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A Reliable Testimony

Evil: A Word Study

At the Right Hand

A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine: Feasting Like Royalty

InSites: Daniel

Wise Men from the East

The gods of Babylon

Just Who Was Belshazzar?

Governmental Structure of Persia

In His Image

The Breath of Life


InSites: The Sons of Noah

Ever Higher: The Significance of Ancient Towers

Egypt in the Time of Abraham

God's Covenant with Abraham

Birthrights and Blessings

At Peniel

Cisterns in the Ancient Near East

Manasseh, Son of Joseph

Name Changes in the Bible

The Angel of the Lord

Mesopotamia in the Patriarchal Age

The gods of Ancient Corinth

Cain's Downcast Face and Acceptance

BI the Book: Jesus: A Visual History

Joshua: Leader of the Conquest

The Jordan River

Reuben: His Land and His Legacy

Jonah: A Prophet for His Time

The Nicolatians

Life After the Exile

First Church, Antioch

Dinners and Feasts in the First Century

Fellowship: A Word Study

"Children" in John's Letters

Cain: The First Unrepentant Sinner

Domitian: Emperor of Rome

The Church at Philadelphia: Pillars of the Faith

Scrolls, Books & Seals

Megiddo: A Crucial Locale

Alpha and Omega

Why These 66 Books?

First-Century Jewish Weddings

Along the Nile

Elijah and Jewish Messianic Expectations

Houses in Jesus' Day

The Jewish Tradition of Fasting

The Churches of Macedonia

Glory: A Hebrew Understanding

BI the Book: Illustrated Life of Paul

InSites: Patmos

InSites: Ships of the Biblical Era

The Suffering Servant in Isaiah

Mary, a Woman with God's Favor

Jesus' Teaching on the 10 Commandments

The Practice of Roman Crucifixion

Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances

"Under His Feet"

Jesus' Teaching About Love


Paul's Understanding of the Law

Yahweh, the Divine Warrior

Obadiah: The Man and His Message

InSites: Minor Prophets

InSites: Pontius Pilate - An Overview

The Philistines and the Philistine Cities

"Remnant" in the Old Testament

Pestilence & Plague in the Ancient World

Haggai, Prophet of the Return

Esau, All We Know

Widows and Orphans in the Old Testament

Paul's Plea for Unity

The Lamb in Revelation

Judgment and Rewards

Salt in the Ancient World

Culture Clashes: Communion at Corinth

How Long Was Jesus Buried?

Peace: A Word Study

BI the Book: Was the Tomb Empty

Reversals in the Book of Esther

Valleys and Pastures: A Geographical Overview of Ancient Israel

Our Forgiving God: Unique Among Ancient Religions?

"Sanctification" in 1 Thessalonians

Nehemiah's Wall in Jerusalem

Sheol: An Old Testament Understanding

Morality in First-Century Rome

Not Ashamed: Why It Mattered

Temple Personnel in Nehemiah's Day

Agrippa II

Waterfalls and Wadis: Water Imagery in the Psalms

Savior: A Word Study

To Be a Stranger

Sanballat & Tobiah

Herod's Temple

Xerxes I: His Life and Times

Trade and Wealth in the Ancient World

Under His Wings

Gates and Gatekeepers

The Poor: An Old Testament Perspective

Paul and Corinthian Church

Returning to Judah

Armor as Biblical Imagery

Ancient Lebanon

Rule of the Achaemenid Kings (InSites)

Rulers, Religion, and Ancient Coins (InSites)

BI the Book: Warfare in the Old Testament

BI the Book: The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Athletic Venues in the Greco-Roman World (InSites)

The Cities in the Sorek Valley (InSites)

Daily Life in First-Century Ephesus

Strangers & Aliens

“One Baptism” What Did Paul Mean?

Anger: A New Testament Perspective

Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs

Camels and Caravans: Joseph's Trip to Egypt

Servants in the House of Pharaoh

Joseph and His Brothers

Comfort: A Word Study

The Place and Purpose of the Book of Hebrews

Evangelism in the Early Church

The Old Testament in Hebrews

Entering into God's Rest

The Laying on of Hands

The Ashes of the Red Heifer

Jesus, Our Mediator

Hospitality in the First Century

The Heavenly Host

God as "King"

Geography and the Story of Samson

Jesse: All We Know

History and Function of the Pharisees & Sadduccees

Education in the First Century

Hypocrisy: A Word Study

White Raiment in Revelation

Exalt: A Word Study

The Sins of the Fathers

John’s Understanding of Forgiveness

Melchizedek in Scripture and Legend

The Purpose and Life Situation of First Peter

InSites: Simon Peter: Locations and Legacy

Christianity in the Age of Emperor Worship

“Hope” in First Peter

The Face of God

The Rise and Fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire

Ezekiel: His Call and Message

Hebrew Expressions of Grief

Fire: Purification and Judgment in the Old Testament

David: A Model Ruler?

Life in the Royal Court of Babylon

InSites: Babylon in the Time of Nebuchadnezzar II

The Medes and the Persians

The Exile as a Curse: Daniel’s Understanding

The Message and Purpose of Deuteronomy

Idols and Idolatry in the Ancient Near East

To “Blaspheme” God’s Name

The Significance of the Sabbath

Human Sexuality: An Old Testament Perspective

Theft in the Ancient Near East

The Secret Sin: Coveting

The Heart: A Biblical Understanding

BI the Book: Telling God's Story

To Have Dominion: The Meaning

Paul's Stewardship Principles

Achaia: Its Location and Significance

A "Cheerful" Giver

Holy: A Word Study

InSites: It Happened on Resurrection Day

Roman Soldiers in the New Testament

Inheritance Laws in the First Century

The Role and Function of the High Priest

Solomon, All We Know

The Fear of the Lord: The Meaning

Strange Women, Adulteresses, and Seducers in the Book of Proverbs

"Watch Your Tongue!" Warnings in Proverbs

Food Storage and Preservation in the Ancient Near East


Serpents and Vipers

Adultery in the Ancient Near East

Oils, Perfumes, and Cosmetics of the Ancient Near East

InSites: The Tree of Life

Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East

Pharaoh's Request: "Bless Me"

Incense in Hebrew Worship

The Staff: More Than a Walking Stick

The Arm of the Lord

To Believe

"Seven" in the Book of Revelation

BI the Book: Rose Then and Now Bible Map Atlas

Jesus as the "Son of Man" in the Gospel of John

Jesus: The Light of the World

Jesus' Use of Metaphors

The "Truth": A Word Study

"I Am the Vine"—A Theological Perspective

"Our Father"—Jesus' Prayer Practices & Customs

It Happened in the Kidron Valley

Eyewitnesses to the Crucifixion

The Shepherd's Work

Greece: Expansion and Influence (InSites)

Rome: Expansion and Influence (InSites)

Hellenism's Lingering Influence

The Wrath of God

A Mother's Role in the First Century

Mortality and Immortality in First-Century Thought

Rome in Romans: A Cultural Reflection

Heir: A First-Century Understanding

God as "My Rock"

"The Spirit of God Was Moving"

BI the Book: Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook

The Gospel of John: Its Historical Setting

Nathanael: All We Know

Cana in the First Century

The Replacement Motif in John's Gospel


Jesus, the Paralytic, and the Sabbath

Jesus' Family: All We Know

James: Leader of the Jerusalem Church

"Verily, Verily" in John's Gospel

"Lazarus Has Died"

First Century Burial: A Cultural Comparison (InSites)

Jewish Burial Practices (InSites)

Self-Deception as a Theme in James

The Rich and the Poor in the First Century: A Contrast

The Royal Law in James

Analogies in the Book of James

Door as Biblical Imagery

Why Anoint?

Who Was Lot?

Were They Talking About the Same Thing? Paul, Luke, and the Jerusalem Council

Joseph: A Man of Integrity

BI the Book: Jesus and the Jewish Festivals

The Message and Purpose of the Book of Job

Iniquity: A Word Study

Precious Metals

Dreams and Visions in the Old Testament

Repentance in the Book of Job

Ecclesiastes in a Positive Light

Time and Eternity: A Hebrew Understanding

Acquiring Wealth in the Ancient Near East

Israel's Climate

God "Created": A Word Study

Abraham's Family: An Overview

Covenant as a Biblical Theme

A "Cry of Pain" in Exodus

The Attraction of Idolatry

David: The King and His Kingdom

Warriors of the Old Testament World (CenterSpread)

From Nebuchadnezzar to Cyrus II

Fishermen in the First Century

Pilate's Role in Jesus' Death

John's Vision: The River of the Water of Life

BI the Book: Jesus and His World: The Archaeological Evidence

Timothy and Paul

“Hope” in Paul’s Letters: A Word Study

Older Adults in First-Century Culture

Roman Governors in the First Century

Jewish and Gentile Marriage

The “Scriptures” in Paul’s Day

Crowns: Their Significance and Symbolism

First-Century Crete: A Cultural Review

“Sound Teaching”: What Did Paul Mean?

The Traditions of the Elders

Animal Imagery in the New Testament

Who Is My “Neighbor”?

Preparing for Passover

God’s Self-Revelation at Sinai

Sacrificial Animals in Hebrew Worship

Abomination: A Word Study

The Wise and the Foolish in Proverbs

Lamps: Their Development and Use

Friendship: An Old Testament Portrayal

Establishing the New Testament Canon (CenterSpread)

BI the Book: Rose Guide to the Temple

The Moral Climate in Hosea’s Day

Rebuke: A Word Study

Assyria and the Eighth-Century Hebrew Prophets

“Love” and “Love” in Hosea

The Eagle: A Symbol of Strength

City Walls and Fortifications

Horses as Symbols of Power

Tekoa: Its History and Significance

The Economic Conditions of the Eighth Century B.C.

The House of Jeroboam

“Wicked” in the Book of Jeroboam

Egyptian Slavery

Messianic Expectations in the First Century

Thieves and Robbers

Nahum in His Historical Setting

The Divine Dialogue in the Book of Habakkuk

Edom: Its Land and People

Timothy’s Ministry Assignments

Godliness: A First-Century Understanding

Assyria: The Growth of an Empire (CenterSpread)

BI the Book: Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus

Simon Peter: His Years of Ministry

Bithynia and Pontus

Hope for Persecuted Believers: The Lord Is Good

Living as Free People

Noah as New Testament Imagery

Living Like Pagans

The Minister as a Shepherd

Simon Peter: Eyewitness to the Majesty

Jude: The Man and His Letter

The Sermon on the Mount: An Overview

Perfect: A Word Study

The Churches’ Use of the Lord’s Prayer

Trees Native to Israel

Breaking All the Rules: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Abraham’s Travels

Miriam: All We Know

Hellenistic Jews and Native Hebrews

Barnabas: All We Know

BI the Book: The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook

The Early Spread of Christianity (CenterSpread)

The Peoples of Canaan

Israel as Tribes

Who Were the Anakim?

The World Situation at the Time of the Judges

The Judges in Judges

The Role of Geography in the Warfare of the Judges

The Nazirite Vow

Moab: Its History and People

Sealing the Deal in the Ancient Near East

An Overview of Malachi

Clothes: Their Production and Care in the Ancient Near East

The Work of the Holy Spirit: A Biblical Overview

Condemnation: A Word Study

The Wisdom of Men

Abba Father

"Gird Up Your Loins!"

Jeremiah’s Use of Metaphors

Deported to Babylon

BI the Book: The World of the Early Church: A Social History

Israel’s Inheritance (CenterSpread)

The Last Shall Be First: Reversal as a Theme in Luke

Luke: A Letter to the Gentiles

“Today” in Luke

Luke: The Gospel of the Holy Spirit

Jesus the Master Teacher

Jesus and the Samaritans

Jesus and Possessions: What Luke Teaches

Wearing Purple

The Roman Death Penalty

Jesus “Blessed” Them

The World Situation in David’s Time

With Harp and Lyre: Musical Instruments in the Old Testament

“...for He is Good”—The Psalms of Thanksgiving

Resurrection in First-Century Jewish Thought

Women as Eyewitnesses...

Why at Caesarea Philippi?

He’s Coming Again!

The Shema: Its Meaning and Importance in Judaism

Moriah: Its Biblical and Historical Significance

BI the Book: The ESV Bible Atlas

What's Unique to Luke? (CenterSpread)

The Word “Word” in the First Century

Of Marrying Age

Going Down to Egypt as a Biblical Theme

Where Was the Manger?

Paul’s Use of Light and Darkness

Keeping Things Kosher

Just One God! Paul and the Philosophers

Mystery Religions and the Early Church

Illness and Medicine: A First-Century Understanding

The Husband’s Role in the First-Century Family

The Book of Numbers: An Introduction

Caleb: All We Know

Sheepfolds: Their Construction and Use

Grinding Grain

Deuteronomy: An Introduction

Jesus’ Use of Deuteronomy

The Tithe: A Unique Practice

Establishing Weights and Measures in Ancient Israel

Mount Nebo

Where Jesus Was Born (CenterSpread)

BI the Book: The World of the Bible

Prayer: Paul's Practice and Instructions

Why Paul Wrote to the Romans

Religion in First-Century Rome

The Sons of Abraham: A New Testament Understanding

Righteousness in Pauline Thought

Persecution and Tribulation for Early Believers

Revenge in Early Christian Thought

Jewish and Gentile Believers in Rome

Approved: A Word Study

The Body as New Testament Imagery

Rabbis in the First Century

Bethany Beyond the Jordan

Winemaking in Ancient Israel

What Was the Decapolis?

