April 2012 Community Newsletter



April 2012 Community Newsletter

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Growing Families. Building Community. Connecting Life.

Upcoming Events

Spring Eggstravaganza

Neighborhood Clean-Up

Spring Wine Tour

April 2012

Community Association

Recreation Opportunities

Pool Pass Registration

Summer Camp Guide






Preview all the meetings and events taking place in the month of April.


There are numerous passive and active recreational opportunities within Brambleton for residents to take advantage of. As Brambleton and the surrounding area continue to grow, recreational opportunities will become greater and more diverse.


Summer is just around the corner. With the warmer weather and school getting out, Brambleton will see an increase in outdoor activity.


Crystal Aquatics is hiring lifeguards for the 2012 Swim Season.




Pool Pass Registration

Neighborhood Watch

8 Property Maintenance StandardsRecreation Opportunities


April 2012

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Spring Eggstravaganza

Flashlight Egg Hunt

8 9

Covenants Committee Meeting

10 11 12 13 14

BrambletonRibbon Run


Bettas Swim TeamMembership Meeting


Pool Pass Registration Begins


Grounds and Facilities Committee


Activities Committee Meeting

19 20 21

Reaching for Autism Miracles Casino Night

22 23 24

Finance Committee Meeting

25 26 27 28

Neighborhood Clean-Up

29 30

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


The Declaration for Brambleton requires that each individual maintain their lot in good order. Review Brambleton's Property Maintenance Standards in detail here.


Pool season is just around the corner.


The Spring membership meeting is

scheduled for this month.


With a very busy events season just around the corner, take advantage of the numerous volunteer opportunities.


Don't miss this fun-fi lled event!


Find out how you can make a diff erence in the community.



Read about the most recent news from the Developer.


Find out what is acceptable to recycle and what is not.


Resident dog lover, Tina Gerin, off ers tips and advice to pet owners.

A look at this month.....


Boating – Beaverdam Reservoir of-fers non-motorized boating opportu-nities such as kayaking and canoeing. Lifejackets are required. Swimming in the reservoir is prohibited.

Dog Park – Brambleton’s Central Bark is a temporary off -leash amenity for dogs that is popular among the dog owners. The park is open from dawn to dusk.

Fishing – Brambleton has several ponds throughout the community that are available to residents for fi sh-ing from the shoreline. Ponds are to be fi shed on a catch & release ba-sis between dawn and dusk. Boats, swimming and ice skating on the ponds are prohibited. Beaverdam Reservoir is also a great place to fi sh. VA state fi shing licenses are required on all these ponds in accordance with state requirements.

Gardening – “LetUs” Garden! Bram-

Brambleton's Recreation OpportunitiesA MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER

The leisure and recreation industry is one of the world’s largest industries. The physical and mental benefi ts of recreational activities are numerous. Stress management, self-esteem, positive lifestyle development, per-sonal satisfaction, quality of life, and preventative health are just a few of the benefi ts. The community and re-lationship building opportunities are also endless.

There are numerous passive and ac-tive recreational opportunities within Brambleton for residents to take ad-vantage of. As Brambleton and the surrounding area continue to grow, recreational opportunities will be-come greater and more diverse. Be-low is a listing of recreational activi-ties that are available to Brambleton residents today or in the very near future.

Athletic Fields: Diamond – Bram-bleton is home to numerous County

facilities. Those facilities include mul-tiple fi elds at Tillet Park and Bramble-ton Park on Belmont Ridge Road, as well as fi elds at Legacy Elementary, Creighton’s Corner Elementary and Briar Woods High School.

Athletic Fields: Rectangular – The County maintains several rectangular fi elds that are used for soccer, foot-ball, lacrosse and cricket. Those fi elds can currently be found at the elemen-tary and high schools. The Bramble-ton Group is actively working to com-plete phase two of the Brambleton Park which will add three rectangular fi elds at the intersection of Belmont Ridge Road and North Star Blvd. These fi elds should be online for the 2012 fall season.

Basketball – Brambleton currently has two basketball courts. They are located in Legacy Park and the Bel-mont Trace neighborhood. The courts are open from dawn to dusk.


Trails: Natural – There are more than 4 miles of natural hiking trails that cir-cle around the Beaverdam Reservoir. The trails are located on property that belongs to the City of Fairfax and NVRPA. Trails can be accessed from Mount Hope Road, Alford Road and Beaverdam Reservoir Road.

Volleyball – Legacy Park is home to Brambleton’s volleyball court. The court is available on a fi rst-come basis between dawn to dusk.

There are other amenities that I have not mentioned as I am running out of space. It is fortunate that Bram-bleton is surrounded by a wealth of recreational opportunities. That be-ing said, the Association, Brambleton Group, the County, NVRPA and the City of Fairfax are working to create additional recreation and leisure op-portunities in and around Bramble-ton. The future is bright and I look forward to the additional amenities that will serve our community and the region.


Rick Stone PCAM, LSM General Manager

an indoor and outdoor pool for their members.

Tennis – Brambleton currently has two lighted tennis courts located in Legacy Park. Courts are open to Brambleton residents on a fi rst-come basis. Operation of the courts is from dawn to 10:00 p.m.

Tot Lots & Playgrounds – Bram-bleton has numerous playgrounds throughout the community. Play-grounds consist of climbing struc-tures, swings and slides. Playgrounds can be found at the following loca-tions: Legacy Park, Brambleton Com-munity Center, Beacon Crest Pool, Highcroft Park (Sec. 12), Legacy Pock-et Park (Sec. 9), Woolsey Park (Sec. 14), Legacy Elementary, Creighton’s Corner Elementary, Callalily Park (Sec. 21), Belmont Trace Park and Morning Walk Park (Sec. 18).

Trails: Asphalt – There are numerous trails located throughout Bramble-ton. Trails can be found in Legacy Park and along Ryan Road. The De-veloper has begun installing trails south of Creighton Road. These trails are planned to be 10’ wide and more than three miles in length. Comple-tion of the additional trails is expect-ed later this year. The Developer is also considering future locations for more trails.

bleton has a temporary garden plot that is home to 35 individual garden plots. Residents can rent these plots on an annual basis. All rental pro-ceeds from the plots will be donated to a local charity.

