April Plasma Times News 2018 Final - … · MT Keshe. April 1, 2018 16th Edition 2; New Currency of...


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April, 2018 16th Edition


Keshe Manufacturing Arizona

Don't Miss it! LIVE Broadcast:10 am CEST (Central European Summer Time) (EST 4 a.m.)DAY 1 Saturday April 14th, 2018DAY 2 Sunday April 15th, 2018

EXCITING RELEASE of the Keshe Foundation SPACESHIP BLUEPRINT will advance worldwide learning and development, promising to improve life for all of humankind. Mr. Keshe predicts, “You will be able to develop your own cars and ships and become the man of space.” “DAY OF THE MOZHAN”This unique name is an acronym for the revolutionary new science of plasma space travel, promising to carry us "beyond where we have ever been." MOZHAN = A Spaceship that contains everything we need.• Man Originated Zone Habitation And

NutritionIt transcends old ideas of spaceships built of metal and screws, and carries us into new knowledge of spinning plasma fields and transcending time and space, that has until now been only science fiction. JOIN US! "Together let us change the course of human race to peaceful space technology!" MT Keshe

Spaceship Blueprint Release by Keshe Foundation“We are ready to open Space to Mankind.” MT Keshe

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



New Currency of the Keshe Foundation

The new currency of the Keshe Foundation (KesheCoin) will look similar to Bitcoin -

except that its value will be 100% guaranteed by everything created within the Foundation

(products of manufacturers, scientific articles, workshops, etc.) and not by speculation


In the near future, the Keshe Foundation will install a new internet platform to allow all

people and manufacturers to offer their products. It is then that we will be able to buy

LOCALLY and make transactions with the KesheCoins.

It is understood that the value of KesheCoin will increase by 2.5% to 3% per year. The

Keshe Foundation intends to create this 'money' for at least two reasons:

Independence from the conventional monetary system

• This currency will become independent of the deflation-inflation-financial crash

cycles that currently accompany our official currencies. The fact that it will not

lend itself to speculation but will keep it on a human scale.

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



Unaffected by speculation

• A world currency is created and supported by our work and not by the stock

market; it will become the pillar of our autonomy and our movement for peace.

Ethical currency

• It will be monitored in the sense that it should never be used for any project

related to war, arms or other terrorist activities.

The value of KesheCoins will be determined by the actual production of our work, and

not by speculation or financial shenanigans. Technically, if you buy a KesheCoin, you will

have bought an 'Action' from the Keshe Foundation linked with all its entities. It goes

without saying that KesheCoin is based entirely on the ethics of the Foundation as described

in the Charter of the Earth Council and the Universal Council Charter as well as in the Treaty

of Peace.

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



The Universal Council Charter

Congratulations to the Universal Council

for the completion of the Charter.

By Jon Bliven

The Universal Council Charter was recently completed and has initiated a new chapter

for humanity. It took a great deal of effort and the contributions of many of the members to

be able to complete this Charter, a copy of which can be found here:


It is hoped that like the Earth Charter, which was completed a little earlier, The

Universal Council Charter can be translated into many of the members’ native languages.

The Earth Council Charter is released and available in several languages here:


April 1, 2018 16th Edition



Please check out the links to the Universal Council on the main Foundation website:


“The first rule to be members of the Universal Council is that : The Universal Council

member should shine like the light of the creator, to be the source of light for other souls and

radiate the light of the beauty of the creator and have and try to reach all attributes of The

SOUL of the creator. In time creatures of the universe see this light and not the physicality of

the man. The attributes of the creator has been stated in many scriptures of the man in the

past. Secondly you are through your soul a member of the Council. The members of the

council can't announce themselves as a member of the Council unless it is announced and

registered under the Council’s panels and no members of the Council can ever speak as

themselves being a member and influencing their opinion or words, at this point immediately

they lose their seat in the Council and a new member can stand for the position. Those who

try to show that they are better servants of humanity they do not stand a chance to take a seat

in the Council. Selection of the soul of the Council comes from service through giving from

the soul and not by talk or physical actions.”