Bread and Bread Making in the Ancient World

When God Speaks

Bull and Calf Worship in the Ancient Near East

Into the Wilderness

Roman Emperors in the First Century (CenterSpread)

BI the Book: Read the Bible for Life by George H. Guthrie

Labor in the First Century


Jericho in the First Century

Sodom & Gomorrah as Cautionary Examples

"You Foolish People!" Paul's Corrective Language

A Child's Status in the First Century

Lust: A Word Study

Sorcery and Witchcraft in the First Century

Love in John's Writings

Judgment in Greco-Roman Thought

Jeremiah in its Historical Setting

Jeremiah's Messages of Hope

"Jeremiah, Do Not Pray for These People"

Jeremiah's Messages of Judgment

Topheth: A Word Study

Jeremiah and the Last Kings of Judah

Diviners and False Prophets

Drink Offerings in the Ancient Near East

Babylon: The Land of the Chaldeans

The HCSB Study Bible

Philppi in the First Century (CenterSpread)

Gentile Believers: How Conversion Affected Their Lives

Building Stones and Stone Buildings

Pilgrim Motif in 1 Peter

Bethany in the First Century

A City Under Siege

Thomas, A Follower of Jesus

Susa in the Days of Queen Esther

Who Was Artaxerxes?

When God Scattered His Witnesses

BI the Book: Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: Old Testament

Passover (CenterSpread)

Philippi: A Historical and Archaeological Study

Flattery, Favors, and Obligations: Patrons and Clients in the Greco-Roman World

Paul's Opponents at Philippi

Like-Minded: A Word Study

"Gain" and "Loss": What Did Paul Mean?

Colossians and Paul's Christology

Philippians and Colossians: A Comparative Study

Jesus as the "Firstborn"

Moving Beyond the Social Divisions

Philemon in Its Cultural Setting

Hebrew Mourning Rituals

Ritualistic Restrictions and the Good Samaritan

First-Century Coinage

Philip, All We Know

Foot Washing, A History

Widowhood in Jesus’ Day

Hosea’s Life and Times

The Significance of a Name

“Return” as a Theme in Hosea

Plants in the Book of Hosea

A Visual Guide to Bible Events (Book Review)

Rulers of Israel & Judah (CenterSpread)

Gezer: Gateway to Jerusalem (ArtiFACTS)

Assyria, Babylon, and the Hebrew Kings

Prophet, Priest, and King

Solomon’s Foreign Wives and Their Gods

Jeroboam, Son of Nebat

Elijah, A Man of God

Egypt’s Influence on the Divided Kingdom

The Moabite Stone: Its Biblical and Historical Significance

Jehu’s Reign in Israel

Samaria: Its Rise and Fall

Purification and Defilement

Paul and the Athenians

Greek Culture in Paul’s Day

Sun, Moon, and Stars as Imagery and Symbolism

Swords, Their Development and Use

“Lord of Hosts”

Tiberias in the First Century

Encumbrance: A Word Study

Flesh, A Pauline Understanding

“Spirit” in John’s Writings

Footstools as Biblical Imagery

The Bible and the Land (Book Review)

Ministry of Jesus in Its Historical Setting (Center Spread)

Archaeological Survey in Greece(ArtiFACTS)

Ephesians’ Unique Message

Is It a Hymn?

Workmanship: A Word Study

Flesh, A Pauline Understanding

The Dividing Wall

Paul, the Prisoner

Walk: A Word Study

Why “Greed”?

Slaves of Christ

The Historical Setting for 1 and 2 Samuel

It Happened at Gilgal

The Monarchy: Samuel's Apprehension

Saul, Israel's First King

Armor Bearers

The Philistines at War

Who Were David's Enemies (CenterSpread)

Sound the Shofar!

A Family in Crisis, King David's

In the City Gate

Cartouche of Thutmose III (ArtiFACTS)

Peoples of the New Testament World (Book Review)

Disciples and Apostles

Apollos, the Man and His Ministry

First-Century Law Courts

Letters, Their Transport and Delivery in the First Century

Paul's Spiritual Gifts Lists, A Comparison

Paul's Most Personal Letter? A Look at Second Corinthians

Roman Triumphal Processions

The god of this World: Paul's Portrait of Satan in 2 Corinthians

Paul and Boasting

Divisions and Conflicts in the Early Church

Corinth in the Time of Paul

Sacrificing to Idols: A First-Century Practice

Worship in the Ancient Church

The Afterlife in Greco-Roman Thought

Reconciliation: A Word Study

An Ambassador's Role

Creation in Ancient Near Eastern Thought

Fashion and Adornment in the First Century

In the Steps of Paul (Book Review)

Burying Egyptian Royalty (CenterSpread)

Egypt Before the Exodus

The Afterlife: An Egyptian View

Aaron's Role in the Exodus

Pharaoh's Question, "Who Is Yahweh?"

Pharaoh's Army

Mary Magdalene: All We Know

Jethro, A Man of Influence

The Law: God's Gift to His People

Old Testament Offerings

Israel's Understanding of the Land

Shepherds: A Biblical Image of God and His Chosen Leaders

Paul and the Philippians

“Jesus” the Name

Ecclesiastes and Conventional Wisdom

Ecclesiastes: The Preacher's View of Death

God “Gives” in Ecclesiastes

Paul's Oratorical Style

Saul the Persecutor: Paul the Persecuted

Paul's Hebrew Heritage

Bible Atlas and Companion (Book Review)

Wild & “Wooley” in Iraq (ArtiFacts)

Jesus' Healing Ministry

Fish in the Sea of Galilee

First-Century Physicians

Caesar Augustus

Wind, Weather, and the Sea of Galilee

Machaerus, Herod, and John the Baptist

Honor and Shame in the First Century

Fear in Mark's Gospel

The Herodians

The Abomination of Desolation

The Roman Centurion (CenterSpread)

The Gospel of Mark: An Introduction

House Construction in the First Century

The Messiah: Jewish Concepts in the First Century

Jesus and the Crowd


Family Structure in the First Century

In the House of Caiaphas

The Antonia Fortress (CenterSpread)

Demons: A First-Century Understanding

Horses: Their Use in the First Century

Ancient Strongholds

Oaths and Covenants

Famines, Their Causes and Effects

Who Were the Canaanites?

The Temple Treasury: Its History and Function


The Heart: A Hebrew Understanding

Streams as Imagery in the Old Testament

Horns as Symbols in the Old Testament

The Word: A Description

Volunteer? Sure! (ArtiFacts)

Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Jesus (Book Review)

Paul: MIssionary of Jesus

Traveling Through Galatia (CenterSpread)

The City of David (ARTIfacts)

Literacy in the First Century

“Light” in John's Writings

“Abide” in John's First Epistle

Sinai, the Mountain of God

Ancient Culture and Law

Colossae in the First Century

Jewish Feasts and Festivals

The Tabernacle: Its History and Use

Gideon: His Life and Times

The Book of Jonah in its Historical Setting

Galatia: Its History

The Churches of Galatia

Three Social Divisions in the First Century

Sins of the FleshJames's Ethical Imperatives


The Social Elite of the First Century

Genuine Humility

Anointing in the Early Church

Kingdom of Priests (Book Review)


Nehemiah's Life in the Palace

Hezekiah, King of Judah

Barrenness in the Ancient Near East

“Woe” Is Me!: A Word Study

Earthenware Vessels: Pottery and Pottery Production in Ancient Israel

Jewish Nobility

Nehemiah: A Historical Setting

Establish: A Word Study

The Northern Negev (CenterSpread)

The Political Climate for Isaiah and Micah

David's Life, the Final Chapter

Nehemiah's Adversaries

Israel as God's Servant

The Upper Room

The Syro-Ephraimitic War

Preparation for the Sabbath

From Jerusalem, Down to Gaza

Old Testament Burial Practices

The Herodium: Herod's Monumental Tomb (ARTIfacts)

A God for All Nations

Burnt Offerings in Ancient Worship

The gods of Thessalonica

Paul's View of Sex

Deer as Imagery in the Old Testament

Greetings and Salutations

The Man of Lawlessness

Angels as Heralds of God

The Rise of Macedonia

Raca: The Meaning

Roman Ships and Fleets

Mediterranean Trade Routes (Centerspread)

Paul and the Thessalonians

Fasting in the First Century

The “World” as a New Testament Concept

All Authority: A Word Study

Labor: A Pauline View

Mary, All We Know

To Be a Saint

The Glory of God

ARTIfacts: The Galilee Boat

Rediscovering Paul by Capes, Reeves, and Richards (Book Review)

"Patience" in First-Century Thought

A Slave's Status in the First Century

Absalom's Struggle for the Throne

ARTIfacts: The Archaeology of David and Solomon

Banking in the First Century

Conformed: A Word Study

Dagon, god of the Philistines

David and the Philistines

David as an Outlaw

David's Jerusalem

Governmental Structure of the Roman Empire

Holman Illustrated Guide to the Bible (Book Review)

Parables in Matthew's Gospel: A Study of Four

Paul and the Church of Rome

Samuel: A Biography

Serving in Ancient Israel's Army

The “Great Sin”: Adultery in the Ancient Near East

The Ark of the Covenant: From the Jordan to Jerusalem (CenterSpread)

The Roman View of Life After Death

To Become King: Practices in Israel and the Ancient Near East

To Confess: A Word Study

A New Heaven and a New Earth

Agrippa II, Last of the Herodians

ARTIfacts: The Dead Sea Scrolls: Why They Matter

Boundary Markers

Brides as Imagery in the New Testament

Caesarea, Herod's Port City

Damascus in Paul's Day

Debt in the Ancient Near East

Devout: A Study of Two Words

First-Century Ethiopia

God's Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments by JamesM. Hamilton, Jr (Book Review)

Jesus: Apostle and High Priest

Jewelry in the Ancient Near East

Paul: From His Arrest to His Imprisonment

Paul's Missionary Sermons

Pentecost and the Gathering of the Nations (CenterSpread)

Races, Running, and Marathons

Silas, the Leader and Missionary

The Proverbs: Their Structure and Form

The Sanhedrin, Their History and Function

Thrones as Symbols of Authority

What Were Oracles?

Abram's Travels

Ancient Marriage Contracts

ARTIfacts: Bone Boxes and Ancient Burial Practices

Beersheba, Israel's Southern Boundary

Benjamin: The Man and the Tribe


Canaan in the Patriarchal Age

Ephesus, A Historical Survey

Genuinely: A Word Study

Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony (Book Review)

John's Writing Styles

Jonathan: A Forgotten Hero

Judah, The Man and the Place

Polygamy in the Ancient Near East

Temples of the First Century

The Egypt Joseph Knew

Threshing Floors

Timothy, Pastor of the Church at Ephesus

What Happened at Peniel?

Who Were the Ishmaelites?

"…and not a drop to drink": Water's Effect on Civilization Development

Archelaus: Ruler of Judea

ARTIfacts: The Goliath Inscription

Eden: All We Know

Farming in the First Century

Lot, The Master of Poor Choices


Mount Ararat

Polytheism in Abram's Day

Roman Tax Collectors

The "Servant Songs" in Isaiah

The Acrostic Psalms: Praising God from A to Z

The Invasion of the Kings

The IVP Atlas of Bible History , Paul Lawrence, with Alan Millard, Heinrich von Siebenthal and John Walton

The Land of the Philistines

The Nazareth Jesus Knew

Understanding David's "Enemies"

Ur: The "Capital of the World"

Who Were the Hittites?

Who Were the Samaritans?

Zechariah and Elizabeth: A Silence Broken

"You Have Heard It Said": Jewish Laws Behind Jesus' Teaching

Almsgiving: Its Use and Abuse

The "John the Baptist" Cave (ARTIfacts)

Belshazzar: All We Know

Bible Archaeology: An Exploration of the History and Culture of Early Civilizations , Alfred Hoerth & John McRay

Divorce in the First Century

First-Century Capernaum

Forgiveness and the Jewish Tradition

Jerusalem's Fall to the Babylonians

John the Baptist: His Life and Ministry

Joseph the Carpenter

Judas Iscariot, The Betrayer

Kings and Kingdoms in Daniel's Time

Matthew and His Gospel

Stranger: A Word Study

The "Kingdom of Heaven" in Matthew

The King as god in the Near East & Israel

The Messiah's Ministry: An Account by Matthew

The Righteousness of the Scribes and the Pharisees

Who were the "Sinners"?

Who Were the Medes?

Giants in the Land, Southern Baptists and Biblical Archaeology (ARTIfacts)

Do You Believe in Magic?

Horses in Ancient Warfare

Idols in Production and Rituals

Joppa: Its History & Importance

Kregel Dictionary of the Bible and Theology , Henry W. Holloman


Nahum: Getting His Message Across

Solomon in All His Splendor

Temple Personnel in the First Century

The Allure of Baal

The Cities of Refuge

The Day of the Lord

The Early and Latter Rains

The Promised Land: A Crucial Locale

The Spiritual Climate at the Close of the Old Testament Era

The Synagogue in the First Century

The World Situation for the Seventh-Century Prophets

What Happened at Ebal & Gerizim?

Who were the Amorites?

