APS OF DONNER - CA State Lands Commission...


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,--A, 3

s 1


3/31/77 HH

The ~rttached Cal~ndar I tom 36 was with<lrrnm pri-or to the meeting.

A:t tachmen t: ,Galen clar ltem :56 .(,15 pag~s}


A 3 s J.


36 .

3/77 I\' fl 670


. 1.n l9i3; n~oporcy owners on Donner Lake \Ollljilai.nod t(I tlw Comm.i,ssi.oo thiH Dart lndust:l"ies h'~H" co1i;.;tructi·ng a pipe, plers, and other proj.e<.·t::: encroac!Li:n"i\ into Str1t·e .. ow1H.'.d suhmo1·gec~ .lands. kf t:er lnves t.i.g at i:on t hC' Gonuni s:-t i:on hrnugh t suit c1gain'>t Dart, and «·boundary line• settlcml!·n-t Klls rcqched, 'lll10 ·boundary hl'tween. Sta.to .. owned ~Wbmergt•d 1 ands and rriv~te~y-owned uplands was set nt thC' ordinnrv hi~h ~ntev mavk of t~o lnke. A ~urv1 v oF Dhe entire perim~ber of Donner Lake was then undertaken to comp.lot 0 t:he de'Lc1·:·:;i·n ~ a:tipj1 .of; State-private boundaries. Constst.cnt 1dt!1h the• Dart agreement, and .tht" posJtion t·ake11 by the Attorney Gcmcn~J. 's office in J:frti;ga.tion on behal.f o.f the Commission (seo 't llifrit "C", a·ti:ached al"}.<l• by re fe,rerice ma<lc a part he1~cof) , the staff WBS ip~ttucted to S~t the p~oposed bo~ndnry nt th~ ordJnary h:i gh. \ya·tet m~~ rk.

A't 5 . .t:s re.gula:r meeti!lg ·011 May 27., 1975, the Commi1ssion a,ppnoved an 18"sheet set o.f pr.~l.imina17 maps ti.tle-d· ''Houndarr of State Qly:ilershi.p in t.he Bed of Donner 'La'kc, Nevada County, C?.1 i'fo17n-ia, June i974". Notice of t·he Commission's p1'eliminar)' firidtngs .. .a .. "" w~s pub.Jis·hed' ii~ 21ewspapers of general circular ion in T.n1cke0, W. Sacthmento and San Fr~ficisco and mailed ~o ail persons with 1

pie1·s 9h the lake, 'fhe staff then met wi.th :interested persons ?t publ. ic sessions fo-.r a total of 12 ho.ui;-s j n the Donner Lake a,rc~. Approximat~ily 100 persons at.tended the sessjon. Thes<:> mee q,hgs ~\19-re :tolJ:owed by a numb et of on~ si'te inspect ions of .par,ti


.ct1,1At:r s.i.,tes a11d review o:f materials submitted by inte~ested p~rsons.

Th~ m~ps bav~ been revised as necessary to 1·ef]ect certain o.bjec,t:i:ons, and they .a1~e r1ow in final for!ll nnJ ready for ,1~eco,·d ing. Afte.r .i\ec(frd'ing the maps will he used, i.n the land mana·gement pr(:iar<1:m of the State Lands Di v·is·:i.on.

Th.e bound~;ry of s·tnto owhcTsh;tp as set forth on. 'the maps i~ the ordi11a·ry .hugh ·watiet fuaTk of Do.pnei- Lake. '!'his bounJarr dct.ctminat:hrn is consi,stent with the Comm.j.s·$ior1 1 s generi'.11 position as to th<:• l1andw<1rd ex,t~nt of the Sti;!te's soyo.reign t:l·tle ih·tete!?t along cill such :nontida1 inland navil~ahle wat,ers.

E:XllJ·BITS: A. Location Map.

B. 18-Sheet ser. of final. ma1ps C>nt:itlt'd "Boun~iary or S'ta1t.e Own<.~rsh,ip i11 thE> Ped of Donner Lake, Ncva<ln County, Cn.Iifo.rn:in, June 1974"



C. 1,ettor, Attorn~y General LVf).Tl~ J. Younge'!' to nxccuti·vo .Officer, Marc:h 8, 197'7.


1. •









- 2 ~

,r:.vr.1.\.t: J. youtl(•r.~ ,o.llOllflf.'1' i;Clll\111\I.

OFF\ Cf nF '\'Bl·: ,\'f\'Oll~ll·:\' ( ,\• :·-J".\\,\l.

1~!~+ttWi \\\~\\ti ,t1l Jh\~;t\ c ~

(l•\'.1) ~'i'l~t ')~Ii

Marc\"l ll; i917

. 1:\9hoia1'1,e· ~1''· ·p • l')o:ct\yJ;or ,£~ecutive off ice:x:: .st3'te ·iiancls· conani.ss'ion. i S~fi1 1!~3 t~i '.S


tre'¢ t . ·S~!ii: affiei\tO i caH·fqrn ia '9 5 lil:A ·1'!' ;, Le 9 ~·~. :no urid,arieS · q f , .,,,, d . pµlj'l!i,C

1<ii;\h t$ iil, .11aviq able •i,aJi>e~· and


oear. ,~~· N9rthrP,l?; This is, in· ,res,pc;nse ·t9. y.our ,request i;l:\at thi• o:ff·~ce· ~rqV~d,~ 110µ 'lii~t> a wri~ti;>I\ cii~c(\s~ton· o·f tl1~ po~~,tidi> ·th<it" ,a ,.,e· are •titld!ri'l on> behailf· .of' the· s.ta:te Li\ildS ·(loiolhiSid:on in '.l.i:ti~ w !p).d:61' i""O~liii)g, tile J;e..;ja! b6\\nilari:0• ;of; ;an4:p~:d.C .t\:9h~s in ; naY i g a)>•l\? ~al(<i.•· ·i;Yv;\• . tj6n ti 4 al , nav i:tj anie r i Ve~· ,

. •11!\. Yd\! .• ~\]di:!"' .We ate re pre~ \'\1\ tin 9 \: l\e Col!>Ii>Ls S j;Oil Ln· v~riOus· 1:<1si?~· ;;n· "hich. th~~e· boundarie$ ana: <fg)1.t$ ai:e .a: t is Sue... Iii CJi<;i'.\\? ta> , ·s il\ ce ·1·9'7 o,. ~l\i;' SV ti' ·o f c;a: l i fO rµ1i> )1as· 'beet\. ass.ett;ii\Cj. s.o'1e'i:~i9i\· ·oWnei:~hit'" of b\'1:¢ .·pedS. of s>~ch .. 1;lke• •?,n4' ,;:;:vei;·s la]'IQ\<al'."d' ,i;6 ·t\\e' 9td·inarY h~gh•l<atei roar1<:. ti

~-1. .see , e· .. Jl!.:• .tetd:ai •o·f' irhe r.co~ o.f "the s.tate of .~· ,;~ ;sna~.~ Pi_ci ai>l sii@1S0iOmP•ilY!1-"iWt~·-s.uP • .,.t:" llO.'. 31.'!!irf'i f~il'J:mil!ng. 'Pe~·~ '~.J/..t. P~ ~ v. Shasta ~ etc'"~' .264 ·l'iiY- J\PP.;· ~o:;'l'.O· ;\";~sf;,~ ''" ~· ,o;;;;e~ co •. ,, .~ ~· s~cto., eo. sup. Ct. No. 2'l)~i~t~es ·o1"'1ir11er1i:•' "' Mai-ti.ii G .. ·RQck,. et al.,

u:.s .. o.c•~ii.~ i:t-'~ci"i~te'o~rttornt'ii v. oai:i:. !~H l:~s £ "tnc; ' N~ .,,,,\a ¢0; s '\~ ,-No";"1'~!1'i-~1:i\ve~ "'·~of~ ~.r.ah~· ·~_al·• El .Q,O ;r 11~0' s U\l-. .c.t. II 0 • n 2 s 5 '" ';J.ean •DU r.ii " " Ch• ;:res ll .• Mos.~l~• .~.al:•, P'L~cet CQ,• S~r~·~·43as~~ 'it7~'" ,et BL. .V• s.~ of ca'l.1forn1a,. et .al:." t,ake co. '%p"; 'ct. .NQ .. );)~ 2~. - .ln one J;i\s~"" 'j"97l."'ho"1ever' .the st;>t<" s~ipu:l;>:ted to a i:ow~w•t-~i: Po¢d'O;tY ·aioi19 a short storetch 1 oc:.f 1,~1.f1~ .s~ct:aro~nt~· ilivehr ... }~ §.E...!: ~!. ·~~7v~ ~ ,21 • ~~· ~ ~1 s. ~sta· co. S\'.\]?• ·ct, ,o. ,~ "'• · · · ·

, ' j. '"

fl>· ; "' I

Honorable Win •. p •. Northrop ·i>o.ge 2 "

'I\; is u~dex:stood that for ~pp~o.~-in)ately sevl:lri Yf:!abs / "t~~ conµnissiqn. [las bee11 act1ng consi~bmt'ly w~.th •tt,is posi.1;.ion 1~· il\at;tets i~'\vol!\ring tl)e state's ·tl~J.~- to .tl1e la,.ncl~, l?~neatl'l inl~rid .nav~gab~e wa~ers. ~!

. Iri: :t.Lght qf p9J'lqi11g lit~g~tct;on cqn¢~i';niJ;l9' .the legal l?.qund'~iJes of, apd' '(,1ul)l·ic rights in, Clear Lake·, Denner Lake, ·La!<.e T~ho~ .and the coror~d9 -~~.yeF, it 110\lld be iriappi;opi:iate·· ~6: pu.p:+,i·sh· O: ·det~~le«:~ ppinidn now~ .3/ Howcv~,;, due ·~o .t;h~ ·w'i:~¢sprea:~ .. p~1bli,c int~Lt~¢st :it) t.:hi:s .sW?ject, ·~h.ts. l~t~~r.· is ·w~i·tten t9 expt~;!:n ·-::he rationale. ;or ·the ~po~i'.tio1). }?eing rH;serted. b~j" th.e S.t~.te irt' such, cas~s •

· . 'The 1.qu.e$-.tio~· o.f ·wh~theJ; ~h~ ·<?+.ci~~~ry hi<j~~":'\:fat¢"r 1~~k <)r .t.l'\e or~~:n:ary lo~-~~ te.r ·mark ·.gcfr~s ti tute;s· ·~P:~ ::>:.:; !! 1· . l;lq~i~dafy· :b'fr;w~ef!, the ,f>iJb:Llqly: :q~~~d. o·eqs of cal'i:fo;!1i4·1 s inlan,d". nayi!,giili'J'.e wat~l:.·$· ·~µd :the adj'oihiri.9 Uplands i~· i:' q;;ff icul t ·a~\dl ~~P~~·FC>Y·~~·~\~:ci:J.'. ·~~s;t,.t~· :-'+'~is q,.~~.sti'.'?~· 1nw, o~coffi.~ mor~_sigl}i;;;. .f1g~t .rect?ntly ~.c~u.s~ of th~ ,expar1:¢!~11g ,ptjbJ_ic ·:z:·ec.;eational ·i..iSe· ·cf; sµqh. ,\<la,ter~ if ~~1d ·pri:vc:tt¢·. de:velopmei:it;s .Of the adjoii1ing· . ~1pl~n_ds ~ · · · ·

.j\tto.tneys ·for; pri.v~t:<f ,p~hti~s /!\rid ~~pets o.f the ·co~~~-~i?il' s .~1r,a,t.'; anv: Jh~~ o~J:;i:9e, who, h.av~ ~'I1,t¢ns;v.ely . ' Ffil~.e.~~.C?~ed "~rp.~ ·~u.es t+c;m .. ~g~e~., ~h~J:. ,~hep~. h~s beery· n.o.'. •rep~:n;ned Ca).l.f'fg~I)-i':l :appe~f.a t~ 'C9.UF~· .¢i~c·~·siott ·l.~' a'. ca~~ .where ·the $tat~ w~s· a· party a'~d: :ei:ie b9~.n,qacy issue was· :squai'f.!;l.Y pr~s~ntea: an~ ·d$ter~i-i~·ad. . Res9l'ut;;~qn .o E thi~ ·que~:tiofl · ~f?. vital ~pt certainty ·o~ b9th pu})~~c . ~rid pr.~ Vf:\te la,~d: t~t:les,~ $\lch, 4. ~~espluti:on cari '~e obtain~d orily through j tt<HchH pr.0¢~ed'.:L1\gs !

