ARHITEKTURE LANACA SNABDEVANJA U E-OKRUŽENJU · e-SCM. U trećem delu opisane su ključne...


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Ekonomski horizonti, Januar - April 2012, Godište 14, Sveska 1, 37-50 © Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u KragujevcuUDC 33 ISSN 1450-863 X eISSN 2217-9232 www.

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* Korespondencija: D. Rejman Petrović, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Đ. Pucara 3, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija; e-mail:


Dragana Rejman Petrović,* Igor Milanović, Zoran Kalinić

Koncept upravljanja lancem snabdevanja (Supply Chain Management-SCM) zaokuplja ozbiljnu istraživačku pažnju tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina. Ovaj koncept podrazumeva prevazilaženje intraorganizacionih granica u cilju postizanja veće vrednosti celokupne mreže lanaca snabdevanja.

Razvoj informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologij a i Internet okruženje redefi nišu i utiču na koncept upravljanja tradicionalnim lancima snabdevanja, omogućavajući integracij u učesnika i upravljanje složenim interfejsima između organizacij a u mreži lanaca snabdevanja. E-poslovni model povezuje odvojene aktivnosti lanca snabdevanja u integrisani, koordiniran sistem koji je fl eksibilan, efi kasan i agilan.

U radu su analizirani ključni aspekti e-SCM-a i različite arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju kao polazne osnove za defi nisanje generičkog modela arhitekture e-SCM-a.

Ključne reči: arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja, upravljanje lancima snabdevanja, e-okruženje, e-SCM

JEL Classifi cation: L29, M10, M11, M15


Fokus savremenih organizacij a zasnovanih na konceptu upravljanja lancima snabdevanja, nastao je kao odgovor na stalne poslovne zahteve koji se odnose na unapređenje poslovnih procesa, fl eksibilnosti, agilnosti i kolaboracij e lanaca snabdevanja.

U potrazi za dodatnim izvorima smanjenja troškova i unapređenja procesa, organizacij e počinju da uvode alate modernog menadžmenta organizacij ama u svojim lancima dobavljača i kupaca. Tokom prošle decenij e, u poslovanju su sistematično primenjivane kompjuterizovane tehnike i metodi menadžmenta

na interne funkcij e, kao što su planiranje resursa organizacij e (Enterprise Resourse Planning - ERP), menadžment ukupnog kvaliteta (Total Quality Management - TQM) i reinženjering poslovnih procesa (Business Process Reengineering - BPR), kako bi se optimiziralo poslovanje organizacij a i aktivirala visoka agilnost, lean proizvodnja i distribuirala sposobnost funkcij a sa najvišim kvalitetom i uslugama.

Redukcij a troškova i optimizacij a procesa u lancima snabedevanja, koja je bila dominantna u prethodnom periodu unutar organizacij a, fokusira se na primeni istih paradigmi menadžmenta i tehnologij a, ali izvan internih lanaca snabdevanja. Cilj menadžmenta je da eliminiše sve forme “rasipanja” koje stvaraju pojedini entiteti u lancu snabdevanja, kao što su logistika, zalihe, nabavka, razvoj proizvoda, fi nansij e i dr.

Primena alata informaciono-komunikacionih tehnolo-gij a (Information Communication Technology - ICT), bazirana na Internet konceptu, omogućava organizacij ama da lanac snabdevanja posmatraju kao izvor konkurentske prednosti. Sa pojavom e-poslovanja ove taktičke prednosti su naglo povećane, tako da dodatnim strategij skim sposobnostima omogućavaju da ceo lanac snabdevanja stvara radikalno nove regione tržišne vrednosti, što praktično nij e bilo moguće ostvariti u prethodnom periodu. Tehnologij e e-poslovanja omogućavaju čak i malim organizacij ama da mrežno povežu lance snabdevanja i budu sposobne da implementiraju konkurentske poslovne modele koje su do tada imale samo velike organizacij e (Arsovski, et al., 2012).

Brojni autori SCM koncept posmatraju iz različitih perspektiva. U radovima Sachan i Da' a (2005), Cousins et al. (2006) i Storey et al. (2006) defi nišu se koncept, principi, priroda i razvoj upravljanja lancem snabdevanja i ukazuje se na postojanje intenzivnih istraživanja koja se sprovode širom sveta u ovoj oblasti. Takođe, kritički ocenjuju kretanja u teorij i i praksi upravljanja snabdevanjem.

SCM predstavlja “strategij sku i sistematičnu koordinacij u tradicionalnih poslovnih funkcij a u okviru određene organizacij e i izvan nje u okviru lanca snabdevanja, u cilju poboljšanja dugoročnih performansi individualnih organizacij a i lanca snabdevanja kao celine” (Mentzer, et al., 2001).

Gunasekaran i McGaughey (2003) proširuju opseg SCM izvan upravljanja materij alima, partnerstva, informacionih tehnologij a do oblasti menadžmenta ukupnim kvalitetom (Total Quality Management-TQM), ostvarivanja posvećenosti, organizacionih struktura, obuke i pitanja ponašanja zaposlenih.

Fawce' et al. (2008) ukazuju na neophodnost analizira-nja pritiska okruženja koji pokreće SCM i analiziranja barij era, kao i implementacij e odgovarajućih rešenja koja obezbeđuju performanse lanaca snabdevanja potrebne za održanje konkurentske prednosti.

Pojava Interneta i elektronske komunikacij e omogućila je organizacij ama da bolje reaguju na zahteve kupca. Tarn et al. (2002), Sanchez i Perez (2003) i Wieder et al.

(2006) ispituju funkcij e, trenutni razvoj i razloge za ICT integracij u, analizirajući probleme planiranja resursa organizacij a (ERP), elektronske razmene podataka (Electronic Data Interchage-EDI) i predstavljajući moguća rešenja SCM.

Iskustva organizacij a koje su koristile ERP sisteme pokazuju da se primenom tih sistema ostvaruju veće ukupne performanse, ali nema dokaza da postoji sličan efekat na performanse celokupnog lanca snabdevanja. Nasuprot tome, organizacij e koje su koristile elektronsku razmenu podataka imale su više koristi, a manje tehničkih i organizacionih poteškoća nego organizacij e koje nisu primenile EDI tehnologij u.

Radovi na ovu temu uglavnom ukazuju na uticaj Interneta na SCM. Lee (2002) ukazuje na to da postoje četiri vrste uticaja Interneta i to:

razmena informacij a, • razmena znanja, • e-trgovina i • nove strukture lanaca snabdevanja. •

Swaminathan i Tayur (2003) opisuju tri uticaja Interneta na lanac snabdevanja. Prvi se ogleda u lakšoj upotrebi sistema za planiranje resursa. Drugi ukazuje na razmenu informacij a. Treći razmatra mogućnost integracij e razmene informacij a i donošenja odluka kroz lanac snabdevanja.

Johnson i Whang (2002) ispituju kako Internet menja SCM i klasifi kuju radove u tri glavne kategorij e:

e-trgovinu, • e-nabavku i • e-saradnju.•

U proteklih nekoliko godina brojne studij e su naglasile važnost razmene informacij a u okviru lanaca snabdevanja (Lambert & Cooper, 2000; Lau & Lee, 2000; Barra' , 2004).

Cilj ovog rada je analiza ključnih aspekata e-SCM-a i različitih arhitektura lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju, ključnih komponenti i relacij a između različitih učesnika u lancima snabdevanja (interno i eksterno) i defi nisanje generičkog modela arhitekture e-SCM.

38 Ekonomski horizonti (2012) 14(1), 37-50

Ključna hipoteza postavljena u ovom radu je: S obzirom na veliki broj faktora koji utiču na arhitekturu lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju, defi nisanjem generičkog modela arhitekture e-SCM postiže se viši nivo integracij e, sinhronizacij e i optimizacij e resursa u lancima snabdevanja.

Rezultati analize su ukazali na ključne elemente u arhitekturi lanaca snabdevanja i omogućili dizajn generičkog modela e-SCM okruženja.

Metodološki pristup zasnovan je na opštoj teorij i lanaca snabdevanja, sistema menadžmenta kvalitetom, menadžmenta poslovnim procesima i zahtevima stejkholdera.

Rad je strukturiran tako da je u drugom delu opisan razvoj SCM koncepta sa posebnim osvrtom na analizu uloge informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologij a i e-SCM. U trećem delu opisane su ključne karakteristike tog koncepta, a u poslednjem, četvrtom delu, analizirane su ključne komponente arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju i predstavljen je generički model arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju.


Razvoj SCM-a odvij ao se u nekoliko faza. Prvu fazu defi niše era interne logistike kao značajne funkcij e u organizacij i. U drugoj fazi, logistika se premešta od organizacione decentralizacij e ka centralizacij i osnovnih funkcij a, vodeći se novim stavovima u vezi sa optimizacij om troškova i usluga kupaca. Treća faza svedoči o drastičnoj ekspanzij i logistike, obuhvatajući nove koncepte zanimanja za povezivanje internih operacij a sa analognim funkcij ama koje obavljaju poslovni partneri u lancu snabdevanja. Kako se koncept povezanosti u lancu snabdevanja proširivao, stari koncept logistike ustupa mesto četvrtoj fazi, integrisanom pristupu upravljanja lancima snabdevanja. Sa primenom Internet tehnologij a u koncept SCM-a nastupa peta faza, lanci snabdevanja u e-okruženju, e-SCM. Faze u razvoju e-SCM-a prikazane su na Slici 1.

