Arrowsmith Program Makes a Real Difference - St....


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St. Amelia Church September-October 2014 Vol. 19, No. 5 Tonawanda, NY

Parents are excited and enthused with the school’s new Arrowsmith program for children with learning disabili-ties. They met for breakfast on June 17 with their children and school administrators, to celebrate the conclusion of the program’s initial year.

“She is now reading at grade level, and is logically mak-ing connections we did not ever think she was capable of”, reported attorney Nina Juncewicz, whose daughter Theresa was one of the ten participants. “We now have hope for her future, where formerly we were in despair.”

“Last year I struggled in many areas, but this year every-thing has changed”, eighth grader Dante Cracchiola told the gathering. “Arrowsmith has helped me with all of my flaws in learning. Schoolwork overall is so much easier this year”.

Molly Flanagan, a sixth grader, reported, “This program helps students. Arrowsmith helped me to do things I thought I could not accomplish”. Patrick Cartonia, a fifth grader, said,

“In the middle of the year my reading levels increased. Ar-rowsmith helps me get better in learning to read, write, and spell.”

How does it work? Principal James Mulé explains:

“Most programs for students with learning disabilities focus on teaching compensatory strategies, or making chang-es in the content to be mastered. Instead, Arrowsmith focus-es on rebuilding the learning capacity of the pupil by repair-ing or re-creating new pathways in the brain. Think about stroke victims who re-learn how to walk, how to talk, how to feed themselves. Arrowsmith works like that”.

Arrrowsmith is based in Toronto, and prospective teach-ers need to go there and complete a training course. You can learn more by visiting the school website at and clicking on the Arrowsmith tab. You can also access the official Arrowsmith site by googling “Arrowsmith Education Program”.

Arrowsmith Program Makes a Real Difference

Arrowsmith participants Jessie Rae Lucchese, Thomas D’Amico, Max Donner, Dante Cracchiola, Patrick Catonia, John Graber, Kaitlyn Stapleton, Joseph Junkiewicz, Molly Flanagan, and Theresa Junkiewicz.

Page 2 The Ameliorator September-October 2014

Teens Excited About Youth Retreats

Each summer, thousands of teens come from around the country to the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio for weekend retreats. A dozen of our high school stu-dents took part in a retreat there from July 11 thru 13. “I especially loved Eucharistic Adoration”, Megan McGraw said. “That experience healed me, and now I feel whole again. I feel so close to God, and I am so glad I was able to be a part of this weekend!” “My favorite part of the weekend was the Sunday Mass”, recalls Albert Baker. “I liked it because everything you learned on the weekend all came together in that mag-nificent liturgy.” “I liked going to Reconciliation, and feeling closer to God through Eucharistic Adoration”, related Danielle Crane. “It opened my eyes a lot, and I am looking forward to going next year.”

Plans are underway for the annual Fall Retreat at Camp Kenan, on the shores of Lake Ontario. The camp has a climb-ing tower, zip line ride, ropes challenges, and great cabins. The weekend includes a campfire, wonderful food, dynamic speakers, confession, and Eucharistic Adoration. Retreatants report coming closer to God, deepening their ties with their friends, and making new friends. Details can be found on the Youth Ministry website:, and in the weekly bulletin. The premier retreat experience is World Youth Day. Every three years, the Holy Father invites young people from around the world to spend several days with him in celebrating what it means to be a follower of Christ in the Catholic church. In 2013, three million took part in World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. Krakow, Poland is the locus for the 2016 event, and already 16 of our parishioners have signed up.

“Christ Renews His Parish” is a parish-based weekend renewal designed to help Catholics grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in their parish family. Separate weekends are offered for men and women. The next Men’s weekend is on November 1 and 2, and the Women’s retreat is set for February 28 and March 1. “On the weekend, you will meet other parishioners fac-ing the same life challenges – family, career, and society”, explains Adam Pasternack, our parish Director of Evangeliza-tion. “Participants have an opportunity to hear and discuss how we live as Catholics in our modern, complex, fast-paced

society.” Adam can be reached at 836 0011 extension 107. Past CRHP retreatants have said: “The weekend gave me a chance to reflect on God’s presence in my life and see his hand guiding me through a difficult time.” “CRHP was a life-changing experience that has brought me closer to God and our faith.” “My marriage and the bonds with my kids were strengthened. Christ has changed a heart of stone into a heart for love.”

Dates set for “Christ Renews His Parish” Weekends

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In September of each year, the parish focuses on Stew-ardship of Treasure. Treasure is one of the three T’s that form the tripod of a spirituality of stewardship. We recog-nize that all that we are and all that we have we have re-ceived as gifts from God. We thank God for these gifts by dedicating a good portion of them to carry out his plans and purposes in our time and in our place.