3.. 'l~h-;\.s of~'iqe. ¢lo~s ~~t;erid ·tg, j:'iu)Jl.ish a ·~oti:ce :ln the .op~n~9r.s bf. th~ Ji:tt,ptn~y (;enel;a~ c;>·f ·cal.~:.-for.n.ia. ·concer:ni!ng 1the ;pcs'iti,<>n 'bei;ng C:\S~~r..teq,: .:L11, :such fLiYtig~tiqn •.

4·. ·see,,. e .. g •. 1 1~ -'>x tel. Bake:l~ y •. ~ia·c.k,. is: ca·+. App. 3q, 'Ht40:, ~O:f~ {;T9·.i:p): . " ~ --~ ---·""'1" .

'' ~ .. • ·w~th .cN:i:' ~ve;--inp·r~a.si·ng population, its eve:i:'r.".:l:n9re~fHhg leisure tirne· (W~.;tnes·s tjie .foµ; an.d f:i:.v¢ -d(ly 1w~~k) , ·and1 ttie e:V'f?r•±ncrea~inq nee~l 'for recre·a:tional a:reas (witness· .the htmdr.1~ds of. 'qa~pe~· . ye:~·~c:lris · .c~;-cy:lng. peofiJ:~ t;.o ~re$!·s where b9~ t.t!'l.g; ~i~hdlng, s~.i:11'ffii·ng a!l4' 9~he:r w~t$r .s por:ts .a~~ avail~bJ:e) / i'i; is ~>;ti'el\l~'.l:y ·impo:;:-tan t: th'\t the ·pup~;!J.i:c not ,be detjla~, .~S!3 ,of rcq~~atiopa·l \Y.a,.ters. .. .. '• ,. 'H

lJC>no~a~')ie Wm· •. F •· ~Jorthrop :page J

·•r,fic) aifo:r;ementit:mecl pehd'l,;ng l;i.tfq~t:,.~on ~s ;,tn. app1~0 . .;. p.ri:a~e. ·mf.rn11s ·for the St;:.?it.c· t;.P obta.th :tho n,ece.s·sa:1:y detei;m.i!}ation. o~ w}}~t 1liri~ c9n~titutcs. the bou11qiu:).i. Such cases a;:uso <Lffcn:-:J .ap opr?o·.c.tunitiy fiot ~he 0ourts to c'1arify public ri.qhts i¥' :i..nlaj'l.j n~v:icjaole 1Wa~1~x:f; regardl~~s 9·f whether .t})e bot}r1cl<lry· i's t;lw ·¢>r.qiri.ary h~c;h~wat~r 'inai:k or the 1.::d1nary, l,.bw··wat;.er ma,..-k.

~n1 ~.J.tjh t o·t 0\117 1c<)11¢lusd.o:l. t1.1•~f. a s·~lf:~<HlS ques t~OJ\· exis.:ts ~s i;:o which li:ne 4,s. ·t;1.1e l1ounihp:;'Ji';· tlie'. 1q.omtnis s·iori. ·hq;s ~ec~rit'l·Y. .I,"eaf fi~mec~1 $ .. ts c.~utl')9r:i.zat~trm 1hat thts of fie~ cont-it)W~ ·td 'ta>i;.e · t;.i• ~· Jfpl1towincj 1pp$.i t4.C>i1 ·.i:n i'.i;t:~ga t;i«)n.:

i.. In g~nep;4i, '-the s t:q. ~~ o,f ca·li:.fqrnia • s sovereign owner.sh~1> op .the ·1·~r1ds ... \,lnde·j:.~y.~p£'f. n~vtgC\pJ,"e .lak~s ariq pol)tidal 1

navig~pl'i;: .~:i;ve~S,· ·~x~~·nas i·andw~rd to 'the orqln~ry ,~1a:g}1~·w~t.Efr "1~~k .• ,

. 2 •· 1J;·t·~~sp~ct;.i've b'f whet:)1¢;x; ·tne· St~t~ !·~ title to· s~1c;* 'la~a.~ ext~ilcls· ;tandward t;9 tq·~t ~irie ·or' ~~~e1y ~b .the ·p:d~n.a~y -~·o'o/-:wa,ter mark,, tne }·t,i;i~ o.f 'l.:.~ii'ds t,>e~weeh1 ~h~. twq, ).in~s :t.~: subJ~ct to t.~e. CQll\lTIOn~ law P9Rl:J:;c :1;:r.1.1~t for· oqmme:p:;;~.; .n~~ig~ti'qn cirid. fisf\eries ~·

~ ~ !n¢i.~p~ridently 9£ t1·~e ¢oi11~on:....~a11 ptlb1J,:J:c ·t~tis t,. 9 ,meinb~r!:? .. qf 'th~· ptil?:t:i¢ ·nave t:he tl:glft. t(> u.,~e 1inlai"·d1 :n.avi'gabU.e• wq;e.~~ ·ly',i:hg wate!-:11'lr9-: o'f }:hq ·otcl,~n~;y: h:i.gh~w~t.er" :~r{!,uk if s:1?li ·w~t~r.s ~·~e ,cµ.p~pI~· o~ :1'-~.rri9· .. ndv:~~at~·d .by ~m.~1~ .b9cU:s for· flsl)x~g ().n<;l. ot.l1'er rec·r.ea:t;.l.ona>l pqhpones. r~garai·ess Cl f :che' qwne,rst'd:p o.µ ·tl;:e unq~i~.~yd:n~)· +«a;1os,

1\fo .a.t;e ,awar.e. 'that tlie S;tate1i s current npsJ;:t·i<+m ·wLth .. r~sp~ct tq. ·h~t~pd -~iavig~hi~ '4~ter· !b0\inc1{tr,ie~ i~ ihc<:ins·~s:~~nt;. ,wi~)l· ~1'a t. tal(ert l:?Y ·t;r~fs. 16.f;~*<:e and' the Commt:~si9r1 'be·fore, 19·70. We· ~:l:~q .. a¢knowl'ed~e ,th{lf;. s'tat;~ine1H:s:1· or assu1npt.iohs·,, Ln our prior qp~n~or)s'. mqy have. cone.f~~l>ut~d· co the 4hcerca:trity i.\S to. 't;hi!'s ·comp;l!ex" s4b]ect.. '5/

'> -"!"'I

'Iri'. V:i'ei.v ·O'f t~~s. si·t4atie>n, we :riecon:im~nd- t:h~ fo:lloy.~ . .i:ng qc.1µrs~ .q.f ac t;o.?1 ~"

:l •· ·nendinq ·a definilitiva api)el)!i.d:.e .. o~rnrt· re$9h1t,ion of 1~l)e1 watel; ~;.oundacy que?tion.; the ·do1nm4issJ:ozl' :(at sl)9tild rerf.t:ai·n ;from ·:i::etjliastirtrJ, rrd.v<it:e ,pad:de~ to ·enter into .flew ler,1:ses .for

------- ,., ~ i-.w!.----· ......,.,. .... ',~-:.--,--~·~~--'..-·. :-. -'. ·--.:~-; ·.;..;·. ~-: _____ ....... ---. --,-------.. ---·--·-~

·1,. ~~c., ?_:.±1

, 4·3,.'?t:is. ca1 .• A~ty.~ Geh.· 291, 292, 295., 296 .(l96'11'i··i lO· 6ps~ Cq.l'. .1\:1;"ty. 'Gen. 2:52, 269 (l95't} (·Lake '1\:rhnE'); :;q· 6ps. ~aL Atty ft, G~ti:. ~or>., 3d.7 ,, 309 -(l954!) ·(Lake T<i:hoe«); 2 3 Opij ~ •Cal~ :l\.t.t.y Ge·n •. "9'7, 9'8 :fl 9'54:}1 (Lake Ta:hof'!) ; and Op!:!. , ... cal.· A.tt:y. Gen. ~Ip. 310»b'r ·pp. 5:-:-6 '('19'16) '(Clear Lq'ke) ~



Honorable WM. P. Northrop P4UP 4

March 8, 1977

existing improveMents landward of hhe.ordinary low-water mark, and (b) should exoUte any :payments otheewise due under preSent leaSeS 'Of lands between the Ordinary high-water and ordinary lbw-Water marks of j.n1.4tid navigable Waters.

Z. Notice should' be given, to presently or potentially affected private upland owners' and members of the general, public with reapect to the 'States pbsitien in pending litigation.

Although he State is generally asserting soverei9n owernship of the beds of inland navigable waters landward to the Ordinary high-water-Mark„. the Commission must consider and eVaIuate all relevant factual cirdumstances with respect to any Specific-boundary problem before claiming title, up to the ordinary V.ghiater ►itark4 The Commission and itS staff must realize that various iPgal and equitable defenses: potentially may be raised' in opposition to such an assertion by the State All 'certain 0#tia4cngi.


A full discussion of 411 authorittes supporting the posit ...on being asserted by this office in pending lake and rive': capes on behalf of the Commission is beyond the scope of this letter. The following briefly summarizes the rationale for our assertions.