Zechariah and Haggai: Motivators and Builders

Zechariah's Visions and Oracles

"Signs" in the Gospel of John

All Your Conduct

Gezer, a "Sleeping Giant" (ARTIfacts)

Cappadocia in the First Century

Deserving of Death: Stoning in the Old Testament

First-Century Clothing

First-Century Teaching Practices

From the Upper Room to Golgotha

Joseph: Ruler in Egypt

Meekness: A Word Study

New Testament Canonization

Of Spices and Perfumes

Peter's Eschatological Understanding

Peter's Use of Word Pictures

Simon Peter: The Man and His Ministry

The "Holy Mountain"

The Illustrated Everyday Bible Companion , George W. Knight with Rayburn W. Ray

The Pool of Siloam

The Reality of Jesus' Resurrection

The Role of a Steward

Village, Town, or City?

With a Voice of Singing: Hymns in the Early Church

"In the Beginning" A Comparison of Genesis 1 and John 1

A Man Named Nicodemus

Ancient Altars

ARTIfacts: Archaeology, Everyday Life, and the Bible

Beside the Sea of Galilee

Confidence: A Word Study

Curses and Blessings in the Old Testament

Ezra: Scribe and Priest

Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia, John E. Curtis and Nigel Tallis, eds.

Galilee in Jesus' Day

John, Follower of Jesus

Postexilic Hebrew Worship Practices

Reaching the Heavens: A Study of Ancient Towers

Roads and Travel in the First Century

Salvation: A Word Study

Susa: Esther's Capital City

The Feast of Purim

The Jerusalem Gates

The King's "Cupbearer"

The Persian Empire

Xerxes: King of Persia

Zerubbabel's Temple

"Better" in Hebrews

Agricultural Metaphors in the New Testament


Ancient Weights and Anchors

ARTIfacts: Biblical Archaeology: Why Does It Really Matter Anyway?

Daily Life in Biblical Times by Oded Borowski

Ephesus Through Timothy's Eyes

First-Century Gymnasiums and Exercise

From Slaves to Soldiers

Genealogies, Myths, and Old Wives' Tales

In the Days of Ahaz

Life for the Babylonian Exiles

Moses in the Book of Hebrews

Seated at the Right Hand

Seizing Property

The Aim and Message of Hebrews

The Jordan River

The Veil

What's for Supper? The First-Century Diet

Who Were the "Officers"?

Why Are 1 and 2 Timothy So Different?

An Allegorical End

Ancient Courts

Ancient Inheritance Traditions

Egypt: Its River and Its Rulers

Elihu: Job's Fourth Friend


Introducing Ecclesiastes

Job's Daughters

Legal Concepts in the Book of Job

Livestock as Wealth in the Old Testament Era

Midian: The Land and Its People

Observing the Sabbath: An Old Testament Perspective


Paul, the Letter Writer

Perdition: A Word Study

Spies in the Land of Canaan

The Geographical Challenges of the Sinai

Understanding the Song of Songs

Vanity: A Word Study

Who Was Darius the Mede?

Who Were the Babylonians? By Bill T. Arnold

Who Were the Sabeans?

"Zion" as a Place and a Symbol

A Guide to Biblical Sites in Greece and Turkey by Clyde E. Fant and Mitchell G. Reddish

Antioch of Syria

Cyrus the Great

Damascus: Its Role in Old Testament History

Early Boats and Ships

Isaiah and Micah: A Comparison and Contrast

Isaiah's Messianic Prophecies

Jewish Sabbath Laws

Judea in Jesus' Day


Levirate Marriage and the Book of Ruth

Life Under the Fig Tree and Grapevine


New Testament Timeline: From Julius Caesar to John at Patmos

Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks

Robes, Rings, and Restoration

Sennacherib: King of Assyria

The Book of Ruth and the Feast of Weeks

The Cyrus Cylinder

The Location of the Village of Emmaus

The Role and Function of Hebrew Priests

Where Jesus Ascended

A "Fortified" City

Archaeological Exploration at Nineveh

Bedouin Hospitality

Birth Rituals of the First Century

Deeds and Seals in Jeremiah

Following a Star

Gentiles in the Roman Church

Husbandry in the First Century

Jesus, Luke, and the Poor

Nero: Ruler of Rome

New Testament Times: Understanding the World of the First Century by Merrill C. Tenney

Nineveh Today

Nineveh: Assyria's Last Capital

Old Testament Time Line (Part 2) From the Divided Kingdom Through the Intertestamental Period

Paul's Collection for the Jerusalem Church

Paul's Use of the Old Testament in Romans

Rituals, Regulations, and Eating

Setting His Sights on Spain

The Blind in Jesus' Day

The Sexual Culture of Ancient Rome

The Temple in the Seventh Century (reprint from Su'85)

To Practice Hospitality

Who Were the Barbarians?

"Abraham" in the New Testament

"Instruments" A Word Study

"Sealed" A Word Study

Adoption in the First Century

Caesar Is Lord vs. Jesus Is Lord

Crowns Fit for a King

House Construction in Ancient Israel

It's About Time

Jews in First-Century Rome

Job, All We Know

Job's Friends: Models of Compassion?

Old Testament Time Line (Part 1) From the Patriarchs Through the United Kingdom

Paul's Use of Abraham in Romans

Rome: The Growth of the Eternal City

The "Fool" in Wisdom Literature

The "Sons of God"

The Development of Unity in Ephesians

The Roman Forum

Thessalonica in the First Century

Unrighteousness, Wrath, and Indignation

Why "Do Not Covet"?

Wycliffe Historical Geography of Bible Lands by Howard F. Vos (Revelation ed.)

"Redemption" A Word Study

Ancient Tyre

Apocalyptic Literature

Baker's Bible Atlas by Charles F. Pfeiffer

Corinth: A Roman Greek City

Ezekiel Priest and Prophet

First-Century Armor

Jeremiah and Ezekiel, A Study in Comparison and Contrast

Judah's National Alliances

Lions as Old Testament Imagery

Prisons of the First Century

Smelting and Metallurgy in Ancient Judah

The Battle of Carchemish

The Churches of Macedonia

The Family in First-Century Ephesus (reprint from Sp'02)

The Isthmian Games and Paul

The Neo-Babylonian Empire

The Prophetic Office

The Temples at Corinth

To "Tabernacle"

Zadokites: Their Heritage and Work

"Blaspheme" A Word Study

A New Covenant

A Remnant Returns to Egypt, Part 1

Abraham's Homeland

Anathoth: Jeremiah's Hometown

Caesarea Philippi in Jesus' Day

Camels for Domestic Use

Deities Along the Nile

Don't Go to Egypt

Historical Background of the Book of Jeremiah

James's Audience

Jeremiah's Enacted Prophecies

Nebuchadnezzar: King of Babylon

Preparation for a Proper Burial

Shiloh: Its Historical and Symbolic Significance

Solomon's Porch

The Canonization of the Book of James

The Holy of Holies

The Queen Mother

Where Was the Praetorium?

Zedekiah: Judah's Last King


Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary by Clinton E. Arnold, Genesis ed.

"Judge" A Word Study

Bethsaida in the Gospels

Elijah and First-Century Messianic Expectations

First-Century Medical Practices

Herod Antipas, The Builder and Ruler

Herod, Jericho's Master Builder (centerspread)

Hosea, The Man and His Message

Jesus, Son of David

Jezreel: A Valley and a Son

Of Inns and Inns

Sheol, Hades & Hell

Sychar and Jacob's Well

The Cedars of Lebanon

The Fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

The gods in Ancient Israel

The Illustrated Guide to Biblical History by Kendell H. Easley

The Mount of Olives

The Roman Census

Understanding the Body in Ancient Cultures

Weddings in First-Century Judaism

Who Were the Sadducees?


Bible Translation by the Book (Centerspread)

Birds in Israel

Demon Possession in the First Century

Dining and Reclining?

Jesus According to Scripture by Darrell Bock

Jesus as "Master"

Lampstands in Revelation

Luke: All We Know

Martha of Bethany

Musical Instruments in the Old Testament

Our English Bible

Patmos, the Place

Pharisees and Sabbath Laws

Sandals in the First Century

Synagogue Personnel in the Time of Jesus

The Life and Times of Uzziah

The Role of a Roman Governor

The Roman Military in Jesus' Day

The Seas as Divine Imagery

The Status of Women in the First Century

To Be A Disciple

Was John the Baptist an Essene?

Wisdom of the Messiah

“Sons of the Prophets”

A Prophet's Royal Influence

Aliens: A Study of Two Words

Ancient Siege Tactics

Baptismal Practices in the Early Church

Eijah and Elisha

Habakkuk: The Man and His Times

Jehu: His Leadership and Legacy

Josiah: Rebuilder and Reformer

Lamentations: Its Time and Writing

Loving-Kindness: A Word Study

More than a Meal: The Lord's Supper and the Love Feast at Corinth

Peter's Use of the Old Testament

Samaria: From Omri to the Assyrian Exile

St. Paul, the Roman Traveler and Citizen by Wiliam Ramsay

The Arameans

The Chaldeans

The Golden Calves at Dan and Bethel

Tiglath-Pileser III: Rebuilder of Assyria

Timeline of 2 Kings / Centerspread

What Nehemiah Saw

“Falling Away” or “Erring From” the Faith

“Propitiation” A Word Study

“The Prize” in the New Testament

A Jewish Mother in a Gentile Home (Eunice)

Babylonian and Persian Kings

Capital Punishment in the Ancient Near East

Chariots: Their Development and Use

Cretans: Their History and Reputation

Deacons in the First Century

Deborah and Barak

Ephriam: The Man and the Place

Esau and the Edomites

Friendship in the Old Testament

Jesus' Last 40 Days

Life in Biblical Israel by Philip King and Lawrence Stager

Overseers and Bishops

Pilate's Power and Authority

The Illustrated Survey of the Bible by Derek Tidball

The Role of Queen Esther

Time of the Judges

Timothy and Paul

Titus and Paul

Widows “Indeed”

A Lady Named Wisdom

Abner: Saul's General

Climatic Conditions in Nineveh

Family Structure in Ancient Israel

Giants in the Land

God “Appointed” in Jonah

God as “King” in Ancient Israel

God's Message for Nineveh

Jesse: David's Father

King's Privileges or King's Crimes?

Marriage and Human Sexuality in Ancient Israel

Perils of the Return (from Babylonian exile)

Poetic Parallelism in Pslams

Proverbs in the Hebrew Bible

Titus and the Corinthians

Wealth, Trade, Money, and Coinage in the Biblical World

Wine in Ancient Israel

Zebedee the Fisherman

Athens in Paul's Time

Baptism in the First-Century Church

Begging in Jerusalem

City Gates in Jesus' Day

Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia

First-Century Cyprus

First-Century Education

God's Wisdom—Man's Wisdom

Heresies in the Colossian Church

Idolatry in Colossians

Introducing Philippians and Colossians

Joy: The Meaning

Paul Before Caesar

Paul's Ethical Absolutes

Philippi: History and Archaeology

Poverty and Wealth in the Early Church

Predestination: The Background

Salt in Ancient Israel

The Praetorian Guard

Truth: The Meaning

A Christian Ethic of Business

A Different Gospel, reprint from Sp. ‘94 issue


Egyptian Mummification

First-Century Ambassadors

Infants and Children

Judgment in James

Land of Goshen, The

Law and Faith

Libertinism and Legalism

Mourning the Deceased

Patience in James

Paul versus Peter

Paul's Early Jerusalem Visits

Potiphar in Egyptian Society

The Curse

The Galatian People

The Habiru and the Hyksos

The World Jesus Knew

Unity: The Meaning

Worthy: the Meaning

“The Most High”

Adonijah: Expropriating the Throne

Andrew: Just Peter's Brother

Archaeology and the New Testament

Asa: Success and Failure

Ashtoreth, Molech, Chemosh

Barnabas: Son of Encouragement

Describing the Enemy

Hiram: All We Know

Jehoshaphat: King of Judah

Jeroboam Son of Nebat; Shishak of Egypt

Jezebel Unveiled

Mount Carmel

Omri's Dynasty in Israel

Origins of The Monarchy in Israel

Raising Lazarus

Religious Syncretism in Ancient Israel

Solomon's Temple

The Hills and the Valley

The Rechabites

The Riddle of Suffering

What is Wisdom?

Why Philippi?

“The Scriptures” in Jesus' Day

A Child's Status in Jesus' Day

A History of Foot Washing

A Place Prepared

Dictionary of New Testament Background

Eyewitness Accounts in the New Testament

First-Century Bethlehem


Jehoiakim: Disastrous King

Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances

Joseph of Arimathea

Lust/Evil Desire

Obedient Joseph


Pontius Pilate

Simeon and Jesus

Slaves in First-Century Israel

The Angel's Song

The Counselor (Holy Spirit)

The First-Century Priesthood

The River of the Water of Life

Time in John's Gospel

Worry: A Word Study

A New Creation

Ahab: King and Adversary

Ancient Near-Eastern Flood Stories


David's Dynasty

Family Solidarity in Ancient Israel

First Century Jewish Concepts of Messiah

First Century Rome (CenterSpread)

Flesh and Spirit in John's Gospel

Introducing John's Gospel

John's Use of Logos

Paul and the Romans

Philip the Disciple

Sackcloth and Fasting in Jonah

Son of Man in John's Gospel

The Feast of Dedication

The Penguin Encyclopedia of Classical Civilizations Ed. by Cotterell

The Samaritan Messiah

Why These Commands?