E-SCM obezbeđuje lancima snabdevanja resurse za realizacij u strategij skih mogućnosti originalnog modela SCM-a. Krajem 1990-ih, organizacij e uviđaju da nisu samo izolovani entiteti koji defi nišu strategij e poslovanja samo za svoj opstanak, već su deo mnogo šireg ambij enta u kojem učestvuju različiti poslovni sistemi.

D. Rejman Petrović, I. Milanović, Z. Kalinić, Arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju 39

Slika 1 Faze u razvoju SCM-a

Izvor: Ross, 2003, 15

ERP sistemi i EDI tehnologij e nameću ozbiljne granice dometu komunikacij e informacij ama i podižu barij ere tako što ograničavaju participacij u organizacij a. S druge strane, integracij a Interneta i SCM-a pruža celokupnom lancu snabdevanja mogućnost da kreira vrednost za njihove kupce, kroz defi nisanje plana za postizanje agilnosti, stvaranje fl eksibilnih sistema i mreža visokih performansi sa Web dostupnim kupcima i dobavljačima i kritičnim tokovima informacij a. Dakle, primena Internet tehnologij e dala je novu dimenzij u konceptu SCM-a (Arsovski, et al., 2012).

E-SCM je proces koji se odvij a u tri faze. Prvu fazu karakteriše integracij a procesa i funkcij a unutar

same organizacij e. Drugu fazu karakteriše unakrsno integrisanje operativnih funkcij a partnera u lancu snabdevanja, kao što su transport, zalihe u lancima snabdevanja i predviđanje nabavke. Treća faza predstavlja najviši nivo ostvarivanja sinhronizacij e funkcij a u lancu snabdevanja iz cele nabavne mreže u jednu, virtuelnu organizacij u, sposobnu da optimizira kompetencij e i resurse sa bilo kog mesta, u bilo koje vreme u lancu snabdevanja, kako bi sagledala tržišne mogućnosti, korišćenjem mogućnoti Interneta (Rejman & Milanović, 2012).

Primenom alata e-poslovanja nastaju velike promene u SCM, i to u domenu dizajna proizvoda i procesa, e-tržišta i razmene, planiranja saradnje između organizacij a i upravljanja izvršenjem porudžbina kupaca (Ross, 2003, 11-13) (Slika 2).

U ovakvom okruženju prisutna je stalna migracij a od vertikalnih ka virtuelno integrisanim organizacij ama. Organizacij e su predstavljale poslovne sisteme koji se sastoje od usko defi nisanih funkcionalnih oblasti, orij entisanih na interne procese i nezainteresovanih za uspostavljanje saradnje između organizacij a. Međutim, organizacij e sa strategij om širenja i osvajanja novih tržišta shvatile su da je saradnja sa svim članovima lanca snabdevanja, uključujući i konkurentne kanale, dobar način da se odgovori na sve veće zahteve kupaca.

Umesto sistema fi zičke mreže kanala, kojom upravlja vreme i prostor, virtuelni lanac snabdevanja, podržan Internet tehnologij ama, obezbeđuje partnerima uvid u mogućnosti i eventualno nepredviđene događaje u realnom vremenu, iz svih delova sveta.

40 Ekonomski horizonti (2012) 14(1), 37-50

Životni cuklus proizvoda kontinuirano opada, a razvoj troškova raste, tako da organizacije moraju biti brze u iskorišćavanju Interneta, omogućavajući povezivanje kupaca, kako bi dizajnirali procese, unapredili saradnju, formirali međufunkcijske timove iz različitih organizacija i integrisali fi zička i intelektualna sredstva i kompetencije kako bi povećali brzinu izlaska na tržište. Internet tehnologija je omogućila povezivanje između partnera koji učestvuju u razmeni u realnom vremenu, pri nižim troškovima.



i procesa

Prodaja i nabavka su se tradicionalno bavile vlastitim kanalima koje su karakterisale veze koje su bile dugotrajne, pregovori koji su se završavali opširnim ugovorima, dug vremenski period od porudžbine do isporuke i fi ksne granice. Danas je Internet kompletno promenio takvo okruženje. Organizacije sada mogu da kupe i prodaju preko široko raznovrsnih tržišta, dostupnih uz pomoć Interneta, rangiranih od nezavisnih i privatnih razmena do aukcija.

E-tržište i


Organizacije su nerado delile kritične informacije koje su se ticale predviđanja, tražnje, zahteva nabavke i uvođenja novih proizvoda. Takve informacije su se smatrale privatnim vlasništvom i strikno su čuvane za interne funkcije. Danas, organizacije moraju biti sposobne da razmenjuju informacije u realnom vremenu, kroz virtuelni lanac snabdevanja. Izazov postaje način na koji je potrebno izvršiti prenos proizvoda i informacija preko poslovnih mreža da bi se postigla dvosmerna saradnja neophodna za zajedničko donošenje odluka.



Kupci mogu imati pristup informacijama o proizvodu i odmah izvršiti porudžbinu, ali stvarno izvršenje je još uvek kompleksan posao koji se dešava u fi zičkom svetu i podrazumeva manipulisanje materijalima i transportom. Rešavanje ovog problema zahteva visok nivo saradnje u lancima snabdevanja.





Slika 2 Oblasti promena u upravljanju lancima snabdevanja

Izvor: Ross, 2003, 11-13

Virtuelna organizacij a omogućava razvoj strategij a koje su okrenute lancu snabdevanja i redefi nišu fundamentalnu pretpostavku o tome ko su kupci i kako treba oblikovati unutrašnje i partnerske kompetencij e (Arsovski, et al., 2011).

Konvencionalni sistemi lanaca snabdevanja nisu u mogućnosti da u visokoj meri zadovolje potrebe današnjih kupaca i time otežavaju poslovnim partnerima u mreži da budu efi kasni. Najvećim delom oni se mogu opisati kao spori, skupi, nedovoljno tačni, nedosledni, nefl eksibilni i nedostupni. Nasuprot njima, lanci snabdevanja podržani Internetom su spremni da kupcu pruže uslugu koju konvencionalni lanci snabdevanja nisu bili u mogućnosti da pruže.

Konkurencij a brzo pokreće poslovno okruženje nepovratno menjajući lanac snabdevanja i upravljanje njegovim funkcij ama. Tradicionalni lanac snabdevanja (nabavka/proizvodnja/distribucij a) je povezan linearno. Savremeni pristup u upravljanju lancem snabdevanja podrazumeva da organizacij e moraju da poboljšaju komunikacij e i protok informacij a. Na taj način se tradicionalni lanac snabdevanja pretvara u adaptivnu i real-time mrežu snabdevanja. Ovo omogućava organizacij ama da ostvare upravljanje fl eksibilnom, brzo reagujućom mrežom lanca snabdevanja kao celinom.

Mreže lanaca snabdevanja predstavljaju veoma kompleksne, međuzavisne strukture, sa velikim brojem povezanih dobavljača, pružalaca usluga i kupaca koji su istovremeno članovi drugih lanaca snabdevanja. Individualni elementi mreže snabdevanja su u interakcij i na različitim nivoima:

nivou proizvoda, • nivou informacij a, • nivou relacij a,• nivou institucij a i • nivou fi nansij a (Gomm & Trump+ eller, 2004) • (Slika 3).

Iz tog razloga, dizajn efi kasne mreže lanaca snabdeva-nja podrazumeva analizu ključnih komponenti i zahteva stejkholdera sa interfejsima na horizontalnom i vertikalnom nivou, kako bi se ostvarile efi kasne interakcij e između učesnika u lancu snabdevanja i

unapredile performanse procesa, funkcij a, organizacij a i celokupnog lanca snabdevanja.

Iz tog razloga, dizajn efi kasne mreže lanaca snabdevanje podrazumeva analizu ključnih komponenti i zahteva stejkholdera sa interfejsima na horizontalnom i vertikalnom nivou kako bi se ostvarile efi kasne interakcij e između učesnika u lancu snabdevanja i unapredile performanse procesa, funkcij a, organizacij a i celokupnog lanca snabdevanja.

D. Rejman Petrović, I. Milanović, Z. Kalinić, Arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju 41

Slika 3 Interakcij a različitih nivoa mreža u lancu snabdevanja

Izvor: Gomm & Trump+ eller, 2004


Pojavom Internet tehnologij a, koncept upravljanja lancem snabdevanja prelazi u potpuno novu dimenzij u. Osnovni problem koji je bio prepreka potpunom aktiviranju SCM modela bio je mehanizam koji bi omogućio povezanost između poslovnih sistema. Internet prevazilazi ovaj jaz.

Zapravo, u celokupnom lancu snabdevanja postoji mogućnost pristupa i prikaza baza podataka, prognoza, zaliha, planiranja kapaciteta, informacij a o proizvodu,

fi nansij skih podataka i ostalih aspekata potrebnih organizacij ama za efi kasno donošenje odluka.