Golfi ng – NVRPA operates the Bram-bleton Regional Park. This scenic park is home to a challenging cham-pionship 18-hole, par-72 golf course. http://nvrpa.org/park/brambleton/

Hanson Park – The County is actively planning the future Hanson Park lo-cated adjacent to Brambleton be-tween Creighton Road (west of North Star Blvd) and Evergreen Mills Road. The 257 acre park will consist of ac-tive and passive use and will be re-quired to go through the special ex-ception process once the master plan is completed. Funding for planning and phase one is $3.6M. Phase two will require an additional $15M and is planned for 2017.

Pools – Brambleton currently has four pool facilities. There are two BCA pools: Brambleton Community Center Pool and Beacon Crest Pool. These facilities have the main swim-ming pool, a wading pool, a spa and bathhouses. A third BCA pool facility is under development by the Bram-bleton Group. Summerfi eld Condo-miniums has a pool facility for their residents only. Sport & Health has


Desirable Actions Encouraged; Undesirables: Need-Not-Apply


to provide patrol services for the As-sociation in 2012. Similar to previ-ous years, the patrols will focus their eff orts and resources around Legacy Park, Brambleton Community Center and Pool, Beacon Crest Pool, the com-muter lot, and all the various parks and tot lots throughout the com-munity. Signal 88 will also occasion-ally patrol the BCA private streets for parking and vehicle violations.

BCA, Neighborhood Watch, Signal 88, BTC security and the LCSO will con-tinue to communicate and work to-gether in an eff ort to keep Bramble-ton a safe community, but they can’t do that without the assistance from every resident in Brambleton. Please do your part to help keep our com-munity a beautiful and safe neigh-borhood.

• If you see something suspicious or criminal, immediately call LCSO at (703) 777-1021 or 911 if it is a crime in progress or an emer-gency.

• Keep your home and car doors locked at all times.

• Remove or hide your valuables such as a GPS, cash, cell phones, DVDs or CDs, and laptops, even if your car is locked.

Summer is just around the corner. With the warmer weather and school getting out for the summer, Bramble-ton will see an increase in outdoor activity. While most of the activity is desirable, some of it becomes un-desirable when the sun goes down. With that said, Brambleton will con-tinue to take proactive steps and ac-tions in an eff ort to address the unde-sirable activity.

The most important action resi-dents can take is to have a “see something, say something” ap-proach toward undesirable or criminal activity. For your safety, we are not saying that you need to confront the trespasser, crimi-nal, vandal, etc. All you need to do is immediately call the Loud-oun County Sheriff ’s Offi ce when you see suspicious activity or a crime oc-curring. Suspicious activity is consid-ered a non-emergency call to LCSO at (703) 777-1021. Program this number into your cell phone so you will have it handy when the need is there. Call 911 for crimes in progress.

Brambleton Community Asso-ciation (BCA) will also be installing 20-30 Neighborhood Watch signs throughout the community in an ef-fort to bring additional attention and awareness to the eff ective program. The signs will be placed at major en-trances to neighborhoods when en-tering from the collector roads (Ryan, Belmont Ridge, Creighton, and North Star). The signs are expected to be in-stalled by May 1st.

The Association is pleased to an-nounce that Signal 88 has been hired

• Use automatic timers to turn on the lights when you and your family are away from your home.

• Increase nighttime lighting around your house. Replace burned out lights, install motion detector lights around the out-side of your home, including side and garage doors, decks, patios and balconies.

• Do not leave a spare key under the doormat, above the door, or in your mailbox where others can easily locate the key.

• Keep your sports equipment (bikes, skateboards, scooters, balls, etc.) inside your garage when you're not using them.

• Close your garage door when you're not outside or in it.

• Get to know your neighbors so that you can work together and look out for each other and your respective property.

• Facebook Users: Subscribe to B_Alert@Brambleton to be linked to an active FB group focused and concerned about safety and se-curity within Brambleton.

• Other related links that can keep you informed: LCSO Website, LCSO Traffi c Complaint Form, LCSO Neighborhood Watch, Crime Reports, State Sex Off end-er Website

• Report all common area or BCA amenity safety hazards to the Association at (703) 542-6263 or HOA@Brambleton.org.


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Hiring Lifeguards for 2012 Swim Season

The management team at Crystal Aquatics are working hard to assemble a quality staff that is committed to safety, cleanliness, and customer service.

If you are interested in a great summer job, please contact Jenny Collins at 703-488-9962 or fi ll out an online application at www.crystalaquatics.com.

If you are interested in becoming a lifeguard but do not have the proper certifi cations, fear not, as lifeguarding classes will be off ered by Crystal Aquatics during the spring. Space is limited so call Jenny at 703-488-9962 to sign up.


Brambleton's Property Maintenance Standards


should be watered during dry periods. Any dead plants, shrubs or trees should be immediately removed.

D. Turf areas should be kept as weed free as possible. At no time should weed cover exceed more than twenty-fi ve percent (25%) of the total turfed area.

E. No trash or debris may accumulate or be stored in a visible location on a lot. Construction materials required for the improvement of a home or lot should be neatly stored in as unobtru-sive a location on the lot as possible when not in use.

F. All hedges, trees and shrubs must be neatly trimmed and maintained and their size maintained in proportion to the lot and home through pruning.

G. The exterior of a home must be maintained in an attractive manner.

The Declaration for Brambleton re-quires that each individual maintain their property in good order, con-dition and repair including all nec-essary grounds maintenance. The Property Maintenance Standards for Brambleton are detailed below:

A. All portions of a lot which are not improved by an impervious surface or a structure must be maintained with grass (or other vegetation installed by a builder or approved by the Cov-enants Committee). No bare earth may be exposed on a lot (except for fl ower beds with appropriate approvals, as re-quired).

B. All turf areas on a lot must be kept neatly mowed during the growing sea-son. Grass should not be permitted to exceed six (6) inches in height.

C. Turf areas and other vegetation

No signifi cant blistering or peeling of exterior painted surfaces is permitted. Any exterior building components (i.e., siding, gutters and downspouts, roof shingles, windows and doors) which are missing, broken or otherwise in a state of disrepair must be repaired as quickly as possible.

In the event of non-compliance with maintenance standards the Associa-tion will provide written notice to the owner. In the case of persons who fail to mow their lawn or have trash or debris visibly stored on their lot, the notice period shall be ten (10) days. Please contact the Association at cov-enants@brambleton.org if you have any questions or need more infor-mation about Brambleton’s Property Maintenance Standards.