Wine in First-Century Israel

Zadok & Abiathar

A Booth

A Description of Noah's Ark

Absalom: David's Son

Araunah the Jebusite

Babylon in Daniel's Time

Barrenness in the Old Testament


David's Kingdom (CenterSpread)

Destroyed Relationships

Elisha: A Prophet of God

Hadadezer of Zobah

Hittites in the Iron Age

In God's Image

Jethro: A Mystery

Josiah and His Court


Michal: King's Daughter/King's Wife

Music in David's Time

My Brother's Keeper

Prophetic Use of Parables

Samuel: Israel's Last Judge

The Dust of the Ground

Word Pictures in the New Testament: A Concise Edition by A.T. Robertson

A Risen Savior: Unique and Necessary?

Aliens or Citizens

Archaeology in Ephesus

Asleep or Dead

God as Master


Herod Agrippa I

Introducing the Book of Amos

Jesus' Last Week: Map & Chart (CenterSpread)

Key Words in Jesus' Intercessory Prayer

Know: The Meaning

Light & Darkness in Ephesians

Map & Chart of Jesus' Last Week (CenterSpread)

Metaphors for the Church in Ephesians

Pagan Thought Processes

Passover in the First Century


Sources of Factions at Corinth

The Family in First-Century Ephesus

The Holy Land Satelite Atlas by R.L.W. Cleave

The Island of Malta

The Visions of Amos

To Be Clean

Unity in Ephesians

A Jealous God

A Religious History of Galatia

According to the Blessing

Being Useful

Cain in the New Testament

Encountering the Old Testament by Arnold & Beyer

Friendship Language in Philippians


How the Giants Have Fallen (Sihon & Og)

Memory and History in Israel's Faith

Moses' Family

Shepherds in Jesus' Day

Submit: the Meaning

The Agriculture of Israel (CenterSpread)

The Arabah

The Fathers in Israel's History

The Heart in Old Testament Theology

The Law of Freedom

The Levites

To Please Another

Treaties and Covenants

Wearing the Word (Phylacteries/Frontlets)

What Is Greed?

A Religious History of Athens

Antioch in Pisidia

Biblical Perfection



Eleazar the Priest

Eusebius: The Church History by Maier

First-Century Elders

Gentle Paul


Jericho: That Ancient City

Joshua's History Recital

Lessons for Race Relations

Memorial Stones


Paul's Desire for Fellowship


Purpose and Life Situation of 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Silas: A Word Portrait

Staying Sober

The Ark of the Covenant in Joshua's Time

The Day of the Lord

The Gospel of God

The Shema

Amos and Amaziah: Prophet vs Priest

Amos and Bethel

Amos: His Life and Call

Annas and Caiaphas

Background of Jesus' Covenant



Childbirth in Ancient Israel

Covenant and Controversy

Economics in Amos's Time


God's Covenant Lawsuit

Israel's Seven Neighbors (CenterSpread)

Jerusalem Destroyed by Titus

Jesus' Voluntary Death

Mary Magdalene

Peter's Shepherd Assignment


The Concept of "Mind" in Philippians

The Life of Jeroboam II

The Mind

The New Complete Works of Josephus commentary by Paul L. Maier

The Purpose and Life Situation of Hosea

To Betray Another

To Make Disciples

Unfailing Love

A First-Century Galilean's Diet

Capernaum in Jesus' Day

Coins in First-Century Israel

Commerce in First-Century Israel


David's Family Tree

Devoted to Destruction

Digging Shiloh

En Gedi: History and Archaeology

Everyday Life in Bible Times by Tim Dowley

Evil: The Meaning

Family Customs in Ruth's Time

First-Century Jewish Resurrection Beliefs

Gibeah of Saul

Jabesh Gilead and the Ammonite Crisis

Jesus in Galilee, Judea, and Perea CENTERSPREAD

Jonathan, Son of Saul

Kingdom of God in Intertestamental Judaism


Saul's Family Tree

The Life Situation of Samuel

The Mount of Transfiguration

The Practice of Anointing in Ancient Israel

Using Parables

Who Is My Enemy?

Who Were the Philistines?

A Northeaster

A Supreme Court Appeal


Caesar Augustus and Jesus

Caesarea by the Sea

Cana in Galilee

Herod Agrippa II

Jesus' Neighbors in Sepphoris

Lydia of Thyatira

Messianic Expectations in Intertestamental Judaism

Nazareth in Jesus' Life

Paul and His Letters by John Polhill

Paul and the Athenians

Paul's Journeys (CenterSpread)

The Jewish World When Jesus Was Born

The Second Missionary Journey

The Third Missionary Journey

Was John the Baptist a Nazirite?

When John & Jesus Started Ministry

Who Were the Magi?

Barnabas and Paul's Missionary Journey

Canaan in Patriarchal Times

Characteristics of the Deliverer

Controversy and Response

First-Century Damascus

God as the King's Father

Jesus as Mediator

Kinsman Redeemer

Kosher or Not?

Love's Continuing Action

Map of Syro-Ephraimitic War (CenterSpread)

Passover and Unleavened Bread

Peoples of the Old Testament World, Ed. by Hoerth, Mattingly, & Yamauchi

Peter's Messages

Peter's Miracles

Philip's & Peter's Missionary Work

Refuge: The Meaning

The Arm of the Lord

The First Evangel

The Hebrew Calendar

The Holy One of Israel

The Tribe of Judah: A History

Time Line of Acts

To Be Bold

A History of Ephesus

Archaeology and the Old Testament, Alfred Hoerth

Armageddon: the Background

Christology in Colossians

Descriptions of the Word

Emperor Domitian

Heavenly Places

Israel's Communication System

Trees in Ancient Israel

Jewish Gematria and Revelation

Letters from Prison

Marriage Symbolism in Revelation

Nero Revived?

New Heavens & New Earth

Onesimus: A Word Portrait

Opponents in Philippians

Paul the Builder

Paul the Pharisee

Paul's Contrast of Flesh and Spirit

The Lamb in Revelation

The Servant-Christ

Time Line of Paul's Life

White Robes in Revelation

A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs

Be Strong and Courageous

Building Temples in the Ancient Near East

Court Prophets in the Ancient Near East

Dan Moves North

David in History

Family Life in Ancient Corinth

Hallelujah in Scripture and Song

Hazor: A Great City

Jephthah the Gileadite

John's Use of Alpha & Omega

Joshua's Conquest of the Land (CenterSpread)

Judges in Ancient Israel

Meat Sacrificed to Idols

Midian in the Time of the Judges

Paul the Bondslave

Persecution of the First-Century Church

Philistine Battle Strategies

Rebuilding Corinth

The Historical Setting of David's Life

Tongues Speaking in the Early Church

Tribal and Family Inheritance

Who Was Apollos?

A Day's Pay

Abide: The Meaning

Agricultural Metaphors in John's Messages

Antichrist in John's Letters

Capital Crimes in the Roman Empire

Fear: Awe or Dread?

Fellowship: The Meaning

First-Century Galilee

First-Century Marriage Customs in Israel

Getting to Know Zacharias and Elizabeth

Handbook of Biblical Chronology, by Jack Finegan

Jesus' Early Life (CenterSpread)

Jesus' Last Week in Jerusalem

Jews in Asian Cities

John's Use of 'Witness'

Locusts and the Land

The Cities of Revelation 1-3

The Hebrew Concept of Time

The Purpose & Life Situation of John's Letters

Who Was Matthew?

Who Were the Nicolaitans?

Aliens in Israel

Atlas of the Bible, B&H by Tommy Brisco

Balak: Who Was He?

Before the Israelites

Educating Children in Ancient Israel

From Kadesh Barnea to Jericho (CenterSpread)

God's Angelic Messengers in the New Testament

Jonah: His Life and Times

Jonah's Vine

Joshua: The Warrior Leader

Mount Nebo

Sons of Aaron

Spies in Canaan

The Day of Atonement

The Heavenly Host

The King of Nineveh

The Land of the Edomites

The Renewed Covenant

The Sin Offering

The Spirit World in the First Century

Truth in Witness

Visions of the Mysteries

Wearing the Word (Phylacteries/Frontlets)



Desert Freight Lines

Does It Pay to Be Good?

Encouraging Others

First-Century Ethiopia

Glory: The Meaning

God's Covenant with Levi

In Beginning

Judah & Joseph

Macedonia & Achaia (CenterSpread)

Made for Relationships

Noah's Life and Times

Paul and the Corinthians

Paul's Use of Irony

Reuben, Jacob's Firstborn

Sacrifice in Ancient Israel

The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times by Ralph Gower

Timothy's Life and Times

Veil Imagery in 2 Corinthians

Who Was Aretas?

Who Was Belial?

Women in Jesus' Ministry

"Only Begotten"

David the Fugitive

Earthquakes in Ancient Israel

Elijah the Prophet


From Hermon to Jordan

Gideon: All We Know

In the Steps of Our Lord by F.F. Bruce

Jesus the Teacher

Life After Death in Greco-Roman Religion

Nicodemus: The Inquiring Mind

Of Bulls, Lions, and Dogs

Orphans in First-Century Israel

Samaria in Jesus' Day (CenterSpread)

Signs in John's Gospel

Sin Described

Stop Lying



The Impact of the Exile on Israel

The Samaritans

The Streams of Israel

Usury: What Is It?

Watchful Endurance


Athens' gods


Debtor's Slavery

Divisions and the Lord's Supper

First-Century Fasting

First-Century Inns

First-Century Roman Government

Hours of a Day

Jesus and the Sabbath Laws

Jesus and the Wealthy

Jesus the Carpenter

John the Messenger

Philemon and His Culture

Sexual Purity in the New Testament

The Decapolis (CenterSpread)

The First-Century Church & Poverty

The Gerasenes

The House of Herod

The Temple in Jesus' Day

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services as They Were at the Time of Jesus by Alfred Edersheim

The Tree of Life LIves


Where Jesus Ascended

Cities of the Biblical World LaMoine DeVries

Covet: The Meaning

Death Vs Life in Ephesians

Egypt and the Asiatics

Egypt: A Vulnerable Giant

Ephesus in Paul's Time (CenterSpread)

Making the Ark of the Covenant

Music in Celebration

Naaman the Syrian

Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem's Walls

Of Kings & Kingdoms

'Power" in Ephesians

Roman Emperor Claudius

Samaria the Strong

Sinai Described

Syria & Israel in the 9th Century B.C.

The Amalekites

The Egyptian Army

The Journey from Egypt to the Wilderness

The Origin of Passover

The Pharaoh of the Exodus

The Purpose and Life-Situation of Nehemiah


Who Was Baal?

A History of Israel, Walter Kaiser

Ancient Israel's Agrarian Culture

Christ and the Kosmos

Cisterns in Ancient Israel

Early Christian Hospitality

First-Century Women's Dress

Freedom and the Christian

How Archaeology Helps Us Understand the Bible


Jeremiah and the Fall of Jerusalem (CenterSpread)

Jewish Inheritance Laws

Joseph and His Brothers

New Covenant in Jeremiah, The

Of Yokes and Burdens

Peter's Connection to Rome

Seasonal Climates in Israel

The Contrast of Wisdom & Folly

The Holy Mountain

Vanity: The Meaning

Was Job Without Sin?

Who Was Balaam?

Wisdom Literature in the Bible

Wrath: The Background

Abomination of Desolation: The Background

An Apostle


Divorce in First-Century Israel

Evil: The Meaning

First-Century Baptism

First-Century Vineyards

Going "Down" to Jericho


Introducing Mark's Gospel

Jericho in Jesus' Day

Jesus and the Gospels by Blomberg

Jesus' "Eloi" Cry

Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances

Jesus' Royal Entry

John's Description of Jesus

Lepers in Jesus' Time

Mary, Jesus' Mother


The First-Century Jewish Synagogue

The Life Situation of Ruth

The Meaning of "Justified"

The New Testament and Archaeology

Time Line of the Life of Christ (CenterSpread)

Who Were The Pharisees?

Altars in the Ancient Near East

Archaeology and the Old Testament


Birthrights and Blessings

Christ: The Background

Contending for the Faith

Death in the Old Testament

Faith Affirmed



Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions

Introducing 1 John

Jewish Laws on Rape and Murder

Joseph's Symbols of Authority

Love, Love, & Love

Love's Abiding Nature



The Importance of Blessings and Curses

The Midianites/Ishmaelites

The People of God

The Spread of the Gospel In the First Century A.D. Center Spread

What is Justice?

A Fallen Countenance

A History of The New Testament And Its Times by Cate

Belshazzar: All We Know

'Digging" Archaeology (CenterSpread)

El Shaddai

Enemies of Rebuilding Jerusalem

God Describes Sin

Jesus' Use of Figurative Language

No King Like Solomon

People Who Built the Temple

Prayer: A Word Study


Sodom & Gomorrah—All We Know

The Areopagus in Athens

'The Breath of Life"

The gods of Ephesus

The Life Situation of Haggai

The Spoils of War

The Tower of Babel

Tithes and Offerings

Ur and Haran: Abraham's Background

Where Is Mount Moriah?

Word' in John's Gospel, The

A Good Minister

A "Heretic"

Baker Encyclopedia of Bible Plants


Chesed Love

"Communication" As a Sacrifice

Corinth (map & partial reconstruction w/ pictures) (CenterSpread)

Corinth's Moral Climate

Corinth's Religious Atmosphere

First-Century Attitudes Toward The Aged

Introducing 1 Corinthians

Jesus as High Priest

May a Person Command God?

