimensional lp spaces. ArturS BAckurS And AnAStASioS SidiroPouloS

16:15 Coffee break

16:45 RANDOM Session 9 Sampling in Potts model on sparse random graphs. yitong yin And chihAo zhAng

Counting hypergraph matchings up to uniqueness threshold.renJie Song, yitong yin And JinMAn zhAo

Fast synchronization of random automata. cyril nicAud

17:50 End

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IHP, the Henri Poincaré Institute

Located in the heart of the 5th arron-dissement of Paris, the Henri Poincaré Institute is one of the oldest and most dynamic international structures dedi-cated to mathematics and theoretical physics. Close to the Pantheon and the Jardin du Luxembourg, the IHP bene-fits from beautiful surroundings. The House of Mathematics and Theo-retical Physics ˝ offers an ideal place to study in the heart of the Latin Quarter.

The 5th arrondissement of Paris

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Conference DinnerThursday, September 8th at 8:00 pm

The Restaurant du Musée d’Orsay˝The history of the museum and of its building is quite unusual. In the centre of Paris on the banks of the Seine, opposite the Tuileries Gardens, the museum was installed in the former Orsay railway station, built for the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Thus, the building itself could be seen as the first work of art˝ in the Musée d’Orsay, which displays collections of art from the period from 1848 to 1914.The former restaurant of the Hôtel d’Orsay, on the first floor of the museum, is still as magnificent as it was when it opened in 1900. The new furniture sets off the dazzling chandeliers and the painted and gilded ceilings of this dining room, listed as a Historic Monument. The chef Yann Landureau offers traditional French cuisine, interspersed with original dishes that are linked to the museum’s current events. The museum itself is open late on Thursdays, and you will be able to visit its collections just before the dinner (starting at 6 pm).


et Fantaisies

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Tongling (Japanese) 4 rue Gay LussacTel: 01 40 46 87 34

Pains Salades et Fantaisies (Sandwiches)22 rue Gay LussacTel: 01 44 07 07 91

Chez D. (Snacks) 220 rue Saint-JacquesTel: 09 67 29 96 89

Maison Marie (French) 222 rue Saint-JacquesTel: 01 85 15 28 85

Tsuru (Japanese)35 rue Gay LussacTel: 01 40 51 88 88

Han Lim (Korean) 6 rue Blainville Tel: 01 43 54 62 74

Hoki’s Sushi (Japanese) 3 rue du Pot de FerTel: 01 43 37 71 24

La Montagne sans Geneviève (French) 13 rue du Pot de FerTel: 01 43 36 61 52

Suggestions of a few restaurants for lunch close to IHP˝ (around 20€):


Maison Marie

Han Lim


La Montagne sans Geneviève

Chez D.



et Fantaisies



Anna Adamaszek (Copenhagen)Shiri Chechik (Tel Aviv)Anne Driemel (TUE)Lee-Ad Gottlieb (Ariel)Varun Kanade (Oxford)Nitish Korula (Google)Stefano Leonardi (Sapienza)Daniel Lokshtanov (Bergen)Claire Mathieu (ENS Paris, chair)Nicole Megow (TUM)Tobias Moemke (Saarland)Shayan Oveis Gharan (Washington)Debmalya Panigrahi (Duke)Richard Peng (Georgia Tech)Ely Porat (Bar-Ilan)Adi Rosén (CNRS & Paris 7)Adrian Vetta (McGill)Rico Zenklusen (ETH Zurich)

Program ChairClaire Mathieu (CNRS and École Normale Supérieure - Paris)

Program Committee

Workshop ChairsJosé Rolim, U. of GenevaKlaus Jansen, U. of Kiel Local OrganisationSophie LaplanteFrédéric MagniezMarc RenaultAdi Rosén, chair François Tapissier (Dakini PCO)


Mahdi Cheraghchi (Imperial College, London)Elena Grigorescu (Purdue)Neeraj Kayal (MSR Bangalore)Adam Klivans (Austin)Swastik Kopparty (Rutgers)Ravi Kumar (Google)Dana Moshkovitz (MIT)Ashwin Nayak (Waterloo)Ryan O’Donnell (CMU)Asaf Shapira (Tel Aviv)Ronen Shaltiel (Haifa)Alexander Sherstov (UCLA)Thomas Thierauf (Aalen)Chris Umans (Caltech, chair)Eric Vigoda (Georgia Tech)

Program ChairChris Umans (Caltech)
