April 22, 2018 ~ Cowen Sunday Seek first his kingdom and ... · April 22, 2018 ~ Cowen Sunday...


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April 22, 2018 ~ Cowen Sunday

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be

given to you as well.” ~ Matthew 6:33

Announcements and Ministry Opportunities

*Call to Worship “Knowing You” (see Ivory Insert)

“What a Beautiful Name”

Musical Meditation

Introit “Open Now These Gates of Beauty” Chancel Choir

Responsive Reading: Psalm 46

Leader: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

People: “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains

fall into the heart of the sea.”

Leader: “Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.”

People: “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the

nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”

Leader: “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”

*Hymn of Praise No. 8 “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”

*Opening Prayer/Lord’s Prayer (debts / debtors)

*Greeting One Another

Children’s Moment Keith Schoenhut

Ministry Moment Roane County Mission Trip Review

Offertory Camp Cowen Video


*Prayer of Dedication

Praises and Testimonies to God’s Faithfulness

Call to Prayer “Jesus Draw Me Close” By Rick Founds

Jesus draw me close, closer, Lord, to You.

Let the world around me fade away.

Jesus draw me close, closer, Lord, to You.

For I desire to worship and obey.

Copyright Maranatha! Music Services.

Used by permission CCLI #796382

Pastoral Prayer

Anthem “Trust and Obey” Chancel Choir

Sermon Scripture: (page 757 in Pew Bible) Nehemiah 5: 14-19

Sermon “Learning to Trust God in the Good Times” Dr. Kurt Busiek

Hymn of Commitment No. 379 “Take My Life and Let it Be”

*Benediction “God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again”

*Postlude Camp Cowen Offering

As you leave, greet one person you do not know.

*All able, please stand


8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Worship Services / 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages

4:30 p.m. Celebration Ringers

6:00 p.m. Youth LifeGroup at Jacob Britton’s House

Monday-April 23

12:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study in the Conference Room

Tuesday-April 24

10:00 a.m. Book by Book Bible Series: Jonah 2- Praying to God in the Dark

6:00 p.m. DivorceCare in the Parlor

Wednesday-April 25

9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting

10:00 a.m. Alzheimer’s Association Workshop in the Encouragers’ Room

5:00 p.m. Dinner

6:00 p.m. Bible Study: The Circle Maker: Praying Through the Hard Times

AWANA, Youth, Choir Rehearsal, Grief Share

Thursday-April 26

2:30 p.m. Painting Class in the Conference Room

Friday-April 27

9:30 a.m. MOPS Book Study in the Crusaders Classroom

11:00 a.m. Senior-Cise in the Parlor

Friday-April 27 through Saturday-April 28 ~ Men’s Work Party at Cowen

Friday-April 27 through Sunday-April 29 ~ Youth Spring Retreat at Parchment Valley

Service radios to assist the hearing impaired are available for your use in the Sanctuary. If

you are interested, an usher would be happy to assist you.

We’re on the radio Sunday morning on FM 93.9 AT 9:30. Listen & tell a friend. The

program includes a broadcast of the previous week’s sermon and special music.

Follow us on Facebook! Look up Emmanuel Baptist Church Parkersburg for regular updates

from the church and check out our family ministry group page at: facebook.com/groups/


Emmanuel Baptist Church 1710 - 23rd Street

Parkersburg, WV 26101 (304) 485-5171



General Fund $ 7,181.24 Designated Funds:

Missions $ 816.05 Debt Reduction ....... $310.00 Young Life ............ $30.00

Maint. Fund $ 163.21 Benevolence Fund ..... $20.00

Total $ 8,160.50

Attendance last week: Sunday School: 82; 8:30 a.m.: 25; 10:45 a.m.: 189

Put a Star by your name on the attendance book if you have invited someone to church or

have spoken to someone about his/her salvation.

