Arm care after lymph node removal.docx




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Arm care after lymph node removal

Removal of lymph nodes may affect the drainage of lymphatic fluid from the arm on the surgical side. Problems with lymphatic drainage may result in arm swelling and an increased risk for infection from trauma to the arm. In addition, there is an increased risk for blood clots in the veins of the armpit because of surgical trauma in the area.

Lifelong precautions to help prevent problems in the affected arm after lymph node dissection include, but are not limited to, the following:

No needle sticks or IV insertions in the affected arm

No blood pressure measurements in the affected arm

Follow instructions regarding exercises of the arms carefully

Avoid injuries, such as scratches or splinters, to the affected arm

Elevate the arm, with the hand above the elbow, to assist with drainage of lymphatic fluid

Wear gloves when gardening or performing any activity in which there is a risk for skin puncture of the fingers and/or hands, or when using strong or harsh chemicals, such as detergents or household cleaners

Avoid sunburns

Use an electric shaver rather than a razor with a blade to shave under the arm

Avoid any constrictive items on the affected arm, such as elastic cuffs or tight watches or other jewelry

Use the unaffected arm to carry heavy packages, bags, or purses

Avoid insect bites or stings by using insect repellents and/or wearing long sleeves