State pwnerihii). Between,18,50,and,l871

In 1850'1 uP9,.0, itP admission to theynion the State ofCalifOrnia obtained scieign title to all lands underlying inland naVigablevaterSyithin its boundaries, except for such lands, ineluded within prior ',Spanish, and 'Mexican rancho grants; See .ACt of ,Admission of the State of California, 9 U.S. Stat. 452 tIa591; (")regon,V CorVaIlis Sand' Gravel Co., 97 S.C.t 582,

5861189,,,(dan12, LanT-Tssociation,

1614 181-.84, 711ardi777777673a5770-77T7 371, 18* 11891)1;

The California Legislature, in anticipation. of State-hoo(4,4dopted the coMMon, law as the "rule of decision-4° "tats,.. 1850,, ch,. 95, p, 219.. .1)he ,dp,1:iforl4a St reme Court, in inter-preting this statute, held that the reasoning of American courts ",doWn to the preSent tithe; Should be considered, rejecting the argument Tria "Ow new !'ate wAs required to follow the English "'common. laW as it was adthinistored prior to duly 4, 1776." 1,41x. v. Hamlin, ii57-Cg.777,57171577:WrTYMT.' JEmphasis by court.)—

-6 343

·llonotable Wm. F. Nott.nrop i:>.ag~, 5 · ·

:in ~1cne:t:,C)i, un<l:er. bl)e comfoon 'J.~,., a~ app)..ied· .i,.01 the· um~~9~. s~ab~s; the ~n~t~~~ lp.ndi.j~;-4, extont o'f thi? sqverei.qn. ~ta·tqs' ti:t'l.e tq t;.lH~ beds· qf ~nl!lnq: nt!vJ,~1ah~e wateFs 1$ ~he orc~~hary hi9h-w11ter. mat·k.. Many ~tat.es <l;~Scarded the .Enqi'~sh -COlllf\\9rio..l~'i· ,~ule thn:t;: onl'y ttre beds •p.~ •tictal ·ri;ver~· are owned by .th,cr_ Cro~n ~ . qfl<l .t~~*'~cq ·rh~ir !l·onti~!ciI, nnv~.<;rab~;e. w~ ters, in ttl~· 1:>~m~ maniv~r. {ls '~'.:Ld~J: :t.i v~rs ~o.r. tl:t1~ purpqses.. See·, ·~ ·~:· '· or3~!! Y! ·coi~;o..t,1'11i~ •. ~~t .fa Grave:! .r;o~r. ~-~!Ef~i 97 s.ct;:. ~'82; 9"1,, a11 · · ardl:n ,v,. JOraani, · .;),!Era:;-F{O" u,,·s~ 3i!T;-'J82-84i •.

. As Q~ iaso:, _th~ orclir,f:{ry .hi.gtl-w'-'t,er jn~rk deLirriited .~~ie l:tci'undA'X'.y bf?twe~i,1 ~~e Sta·t~ qf ca~:Lfor.nia:·•·s s.ov¢re~gn lri.Qds, uri9-E!~ Iying, ~ril~htj n~vigab:iE? :\Ile\ tiers a11<J 'the ~djo~ning. ~eder.~J.: :Pl.:1.~~*9·· dq~a.i,n~ land~·. s~e· Barh~t v. ;i<e?.~u.~.r 9'4: udL 3.?"1· 1 J~~, l38· ·(l'.877.)'. Abseht a "<leciarat~6n,11 Ev: ,a··sf.ate, .federal ptilil'ic t~na;· 9-:t?\~ts· ·otf ~uq1\, µpiana~ .. ·~o · P.Ftva t~ .9aft;1±~~~ <lp. not .ext~na. : '11~.~~i;Wifrd b~· l:h~ ·drdi:~ar¥ fi igh-\.;ate~ mark. ·;;e·e }'t~:rlun v ... S!~edd·, lQO u ... s· •. 508, 5'19 '.(,19.0:3).. Since oti.p ·research has. aiscl'bsea··-no· ca:.i~forrd:a · ~t.a1tut~ qt· ~P.P.$.l~ate 1 couh:. d.~cl$·ion .bet.~1een ~&'.59· ~.nd' "18~1 $t;atihcj, qt ·eve~ .sugge·sting,, t·ha~ a. lir1e ... 6th~r: t;~an ·the ord:ihar.y· fligl).;...\1-'ili;.~;F. Jna~~ cons, ~i tut;~·s th~ bo1-tnqarY, of ~l~e· St~.te 's' f~e ti'f.Te· .to ·the q~ds ·of ~nl.~1\d naviga}:)le. wa·t:ers., it. j.s. <?U:J: . qp~nioh: that: :'ttie.· S·t?:\·t~ had .fnaqe· .ng ~µen ·11,qei;:+ai~tiqn 11 b~fore ~B7.,

2 •.. -Enac,tmer1t .?1-·~-:~a~u~~s ... :~.~·· l'S;7_~

Iri .r~"72:,1 the -~~¢gi~r~at;\,l;i:e ~d<fpt;.~·4 a· stq.t~1.tory scheP1e 'with :t;e~p~ct t.p the ,§t,:~~e' s.'owne.!"sft11'.> b.~ +afl.dµ 1:111derl:y.~·ncj. l}nvi­gable .wate~·s, and ·tl1¢ .rul9s for il"!terp;ret'ing ·~J'.nb~gtAou~. descript.~ons lfl ·9oriv;.!ya,nces , of .property ip6uf1ded· J::>y· ~uc;h ·w;,q:ers.:., ' 1'hese statutes,, wlric~i ~eqc-~me· e.f·fect'i.ye bn 'Jan4ii'J."y· +, .12.$7'.'.t,. were amend~g· dqr~ng ·the ~a7~.:..~74. :teg~s\J;~~:~v~ !'jes~~oh. · ·Civil ·coc;ie ·pecti·on. 67D, as thus afoend~d·, st:~t~s·;

·1''l1ne S,ta:te is· the owne.r: <»f. al1 ~and • • •

be.}..q~, th~ .w~ ter .,crf ·~ .na·v·i'g~hi~ .l~~e qt: streamr II· . ,, ·•

Sect~Qn 8'30 <;>f th·e· e;'1i~ Code I a~ th4s amel)qeq I prov~des ~

·~ Exc.~pt· \l?heie t:ne- grail~ un~ef ·w~~¢h the l~rnd is h~ld ·:i:pdic?'tes a .~:U·:~·fei'tin·t; ;i:.nt.;ent, ~· ·~ ·~ wh,ep ~..!:. ,J:?o:i;d~r~ .u{,on a· n1:1.vlg·anle l:ake O~ ~tre{tfa:,, wher.e there :is. T\O 1t;.i·de, ~he owner: {of the 'UP1.~ndl ta'kes t.o ~h~ ~dge ·9.F th~· ~ake .qr ·~t,req!U', at lQ\of.:.·wa·ter ·rnar~,; 1• 1 ••


co·~·$ of Civil Procedur:e· section 2.0'rl:,. as ainended; contains ·rµJ.:e~- for cDnst:bttj:~g ainb;!.guous des9·r:tptio1is ~11' con11eyancf.~s o'f rea:l. p;"oper\:Y, ~hd: s:l:.ate$ t:.·hat ·" • • ! ·[w} hen a navigab~o l~k¢ ~ wheFe t:here .i:s ho· ti~1e., is t~e 'bo.l1ndary., the r ~.qb't:s o·f ,the: gr an tb'r to +'ow··wa t.et mark a.r;e i.ridl;4ded ill t;he qoqyey:ance. !I

fl· , .

,6 ••

Jlonor:ablc wro~ E'. Northrop -P~g6 6 -

March 8, l.977

¢l~a·r'.).y,, .ci.v1l Coqe· seqt:iqn :~711 -~~tfl· tor~~- .ru·~-~s. ·of ptop~.,:ty ~nd •,cq4e ·of ci\r."-J,, -!?r9ccdure g~cti·o:ri !,0-71/ qoni.:a.i11s -r\li~s -o·f :const·r-\~Ct~on. ,c)f amb;i.gt.,\OU?- descriptions, .i:n ·p~·opcl:ty ¢on,yeyan-~c9',, ~n,cl· ne:/;the:i:' statute c9nst~t'1ite~ a· pj;'~~~ri~ -or ~9~ui"~ ,fin$~· ·g.t;-ril} t. of •trt~ s~J;.ip -0,'.f f1ovex;eigp- ·~a~~l~ }?e!)~tn.h 9a~·ifoi;n,-i.~ 1_5 i:nl~'!)P.- n~vicjafHe wa~ers :b~t'f/e~n t.l;\e oj."di.-iaiy -h'igr:.,..iw~t~r -an<t -or;,dir_i~cy ilow:-\l(i-3, i;~p ~arks1. on ~~h~ 6t.h~·i.·, han<h Ci-v~l code ·$ec.t.~qi'i ~ ~o ,. Which ~e+a t~s- to bo\.md().ri;~s,, a-rgu~q:ty' mlght ibe .ae·emed ·td enunci-a-te eH:he:o a rud.e c.H property~ or. a -r~l1e- o t: "c~J-na t:i;-~c:tion .' -· -,. · · · ,, · · - ··

:r·;o.r; ,s·ever~tl: d~c;aqe~ ,befo;t:$· 1~-10, ~his .o.~·f:iqe-; ~he Comin~s~iofr ~nq· other ·o:f-!f~cic,i-~:s -~p9ear: tq h~ve .assuinod ).ha~ ~~-~t~(?h -8~0_.§/ ·s~ate~· ·ri1 i·uf;e of r.lioper.~y ... s~e,"~-~sL!__·r 4J ops •

. Cai. ·l'\t~y,. Gen •. ~91' aj'ld. ·oth,er 01Hn~6ns cJted1d.:n rootnot(! 5, . w-;-.~·· 'll'he. ·st~te.'' .~ 'thorougfi iieexam:i:n!it;.iori· of :the eJJt~·ct. ·tq be

-q :Ve1' sec.t-~0,n· ·~'3Q l?egan. ~tilth. two •.dof\sc~lttcl~ted· •emin~nt 1,doma.i:h. BC:it.-iol'\s- ipvc>l:V:j;ijg" ~th~" Fe~ther ·~i ver--, ~~'nd 1hci'~. cc>ntiriu~~l: tq dat:e ,ifi -qor\tl.eq{:ioh-,'f1:i;t=.h 1 th~ o't;:he?J :Pi°t~Viq\is1y: m~n~·;lcmed· 1aRe and. rivq~ ·~it::tgat:-~01\ .. :~~~d: the «'.!.:p~:j!ss-ion- ·s.ta·f,~' s pr.ep{lrat~oq .. qf .rn~ps, de'pict·in~ State ~l!l·:i:rn·.: ~in~~ with .resn·ect .to J:·egi~.l'atl.ye).:y- 'Jl\aridate«t Area· <P.roject ~t:~<lies.~ " ·

