ArizonaState Evaluation Laboratory Science Courses name


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H3IArizonaStateUniversity Evaluation of Laboratory Science Courses

name: Ght'istine Lee studentASU rD: 031-86-1 572

Physics LabStudent

Name of course:(one course per form)

Duration of study:(full year, one semester.trimester)

Full Year Textbook title andcopyright date:

QSL Physics Lab Manual

Approdmately how many hours per week do students spend conducting hande-on laboratoryerpedments in this


Please provide a list of allthe laboratory erqceriments or projects you do that require manipulation of equipment.

1. A Recroding Timer/Acceleration of Gravity 2. Newton's Second Law 3" The Sum of Vectors. lnclined Plane 5. Potential and Kinetic Energy 6. Coefficient of Friction 7. Work and Power 8. ProjectileL lmpulse and Momentum 10. Conservaton of Momentum 11. Conservation of Energy 12.The Speed of Sound in Air 14. Reflecton from Curved fvlirros 15. Refraction 16. Lenses 17.

Centripetal ForceWavelength of a

Beam 18. Wavelengths of the Visible Spectrurn 19. Laser Measurements 20. Static Electricity 21. AnBreadboard 22. Ohm's Law 23. Capacitors 24. Magnetic Fields 25. Electric Motors

List all lab equiprnent used, including but not limited to household items (for e:{arnple, microscope, beakere,dlssection equipment, etc).Ball, battery, carbon paper discs, clear plastic tubes, silk cloth, wool, concave lense, concave mirror, convexlenses, compass, cotton swabs, diffraction grating, electronic breadboard, electrolytic capacitors, glass rod,graduated cylinder, Hall's carts, He-Ne laser/LED light, jumper wires, magnets, metric tape measure, mirrormultimeter, paper recording tape, protractor, pulley clamp, recording timer, resistors, rubber bands, rubberacrylic lense, spring scales, steel sphere, steel washer, stopwatch, string, support board, thumbtacks, tuningvelcro tape, wire.

Using standard scientific method outlined by the following questions, describe one typical laboratory assignmentassociated with this course.

State the problem or conoept investigated during this laboratory aseignment. (For example: Do oranges stored inrefrigerator have more vitamin C than orangqs picled fresh from a tree?) Formulate a hypothesis for this problemusing "iflthen'statements. (f oranges picked fresh from a tree have more vitamin C, then juice from thesetake longerto turn a starch solution blue)

1. Become familiar with a recording timer2. Measure acceleration of gravity which is 9.81 rnls squared3. Analyze erors in timing and acceleration

Spark recording timer using 12A V AC current at 60 Hz was used. The 60 Hz cycle givessparks/second. Velocity and acceleration are determined by the pattern of spots. Spotstogether indicate a $lower velocity. Acceleration is determined by observing the change ofspacing of the spots,Average velocity = chagne in distance/timeAcceleration = changd in velocity/time

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Describe the experiment you performed to prove or disprove your hypothesie, List all essential materialsand describe each step you performed in the elperiment.

Materials: Recording timer, 295 g mass, carbon paper, recording tape, ramp, C clarnp,tape, metric tape measure, cardboard.Procedure: Timer clamped to end of ramp, these are then placed at top edge ofRecording tape attached to 295 g mass with clip. Tape threated through guide loops andcarbon disc. Tape pulled through until mass is just under timer. Timer turned on creatingMass is released. Tapp examined. Last spot on tape marked. Count back six $paces,gives 6/60 s or 1110 6 time interval.g- grams = secondDescribe the results of your experiment or study. Use graphs and charts where appropriate.

The distance between the spots increased as the tape was pulled through the timer. Thisthat velocity was increasing (accelerating). Last spot on tape marked as A. Count sixback to spot B. Each space represents 1/60 s, so six spaces = 0.1 s. Distance between Ameasured to be 9 cm = 0.09 m. Velocity final is 0.09 m/0.1 s - 0.9 mls.Acceleration is V (final) -V (initial) / time = 0"9 m/s - 0 / 0.1 x = I m/s squared.

Explain your data or results. Give an analysis of your experiment.

The experiment accleration = 9 m/s second squared. This approximates the knownvalue for the acceleration of gravity, which is 9.81 m/s squared.

Write a conclusion for your study. Wae your hypothesis supported or refuted?

The experimental acceleration was measured at 9 m/s squared. N4easurement errors cavalue to be a little less than the known acceleration of gravity, which is s 9.81 m/s squared.

Sourcds of error are:

Distance measurement errors between dots.Friction of the tape as it unrolled, reducing measured acceleration.