Mind and Spirit

Principles of Preaching—A Word Study

Profit and Bookkeeping

Symbols of God's Protection

Thank Offerings

The Body—An Analogy

The Good Fight

The Offering for Jerusalem

The Old Testament Background of Hebrews 11

Violence: The Meaning

Who Is a Saint?

Ancient Methods of Selecting Kings

Background of the Church as the Bride of Christ

Books in the Revelation

Canaan: A Strategic Location

Comparing the "Gifts of the Spirit" Lists

Condemnation: The Meaning

Counselor: The Meaning

Feast of Booths

Israel's Egyptian Slavery

Josephus The Essential Works

Moses' Snake in the Desert

Nations Represented at Pentecost Center Spread

Patmos Described

Paul's Fruit List


Pray Not: A Strange Command

Saul's Kingship: Its Making and Unmaking

The Lion of Judah

The Meaning of "Deposit"

The Meaning of "God's Spirit Moved"

The Tribes of Israel in Revelation


Beelzebub: Background and Meaning

Church Discipline in the Thessalonian Epistles

First-Century Jewish Beliefs About Ghosts

Herod s Fortress Palaces in Israel (CenterSpread)

How Long Was Jesus Buried?

Jesus' Authority

Jesus as "Prophet"

Jesus' Use of Ransom

Jewish Law and the Trials of Jesus

Jewish Teachings on Forgiveness

Machaerus: Where John Died

Mourning the Dead in the First Century

Of Sheep and Goats

Paul and the Thessalonians

Priscilla and Aquila: Paul's Fellow Workers

Stoning as a Means of Execution

The "Trumpet" in the New Testament

The Meaning of "Create"

The New Testament: Its Background and Message by Tommy Lea

The Perfume 'Nard'

The Temple Veil

When Christians Die

Ancient Laws Against Theft

'Before Me"

Caesarea Philippi

Egypt's Many gods

Escaping Responsibility For Sin

Ezekiel's Call to Prophesy

Family Structure in the Ancient Near East

First-Century Purification Rites

Foundations For Biblical Interpretation, ed. by Dockery, Mathews, & Sloan

Introducing Matthew's Gospel

Judgment by Animals: Symbol or Literal

Naming a Child

New Testament Development of the Ten Commandments Center Spread

Sabbath Observance: Unique to Israel?

Sixth-Century Siege Warfare

The Cave of the Nativity: Jesus' Birthplace?

The Church's Use of the Model Prayer

The Disciples in History and Tradition

The Galilee Boat

The Meaning of "Idol"

The Power Of a Name

The Pure in Heart

Who Was an Adulterer?

A History of Shiloh

Abaddon and Apollyon

An Introduction to the Historical Books of the Old Testament, by Robert Cate

"Babylon" in the Revelation

Children in Ancient Israel s Culture

Enoch: Example of Faith

First-Century Games

Hell, Hades & Sheol

Hezekiah's Water Tunnel

Introducing the Book of Hebrews

Jesus' Role as Apostle

Land Lines and Markers in Ancient Israel

Of Seals and Scrolls

Patmos Described

Roman Emperor Worship

The Angel of Yahweh

The Fool and Folly in Proverbs

The Glory of the Lord

The "Sea" in Revelation

The Seven Churches of Revelation Center Spread

"Washing" as Cleansing From Sin

Water to Blood: History and Symbolism

Israel and the Nations (CenterSpread)

Birds in Israel


First-Century Spain

First-Century Thessalonica

Heaping Coals of Fire

Horses: Their First-Century Use

Is the "Man of Sin" the Antichrist?

Lampstands in the Temple

Life For a First-Century Homemaker

Metallurgy in Ancient Israel

Of Fasts and Solemn Assemblies

Prayer Customs in First-Century Judaism

The Historical Setting of Nahum

The Life Situation of James

The Life Situation of Malachi

The Life Situation of Obadiah

The Life Situation of Zechariah

The Meaning of "Holiness"

The Pauline Concept of "Labor"

The Prophets as Preachers by Smith

The "Royal Law"

The Same Mind

Zephaniah Describes the Day of Yahweh


A History of Moab

A Talent

An Heir

Ancient Nineveh

Christ as "Mediator"

First-Century Ephesian House

Harvesting Grain in Ancient Israel

House Construction in Jesus' Time

Introducing the New Testament by Joe Blair

Lamps in Ancient Israel

Laws Behind Jesus' Teaching

Motes & Beams

The Colossian Heresies

The Culture of Crete

The Ephesian Church

The Islands

The Meaning of "Raca"

The Place of Jesus' "Sermon"

The Practice of Making Oaths

The Soils of Israel

Widows in the Early Church

A History of Darius I

A History of Joppa

A Profile of Philip the Evangelist

Ancient Shepherding

Cities of the Second Missionary Journey

Early Fifth-Century International Relations

Economics After the Return

Egyptian Culture in Joseph's Time

First-Century Antioch of Syria

Jerusalem Before the Return

Meaning of "A Branch From His Roots"

Mining in Ancient Israel

Mortality and Immortality in Greek, Jewish, and Christian Thought

Nehemiah as Governor

Oil and Anointing in Ancient Israel

On the Road to Damascus

Sanballat the Horonite

Susa in the 5th Century B.C.

Teachers in the First-Century Church

The Land and the Book by Charles R. Page II and Carl A. Volz

The Meaning of "Comfort"

The Moabites


Zerubbabel's Temple

"Know That I Am The Lord," A Major Theme in Ezekiel

Patience in Pauline Theology

A History of Jezreel

Assyria and Phoenicia in the Sixth Century B.C.

Assyrian Methods of Execution

Background of "Pass Under the Rod"

Background of "Consist", The

Barbarians: Who Were They?, The

Christ's Triumph

First-Century Almsgiving

History of the Bible Lands in the Interbiblical Period, A by Bob Cate

Idolatry: What Is It?

Introducing Colossians

Jesus: The First-Born

King Uzziah

Law of the Pledge

Michael in Jewish History

Music Instruments in Ancient Israel

Prophets, Diviners, and Seers

River Chebar, The

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—All We Know

The Life-Situation of Acts

The Mystery Religions

Tychicus: A Profile

Ancient Accounts of Heavenly Journeys

Blindness in New Testament Times

Church at Antioch of Syria, The

Demetrius and the Silver Shrines of Diana

Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels

Early Church and Food Sacrificed to Idols, The

Early Mediterranean Shipping

Felix and Festus: Roman Governors

First-Century Mirrors

From Malta to Rome

A Description of Gethsemane

Jesus' Friends at His Crucifixion

Who Was Jezebel?

Leper's Status in Ancient Israel, A

Paul's Principles of Stewardship

Paying the Roman Soldier

Popular First-Century Views of Death

Profile of Levi, A

Ruler of the Synagogue, The

Who Were the Scribes?

Servant's Responsibility for Vigilance, A

Tyrannus, The School of

Unknown God, The

Wilderness in Jesus' Temptation, The

Ancient Pottery Making

Ancient Prophetic Contests

Backgrounds of: "The Temple of the Lord"

Blasphemy: The Background

Egypt's Role in Jeremiah's Prophecy

First-Century Christian Greetings

First-Century Demon Possession

Fishing on the Sea of Galilee

Food and Defilement

Herodians, The

Historical Setting of the Book of Jeremiah, The

Holman Bible Handbook


Israel's Negative Examples

Life-Situation of Lamentations, The

Peter's Influence on Mark's Gospel

Standards of Greatness in the First Century

Temple Merchants

Tribute Coin, The

Why Moses and Elijah at Jesus' Transfiguration?

Wineskins in the First Century


A Soldier's Armor

Bethlehem Ephrathah

Broken Dividing Wall, The

Christian Experience of Salvation, The by Bill Hull

Euodia and Syntyche

'Fullness" in Ephesians

Gideon's Battle Plan

God's Lawsuit Against Israel

Joseph: Mary's Husband

Judges, Samuel, and Kings in the Hebrew Bible

The Historical Setting of Micah

A Description of Noah's Ark

Paul's Jewish Heritage

Paul's Means of Support in Ministry

Philippi: An Historical Overview

Philistia Vs Israel

Repentance in Hosea

Rivers of Eden, The

Samuel: Prophet and Judge

Samuel's Attitude Toward the Monarchy

Redeemer in the Old Testament

Aaron's Golden Calf

"Ambassador", The Background of

Anakim and the Nephilim, The

Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church

God's Revelation in the Sinaitic Covenant

Jethro: Priest of Midian

Job, A Biography of

Job's Four Friends

Judgment Seat, The

Macedonian Churches' Stewardship, The

Nature of Old Testament Poetry, The

Paul's Asian Afflictions

Qoheleth's Life-View

Rahab in Jewish History

Shechem: A Place of Renewal

Tabernacle, The

Visions in the Early Church

Wisdom in Ancient Near-Eastern Religion

A Different Gospel

Background of Schoolmaster, The

Backgrounds of Jesus as the Vine

Finding Mount Horeb

First-Century Christian Legalism

First-Century Tombs in Judah

Gain and Loss: Paul's Business Terms

Gifts: A Word Study

Hymn to Christ, A

Jesus' Use of Figurative Language

Joy and Rejoicing

Mary of Bethany

Moses' Early Life and Call

Nero and the Christians

Peacemaking Yokefellow, The

Preparation for Encounters of the Toughest Kind

Profile of Judas Iscariot, A

Purpose and Life Setting of Philippians, The

Spirit of Restoration, The

Teman and Paran

Thomas: A Brief Biography

Timothy: A Servant with Paul

Topical Josephus, The

Where Were Jesus' Trials?

A First-Century Tax Collector

A First-Century Wedding

Ancient Mills

Concise Evangelical Dictionary, The

Deciding Who Was a Sinner

Feasts of Judaism, The

First-Century Land Ownership

First-Century Nazareth


History: The Setting of Luke's History

John 1 and Genesis 1

King of the Jews, The

Mount of Olives, The

Nathanael: Integrity Personified

Needless Eye, The

Nobleman of Capernaum, The


Pool of Siloam, The

Reality of Jesus' Resurrection, The

The Other Side of the Sea of Galilee

Sons of Abraham

Word in John's Gospel, The

Abram's Travels

Banking and Loan Practices in Ancient Israel

Canaanite gods, The

Eastern Conquest, The

Ebal and Gerazim: A Hymn of Instruction

Edomites: Sons of Esau

Fire as a Cleansing Agent in Ancient Israel

First-Century Observance of Passover, The

First-Fruits as Offerings

God's Jealousy

Identity of the Servant

Interpreting Messianic Passages

Joshua: The New Leader

Judah and its Neighbors

King as Judge, The

Life of the Church, The

Marriage Contracts in Near East

Names and Name Changes

Practice of Covenant Making, The

Priest's Functions in the First Century, The

Resources of Canaan, The

Sabbath, Festivals, and Feasts

Barnabas and Mark

Colossae and Laodicea: The Connection

David and Absalom: A Family Tragedy

Elect Lady, The

Family Order in Greco-Roman Culture

First-Century Cultural Divisions

First-Century Letter Writing

Getting James into the New Testament

Grief Practices in New Testament Times

Holman Bible Dictionary, The

Image, The Background of

Importance of Roman Citizenship, The

Jesus and Peter—Peter's Use of Jesus' Teachings in His Letters

Jude: Who Was He?

Life Situation and Purpose of First Peter, The

Light and Darkness in John

My Little Children

Old Testament Backgrounds of the Book of James

Poverty in Ancient Israel

Prison Epistles, The

Bread in Ancient Israel

Cities of the First Missionary Journey, The


Egyptian Burial Customs

Hellenist and Hebrew Christians

Herod Agrippa I Persecutes the Church

Jesus as the Living Water

Jewish-Gentile Conflict, The

John the Baptist

Life in Babylon

Luke the Historian

Paul and the Philippians

Paul's Use of Athletic Metaphors

Sanhedrin in the First-Century, The

Saul in Damascus

Simon the Tanner

Sychar and Jacob s Well

Syro-Ephraimitic Crisis, The


Temple in Isaiah s Day, The

Warfare in Isaiah s Time

Water, Wine, and Milk

Bible and Recent Archaeology, The

David as God s Son

Eliezer: Faithful Steward


God as King

God as Protection and Help

Greeks and Hellenism, The


Ishmaelites, The


Jesus' Descent into the Lower Parts


Kerygma, The

Kingdom of God in John s Writings, The

Land of Goshen, The

Lazarus: All We Know

Lions in the Ancient Near East

Lot, the Errant Nephew

Psalms as Praise, The

Sarai: Her Life and Times



Ancient Judah

Barren Women in the Bible

Office of Bishop, The

Deacons in the Early Church

Elder in the Early Church, The

Importance of the Firstborn, The

Introduction to Romans

Introduction to the Letters to Timothy

Jesus as the Son of God

King in Ancient Israel, The

Nature of Apocalyptic Language, The


Newness of Life

Paul's Use of the Old Testament in Romans

Phoebe of Cenchreae

Practice of Burning Sacrifices, The

Significance of the Crown, The

Statutes, Commandments, Judgments, and Testimonies

Abram: Promise of a Nation


David's Dynasty

Elisha: His Life and Mission

Fables and Endless Genealogies

Goliath: One-on-One

Habakkuk: The Man and His Times


High Places and Nehushtan, The

Joash, King

Judah, The Tribe of

King Hazael of Syria

King Joash

Nathan the Prophet


Persecutions Paul Suffered, The

Spirit of the Lord Came Mightily on Him, The

Alpha and Omega

Archippus, Epaphras, and Aristarchus: Paul's Fellow Ministers

Early Christian Eschatology

First-Century Judicial System, The

First-Century World Hunger

Jesus as Shepherd

Jesus: Son of David

Land of Achaia, The


Mary Magdalene



Roman Centurion, The


Seafaring in Ancient Times



Titus: Paul's Companion

When God Repents

Amos: The Man and His Ministry

Ancient Capernaum

Ancient Storage Facilities

Identity of the Beast, The

Jesus' Use of Blessed

Camel, The

Capernaum, Ancient

Day of the Lord, The

Down to Joppa

Importance of the Eagle, The

People of Ephraim, The

First-Century Banking

First-Century Steward, A

Graven Images

Hosea, Introduction to the Book of

Introduction to the Book of Hosea

Jesus' Use of ''Blessed''

Latter and Former Rains, The

Parables in the Old Testament

Jesus' Use of Parables

People of Ephraim, The

A First-Century Steward

Storage Facilities, Ancient


The Paradox of the Gospel

Apostolic Office, The


Canonization of Scripture, The

Didache, The

Divorce According to Ancient Graeco-Roman Law

Early Christian Hymns

Gifts of the Holy Spirit, The

Hebrews and the Land, The

Jewish Writings, The

Matthew's Use of the Old Testament


Prostitution in the First Century


Songs in the Old Testament



Wisdom of Men, The

Arabians, The

Barnabas: An Early Missionary


Where Was Calvary?