Da bi se obezbedilo funkcionisanje, potpuna korist i prednost koju obezbeđuje primena e-SCM-a, neophodno je defi nisati:

e-informacij u, • e-saradnju i • e-sinhronizacij u. •

E-informacij a

E-SCM omogućava potpuno novi uvid u funkcionisanje informacij a u lancu snabdevanja. Suštinska konkurentska prednost danas je brzina, a to je osnovni atribut informacij a sa Interneta. Organizacij e stiču kapital koristeći e-informacij e na bazi kreiranog sistema koji omogućava istovremenu upotrebu podataka o lancu snabdevanja u realnom vremenu. Na ovaj način moguće je upravljati lancem snabdevanja u svakoj situacij i i efi kasno odgovoriti na planirane, ali i na neočekivane situacij e. E-informacij e omogućavaju veću transparentnost i veći stepen kontrole kroz čitav lanac snabdevanja. Cilj je da se osnaže organizacij e efi kasnij im modelima upravljanja procesima u lancima snabdevanja, kao i da se menadžerima obezbedi uvid u ključne događaje, kako bi se na vreme sprovele eventualne korektivne mere. Informacij e o nepredviđenim događajima omogućavaju menadžmentu efi kasnu analizu, planiranje i predviđanje u lancu snabdevanja.

E-informacij e obezbeđuju dublju i širu povezanost između organizacij a u mreži lanaca snabdevanja, pri čemu se olakšava saradnja na svim nivoima, počevši od dizajna proizvoda do pružanja usluga kupcima (Johnson & Whang, 2002).


E-SCM omogućava organizacij ama da ostvare uspešne veze sa partnerima u lancu snabdevanja i stvore strukturu kanala bez “pukotina”. Što su informacij e između umreženih poslovnih partnera bolje sinhronizovane, ceo lanac snabdevanja je u mogućnosti da radi kao da je u pitanju jedna organizacij a. Pri tome se formira mreža lanaca snabdevanja sa tradicionalnim

entitetima, kao što su dobavljači, proizvođači, distributeri i trgovci na malo, kao i sa novom vrstom posrednika, kao što su virtuelni/ugovorni proizvođači, davaoci usluga i on-line trgovinska razmena. Takođe, omogućena je realizacij a potpuno novih metoda prodaje i novih kanala prodaje. Uspešnost poslovanja podrazumeva da organizacij e moraju da poštuju nove postulate u saradnji u okviru lanaca snabdevanja. To podrazumeva uspostavljanje mreže partnera u lancu snabdevanja koji su podržani Web-om (Johnson & Whang, 2002).

E-sinhronizacij a

Da bi prihvatile izazove poslovanja na tržištu, organizacij e moraju da usvoje nove metode povezivanja pravovremenih e-informacij a. Radi se o prenosu e-informacij a na najbrži mogući način kroz lanac snabdevanja i međusobnom povezivanju svih delova mreže da bi se formirao nesmetani lanac snabdevanja tj. e-sinhronizcij a lanca snabdevanja. Cilj sinhronizacij e je postizanje direktne veze između tražnje i nabavke na svim delovima mreže lanaca snabdevanja pomoću ICT resursa (Johnson & Whang, 2002).


Upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u e-okruženju zahteva od organizacij a u lancu snabdevanja da analiziraju koncepte, metode, tehnike i procese poslovanja, interne i eksterne interfejse, zahteve stejkholdera, nivo primenjene informaciono-komunikacione tehnologij e i da defi nišu optimalne modele integrisane arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja.

Arhitekturu lanaca snabdevanja čine:

arhitektura unutrašnjeg poslovanja, • arhitektura poslovanja između organizacij a i • arhitektura tehnologij e između organizacij a (Ross, • 2003, 313-332).

Arhitektura unutrašnjeg poslovanja organizacij e

Organizacij e i lanci snabdevanja nisu monolitne strukture i u stalnoj su potrazi za ostvarivanjem

42 Ekonomski horizonti (2012) 14(1), 37-50

komparativne prednosti. Rastu i razvij aju se interno, a istovremeno u sve većoj meri postaju zavisni od drugih sistema. Odgovor poslovanja na principe internog razvoja i povećane međuzavisnosti je neprestana razgradnja i ponovna izgradnja arhitekture organizacij e.

Termin arhitektura organizacij e ima široko značenje. Sastoji se od komponenata organizacij e koje su odgovorne za performanse procesa, uključujući kupovinu, proizvodnju i prodaju. Takođe se odnosi na korporativnu kulturu koja se razvila vremenom i pokreće sadašnje i buduće stavove, očekivanja i ocenu mišljenja o tome šta je misij a organizacij e. Sastoji se od ICT resursa koji sakupljaju, analiziraju i koriste skladišta informacij a organizacij e, kao i od osnovnih kompetencij a zaposlenih u organizacij ama.

Bez efektivne arhitekture, evolucij a organizacij a bi se prekinula i značajno smanjila sposobnost organizacij e da se adaptira na promene poslovnih paradigmi i ICT resursa.

Pre pojave e-SCM priroda informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologij a je ozbiljno ograničavala sposobnost organizacij a da izađu izvan sopstvenih granica. Tehnologij e kao što su telefon, fax i EDI omogućile su da se informacij e razmenjuju između poslovnih partnera. Međutim, povezivanje poslovanja, podataka i transfer znanja bili su ograničeni u prostoru i vremenu. Pored toga, baze podataka su smatrane svojinom organizacij e. Organizaciona arhitektura izgrađena na ovakvom informacionom modelu bila je značajno limitirana i veoma institucionalizovana. Struktura organizacij e je bila označena kao posebna konfi guracij a centara odgovornosti koji su imali svoje ciljeve i koji su morali biti usaglašeni sa strategij om organizacij e. Uloga menadžmenta je bila da rešava konfl ikte između centara odgovornosti i da ih ohrabruje i vodi ka podudarnim ciljevima.

Početkom kasnih 80-ih godina XX veka pojavila su se dva nova koncepta: proizvodnja tačno na vreme (Just in Time - JIT) i BPR. Prvi je bio fokusiran na to da se svaki pojedinac u organizacij i posveti kontinuiranom unapređenju svih poslovnih procesa. BPR koncept je bio radikalnij i i usmeren na fundamentalnu promenu mišljenja i radikalni redizajn poslovnih procesa da bi se postigla drastična poboljšanja. Umesto kontinuiranog

unapređenja, BPR koncept je podrazumevao totalno redefi nisanje svih poslovnih procesa i njihovu ponovnu izgradnju. Iako je primena ova dva koncepta omogućavala postizanje konkurentske prednosti, njihovi efekti se nisu mogli osetiti kroz ceo lanac snabdevanja. Umesto da budu revolucionarne poslovne fi lozofi je, zapravo su bile logička kulminacij a starih organizacionih modela, koji su okvire organizacij e smatrali granicom preko koje organizacione promene nisu mogle preći.

Prelaz sa BPR i JIT/TQM na e-SCM zahteva promene elemenata arhitekture poslovanja, i to:

upravljanje organizacionim procesima, • fokusiranje na potrošača,• reinženjering uloge zaposlenih, • upravljanje zaposlenima i • razvoj virtuelne organizacij e (Ross, 2003, 316-321) • (Slika 4).

E-SCM zahteva da organizacij e stvaraju organizaciono okruženje u kojem su procesi, podaci i informacij e u lancu snabdevanja međusobno povezani putem komunikacionih kanala i integrisanih baza podataka. Danas, SCM u e-okruženju je prepoznatljiv kao strateška fi lozofi ja poslovanja i koncept koji utiče na sve aspekte mreže lanaca snabdevanja preko inženjeringa procesa kanala, kontinuiranog unapređenja i sveukupne integracij e poslovnih partnera u razmeni.

Arhitektura poslovanja između organizacij a

Organizacij e moraju da sarađuju kroz prethodno defi nisanu zajedničku misij u kako bi ostvarile najviši nivo usluge kupcu. Razvoj novih tehnologij a, metoda, tehnika i standarda utiče na defi nisanje efektivne arhitekture između organizacij a i unapređenje znanja menadžmenta i zaposlenih u organizacij i. Uloga Interneta je i da obezbedi organizacij ama integracij u baza podataka. Ovakva vizij a organizacij a zahteva da svi članovi lanca snabdevanja budu blisko integrisani i da njihove baze podataka i informacioni tokovi budu sinhronizovani kako bi se eliminisale smetnje u razmeni informacij a. Izgradnja ovakvih struktura između organizacij a sposobnih za sinhronizacij u informacionih tokova zahteva od partnera u lancu

D. Rejman Petrović, I. Milanović, Z. Kalinić, Arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju 43

snabdevanja da razvij u i konstantno održavaju efektivne e-SCM strategij e. Ovo podrazumeva kreiranje:

zajedničke vizij e između organizacij a, • modeliranje poslovanja između organizacij a i • modeliranje procesa između organizacij a (Ross, • 2003, 321-325) (Slika 5).