Last week was an 3 star Sunday

On Line Giving Please use the following link for on-line giving:


April 22 Dan Decker, Tennyson Sparks

24 Seth DePriest

25 Baylee Cline, Phyllis Crone, Shery Phelps, Jim Sayre

26 Stuart Bennett, Connie Childress, Marki Dittman

28 Gabriel Hissam

29 Jean Farrah, Tommy Le

April Ushers & Greeters Ushers: 8:30 a.m. Evan Frees and Carl Sizemore

10:45 a.m. Ray Lusk, Bill Holbert, Brian Raitz, John Shreeves

Greeter: Sue McCue and Kim Matheny

Salvation Army Meal Ministry Serving Teams Today: Suzanne Halterman Team Next Week: Vienna Kiwanis

Lawn Schedule ~ Ready for Sunday: April 29 ~ Evan Frees & Steve Metheny May 6 ~ Brian Lallemont & Tom Jamison

Did you know? Schedule social time (Your friends

are worth it … in more ways than one)! Setting aside time for relationships is not just good for your mood, but it

actually improves your health. People who have good social relationships

actually live longer! Marriage has been found to ward off dementia. Yet,

a trend in our culture is for people to spend less time together and to substitute on-line time

for in-person time. This is particularly true among younger persons. Unfortunately, too

much of people’s on-line time is not positive and is associated with depressed

mood. Limit on-line time to decrease risk of digital addiction which is linked with sleep

deprivation, weakening vision and depression. So, log-off! Take time to serve in ministry

together, go to the mall, or join a small group.

Youth Group Spring Retreat – April 27-29 This year we will be taking our students to Parchment Valley for a

weekend Spring Retreat April 27-29! Activities will include

outdoor games, worship sessions, bonfire, fishing and more!

Parents of students are invited to come along as well and we'll

even offer a discount for any who come along! The cost per

student is $45 and includes all meals for the weekend, the cost per parent is $35. Everyone

will need to be sure to bring bedding or a sleeping bag for a twin size bed. If you are

interested, please contact Pastor Jonathan.

Senior-cise Chair Exercises on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. As part of our Healthy Emmanuel emphasis, we are having a weekly

“Senior-cise” chair exercise program on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. These are

chair-based exercises for 15-30 minutes followed by fellowship and lunch

(bring your own sack lunch)!

Scholarship and Loan Applications Scholarship and Loan Applications for the 2018-19 school year are

available in the church office. Requests need to be submitted by

May 31st; awards will be announced in June.

Breaking Free Taking a Break Our Breaking Free recovery group is taking a break through

August. Pray for Kim Matheny and Jane Powell as they plan and

provide leadership.

Sermon Notes: April 22, 2018

Title: “Trusting God in the Good Times”

Scripture: Nehemiah 5: 14-19

Speaker: Dr. Kurt Busiek

“Moreover, from the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when I was appointed to be their

governor in the land of Judah, until his thirty-second year—twelve years—neither I nor my

brothers ate the food allotted to the governor.” - Nehemiah 5:14

Lectionary Readings for this Week To encourage your personal study and growth,

here is the listing of the Lectionary Scripture Readings for

Sunday, April 22: Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:5-12, 1 John 3:16-24, John 10:11-18, Psalm 23

“Knowing You” By Graham Kendrick

Verse 1: All I once held dear, built my life upon,

All this world reveres, and wars to own;

All I once thought gain, I have counted loss,

Spent and worthless now, compared to this.

Chorus: Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You,

There is no greater thing, You're my all, You're the best,

You're my joy, my righteousness,

And I love You, Lord, love You, Lord.

Verse 2: Now my heart's desire, is to know You more,

To be found in You, and known as Yours;

To possess by faith, what I could not earn,

All surpassing gift of righteousness. (Repeat Chorus)

Verse 3: Oh to know the power of Your risen life,

And to know You in Your sufferings;

To become like You in Your death my Lord,

So with You to live and never die. (Repeat Chorus) © 1993 Make Way Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Used by permission CCLI #796382

“What a Beautiful Name” By: Ben Fielding | Brooke Ligertwood

Verse 1: You were the Word at the beginning, One with God the Lord Most High,

Your hidden glory in creation, Now revealed in You, our Christ.

Chorus 1: What a beautiful Name it is, What a beautiful Name it is,

The Name of Jesus Christ my King.

What a beautiful Name it is, Nothing compares to this,

What a beautiful Name it is, The Name of Jesus.

Verse 2: You didn't want heaven without us, So Jesus You brought heaven down,

My sin was great, Your love was greater, What could separate us now.

Chorus 2: What a wonderful Name it is, What a wonderful Name it is,

The Name of Jesus Christ my King.

What a wonderful Name it is, Nothing compares to this,

What a wonderful Name it is, The Name of Jesus.