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H3IArizona StateUniversity Evaluation of Laboratory Science Courses

studentname: Christing Lee student A$u rD, 031 -86- 1572

Advanced Chemistry LabName of course;(one cogrse per form)

Duration of study:(fult year, oRe semester.trimester)

Full Year Textbooktitle andcopyright date:

Advanced Chem Lab lnvestigations

Approximately horrr many houle per week do students.spend conducting hands-on hboratory experiments ih this


5. Enthalpy of Fusion of lce 6. Enthalpy of Reaction 7. lnvestigation Colorimetry: LightConcentration 8. Types of Compounds 9. Paper Chromatography 10. Types of ChernicalRecations: Evidence for Chemical Changes 11. The Effects of Temperature and Particle12. Analyzing Concentration vs. Time Data 13, Reversible Reactions 14. Solubility Equil15. Acid-Base Titration 16. A Buffer Solution

List all lab equipment used, including but not,lintited to household items (for oranrplq microscopen beakers,dissection equipment, etc).Quality Science Labs Advanced MicroChem Kit: Soale, digital multimeter, quartz timer, digitalthermometer,beakers, flasks, funnels, filter paper, glass stir rod, multi-array wells,battery, pipette, pH paper, paraffin wax, phenolphthalcin test paper,acid, KMnO, plant fertilizer, palmitic acid, bromophenol blue, MgSO4, ZnN03, Na2S2O3, NaSO4,NaOH, Na2C2Q4, KOH, Kl, NiNO3, HCl, CHCOOH, food coloring, CaNO3.

Using standard scientific method outlined by the following questions, desqribe one typical laboratory assignmentassociated with this course,

StatE the problem or concept investigated dwing this laboratory assigrrrnent. (For exanrple: Do oranges stored inrefrigerator have rnore vitamin c thanusing oiflthen' statements. 0f oranges

reaction The 'enthalpv of reaction

oranges picked freeh frorn a tree?) Formulate a hypothesis for

' picked fresh {rom a tree have more vitamin C, then juice from

the energy that is released or absorbedis given the symbol Delta H. Reactions

take longerto turn a etarch eolution blue.)

How can we measure the enthafpy of reaction of a chemical reaction? Hypothesis: We canobservation, such as temperature change, to deterrnine that a chemical reaction is taking

ln this experiment, we look for temperature change to confirm that a chemical reactionplac€ The enthalpy of reaction' is

this problemthese

by the chemicalthat release

called exothermic. Delta H will be a negative number. Reactions that have a netenergy are called endothermic. Delta H will be a postive number.

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Please provide a list of all the laboratory experiments or projects you do that require manipulation of equipment.

1. Gravimetric Analysis 2. Mole Ratios 3. Redox Titration 4. Electronchemistry: Galvanic Cellsand

Describe the experimentyou performed to prove or disprove your hypotheeis. List all essontid materlals

and describe each stq you performed in the eryeriment.

Delta H (enthalpy of reaction) was deten*ined for a reaction between ZnO and HCI. Frommea$ured Delta H, we elassified the reaction as either endothermic or exothermic.ZnO+2HCt*>ZnClZ+H2OGraduatp cylinder used to transfer 50.0 mL of 1 M HCI to polystyrene cup. 0.962 g ZnOweighted using 15 mL beaker and digital scale (tared). Thermometer placed in hold ofcover to measuer initialtemperature of HCI = 21,4 'G. ZnO added to HCl, Finatmeasured at 25.4'C.

Describe the results of your aeeriment or $tudy, Use graphs and charts where appropriate,

lnitial temperature = 21.0'CFinal temperature = 25.4'CCluange in temperature x 4.4'C

Eplain your data or results, Give an analyeis of your expedmer*.

HCI mostly water. Specific heat water = 4.184 J/g 'C Density of water 1.00 glmLMaes of FiCl = (50 mL HCI)(1 g/ml) = 50 gmSo rhass total mixture = mass HCt + mass of ZnO = 50 g HCI + 0.962 m ZnO = 50.962 gDelta H * Q = mc(water) delta TDelta g = (50.962 9[4.184 Jlg'C)(4.4'C]DeltaH=938.19JConvert g ZnO to mole: (0.962 g ZnOXI moll81 g) = 0.0t mof ZnODetta H/mol ZnO = 938.19 J10.01 mol ZnO = 93,819 Jlmol ZnO = 9$.8 kJ/mol ZnODelta H is a positive nurnher; therefore, the reaction was an endothermic reaction.

Write a conclusion fcr your study, tlVas tour hypothesis supported or refut€d?

