Ars quatuor coronatorum


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Ars quatuor coronatorum:.: ~: ~
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Frodsham, Bridge Greiner, Gotthelf Horsley, Rev. John William Kupferschmidt, C. Malden, Rev. Charlea Herbert Miller, William ..•
CHRONICLE. Australasia Burma England Germany India Scotland South Africa South America ...
LODGE PROCEEDINGS. Friday, lOth January, 1896 Friday, 6th Maroh, 1896 Friday, 1st May, 1896 Wednesday, 24th Jnne, 1896 Frid<ly, 2nd October, 1896 Monday, 9th November, 1896
MOTES AND QUERIES. Ballot, justification of Biehop Heber on Freemasonry Bruin in the Snds .•.
Brunswick, English Provincial Grand Lodge of Burgh ley, Lord, and Freemason a ... Bucks, Order of ... Cowan Death and the Freemason Denish Initiation Free Mason Freemasonry Freemasonry in Sweden
Freemasons French Lodge of 1756, The German Lodges in Foreign Pa.rts ... German .Masonic Charm Hogarth's Gormogon Plate Inigo Jones .MS. M~on
Macnabees Muons' Marks Miller, William Old Inscription at Kirkby Stephen Roalin, Earle of ... Swastika Tablet, a Cnrions ... Triangular Buildings University Rites of Initiation
OBITUARY. Anadell, James Richard Bayley, Edgar .•• Blackburn, Peter Drinkwater, Harry Walter George Galloway, F. C .... Gregson, George Harris, Rev. John Frederick lngleby, John Miller, John Irwin
Monks, James Morrison, William Epps Poore, Thomas .•. Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, Stephen Royda, H. B. Spiers, Ernest George Stevena, James ... Taylor, William ... Todd, Joeeph Turner, William Edward Vaillant, Johan Pieter
PAPERS AND ESSAYS. Notes on Irish Freemasonry. No. IV.-The Old Lodge at Bandon.
W. J. Chetwode Crawley, LL.D., D.C.L. Eurly Irish and English Freemasonry identical, 4; Earliest use of the words Royal Arch, The Antient Boyne Lodge,No.84 (!.C.), its precedence, Warrant, 6 ; Depnty Masters of Private Lodges, a Case of Expulsion, Regulations for Masonic Funerals, Centenary Celebration, 6; Mnster·rolla of the Lodge, French Prisoners of War, Thory on Irish Chapters in France, 7; The Chevalier Ramsay, Orange Regalia of the Lodge, Forbidden by Grand Lodge, 8; Alleged Ceremonies in the Lodge, the Poker, 9; The Tyler's Costame, the Royal Arch in the Lodge, 10; Certificates granted by No. 413, 11; London Chapters, 13; MiBS St. Leger's case as alfecting the queation of Degrees, 18, 14.
P.lGJ: 25
26, llO, 111, 177 1U
115 25 23 24 23
The Ancient Aryan Temple. 8. Pulney Andy, M.D.
The Masone· Company of the City of London, and the Lodge of Accepted Masons connected with lt. E. Conder, jun., F .S.A.
The Companies List of 137fl, the Status of the Company, 29; Grant of Arms,
of Livery, Disuse of term l<'reema.sous, the Charter, the Records, 30; Appren·
ticeship, Freedom, Fees, the Livery, Court, Fees, Patrimony, the Accepted
Masons, 31; Use of the title Free and Accepted, Constitutions read to the Candidate, 32; Making Masons, 33 ; Various instances of Fees Paid, 34;
Master Mason, Strangers to the Company Aocepted, 36; 'fhe Banquet on
Acception, 37; Ni!'holas Stone, the Inventory, the Constitutions, 38; The New
Articles, 40; Marks, 41; The Lodge, Plan of Hall, Elias Ashmole and the
Masons' Company Lodge, 42 ; Particulars of those Present, 43; Separation of Lodge and Company, 44; Anderson's Statements, List of Aooepted Masons, 45 ;
Meaning of prefix l<'roe, 46; Date of the New Articles, 47; Character of the
Lodge purely Speculative, Disuse of the Constitntions, Marks, Sir C. Wren, 48;
Tho St. Alban Legend and Benedict Biscop, Signiiication of prefix Free, 49.