What a wonderful Name it is, The Name of Jesus.

Bridge: You have no rival, You have no equal, Now and forever God You reign.

Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the glory, Yours is the Name above all names.

Chorus 3: What a powerful Name it is, What a powerful Name it is,

The Name of Jesus Christ my King.

What a powerful Name it is, Nothing can stand against,

What a powerful Name it is, The Name of Jesus.

Ending: What a powerful Name it is, The Name of Jesus.

What a powerful Name it is, The Name of Jesus. © 2016 Hillsong Music Publishing. Used by permission CCLI #796382

If you’re a GUEST at Emmanuel, we want to welcome you to

our church. If you would like to know more about Emmanuel or if you

have questions about the Christian faith, fill out a white pew card and

place it in the offering plate. There is a green guest bag at the Guest

Table in the narthex for our guests and there will be a greeter available at the Guest Table

after the service to assist you. If you continue to attend Emmanuel, we will invite you to

attend one of our quarterly guest lunches where you can meet our staff and learn more

about our ministry. If you have questions, please contact our Guest Coordinator, Barb

Kirsch (304 482 2942 / bkirsch@suddenlink.net) or Pastor Kurt Busiek (304 485 5171 /


Local Mission Needs in April:

If you would like to help our local missions, following is a new list of what each one is

currently in need of. Please leave your items in the Donation Boxes in the new narthex.

Latrobe Street Mission: □ Disposable Razors

□ Body Wash (not bar soap) □ Disposable Cups, Plates, Bowls

□ Bottled Water

□ Coffee (instant or regular) and Coffee Creamer

□ Flip Flops

□ Cleaning Supplies (Bleach, Pine-Sol, etc.)

House to Home: □ Gently used men's casual clothes -- shirts, t-shirts, pants, shoes

-- any size

□ Ramen Noodle Soups

□ Ready-to-eat Soups

□ Canned Beans

□ Vienna Sausages, Spam, Treet

□ Chef Boyardee Canned Pastas

Old Man Rivers: □ Tissues

□ Shampoo

□ Diapers

□ Bars of Soap

Spring Golden’eers Conference at Parchment Valley The Spring Golden'eers Conference will be held April 30-May 2 at

Parchment Valley Conference Center at Ripley. The Bible study

leader is Joel Harpold. The conference will begin on Monday in

the Santrock Building with registration and pizza at 12 noon and

will end on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. The cost is $80 which

includes 2 nights lodging, linens, meals, and program fee. The

dorm rooms are $65 and don't include linens. There is a $10 discount for first-time

attendees. The registration must be in by Monday April 23rd at the West Virginia Baptist

Convention. If you have any questions about the conference, ask the Hulces or the


Alzheimer’s Association Workshop – April 25

There will be an Alzheimer’s Association Workshop at Emmanuel

Baptist Church on Wednesday, April 25 at 10:00 a.m. in the

Encouragers’ Room. The topic for April is “Dementia Conversations”.

This workshop is for families facing a new diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

and will offer tips on how to have honest and caring conversations with

family members about: going to the doctor; deciding when to stop

driving; and making legal and financial plans.

High on Hope – The Movement 2 High on Hope will hold their 2nd Annual “High On Hope - The Movement”

at Parkersburg City Park on April 28 from Noon-8:00 p.m. You will hear

some amazing speakers along with amazing music in efforts to see the

MOV defeat addiction! There will also be resource tables and food for all.

Let’s come together as a community and show the world what freedom

from addiction looks like!

Support EBC Through Amazon Smile If you would like to support Emmanuel through your Amazon purchases, go

to Smile.Amazon.com and sign in to your Amazon account as you usually do.

Go to "Your Account" in the header, scroll down and click on "Your Amazon

Smile." You'll see your current charity listed (the default charity is the Red

Cross). If "your charity" is not Emmanuel, click on "change charity" then search for

Emmanuel Baptist Church, Parkersburg (be sure to include Parkersburg because there are

many Emmanuel churches). Once you see it listed, click on “Select”. For all future

purchases, log on to Smile.Amazon.com and Emmanuel Baptist will receive a percentage

of each purchase you make.

