Are you ready for Localism Neighbourhood Planning and the Community Right to Build Alyson Linnegar...


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Are you ready for Localism

Neighbourhood Planningand the Community Right to Build

Alyson Linnegar

15 June 2012

Presentation Outline

• Planning Framework

• What is a neighbourhood plan

• How to prepare one

• Community Right to Build

• What are the advantages

• Next steps

National Planning Policy Framework


• Published in March 2012• Presumption in favour of sustainable

development• Planning decisions should be taken at local and

community level

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?• Local people can decide the future of their


• They can influence location of new development

• Influence type design and mix of new development

• Ask for more development

• Grant planning permission for development

Neighbourhood Plans

• Produced by Parish/Town Councils or Neighbourhood Forums

• Must accommodate National and Local Plan (LDF) policies

• Can’t block development

• Policies used to determine planning applications

Neighbourhood Plans -The ProcessNeighbourhood area is agreed with LA

Collection of evidence and consultation with local community

Draft plan prepared and submitted to LA

Independent check by examiner

Community referendum

LA adopts NP as part of the ‘Local Plan’

Community Right to Build

• Allows local people to propose a specific development and obtain permission for it

• Requires a constituted community group

• Must be in accordance with planning policy and have regard to listed buildings and conservation areas

• Community consultation

• Independent examination

• Local referendum

Next steps

• Talk to your Parish Council and Local Authority

• Gauge interest from the community

• Ascertain what help and support is available

• Form a neighbourhood forum or group (if required)

Advantages of a Neighbourhood Plan and Community Right to Build• Local people decide the future of their area

• A NP carries legal weight

• Planning applications and appeals are assessed against the policies

• Gives more certainty to development that is supported by the local community

• Speeds up development proposals

• Increase in community spirit and ownership

Contact details

Alyson Linnegar Planning Consultancy


Tel 01427 752536

Mobile 07707994909