Landscaping borders or walls require review and approval by Brambleton’s Covenants Committee prior to installa-tion. The use of natural stone is preferred; however, brick or cultured stone may be approved if consistent with the design characteristics of the home and adjoining properties. Plastic, wire or metal borders are not consistent with the design features of the homes within Brambleton and will not be approved.

Landscape Do's

Landscape Don'ts



Pool Pass Registration 2012

Brambleton Community Associa-tion operates two pool complexes for Brambleton residents. The pools are available to all single-family at-tached & detached unit owners and Residences Condominium owners in good standing with the Association; and Summerfi eld residents that opt to purchase BCA pool membership. If you are a single-family or Residenc-es Condominium owner, have not changed your address since the end of the 2011 swim season, and have passes made in 2007 or later, you have a “Pass for Life” and do not need to register this year.

If you are new to Brambleton, do not have passes made in 2007 or later, or a single-family or Residences tenant named on a lease, you need to regis-ter for your pool passes this year.

There is a $5 per pass fee for residents who have lost, misplaced or discarded their valid pass. OWNER ID REQUIRED AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. Tenants will also need to provide a Permis-sion Letter (signed by the owner) and a copy of the current lease. Registra-tion and Permission Letter forms are available in the Brambleton Manage-ment Offi ce and on the Brambleton Intranet.

Each household will receive ten com-plimentary guest visits for the 2012 pool season. These complimentary visits will be placed on a household account and will be tracked within the pool pass database; physical com-plimentary passes will not be issued.

Children who age up into a new age bracket (2- 11, 12-15, 16 and over) will also need to have new passes made.

Registration starts April 16th at the Brambleton Management Offi ce lo-cated in the Brambleton Town Center, 42395 Ryan Road, Suite 210.Registra-tion hours are 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Monday - Friday during normal of-fi ce hours. Extended hours have also been set to accommodate residents who cannot make it during normal offi ce hours. Extended hours are:

Tuesday 5/15 and Thursday 5/17 from 5:00 -7:00 p.m., Saturday 5/26 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and Tuesday 6/12 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

For more information on pool com-plex features, hours of operation, and pool pass eligibility, please log onto www.brambletonhoa.com > Bram-bleton Amenities/Community Areas/Pools & Spas


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2:00-3:00PM - Spring Membership Meeting4:00PM - Swim Team 101 Overview

3:00-5:00PM - Registration/Payment, Try on/buy team suits, Buy Spirit Wear, Committee Sign-ups, Meet the Coaches

Online registration for existing Betta families will be Monday, March 26th - Sunday, April 1st.

Registration for all Brambleton families will begin Monday, April 2nd.

Spring Membership MeetingSunday April 15, 2012

Legacy ES Cafeteria, 2 - 5PM

Mini Betta Registration

Try-outs will be held on June 21st & June 22nd from 10:30 to 11:00AM.

Child must be able to independently swim 20 feet.

For those that successfully complete the try-outs:Mini Bettas Online registration for existing

Betta families will be June 23rd.

Mini Bettas online registration for all Betta families will be June 24th.B

For more information, contact kimkoerner@brambleton.net.


There are many reasons that may mo-tivate someone to become a volun-teer – to feel needed, to make friends, to share or develop a skill, to build your resume… the list could go on and on. Regardless of your reasons, helping within the community is al-

ways welcome and en-couraged. In addition to the many personal benefi ts one could gain from becoming involved in Brambleton, we rec-ognize our volunteers in a tangible way by pro-viding volunteers with free admission for them and their families, free t-shirts, meals, etc. We are also working on estab-lishing a volunteer rec-

ognition program that will recognize our volunteers at a special VIP event.

Your initial reasons for volunteering

“I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

~Albert Schweitzer

Our community is our little world, a place we all call home. Some of the most rewarding and fun experiences are just waiting for you right here. I have participated in many volunteer ventures, whether at my children’s school, at church, in the community, or in faraway places, and it always feels good to give back in some way. The day to day mundane tasks of our lives can leave me feeling empty and wanting more. I have found that volunteering, especially something I feel invested in, can refuel me, and give me a renewed sense of pur-pose. I also feel that volunteering is a great way to gain perspective. For instance, it’s very easy to be upset about something or complain when I don’t have a true understanding of all that is involved. Becoming a volun-teer is a great way to gain insight and understanding.

may often not be the same reasons you continue to volunteer. Usually one gains so much by “giving back”. Isn’t it an interesting thought to think that you can gain by giving? There are many ways to serve your community. You can start small by volunteering a few hours of your time at an event, or neighborhood clean-up, or you can commit to serving regularly on a community committee. Other op-portunities include serving as a troop leader for girl scouts, boy scouts, etc; becoming a mentor or a tutor, being a coach of a community sports team, or providing a meal or service to a neighbor in need.

Volunteer opportunities are all around us in Brambleton, so if you are interested in getting plugged in somewhere, I am happy to help fi nd a place for you. Please contact me at beth.huck@brambleton.org for more details on how you can volunteer.

Volunteers Make it HappenBeth Huck, Events and Programming Coordinator



offers Dance classes Wednesday at the Brambleton Community Center42645 Regal Wood Drive Ashburn, VA 20148


Classes provided by the staff of Creative Dance Center

44710 Cape Ct, #126, Ashburn, VAQuestions about the CDC program?

To reserve a place for your child email sarah@cdcdance.com

or call 703-309-3588

Spring Dance Session Apr 11 - May 30, 20128-Week Session

Cost $110 (plus one time $15 registration fee

for any new students) (includes CDC T-shirt)

Checks made payable to CDC

Hip Hop – Hot moves for Cool kids! Here students will learn the latest dances including street, funk and video style. Age appropriate choreography and music are used in all classes which consist of warm-ups, isolations, across the floor and dance combinations.Attire: Loose comfortable clothing and sneakers.

Ballet/Jazz – This class is a great way to give students a taste of both Ballet and Jazz! Here we will learn the fundamentals of ballet, which is the base for all dance forms, and also the basics of Jazz dance. Designed to instill the love of dance, this class will include current, age appropriate music, Jazz and Ballet terminology as well as fun choreography! Attire: Loose comfortable clothing or leotard and tights. Ballet slippers or socks.

Dance Cardio – Adult Dance Cardio why should the kids get to have all the fun? This one hour class will have you moving and shaking, sweating and laughing! Come and learn some basic dance steps that you can master and build on, then repeat to get that heart rate up all while listening to great music! Nothing fancy here, we’re keeping it simple and fun!! Attire: Loose comfortable clothing and sneakers.