Arhitektura tehnologij e između organizacij a

Strateške i operativne mogućnosti poslovanja u direktnoj su vezi sa mogućnostima informaciono-komunikacione tehnologij e. Naime, sposobnost organizacij e da efektivno upravlja odnosima sa kupcima i dobavljačima i funkcij om proizvodnje, logistikom i fi nansij ama je direktno proporcionalna brzini kojom organizacij a može kreirati, skladištiti, pristupiti ili preneti informacij e i podatke.

44 Ekonomski horizonti (2012) 14(1), 37-50

Slika 4 Arhitektura unutrašnjeg poslovanja organizacij e

Izvor: Ross, 2003, 316-321

Fokusiranje na potrošača (FP)

Za razliku od statičkih organizacija iz ere masovne

proizvodnje, sadašnje dinamično i stalno promenljivo

poslovanje zahteva od organizacije da razvije kulturu

koja može da podrži SCM/Internet tehnologije u stal-

nom naporu da dopre do kupca. Danas se e-SCM u

sve većoj meri koristi kao centralna operativna struk-

tura poslovanja koja zamenjuje stare organizacione

modele. Treba je shvatiti kao fl eksibilnu strukturu

koja se stalno menja kako bi odgovorila na potrebe

partnera u razmeni i potrebe krajnjih kupaca.

Upravljanje zaposlenima (UZ)

E-SCM zahteva od organizacije da se više oslanja na

znanje i veštine zaposlenih i na kreiranje kompara-

tivnih i podsticajnih programa koji će ispuniti zahteve

zaposlenih. Najveći izazov u okviru e-SCM-a će biti

kontinuirani razvoj koji će omogućiti zaposlenima i

organizaciji da budu fl eksibilni u stalno promenljivom

radnom okruženju, gde će se timovi stalno formirati

i razilaziti, zavisno od procesnih zadataka koji će se

postavljati pred njih. U ovakvom okruženju, orga-

nizacije moraju da promene svoj pogled na zapos-

lene i da ih ne smatraju samo izvršiocima zadataka,

već resursom koji stalno povećava specijalizovane

veštine i znanja.

Upravljanje organizacionim procesima (UOP)

U tradicionalnim organizacijama centri odgovornosti su obavljali zadatke koji su im dodeljivani, a zatim su posao prosleđivali

narednom članu u procesu. Suprotno, organizacije koje su bazirane na SCM/Internetu organizovane su oko procesa koji

proističu i vertikalno i horizontalno među funkcijama organizacije. Ove procesno centralizovane organizacije će u sve većoj

meri postati strukture sa visokom fl uktuacijom timova, koji su organizovani da reše pojedinačni projekat, nakon čega se

raspuštaju kako bi se formirali novi timovi za nove projekte. S obzirom na to da tok posla više nije podeljen na odeljenja,

tradicionalne organizacije gube smisao i ustupaju mesto „virtuelnim“ organizacijama povezanim ekstranetom i Interne-


Reinženjering uloge zaposlenih (RUZ)

SCM i Internet tehnologija zahtevaju od zaposlenih i

menadžmenta da poseduju različite veštine i sposobnosti

kako bi mogli brzo obavljati raznolike procesne zadatke.

Razvoj virtuelne organizacije (RVO)

Izazovi konkurencije u XXI veku u sve većoj meri zahtevaju

od organizacija da koriste znanja, kompetencije i resurse

koji se nalaze u mreži lanaca snabdevanja. Virtuelne or-

ganizacije podrazumevaju formiranje procesnih timova

između partnera u razmeni i na taj način se maksimizira

korišćenje resursa i postizanje sinergije. Zadatak stvaranja

i efektivnog upravljanja ovakvim e-SCM oblicima orga-

nizacije je danas, možda, najveći izazov za menadžment.

Informacija se više ne smatra privatnom svojinom, već

se deli između strateških partnera u okviru virtuelne or-

ganizacije kako bi se ostvarila zajednička prednost. Za-

datak menadžmenta u ovim interorganizacionim mod-

elima će biti da balansira integraciju procesnih timova

kako bi se defi nisale informacione strukture koje će se

razmenjivati bez ugrožavanja integriteta organizacija, uz

omogućavanje inovacija i stvaranja dodatne vrednosti bez

stvaranja nepoželjnih zavisnosti između poslovnih part-

nera u razmeni.

Poslednjih nekoliko decenij a, informaciono-komunikacione tehnologij e se intenzivno uvode u poslovanje organizacij a. Sredinom 90-ih godina XX veka sa dolaskom novih koncepata i tehnologij a, kao što su e-SCM, organizacij e su prinuđene da primene ICT model koji prevazilazi granice organizacij e. Stvaranje neophodne arhitekture između organizacij a zahteva nove setove ICT alata i značajne promene infrastrukture.

Dve su kritične dimenzij e koje utiču na razvoj arhitekture tehnologij e između organizacij a, a to su:

integracij a i • umrežavanje (Ross, 2003, 325-330) (Slika 6).•

Pojava novih informaciono-komunikacionih tehnolo-gij a i informacionih sistema u poslednjih nekoliko godina menja odnos između integracij e i fl eksibilnosti inter-organizacionih informacionih sistema.

Osnovu za unapređenje e-lanaca snabdevanja predstavljaju Web servisi koji obuhvataju skup međusobno povezanih tehnologij a za povezivanje informacionih sistema, bez obzira na programski

D. Rejman Petrović, I. Milanović, Z. Kalinić, Arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju 45

Slika 5 Arhitektura poslovanja između organizacij a

Izvor: Ross, 2003, 321-325

Modeliranje procesa između organizacija (MPO2)

Kada se jednom formuliše vizija i poslovni model između organizacija, sledeći korak je detaljno opisivanje spoljašnjih e-SCM procesa. Razvijanje mape procesa zahteva od strate-ga da tačno znaju koje će poslovne funkcije biti procesuirane između organizacije, kakva tehnološka arhitektura mora po-stojati i kako će se dizajnirati organizaciona infrastruktura.

Slika 6 Arhitektura tehnologij e između organizacij a

Izvor: Ross, 2003, 325-330

Modeliranje poslovanja između organizacija (MPO1)

Kada se defi nišu zajedničke vizije i strategije, organizacije mogu da počnu da se bave udelom organizacije u e-SCM poslovnom modelu. Cilj ovog poslovnog modela je da se daju detalji arhitekture organizacija u vezi sa ciljnim tržišnog seg-mentom, proizvodima i uslugmaa, fi nansijskim elementima i distribucijom proizvoda. Kritični element poslovnog modela je informaciona arhitektura.

Kreiranje zajedničke vizije između organizacija (ZVO)

Zajednička vizija, koja proizilazi iz potreba organizacije, omogućava zajednički pravac, fokus i ličnu i timsku motivaciju. Međutim, stratezi moraju biti oprezni i pažljivi kako bi uključili viziju o tome kako se interne funkcije organizacije uklapaju u mnogo širu viziju lanca snabdevanja.

Umrežavanje (U)

Podrazumeva aktiviranje veza koje su nastale integracijom kroz mogućnosti i ohrabrivanje ljudi da izađu izvan svojih odeljenja i granica organizacije i razmene uobičajena i posebna znanja, kako bi odgovorili širokom opsegu postojećih poslovnih pro-cesa. U prošlosti, kompjuterska arhitektura dozvoljavala je hijerarhijsku, serijsku komunikaciju između informacionih čvorova. Nasuprot tome, danas, serverski orijentisana arhitektura dozvoljava povezivanje različitih kompjutera i njihovih baza podataka

u zajedničku mrežu.

Integracija (I)

Podrazumeva spajanje kako bi se stvorila celina veća od pripadajućih delova. Organizaciono, integracija znači jačanje infor-macionih alata koji spajaju operativne funkcije, kako na nivou organizacije, tako i na nivou mreže lanaca snabdevanja, kroz koordinaciju poslovnih procesa.

jezik koji se koristi za kreiranje ovih komponenti ili platformu na kojoj rade (Fensel & Bussler, 2002; Hagel, 2002).

Oni omogućavaju organizacij ama da se na lakši način integrišu sa dobavljačima koji mogu imati drugačij e unutrašnje sisteme (Vidgen, et al., 2004; Wu, 2004). Dok Web servisi nude mnoge prednosti u ovom domenu, njihova upotreba sa drugim tehnologij ama i sistemima pruža velike mogućnosti za poboljšanje agilnosti sistema.

Postoje i druge tehnologij e koje doprinose poboljšanju agilnosti sistema, i to:

centri elektronske trgovine (electronic trading • hubs), kako bi se olakšala razmena informacij a i trgovina između partnera (Kaplan & Sawhney, 2000), sistemi upravljanja poslovnim procesima, kako bi • se uskladili inter-organizacioni procesi (Leymann, et al., 2002) i automatsko prikupljanje podataka, kako bi • se uskladila fi zička lokacij a i praćenje robe sa tokovima informacij a (Fisher, 1997) i dr.