On· :Noy~rnb¢:x7 6_; i9 70:;. t;.h~ .'Stp..t~'} ~ss)3r~~4- •th'-1: t the 9r~;i.n~ry higli~w~t:~i; m~X:k,. as" .6P,pp~ed -to ·tlw· ordinary low--w.atf~r 'Tna;t:k; 9op.·st:~:f.ut;e~ -~}1~ ~ubj~ct b,q\}ndar,y· *n-. "? ~eri\pi:'andUin o·f points ?\)1·d, atit,ho~~t'ie~. f~'.l:eq' d~ri121g. it,.he ·ret:P.ial o:i; ·the1 ,E·eat:her. R~.ver co~d¥inhatim) .act~on~ ''. !!;_~ l~~~l,'.)l,e, b'f, ~1.e State 6-f S-'l:~i,~o~t;!;i.~ ~" _-Shastu:, P7Il.': -an<l, ~~~!RJ:.Y f~~ sµer.ia·~ ·~TI\i,tt~ ·lfo.1 Sup .. ~t~ ~o~ 373~d -it's compari: 0n cas~·· . '-On· lv\~.r.qh i'~4J J;9vL; Che· tFl.ci~ cq~rt 'helc:l ·t:h~t1:. -w.ith :re_sp~qt: ~9- 1~ nav'igaple, .nonj::iq~l stretch ~~·that -ri:,ver, th_~ o:i:dina-ry ·h.~gl:i.,;.w.at~i:~ ml\1'-k i~, :·~he. bounda.JJy· .. Th~ c6,ti:bt expr~~s·1y 't7ej~9tea· the- corib]1ar.y view .st~bed i.11 this ,c).ff~~e\ 1 ~ +964' op-,in.ion. '1he r.~t;~~·al .wai:~ he~d ~·n acqordanc(~ wi~~ ~~~ fnst.ruct"·~:ors. o.f the ·count qf ·Appea~ i1\' ,Pe9~e· -~ re'l..:.. Dep.t._ :Pub .• w~ ,r ... Shasta 1~: 3,;~.c .. ~-.i' ·sµo~,. i~Cql;. App,; 2d-S'?.15";" -Stir:;~~~ -·"The· )Ucrg111~~t,. .upon ret.q.al wnµ: :not ·ap,pea·Led ..

Sinc;:e '.the- Shas.t:.a.• ~i!:·2e' ~~c4.sipri upon iretria~":' thliee '.t·~ti!~· in·sur4ncr. -cbi1\pany "spo ~?m~i)- h~V~ ·p14bl,Jir.;ly. ·spe91.q;a:t7t~ a}?9ut th(?' im1'.>aqt a~ tha,t 9,ecisd:on., ~nd 1.:he e:ffec't:. to be g1·ven s~ctiqi,i 830. 7/ f1eanwhi-l:e, 'the Sta.ta has cqturj,.:~rtc:1ll.:,· ~sse~·ted


6. •· Alll, sectdon refe17en\':es hered,nafter ... i:e j:9 the c.tv,il .Code- uhle~s~ a1:f\E!r~\l.ise. speci~ie4.

7·• S~e- ·I:.ee:cskov, -Meander Lines,, "'l'Jt.l'! T-i11s," i'he Call forn.ta sm:veyo:I:'-, No·., 4'3', p. +a::c:FaTr:i-~1:tnJ. .text 01: sfH:"ech. ~?Y, l~. H~ Mo:i¢'t6h 1 p~:;ies•itlent, Wes.t~rn T~-t;J_e Insut~hae Company., to the annual canv~M:~9n. ;of the Califor.ni{l l~an<J, ~~i:tt(l.c Asf~ociactiofr, ~ctn. Dieqo. May 7, 19761 McKnight; ·•rH:le to Landt~ ;ih "th~ co"'stai ~ilone:, ~e4~ ·9.?~1>.£e)'~.ti·~ -~~- ~~*-gace·on.-!foaf ·,~~ !):~!."§~~ 47 ca~ •. st •. n.\T. ~a, 464~7~ ;zr97if,.

--8'~ 34 ::

Honorable. wm. 'F·. Nor~;hrop Page ·7: · ·

its .s9yerei<:m ti:~le lpric.'1\.,Tar4 .t;.o the ot<lin~;~y high-w~.t*r mark ·in· a mimner 6.f 6ther 'l'a\.isui tl3... For.:: exam(i>l,e, out ·position wa~l· •iirtlcub . .,.t~d. ih a.· document ·ficicd October,. 2.9'~. ·J;si.s, J·n .a qase ~n~,9~vi'i~~ ~a~~ 'Uat~<:>f!_f :E!~ fi~es:~~e:r.~~~ v ~· ·g~ ~¥. ·of so\iti,,. f;a~:. ... rahoe, .~ !!L., sur.1ri\,, .f.r"'poplQO. "'fo., ;:i~p~ .. t;.. N;o~ .mll"5.~ m:i.il;e asse;-.ting. tf)e hrgil::".;;a:t:e!r. · 1?'9undaiY. in, .. ~,~ch .. lit~9~~i9~, :,tt~i~ ·office .and the .commtssioh i·s .. sta:f.e contii..nued' the s.tate 1 s· ·1ne".ticulous .r~exan,ina:t~on1 i;;.f the. ~at~.r. bou~4ar.Y ·q~i~s t.lo.~·t. ·p~ptiCi~~·ar..1.Y .<lur-ifig 't~~ p~st ·t"'70 :to th~ee y.e~.:ts.. ·0ur- resei;\:rcJ:1· .aq'd -~~1a;t;~~:i~; ipchided an . .:i!nt'e'ns·ive· qwie'\7 .of "vohimi·nous materim:lil fa\rnished'· l:o us. PY ~~~l~ ,indu~t,cy; ·Sp0kesfueri ·a~q a't:t'6rt\eys ~~p~'~s~n~l.tlcj .pr{vate ,~'i·t,t;<?;::2tl .anq· ·ripa:cian,• o"h1en7.s •.

A?· .discus~~<l :itlqi;e ;u:'.bly .peJ.qw,, O\lt ·donc1µsioh.,. ·f<>11.pwincj th:ts ~~rigtnY, ;and: .ex,h~us.5~ ve ;;eexriiTdri<\tioT), .is '.~hat .s~ctio~ 8 30: dO'eS not .Bel: forth' cl• :i:Ule· Of' property,,. •artd' that f' 'in• ,gener.al I ~~~~· ?~'a~e; i~ :~!)~ ,s9y~reign ..tjwrrbr of ·i~n~s b~~~~~h"in'f;q~<l._,~a~igabl:e. w.~t;~r~. lan"~;uq' to. ~J1e· ~~d~nc+~Y.' ti ~gl1~w# t.~r -i~~rk. )\:1 tn9w;1h· W~· !-·~·co9r~xe, .·~han ~~;~·J3os.~~~9~~ ).·~ ~~?C?.11s~s t~nt. \.i~·~h ~·~~~~iJ\ent.s, or ·~~:'µmpt~ons,., ·.in our .. Ji.~q4 ·Ol?.l.J1ion. ~nq e~i;·~.~er o~;J:.n.lfons 1 ·8/ :~md:. ·t~~:t qt.he~s. 'haye. di·f:~ei.~e,n·~ v.i.ews on the S'Jb·ject.r· .~e .~~r~'.ev·e ·tha~ lt is ~.h~j;~riµtaJ)le· .th9-r .th·e ¢ur;r.er\l.: m1¢ert~i·nt¥ '~n .the· "'.:-~w. ~l~ou+,'d in~ o:reso.l·v~cl prqJ'nptly t;.o cla.d:fy th~, ~&s·p~cttY¢ ·t~gh~s.,:

1 ~~tl<.?: ·~~d. iP,t~~e!;J~·~' q'f'. -~6th th(: publtq ·~i)ci .the .pr:p,f'.ate littor~l ·W ~i'}d' r~P3:l;'~t?-n' ·pr9pcr,ty ·qwnt::)rS.·• · ··'

·~~~· .f.>t~~n*.R~ ·u~4er~y~n9. t}1~ s .. tate 's: c;n~r~fhit, ·po:;:;i;t:ton. ,1..S that :the, :en'ad.tnienf .. 0 f section· ,8JQ. in .1:872· ahd if;1i° amendment dti,fi~g/':t:.l)e-. ·ipi.·f3~,71~· ~~.gi'.,s.J.~~rY:~ ~:a~~:!;on· a.~a· .not .qons,t·i.~U:t;~· e·itiher a· pre~.~'nt r¢r DUtt\:f(3 gen~rai co~·y~yance .~o ~n~. 'feg~r~l' government, or t9 ·pJ;',i'la te. :pati~.i,.~s o,6· :f-}le· ·~;trip· i,>f s6v~reig11 lailds 'bet)~a,·t.h, i'nlm\~: .nc.b:.j.gabt~. wat~rs ibe«tw(;?·en 1 tl1~ orc~inary hi,gh-\'Ti:!tefir and' 9~di·114~fy .lPW~~rn.t;e.r .marks.

. ~;t ~.s· ·.th·i$ qfif.icq.' § 1¢i)i11'.i:o11; ba~f.!d upon, 01,1r reexann..:n..:.. a'tiori of tht?- '\f9,te:i::- 1.bound,a~·y.• issµe., tha't q'lthol).qh there is a. ~e1='~61.1s· «1lie~t~:p.1i ;a.s 't¢ ~h¢ •.eJff~ct· ;to. be q~v~n sec.tiPn W3'0., the 'Sta~~ iha,'~1 sohrul +~gtj.11' .• b?,$.~s:, ;~qu:· ~~s.e+f;·inrj: {l claim o·~ owne:i?ship l:aild,W~l:'d· 'to" 'tfte' ~~i:d!~1t.\!Y h'~g_h.:.w.~·.t~i" marl<,+ -...... -------.. '. . ' . ' .·~~.:.:-:-:-.;;...• ............... ..;.· ___ ............ ___ ·-.,.---·. ..· ··-----· ~

a. l:t:: i;s ,not.~wortny· that t;.he· 'i\tt:orney Genepfl .o·f: :the Sp.at:e of ,~evada:. recGh~ly qhi·~ppr.q:lieJi' .~wo, of. his .eatlie:¢ written opl;n-.tohs 011 .the.,<b9u11d?£rie$ .of ~nl::~ncf ·na,yi<je;ble ~a.t~r~.• ,r1t t-t~vada A'.ttorrnw G.eneral O't'>inioh No. 204' iss.ued ·April 2·0, 1'976, it '~as sta.ted;. 11:f t is t:.tle .. pr~s~t:tt ·opi.nio'!l ·O.~ th~~· o·f.:i:i·ce .th~t the ti.tl~ to ianJs beneath navj.g~~le wate'bs. i'l), 'N'e:\1~9a is bcmhqed' by th~· ordinary ·• I

i{\nr~ PE!rtn~.nent high..:.wat¢:c mark ~·na p;t:ior .opinions to .t:tie contracy'l!F .ar~ 'fle?:.d}?y sup~rsed~~d./ 1!·