Class Ages TimeHip Hop 5-7 6-7 pmHip Hop 8-10 7-8 pmBallet/Jazz 5-7 6-7 pmBallet/Jazz 8-12 7-8 pmDance Cardio Adult 8-9 pm


Spring Dance SSSSSSSSSSSSSApr 1tions


$110for 8 weeks

No refunds after 2 classes

Magic of Art Spring is the time Mother Nature is wearing her colorful veil. Let’s go wild with our imagination and explore the magical aspects of colors by

painting, sculpting, and collaging. Not only will we learn different techniques, we will have fun by

creating different elements every day. Seating is limited.

Starting: April 17th, 4 week Session, Tuition: $60 (+$7 Supply Fee)Group 1: 2.5 to 5 year olds 10:00 10:45 AMGroup 2: 3 to 5 year olds 11:00 11:45 AMGroup 3: 6+ year olds 5:00 6:00 PM

Brambleton Community Association42645 Regal Wood Drive; Brambleton, VA 20148

Please contact Beth Huck, beth.huck@brambleton.org at 703.542.6263 orSukla Sengupta, ssengupta@abrakadoodle.com or 703.318.6628

Online registration at http://www.abrakadoodle.com/va02/schedule.html

BBrambleton Night at the Nationals Sat., June 2, 2012

Join us for a Washington Nationals game on Saturday, June 2nd, vs. the Atlanta Braves.

First Pitch starts at 4:05pm. Your ticket will include:

Reserved seating for Brambleton residents at a prime game in

sections 104 or 105. $10 concession credit per ticket to use at any concession stand or gift shop at the park that day. Scheduled post-game concert*

Tickets Cost $35.00/each Purchase tickets at:


* - all promotions and events at the National Stadium subject to change

Contact Beth Huck for more info at beth.huck@brambleton.org

Spring Wine Tour “The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift”

Saturday, May 12, 201210:00am 5:00pm

$65/person(price includes transportation and tastings)

Tour stops include:Casanel, Dry Mill, and Notaviva

Bring a picnic lunch or plan to purchase lunch at one of the stops.Call the vineyards or check their websites for current o erings.

Please contact Beth Huck for more information at:beth.huck@brambleton.org or 703 542 6263

Purchase tickets at:https://www.paypal.com/cgi bin/webscr?cmd=_s xclick&hosted_button_id=3S8V4Z6GLCZFG


Spring Eggstravaganza

Sponsored by:

Saturday, April 7th

10:00 am - 1:00 pm Take your picture with the Easter Bunny. Enjoy a petting zoo, moon

bounces, arts and crafts and of course a traditional Egg Hunt. The first egg hunt will be at 10:15am for infants-3 year olds; the second egg hunt will be at 10:45am for 4-6 year olds. These fun

activities will take place at the Community Center.

8:30 pm - 9:00 pm Join us at Legacy Park for a

Flashlight Egg Hunt. The hunt gets started promptly at 8:30pm, meet us in the tennis court. Some of the eggs will be filled with very special prizes!

Due to the dark conditions and uneven terrain in Legacy Park, this hunt is designed for children ages

7 and up, and must be accompanied by an adult; young children are

invited join in the fun at the Egg Hunt earlier in the day! Flashlights will be provided while supplies last.

Don’t forget your egg collecting baskets!


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The Brambleton Community Association is sponsoring its Sixth Annual Community Clean-Up Day. Resident volunteers are needed to make this event a success. In an eff ort to unpollute the neighborhood, participants will collect litter and debris deposited over the winter and windy spring months on common area parcels. The focus of this cleanup day should be on natural areas, streams and ponds, being that the grounds maintenance contractors will remove trash and litter from groomed parcels.

Here’s how you can help: Commit to participating in the clean-up day by submitting your contact name, phone and email to Beth Huck at beth.huck@brambleton.org. We encourage local boy, cub or girl scouts, civic, or church groups to sign up too! Collection sites are coordinated and trash bags will be distributed from our offi ce prior to the clean-up day. All bagged trash will need to be taken to the trash receptacles in the Community Cen-ter parking lot on Regal Wood Dr. Please submit your information to Beth by 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 25th.

Please help us set a neighborhood clean-up day record! Take pride in your community and help keep Bramble-ton green!

If you are looking for other opportunities to Keep Loudoun Beautiful, consider visiting http://www.keeploud-ounbeautiful.org. Keep Loudoun Beautiful (KLB) is a volunteer-based organization that conducts litter clean-ups and education programs in Loudoun County. Clean-up opportunities include annual Spring Clean-Up (held in April), a comprehensive clean-up of Loudoun County, and waterway clean-ups (schedule varies).

Please contact Brambleton Community Association at 703-542-6263 with any additional questions.

Brambleton Neighborhood Clean-Up Day


Brambleton Summer Camp GuideOver me Athle cs: Join Over me for week long camps in June August for sports, games andFUN! Ac vi es include basketball, oor hockey, soccer, wi eball, ag football, volleyball, kickball, scavenger hunts, eld day events, and swimming! See yer on page 17 or go towww.over mecamps.com for more informa on and to register!

Drama Kids: Looking for drama c fun? This camp o ers new and exci ng drama ac vi es eachday for non stop fun. Learn ac ng skills and star in a special end of camp performance. Theseweek long camps will be o ered to Grades 1 5, July 9th 13th, July 16th 20th and Grades 6 9,July 23rd 27th. See yer on page 18 or go to www.dramakids.com/va4 from more informa onand to register!

Abrakadoodle: O ering 3 di erent week long camp themes* Pirates, Princes and Princesses, June 11th 15th

* Paint Me a Story, June 18th 22nd

* Art Rocks! by Abrakadoodle, June 25th 29th

Please see yer on page 19 or contact Sukla Sengupta, ssengupta@abrakadoodle.com or703.318.6628; Online registra on at h p://www.abrakadoodle.com/va02/schedule.html



Drama Kids Summer Camp has new and exciting drama activities each day for non-stop fun. Learn acting skills and star in a special end-of-camp performance. Join us for a dramatically fun summer!

Grades 1 -5: July 9-13th & 16th-20th

Half day and extended days Grades 6 – 9: July 23rd – 27th 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Visit www.dramakids.com/va4 • Prices; earlybird discount thru March 31st • Session Information • Registration

For questions please call us 703.726.1226!