Za defi nisanje generičkog modela e-SCM analizirane su različite arhitekture, elementi i aspekti funkcionisanja arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju, i to:

a) Arhitektura unutrašnjeg poslovanja organizacij e:

upravljanje organizacionim procesima, • fokusiranje na potrošača,• reinženjering uloge zaposlenih, • upravljanje zaposlenima i • razvoj virtuelne organizacij e.•

b) Arhitektura poslovanja između organizacij a:

zajedničke vizij e između organizacij a, • modeliranje poslovanja između organizacij a i • modeliranje procesa između organizacij a.•

c) Arhitektura tehnologij e između organizacij a:

integracij a i • umrežavanje.•

Integracij om arhitektura unutrašnjeg poslovanja, arhitektura poslovanja između organizacij a i arhitektura tehnologij a svake organizacij e u mreži lanaca snabdevanja postižu se uštede u troškovima transakcij a između organizacij a, omogućava dostupnost informacij a u realnom vremenu, povećava fl eksibilnost mreže i stvara osnova za efi kasno upravljanje složenim interfejsima između različitih učesnika u isprepletanim lancima snabdevanja.

Predloženi generički model arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja bazira se na e-poslovnom modelu, koji podrazumeva razvoj informacionog sistema kroz primenu životnog ciklusa razvoja informacionog sistema koji obuhvata planiranje, analizu, dizajn, implementacij u i podršku informacionog sistema (Arsovski, 2008).

Pri tome, informacioni sistem omogućava efi kasnu transformacij u podataka o dokumentima, resursima, procesima i stejkholderima u odgovarajući integrisan logički model podataka, koji se primenom odgovarajućih sistema za upravljanje bazama podataka (Date Base Managament Systems-DBMS) transformiše u povezane baze podataka članica lanaca snabdevanja (Rejman, 2010).

Na Slici 7 prikazan je generički model arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju u koji su uključeni ključni elementi arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja i njihove međusobne interakcij e. Glavni interfejsi koji se razmenjuju između e-organizacij e i e-nabavke (dobavljača) su: procedure, planovi nabavke, ugovori sa dobavljačima, verifi kacij a nulte serij e, atest, zapis o auditu procesa, narudžbine e-organizacij e, fakture dobavljača, otpremnice, reklamacij e i dr. Glavni interfejsi koji se razmenjuju između e-organizacij e i e-trgovine (kupaca) su: procedure, planovi nabavke, ugovori sa kupcima, narudžbine kupaca, fakture e-organizacij e, nalozi prodaje, nalozi transporta, reklamacij e, kvalitet u garantnom i vangarantnom roku i dr.

46 Ekonomski horizonti (2012) 14(1), 37-50

Upravljanje organizacionim procesima

Fokusiranje na potrošača

Reinženjering uloge zaposlenih

Upravljanje zaposlenima

Razvoj virtuelne organizacije

Kreiranje zajedničke vizije između organizacija

Modeliranje poslovanja između organizacija

Modeliranje procesa između organizacija








E-nabavka E-trgovina





































Integracija iumrežavanje

unutrašnjeg poslovanja

u okviru arhitekture tehnologij e. Suština ovako integrisanog modela lanaca snabdevanja bazira se na uvećanju vrednosti za krajnjeg korisnika, koji ne podrazumeva samo fi nalne potrošače, već i sve ostale posredne članove u lancu snabdevanja koji proizvod/uslugu koriste kao input za dalju proizvodnju.


Dosadašnje analize e-SCM koncepta ukazale su na to da se ubrzava ekspanzij a e-poslovanja, usavršava SCM koncept i da informacij e iz informacionog lanca snabdevanja postaju mnogo značajnij e, jer omogućavaju defi nisanje buduće proizvodnje, usluge, tržišta i konkurentsku prednost.

E-SCM obezbeđuje efi kasnu organizacij u i kontrolu podataka, optimalnu distribucij u informacij a za sve članice u lancu snabdevanja i sve nivoe upravljanja unutar organizacij a. E-SCM omogućava organizacij ama da ključne aspekte svog poslovanja, od razvoja proizvoda/usluga do realizacij e porudžbine kupaca, povežu sa svim poslovnim partnerima u lancu snabdevanja.

Arhitektura e-SCM omogućava integracij u i e-sinhronizacij u lanaca snabdevanja u uslovima pro-mena u okruženju, planovima prodaje, narudžbinama kupaca, reklamacij a i dr. Na ovaj način se ostvaruje optimizacij a svih resursa članica (ljudskih, materij alnih i fi nansij skih) u lancima snabdevanja.

Ne postoji istovetni lanac snabdevanja, čak i kada je u pitanju jedan proizvod/usluga, a posebno kada je u pitanju protok različitih dobara. To ukazuje na postojanje brojnih faktora koji utiču na kreiranje konkretnog lanca snabdevanja, kao i na to da su ti faktori veoma različiti (organizacij a poslovanja, primenjeni standardi kvaliteta, primenjene metode i tehnike u poslovanju, nivo primenjene ICT, struktura i način razmene različitih interfejsa između učesnika i dr.). Razvij eni generički model arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju, koji obuhvata e-organizacij e, e-nabavku, e-trgovinu i e-saradnju, može poslužiti kao dobra osnova za razvoj specifi čnih modela za učesnike na različitim nivoima u mreži lanaca snabdevanja i za

ražličite proizvodne i uslužne organizacij e, posebno uzimajući u obzir interakcij e između upravljanja organizacionim procesima, reinženjeringa uloge radne snage, razvoja virtuelne organizacij e, zajedničke vizij e između organizacij a, modeliranja poslovanja između organizacij a i modeliranja procesa između organizacij a.


Istraživanje predstavljeno u ovom radu podržano je od strane Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, Projekat broj III-44010.


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Primljeno 04. aprila 2012,

nakon revizije,

prihvaćeno za publikovanje 27. aprila 2012.

D. Rejman Petrović, I. Milanović, Z. Kalinić, Arhitekture lanaca snabdevanja u e-okruženju 49

Dragana Rejman Petrović magistrirala je na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. Asistent je Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu na predmetima Informacione tehnologij e, Informacioni sistemi i Operativni menadžment. Oblasti njenog istraživačkog interesovanja su relevantne teme iz informacionih sistema, upravljanja lancima snabdevanja, upravljanja procesima i operativnog menadžmenta.

Igor Milanović je diplomirao na Mašinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. Asistent je Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu na predmetima Informacioni sistemi, Informacione tehnologij e i Internet tehnologij e. Oblasti njegovog istraživačkog interesovanja su relevantne teme iz informacionih sistema i Internet tehnologij a.

Zoran Kalinić je doktorirao na Fakultetu inženjerskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. Asistent je Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu na predmetima Informacione tehnologij e, Informacioni sistemi i Elektronsko poslovanje. Oblasti njegovog istraživačkog interesovanja su relevantne teme iz informacionih sistema, mobilnih komunikacij a i elektronskog poslovanja.

50 Ekonomski horizonti (2012) 14(1), 37-50

Economic horizons, January - April 2012, Volume 14, Number 1, 39-52 © Faculty of Economics University of Kragujevac

UDC 33 eISSN 2217-9232 www.

Review paper

UDC: 005.51:005.552.1 ; 004.738.5:339]::005


Dragana Rejman Petrovic,* Igor Milanovic, Zoran Kalinic

The concept of supply chain management (SCM) has occupied serious research a! ention in recent years. This concept goes beyond intra-organizational boundaries to achieve a greater value of the entire supply chain network.

The development of ICT, together with the Internet environment, has an impact on the management concept of traditional supply chains, allowing the integration of participants and the management of complex interfaces between organizations in the supply chain network. The e-business model connects the separate activities of the supply chain in an integrated, coordinated, fl exible, effi cient and responsive system.

This paper analyzes the key aspects of e-SCM and diff erent supply chains architectures in an e-environment as the starting point for defi ning the generic architecture model of e-SCM.

Keywords: supply chain architectures, supply chain management, e-environment, e-SCM

JEL Classifi cation: L29, M10, M11, M15


The focus of contemporary organizations, based on the concept of supply chain management, was created as a response to ongoing business requirements related to the business process improvement, fl exibility, agility and supply chain collaboration.

Looking for additional sources for cost reduction and process improvement, organizations are beginning to introduce modern management tools in their chains of suppliers and customers. During the last decade, computational techniques and methods of management for internal functions in business

have systematically been applied, such as Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP, Total Quality Management – TQM and Business Process Reengineering – BPR, to optimize operations of organizations and activate high agility, lean manufacturing and distributed functions with the highest quality and service.

Cost reduction and process optimization in supply chains, which used to be predominant inside organizations in the past, focus on applying the same paradigms of management and technology, but outside internal supply chains. The goal of management is to eliminate all forms of dissipation created by some entities in the supply chain, such as logistics, inventory, purchase, product development, fi nance and others.

The application of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools based on the concept of the

* Correspondence to: D. Rejman Petrovic, Faculty of Economics University of Kragujevac, Dj. Pucara 3, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia; e-mail:

Internet enables organizations to observe the supply chain as a source of competitive advantage. With the emergence of e-business, these tactical advantages rapidly increase, so additional strategic capabilities enabling the entire supply chain create the radically new regions of the market value, which was practically impossible in the past. E-business technologies enable even small organizations to connect their supply chains with each other and be able to implement competitive business models that, previously, only large organizations had (Arsovski et al., 2012).