Elisha: The Man and His Ministry

Hiram of Tyre

History of Jewish Beginnings, A

Hosting a Friend

Jeroboam I

Jewish Exclusivism

King Ahab

Monotheism in the Scirptures

Mount Carmel

Nehemiah's Wall

No King Like Solomon

Predestination: Time and Space

Solomon's Temple

Stephen: Christian Martyr


Where Was Calvary?

Ancient Persia

Early Christian Baptism

Church at Corinth, The

Early Church in Macedonia, The

Heresies in the Early Church



Fear of the Lord, The


Gibeonites, The

Heavenly Places, The

Heresies in the Early Church

Jebusites, The


The Early Church in Macedonia


Swords of the Ancient Near East

Tyre and Sidon


First-Century Agricultural Practices

Annas and Caiaphas



Caesar Tiberius

Chief Priests, The

Chronology of Paul's Life, A

Destruction of Jerusalem, The

First-Century Agricultural Practices

First-Century Temples

Forgiveness in the New Testament

History of Passover, A

Jesus' Use of Allegory

Jewish Lawyer, The

John's Book: A Gospel Account

Martha: All We Know

Matthew's Use of ''Kingdom of Heaven''

A History of Passover


Riding a Colt

Temples, First-Century

Early Vineyards

Woman's Place in the First Century, A

Ancient Jericho

Ancient Syria

Caesar Augustus

Consolation of Israel, The

Exodus Pharaoh, The



Jehu: The New King

Jericho, Ancient

Jeroboam II

Jewish Sabbath Laws

John's Wilderness Baptism

Luke's Use of ''Kingdom''

Visit of the Magi, The

Man as Sinner

Nature of Old Testament Prophecy, The

New King Over Egypt, A

Philip the Apostle

Rich and Poor in the First Century

Snakes, Vipers, and Serpents

Waterpots and Other Common Vessels

All the Nations - Israel's Counterparts


An Evil Spirit from God

Ancient Time Measuring

Ancient Ways of Finding God's Will

Building Stones

Dan to Beersheba

David: God's Servant

Ecclesiastes, Introduction to

Elijah the Tishbite

Elohim - God or gods


Ancient Ways of Finding God's Will

Introduction to Ecclesiastes

Levirate Marriage

Life in the Spirit

Love of God, The

Mountains of the Ancient Near East

New Heavens and a New Earth

Proclamation and Witness


Samuel: Israel's Kingmaker

Saul: Drafted to be King

Scattered Tribes, The

Time Measuring, Ancient



Angels and The Angel

Interpretations of the Antichrist

Burial, A Proper

Christ's Second Coming


Contracts, Deeds, and Their Containers

Earthquakes in Ancient Palestine

Gaius: All We Know

Galilee, The Land of

Governor Pontius Pilate

Interpretations of the Antichrist

Introduction to the Psalms, An

James, An Introduction to

Jehoiakim: King of Judah

Jeremiah and His Prophecy

The Trip from Jerusalem to Babylon

Judah's Last Pastors


Land of Galilee, The

Governor Pontius Pilate

The Priest Melchizedek

Proper Burial, A

An Introduction to the Psalms

Red Sea, The

To Be a Disciple



Brook Kidron, The

Dedicated to Destruction

Disciples' Expectations of Jesus, The

Doctrine of the Trinity, The


Fish in the Sea of Galilee

Gods Before the Flood, The

Joshua: A Man on Mission

Judge in Ancient Israel, The

Kidron, The Brook

Levites, The

Mark, The Book of

New Testament Concept of Evil, The

Pool of Siloam, The

Ritual Cleansing

Roman Crucifixion

Rulers of the Gentiles, The

Why Did Jesus Condemn the Rich?

Ancient Footwear

Ancient Winepresses

Anna the Prophetess

Bethesda, The Pools of


Churches of Galatia, The

Daniel: His Life and Times



History of Interpretation of Election, A

Jonah in History and Legend

Life Everlasting

Naaman: His Life and Times


Pools of Bethesda, The

Prayer: Its History and Use

River Tigris, The

Roman Census, The

Samaritan Beliefs About the Christ


Silvanus: All We Know

Ancient Walled Cities


Boaz: His Life and Times

Cattle of the Ancient Near East, The

Cities of Refuge, The

Development of Monotheism, The

Ezekiel: The Man and His Times

Flowers of Palestine, The

Gideon: A Mighty Warrior


Hebrew Dietary Laws

History of Sacrifice in Israel, A

History of the Tribe of Levi, The

The Development of Monotheism

Nature of the Hebrew Psalms, The

Old Testament Concept of Love, The

Sacrifice, A History of, in Israel

Superscriptions in the Psalms, The

Tithe, The

Trees of Palestine, The

Use of Oxen, The

Wisdom Personified


Ancient Athens

Ancient Lebanon

Barak, Deborah and

Caesarea Maritima

Caleb: A Life of Faith

Church Offices, The


Deborah and Barak

Fortress Antonia, The

Gilgal: Circle of Stones

Herod Agrippa II

Importance of Sacrifice, The

Jordan River, The

Judaizers, The

Laying on of Hands, The

Meaning of Salvation, The

Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh

Samson: Man of the Sun

Vessels of Brass and Iron

Ancient Ointments

Ancient Weights and Measurements


Chosen, The

Christ the Holy One

Christ the Just

Christ the Prince of Life

Claudius Caesar


First-Century A.D. Greek Morals

First-Century A.D. House, A

First-Century Garments


Greek Gods, The

Greek Wisdom

Jewish Synagogue, The

Letter-Writing in the First-Century A.D.

Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Paul and the Lord's Supper

Paul's Use of Analogy

Philemon: His Life and Times


Sea of Galilee, The

The Jewish Synagogue

Ambassadors for Christ

Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

Ark, Moses'

Cities of Judah, The

Covenant with Israel, The


Egyptian Army, The

Eighth-Century B.C. House, An

Gospel of Jesus Christ, The

Harmonizing Matthew and Luke

History of Ancient Israel and Judah, A

Hittites, The


James: A Pillar of the Church

John's Use of Logos

Joseph: Jesus' Earthly Father

Moses' Ark


Servant Songs in Isaiah, The


Yahweh and Jehovah

Zacharias and His Lineage

Ancient Altars




Caesarea Philippi

Egyptian Graves

Feast of Booths, The

Feast of Unleavened Bread, The

Israel's Other Gods

Jacob: All We Know

Jethro: All We Know

Job: All We Know

Job's Friends: All We Know

Kingdom of Israel in the Eighth Century, The

Man as God's Creation

Nehemiah: His Life and Times

Temple in Jesus' Day, The

Theology of Hell, A

Tradition of the Elders, The

Trumpet, The

Way of Righteousness, The

Wildernes Tabernacle, The

Ancient Knowledge of Other Worlds

Child's Place in the First Century, A

City Gates

Death of the Firstborn

Early Ships and Boats

First-Century Businesses

First-Century Slavery

Foods of the Ancient World

God and Creation

Holy Spirit: A History of Interpretation, The


Law and the Prophets, The (Reprinted W'13-14)

Nile, The

Paul: A Brief Biography

Priest, The


Right Hand of the Throne, The

Sin and Evil in Paul's Theology

Spain in the Day of Paul

Tombs and Sepulchers

World of the First Century, The

Ancient Near Eastern Caravans

Ancient Near Eastern Laws

Aramaic in the New Testament


Embalming Process in Ancient Egypt, The

God as Heavenly Father

Greek Texts, The

The Kingdom of Heaven

History of the Sabbath, The

Hyksos, The


Jesus' Teachings About Love

Jesus' Use of Parables

Kingdom of Heaven, The

Land and People of Canaan, The

Land of Rameses, The


Moses: Founder of Israel

Nature of God, The

Parables, Jesus' Use of

Parents' Roles in the Ancient World

Philistines, The

Prisons of the First Century

The History of the Sabbath

Samaritans, The


The Shema

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Inheritance Practices

Antioch of Syria

Blessing, The

Covenant with Abraham, The

Covenant with Noah, The

Decapolis, The

Fallen from Grace

Fullness of Time, The


Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, The



Midianites, The

Name ''Jesus,'' The


Polygamy in the Ancient World

Protevangelium, The

Resurrection Theology

Sodom and Gomorrah

Theology of Heaven, A


Anthropomorphisms and Anthropopathisms

Christian Teaching on Revenge, The



Early Church's Struggle with the Libertines, The

First-Century Education, A


Horses in the Ancient World

Is Eating Meat Prohibited?

Languages of the Ancient Near East

Love of Money, The

Menorah, The

Poets of Ancient Greece, The

Precious Stones in Revelation

Role of Memory in the Ancient World, The


Seven Churches of the Revelation, The

Thrones in the Ancient World

Timothy: Paul's Ambassador

Troublesome Nicolaitans, The

Warfare a Christian Wages, The

Afterlife in Old Testament Thought, The


Chesedh—God's Loving-kindness

Church Scattered, The

Convenient Theology, A


Divine Causation


Hope by Old Testament Standards

Hosea: The Man and His Message

Jesus' Travels

Joseph of Arimathea

Legal Terms in Job

Lydia of Thyatira

Major Cities of the Biblical World

North African Jews

Risen Savior—Unique Among Religions?, A

Roman Justice

Spirit of Holiness, The

Synagogue of the Libertines, The

Temple Personnel

Tongues of Pentecost, The


First-Century Agricultural Practices


Birds of Palestine, The

Early Christianity's Exclusivism

Early Church's View of Poverty, The

Feasting: First-Century Practices

First-Century Medical Practices

First-Century Palestinian Architecture

Isle of Patmos, The

Jesus' Postresurrection Appearances to His Disciples

Jesus' Royal Entry


Judas Iscariot: All We Know

Life of Simon Peter, The

Monetary System of Jesus' Day, The

Mount of Olives, The

These Sought a Country: A History of Israel in Old Testament

Thomas: Was He Really a Doubter?

Andrew: All We Know


Captial Punishment in the Ancient Near East

Childbearing in Ancient Times

Creation Stories of the Ancient Near East

Curses and Blessings, The Significance of

First-Century Jewish Marriage Customs

Flood Stories of the Ancient Near East


Go'el: Kinsman Redeemer, The

Israel's Golden Calves

Jesus' Use of Miracles

Jewish Calendar, The

John: The Beloved Disciple


No Man Hath Seen God

Shepherding Practices of the First Century A.D.

Significance of Curses and Blessings, The

Stories of the Fall in the Ancient Near East


Who Is Jesus Christ?

Anointing with Oil: What Does It Mean?

Attitudes Toward Aged People in the Old Testament

Attitudes Toward Divorce in Post-Exilic Judaism

Biblical Archaeology in Focus

Edom: Who Can Bring Me Down?


God Almighty

Hosts, The Lord of

Human Sexuality in the Old Testament

Joel: His Life and Times


Lord of Hosts, The

Musical Instruments of the Seventh Century B.C.

New Covenant in Jeremiah, The

No Respecter of Persons: God's View of Race Relations

Of Dreams and Visions

Repentance in the Old Testament

Sin, Iniquity, Transgression: Wha Is the Difference?

Thus Saith the Lord: The Prophet's Call to Attention

To Have Dominion Over All the Earth

Warfare in the Eighth Century: Swords into Plowshares

Achaia, Macedonia and

Barnabas: All We Know

Circumcision Among Jews of the Dispersion

Cisterns: Their History and Use


Early Days of the Return from Exile, The

Feast of Pentecost, The

Feast of Purim, The

First-Century Philosophers and Monotheism

From Cyrus II to Darius I

Jude: All We Know


Macedonia and Achaia

Mark: All We Know


Office of Cupbearer, The

Paul's View of Church Administration

Paul's View of Freedom

River that Leads to Ahava, The

Sanballat and Tobiah

Uttermost Part of the Earth: First-Century Views, The

What Is Christian Doctrine?