Camp held weekly at Brambleton Community Center


Summer Camps Pirates, Princes and Princesses June 11th-15th

Calling all pirates, princes and princesses to join us as we re-visit our most popular camps of the past. Off we go to days when pirates ruled the seas and royalty ruled the land. We make castles, crowns, sea monsters, pirate maps and more.

Paint Me a Story June 18th-22nd

Our focus is to ignite the imagination of a child and inspire them to be creative. Throughout this popular program, painters will explore dynamic mediums of art and see what multi-cultural storyline we can develop—we learn about Patrick Benson as we develop our own creation, Lisa Kowalski and her colors, dabs and doodles and many more. We will give the children an inspiring avenue to explore and excel.

Art Rocks! by Abrakadoodle June 25th-29th

The stage is set for rock artists everywhere! Art Rocks combines fun music and energetic art for a wildly creative adventure. Campers will make musical instruments, learn about rhythm and create some music of their own! They'll design a poster promoting a concert, as well as a unique label for a new CD.

Preschool Camp (3-5) Morning 9-12; Elementary Camp (6-12) Afternoon 1-4 Tuition: $135 (+$20 Supply Fee)

Full Day Camp for both Preschoolers and Elementary students: 9-4 Tuition: $260 (+$30 Supply Fee)

Brambleton Community Association 42645 Regal Wood Drive; Brambleton, VA 20148

Please contact Sukla Sengupta, ssengupta@abrakadoodle.com or 703.318.6628 Online registration at http://www.abrakadoodle.com/va02/schedule.html


contests, giveaways & more: www.facebook.com/brambletonview.

Major Trail System Enhancement


The Developer and their contrac-tors have begun the installation of 3.5 miles of primarily 10’ wide trail in common areas south of Creighton Road. The trail will meander through woodlands, meadows and adjacent to wetlands bringing residents closer to nature while providing privacy to adjacent landowners. The work will take place over the next 90 days and is expected to be completed by the


News from the DeveloperSt. Patrick’s Day Pot of Gold


Congratulations to the Thibodeau family, winners of Brambleton’s Pot of Gold Giveaway on St. Patrick’s Day! The Pot of Gold Giveaway was the Brambleton Group’s most recent social media contest which tasked participants with fi nding hidden shamrocks throughout the Town Center. After locating all 16 sham-rocks and collecting a token sham-

rock ticket from each store, the con-testants returned their tickets to the Welcome Center to be entered in the grand prize drawing. The Pot of Gold was fi lled with gifts from participat-ing Brambleton Town Center retailers and was valued at over $850!

A special thank you goes out to these BTC retailers who graciously donated a prize and for being such good sports as contestants hunted for the shamrocks in their establish-ments: Annalee’s Formals, Bella Ballerina, Blue Ridge Grill, Caliente Southwest Grille, Edible Arrange-ments, Froots, HairLoom Studio, InSight Eye Optique, Johnny Rockets, La Cucina Italiano, Misguided Angels, Nick’s Corner Grill, Regal FOX Cine-mas, Sport & Health Club, Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt and The Next Step.

Follow Brambleton on Facebook for the latest community events and news, and keep an eye out for fun


Broadlands Finance Station Open

Broadlands Finance Station is now open for business. This new full-service Post Offi ce provides customers with access to postal products & services including PO Box rentals.

This is located in the Broadlands Center Plaza at the intersection of Claiborne Pkwy & Broadlands Blvd at 43150 Broadlands Center Plaza #124.

If you reside within ZIP code 20148 and receive a “Delivery Attempt” Form 3849, you will pick up your mail at the new Broadlands Finance Station.

Hours are:

Monday-Friday: 11am -2pm, 3pm-5pm (closed 2pm-3pm for lunch); Saturday: 9am-12pm; Sunday: Closed

end of July, weather permitting. The end results will connect Brambleton’s southern neighborhoods with the rest of the community while creating additional recreational opportunities for the entire community.

Do you Pin?

Pinterest is a new social media plat-form in which users can organize, share, and create virtual bulletin “Boards.” Brambleton is

pleased to announce that they have created a Pinterest account that will showcase the Brambleton com-munity, including photos illustrat-ing design aesthetic, lifestyle, and amenities! Follow Brambleton’s Boards here: www.pinterest.com/brambleton

Builder News

• Grand Opening of Trent Grove at Brambleton by Pulte Homes: Pulte Homes is now selling Grand Villas at Trent Grove rang-ing in size from 3,100 to 4,500 square feet and base prices beginning at $429,990. There’s even a fl oor plan with a fi rst fl oor master suite! For more informa-tion, please call 703-957-4553 or

visit www.pulte.com/trentgrove.

• Van Metre Wins Humanitarian Hearthstone Builder Award: The National Association of Home Builders recognized Van Metre Companies as the 2012 Philan-thropic Builder of the Year for their work with National Chil-dren's Hospital, Capital Hospice, George Mason University, and the Loudoun County schools. Since 1970, the company has continuously woven community outreach into their company's fabric. Click for more informa-tion.

Upcoming Events

• 5th Annual Step Sisters’ Rib-

bon Run/Walk, April 14th, Bram-bleton Town Center. Get details here: http://www.brambletonrib-bonrun.com/Registration.html

• Welcome Discovery - Activities Announced for Discovery’s Ar-rival The Space Shuttle Discovery is expected to land at Washing-ton Dulles International Airport on April 17th and transfer to the Udvar-Hazy Center on April 19th. Join them to launch Space Shuttle Discovery on its new mis-sion to educate & inspire. Read more here: http://ht.ly/9lefW

• Reaching for Autism Miracles

Casino Night, April 21st, 7-10 PM, Brambleton Welcome Cen-ter. Get details here: http://www.reaching4autismmiracles.com/event.html

• Community Shred Event, April 28th, 8:30-11:30 AM, behind FOX Cinemas

• NVBIA Parade of Homes, April 28th & 29th

• Register for the Ringing In

Hope Memorial Day Race: A Salute to Our Troops 10K and 5 K Race, 1K Walk at the Bramble-ton Town Center, May 28, 2012. http://www.ringinginhope.com/MemorialDay2012.html

• Loudoun County YouthFest will be held at the Brambleton Town Center on Saturday, June 16th, featuring “The Ready Set” as the headliner band. Additional acts include the YouthFest Battle of the Bands fi nalists and a spe-cial performance by last year's YouthFest winner, Lightspeed Rescue. For more information on the Loudoun County Youth Pro-gram, please visit their website: http://www.loudounteens.org/


Message from Supervisor ClarkeCOUNTY CORNER

The request was made to MWAA and we just received word that the exten-sion was approved. Now we will have more time to really sink our teeth into this important issue and receive more public input! The decision date is now set for July 4, 2012.