~ Sunday LIFE/Crusader Class at 9:30 a.m. ~ Pastor Busiek: Book by Book Bible Series:

Jonah 2- Praying to God in the Dark

~ Monday Women’s Bible Study –

12:00 p.m. in the Conference Room ~

~ Tuesday Bible Study at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor ~ Pastor Busiek: Book by Book Bible Series: Jonah 2- Praying to God in the Dark

~ Wednesday Night Bible Study in the Chapel ~ Pastor Busiek: The Circle Maker: Praying Through the Hard Times

NOTES FOR THOSE WITH CHILDREN: NURSERY/TODDLERS Birth–age 2: childcare available for Sunday School

and Worship. DURING 10:45 A.M. WORSHIP (following the Children’s

Moment) children are invited to attend: PRESCHOOL (3 and 4 years old); or

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (K-5th grades). After worship, preschool children wait for an adult

in their classroom; Children's Worship is in the Children’s Chapel on the 2nd floor of the

educational building.

CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor ............................................................................................ Dr. Kurt W. Busiek

Family Life Pastor. ............................................................................... Mr. Jonathan Delgado

Director of Music Ministry ....................................................................... Mrs. Pam McClain

Organist/Pianist ................................................................................. Ms. Christine Redmond

Director of Children’s Ministry .......................................................... Mrs. Rowena Sizemore

Pianists .......................................... Mrs. Pat Barnes, Mrs. Karen Cox, Mrs. Beverly Walkup

Secretary ....................................................................................................... Ms. Terri Fielder

Church Cook ................................................................................................. Mrs. Jewel Lusk

Treasurer .......................................................................................................... Mr. Gary Beall

Visual Worship Coordinator ................................................................... Mrs. Bekah Brooks

Custodian ...........................................................................................................Mr. Gary Barr

EBC e-mails ~ kurt@ebcwv.com jonathan@ebcwv.com rowena@ebcwv.com

bekah@ebcwv.com terri@ebcwv.com mcclainp@cascable.net

Website ~ www.ebcwv.com Phone number ~ 304-485-5171 Fax ~ 304-485-5194

Please place in the offering plate or turn into church office.


Wednesday Night Dinner @ 5:00 p.m.

Please sign up by noon on Tuesday; for a carryout, call by noon on Wednesday.

Menu: Pork Loin Roast, Roasted Potatoes,

Chutney, Broccoli, Salad and Dessert

Cost: Adults: $5.00 Children 12 and Under: $2.50

($13 max. per immediate family)

Number: Adults_________ Children_________ Carryout________

Parkersburg Association Prayer Gathering The Parkersburg Baptist Association will sponsor a Prayer Gathering at

Bellville Baptist Church on Saturday, April 28 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. A

time of prayer for our country, our churches and our families! Everyone is


Men’s Work Weekend at Camp Cowen – April 27-28 The Men’s Work Weekend at Camp Cowen will be held this Friday and

Saturday, April 27-28. Your meals will be provided both days. If you plan

to join us for lunch on Friday, we will be eating at noon with dinner served

at 5:30 pm. Saturday breakfast will be served at 7:30 am, lunch at noon and

dinner at 5:30 pm. You will need to bring your own bedding. Also, you can

bring paint brushes and pans, leaf blowers, weed eaters, gloves, shovels, and

basic carpentry tools. If you have questions please contact Tommy Jamison

at 304.588.4514 or at tjamison409@gmail.com. This annual weekend is

essential in preparing Camp Cowen for Summer 2018. Please encourage your friends to

join you!

Emmanuel Prayer Page Ministry of the Week: Barb Kirsch, Visitation Team

Person of the Week: Glenola Woodyard and Kathy Harrison,

Tremont Apartments, 100 Willowbrook Dr., Apt 61, Parkersburg WV


College Student of the Week: Kaylie Beaver, Freshman North,

Room #2136, 399 Thundering Herd Dr., Huntington, WV 25703

Missionary of the Week: JD & Rhonda Reed, c/o Mark & Valma Adams, 65 Brook

Circle, Washington, WV 26181. Email: jd.reed@internationalministries.org or

rhonda.reed@internationalministries.org. JD and Rhonda are currently serving in Bolivia.