In January we ask parishioners to dedicate significant time to improve their relationship with God. We invite them to prioritize daily prayer, weekday Mass, Eucharistic Adora-tion, and Bible reading.

In June we ask for gifts of talent. This past June, some 100 of our young parishioners stepped forward to volunteer

as altar servers, childcare workers, and parking lot attend-ants. Another fifty adults signed on in such varied areas as as greeters, Eucharistic ministers, Outreach workers, and ushers.

In this September’s Stewardship of Treasure campaign, we are asking parishioners to consider these three P’s as they determine their level of financial support to the parish.

When you plan your giving to the parish, and have made it a priority, use your calculator to find an appropriate percentage. And remember that God will not be outdone in generosity.

Stewardship of Treasure: Thinking about the Three P’s

Planned. Giving to the parish is the topic for the message at Mass on only one weekend each year. That’s because people are used to making one annual decision on their level of support. We ask them to take time to pray, to think, and to plan before making their decision.

Priority. We struggle to keep God in first place in our lives, and in the lives of our children. Putting God first means giving him priority when we spend our money.

Percentage. The amount we give is not as important as the percentage of our income that we give. A weekly gift of $25, for instance, represents a donation of 3% of in-come for a person earning $52,000 a year, but only a 1% donation for a family with an income of $126,000.

The late Austin J. Finn, who was always known as “Mickey”, will be become the fifth person inducted into the St. Amelia Parish Hall of Fame in ceremonies in Don Miller Hall at the annual Prime Rib Dinner on Saturday, November 1st. The dinner follows the 4:30 Mass. After-dinner festivities will also rec-ognize several parishioners for outstanding stewardship of talent, and two altar servers for commendable dedication. The dinner features succulent prime rib, with all the trimmings, prepared by the folks at West Seneca’s “The Market in the Square”, and served by members of our Holy Name Society. Tickets for the dinner are available in the Rectory for $10 per person, with children under 12 free. There will also be a cash bar.

Prime Rib Dinner Will Honor the late “Mickey” Finn

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Our parish women’s spirituality program is called “Women at the Well”, a reference to Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman recorded in chapter four of John’s Gos-pel. That woman met Jesus, and the meeting changed her life. She went on to share that good news with her friends and neighbors.

In that spirit, parish women meet at 8:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month, September thru May, in the cafeteria, for a continental breakfast, some fellowship, and an inspirational message.

“You’ll be on your way home by ten o’clock”, explains Kathy Andolsek, one of the group’s leaders, “so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend”. She also announced the line-up of speakers for this fall.

On September 21, Lenore Uhrich will speak about her recent trip to Rome. Her topic is “How God Can Overcome Obstacles to Reach Us”. Lenore is a former pre-school teach-er, who now devotes her time to home-schooling her three children. She will relate how God touched her in a loving, personal, and unique way on a pilgrimage to the Eternal City.

For many years now, Harvest House has been a beacon of faith, hope, and love in the South Buffalo neighborhood. Gary and Linda Tatu bought an abandoned church, and trans-formed not only that church, but also the lives of many thou-sands of people who have come to that place. On October 19, Linda will speak on “The Miracles of Harvest House”.

“Women and Ministry: Serving Christ with Holy Hearts” is the theme for the November 16 presentation by Dawn Iac-ono. Dawn is a certified pregnancy counselor who has taught theology, morality and sexuality. She directed evangelization efforts at St. Leo’s parish, and founded the MOMS ministry at St. Gregory’s.

Ken Monaco spent 33 years as a Senior Investigator with the U.S. Department of Labor. When he retired, he decided to prepare to become a permanent deacon. In his talk on November 15, Ken will share anecdotes related to family, work, and his spiritual journey. His talk is entitled, “In God We Trust…Or Do We?”

All women are welcome. You do not need to pre-register. Dates for 2015 are January 18, February 15, March 15, April 19, and May 17.

Women’s Group Announces Fall Speakers

Daniel Ogbeifun to be Ordained Deacon

Our adopted seminarian, Daniel Ogbeifun, will be or-dained a deacon in ceremonies at the Cathedral on Saturday morning September 27 at 10 a.m. A native of Nigeria, Daniel attended a seminary in his native land, then did advanced studies at the prestigious Lumen Vitae Institute in Brussels. He applied to the Diocese of Buffalo and was readily accept-ed.