Numerous authors observe the SCM concept from diff erent perspectives. Sachan and Da! a (2005), Cousins et al. (2006) and Storey et al. (2006) defi ne the concept, principles, nature and development of supply chain management and indicate the existence of intensive research conducted in this fi eld worldwide. Also, they critically evaluate trends in the theory and practice of supply management.

SCM represents the strategic and systematic coordination of traditional business functions inside and outside an organization and in the supply chain, in order to improve long-term performances of individual organizations and the supply chain as a whole (Mentzer et al., 2001).

Gunasekaran and McGaughey (2003) extend the scope of SCM outside material management, partnerships, and information technologies to the TQM fi eld, the achievement of the commitment, organizational structures, and training and behavior issues of employees.

Fawce! et al. (2008) indicate the necessity of analyzing an environmental pressure driving SCM and a barrier analysis as well as the implementation of appropriate solutions providing the supply chain performances necessary for the maintenance of competitive advantage.

The emergence of the Internet and electronic communications has enabled organizations to be! er respond to customer requirements. Tarn et al. (2002), Sanchez and Perez (2003) and Wieder et al. (2006) examine the functions, current development and reasons for the ICT integration, analyzing the

problems of ERP, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and presenting possible solutions to SCM.

The experiences of organizations that have used ERP systems indicate that the application of these systems achieves a higher overall performance, but there is no evidence of a similar eff ect on the performance of the entire supply chain. On the other hand, organizations using EDI have generated more benefi ts and fewer technical and organizational diffi culties than those that have not implemented the EDI technology.

Papers on this topic generally indicate the impact of the Internet on the SCM. Lee (2002) indicates that there are four types of Internet impacts:

information exchange,•

knowledge exchange,•

e-commerce, and•

a new structure of supply chains.•

Swaminathan and Tayur (2003) describe three ways of how the Internet infl uences supply chain. The fi rst is refl ected in the system using resource planning more easily. The second points to information exchange. The third considers the possibility of the information exchange integration and decision-making through the supply chain.

Johnson and Whang (2002) examine how the Internet is changing SCM and they classify papers into three main categories:


e-purchasing, and•


In recent years, numerous studies have emphasized the importance of information exchange within supply chains (Lambert & Cooper, 2000; Lau & Lee, 2000; Barra! , 2004).

The goal of this paper is to perform an analysis of the key aspects of e-SCM and diff erent architectures of supply chains in an e-environment, the key components and relationships between diff erent actors in the supply chain (internal and external), and the defi nition of the generic architecture model of e-SCM.

40 Economic horizons (2012) 14(1), 39-52

The key hypothesis set in this paper is the following: Considering a large number of factors aff ecting the architecture of supply chains in the e-environment, the defi nition of the generic architecture model of e-SCM reaches a higher level of integration, synchronization and resource optimization in supply chains.

The results of the analysis indicate the key elements in the supply chains architecture and enable us to design the generic model of the e-SCM environment.

The methodological approach is based on the general theory of the supply chain, the quality management system, the management of business processes and stakeholders’ requirements.

The paper is structured in such a manner that the second part describes the development of SCM concepts with a special emphasis on the analysis of the role of ICT and e-SCM. The third section describes the key features of the concept, and in the last fourth, part, an analysis of the key components of supply chains architecture in an e-environment is presented as well as the generic model of supply chains architecture in an e-environment.


The development of SCM has gone through several stages. The fi rst stage defi nes the era of internal logistics as important functions in an organization. In the second stage, the logistics are transferred from the decentralization to the centralization of basic functions, leading to new a! itudes in optimizing costs and customer service. The third stage testifi es the drastic expansion of logistics, including new concepts of interest in connection with the internal operations of the analogue functions performed by business partners in the supply chain. As the concept of integration in the supply chain expands, the old concept of logistics is being replaced in the fourth stage, an integrated approach to supply chain management. With the implementation of the Internet technologies in the concept of SCM, the fi ' h stage appears, supply chains in an e-environment, e-SCM. The stages of the development of e-SCM are shown in Figure 1.

E-SCM provides supply chains with resources for the implementation of the strategic options of the SCM original model. In the late 1990s, organizations recognized that they were not only isolated entities defi ning the business strategy for their existence, but also a part of a much broader environment in which various business systems exist.

D. Rejman Petrovic, I. Milanovic, Z. Kalinic, Supply chain architectures in an e-environment 41

ERP systems and the EDI technology impose serious limits to communications and the information range and erect barriers by restraining the participation of organizations. On the other hand, the integration of the Internet and SCM provides the entire supply chain with a possibility of creating a value for their customers, by defi ning a plan for achieving agility, creating a fl exible system and high-performance networks with a Web accessible to customers and suppliers and a critical fl ow of information. Therefore, the application of the Internet technology gives a new dimension to the concept of SCM (Arsovski, et al., 2012).

Figure 1 SCM development stages

Source: Ross, 2003, 15

E-SCM is a three-stage process. The fi rst stage is characterized by the integration of processes and functions within an organization. The second stage is characterized by the cross-integration of operational functions in the supply chain partners, such as transportation, inventory in supply chains and supply forecasting. The third stage is the highest level of achieving synchronization functions in the entire supply chain from the whole purchasing network into a single virtual organization able to optimize the competencies and resources from anywhere and at any time in the supply chain in order to gain an insight into market opportunities, by using the Internet capabilities (Rejman & Milanovic, 2012).

Using e-business tools has created major changes in the SCM, in the fi eld of the product and processes design,

e-markets and exchanges, planning cooperation among organizations and managing the execution of customer orders (Ross, 2003, 11-13) (Figure 2).

In this environment, there is a constant migration from vertical to virtually integrated organizations. Organizations representing the business systems that consist of narrowly defi ned functional areas are oriented towards internal processes and are not interested in establishing cooperation between organizations. However, organizations with a strategy of expansion and winning new markets have realized that working with all members of the supply chain, including competitive channels, is a good way to meet the ever-higher requirements of customers.

Instead of a physical system of the channels network, managed by time and space, the virtual supply chain,

42 Economic horizons (2012) 14(1), 39-52

The life cycle of products continued to decline steadily, while the development cost increases, so that organizations must be quick in using the Internet, allowing customers to connect to design processes, improve collaboration, formed a intra-function teams from various organizations and integrate the physical and intellectual tools and competencies to increase appearance speed in the market. Internet technology has enabled the connection between the partners involved in the exchange in real time, at lower cost.

Product and



Sale and purchase functions are traditionally dealt with their own channels, which are characterized by relationships that have been long lasting, the negotiations that have been ended with extensive contracts, long period from order to delivery and fi xed boundaries. Today, the Internet completely changed this kind of environment. Organizations can now buy and sell through a wide variety of markets, available through the Internet, ranging from independent and private exchanges to auctions.

E-market and


Organizations unwillingly shared critical information that concerned the predictions, demands, purchase requirements and the introduction of new products. Such information is considered as private property and is kept strictly as internal functions. Today, organizations must be able to share information in real time, through the virtual supply chain. The challenge becomes how to execute the transfer of of products and information across business networks to achieve two-way cooperation necessary for shared decision making.



Customers can access product information and immediately make an order, but the actual execution is still a complex job that is happening in the physical world and includes handling with materials and transportation. Solving this problem requires a high level of cooperation in supply chains.

Managing the


of customers


Figure 2 Areas of changes in supply chain management

Source: Ross, 2003, 11-13

supported by the Internet technologies, provides partners from all parts of the world with an insight into the possibilities and possible unanticipated events in real time. Virtual organizations enable the development of strategies oriented towards the supply chain and redefi ne the fundamental assumption about who the customers are and how to shape internal and partner competencies (Arsovski et al., 2011).

Conventional supply chains are not able to meet the needs of today’s customers and thus hamper business partners within the network to be eff ective. Mostly, they can be described as slow, expensive, insuffi ciently accurate, inconsistent, infl exible and inaccessible. On the contrary, supply chains supported by the Internet are ready to provide customer service that conventional supply chains were not able to.

Competitors are changing business environment and at the same time irreversibly changing the supply chain and the management of its functions. The traditional supply chain (purchasing/production/distribution) is linearly connected. The modern approach to supply chain management means that organizations need to improve their communication and information fl ow. In this way, the traditional supply chain turns into an adaptive and real-time supply network. This enables organizations to manage a fl exible, responsive supply chain network as a whole.

Supply chain networks are highly complex, interdependent structures with a number of related suppliers, service providers and customers who are also members of other supply chains. Individual elements of the supply network interact at diff erent levels:

the products level,•

the information level,•

the relations level,•

the institutions level, and•

the fi nance level (Gomm & Trump* eller, 2004) • (Figure 3).

Therefore, designing an effi cient supply chain network involves an analysis of the key components and requirements of stakeholders with interfaces at the horizontal and vertical levels, in order to achieve

D. Rejman Petrovic, I. Milanovic, Z. Kalinic, Supply chain architectures in an e-environment 43

Figure 3 Interaction of diff erent network levels in the supply chain

Source: Gomm & Trump* eller, 2004

an eff ective interaction between the participants in the supply chain and improve the performances of processes, functions, organizations and the entire supply chain.