Please voice your opinion on this is-sue by fi lling out my Metrorail survey.


We have been working diligently through the county’s operating bud-get, department by department and line by line to create a budget that works best for our citizens. The Board voted to start the budget delibera-tions with a -5% scenario below the zero or equalized tax rate. The County Administrator presented a baseline budget with diff erent options and the corresponding costs of those op-tions for the Board to work with. The tax rate we are currently at this week is $1.24 with the school CIP and op-erating budget factored in now. We have three more work sessions be-fore adopting the budget on April 3rd. If amendments are needed, April 4th will be the date we will adopt the budget.

Comments on the budget may be provided to the Board of Supervisors by e-mail at loudounbudget@loud-oun.gov, by calling the Citizen Com-ment Line at (703) 777-0115, and by writing to the Board of Supervisors at P.O. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177 or at bos@loudoun.gov.

Legislative Updates

1. Athletic Fields Initiative – During several business meetings, I have ad-dressed the need for more athletic


Here are updates on several impor-tant issues the Board is currently working on.


Metrorail's Silver Line is scheduled to come to Loudoun County with sta-tions planned at Dulles International Airport, Route 606 (Loudoun County Parkway), and Route 772 (Ryan Rd.). The Board of Supervisors has yet to decide whether or not to contribute funding for this eff ort. The 90 day opt-out period for Metrorail started on March 6th via a letter from Metro-politan Washington Airports Author-ity (MWAA) just as we started work-ing on the all-consuming budget deliberations. During the opt-out period, Loudoun County can choose to opt out of the proposed Metrorail extension or choose to help fund the extension of the Silver Line into Lou-doun County. Because of this unfor-tunate timing, we had much less time to spend to review this project than is needed to make a truly informed decision. I made a motion to request a 30-day extension to the original, 90-day deadline, which the Board passed.

fi elds in Loudoun County. We have made quite a bit of progess on this issue. Proposed solutions include opening athletic fi elds earlier, con-structing some turf fi elds, and uti-lizing unused private land parcels. Chairman Scott York motioned for staff to pursue land use ordinance changes to accommodate athletic uses on private parcels of land, which this Board supported unanimously! I am also working with Parks and Recreation on a number of solutions across the Blue Ridge District for get-ting existing playing fi elds lighted.

2. Loudoun Lyme Disease Preven-

tion and Awareness Initiative – Lyme disease is a serious and growing health problem in Loudoun County and the nation. Last year, while go-ing door-to-door on the campaign trail, I met so many people who ei-ther had Lyme, had a family member with Lyme, or knew someone who had Lyme. Many family pets have been infected as well. After months of gathering information and speak-ing with Lyme experts, staff , and citi-zens, I worked with Supervisor Geary Higgins and Supervisor Ken Reid to put together a 10 Point Action Plan to Mitigate Lyme Disease in Loud-oun County. This initiative includes the immediate spraying of various athletic fi elds throughout the coun-ty, the formation of a Lyme Disease Commission, and a comprehensive educational outreach and resource program. The Board of Supervisors overwhelmingly passed this initiative at the March 21st Business Meeting. Thank you to the many citizens suf-fering from Lyme disease who told their moving stories at the public


6. Aff ordable Housing/Workforce

Housing – As I outlined in my fi rst newsletter, aff ordable housing and workforce housing are important priorities for me. I am pleased to say that I have had numerous discussions with many groups that are helping to shape an eff ective approach to fulfi ll this goal. This month, the Board vot-ed to provide letters of support for submission to the Virginia Housing Development Authority on behalf of a local organization competing for federal subsidies in order to build 98 aff ordable housing units, including 10 handicapped units, in Loudoun County.

7. Route 50 – As a member of the Route 50 Task Force, I am working to address important issues regarding the Route 50 corridor. It appears that the VDOT traffi c calming projects in Upperville and the Gilbert's Corner Roundabout have major problems that need to be addressed to ensure public safety. Surface materials that were used in the Upperville traffi c calming project were VDOT “pilot” materials that have not been able to withstand the wear and tear of ve-hicular traffi c and have thus deterio-rated. VDOT will be redoing this proj-ect with diff erent materials so watch for this area to be aff ected again by construction.

8. Schools – The Board of Supervisors is responsible for the acquisition of land and the construction and reno-vation of schools. I am privileged to sit on the Joint Board/School Board Committee where we are working with staff to appropriately determine the types of schools that are needed in our communities as well as con-

input session as well as those who e-mailed their stories and urged sup-port for this initiative. WJLA covered this story. We will keep you updated with the progress of this initiative as it is implemented. I am grateful to the entire Board for their unanimous sup-port of this initiative.

4. Bus Transit/Commuter Needs – The public transportation needs of the county are vast, varied, and im-mediate. To address this issue, in the past month alone, the Board worked with the Transportation Department and Virginia Regional Transit to fi nd solutions. My last newsletter outlined my initiative to get the existing com-muter lot in Brambleton near Creigh-ton Road activated. We collaborated with the Brambleton HOA to survey citizens who commute within the county as well as those who com-mute to DC. We received a total of 577 responses and we are taking ac-tion! The county is now in the process of developing routes to meet rider-ship needs based on the results of the survey.

5. Broadband – This month I present-ed a resolution that addresses the growing broadband and communi-cations needs of the County. Supervi-sor Geary Higgins joined me in spon-soring this broadband initiative and the entire Board voted unanimously to support the Resolution of Support for Expanded Broadband and Other Communications Infrastructure for the Citizens, Businesses, and Work-force of Loudoun County. This item also included changing the name and work scope of the Cable TV and Open Systems Commission to include their expanded advisory role.

sider their locations and construction time frames. As this work progress-es, I will provide information on the Blue Ridge District's proposed new schools and school renovations in my April newsletter.

There are many ways your voice can be heard. You need not be physically present for your opinions to count. You can also call the public input phone line at (703) 777-0115 or send your comments via e-mail to bos@loudoun.gov and all Board members will receive it.

