Article I – Legislative Branch Congress Odd Laws Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red...


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Article I – Legislative Branch


Odd Laws Any misdemeanor committed

while wearing a red mask is considered a felony.

In Little Rock dogs can't bark after 6pm.

In Blyth, CA a person must own two cows before s/he is permitted to wear cowboy boots in public.

In Florida, it's illegal to skateboard without a license.

In Portland, it is illegal for men to tickle women under the chin with feather dusters. 

In Michigan a state law stipulates that a woman's hair legally belongs to her husband.

In Excelsior Springs it's illegal to make a squirrel worry.

In Kansas city installation of a four legged bathtub with toes that resemble those of an animal is prohibited.

People who make "ugly faces" at dogs may be fined and/or jailed in Oklahoma.

In Mesquite, TX it's illegal for children to have "unusual" haircuts.

Main Purpose:

Congress’ main purpose is to PASS LAWS

Organization of Congress

House of Representatives consists of 435 members

Number per state depends on population

Missouri has 9 Representatives They are chosen by the PEOPLE


House of Representatives

Missouri is divided into 9 Congressional districts – each district represents approximately 630,000 people

District #4 – Vicky Hartzler (R) District #5 – Emmanual Cleaver (D)* Their term is for 2 years Salary is $174,000 per year

House of Representatives

Leader is called the Speaker of the House

John Boehner (R) – California - is the current Speaker $223,500/yr

Majority Leader and Minority Leader also have a lot of power


There are 100 Senators total – 2 per state

Missouri’s 2 Senators are Roy Blunt (R) and Claire McCaskill (D)

1/3 of the Senators in the US are chosen by the PEOPLE in the GENERAL ELECTION


The Senate term is for 6 years Salary is currently $174,000

per year Leaders include: Vice President Joe Biden (D) –

his only real power is to break tie votes


President Pro Tempore – is currently is Daniel Inouye

Senate Majority Leader – is currently Harry Reid

Senate Minority Leader – is currently Mitch McConnell


Remember, Congress consists of BOTH the Senate and House of Representatives

In total, there are 535 members Information about Congress

can be found in Article I of the Constitution

Duties of Congresspeople

Introduce Bills (ideas for laws) Study Bills and attend meetings Votes on Bills ( public record) Help Constituents ( the people

they represent) Go home and meet with people

(usually every weekend)

More Duties:

Meet with people: lobbyists, groups, anyone in D.C.

Always ON!! Lots of Social Occasions.

Duties cont’d:

Meetings with staff: staff is extremely important as they do a ton of work!

Campaign for re-election – House of Representatives is only a 2 year term

Represent the basic needs of their Constituents


Powers of CongressEx. All cars must have seatbelts

Enumerated powers – listed or stated in the Constitution

Declare war Coin and print money Regulate commerce (business) Impose Constitutional amendments Establish post offices

More Enumerated Powers

Grant copyrights and patents

Establish courts Investigate problems/issues

Implied Powers

Powers not written, but assumed

Comes from the ELASTIC CLAUSE

Example: social security, I-70, etc

How Congress can check

President – by overriding his veto OR to impeach and remove him from office

The Courts – by impeaching and removing judges AND the Senate must approve all court appointments made by the President

Checks on Congress

The President can VETO bills

The Courts – can use JUDICIAL REVIEW and declare laws unconstitutional

Special powers of the House

Impeachment process starts in the House

All money bills (REVENUE) must start in the House

Elect President if 270 electoral votes aren’t voted to one person

Special Powers of the Senate

Ratify (approve) all treaties Hold the removal trial for

executive officials Approve Presidential

appointments Elect the Vice President – if no

one won 270 electoral votes

Special Powers of the Speaker of the House

Presiding official over the House He appoints people to the Rules

Committee – this committee assigns bills to their committees in Congress

Assigns bills to committee Determines when a bill gets

discussed Calls on people to speak

Special Interest Groups Good or Evil? Try to persuade public officials and

public policy. “Where the body is, there will the

vultures be gathered.” – Historian/Diplomat Lord Bryce

Good Help raise awareness Represent members

Provide helpful info to government (employment, price levels etc.)