German Freemasonry In the Present Era. Gotthelf Greiner.
Introduction of Freemasonry into Germany, In~tallation of Duke of Lorraine,
Deputation to Hamburg, 1733, 55; Initiation of Frederick the Great, Grand Lodge of the Three Globes founded, Masonry in Austria, the Sun Lodge at Baireuth, tho Scottish Degrees, the Strict Observance, Zinnendorf and the
National Grand Lodge, 56; Re-establishment of English Freemasonry, the
Royal Edict of 179~. 57; The Curious History of the Sun Lodge, 58; Consti. tution of the Three Globes, of the National Grand Lodge, 59; Of the Royal
York, 60; Of the Grand Lvdge of Hamburg, of Saxony, of the Sun, 62; Of Frankfort, of Darmstadt, the Grand Lodge League, 63; Tho Grand Lodge Diet, Recognition of Foreign Systollls, Exclusive Jurisdiction, 64; Negro Grand
Lodges, German Lodges Abroad, . the Independt-nt Lodges, Private Ledges,
their Constitution, Tokens, Numeration, Contributions, 65; Minutes, Collec·
tiona for the Poor, Individual Rite of Speeoh, &c., Md.Sonio Kraenzchen,
Different kinds of Meetings, as for Work, 66; For Conference, Clnb·Evenings, Benevolent Institutions, 67; Banquets, Sister Banquets, Transfer of Allegi. ance, 68; Dual Membership, Clusification of Members, Offences and Disputes,
69; Fet>s and Dues, the Otticors, 70; Masonic Instruction, Festivals, Mourning
Lodges, 71 ; Initiation, the Ballot, J ustifioation of the Ballot, the Bible, the
Blank Book, 72 ; Tho Obligation, Religions Test, the Rituals in use, 73;
Certificates, Regalia, the Correspondence Bureau, the Union of German Masons, 74; Statistics, 75; General Obsert'ations and the High Degrees, 77;
Discussion, 78; Freemasonry in Austria, tho Religious Test, Jurisdiction, 80; Justification of Ballot, the White Book, Technical Designations of the Di1ferent
Sorts of Lodges, 81 ; Bro. Du Thom, De Thoms, or Thnanus, 82.
The Ordeal of the Poker. W. J. Chetwode Crawley, LL.D ....
Bibliography of the Old Charges. W. J. Hughan
The Law of Dakhell and other Curious Customs of the Bedowln. Sydney T. Klein, F.L.S., F.R.A.S.
Ben.Hadarl and Ahab, the Dakheil, 89; Oaths, the Wasat, 90; Oath of Wood, of Crosslines, of Ent Taleka, of God's Security, 91; By Lifting up the Hand,
by Placing it under the Thigh, 92; by Giving the Hand, 93; Halidome,
Chinese and Scandinavian Oaths, 9-1.; Circumambulation, Triads, Circumcision,
Wnsm Marks, 9:i; Masons' Marks in Syria, t.ho Head Rope, 96; The Evil Eye,
Passing Through, Unlucky to Tread on the Threshold, the Haramy or Robber,
97; Rescue of tho Hammy, 98; Circumcision an Initiation, Mode of Saluta..
tion, Spanish Gitanos or Gypsies, 99; Ezcessive Hospitality, Degeneration of Custom, 100; Gitano Games, Possible Influence of the Moon, 101; Circum­ cision, the Arabs and Geometry, 102; Symbology of the Hand, House-marks, 103; Minty on Freemasonry, 104; Moorish Influence, the Ben-Hadad Incident, 105 ; Circumcision, Rlood-Sacrifioe and Kinship, 106; Oaths and the Hand, Moorish Architecture, 107; Ben-Hadad, 108.
Benedict Blscop and the l.ntroductlcn of Freemasons Into England. Ed. Conder, jon., F.S.A.