With the appearance of the Internet technologies, the concept of supply chain management assumes a completely new dimension. The main problem that was a barrier to the total activation of SCM models was the a mechanism that would allow a connection between business systems. The Internet overcomes this gap.

Actually, in the entire supply chain, an access to and display of database data, forecasts, an inventory, capacity planning, product information, fi nancial data and other aspects of organizations needed for eff ective decision-making are allowed.

To ensure operations, the full benefi t and advantage provided by the implementation of e-SCM, it is necessary to defi ne:


e-collaboration, and•



E-SCM enables a completely new insight into the functioning of information throughout the supply chain. Today, the fundamental competitive advantage is speed, being the fundamental a! ribute of information obtained from the Internet. Organizations acquire capital using e-information on the basis of the created system allowing a simultaneous use of data about the supply chain in real time. In this way, it is possible to manage the supply chain in any situation and eff ectively respond to the planned as well as unexpected situations. E-information allows greater transparency and more control throughout the supply chain. The aim is to strengthen the organization with more effi cient models of process management in supply chains as well as provide managers with an insight into the key events in order to timely implement potential corrective measures. Information about unforeseen events allows a management-effi cient analysis, as well as planning and forecasting in the supply chain.

E-information ensures a deeper and broader relationship between organizations in the supply chain network, while facilitating cooperation at all levels, from product design to customer services (Johnson & Whang, 2002).


E-SCM allows organizations to achieve successful relations with partners throughout the supply chain and create a channel structure without “cracks”. If information between networked business partners is be! er synchronized, the whole supply chain is able to work as if it were a single organization. At the same time, the supply chain network is created with traditional entities such as suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers, as well as a new kind of intermediaries, such as virtual/contract manufacturers, service providers and on-line trade exchange. The realization of completely new sales methods and new sales channels is also enabled. For a business to be successful, organizations must keep pace with new

principles of cooperation within the supply chain. This includes the establishing of the partners network throughout the supply chain supported by web connections (Johnson & Whang, 2002).


To accept challenges of operating on the market, organizations must adopt new methods of timely connecting e-information. It is the transfer of e-information in the quickest possible way through the supply chain and the interconnecting of all parts of the network in order to form a smooth supply chain, i.e. e-supply chain synchronization. The goal of synchronization is to achieve a direct link between demand and supply in all parts of the supply chain network by using ICT resources (Johnson & Whang, 2002).


The management of supply chains in an e-environment requires that organizations in the supply chain should analyze the concepts, methods, techniques and business processes, internal and external interfaces, stakeholders’ requirements , the level of the applied information and communication technologies and defi ne optimal models of an integrated supply chains architecture.

Supply chains architecture consists of:

the architecture of internal operations,•

the architecture of inter-organizational operations, • and

the architecture of inter-organizational technolo-• gies (Ross, 2003, 313-332).

Architecture of Internal Operations

Organizations and supply chains are not monolithic structures and always search for the realization of a comparative advantage. They grow and develop internally, and at the same time, increasingly become dependent on other systems. The constant destruction and rebuilding of organization architecture are

44 Economic horizons (2012) 14(1), 39-52

a response to the principles of internal business development and increased interdependency.

The term organization architecture has a broad meaning. It consists of the components of an organization responsible for the process performances, including purchasing, production and sales. Also, it refers to a corporate culture evolved in time, and running the current and future a! itudes, expectations and evaluation of opinions on what the mission of an organization is. It consists of ICT resources that collect, analyze and use the data warehouses of an organization, as well as the core competencies of employees in organizations.

Without an eff ective architecture, an organization’s evolution would be interrupted and its ability to adapt to changing business paradigms and ICT resources would signifi cantly be reduced.

Before the appearance of the e-SCM nature of information and communication technologies, organizations’ ability to go beyond their own borders was seriously limited. Technologies such as the telephone, fax and EDI enabled information to be exchanged between business partners; however, the connecting of business, data and knowledge transfer was limited in space and time. In addition, databases are considered to be an organization’s property. The organizational architecture built on such an information model has signifi cantly been limited and highly institutionalized. The structure of the organization was designated as a special confi guration of the responsibility centers that had their goals and had to be aligned with the organization’s strategy. The management’s role was to resolve confl icts between responsibility centers and encourage and lead to overlapping targets.

At the beginning of the late 1980s, there were two new concepts: Just-in-Time manufacturing – JIT and BPR. The fi rst focused on the fact that each individual in an organization aspires devotedly to the continuous improvement of business processes. The BPR concept was radical and focused on the fundamental change in thinking and a radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements. Instead of a continuous improvement, the BPR concept meant the complete redefi nition of business processes

and their rebuilding. Although the implementation of these two concepts enabled the achievement of competitive advantage, their eff ects could not be felt throughout the entire supply chain. Instead of being a revolutionary business philosophy, in fact, they were a logical culmination of old organizational models which considered organizational frameworks to be a boundary preventing organizational change from crossing it.

Transition from BPR and JIT/TQM to e-SCM requires changes in the following business architectural elements:

the management of organizational processes,•

the focus on customers,•

the reengineering of employee roles,•

employee management, and•

the development of a virtual organization (Ross, • 2003, 316-321) (Figure 4).

E-SCM requires that organizations create such an organizational environment where processes, data and information in the supply chain are interconnected via communication channels and integrated databases. Today, SCM in an e-environment is recognized as a strategic business philosophy and a concept aff ecting all aspects of the supply chains network via process channels engineering, a continuous improvement and an overall integration of business partners in the exchange.

Architecture of Inter-organizational Operations

Organizations need to cooperate through a predefi ned common mission to achieve the highest level of customer service. The development of new technologies, methods, techniques and standards aff ects the defi nition of an eff ective architecture between organizations and the promotion of the management’s and employees’ knowledge in an organization. The role of the Internet is to ensure the integration of databases in organizations, too. This vision of organizations requires that all members of the supply chain be closely integrated and their databases and information fl ows synchronized in order to eliminate obstacles in information sharing. The construction

D. Rejman Petrovic, I. Milanovic, Z. Kalinic, Supply chain architectures in an e-environment 45

of such structures among organizations capable of synchronizing their information fl ows requires that partners in the supply chain continuously develop and maintain eff ective e-SCM strategies. This involves:

the creating of a shared vision between • organizations,

the modeling of operations between organizations, • and

the modeling of processes between organizations • (Ross, 2003, 321-325) (Figure 5).

Architecture of Inter-organizational Technologies

Strategic and operational business opportunities are directly related to the possibilities of ICT. An organization’s ability to eff ectively manage relationships with customers and suppliers and the function of production, logistics and fi nances are directly

46 Economic horizons (2012) 14(1), 39-52

Figure 4 Architecture of internal operations

Source: Ross, 2003, 316-321

Focus on Customers (FoC)

Unlike the static organization from the era of mass

production, the current dynamic and constantly

changing business requires from organizations to

develop a culture that can support SCM/Internet

technology in a constant eff ort to reach out to the

customer. Today, e-SCM is increasingly used as a cen-

tral business operating structure that replaces the

old organizational models. It should be understood

as a fl exible structure that is constantly changing to

meet the needs of partners in trade and the needs

of the users.

Employee Management (EM)

E-SCM requires organizations to be more reliant on

knowledge and skills of employees and on creation

of comparative and stimulating programs that will

meet the requirements of employees. The biggest

challenge in the e-SCM will be a continuous develop-

ment which will enable employees and organizations

to be fl exible in a constantly changing of working en-

vironment, where teams will be formed and diverge

permanently, depending on the process of tasks that

will be placed in front of them. In this environment,

organizations must change their view on employees

which cannot be considered only asa executors of

tasks, but a resource that constantly increasing spe-

cialized skills and knowledge.

Management of Organizational Processes (MoOP)

In traditional organizations centers of responsibility performed the tasks assigned to them, and then forwarded the job to

following member in process. On the contrary, organizations that are based on SCM / Internet are organized around the

process of deriving both vertically and horizontally among the functions of the organization. These process-centralized

organizations will increasingly become a structure with a high fl uctuation of the teams that are organized to resolve a proj-

ect, after which it is dismissed to form new teams for new projects. Since workfl ow is no longer divided into departments,

traditional organizations lose their traditional meaning and give way to a “virtual” organizations connected with extranets

and Internet.

Reengineering of Employee Roles (RoER)

SCM and Internet technologies require from employees

and managers to have diff erent skills and capabilities to

be able to quickly perform various processing tasks.

Development of Virtual Organization (DoVO)

The challenges of competition in the XXI century increas-

ingly require organizations to use the knowledge, compe-

tencies and resources contained in the network of supply

chains. Virtual organizations include forming of process

teams in the exchange between the partners, thus maxi-

mizing usage of the resources and achieving synergy. Task

of creation and eff ective management of these e-SCM

forms of organization is perhaps the biggest challenge for

management today.