Please feel free to contact me at ja-net.clarke@loudoun.gov and my aide Juanita Tool at juanita.tool@loudoun.gov. You can reach us at our offi ce between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday-Friday at (703) 777-0210 and by visiting us at 1 Harrison Street SE, Leesburg, VA 20175. I look forward to hearing from you.

In the Spirit of Service,

Janet Clarke Vice Chairman Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Blue Ridge District Supervisor (703) 777-0210 janet.clarke@loudoun.gov

To read the message in its entirety, go to http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=0957f72211ee567adde5ea600&id=50828fe82b&e=6141e869d6.


Recycling in BrambletonTHINK GREEN

Did you know...• There are 2,444 toters with RecycleBank (RB) RFID chips in the

community.• Of those RB toters, 2,076 residents or 84.9% recycle at least once

a month. • As a community, we recycled 54.96 tons of material last month.• Ten tons more material is recycled during December than the aver-

age month.• Brambleton has 1,277 or 52.3% residents registered and partici-

pating in the RB program.• 529 RB rewards were ordered by Brambleton residents in February.• There are 92,000 unclaimed points.

Join in on the RecycleBank craze, and register today! http://www.recyclebank.com/customer/account/create/

Interesting Facts to Date


Offi ce Paper (white and colored)

Newspaper and magazines

Junk Mail

Envelopes (manila, regular & windowed)

File Folders

Computer Paper

Post It Notes

Card Stock Paper

Aluminum Cans

Tin Cans

Glass Bottles and Jars

#1 Plastic bottles (water and soda)

#2 Plastic containers (milk and detergent)

#3 – 7 Plastic containers (yogurt and margarine)

Food Waste


Printer Cartridges (toner or inkjet)

Coffee Station Waste

Cell phones


Computers or other electronics

Bathroom Waste

What can be recycled?What can be recycled? What can not be recycled?What can not be recycled?



Choosing Organic vs. Chemical Treatments for Your Pet

Brambleton resident and avid dog lover, Tina Gerin, moved to the com-munity in November of 2011. She has 7 years experience working with dogs and owns and operates her own dog walking/pet sitting business. She off ers her advice to residents on everything from pet care and training to referral of pet services.

As many of you are aware, we have a large tick population here in Loud-oun County. This summer is expected to be worse than ever, since it never became cold enough long enough to kill the ticks. Here is some helpful in-formation to help you get a jump on things early on.

Along with ticks comes Lyme disease. This disease is harmful in humans as well as our pets. Many of you may want to consider a Lyme vaccine for your pet this summer. Lyme disease in dogs is easily treated, and some may argue vaccinating is unneces-sary. Normally I would agree with this, but considering that this may be the worse tick season ever you may want to reconsider. You may want to combine a Lyme vaccination with some natural remedies for the sea-son. Discuss the pros and cons with your vet and become well informed.

There are also many topical repel-lents available. The question arises on whether or not to use a chemical fl ea/tick product or a natural one. Here are some interesting facts to help you decide: Chemical products contain very harmful pesticides that can do more harm than good in your pets. They can cause serious skin al-lergies, cancer, immune diseases, etc. Anything you put on your pet’s skin is absorbed into their system. Not to mention if you have children you may want to be aware of how harmful the pesticides found in these chemical treatments are to them. If you do choose to use this type of product, be very careful in how you apply it. Be sure to apply directly on the pet’s skin, avoiding the hair. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly or even wear gloves. Keep these products away from children and be sure they do not touch the treated area. Avoid using collars that contain repellents if you have children as well.

If you choose to use a natural prod-uct, there are many good ones on the market that do just as good a job. Consistency is key with these natural products, and you should start using them as soon as possible. There are two diff erent types of natural prod-ucts, one that your pet will ingest (an additive to their food) and the other is topical made from essential oils. I reccommend using both when going the natural route. There are also sev-eral natural pet stores in the area that can help guide you.

There are some homemade remedies I would recommend. You can use good old fashioned garlic, one clove per 30 lbs. of pet weight, mashed in

their meal during every other feeding. You can make your own tick repellent spritzer as well. Be sure to use thera-peutic grade essential oils, (you can fi nd these at any natural pet stores or online).

Below is a recipe I have found online and plan to use on my boys this season! Mix the following together in a spritzer bottle and spray your pet regularly, es-pecially before long walks:

• 1 cup distilled water

• 2 drops geranium essential oil

• 2 drops Palo Santo

• 2 Drops Rosewood

• 1 drop Myrrh

• 4 drops grapefruit

• 1 drop peppermint

• 1 drop thieves hand soap or Castille Soap

Mix together and spray!

We will be featuring a monthly article on a diff erent subject, and Tina wel-comes any questions or advice you may have. Feel free to send her an email with any suggestions or ques-tions you may like to see answered in upcoming articles at tina@paws-a-go-go.com.


April 27: Happy 3rd birthday to Braden van Gemert! We love you to the moon and back! - Mamia and Dadia

Happy 7th birthday to my daughter, Shayna Elbaum!

Happy 8th Birthday to our boy, Skoobi - the most pho-tographed dog in the world! Love from Mum, Dad, Chris & Sammi xoxo

Happy 8th Birthday Roma Angalkudru!

April 14: Happy Birthday to Jennifer Burke!

April 15: "Rani, we are so proud of you. Let's go eat at Clyde's! Love you Tink!

April 16: Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband Paul.

Nothing in this world could ever be as wonderful as the love and life you've given me.

April 18: Happy 3rd Birth-day to Evan!

April 9: Happy 8th Birthday to our beautiful daughter, Kendall Garza!

Love, Mom & Dad

I'd like to wish my Husband, Bob Bermudez a very happy 9th wedding anniversary on April 11.

April 13: Happy 9th Anniver-sary to Bob and Jill Krause!

I would like to wish my hus-band, Jeysson G. Morales, an amazing 31st birthday on April 13. With much Love, from his wife Laura Morales.

Happy 7th birthday to our sweet Charlie Bear!! You al-ways make the fi rst day of April a day to celebrate! We love you! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Jackson and Olivia

April 2: Happy 11th Birth-day to Emily & Rebecca! Hope you have a great birthday in Florida! We love you very much! Love, Mom, Dad & Michael

Happy Birthday to Ava Tu-ricchi who turns 5 on April 5th!