The diocese asked us to “adopt” him and support him in his formation. Now the entire St. Amelia family is invited to his diaconal ordination. A reception will be held in our gym-nasium following the ordination, at 12 noon, to which all are invited.

Saint Joe’s Singers to Appear as Guest Choir

The renowned singing group of St. Joseph Collegiate Institute will come to our parish as guest choir on Sunday November 2, to animate the 11:00 Mass. The choir, under the direction of Erin Coyle, will sing traditional and con-temporary pieces. Experience the enthusiasm of high school boys excit-ed about their faith. Mark your calendar, and be sure your family takes part in this special event.

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This year’s “Amazingrace” was held on Saturday, July 26. The five kilometer jaunt is fully sanctioned and approved by the powers-that-be, and is timed by WNY Finish Line Services. It is actually the smoothest, flattest course in Western New York! That makes it ideal for beginners, and veteran runners can log impressive times.

“We just finished race day and want to compliment you on a very well-run event. We have been running for about ten years and we do a road race about once a month”, wrote Elaine and Jim Ball to Kathy Waite, who directs the race for St. Amelia Youth Ministry. “You do an amazing job! There was plenty of food, water, drinks, and police presence.”

Fireman from the Brighton Hose Company graciously poured water on runners needing a respite from the hot sun, and town paramedics were on hand to assist any who needed help. Town police cars led and followed the 170 runners.

“We had wonderful weather, and participants who came from Ontario, California, and even Germany”, Kathy Waite reported. “The post-race party included music, drinks, healthy (and unhealthy) food, raffles, and awards for winners in thirteen age groups. Proceeds from the race support the many programs we offer for young people, and I deeply ap-preciate all who helped make this year’s event such a success. It was truly amazing!”

5 K Run on July 26 was “truly amazing!”

Childcare for Parents of Young Kids

Beginning September 21, we will offer care for children while their parents attend the 9 o’clock and 11 o’clock Sunday Masses. Parents simply need to bring their chil-dren to the school, about twenty minutes before Mass. This service is directed by Kids Kampus, a state-licensed child care provider, and is for children from six months thru six years. After registering, parents leave their cell phone number so that if necessary they can be contacted in church. We recognize that many families prefer to have their young children attend church with them, and our Crying Room and Children’s Liturgy of the Word will continue to help them.

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Father David Baker in the sound studio of WLOF. Father takes phone calls and answers questions. Listen in at 101.7 FM on Monday September 15 and Mon-day, October 20, from 5 til 6 p.m.

Sean Chameli is congratulated by Principal Mule on Graduation Day.

Frank Frandina and Pat Carroll enjoy fellowship at the August “Donut Sunday”.

The Golden Nuggets installed new officers on August 12 after lunch at Sean Patrick’s. New president Don Izard receives his portfolio from out-going president Joan Potter.

Lexi Randall and Olivia Harrington were among 25 participants in this year’s “Tour de Niagara” Bike Trek to Father Tom’s cottage August 9 and 10.

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Participants in this summer’s Vacation Bible School

St. Amelia Hockey Team, winners of the 2014 Diocesan Hockey League Championship

Tour de Niagara participants pause during the Bike Trek to admire the view. Teen volunteers prepare food at

St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy.

The Ameliorator is the bi-monthly publication of Saint Amelia Church. We mail it to members of our Saint Amelia Family, that is, reg-

istered parishioners, adult alumni of our school, and parents of children who attend our school. We also send it to people who live in

the geographical area served by our Church, in order to keep them informed about who we are and what we are doing. If you do not

wish to receive The Ameliorator, you can have your name deleted from our mailing list by simply calling 716-836-0011.

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bi-monthly newsletter from Saint Amelia Church

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Editor : Ken Lashway Email :

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Sean Burke Memorial Golf Tournament Provides Fun, Fellowship, and Funds

Each year for the past five years, Kevin Burke has organized a parish golf tournament as a memorial to his late brother, Sean, who was welcomed into Heav-en in April of 2004. Although logistically, it is always difficult to co-ordinate the endless details associated with a golf tournament and banquet, Kevin cheerfully takes on the task each year.

“What I remember best about Sean is the big smile he carried everywhere he went,” recalls Kevin. This popular event held in Sean’s honor is sure to con-tinue that smile, because it helps so many young stu-dents via the St. Amelia Tuition Assistance Fund.

This year’s tournament was held on a beautiful sunny day, August 11th, and afterward the golfers plus many additional parishioners were treated to a fine banquet held at Banchetti’s Grove in Amherst. The event has been a big success, because it combines fun on the golf course with a great meal and great compa-ny, and all the proceeds are donated to the School’s Tuition Assistance Fund.