APRIL/MAY 2019 Newsletter LETTER FROM THE …...As I stumbled around my home, I discovered that I...


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5/11/19 6:49 PM


While most of Laguna de la Paz’s “snowbirds” have returned to their summer homes, it’s still

quite busy on premises. The first phase of home painting is wrapping up this month and the

second phase of the ten-year roofing project just began. Sunshine has been busy preparing the

property for the summer months, with much work to continue throughout this hot, hot period.

During the last month the LDLP board accepted the resignation of Gary McEachern. Gary was a

valued board member who made numerous contributions while serving. However, he decided to

resign to enjoy more travel and other personal pursuits. At the April Board meeting John Tribbett

was appointed to fill out Gary’s term, which ends in February. John, especially with his extensive

knowledge of the community, is a welcome addition.

Also in April the Board was presented with a draft of the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan. Thanks go to

Dawn Billings and her committee for all their hard work. This plan is now being reviewed and will

be discussed further at the May board meeting.

Already there are many plans in the works for fall. Along with a BIG roster of social events,

(including the return of Fab Fridays) look for several Town Halls to be scheduled. Topics to be

discussed include Phase 2 of the painting project, updates on LDLP’s new earthquake

preparedness program, and discussion about the proposed development on the adjacent parcel on

the north end of LDLP. Information about the latter will also be passed on to residents as soon as

it becomes available.

APRIL/MAY 2019 Newsletter


Thanks to ALL who made the 2018-2019 season such a roaring success, as well as to our growing

number of “full timers” who will be continuing to socialize and enjoy our beautiful community

throughout the upcoming months.



Members of the Maintenance Committee, along with representatives from the Board, met with a

representative from Kirk Ainsworth to discuss the condition of the pools. They were told that in

general the pools and spas are in decent shape. However the company has subsequently put

together a list of maintenance items to be handled during the upcoming months, and with

emphasis on pools 1 and 9. In creating the scope of work to be conducted Ainsworth also is

taking into consideration the very comprehensive report submitted by the pool sub-committee.

The Committee also met with Michael Mann to discuss fluctuating lake levels. Levels have now

been corrected and Dave Nichols will be remotely monitoring these levels throughout the summer


Dave Nichols and Dan Molitor completed inspection of driveways, sidewalks and curbs and

turned over its report to the LDLP Board. Management is now working with vendors to

determine the exact scope of work to be undertaken this year and in 2020.

The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for October 16th, but maintenance requests will

continue to be handled throughout the summer months. The committee is also seeking additional

members so please let the office know if interested.


Have you purchased the 2019 LDLP Directory yet? If “yes”, your purchase is much appreciated. If

not please contact paaty@aol.com, or come to CoffeePlus on Saturday mornings to purchase one

for just $10. This is an “old fashioned” paper directory, created as a convenience for all residents

but also serving as a fundraiser for the Social Group. In the future the Marketing and

Communications committee will be producing this directory and selling them on behalf of Social.

However, for any updates or changes please still contact paaty@aol.com as she will be continuing

to collect this information.


Special thanks go to Judy Siegel who has stepped up and will be the keeper of the keys for

CoffeePlus as well as Patty Nichol’s backup for other activities while she is up north.

Anyone who has heard LDLP’s squealing microphones, or been present when they seemed to all

malfunction at the same time, should be especially appreciative of the work done by Nate

Friedman to rewire, solder and do other repairs to the microphones. Here’s a big “thank you”.

A special thank you also goes out to Gary and Margie Morlock for the Cinco de Mayo party they

hosted for the community on May 5th. A great time was had by al! Plus this was a chance to

showcase the community to would-be homebuyers.

Speaking of “thank you”, these certainly go out to Kevin Cutler and his band of merry men who

once again cooked up a delicious Big Breakfast, including set up and clean up. Food was delicious

as always and there were more than 125 attendees who enjoyed not only great food but also great

camaraderie. This is a fundraiser for the Racquet Committee, but many others also stepped up!

WineDown Wednesday is continuing throughout the summer, with the latest one having taken

place on May 8th. This occurs on the second Wednesday of the month with the next set for June

12th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the clubhouse. As always please bring your own beverage plus a

snack to share. It’s an opportunity to celebrate beautiful LDLP and its great community of

neighbors. Dawn Billings and Judy Siegel are hosting June’s event, followed by Jackie and Barry

Kaufman in July. Volunteers are still needed for August, September, October and November. It’s

easy, just be there a bit early and stay to straighten up. Contact paaty@aol.com now to sign up!

CoffeePlus is another regular event that will continue throughout the summer. This takes place

Saturday mornings, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the clubhouse. Bottomless coffee is available for 50

cents (if you own a LDLP coffee mug or purchase one for $10). Coffee is $1 if no mug. $1 is also

the usual price for the “plus” yummy bite to eat. Enjoy coffee and conversation! However, to keep

this going volunteers are still needed. Please contact Judy Siegel at siegelja1@gmail.com or

paaty@aol.com to sign up. This too is easy. Just arrive early to get the coffee going (and full

instructions are found in the kitchen). A “plus” is always welcomed, but it can be as simple or

elaborate as desired.

Other ongoing events include:

• Book Club: The May LDLP Book Club will meet on Wednesday, May 15th at 3:30 p.m. in the

clubhouse. This month’s book is “The House at the End of Hope Street”, written by Menna Van

Praag. Please let Rita Labrecque know if you plan to attend.


• Water Aerobics: This will continue to meet Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to

9:45 a.m. until weather becomes too warm.