Baskets in the Ancient World

Bishops in the Early Church


Books and the Parchments, The: How We Got Our English Bible

Centurions and Soldiers: The Roman Army

Disparagement of Marriage in Early Christianity


Greek Women's Dress


Iotas and Dots: The Languages of First-Century Palestine

Jesus' Tomb: Where Is It?



Magdala and Magadan

Mary Magdalene: All We Know

Mountains in Palestine

Ordination in the Early Church

Peter's View of the Second Coming

Ritual Washing of Household Vessels



Ancient Interest Rates and Usury


Blood Rituals in the Ancient World

Bodily Exercise: The Gymnasium in the First Century

Furious and Free: A Novel About the Maccabees

Gods of Egypt, The

Herod the Great

Learning and Wisdom of Chaldea, The


Mustard Plant, The


Samuel: His Life and Times

Stewards in the First Century


Temple in Roman Thought, The


Chaldeans, The

Churches of Macedonia, The

Dictionary of Doctrinal Terms, A


Ethiopians, Libyans, and Lydians

Fig Tree, The

Fuller, The

Girding Up the Loins

Hind, The


Jews' Flight to Egypt, The

Measure of the Stature: Paideia, The

Paideia, The Measure of the Stature:

Paul's Training and Knowledge

Peddlers of God's Word

Satan and Demons

Temple in the Seventh Century, The



Zechariah: His Life and Times

Zedekiah: His Life and Times

Amorites, The

Ancient Smelting and Metallurgy

Beggars in the Ancient World


Day of the Lord, The


Discovering Jerusalem

Eliphaz' Home: All We Know

Fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, The

First-Century Jericho

Grinding Meal


Herod Antipas

House of Jeroboam, The

I and II Corinthians

Jericho, First-Century

Major Shrines During the Temple Period

Offerings: Burnt, Cereal, and Peace

Politics and Economics in Eighth-Century Israel

Remnant Concept in Israel, The

When Was Job Written?


Baptisms Before Christianity


Country of the Gadarenes, The

First-Century Burial Preparation

First-Century Jewish Views of the Messiah


Good Shepherd Theme in Ancient Art, The

Jesus' Life: A New Chronology

Lazarus' Tomb

Nard and Other Ointments

New Holman/Broadman Bible Maps, The


Pharisees, The

Pinnacle of the Temple, The

Preparing a Meal in First-Century Palestine

Prouncing Bible Names


Sheep Gate and the Pool of Bethesda, The

Sidon and Sarepta

Son of Man

Water Jars

Baptism in the Early Church



Gods of Babylon, The

Isaiah: His Life and Times

Lake of Gennesaret, The




Miletus in Paul's Day


Remembering Zacharias and Elizabeth

The Early Church's Battle Over Christ's Return

Trade and Travel Routes to Ethiopia

Archaeology, the Rabbis, and Early Christianity

Barbarians, The


Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East

Isaiah: Layman's Bible Book Commentary


Law in First-Century Jewish Thought, The

New Testament Concept of Covenant, The

Paul's Conflict with the Jerusalem Church

Philistines After David, The

Pontus and Bithynia


Right Way to Build a Vineyard, The

Roman Mile, The

Rome's Political System in the First Century

Spread of the Gospel by A.D. 100, The


Where Did the Ascension Take Place?

Wine in the Roman World

Age of Twelve, The

Ancient Crowns


Beds of Ivory

Canaanites as Merchants, The

Caves of Carmel, The

Common Man's Clothes, A

Fresh Look at the Gospel, A

Hazael, King of Damascus

History of Interpretations of Jesus' ''Eloi'' Cry, A

Hymn at the Last Supper, The

Introducing the Holy Land

King and the Sinai Covenant, The

Mary: All We Know

Old Testament Prophecies About the Messiah


Plumb Bobs



Tradition of Men, The

Women in the Work of Jesus

Women of Passion Week

Ancient Needles



Bread in the Ancient Near East

Carmel and Sharon

Earthquakes in Palestine

First-Century Synagogue, The

Gold and Silver Idols

Host of Heaven, The

Isles, The

Josiah's Reform

Kingdom of God in Mark, The

Leafy Branches

Mystery of Tiglath-Pileser III, The

Peter's House in Capernaum

Selling and Buying in the Temple

Sennacherib of Assyria

Thorns and Briars of Palestine

Where Jesus Walked

Wineskins of the Ancient World

Ancient Farming Implements


David's Garrisons in Edom

Every Wind of Doctrine

Forest of Ephraim, The

Hittites After the Empire's Fall, The

Joab: The Man and His Life

Libraries in the Greco-Roman World

Lyre, The

Old Testament Story, The

Paul's Persecutions

Paul's Use of ''Mystery''


Rome's Reprobate Mind

Sons of God: The Roman View

Workmanship: Early Examples


Ahasuerus: His Life and Times

Amos: His Life and Times

Ark of the Covenant, The

Cedars of Lebanon





Joash: His Life and Times

Mount Tabor

Nazirite Vow, The

New Testament View of Women, A

Proverbs in the Ancient World


Signs in John's Gospel

Teaching of Wisdom in the Ancient Near East, The

Woman's Role in First-Century Judaism

Adad-Nirari III: King of Ninevah

Ancient Art in Gold, Silver, and Bronze

Athens in Paul's Day


Chief Priests, First-Century

Early Church's Use of Messianic Passages, The

Elath, Ezion-geber, and the Red Sea

First-Century Chief Priests

Jeroboam I, The Life and Times of

Jonah's Plant


Life and Times of Jeroboam I, The


Old Testament Roots for New Testament Faith

Priests, Chief, First-Century

Proselytes and Eunuchs: Status in Ancient Judaism

Recovering Ophel: The Destruction and Restoration of Biblical Jerusalem

Rivers in the Desert

Silas: All We Know

Soothsaying in the First Century



Ancient City Gates

Ancient Swords

Archaeology of the New Testament, The

Burying a Father: A Son's Obligations

Candace, Queen of Ethiopia

Churches of Achaia, The

Earliest Christian Music, The

First-Century Rabbis

Greeks: What Was Hellenism?, The


Kingdoms of the First-Century World, The

Lawyer and Scribe in the First Century

Parables in the Ancient World

Paul's Use of ''Flesh''

Sabbath in the Pharisees' Teaching, The

Salt Production in Palestine

Scribe in the First Century, Lawyer and

Silver Chalice: Last Supper Cup?, The

Stranger, To Be a

To Be a Stranger

Women in the New Testament Church


Dispersion, The

Egyptian Slavery


First-Century Wars and Their Causes


Gold Rings and Fine Clothing

Jordan River, The

Judaizers, The

Magi of the East, The



Repentance of God, The

Search for Gaza, The

Teachers in the Early Church

Teaching Children in Old Testament Times

Turtledoves and Pigeons: Sacrifices

Views of Martyrdom in the Early Church

Yahweh Is a Warrior

Abraham: His Life and Times


Ancient Anchors

Ancient Shields

Apollos: All We Know


Claudius: Emperor of Rome

Esau in Story and Legend

Gideon: His Life and Times

Gittith, Neginoth, and Altaschith

Hebrews: Challenge to Bold Discipleship

Joseph: His Life and Times

Old Testament Version Quoted in Hebrews, The

Philemon and Onesimus: All We Know

Priscilla and Aquila: All We Know


Songs of Asaph

Titus: All We Know

Tree of Life in the Ancient World

A Lamb . . . Slain

Arameans, The

Archaeology of New Testament Cities in Western Asia Minor, The

Beast and the Dragon: Historical Interpretations, The

Church at Laodicea, The

Cities of Galatia, The

The Cloak: Its Use and Value

David and the Philistines

Fiery Serpents, Scorpions, Parched Ground, and Flinty Rock


Hebron: the City of Beginnings

House of David: From Exile to First Century, The

Israel's Welfare Laws

Kingdom of God in Paul's Writings, The

Other Disciple, The

Philistines, David and the

Roman Views of Life After Death

Wilderness Wanderings, The

Abomination of Desolation: Interpretations in History, The

Ancient Winepresses

Churches of Corinth, The

Eunuchs in the Ancient Near East


Glossolalia in Asia Minor

Good News From Matthew


John the Baptist: All We Know

King and Kingdom in Luke

Light in John's WritingsLuke, King and Kingdom in

Measurement Devices of the Bible

Musical Instruments of the First Century

Passover, The

Paul's View of Christ's Return

Real Route of the Passion, The

Samaritan Concept of the Messiah, The

Wisdom in Paul's Writings

Arabia: The Nabateans

Centurions, The

Children of Abraham: First-Century Jewish Beliefs

Egypt of the Captivity


Heart of the New Testament, The

Hebrew Concept of the Land, The

Jeremiah: His Life and Times


Micah: His Life and Times

Mount Horeb and Sinai

Nicodemus: All We Know

Pharisees and Sadducees in the First Century

Place of the Multiplication, The

Politics of the Covenant, The

Rephidim and the Plain of Encampment

Soils of the Parable

Zabulon and Nephthali

Acrostics in the Psalms

Ancient Near Eastern Parallels to the Ten Commandments

Cities Joshua Conquered, The

Cyclical View of History, The



Heart of Hebrew History, The

Heroes Between the Testaments


High Priest and His Duties, The

The Judge in Ancient Israel

Levites, The

Proverbs 31: The History Behind Its Ideal

Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh

Sabbath Before Israel, The

Tithe, The

Valley of the Shadow of Death, The

Weights and Balances in the Ancient World

Ashes of a Heifer, The


Churches of Macedonia, The

Council of the Sanhedrin, The




Holy Place and the Holy of Holies, The

Joseph of Arimathea: All We Know


Judas Iscariot: All We Know

Mark of the Beast: Historical Interpretations, The

Melchizedek: Stories and Legends

One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand

Revelation: Book of Mystery and Hope

Route of the Exodus, The

Samuel: His Life and Times

Saul: His Life and Times

Seals and Scrolls

Christian Counter-Culture


First-Century Medicine


Joy of Harvest, The

Kingdom Come

Law of Restitution, The

Lawsuit Practice in the First Century


Montanist Movement, The

Nero's Fire

On the Way to Jerusalem: Towns and Villages in Galilee

People Who Resettled Corinth, The

Perea: The Coasts of Judea Beyond Jordan

Pharisees After A.D. 70, The

Pilate's Atrocities

Rebel Leaders of Judea

Samaritans, The


Significance of Seven, The

Temple Prostitutes at Corinth

Age of Marriage in First-Century Palestine, The

And on Earth, Peace. . .

Caesar Augustus

Cities that Remained, The

Cyrenius, Governor of Syria

David: His Life and Times

Decapolis, The

Divorce Laws in First-Century Palestine


Grotto of the Annunciation

Housetops and Tiling

Lord's Supper Observance in the Early Church, The

Luke: All We Know

Lysanias, Tetrarch of Abilene

New Covenant Jeremiah Proclaimed, The

Philip, Tetrarch of Trachonitis

Solomon: His Life and Times

Solomon's Foreign Gods

Sudden Storms of Galilee, The

Tiberius Caesar

To Touch a Sinner


Archaeological History of the Ancient Middle East

Canaanite Religion During the Conquest


Darius I Hystaspes

Elder's Life in the Apostolic Age, An

Ezekiel: His Life and Times

Ezra: His Life and Times

Fine House in Jerusalem, A

Gate Beautiful, The

Haggai, Zechariah, and Zerubbabel: Their Time in History

Hairstyles of First-Century Asia Minor

Morning Star, The

Moses and Jewish Lore

Noah in Jewish Folklore

People Abraham Left Behind, The

People of Galilee, The

Rule of Babylon, The


Apocryphal Peter, The

Cain: All We Know

Camels, Dromedaries, and Ships of the Desert

Decline of the Prophet's Office, The

Habakkuk: His Life and Times

Hezekiah: His Life and Times


Important Cities of Jeremiah's Day

Iron Age Watchtowers

Isaac: His Life and Times

Jashar, The Book of

Josiah: His Life and Times

Manasseh: His Life and Times

Nebuchadnezzar: His Life and Times

Negeb, The

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free


Philippi: Colony of Rome

Seven Churches of Revelation, The

Andrew: All We Know

Atlas of the Bible Lands

Cyrene of Cyrenaica

First-Century Phoenicia

Jesus' Earthly Family

Jews Who Wrote About the Coming Messiah, The

Joel: The Man and His Prophecy

Justin Martyr: Product of Samaria

Liberation Theology


Nicolaus and the Nicolaitans




Persecution Under Domitian, The

Philip the Apostle: All We Know

Philip the Evangelist: All We Know

Plundering of Property





Stoning for Adultery in Israel

Third Hour: Biblical Reckoning of Time, The


Astrology in the First Century

Bible in Its World, The

Chaldean Destruction of Jerusalem, The

Churches Around Ephesus, The

Concepts of the Incarnation in the Early Church


Feminine References to God

Fiery Darts

First-Century Jewish Concepts of the Messiah

Jehoiakim: His Life and Times

Lycus Valley, The

Malachi: His Life and Times



Paul's Early Life

Paul's Letters from Prison: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians


Serpent Worship in the Ancient Near East

Significance of Incense, The

Upper Room, The

Yahweh: God's Name

Archaeology in Bible Lands

Asshur: Capital of Assyria


Church at Antioch, The

Elisha: His Life and Times

Feasts: Times and Seasons

Felix and Drusilla

Jewish Concepts of Creation

Paul: His Roman Ministry and Death

Paul's Journey from Philippi to Jerusalem


Rehoboam: His Life and Times

Rehoboam's Defense Line

Solomon's Temple

Syria: The Kingdom in Ahab's Time

Tarsus: ''No Mean City''


Uzziah: His Life and Times

Absalom in History and Legend

Adonijah, David's Son from Haggith

Ahab, The Life and Times of

Coming of the Spring Rains, The


Early Christian Views Toward Political Authority

Epistles of the First Century



Gods and Temples of Corinth, The


Incense Stands and Burners

Ivory in the Ancient World

Jehosaphat, The Life and Times of

Joab in History and Legend

Life and Times of Amos, The

Life and Times of Jehoshaphat, The

Micaiah in Jewish Legend

Property and Riches in the Early Church

Property and Riches in the Early Church




The Life and Times of Ahab

Tongues-Speaking in the Ancient World

Wilderness of Ziph, The

Baptism in the Early Church


Bishop Lists of Rome, The

Conflicts in the Church at Corinth

Earliest Churches in Rome, The

Early Christian Martyrs

Exercise of Gifts in the Early Church, The


Hermas the Prophet: His Life and Work

Jews in First-Century Rome, The

Kerygma: Its Content, The

Nehemiah: His Life and Times

Olympic Games, The

Paul and the Future of the Jews

Paul's Greeting in Romans 16

Paul's Missing Epistles

Paul's View of Sex

Salvation by Surprise

Slaves in First-Century Rome

Stoicism in First-Century Rome

Walk Around the Walls with Nehemiah, A

Wise and the Foolish, The

Admah and Zeboiim

Adoption in Greece and Rome

Corban: What Does It Mean?