Encourage political participation Checks and Balances (keep an eye on politicians)

Bad Push their own interests, not always in the best

interest of Americans Some have too much influence Hard to tell how many people there are. (The

American Citizens Committee for…..) Sometimes the representative of the org. doesn’t

share all members views Bribery, threats etc.

Special Interest Groups Examples Assoc. on American Indian Affairs American Zoo and Aquarium Assoc. American Cancer Society U.S. Brewer’s Association American Trucking Association Fraternal Order of Police National Farmers Union American Medical Association National Education Association American Civil Liberties Union AARP NAACP National Rifle Association

How Do Interest Groups Influence?

Propaganda – persuasion of public opinion using mass media

Political Action Committees (PACs) – raise money for election campaigns

Lobbying – pressure legislators to pass or reject laws.

How a law is passed

Average time is 18 months Where do the ideas come from?

Constituents, committees, President, Lobbyists, Political Parties, Congress People, other

(10,000 bills could be introduced into congress in one session.)

Process of bill becoming a law

Bills can be introduced into either house except MONEY bills which have to start in the House of Representatives

Thrown into the hopper (a box on the clerk’s desk)

Given a number Assigned to committee


Congress people are assigned to committees

Choice of committee is based on what will help their state and their own personal interests

Assignments are based on seniority and party ratio in Congress

House Committees

The Speaker of the House makes all committee assignments

Committee Work

Open hearings – make a huge report First step –obtain information from

experts, special interest groups, and common people

Closed hearings – committee and staff members only allowed!

All info from open hearing is summarized into report.

Committee Work

Then, the committee reads the report, discusses/debates, and makes a decision

Decision can be: Yes recommendation, No recommendation, never send back to the floor

Floor – entire House or Senate Senate – clerk puts on the

calendar automatically on the first available date

House – Speaker decides when and if to place on calendar

Discussion in Senate anyone can talk and in the House you have to be called on by the Speaker

Vote: need a majority or 51% to pass.

How to Influence a Congressperson’s Vote

Write letters or visit Attend open hearings Join a political party Join a special interest group Vote on Congress people

If Bill passes

Goes to the other house in identical form Committee Floor – if it passes here then it goes to the President

President can sign into law; veto which means he says NOPresident Obama signs

a bill that will increase tobacco taxes to provide health care for 4 million uninsured children in the U.S.

President Obama’s first veto was against a bill (H.J. Res. 64) to issue emergency funding for Congress while they were working to pass an appropriations bill. The appropriations bill was passed therefore H.J. Res. 64 was not needed.

Overriding a Veto

Bill goes back to the House that started it

2/3 majority vote to pass If passes goes to the other house 2/3 majority vote to pass there

also If that happens, it becomes a law

Line Item Veto

President can kill certain lines in the bill. Can only remove BUDGET related items

President can do nothing

Hold for 10 days if Congress is in session it automatically becomes a law

If Congress is not in session – it is pocket veto and is therefore DEAD!!

President Obama issues a pocket veto on a resolution to regulate notarizations on financial documents. He believes it will make it easier for mortgage companies to foreclose on homes.

Terms to KnowFreshman Congressperson – less experienced,

new to Congress.

Bill – a proposed law

Seniority – years of experience that allow for an advantage

Constituent – citizen that is represented

Lobby Group – special interest group that tries to influence lawmakers.

Capitol – building where congress meets.

Standing Committee – permanent panel where similar bills are discussed

Select/Special Committee – limited time/special circumstance

Joint Committee – members of both houses

Veto – rejection of a bill by the Pres.

Impeach – bring formal charges against a public official.

House – House of Representatives

house – two houses of government

Session – period of time in which Congress does legislative work

Term – amount of time an elected official may hold office.

Federal Government – form of government in which powers are divide between central and state.

Other Terms to Know

Gerrymander – the drawing of irregular district boundaries to give a group an advantage.

Quorum – majority of the house that must be present to conduct business.

Joint Resolution – similar to bills, proposal for action (special circumstances or temporary matters)