A Curious Tablet. C. Kupferschmidt
A Sketch of the Earlier Hlstocy of Masonry in Austria and Hungary (continued). L. de Malozovioh Revival of the Bohemian Lodges owing to the exertions of the youllger Kinigl, Bro. Ignatius von Born, 129; Adhesion of Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick and other Princes to the Strict Observance, Stark and the Clerical Rite, the Convent of Kohlo, the Clericals Recognised, the Strict Observance re-organised, a Capitular Government Established, Princes made Superiors and Protectors, 130; Effects of the Be·organization on the Bohemian Lodges, Count Velaaoo, the Orphans' Asylum, 131 ; Duke Albert Casimir won for the Strict Observ­ ance, His Influence on the Lodges, Preparations for the Brunswick Convent, the Relations between Joseph II. and Masonry in Vienna, 132; Revival in Vienna, Vienna Lodges won for the Strict Observance, the Brunswick Convent, 133;
Von Hund Legitimise& Himself, Further Re-organisation of the Strict Observ· ance, ita Effects in Bohemia, 134 ; Vienna Declared Independent of Pragut~, and the Vlllth Province of the Order Established, Consequent Results in Vienna, 135; Rumours of the Intention of Joseph II. to join the Fraternity, the Emperor's Letter to the Prague Brethren, Gup:umos the Impostor, 136; Convent at Wiesbaden, Fall of Gugumoa, Death of Von Hund, Candidature of Duke of Sndermania for the vacant Grand Masttlrship, Wolfenbiittel Convent, Success of the Duke, Consequent Secession of Prn88ia and Silesia, Decay of the Strict Observance, a Female Lodge at Klattau, 137; Revival in Galicia owing to .M. J. von Clemens, two impostors, Daudin and Beduzzi, at Lemberg, a French Lodge established there, other Lodges in Galicia, 138; in Triest, in Styria and Moravia, Rise of the Zinnendorf Rite, 139 ; Lodge Hope of Vienna joins it, the Grand National Lodge at Berlin sends au EmiBBary, Sudthausen, to Vienna, 140; His Success in Establishing the Rite, Sudthausen confers with Joseph n., 141; The Zinnendorf Rite establishes a Provincial Grand Lodge in Vienna under Dietrichstein, 142; Aspirations in Vienna for a Natural and Independe11t Grand Lodge, Lodges in the Tyrol, in Sileeia, 143 ; Moldavia and Bukovina, Death of Maria Theresa, 144.
Notes on German Freemasonry. 1.-Abaalom, the Premier Lodge. Carl Wiebe English Origin of the Garman Craft; the Strict Observance, I 46 ; Appointment of Du Thoma, Initiation of Francia of Lorraine, Deputation by the Earl of Strathmore, Nettlebladt's Assertions, 147; First German Lodge .Minutes, Deputation to initiate Frederick the Great, Liittmann's Appointment, 148;
Warrant of Confirmation to Absalom, 149; Discussion, Carl Sarry, Reply, 152.
A Curious Historical Error. Dr. W. Barlow ...
A Glimpse at Early Freemason!')' In Germany. C. Kupferschmidt Early Lodges, 160; Mode of Constituting, Early Warrants, 161; Ritual, Arrangement of Lodge, Proceedings, 162; Early By-laws, St. John's Candidate, Early Work, the Tapis, 163; Table Lodge, Order of Toasts, Clothing, 164;
Position of Master and Wardens in Germany and in Operative Times, 165;
Grand Secretary's Salary, St. John's Candidates, Fees, 167.
Table of Oontentl.
Tra.nsactions of Humber Installed Masters' Lod~te
Crossle's St. Patrick's Lodge, No. 77 Malden's Freemasonry on the Coromandel Coast Jacob Norton's Masonic Fiction Exploded Gratton's Freemasonry in Shanghai ...
Leslie's Stewart Lodge, No. 1960 BeeYer's Thornhill Lodge, No. 1514 .. .