Ternperature change observation can be used to determinolconfirm if a chernical reactiontake place.

The hypothesis was supported.

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H3TArizona StateUniversity Evaluation of Laboratory Science Courses

Christine Lee stud.nt ASU rD: 03 1 -86- 157 2Student name:

Nameorcourse: Advanced Biology Lab lnvestigations(one course per form)

Duration of study:(full year, one semester,ilimester)

One Semester Textbooktitle andcopyright date:

Advanced Biology Lab lnvestigations

Approximately how many hourc per week do studente spend conducting hands-on laboratory exBeriment$ in this


Please provide a list of all the laboratory experiments or projeots you do that require manipulation of equipment.

Lab 1 Diffusion, Osmosis and their Connection to Transpiration in PlantsLab 2 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium: Modeling Allele Frequencies in PopulationsLab 3 Comparing DNA Sequences to Understand Evolutionary Relationships with BLASTLab 4 Cell Division: Mitosis and MeiosisLab 5 Enzyme ActivityLab 6 Photosynthesis and CellularRespirationLab 7 Biotech no{ogy: Bacterial TransformationLab I Energy Dynarnics

Ust aH hb equipment u6ed, including but nct limited to houeehold items (for examplg micro$cope, beakerqdissection equipment, etc).Microscope, microscope slides, 9V battery, well reaction plate, beads, beaker, cups, dialysis tubing, scale,

baking soda, dish soap, light source, oven, ice, marking pens, maski/rg tape, corn syrup, glass jar, tape.

Usingstandard scientific method outlined by the following questions, describe one typical laboratcry assignrnent

associated with this course.

State the problexn or concept investigated during this laboratory assignmenl (For example: Do oranges stored in

refrigrerator have more vttarnin C than orange$ picked fresh from a tree?) Formulate a hlryothesis for this problemusing 'iffthen" etatements. (f orangres picked frssh from a trse have more vitamin C, then juiee from thesetake longerto tum a staroh srlution blue)

How oan we measure the rate of photosynthesis?

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Describe the experiment you performed to prove or disprove your hypothesis. List all essential materials

and describe each step you performed in the experiment'

Materials: baking soda, liquid soap, plastic syringe, living leaves (spinach) hole punch, plastic

cup, stopwatch, jight source. 300 mL A.2% bicarbonate solution placed in cup. Liquid soapplaced in cup to abt as surfactant, allowing sllution to be drawn up into leaf despite.hydrophobicsurface. Gases drawn out of spony mesophyll leaf tissue by syringe vacuum technique' Leafdisks poured into cup. Cup placed under light. Timer set to record how long for leaf start

floating. The point ai whicii'SOy" of the disks were floating was designated as the ET50. 1/ET50

was plotted vs. time. The ET50 is about 11.5 minutes.

Describe the reeults of your experiment or study. Use graphs and charts where appropriate.

The point at which 50% of the disks were floating was designated as the ET50. 1/ET50 wasplotted vs. time. The ET50 is about 11.5 minutes. The procesl of photosynthesis occurs in a

series of enzymatic reactions that capture light energy to build energy-rich sugars,.

energy in th6'molecules ATP and NADPH. The overall process is summarized in the followingreaction: 6 H2O + 6 COZ + light..-> COH12a6 + 6C2The cup had light, CO2, and ihe photosynthetic machinery to generate oxygen, which made the

leaf disks floatln the cup. As time passed, more oxygen was created, and thus more leaf disks


Explain your data or results. Give an analysis of your experiment-

We clrose to measure the rate of oxygen production. Light energy is abosrbed by pigments in aleaf. This enables chlorophytl molecules in the thylakoids of chloroplasts to transfer electrons to

NADP+ and ADP, creaing NADPH and ATP. Energy-rich electrons are then transfered to the

Calvin dycles to produce glucose. The reaction is summarized in this reaction:6 H20 + 6 co2 + light --> c6H1206 + 602Therefore, as photdsynthesis occurs, oxygen will be produced. This was measured indirectlythrough observation of floating leaf disks, which became buoyant after enough oxygen had beenproduced through photosynthesis within the leaf.

Write a conclueion for your study. Was your hypothesis supported or refuted?

The rate of photosynthesis can be measured through the rate of oxygen production, In this

experiment the net rate of oxygen production was measured indirectly, by observation of theoxygen gas produced in ldaf disks, which manifested as leaf disks floating in water. We had tota(e into account the total oxygen production - oxygen consumption of plant cellular respiration.ln addition to photosynthesis which produces oxygen, plants also have cells that utilize oxygen.

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