Finally a note from Patty Nichols, social chair: “I appreciate those of you who are willing to help

keep community events going during the summer months. It is important to stay in touch with our

neighbors not only for our sakes but for theirs as well. Stay happy and healthy.”

Also here is a reminder for anyone using the clubhouse. Carpets were cleaned on Tuesday, May

7th. If accidents occur please, please clean up the mess. In the kitchen there is a product called

Awesome. Put some on a wet rag to blot up spills. The carpet looks great; let’s keep it that way.

Speaking of the clubhouse, there are now a number of comfortable seating areas WIFI and good

air conditioning so feel free to use this as a place to hang out during these upcoming warm, warm



First thanks go out to all of the committee for the job well done throughout the past season. Work

will also continue throughout the summer months, including approval of landscape requests.

Sunshine also will soon be planting the spring/summer flowers as well as doing other maintenance

to make sure LDLP weathers the hot months ahead. This has included cutting back the lantana

near the pony walls so that it will grow back richer and fuller along with pruning of other bushes.

With the weather changing this is a good time to consider increasing irrigation watering times

within individual residence’s pony walls. (Those now off premises should check with their

landscapers). Sunshine also has been dealing with a number of irrigation repairs.

If anyone has submitted a landscape request that has not yet been fulfilled, this will now be

handled in the Fall as soon as the hot weather breaks. Thank you for your patience and here’s

hoping that everyone has a wonderful summer.


Mary Bryant, chair of the Safety Committee, wrote the following shortly after a recent power

outage affected much of LDLP.


“This morning many of the residents of Laguna de La Paz awoke to find they had no electricity.

Vista de Nopal, Calle Seranas, Via Hermosa, Vista Cielo, and Calle Floristas were affected. I think

that this, although inconvenient for some of us, is a reminder of how vulnerable we are.

As I stumbled around my home, I discovered that I couldn’t make coffee, needed a flashlight in

my WC, had to use a lighter to get my stove lit, no fans, and no A/C. I managed to make coffee

with the instant coffee from my emergency survival kit. I hand-watered my flower pots and

plants. And I decided if this lasted much longer, I would eat ice cream for breakfast since it was

melting anyway.

With my Safety Committee hat on and my cup of Joe, I set out to find how many streets had been

affected. As I crossed Vista Laguna, I noticed the exit gate was open. I walked out to talk the

guard on duty. He hadn’t been able to open the entrance gate. With the help of another resident,

they were able to manually open the second gate. All of us depend on those gates.

I next walked past the clubhouse and over to Amistad. The minute I entered that street I heard

the hum of someone’s A/C and knew they were still enjoying the convenience of electricity.

Had this been a community wide event, like an earthquake, would you have been ready? Could

you have dealt with no electricity, an uninhabitable home, unreachable food and water, injury to

yourself or a loved one, an inoperable garage door, and other inconveniences that we take for

granted? The first thing you need to do is put an emergency kit together. Information is in the

clubhouse and there are many on-line sites to guide you through the process. It is your first and

best way to prepare to survive.”


At the April board meeting the Strategic Planning Committee turned over the draft of the 2019-

2021 plan to the HOA board. This is now being reviewed and will be discussed further at the May

meeting. Thanks go out to all of the committee members who contributed to this, and to the

committee chairs who offered many suggestions regarding how the stated objectives are to be


The committee will continue to meet throughout the summer and be exploring additional topics at

the direction of the board.


The committee would welcome additional members so please contact the office if interested

(members of the committee will continue to join in meetings throughout the summer via

conference calls).


As homes within the community are being painted with the new colors a number of owners are

looking at changing their garage doors, main entrance door, windows and patio doors. This is a

reminder to please fill out an architectural request form before moving forward with any of these

projects. The forms can be found on the Albert Management website (www.albertmgt.com) or can

be obtained from the office. (It should also be noted that, based upon the committee’s

recommendation, the board has now approved the option for homeowners to have 16 panel

garage doors.)


The Marketing and Communications committee is working on standards to be used in all

communications and will be sharing these with other committees as soon as they have been

completed. In addition, it is also working on a Welcome Packet for all new residents and has

reached out to other committees for input. This informational packet may also be made available

to current residents. If interested in joining this important committee please contact chair Judy

Siegel at siegelja1@gmail.com


The final month of the season ended on a high note as LDLP celebrated with a taco/tennis/

tequila party in the clubhouse featuring delicious food from Tony’s Taco truck. This coincided

with the final tennis tournament of the spring won by Dave Tomasko in the men’s division and

Sue Hollinshead in the women's. The 2018-2019 season champions will be announced in the fall.

For those still in the desert, tennis clinics are continuing for now, scheduled for Tuesdays,

Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. on Court #1. See Murray Todd for reservations.

Pickle ball also grew in popularity throughout the season and the committee is looking forward to

even more action as soon as the weather starts to cool again.



All dogs in LDLP MUST be on a leash when outside. While it is understood that dogs need

exercise, a retractable leash may be one solution. This area also has a number of dog parks.

However, within LDLP this rule is going to be strictly enforced for the safety of all.

Also please be courteous and pick up after your dog, and encourage visitors and/or renters to do

the same.

NEXT BOARD MEETING MAY 23, 2019, 4:00 p.m.


Board of Directors

President: Greg Asbra

Vice President: TBD

Treasurer: Jackie Kaufman

Secretary: Larry Saward

Director: Dena Priser

Director: John Tribbett

Committee Chairs

Architecture: Terry Molitor

Landscape: Jeane Stewart

Maintenance: Murray Todd and Barry


Social: Patty Nichols

Strategic Planning: Dawn Billings

Racquet: Sal Cutrona

Marketing & Communications: Judy


Safety: Mary Bryant