.•·. .,

·Honorable· ~~Ill'•. :p. Northtq1~ ·r~ge a' ·

. fiec;:c;,.i..o!l. 8~0 corita·ins .rt() :.e~f)r¢~!> liai\gu~ge\ cj;r:-n11\:'*iitj ·s\1ch. 'l:gt;rids·; ·tl,us d.i·ff~ri~g sh~l:'.P'+.Y "f.~onl ·$'t~t~ttes: .~utlu.1r~;Hng· ·t:·he .a:p~e11~~ti:on •of sq.yereltjh .tJ:df.~1;'and~. ·en; ~tat;.~""Q\th~q ,p~bt:>F~ri~l,l.rY lan.ds·. ..'lJ~t~.~~· s~qi, ·s~~~l,lte~.· C\!:1 trio. q~r}~~TI'P<?i'ai}~6~~·~x :.ena~~e~l s~cti91's' 3410 'to· 34.991 1,/2 _.01= ·tl."i~· ~ql:.iticar C9_tl~·~ ·relati'n\, 'to ttu~ .mahacj0,If!~rit; and' .~.al:e o ~ ·st.?te lands l:Jy· 'tl)e :!;itirv~y\it Ge.nera'l., ·s¢ct·~o~. ~ao· <lf.>e~ ·h9t ,prt;iy~de 'for, ~tl<? payfl\eri't qf a:ri.i· 1 cO,rnpefl~at.:~9n ~6 :th? St<:\te py, private part'i~s or i;d~ ~be ts9lJ~.nce ·6£ a ·pat~nt ·4~~f9,:~bi:z1g. ·~11e l,.a.nqs:. ·

. ,. . . t~<;I~~d~ *..'f<?t~91.i'.~~9 ;h~_$ ._t>e~n· tr'!7Li~~c~ ~?: st~~:~.hg. a· ·~u~e 9~ i;:ons·t;-.~~c~:i;on 'ra~lf.~F than· .g F'-~ie. o~ .·p:r,opg:i;ty 1.n -a. ·nµnµ;>e~ of ·q?lis~s. :~~.~~ ~~~, F.teemari. v.r.,:De~·l~g:~rde'.~· 19·s·. G~f.:.e, '11:9,, 1·~~: .(·189SH: ·~es,~ .Yf .~n:~!·~{· ?,~ c;.al:~ 1'-P.P,~"' ~· ~~?·,,,. 1899-:-909 J;i.'9.47h· ·~i'ch, v:•.Ei-~m'· ~:·~~·ca~~-)\pp. 16·~'~!, 6·~.6. (iX;P};·,arfg ... orake v.. ·~~Tatj,, R~:~,,cc». ,1.· ·J:'P'./C?r~· APP.• ·95'411 ·6,150'·;.fl: ~~9~):.:

' .. ,. .... , ,.,, " ,_. . """'. ,,. " ... ,, ..

. our, a,#s~J;-f!io~ · .~~~t .:~he. ,o~d~.n.il.rY P,i,gfi~wa·t,e'.i:" tj\~rk ·CO~~.~~n'~t;~~ ·F~~~· ·~~t?..~tist:- .P9\1~4~ry ·~~ ... ~;t;3i9.~9~.Y ·~hI?lXHr\:~ql 1?Y. '. ' ~.~.n~~:F~g~:. ~D .. ~~~ .. Gi.\l'l5~~~11~.~; ~up:r;~~~ ·9o~i;t;, '·~· 9pintC??' in .Ch~ch·l'.:111 ·~ Y,• K1ngsbU!J!r; !}~:.:~~~·•· '?~14: :{i~!lB)'.~ .... "'fh~. de,c,l:sip~ .~Xt{~~s.~lY· ~.t.~ ~.~~ ~P~t :L:t;t.t,~e . ~!·~~tf\. ~f:\~~}: .. C!'. ~AY1~a,pJe ~:a~e·; ~ c9n~;i.:~.~s._ 'Of 'thed;iody' o.f w~ter <;:QP~f;'~n.~.~; ·w:i.. tl)i:n tli~- l?'~.nJts. '!-~ i~h~Y· exi.s't;. ~~' tfie· Stetge' (qf .9;~~1n~fy· h!_qh_. Ma,t~.t;'-e • ~ ·~ ~! .Id' .. ·~~: 155~ •. (EinP,hi?:~+~ a~lded'~:) :~.~thOtf~~ectf6f1 '·8~0 ·was ·not:c~ted,;, 'tne C~)Ut;t :.!?#'e~-~~b~:y, wt•.w CQ~piz.~i)~ ~f' .fh~,, p~ov~s:i·~rjs :tn~.f~O~ ~' ,1)Cf.. ~!i;hoe y •. Ci·!:Y.' of San Jose;.·~ .. a,q;.~ 3<;1 ,~6;; 6'!> .. (~~69} (i:n :i.J1te~.p;c~"€l!!l9 · s,tat;'.\if.e((-.±t."·TsPf.esum~C?J eha'.t .ttie r~eg;i;~l~·t\ii'e .was, .a.ware ·9f ex~ t~:t;ipg jud:!-c~·~J.\ .dtj¢i,.s'i?)h$'') ~· .1Mor$.¢r\Ter., wn·en ~n._ ~~sue ·11a.'S: b¢efi l.~.t'.igat:~d ang. C:le~·~pn~ped , .. u.ari ·:t,f1qµJry re~,p~dt~ng· .t,he· ·~~in¢· -i~· ~9£;,~tj~~~~<'h .~9.~: 9.?~.~ ~·~·-1~t?. ·wa~~~r~ ,'~~a~?: ?·l:lti .. a.i1.s.9· :Cl:fJ,::tc:i mat::~?r,s tha. t: .CRµl~: liAv.e l?e.~.n ·~~~.J;d. '.iin ·;;;.\1pwrt o~ .9r xn '.oppos .~·!!ion« t.}:i~r~r-~<? •" .. P.ric~. V'.". 'S'ix~h: o.~·s.~·~d:.9.t. ;~t~ui'tura!, .Assn:!.·· ,2.b'l ¢~~.:· 50-2., SJ:l ·n·~'"'.'7T ~ ~h~ "r~!ev<u1t' !a).'Yg,µag~. rn-'tne Cnu:r.cFi:i:!ll. ,pec,tS, ic;m: ·ryaA .p.~ve~ ·p~en .o,\re.r.r~~;t'E\~r,. qu~):±i~~ed 9~ .ev:en\cf\1.~stioh~d· by ;e.11e supJ;?Ul~· .cour.t;.... ~I . · .

+n- th~~ qfJ~c~~,• s ll9.6A· <?,p·i·~i:on 1 ·i:·h~· ·churchi:-ii. 1al}c;u~~t~ .i~. dis«;:;ot,in·~l':!~~ .as .a':;1.thprity :f<?r 1 t~1·~ _,):r~'.Jh~~.~t~r. ~,~Ie(Jee ~ 3. <?PS·~. Ca+:! .~t.t:Y• Ge~l< ."2.9.'~:., 295. 'l'ha~ qpi:nion .r~1a.t~s .to "~he q.p~'te;!:'~?t· 1to b¢· 1useg ,fo~ ~ocatirig'. ',ftp~ .. or,d~,I1al{y.]' l9w· ··..i~t~r i1\~rk ,~ '., ' ' ~. ' ......... ',, ..

, , ,

. . .'9\. T?e :state 'S}l~V'e¥o~'.(;t;:i!].E!~<~~!: precleC'ei~S,i:>r ?~ :t~e St~t~ ·t..~nd.~ Cgrarnis'.si\:>n,, was. ~ 'Pfl r.ty ~e~~n<IC\11~ t:,o ~he .,Ghuroh1l:l cai:ie af\d.' in ·~4b~~<:i4~~~ ·r~·~~.t;e~ ::t:1t:tg*1~~~9n. Se<J ·!·rahK·l~n.~~·; f!rnrchil'l :co .•. , ;t.·B7 Cal;~ ~.~51, .'5:?i6 :p.9·~1':~:1, ~~~ilul<l& .v .. ,c:fiiurchi:r1:. 1Co. 71~ '.~. ·54 l, 54S-46., s~·~.~s2 (.1·921;). ;-iF"ranKIJ.;o. vnnur®1~0 .•. , . 1.3' ·ca~. 11\.PP·~: 3p·4.,. Jo"7~o9· ·(i$'2s") ;, ~-nrr~~ronfq,mer.~··v.:.: .N~l~!l~; ·i-1 ·<ifaL ~P.P• .. l'S4·., :pm;,, 'f~N· :.(iJ.:9.1'9h See:. ffi<? · Qpa .• c~f.,· Atty.• ·G~h'~ Ht2. (1:9'.4,q) ·a~d Op·,; N9·· ~s··~4.9.0 (194·2').;,

oj1. ·fl<:m"":"tif\(\l navi<J,~!i.lQ. ~f;l;:enfi1$;; tt1f! 1p1~~1~, of' ,whi'ct'\ are owi1ea,. by tP,.~ $.t;.~te :of -p{l,;~:!/f.qt'~1~a :i:n· itfr ·sovore~gn. /;ap~qi1tY •,. I.di, at. 29.1+ Xlthdufft1 .~l)e· ·~P~~ci.ftc q\~er:it'io~!.l asi<,etl; ;n· ,tl\o opl11~6n r<lqqes.te<I: by ~he ·~t\en« E~¢cu:t~ve· «1r~ f.j;¢ei· .o·~ 'che· 001iuni:ss'.l,<.')1i ·mero::J.y ~ssumed" ·µta,.t. p~~v,a~e. _q;1,ne:!:$hiP. o·f .upi.cinc,ls: a«ljD.ir)ihg, ir\1¢mq n~v1~ ef~~·)1a~~r~: .. :e~.~~~·cl~ yat,tirW,~;-a. ~o .. ~~~· ~i·ffli~" cy :1qw~~;~t:.e1; ·r~ar~ 1, ;t t :rnt\S.t, >;:>e. ·ccm9.~9~d· ·q1C\t ·tt.\f:l qp1.nic:m \~qes ·nql; qu,es ti'o~ ~ht~ pro­;prrt·et.~ ot .us-~nc.t ·~11.~~ :l.:ir\¢. :b~st:ea,q .<;)~ the ¢tair\~fy ·r.i.cjh . .;.watex mark.. !d;. at 29·2-:9 s,.,. · ·

,, . ~~ .. ' .

tJpoh ·reana1:y;.s.is of 1Chutchit'i 1·co .• ·v;. K.tn~~!?_uri, ~i.te:i:o, ~,ia:.·G~~- s.~·1·,,· ·\'?~ ·~.aV~·.¢.4~~Jil(f¥'q~~· ~\1(>~e1~~': :<:l~~· 5. ·~~1wu·~g~· ,tq 1th~ ef;~.c~ t~At:. ·t.11~· :~t:a:i;.e·•.s .Rwn~:ptt\+1P 1

0:1: tq~. ·s~bj,~c.t la~e· ·p~d. "e*-~~~d~·. 1'.*~4~i~rd. ~9· :~h.~ _.9;c\.~n~·ry· '11~g~i~·wH ~~;c tjt~rK wa~ \r.i;.~·~·+ t,o. ;tJ,1.~t. q.~q;~i.6ri.v. ·A!19. :~.s· ~ot d:i,.ct.un~~· Th'~ p~v;;>tµ.11 ii;i~µ.e "~ififj'. ·\'{Q.~:tti~:;~ .l?\~t~t:~9tjffe:ir .q,a~; · ~~:y; .. r:i;cjh~· · !:9' ·~\ t?a~¢1\t; -~<:( q~~-~ah~ ;tangs .. !~. ~t: 555-:~6"~· ;~n c~i:smJs:s~n,g· .pet:ititj;n~'.r·'·:~ p~oceed'fi)g •in .JAar\gajJnis;·r th~· .¢"<;?.~~·t. .~\I)q.ui[i1~·~·~,t,edl.Y' ·s.t;~~~a.;.