Information is no longer considered private property, but

is shared between strategic partners within virtual orga-

nizations to achieve common advantage. Task of manage-

ment in the interorganizational models will be to balance

the integration of process teams, in order to defi ne the

information structures that will be exchanged without

compromising the integrity of the organization, while en-

abling innovation and creating added value without creat-

ing undesirable dependencies between business partners

in the exchange.

proportional to the speed at which organizations can create, store, access or transfer information and data.

In recent decades, information and communication technologies have extensively been introduced into organization operations. In the mid 1990s,the arrival of new concepts and technologies, such as e-SCM, forced organizations to use the ICT model going beyond the boundaries of an organization. Creating a necessary architecture amongst organizations requires new sets of ICT tools and signifi cant infrastructure changes.

There are two critical dimensions infl uencing the development of technology architectures among organizations, namely:

integration and•

networking (Ross, 2003, 325-330) (Figure 6).•

The appearance of new information and communication technologies and information systems in recent years has changed the relationship between the integration and fl exibility of inter-organizational information systems.

D. Rejman Petrovic, I. Milanovic, Z. Kalinic, Supply chain architectures in an e-environment 47

Figure 5 Architecture of inter-organizational operations

Source: Ross, 2003, 321-325

Figure 6 Architecture of inter-organizational technologies

Source: Ross, 2003, 325-330

Modeling of Operations Between Organizations (MoOBO)

After defi ning a shared vision and strategy, organizations

can begin to deal with the organization’s share in e-SCM

business model. The objective of this business model is to

provide details about the architecture of organizations relat-

ed to target market segments, products and services, fi nan-

cial elements and product distribution. The critical element

of the business model is information architecture.

Modeling of Processes Between Organizations (MoPBO)

After formulating a vision and business model between the

organizations, the next step is detailed description of exter-

nal e-SCM processes. Developing a process map requires

from strategists to know exactly which business functions

will be processed between organizations, which technologi-

cal architecture must exist and how an organizational infra-

structure will be designed.

Creating of Shared Vision Between Organizations (CoSVBO)

Shared vision, deriving from the needs of the organization, provides a common direction, focus and personal and team motiva-

tion. However, strategists must be cautious and careful to include a vision of how the internal functions of organization fi t into

a much broader vision of the supply chain.

Networking (N)

Involves activation of connections formed by integration with encouraging people to go outside of the boundaries of their

departments and organizations to sharing a common and special knowledge and to meet a wide range of existing business

processes. In the past, computer architecture allowed the hierarchical, serial communication between the information nodes.

On the contrary, today, server-oriented architecture allows the connection of diff erent computers and their databases into a

common network.

Integration (I)

Involves merging to create a whole greater than the corresponding parts. Organizationally, integration means strengthen

the information tools that connect operational functions, both at the level of organization, and the level of of supply chains

networks, through coordination of business processes.

The basis for the improvement of e-supply chains are web services including the collection of interrelated information systems connecting technologies, regardless of the programming language used to create these components or the platform they operate on (Fensel & Bussler, 2002, Hagel, 2002).

They allow organizations to integrate with suppliers with possibly diff erent internal systems in an easier way (Vidgen, et al., 2004; Wu, 2004). While web services off er many advantages in this fi eld, their use with other technologies and systems off ers great opportunities to improve the agility of the system.

There are other technologies contributing to the improvement of the agility of the system as follows:

electronic trading hubs, in order to facilitate • communication and trade between partners (Kaplan & Sawhney, 2000),

business process management systems, in order • to harmonize inter-organizational processes (Leymann, et al., 2002), and

automatic data collection, in order to align the • physical location and asset tracking with the information fl ow (Fisher, 1997) and others.


To defi ne the generic model of e-SCM, diff erent architectures were analyzed, as well as the elements and aspects of the architecture of supply chains in an e-environment as follows:

a) Architecture of internal operations:

the management of organizational processes,•

a focus on customers,•

the reengineering of employee roles,•

employee management, and•

the development of virtual organization.•

b) Architecture of inter-organizational operations:

the creation of a shared vision between • organizations,

the modeling of operations between organizations, • and

the modeling of processes between organizations.•

c) Architecture of inter-organizational technologies:

integration, and•


By integrating internal operations architecture , inter-organizational operations architecture and inter-organizational technologies architecture for each particular organization in the supply chain network, the cost savings of transactions among organizations can be achieved, enabling access to information in real time, increasing the network fl exibility and creating a basis for an eff ective management of complex interfaces between various participants in interlaced supply chains.

The proposed supply chain architecture generic model is based on the e-business model involving the development of an information system through the application of the information system’s life cycle development including the planning, analysis, design, implementation and support of the information system (Arsovski, 2008).

Thereby, such an information system enables an effi cient data transformation of documents, resources, processes and stakeholders in a corresponding integrated logical data model, which, by using appropriate Database Management Systems – DBMS, transforms itself in associated databases, members of supply chains (Rejman, 2010).

Figure 7 accounts for the supply chain architecture generic model of in an e-environment inclusive of the key elements of the supply chain architectures and their mutual interactions. The main interfaces exchanged between an e-organization and e-purchasing (suppliers) are: procedures, purchasing plans, contracts with suppliers, the verifi cation of the zero series, certifi cation, the audit process record, the organization’s e-orders, supplier invoices, delivery notes, complaints, etc. The main interfaces exchanged among an e-organization and e-commerce (buyers) are: procedures, purchasing plans, contracts with customers, sales orders, the e-organization’s invoices,

48 Economic horizons (2012) 14(1), 39-52

sales orders, transport orders, complaints, quality in warranty and post-warranty period, etc.

The scope of e-business is very wide. It starts from market research through a collaborative product development, and ends with sending invoices, billing and transactions in a supply chain and data analysis. The proposed model enables operations in real time and recording indicators of trends on the market at the moment they occur. The e-business model includes two main sub-models of electronic operations defi ned on the basis of the parties involved in the business process and the nature of their business relationship, such as e-purchasing and e-commerce. The result is the restructuring of business doing exclusively in an

Figure 7 Generic model of supply chain architecture in e-environment

electronic form with continuous learning, changes and innovations.

The synchronization of chains at the horizontal level means e-collaboration providing a transparent way of planning demands to all organizations within the supply chain. The goal is to minimize the potential “bullwhip eff ect” resulting from an independent realization of purchases at every level in the supply chain. Achieving this goal implies an exchange of operational and strategic information throughout the supply chain using the EDI technology, extranets and monitoring through appropriate information and communication technologies.

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The integration of all e-organizations in the supply chain, e-purchasing, e-commerce and e-collaboration is realized by using modern ICT resources defi ned in the framework of technology architecture. The essence of such an integrated supply chain model is based on maximizing the value for the end user, including not only the fi nal consumer, but also all intermediate members in a supply chain whose product/service is used as an input for further production.


The so-far analyses of the e-SCM concept have been indicative of the acceleration of the expansion of e-business; the improvement of the SCM concept and the fact that pieces of information from the supply chain have been gaining more signifi cance, because they allow the defi nition of future production, services, market and competitive advantage.

E-SCM provides an effi cient organization and control of data, optimal distribution of information to all members of the supply chain and all levels of management within an organization. E-SCM enables organizations to connect the key aspects of their business, from product/service development to customers’ orders, with all business partners in the supply chain.

The architecture of e-SCM enables the integration and e-synchronization of supply chains in a turbulent environment, sales plans, sales orders, complaints, etc. In this way, the optimization of all member resources (human, material and fi nancial) in supply chains is achieved.

There are no identical supply chains even when it comes to a product/service, and especially a fl ow of diff erent goods. This indicates that there are many factors infl uencing the creation of a specifi c supply chain, as well as that these factors are very diff erent (a business organization, applied quality standards, methods and techniques applied in business, the applied ICT level, the structure and methods of the exchange of diff erent interfaces among participants and others). The developed e-environment-located supply chain architecture generic model in, including

e-organization, e-purchasing, e-commerce and e-collaboration, can serve as a good basis for developing specifi c models for participants at diff erent levels in the supply chain network and for diff erent manufacturing and service organizations, particularly taking into account the interaction between the management of organizational processes, the reengineering of the role of the employee, the development of virtual organizations, a shared vision among organizations, business modeling among organizations and the modeling of processes between organizations.


The research presented in this paper was supported by the Ministry of Science, Republic of Serbia, Grant III-44 010.


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Received 4 April 2012,

after one revision,

accepted for publication 27 April 2012

52 Economic horizons (2012) 14(1), 39-52

Dragana Rejman Petrovic graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. She is employed at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, as a teaching assistant on Information technology, Information systems and Operations management. The areas of her research interests are relevant topics in the fi eld of information systems, supply chain management, process management and operations management.

Igor Milanovic received his Bachelor of Automatics degree from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac, Serbia. He works at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac as a senior teaching assistant for Information Systems, Information Technologies and Internet Technologies courses. The areas of his research interests are relevant topics in the fi eld of information systems and internet technologies.

Zoran Kalinic received his Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. He is employed at the Faculty of Economics, Univeristy of Kragujevac, as a senior teaching assistant on courses: Informaton Technology, Information Systems and e-Business. The areas of his research interests are relevant topics in the fi eld of information systems, mobile communications and e-business.