Matthewman's Masonic 111isoellanea .. . H . le Strange's Freemasonry in Norfolk
Washington Lodge, Roxbury, Mass . .. . Barnett's Lodge of Harmony
A Soots Medimval Architect
W. J. Hughan G. W. Speth Chetwode Crawley, W. J.
W. J . Hoghan
W. J. Hughan
W. F . Vernon
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., Earliest use of term Freemaeons on the stage
, Various allusions to Freemaeonry in Argentine Republic
165, 167 115 29 21
25, 115 51
, Austria 56, 80, 129, 132,
, Bandon , Bohemia , Burma , China , England , Galicia , Germany , Glasgow , Hamburg ,. Hall , Hungary , Leicester .. Lindley , Madras , Masons Company
... 52, 127 138
51,55, 146 51
21 28
Lodges, Chapters, etc., alluded to :- Absalom, Hamburg ... 55, 146, 153 Acacia, Meissen 67, 70 Albert of the Golden Helmet .. 135 Amalia, Weimar 66, 67, 68 A ruis reunis, London . . . 113 Ancient French Lodge, London 113 Angel, Yarmouth 126 Antient Boyne, No. 84 5 Apollo, Leipzic 76 Archimedes, Altenburg 65, 75 Archimedes, Gera 65, 75 Baldwin, Leipsic 65, 75, 76 Ballygawley .. . 158 Bandon No. 84 4 Bandon N<>. 414 11 Boyne, Kinsale 6 Bruuswick Convent 133 Brunswick, Prov. G.L. 113 Carl, Hilburgshausen ... 56, 75 Casimir of the Niue Stars 134 Cavan, No. 300 54 Charles, Altona • 76 Concordia, Triest 139
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PAGI! Lodges, Chapters, etc., alluded to:-
Cornucobia, Lubeck .. . 76 Crowned Hope, Vienna 140 Cumberland, London .. 113 Darmstadt, Grand Lodge of 68, 63, 75 Deathshead and Phc:enix, KOnigs-
berg Du Grand Maitre, Amsterdam .. .
16 151 180 Dutch Lodges at Cape, List of .. .
Eleusis, Baireuth Eboracum No. 1611 Ferdinand, Madgeburg Flaming Star, Berlin ... Frankfort, Grand Lodge of Frankfort, Prov. G.L .. .. FrankneMs, Gorz Frederick, Breslau .. Frederick William, Bremen Frederick William, RaLibor French Lodge, Londnn Freiburg Friendship, Norfolk ... George, Hamburg Goetht>, Poessneck Golden Apple, Dresden Golden Balance, Bof.. .. Golden Gun, Zaleszczyk Grand East of Ulster . ..
58,76 17 76 76
17 )35 57
Grand Royal Arch Chapter, York Great Priory of Germany Bamburg, Prov. G.L . . .. Bamburg, Grand Lodge 58,62, 75
76 58 76
Hansa, Bremen Hanover, Grand Lodge of Harmony, Chemnitz ... Bengist No. 261, Christchurch Herman of the Black Tortoise Honour, Wolverbampton Hope, Samber
16 138 171
... 138, HO Hope, Vienna Humber Installed Masters Huntley Illinois, Grand Lodge of Ireland, Grand Lodge of Joseph of the Imperial Eagle Joseph of the Three Trophies Kaiser Friedrich, Grand Lodge,
133 20 28 76
Berlin Kohlo, Convent of Lebanon, Erlangen L'Egalite, London L'Esperance, London .. . Luttmann, Hamburg . . . Maid's Bead, Norwich Masons' Company, London Minerva, Cologne Minerva, Leipsic Minerva, Potsdam Minerva, Sudagora Morning Star, Hof. National Grand Lodge, Berlin
60 130 68
28 76
65,75,76 57
H4 58
57, 59, 72, 75, 140 New York, Grand Lodge of 76 Olive Branch, Bremen 76 Palm Tree, Vienna 135 Pennsylvania, Grand Lodge of ... 76 Perfect Equality, Lemburg 138 Pilgrim No. 238, London 163 Punch Bowl No. 269, York 17 Research No. 2429, Leicester 128 Rodomskoy Prefecture .