'' <:· ....... ft iC.i?eti'.ti9h~i.,]: ·49~~ .. ,- ~ow~ve~'., .t~k~ :t'i'~·. ~i't~1'cJi ~~~t .:che l:arid i.iVi, '1n. fact,. .sover.e·~, la.ad. of .. the •sf.:a"fST .an:«irin--t.hIS'l;.~tHTnK::, ·'Tt· is .f.!;~q:i·rY .r,~CJ)1t7'7-~~-~~~0f:~~$~~rtn;i?h~~~·~ ... ag~~d·),·~

ll'1'e c;pu,i~ stat~~\' ~~D.~t ~;(~)'l,ie" :1'1!\ds .C:idi:·<:l'i~p~te'cli.;gi:e·,~ti;J.··~· . . 9q~r~4-.. 1br . .the . .'w~~f~~.!3.1. <?~· ,i~h~" l:al{~ q:qr:ing"(~h~· $~~~t·~r, _.part pf.' ~.a~rr y,e'<¥~!·'·' .. xa •.. a~ ·5~9 1 •. Cl~~rl"y,, .~lie· c9ur~ ~e(\.son~~ t:hat tl~e· '?~sp~t~~', ~-~n4f"~~p~. :~r~·+.+. ·~at~nr~r,~l·of t:he ·!).f.qit~~fy in:i:cJl~-\:tat~r '.~a;~ pqa teqcc! ~pv•r~~g~ ~~ryds~ . '

. ~.c~~H.t;;~di}al. ·g~ci:~ion$. $.t;.~t'~rig". 9·J;: c ie~:t1y· ·~~p'.lyihg" t::t1~ t. t~he :or~·~ n;ii\:i;y '.h'~·91}.:~~ a te,r. ;tj\~'!.'~k ·const:i;tli.~c~ .. ~~~~·"hg.µil<'1f\j;y, . ~.~cl·µ~e' :H'eckma:1! ··w~, ·~:t:t·,:. ~~ ',Oat,. 3Q:3\. 1c.n!"o.~:!' ~09,~10 (1'09'3). , .

. aff 1,d, 11J'7 Gal'~. 2:76·.1

. ~6 1{1189.5} ·('l~e-1 Rl..V,C:r;• .dJ:ctum as• 'l~o non~ ·:ffC.yq· .. ·w&t;:~·r¢9u#~.esL1' .1~ack~t ~·:.' ·~ .. brd_:., 7fu."·citi~ .. J.).4., ·11s :~1ss.G.) .. , .~1·f.f1 «~.,. ~37 u;s •: ·6:6+.·, ·~~:U,VS.91~>~""ln9n~~,ial,, · n~~·~9~oie. pd:rtion o~·· ~~c~~men:t9 R~·vel;t; ~1'cl u,eqple v~ MortiJJ.., :25 cal. '336.,. 35·6 f18f.1~)" fb.i:d~:l:qhd~\!' ·d1:\:9t\iri\: qr~\',t.o·.·nor:ti'd'.rri w{lte.rcom~ses) .• ·

. ,~qm¢, s·'i!·co~qecy· .at1thoi;i~t:tes1 ~a:s<l if:ld~c~te tha·t .the· 'C>F.4'ii:iafy. ·high~.'°"a.t;i;f;-"m~rk ·1'~ ··t.he :bo~qd?\ry.. s~~i ·.e .• :CJ •.f 4 ]\tn$i:.~can. an4 Eng~~~11 E.ricyc}op¢c1ii4 .¢.~ :r;;~w· ·824..;2$ .1~e<l. 18~ 7) ~ an(J' 2 N:i,.cho:I;.~rr ·:rhe1 ·I!aw. ·o~ •Emin,~ri.t P,9rii~i,i"\, ·s· 5· ... 19-lJJ.+, p.· 5-~.:\:!I n·.1:2, ~nc.i. ~ccqfi\'pan•f:a.~g· :t¢~t .(rev. •. ~~· eu·~· l19.7q):. '

On· ·tlre p\;heF hanch ~ev.er~i 90µ~~ 6~ J\'p,p.eal dec~si<?hs sugges.t., or· .a?st~m~;. tf\at the subject ho~nclafy i,s the· o:r,dinfl,


fy 'l.9W+Weif::er :i~~:.t;l' .. • . •rJ}~~ .. o f~ipc'' s •1.96,il: 9pi:n.ioiy cite.s cr.ew~ ·v •. q_g~~s.on_; 20:9. ·q~L. :~pi?" .~q 2tYG., f5B (:J!V62)· (:Clear. J~~, and :Ii)·


Jionorabl:e Wm'. j:- •. No:rtl'1f.t>p ·r.a<Je · ro,,,,

.CH:t 2.t ·L09 ~~~~e~· v .... :A'.i~.tike1l·, lQ q-~1~ 'l\PPr ~d 4'61,):, 467 (19·l5.) Tt-~1~0, pa~~' -~s .. i:\Ut:l1o~i-ty~r thi.8' p~<>f.'9Sf tio~ r ~.., q~r,e f1.H t~- . ·ex~¥~n~tt9r~ of those .<;:alie~, ~emqn9;t.r~te~~ 'tn.(t~ t;hqy d~·d 'not ~qu~t~ly ::ad:ju~Jc:~'.t;~ ,t.h¢ 'W~t~~ b,~.wnd.a1:y qµestion;. .

·tn ,crew!, ,t.h~ ~\jo ·1'..lrivat~i pat~.j!e\S· ·a.9'r~ed -that pr:i:va~e· ·9WneriiilT~·P ex~~ ·to th.¢ 9:cd.i:na:r;y l(>w~wat!¢:t 'iyiark, ~pd· ·t.h~ qui$st~on .crf. \~h~.~h~r ·~~~t. 1:~~~o .q~.~~e :.~;:d.~h?i~ ,h.t~.w~w~~~f ·m~r~ .. ii?·. t.he. ~ana~ 1 ~.:u;.·f;l ~01;1¥1'<;1ary o e tn~ ,pup1.ic~y own~q ·Qed• o; C.l;ea:r: !Jake .Wrts. :n9t :~'t l.~S~~·•' .

1~'1), ,Aieken·; ·tl1e CO\.\.I,"~ ·bf; Ap.p~~l 1\ter.e.'.ly ~$,S\ifl\et1 ~ha·t sec't:'~Ah: ~.~Q· :~Vi rH'+~) o.f ·pr.9P,e.rty ~~q\:.~tated, ~haJ: •th,¢ .~nly ~'$~4e ·pf,~~·~p~.~.cr :9.9: .. !~PP.~~t ·~w~s, wtwt~1j;!r; .a·.·rfi\~~~~~P~f :~9i149riipor ·n~~d .. t.9:.. . . p~y. "~ug~tant:l:~·~ ·9~1ager.~ fq:r::· a:f£0 r.!t.1.ng. '1·:i:~i;9·p~'l~ rJ.g~t;s of. :ad1ap~·11t p~1~v~b~~ q.,a~c~1:-9.'fn.$r~, tq· ·.}1av~: '-i::.fie· ri~t;.ur.a·1 1.t«i"~·i:. ·q·f. ·:~ i)aV.J:ga,ble 'lake i'italntai:ned·a. . , .

> ' ' ., ' • ' ' ~ ~ • • l

.· S·~_n9,e· :~~~~s .. <?~.fig~.·.~ '1·9.6'4.· gp;tti·~9~ ~ ~f\e ;l?-~~P~~ .couf.;t$ h~'{~ :ri~nqeg {~ow'i~ ,d~¢.J:s ;9~s ·.ce;>nt.aitd.Jng dic~a ~.ugg~~.t\vng. thei.t;. the 9~9;j.·n~cy· ·~9.w.~~ia.t~r .. ~g.-~~ ·-;·$· .t.;n~'. ~'aIJi;l\'?~·td' ~"ql;intj~fy •. . s~~: :Ql1_iited· states. v. 'Gosset:t.,an·a•·:uni,1:e-a ·S',tates· ·V• ,wh.1:1irn.ms,, .2.7.7 :P1

,; ::;upp. ~~ (a'· ··1)~~~ '1'':'95· .7r::-~i~r;or, E·~; .. ..,.."':3".':"':t"~sG· 9" ('9't\·, c·, ~ · .~.x ;. ·.i..:1 · ... • -...a.I.',« ·. ;1·,,. arr.. u·r. 'i'J~u .. ;"u· ·::>,o,.-,., : · ,. ,11 · l:J: .• ·.1:96~,r., cel: .. 1:: .. ·d~rd:e&i "j9:7-µ:.Sf' '~96~· '.(,}~;$.;ioL, 'fi6we~¢.t., tiie Nin.t!i .c~r.<?Hi f · G!?~'rt .o.;· :,Kppe~~:5:• q.~¢-~~ ~RQ' ·rjl~ft~ be· ·s ~r;~t:iy r ~nt~:~ed t;o. t~e: -~f:>e;:i'f,:f;9 ,'~~9~~a;J; ~n9 _J·~g.~·i .s::i.1 ~}1~t~Ql1!:? ··~-~vfr~ vec1·~· S'hJq~­:f~?~l') ~·Iy.,, .~}~~;. ~~~t~ ~qJ; '9~g?+·ff~.p~lra: ,gj.:_~ca:~~J!l·~~ ~~y . ~n~e:i,:~s t". .pt, t!i\e; ~·~r,ids; ";n i1;-rsp!:Jte • ,M~,.·~9v~.-i;., ·~· fede;-al' ·co9.t,~·' s .c9nst~~9t:ion of: f:l· s.t~te.· st.at:1,1te .~~ I)o:t.1 h:tnditjCJ .. c;n1 ·¢'iil·~~o;r~~:cou.tt.~.~ s¢e cfu_.-of'. .:oakI~h~,_ "~· .B.ute~u·!:.-1.~0 ·~~·~~! .83, 18.~ ·(·~ll.9,),., .. ~~H?' Sti~an~· ~"E~~":=~~-~~:)~~·~~> y,., ·~?.r:.Cf_! .. n.~~?h'! ~ 7 3: ca :I.·-: ,7 6·5,;1 1'1.?-·1.3. p. ~l):f?T.

. . .. ·,. . ... ~!~r~~ .ac~9,'1t4.9l'l~i:. groun4s. support,-iH;~r .our l'#ef?e21t ,pds,~t~on ·~houlq: ·bq. .m~n.t~o~el~ b.rie,fli:'·! .