Happy birthday to our ba-bies, you are growing so fast! Happy 3rd birthday to Kate on April 15 and happy 1st birthday to Colin on April 6!!! Love Mommy & Daddy

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Special Deliveries are celebrated often here in Brambleton. Let someone know that you are think-ing of them.






Cheers to Another Year!


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GreenWorksGarden Center Landscapes

Spring is Here

Open Monday-Saturday 7:30 a.m to 6 pm; Sunday 10:00 am to 5 pmFor more information visit our website: www.greenworkslandscaping.com

Find us on GreenWorks Nursery.

Come see our knowledgable staff.

Shrubs, perennials, annuals, herbs, hanging

baskets, and pottery.

Fresh plants arriving weekly.

Landscape Services Include:

Landscape design and installation

Hardscaping patios, fireplaces & walkways

Talk to a designer at GreenWorks

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BCA Drop Box

A drop box is available after hours and is located outside of the Bram-bleton Community Association offi ce building, located at 42395 Ryan Road.

Residents may drop off architectual applications, committee applications, etc. Assessments will not be accept-ed.

Neighborhood Watch

If you see something suspicious or criminal, immediately call LCSO at (703) 777-1021 or 911 if it is a crime in progress.

Subscribe to B_Alert@Brambleton to be linked to an active FB group fo-cused and concerned about safety and security within Brambleton.

Notary Service

If you are interested in utilizing this service, please note the following:

Available by Appointment Only - please call 703-542-6263.

Notary service is free to Brambleton residents for the fi rst two documents, with a $2.00 fee per document there-after. Non-residents will be charged $2.00 per document.

Photo ID required.

Witnessing on documents will not be provided by the Brambleton Commu-nity Association.

Virginia notaries are not authorized to certify true copies of birth, death or marriage certifi cates. Only the Di-vision of Vital Records/Statistics may perform such a certifi cation.

Brambleton Community


42395 Ryan Road, Suite 210

Monday - Friday

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

703-542-6263 (p) 703-542-6266 (f )



Brambleton Community Center

42645 Regal Wood Drive

Available for private rentals and

community programming.

Contact Beth Huck:


Board of Directors Meetings

Board of Directors meetings are held at the BCA Management Offi ces, lo-cated at 42395 Ryan Road, Suite 210.

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday, June 5, 8:15 a.m.

Tuesday, August 7, 8:15 a.m.

Tuesday, October 2, 8:15 a.m.

New Assessment Mailing Address

Brambleton Community Association c/o Armstrong Managment P.O. Box 11983 Newark, NJ 07101-4983

Do You Need to Apply?

Our offi ce regularly receives appli-cations for decks, patios and fences. 

Important Info to KnowPlease note that an application is also required for play equipment, awnings, and for smaller projects like changing the color of paint on your front door. 

Submit completed applications to the management offi ce at 42395 Ryan Road, Suite 210, Brambleton VA 20148, via fax to 703-542-6266 or to rosemarie.linder@brambleton.org.    

As the Covenants Committee meets once per month, it is important to submit all of the required information with your application so as not to de-lay review of your project. 

Need Mailbox Repair?

Black Mailboxes - Call Main Street Mailboxes at 703-753-5521.

Weathered Bronze Mailboxes - Call Dominion Electric Supply Company, Erin Schwartz, at 703-631-8100.

Trash Collection

Trash: Tuesdays & Fridays Yard Debris: Tuesdays (March - Dec)Recycling: Fridays AAA: 703-818-8222


Please contact NOVEC at 1-888-335-0500 for any street light outages. Be sure to give your street address and the pole number when making the call.

Domionion Power

Call 1-866-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357) to report an outage.



ALDIE RENTALS now provides annual maintenance service and small engine repairs on your lawn & garden equipment.

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CommitteesActivities Committee

Co-Chairs: Amber Colatosti, Liz Jackson

Membership: Open

Upcoming Meetings:

April 18, 7:30 p.m.

May 16, 7:30 p.m.

Covenants Committee

Chair: Mike Dorrity

Upcoming Meetings:

April 9, 7:00 p.m.

May 14, 7:00 p.m.

Financial Advisory Committee

Chair: Mark Davis

Membership: Three seats open

Upcoming Meetings:

April 24, 7:30 p.m.

May 22, 7:30 p.m.

Grounds & Facilities Committee

Chair: Walter Berkey

Membership: One seat open

Upcoming Meetings:

April 17, 7:00 p.m.

May 15, 7:00 p.m.

Technology Ad-hoc Committee

Chair: Paul Raven

Upcoming Meetings:

Scheduled as necessary

* All Association Committee meet-ings are held at the BCA Management Offi ces, located at 42395 Ryan Road, Suite 210. Location and date changes will be announced in the Friday Flash.

Please contact HOA@brambleton.org or call 703-542-6263 for more infor-mation on joining a committee.




Community Management Contacts

Brambleton Community Management Offi ce 703-542-6263 703-542-6266 (f )

Residences at Brambleton (AMS) 703-542-6263

Summerfi eld Condo (CMC) 703-327-4818 703-542-5845 (f )

Town Center

Brambleton Welcome Center 703-542-2925

BCA Services Verizon

- Activation/Account Changes/Billing/Disconnect

(M - F, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.) 800-501-1172

- Repair 888-553-1555

- Questions/Assistance w/ Verizon.com 888-669-9901

- Assistance w/ Suspension of Service 888-338-9333

RecycleBank 888-727-2978

AAA Recycling & Trash Removal 703-818-8222

Utility Contacts

Dominion Electric - North of Ryan Road 888-667-3000

NOVEC - South of Ryan Road 888-335-0500

Miss Utility 800-552-7001

Washington Gas 703-750-1000

Water/Sewer: Loudoun Water 571-291-7880

County Contacts

Emergency: Fire/Rescue/Police 911

Animal Care & Control 703-777-0406 540-882-3984 (f )

Building Permits 703-777-0220

Post Offi ce, Ashburn - 44715 Prentice Drive 703-406-6291

Sheriff : Non-Emergency 703-777-1021

Sheriff : Traffi c Hotline 703-771-5798


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Pool Information

Summer Event Season

Spring Wine Tour


We want to hear from you!Interested in submitting a community article for consideration?

Please send an email to communica-tions@brambleton.org for more infor-mation.


42395 Ryan Road

Suite 210

Brambleton, VA 20148

703-542-6263 (p)

703-542-6266 (f )