129, 130, 18), )34, 187 Royal Atheletan No. 19 .. 157 Royal York, Berlin 57, 59, 75 Saxony, Grand Lodge of 58, 62, 75 Beaven Heavens, Luxemburg 139 Shakespeare, Warwick 126
P.AQE Lodges, Chapters, etc., alluded to:-
Sincerity, Pilsen 129, 131, 137 St. Alban No. 88, Adelaide 181 St. Joseph, Vienna 141 8~. Patrick No. 77, Newry 21 St. Paul, Cremoua 148 St. Polten Commandery 185 tstewards', Madras J2 Bun, Bayreuth 66, 5S, 62, 75 Three Compasse11, Stettin 76
, Crowned Hearts 137 , Crowned Sws, Prague
129, 131, 135 , Crowns, Koenigsberg 116 ,, Eagles, Vienna 131, 133, 13&, 140 ., Globes 66, 5i, 5!1, 72, 75, 160 ., GoldenCompasses,Kniphansen 162 ,. Golden Keys, Balle 161, 167
Helmets, Cracow 139 , Keys, Ratisbon . . . 140 , Mountains, Innspruck 143 ., Pillara, Prague... . .. 129, 181
Seraphs, Berlin ... 1-" ., Skelet.ons, Breslan 76 ,. Standards, Lemberg 188 ,, Stars, Anspach.. . 68
Swords, Dresden 67, 76, 162, 167 ,. Swords, Halle . . . 76 ,. Swords, Vienna 143 ,. White Eagles, Lemberg ... 138 , White Roses 138
Troppau )43 True Love and Unity No. 360,
Brixham Truth and Friendship, Furth Tun, Philadelphia Unanimity, Walsham ... Union Coffee Bouse, Norwich Union Parfaite, Varasd Unity, Dantsic Vienna, ProT. G.L. of ... Washington, Roxbury .. Wiesbaden Convent ... Wilhelmsbad Convent Wolfenbiittel Convent Yougal Zur Eintracht, Cape ...
Maooabees, Tomb of the
5 117 23
Manuscript Constitutions alluded to:- Anchor and Hope 87 Ancient Stirling 18 Antiquity ... 39, U Col. Clerke .. . 39, 41 Grand Lodge No. 2 40 G. W. Bain .. . 40 Harleian No. 19.1.2 40 Inigo Jones .. . 23 Langdale 87 Lamb Smith ... 87 Maon~~ob 87 Masone' Company 39 Matthew Cooke 18, 40 Phillipps 39 Roberts 40 Tew 19 W. Watson 19, 40, 41
Manuscript Constitutions, Genealogy of 20 Mason, Derivation of 23 Masonic Apron 28
,. Charm, German 178 ,. Inscription 115 ., Service in a Synagogue ... 51 ., Scholarship at Adelaide University 181
Masonry Further Dissected .. • 88 Masons' Company .. . ... 28 Masons' Marks ... 26, 41, 96, 110, 111, 177
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x. Inde:l:.
PAGJ: Persona alluded to :- PAGJ: Master of Stories, Identity of 19 Butler, Hon. James 7 Melrose Inscriptions ... 172, 178 Callaghan, Cornelius .. . 5 Minty's Discourse upon Masonry 104 · Cagliostro, Count 143 Minutes, First German Lodge 148 Cape, Cptn ... . 7 Mother Lodges 161 Carne, D. 112 Mystical Table 166 Carpser, P . . .. 148
Carrell, C. W. . . . $3, 127
Oaths, Forma of 91 Chapelle, Count V. de Ia 151
Olftcers for 1897 159 Chatoon, N ... . 112
Old Charges, Bibliography of 85 Chetwode Crawley, Dr. 88 Clarke, John ... 34 Orange Colours in an Irish Lodge 8 Clemens, :M. J. de. . . . 129, 138 Outing of 1896 120 CoHee, John ... 37,41 Colman, Bishop 154
Paaaing through holes 97 Comes, Jean B. 7 Cooke, E. 181