Mehran T. Keshe

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



Updates from Arizona

By Jon BlivenWith each passing month

more and more puzzle pieces

to a much grander plan are

put in place. Many years ago

when Mr.Keshe talked about

things such as peace on earth

and space travel it was a

puzzle that was much too

complicated for many to

think it could ever come

together. Slowly but surely

more and more people heard

the messages to their hearts

and the wisdom of the words

and aligned with the puzzle

for our future. The edge pieces

started to take place with the joint vision and soon others were sharing the possibilities of

what it would look like when completed.

Some areas of the puzzle had to wait while other areas moved along very rapidly. While

the puzzle was being constructed, efforts by some to delay or destroy it, allowed the

supporters to recognize the power of non-violent activism.

Holding the energies of love and peace and correct action seemed to render opposition

impotent. The puzzle is now starting to become more clear to all those around the Foundation

who have supported it with their active engagement, through actions such as the construction

of items like GANS, pain pens and magravs, and with subtle support of sharing videos and

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



talking with others about what was going on around the Foundation. All this action allowed

the universe or the collective consciousness to show more of the beauty of the puzzle.

We have now witnessed the beauty of the formation of the Earth Council and the release

of their Charter. The Universal Council likewise finished their Charter. The puzzle becomes

more and more coherent, as peaceful actions replace the old paradigm, which had become

corrupted and self-serving. Our puzzle placed the earth council at the very center and the

universal council there to support the many areas of the world with a number of different

languages in a way where races even from off planet would be able to interface and support

this planets growth. Factories are now being added to the puzzle, to bring the technology to

the masses around the world, where all people are treated equally with value worth us all

supporting. Each factory and the many employees will act as a collective force of service that

will add a rich structure to the total structure and allow the councils to work in meaningful

ways to create peace and hope. The new products of the factories will bring waves of new

concepts and practical solutions, which will start to make people’s lives more enjoyable. One

new product will lead to others, as the puzzle will start to take a beautiful shape.

The Keshe coins will bring in a whole new section of the puzzle. It will not be simply

another cryptocurrency but will be much more than what many are expecting. Its beauty will

spring forth in a way that it will become a hidden gift from the universe for all of humanity.

For those purchasing the coins now, they are adding their support to accelerating the

transition and the completion of the puzzle.

In my mind the coins are a first step to a cash-less society where all share in the beauty

of the creation. Let us all watch as this area unfolds its pieces into the whole puzzle.

The education section of the puzzle has been put into a stronger and wider structure that

all may participate. It is an area of the puzzle that has been worked on from day one and

shows its strength in the number of supporters and the understandings of the materials taught.

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



The health area has shown some advancements but these are just the tip of all that is to

be added to the puzzle. There are many universal understandings that will be shifted, to

benefit the life of all of humanity. This is coming.

The tools of agriculture and food production are being added as well as new ways of

obtaining energy for growth and sustenance. This area will come together as we begin our

interactions with the galactic community and realize that the old paradigm of killing another

creature for our benefit is in need of correction. These pieces may take a little longer to fall

into place but as the puzzle starts to take more shape people will begin to see the bigger

picture of our universal consecutiveness.

The space and transportation part of the puzzle is my favorite area as it will and can be

like the 'everything section.' When you are a part of a light craft there is nothing that can’t be

part of your reality: health, experiences, travel, energy and food, ability to serve in significant

ways, and much more. This area will lead to the changing of travel on this planet and new

ways to move around where we will become a more united world. No boarders, no rulers, no

division, no need for religion, and thus no need to fight another. The reality of the vastness of

space and new horizons will be opened up for all and new truths will become our reality.