:F';i·~~.t ·' va;:404s 1pf-~l').g:i:p~.~$: .o.f ·s"t" ~.qtory cqns·ttucti~w ·t_?ut.tr~?~. 9ll:t' cqnc~H1~·~,9n ·phat sect':i:on- 830 met¢:.1Y st.ate:s 4 f.\~lre .~.0:¢ ·i.n t~r,prd·i:~ng a1-qbig~ous des~;.r~ ption~ :.\:-?\. cqnyey.c}nc~s.. rt:. l's. ~· f\ii:id.ajrlP.ht'~~ p~~q~p~ ·t1.1?t~ J,~w~ l;~ oerbgat*pl) a~ soverE:d:g_1\ty a r<#· ·t;!on;:i,t-r.4~cl Bf:.r ~.c.~~1y #·h f av<;>r qf the· s·t;qt~, ~t\tj· ~tri: hot. P~!=m~·t.ted to· <t~·ye:s.t :it. ·or ~1~~: ·g9v~?r.nmerit ·:o~ any ,pi;:q'i'tjgative~., u(1~ess i11-1;:,~11t.i;9ri tq ~:ff.e¢'t: th.~-~' ol;?j·~c:;~. ~~ ·cl~a·~·l'y 'e~p.r~~$ed!.' ~eoer2. v. Ccntr~O--Mart, 3.4. .ca'l,,_. 2~'. 17'0·2·, 7·03 (11'9:50.)... s~e al~o· f.eo ~.lra -Vi~, :&l:Lforn1£l\'..~i:sh co.,,; lii'6 Ca:'l i 5:"16 1. ~92~9·3· .(l9'1J:): 1 .an ·:Et en· Memorl'aJr 1P.arK. ·~0~ ~i.Ferior, cou.r.t!· ~.89· .oc.q .• At)r· .2d ~!IT7". . ·l'-°~tlmf.. t-l~~ll?QYerj gpmt:s~ ·t:he $t~t.~ are to be str.i.ctlY c~ors.t.,rti(:)d .f~· it~, fav6-t~,7 .. q:t<y·~ qode ~· +.Q691 J..os An9_~~ v. $'!-,D. r>ea·t'd .e'tc·.o R.;J~'• .,C6;., ;l??- O~L. 6152,, t,)fi'~ :('l.~20):.; a_q~Wh'l.'te v,~. ·sta·te· .. ~r~mro.r.rura·~ .2j. :c.~r~ . .Ap11 •. J'd ~3.a·, 76.6+--6'7 c:rnrr;

" ' ' I• ,. ~ '• • t' ' > •, '', ' ~ ' I 7

-112 .. 349

. . ~~condly,. ~f the 'Cmi.H~~me11t:. of $~ct:.icni 830 ha4 ·b~1ei1. +rit:~pd~,4· ~~; ·~· P1'.'~~n~tlt,. gpcul'l::., b,i; j;o e~~fpo~ie.~ ~·ome' '~nh~fi1~~d ·publi9 ~f,:;f.t·c~a\1P1 to m;;ik~ ~· J;\l~ilre 9.onvey;apce· o~ ·tt1e strip ·q:e !~QVCJ:'cign 1l'~pd~ h<.~tw~en t:he 9·j:·di.nti'rY .. ni:g\1-\'ii\ ti:H: arid .. ·~n:li.imn:y lowf!-watcr rl)~.i;K~· ,1·1otHj ·p.11.l t.riI~~ncl 'n~vhj~bl~· w"t·e.f.!i'r !OV ~t.! ~ts ·posi:.fib le th9 ·9q1.ir.~s ·W~">ul'd ·~11v~nt~<~·a_,~e t.hc st;:tt1~h~ OT\ the:-:"'q;r:crnr)~~. ttint. s~ch an ·'!le~ wa~, ·b:¢yon<T :the :1?<?'1.~i~ o~ tl}p ·~,ti~f.i.~il:A ~t~rf.h .. Se<:? IilJ:J.no is ·Centrifrl 1m'i',U!'rb1.Hl' ·v. 1!l'li:nois,, l'.46, .u· ... s-. ;18'7,, 460 u;ll9!h ·c.f.. Oaflano.' «Vir: ·Oakmnd! \~at.er .l"ront Co., ·,i~lB C~U. ~16Q.,, lOJi (l1TITTJ1'). -~~~ ,, < ~ D~''" '":'•,• ~' -:-::~-· < >•f ~·· ' r ' f <


. i1h~rci'., ·.gti;lif9:rnhi1'1$ w.~J.i:J,';..!;.ettled~ ·p1ip'.r;i~ ·po~,ic~' favoring :puJ:~·1:~·c;· ,ace~.~.~· t;9· :4~d. u~~ qt ·~aylCJ.~.b+e· w~·~eJ:s furn-i~h!?Js a- fi.t:iil lf9'4#4a.;1:0,fi· i:or t>:u.r J;id's;,~ t.i:on·~· ~t.~di l?.i:!:J.:i~y .c;gp~!i:der.a tions ?tie

' r~f+·~qt4d· in\ .rhµ,nerb~~ d6rist:"itµt;9na~ ari4 9F.a..tut~ty ... prqv~~~on$ t41f~! 1~n y~;-io\~~ ~P~~.J::~M:.e cour:t;: si~c~~~o~~.<,. ':i;ncT,1a·~ng· the to.ii.owing: )\c1; ,·&.f. ~.C:W)~~~.~or(•.of ·<:::~l~f~»r!'~·~.a.,. ~· ·g~:s .. •st~.to 1·s2· J·~·qS,o:> ;, ·former 1\;"t;:j.:c~e .:xv:1 ~.i;~qtion ~· ·c;,; ~t~~~ J.;8:~7:9 ·~~.lit9;i}·fa, ·9dfis'ti.t~~icm i(1re1lillnbe):'.ed :Attiicle X; ·sect:i:on 4.)-; ·Article' I·, se·ct1'6h· .25 of 1the· i:879,":¢~·i1i:i~o'rtj~·~··.co~i~·~i'~i:i~iqn;. 1Gtjy. Co4e §~~69.Q.O· te.t ·~~. a11d §:670.0Q .et~ i~SI:J ·~f::lt,tt:.t;l\CJ, «t.9, the prO'i':,~cd:g.h., .~nd pfe$.e~V..a~.i:ql'.t .·ci.f ·ti~K~ . '!;~ho.711'"J1~.·y,~, ;~f'tr ·9.':f f'ant~ tCruz·1, '2::9i\·1 ... ~a'.~~''" 4·2..;.-'43, . .(l??g).1 ~ .LJ'~: ·:(• ·~.J.n!. ;~~a( .. ~~"~~~~.~'( _}21:; ,l!,g$~~n~s ,'!"· Be~.R1:0. . 1Woo<!!!: 1~reas;,~Q'. ~·J?,a~ ~r 55'.C?~L .. .r.P,.R'. · .. · ~o ;, ~~-·;7li'~976.) .• '~~~"a,J:so:· Wop~:.~ G~+:f,,~bty,.:·"~rr~. ·~~"J,, .29·4~,. "2:Q6.~9.9• ('I'9.7.;n. • •..

·~ ~: .. :~?~.£n:~~w': ~.~b~~~:· ·~~u~i:· ~~.ei'il. :i;· ~he ·9qurt~· :d$termi.r,~ '.€1\at ·s~c:tiori a:39 op~ra 1:.ed

J;d R.C?hV~Y' :f~¢· .t4t';Le to· -the ··~·t~it~· o~ .l~·nsls·: 'U:h'9<fr+y-i~·tc.t ~·n'1:~na N~v~~~l~. rtlil~~r~. ·b~~w~efi. t~·~ 9r~'~n~~y-.·n·±g.?•£1~t~f' ·an~: .. ?'rdinar;y -!o~-:~~t~r; m,~x,oJi:~·,, f:l..17oth~~ s :Lgnff·;i.ca~r~ :1:-~s·~~; '.~'.P i;h~ ?~a~e ~ ~1 .p~·r~gih,~ ·~~~~ :·artd "r:i,~er . ;u:L~ig~ tic;~r ~~. !'lhethe'~ .~haf: s.t·;i;:tl:p ~~· .... ~rt.\P;-ess,ed· «~:P.:ttr .t;h~· .com~\bn-la~r p.ub'1:ic· ·t;;rust ifor qg!JU\~erce!; 1~nv).'"' 9i!!~!s>ti:. d\!id' ·j;~~h~i:j.~§,~ '9~~;- +·9~A' .opiifi'o1:1 )1.n1,r ~a,;-L!.~r orin,i:ons

.. a~d .~ot· ~.ddress· ·t.~~~ su,p~ec1;,. · · . .

'rhe• 'J:andmark un.:Lted. ·sta·t:es .sum;efue. ,cour.t case. arti..,. •qtf1:a,~~ 11g· t,iiri·· e:·onffi\oh::. i'i\'f· ,r:) .. ubJ:'ic .t:l:\1s t: d.~bi;.r:i:n<: · ~1~vo.i "es th~ Ct\'~9~~f9· w~tefafiqtj~ 1in: 'T~.ii'~e· :M~chtga~h· J~'l:,ld:·rio.i s· >(~e'nt~~b :Rai,J.~~ v .•. ~l:l:[U:h6is·;. '!U't.>r~, 11:46' ·u·~:S + Jaq·, 4 !?? • '"" Gt;lJ,P:f9f.h·H'!-'1 ei.ppeIT~ t~ .. cot.ir,ts»/' .refy1ng."upon. Il\l:'ilrioi!s Cent'I:a·J: I •hav'e .consa:s tehtl~y .b6~;<i. ·th~rt "~:~4~:µ<3:J;l:i15· ·!l·i:·ei's\~~E:]}1iq t- t9 :£fie· pbmmo,n-A:"w .pub U.c t tus.t .• . $ee.:r: .. p:~ st:.~ :Mar~:!:. v·~., ·w1u t;fi'eX..'· ·sun,~:~ 6 ~ci,l:.r,:. ~d; ~'.5it., 2q~...:Go•, . ~na ·~~o~le' ;v ~- :.ca0C1I,for1n.a~· ·~co .• ·supra, 166 Cp.i]..,~ 5 76-; 5·9.7,. Since

. :~ 'El' ;!!i,"t~~e, 1C>Et:ain~~~·IT~·?""tq .. ptev~o4i;r~y 1\.\rig~.~n·f?ed· l)~cls of inland ~aylg?tl::Jl~'. wate:i;~· "~~pqn. aqrni:~sl?JJ' .:t.?. t:ne· ·~un;~o.~ ~~n:.·~lw ·.'~«u\le manne)." ·?-~ ~'t' ,b~9ame1 'i::h.e qwn.~·~ ·q~, :pre.VJ:!O'jls'ly· Ul'lg'l~ant;.ed tJXlelanqs r "1'~

~ I ' < 1

. .....---------------· -.:·:.--::.,.,· ~:...-~---r---lO,. A ~tlm!ttary· of c~·tifo:frli~. ·~hnf.·e;J,:i:n.~.' ·i~~l!~ages · I>rep~·red ,41:

ip .:M:ay .. 19 7·? ,by· t,he Coll\!n;~·s:iofr' s· '§taf~ 1~i1¢iiqat~s, tne:1:e w~;r:e """ then, ~O 7 ·m~l:e~· ·?;~ ~~16J:el.'~:n~ ard1:p14 navi<;.abl:?· a.:·~k'e$ ~nd :1r 046 mi.tes .of; ~h()rqlin<:!t.a,;!.c)'l)g nqi1't~dal, ne,\vig abiJ:e 1 t±ver~ in bhe Stater

-+-3·· r>SO

;'_.a ' .. ' '

Honorable Wm. f'. Nor.tl).f,op Pag<~ 12

March 0, "-9·l"/7

pelieve' thtit: ;i:.t is· cJ.e~x.· !:hat: ·the p1.,tblio t:pw t oocf;i\lr,e is: eg~~J;ly, ~ppliqable ·to the l4rid$. Wia¢;riyihg St1Ch nontidal hut:; nayig~ble ·wqtcts.