Persona alluded to :- Coote, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Eyre 7 Abraham, John 30 Corker, Thomas 6 Adderly, B . .. 7 Cotter, Edward 6 Ahab 89 Cottin, Pierre 7 Albedyll, F. C. von 148 Cox, Rev. Sir :M. 7 Alfred the Great 168 Cramm 161 Alfrid of Northumbria 153 Cunningham, Hon. J . .. . 7 Anderton, E. D. ... 58, 127 D'Angley, Col. F . 132, 133, us Arbien, J. 148 D' .Arnand Chevalier 138 Aahmole, Elias 42 Dathe, J . A .... 148 Astf)lburgh, John 29 DeCourcy, Hon. W. 7 Athelstan 19 Desaguliers, Dr. 55 Auchinleck, Laird of ... 19 De Thoms, F. 82, U7, 153 Aueraperg ... 138 Devaux, J. .. . 112 Baillie, Charles 139 DietrichRtein, Count J. . .• 141, 142 Bailie, Richard 7 D'Oberg, Baron G. L. ... 147,148 Baireuth, Margrave of 58 Domnier, P . .. . 112 Banckes, Richard 39 Donnellan, John 5 Bandon, Francia, Earl of 7 Donovan, James 11 Bat·low, W. 181 Dorbar, William 41 Bath and W ella, Bishop of 181 Douglas, Hugh 7 Batthyany, . .. 133, 144 Downer, H. E. 181 Baudin, Abbe 138 Downes, Charles 166 Bay lie, Dick ... 9 Drury, C. D. Hill ... 53,127 Be de 156 Dubuisson 112 Beduzzi 188 Duntze, Sir J . , .. 7 Behrend 116 Du Portae, Jean 7 Begemann, Dr. W. 51 Dn Roche, Fr. 7 Belcher, Dr. W. 6 Dyson , Capt. 7 Belcher, R. T. 7 Ecgfrid 154 Belcher, W .... 7 Edward of Westminster 25 Bell, Richard 168 Edwin 19 Benedict Bi~cop 109 Ellis, Peter .. . 6 Ben Hadad ••• ... 89,106 Euer, W. 26 Bennett, George 5 Everett, Rowland 34 Bennett, Thomas 6 Exter, von ... 148 Bergmann, Karl. 168 Ezekiel H5 Bernand, Arthur 6 }'ardell, Thomas 36 Bethlen, Col. C. P . 148 Fessler 61 Bielefeld 148 Ferrier, P. 112 Bischofswerder, Ton 182 Fitzwilliam, John 41 Bisshop, Wm. 11 Florence, Pierre 7 .IJiake, Lieut.-Col. 7 Flood 38 Blonden, Capt. 7 Forgach 138 Bohnen, von 117 Fostain, Louis 7 Boothby, Col. 7 Francken,von 113 Born, Ign. von. ... 129, 131 Franklin, Baldwin 7 Borthwick, Capt. R. 4.2 'Frederick the Great 66, 148, 180 Bose, Count ... .. . 132, 133 French, James a• Bosworth, Wm. 41 Friar, John .. 5 Boulton, J . .. . . .. 53, 127 Friar, Rev. John 5 Bourke. Thomas 5 Frodsham, Brydge 17 Brenan, James 5 Furnell, Michael 166 Brown, John .. . 34,41 Garibaldi, Genl. 7 Bruckenthal von 161 Gilbert, A . .. . 112 Brunswick, Duke F. 130 Gilbert, P. L. 112 .. Duke C. 130 Gilder, James 30,41
" Prince F. A. ... 130, 143 Gillman, Stephen 6
Buroase, T. 112 Gollock, Rev. James 6 Burton, Juhn 158 Goodwin, William 18 Bushe,C. K •... 7 Gorman, Rev. W. 6
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Persona alluded to:- Gould, R. F . . . . Graefe, von .. . Granger Greiner, Gotthelf Gray, William Grundy, E. B. Gugumoa, Baron Gunther, Dr. Garner, J . R. Guzeau, L .... Ha.ddesley, Ma~thew ... Ball, Col. Ball, John ... Hamilton, J . Hammer, Joseph Hammett, Richard Bamond, William Harman, Thomas Barris, Richard Bauer, Urban Hawkins, Rev. J. Henwick, Robert Herneden, Richard Hesse Cassel, Duke C. of
P.lGJ: 122
Hesse Darmstadt, Louis, Margrave of 140
HinCA, John .. ~ 84 Bindle, Capt. 7 Hingston, F. B. 7 Hipple, T. G. von 116 Hodges, Francis 41 Bonner, Robert 6 Horsley, Rev. J . W. 54, 88 Hoyer, G. M. 116 Hughan, W. J. 127 Bund, von . .. ... 24-, 130, 133, 137 Bunter, Col.... 63, 127 Huxley, William 11 Ives, J. ll2 Jacques, Lient.-Col. 6 Jacobi 117 Jarvis, Samuel 6 John of Gloucester 25 Jones, Hugh... 36 Joseph, 11. ... 132, 136, 141, 142 Keith 147 Kelly, James 11 Kemp, A. 181 Kersabio, Chevalier 7 KCBBler 148 Killord, John 34 Kielmaneegge, Count . .. 148 King, Col. 7 Kinig1, Count C. B.
129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135
Indez. xi.
Persona alluded to :- PAGE
La~~J~n " Lastwitz, Baron von 113 Lawis, C.…