So now we are getting a glimpse of what this puzzle is, that Mr Keshe and the

Foundation have been orchestrating in a way that the entirety of humanity may benefit and

go forward in peace. Yes, it is coming together and when you recognize the depth and

breadth of the entire puzzle it is grand. Not only does it support us now, but it also lays a

strong foundation that we may continue to thrive. Find your puzzle pieces and add them to

what is to be created knowing that your efforts to serve are being seen.

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



How to control a stepper motor

By Miguel Bueno

Hello My name is Miguel, I’ve been working at the Arizona facility since April of 2016.

My background is in Physics with a focus on nano-films used for computer hard drive

memory. I’ve also done quite a bit of drafting (design) work using SolidWorks. I’m very

lucky in that I get to work on and use the 3D printers at our facility. We mainly use our 3D

printers to print out test parts for new experiments and to print out specialty parts like the

plate hanging clips in the home GANS production kits we sell through the Keshe Foundation


One thing has been

constant throughout our

research here in Arizona,

the need to accurately

control motors for our

reactors. We’ve recently

become very interested in

spinning our reactors at

low speeds in an effort to

create a mixing effect

within the reactor. We have also found that motors typically need to have substantial torque

to be able to spin the loaded reactor. To meet both of these requirements, I will explain how a

stepper motor works and will show how you can make a controller to drive the motor.

Here are the items you will need: 1. Microcontroller (I will be using an

Arduino Uno)

2. L298N H Bridge

3. Stepper Motor

4. Potentiometer

5. Small Breadboard

6. Jumper Wires

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



The process of getting everything wired up is relatively simple but we must know a little

about how the stepper motor works first. From the image on the right, we can see that by

energizing the correct

pins we can drive the

motor to spin in a

clockwise or counter

clockwise direction. All

we have to do is figure

out what pins correspond

to each of the motor’s


From the image we

can also see that the Y

wire connects to 2

magnets then becomes

the -Y wire. To figure out which of the wires coming out of the motor are paired we perform

a continuity test. Using a multimeter, we can measure the resistance between each of the four

wires coming out of the stepper motor. If the resistance is low between two wires then these

two wires are a paired (positive and negative Y for example). At this point I like to label the

wires on the motor using tape so that I don’t get them mixed up.

Next, we can begin wiring everything up to the L298N H Bridge by connecting: • Vcc to the 5v pin on the Arduino

• Connect GND to GND on the Arduino

• In1 to pin 8 on the Arduino

• In2 to pin ~9 on the Arduino

• In3 to pin ~10 on the Arduino

• In4 to pin ~11 on the Arduino • Out 1 and 2 respectfully to the 1st pair of wires (Y and -Y) from the motor.

• Out 3 and 4 respectfully to the 2nd pair of wires (X and -X) from the motor.

April 1, 2018 16th Edition



The last thing that needs to be wired in is the potentiometer so that we can control the

speed of the motor.

•Center pin on potentiometer to A0 on the Arduino

•Positive and negative on the potentiometer to 5V

and GND respectfully on the Arduino.

The last step is to connect the Arduino to your PC

and launch the Arduino Software. One great thing

about using an Arduino is that the software comes

loaded with great example codes. This particular

project is covered under File -> Examples -> Stepper

-> Stepper_speedControl. Once you find the

example, hit the upload button to get the project onto

your Arduino. After about 2 seconds of loading the

program, the potentiometer can be used to control the

speed of your stepper motor.

The great thing about this project is that the same

hardware can be used to drive and control the speeds of all sorts of different types of motors.

This will give you the ability to experiment with any speed/power motor you desire.

The Keshe Foundation Invites Knowledge Seekers to participate in the Spaceship

Blueprint launch by submitting presentations of their space based plasma projects to:

webmaster@keshefoundation.org Bring plasma technology projects to the Keshe Plasma

Reactor Group every Tuesday with Rick Crammond. Learn more at keshefoundation.org

Become a student at the world's first Spaceship Institute! Only 100 euros per year. Six days

per week in English, 7 days per week in 18+ languages. at kfssi.org. Join the Keshe

Community for ongoing conversations with others around the world. Apply at kfssi.org