'Moreover, j;.i~ :ts our oginiori ·t:hnt'. ttie ·Qnactrnent: of ~ect.:ton ~40 qoq+:d ·lint ·l1ave, operated to ~enn~h?l te t;~e qomn1on':" l'~~'l" p.1.1p~~.q .tft1st:. in ~nlan<~ ·n4yi:ga}?llt~ v,rate.;-~ b~~~us~ that; .s.tat:ute does ~o_t: ·•!,Cl<#ai;~ty, explfe$~ or: .peoess.:'l.ril.y ~mnlY." a leg_.i,(jn:i tive. in~en~ t9 lLft· tHe trus:.t.. cf:~ £~.£.~· ·v. aalifo.rll,ia :~ .co.,. s~t~a.\ 166. Ca~• 5.76.t .~~5-~ _.~7; ~l!llt:.Y.. ·££ '(Jr~n~e· 't.~ !!~~·!-:fCf C.cl ~- .~pp. 3d 6,9A, 719-20'r 72.fr~23Y'H~J?7J} ..

s •.. .<86h12.lMacR :Rect~at·ional. Easement '--~ ,, ',.,~~·

I:h a.dd'~ ~j_op1 t;<>' ~1.~~er1;irig, ,thqt ihl·anci -m~.:yig<1b1~ wat;~rs -~u:~ ,impre~se<l w~~h ·t!\~·:cq~9p-~;a\i. ·p~:tic· ·t;.~s.t, .~11:i,~ o'ff;ce i~. ~fili;~~g· ·~he po.~; tioni ·~ri: p·~?,hdfrig· 1~,t;ig~~i·on -thqt, i.frqst'?ect.;.ve -of:' t·.\. t~.'e:; ~h?,t:~ _t,~ a fe¢;;t"~~t~Ot1~\J. ·~·a$~m~.tl't ~!1~p:15\iflg1 '.ffieffil;eJ."S qf t}),e .1?~P~·i'i? .~q ·u~«~, such· ,wa.t~(rs J.\Y~'ng; -~.p.t~r..,.ar(~· ¢·f. !;:11¢ .o;·~r*n~cy· h'igh~ ,;.ra:\';¢f \11~~~· ;p·~ f::t~fii·ng· ·an~- :gth~r .J:e·cre~t1onql :pu~t>9~e~· u~1d~r t::he. 1B'ohri/Mack· ·r.u:re·. · · . ,. -; '

. ·Th:i,<s: j\14~9i.a:l~·y cre~t:~d .. dc;i~.~ri'x:i~, ·wh:ich, d.~. 4~~.t~nq.t .fl;oih ~.he ·C::<?n,tmgn~:law tn.lli!i+,,i:c' tt,·us,t,. 'fa·s, 9~t forth Hi .Bol1n v~ . N.tbe.tt.son; 10 7;. ca~:.. App~ ~a 7.3 8, "l~ 9'· (·19 :?~) ... t.ater·1 ·~tne ·rul.e' w~~ '·~Wr.l.Jif;i:¢¢L _ir· 1p·~~re· 1ex t:t:~1.;.. -Qa1Re'l:'. ·y. Mack; ·supr~,. ~·9 (~~-~~­App •. 3d 1.040', .l'OA:b,1t l:n• wfifqnT i,t wafi" :Ke:J:d tfiat t;ne· publ:+c ca11 :U.s'e ahy .st:n~a~1 mij)~bI!=! _.q ~ be':i.ng µ~eel for .pecre~tiof}~l pm,"pos¢s .• The «j~1µi;t. 'S.t~~cq· ·~hat,'~'• ! • ·mem.be.i:s 9£ .t:he pu};)rl.i:c hav:e 'th~ riqht •t;¢ ·1\avf.c1~t~· ~',h~!' '.CO ex¢t9is«~ 1tJ)e ~ncidents. o{ :navigat~on r.tn a i<.\\;{fu·+ m~!,)[!er .at· -~ j')&!_i~ ·!?.;el,~ hi@ .:t!.~ mat~ on. wat~~s ·6.f -.t!~i~.1 s·t~t,¢ •'!"h)JcJL' a·r~ 9~pan-~~ .o,l1>~.;imq ~rnv~:g,:itedT'by· oq:,: or ·1~6~9:r:-·!p\i::qpel·!·~<~ ... sm{litl c;:rf!fh:. ... Id •. {l.t :l.O'SO. (Emph4;:;is ~dded,). s:~¢ als6 'lli'tchin2t .v.. :0.e:l ·Rio! wooas Rec!;~a ti on .& ?ark .Dist .. , supra-· S5 · Ca'l~" App- .. Jd, 56~0~66;:.']L· ~ · • ":"' -~ " ,,·:~' . ". ·' ", , I -

. . i\!rt:l1c;hrnh-. :t:iack_ invo1:"v~c1 thip 'c\q·.i R~ve·r ,. its rationci,le is ,eq,1,1a1lJU .applicag1fe· t'" na;V~g4bl~. l;.a,1c~s.; t'he cour-t ci'.ted· w:irth ~ppro.vi;i+ ~\r!~f -.tcT'ied ripon d?scis 'f.r9m: otf:ei· )·t1r4:sd~.cfions -tei~ti0ng. to .:lakes. PeoiHe ·ex rel .• 'Ba·ke:i:' v·. Mack:, supra., 19 . . ca):. t\PP• 3d' •1040 'l'O~f6-..4:·1. ~ ~ -. -.. -. - ' ~~ " . ,, "

.. , ' '~i • ~ ~ ' •

6 ~-. · .. ~ut~~o.r~.~ ,() ~.: .. ~~e_. St<!.~:~: .~an?s .c.~n~lissi~h:,

m.~ 'bc1~ie~e· t:.lm t, :i.:x~ iiqh-t o~ \:;he 1 ec1al mi'tma ti~m <l~.'S"'' ·Ct~s.sed abOVf~,3 ·the St~te I,and~ Coromj.ssion .. , wn.ii;l1 has 11 exc.tusive ju:i:~~dd:ct;ion" ~ ., • of. :t!rn ·heqs 9·ft nayiqab.le .;-.\Jv~rs; st1:earns, {afldl +~k¢s, '•. ~ ~" {'.Pub •. 7~esources. Code § ()30i'), a,nd· i'S' .the

.tr4s tee ·Of ,the· corJ)mof1··~t'\W pu~l tc .trust in such la~ds ,. has, ·bl1e ~uthpf~~y_to ~ssc~t C~lifornia'~ ~overei~p dwoership df .sqq~ lands l~nCJw.;1r~1, ·~o· ~he ·ovl:triaJ?f high-.wa·te~ mark i-n ·pending, c:J:r: ·potent:;ia.J: .U tj,gat,~qn. ,~~1a~~t)c;1 .to t;.{Je '~\lbj~ct ·bounda·ty q_ues·~~on·.

,, '

Honorable: Wm• F •. NprthrOlJ ih1g~, .. 1.3,· '

·r~H:' ·~o~imllss·:L,on ,also ..t~ ~u,;h<?~~z.¢.~i, :~o ~~kl?. ·"'1ti~t;:.Qver :1~.<J~~ 11c~i?~~i., a,~. ·~at be• :~e<?e~u~·~. ~? 11 ~~~9t "~*'9~1' ·~.~¥' •.. ~ ·~. ,1:?~9_s ·Of J'!avl:c:r.~.bl~' ·~happ.~1~., ~ t:;~~~~ ,. r~ ve~s;; .... q~eqili.;~·( tain~l ):'~1'·~~·!', ~ ~~'. ·• u11de::- .~·t;s'.~;q7iI~~i:~;:-~·iO!\r .. atiy ,p~,~filq~, ~t·P~.'0.f· ·c91·pqr~t~:Lqn;, .~f~Sp~~,s~n9.'"Uf'Q~ ~ny sµ9l1 la~~,f:i. ~ t;.l:n;qugh c=+PJ?~opri~t.¢" ·~qt;-19.n. ·;it;· ~~~ ·'r9.~r~;S· p'f,. thi,:$ f?.~<A~E;/~, ~49· Relfa.ources· .code ·§, 6;30'.2?* .see" :also 'Pub· •. Resour:ces code· ~ 5, ,6:~'i~·(~).·;. }.~01:''· ··~?i'~r, «5~6.1-'; ~.1,6 2·; :.6s.o·f ~_t::s.elF; i76o i .~, , ,'19 ~ 2 ;, ·!:!, ~l\h •· ;~so~rc:e.s, .co~e. ~.S f:!E1 ,:4:" g2 !i, 'O'J'J. ' 't?t SP<l ,,. ,.., ,

•. ,. --- ....=:_;m.. ' i••' '


We: ·sha±e1 the ·s.t.ate· ·Land's, Com~H:sslon:1 s, concern t:hat ci:~ .~P.i?!f:~l~t~'. b~µi::~ ,~:~~er~\i11~:t~~ri :o:f .£h~" ·~f·£1~t'. ~9:·B~·_'«~,'#Y~.~ .,. ~i v!'l, ·GR~e ~~ct~9R 8~.Q: ;b,e: :obt~rv~:9-1 ·?.i~· ,th~· f?~~l,i~S.t: p<;>~s:~b~e ~~m~, ~9 ~-a~. ·.th~re .'m~:r,,, }?,¢ :s~ri~~~·1:1t¥ :a~., .tg ., .tt)~1 .~f?~1~~.qt1v~ .. l'i:~CJ~~f:I.~· 'ti~~(; ~ng; ~:~t:~fE1st~,.o.f ·t;.~1~~"'.$~~~e and::P:f:~'(,~t~· ~tI,J'l~nd o~'fl1.4:7~~: 'in ~nq: ·t9 'CaJ,:i·~9~n:i:?~1~: ·~a'.l~ab~e in!·e:v!'! ~n~.v;i..g~b,1~ (wa ~~~s .. ~,