We Praise/Thank God for: Judy Prater is praising God for the wedding

celebration of Michael Prater and Vicky Jones in NY; the ministry and impact of Camp

Cowen in the lives of our young people; the ministry and impact of the Roane County

Mission trip that helped a family affected by flooding; Dan and Rosemary Decker will

be summer staff at the Grant-Kohrs National Historic Ranch/ Park in Montana in 2018;

and at the National Wildlife Refuge/ Park in Yuma, Arizona in 2019; the Baby Bottle

Fundraiser for Woman’s Care Center raised $900 for their ministry; Tammy Kelley got

good news from her Columbus cancer scan… her treatments have worked very well, now

she will have a change in her medications which will involve some side effects. On

Sunday, May 6, we will have a church wide lunch reception at noon to celebrate

the ministry of Dave and Jan Drennon in our church. They are moving into their new

home the week of May 7; their new address is: 2151 Kevin Court, NE, New Philadelphia,

OH 44663-9446. The new children’s Octopit was approved. The Mission Fellowship

Lunch for Young Life raised $800 for their summer camp ministry. From Kirk Wilson,

Director of Young Life: "Thank you for the mission lunch and your support of Young

Life. We are excited to partner with you to reach more kids for Christ."

Our EBC Family Concerns: (RAH-recovering at home) Kathi Alfred is waiting for a clear diagnosis of what is causing her shaking symptoms.

Jeannie Boyd is in NC through the end of the month to help provide support for her

family. (4/15)

Cheryl Brannon is struggling with weakness and shortness of breath. (4/22)

Cheryl Burnem on-going tests for stroke and carotid artery disease. (4/15)

Bob Byers has had some health issues and his daughter Anna is having heart tests done

in Morgantown. (4/22)

Church families are struggling and requesting prayers for healing and hope.

Church members who are daily fighting an addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Carolyn Duncan continues to recover from her knee replacement surgery. (3/4)

Carol Durnell broke her right arm; she will recover with a cast on her arm through June.

Jessica Dye, Joani Brohard's son's wife, (friend of Jeff Beatty) is battling cancer. (3/18)

Pat Faith, Jan Ashwell's mother-99, is under hospice care in Maryland. Pray for strength

and comfort for the family as they provide care. (3/11)

Calvin Florence continues to struggle with chronic back pain. (3/25)

Janacia Garrett and Alaura Clark are asking for prayers for their family and future.

Tammy Hayes will have thyroid surgery sometime soon. (4/15)

Richard Hayhurst, a friend of the Otts, is struggling with infection and other health

issues. (4/22)

Tara Jones Henderson is struggling with back pain. (4/8)

Radonna Hess saw her doctor this week and will begin radiation treatments soon. (4/22)

Shirley Huffman is now at Health South for physical therapy. (4/22)

Virginia Kanalz will see her doctor in Morgantown on April 24. (4/15)

Mike and Glenda Kodrich as Mike is dealing with tests and looking at treatment

options. (4/15)

Jennifer Lemley is caring for a new foster baby. (4/8)

Curt Mitchell, Linda’s husband, is recovering from shoulder surgery. (4/15)

Alisa Moore, friend of Gail Samolitis, for wisdom, courage and guidance regarding

possible leg amputation. (4/22)

Bill and Barb Ott have a friend who has been diagnosed with leukemia is requesting

prayer. (4/22)

Jane Powell is struggling with back problems... on-going physical therapy. (3/18)

Glenna Radcliffe, friend of Judy Florence, is recovering from cancer surgery 3/14. (3/18)

Keith Schoenhut is still seeking a good treatment plan for his broken toe. (4/15)

Joan Stutler is recovering at Health South after she broke her knee cap. (4/22)

That God will guide our city, state, and national leaders in these challenging days… pray

that they would cooperate, seek unity and make decisions seeking godly wisdom.

Homebound: Jean Beatty, Beverly Boggs, Janet Hotsinpiller, Norma Myers, Edelene Wood, Glenola


Assisted Living:

Arbors: Paul Smith; Cedar Grove: Marjorie Cox, Nora Lee Gilchrist; Colonial House:

Betty Jo Wiseman; Eagle Pointe: Ida Lee Lamm, Aileen Wortman; Ohio Valley Health

Care: Barbara Reed; The Pines: Claude Denton, Pauline Hercher; Willows: Blanche

Wentzel; Wyngate: Sam Bolian, Fred Fitzer; Worthington: Lela Page

Out of Town: Betty Bailey, Imogene Buckley, Phyllis Crone, Prudence Kinney