Covenant and Promise

Ebla: An Astounding Discovery

Feast in the Kingdom of God, The

Graven Images Battle in Early Christianity, The

History of Ephraim, The

Holy One, The

Jewish Sabbath and the Christian Lord's Day, The

Journey from Haran to Palestine, The

Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew, The

Levi: All We Know

Life and Times of Hosea, The

New Testament Jericho

Olives and Olive Oil

Pearls in the Ancient World


Ritual Washings of First-Century Palestine

Shekinah Glory, The


Son of Man, The


Ten Commandments in the New Testament, The

Was Archelaus the Man of Noble Birth?

Wilderness and the Solitary Place, The


A B C of Bible Lands


Barbarian, Scythian

Benjamin: the History of a Tribe

Caesar Nero


Diana of the Ephesians

Earliest Graven Images

Epaphroditus: All We Know


First-Century Overseers

Guide for New Testament Study, A

Herod Agrippa II



Paul's Big Words: A Glossary

Philosophy of Colossae, The

Porcius Festus

Roman Armor

Timothy: All We Know


Ahuzzath and Phicol

Ancient Near Eastern Deluge Stories

Barnabas of Cyprus


Biblical Backgrounds of the Middle East Conflict

Caesarea Maritima


Fig Leaves


Herod Agrippa I

Ishmeelites, The

Judas Barsabbas and Silas: Chief Men in the Jerusalem Church

Location of Sodom and Gomorrah, The


Mark of Cain, The

Near Eastern Creation Stories

Origin of All Things, The


Philippi of Macedonia: Beachhead in Europe

Rivers of Eden, The


Tower of Babel, The

Valley of Gerar


Babylon: The City ''In Spite Of''

Daniel in Story and Legend

Elijah Speaks Today


History of Foot Washing, The

In the Garden

Jews and the Sea

John, His Life and Times

Judas (Thaddaeus) and Edessa

Judgment Hall, The

Medes and Persians, The


More Psalms for all Seasons


Shepherding: Care of Lambs and Sheep

Sons of Korah

Sun Worship

Thomas and Christianity in India

Vines and Vineyards of the First Century

Abraham's Bosom

Away in a Manger


Building a House in First-Century Palestine



Cast Him Out

Feast of Tabernacles, The

Going Down from Jerusalem to Jericho

If I Could Find God

Jacob's Well

John and Ephesus

John and the Essenes

John, His Life and Times

Land of Uz, The


Lazarus' Tomb

Mantle, The

Meaning of Purple, The

Mount Gerizim

Parallels to Job in the Near Eastern World

Pool of Bethesda, The

Pool of Siloam, The

Robber Bands in First-Century Judea

Samaritans, The

Stewards in First-Century Judea

Whirlwind in the Bible, The


Amphictyony in Ancient Israel

Covenant in the Ancient World

Crete: Place of Titus' Ministry

Gods on the Flood's Other Side, The


Joshua's Battles, Techniques, and Weapons

Kadesh-Barnea: The Sacred Place of Decision


Philistines and the Old Testament, The

Philistines, The


Ram's Horn

Route of the Spies, The

Shechem: The Uncrowned Queen of Palestine

Tabernacle, The

Tenth Generation, The Origins of the Biblical Tradition, The

Colt and the Messiah, The

Early and Latter Rains


Enemies of Egypt, The

First-Century Tombs in Palestine

Fountain, The

Guide for Old Testament Study, A

Healing Practices of the Early Church

Ites of the Promised Land, The

James, Brother of Jesus


Jethro and the Midianites

Jewelry of Thirteenth-Century Egypt, The

King Who Did Not Know Joseph, The

Milk and Honey

Nation in the Making, A

Pontius Pilate

Prophetesses in Ancient Israel

Rahab the Harlot in Jewish Lore

Seven Last Sayings of Jesus, The

Sirocco and the Flower, The

Stong East Wind, The

Trip to Mount Horeb, A

Vapour of Palestine, The


Alabaster: Its Place in History

Boy's Life in First-Century Nazareth, A

Bread and Stones, Fish and Serpents: A Study in Shapes

Camel's Hair


Devils and the Stars

First-Century Demons

Fishing in Galilee

Greeting a Guest

Husks the Swine Did Eat

In the Midst of Doctors

An Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospels and Acts

Living Animals of the Bible

Locusts and Wild Honey





Road from Nazareth to Jerusalem, The

Robes, Rings, and Rank

Sandals in First-Century Palestine

Sepphoris: Capital of Galilee


Sycamore Tree, The

Synagogue Service in First-Century Palestine

Was John the Baptist an Essene?

Wilderness of Jesus' Temptation, The

Wilderness of John's Baptizing, The


Catacombs of Rome, The

Christian Looks at Himself, The

Clement of Rome

Eating Meat in Rome

Firstborn Among Many Brethren, The

First-Century Birth Rituals

First-Century Business Affairs in Rome

Flesh and Spirit

Gabriel: All We Know

He That Ruleth

Heaven and the Deep

Hill Country of Judea, The



Jewish Beliefs About Predestination

Nothing Can Separate

Reprobates of Rome, The

Righteous and Good: There Was a Difference!

Roman Coinage

Rome in the Augustan Age

Rome: the Eternal City

Stumblingblocks and Scandals

When Was Jesus Born?

Why Romans Turned to Judaism

Archeology: Digging Up History


Baptism: Its Rise and Spread


Down to Gaza

Ethiopia and Christianity

Eye of the Needle, The

Gaza, Down to

Gods of Greece and Rome, The

How Well Have We Done?

Judaizers, The

Nag Hammadi Gnostic Texts, The

New Worlds for Christ

Poor of Jesus' Day, The

Simon and Simonianism

Sunday School: How Did We Get Here from There?

Tanner, The

Whatever Happened to the Jerusalem Church?

Where on Earth Was Galatia?

Ambassador for Christ

Antioch of Syria

Crown of Thorns, The

Curse of Crucifixion, The

Development of the Hebrew Family, The

Every Knee Shall Bow

Every Man in His Own Tongue

Family Questions on Life's Goals

First-Century Judaism in Crisis

Gethsemane and the Mount of Olives

Goats: The Blessing and the Scourge


Passover in Jesus' Day, The

Pentecost: The Jewish Feast

Politics of Judah in Jesus' Day, The

Scepter Reed, The

Search for the Holy City, The

Where Is Golgotha?

Women at the Tomb, The

Across the Jordan

Alms and Almsgiving

Apostles: What Happened to Them?, The

Divorce in Jesus' Day

Eerdman's Handbook to the Bible

Herod Antipas: Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea

Herod's Temple

Historical Geography of the Holy Land

Jewish Legends of Elijah's Return

Jewish Sabbath Laws

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

Law and the Prophets, The

Law of Impressment, The

Laws, Jewish Sabbath


Mount of the Sermon, The

Mustard Plant, The

Sabbath Laws, Jewish

Talmud: Its Wit and Wisdom, The

Unclean! Unclean!

Where Did Heaven/Hell Come From?

Abraham: The Beginning of a New Faith

Altar: Heart of Hebrew Worship, The

Baker's Bible Atlas


Bethel: House of God

Canaan: Stage for Faith's Drama

Davis' Dictionary of the Biible

Egypt: Gift of the Nile

Evangelical's Guidebook to the Holy Land, An


Galilee: Jesus' Homeland

Golden Bible Atlas

Gospel in the Genealogies, The

Harper's Bible Dictionary, The

Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible

Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, The

Jacob's Red Pottage

Joseph: A Psychological Profile

Macmillan Bible Atlas, The

Meet Herod the Great: Builder and Villain

Mount Moriah

Mystery of the Magi, The

New Atlas of the Bible, The

New Compact Bible Dictionary, The

New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, The

Oxford Bible Atlas, The

Peloubet's Bible Dictionary

Sacred Land, The

Smith's Bible Dictionary

Taxes and Tax Collectors

Westminster Historical Atlas to the Bible, The

Zondervan Pictorial Bible Atlas, The

Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, The


Devil Made Me Do It: A Study of Temptation, The

First-Century Heresies

Gifts of the Spirit: Paul's List

Learning of the Ancients, The

Light of the World, The

Paul, the Prisoner

Persecution in the Early Church

Philemon: Caught in the Culture Wheel

Philip, A Man for All Seasons

Roman Army, The

Samaria—City of Kings

Since the Beginning

Spirit in the New Testament, The

Sports in Biblical Times

Symbols of the Church

Tapestries in Relationships

Apocrypha, The

Baal, The Worship of

Bob Bratcher: Translator of Good News

Closing the Canons

Creation Continues

Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran, The

Do Old Testament Laws Apply Today?

Eugene Nida: Dean of Translators

First American Bible, The

Holy Bible, The

How to Study the Bible

Ken Taylor: Making the Bible Come Alive

King James Version

Search for Mount Sinai, The


Treasures Among the Trash: Codex Sinaiticus

What About Sunday?

What? Another Translation?

Who Has Seen God?

William Tyndale's New Testament


Burial Practices in Palestine

Caesarea Philippi

Charismatic Gifts in the New Testament Church


He Is Risen Indeed

Israel and Judah

Jewish Priesthood, The

Life After Death



Messianic Expectations

Old Testament Sacrifices and Offerings

Priesthood, The Jewish

Satan, the Bible, and the Modern Mind

Son of Man—Son of God


Worship in the First-Century Church

Ark of the Covenant, The

Babylon and the Chaldeans

Cherubim, The

City of Refuge


First Bible Translation, The

From Saul to the Exile

Fullness of Time, The

In the Gate of the City

God Gave This Land to Me

God's Chosen People

Handel's Messiah

Importance of a Name, The

In Those Days Came John the Baptist

Jeremiah, The Prophet

Jewish Marriage Customs

Jewish Synagogue, The

Jordan River, The

Living God Seeks Man, The

Medical Practices in New Testament Times

Musical Instruments of the Bible

Old Testament Weights and Measurements

Pharisees and Sadducees

Prophet Jeremiah, The

Solomon's Temple

Synagogue, The Jewish



Writer's Name Issue DateA/B Scripture Reference

David E. Lanier F'15 A 1 John 5:6-13

Byron Longino F'15 A Psalm 34:4-14; Genesis 3:1-24

Bennie R. Crockett, Jr. F'15 A Romans 9:28-39

D. Larry Gregg, Sr. F'15 A Daniel 1:3-19

F'15 A Book of Daniel

R. Kelvin Moore F'15 A Daniel 2:13-28

E. LeBron Matthews F'15 A Daniel 3:13-28

Robert C. Dunston F'15 A Daniel 5

Daniel P. Caldwell F'15 A Daniel 6

Trent C. Butler F'15 A Genesis 1:26-27

Harry D. Champy III F'15 A Genesis 2

George H. Shaddix F'15 A Genesis 3

F'15 A Genesis 6

T. J. Betts F'15 A Genesis 11:1-9

Bryan E. Beyer F'15 A Genesis 12:1-9

Robert D. Bergen F'15 A Genesis 12:1-4; 15:1-6; 17:1-14

John L. Harris F'15 A Genesis 27

Kevin Hall F'15 A Genesis 32:1-15

Claude F. Mariottini F'15 A Genesis 37:2-28

Alan Ray Buescher F'15 A Genesis 41:46-57

Ken Cox F'15 A Genesis 17

John Traylor F'15 A Genesis 22

Daniel C. Browning, Jr. F'15 A Genesis 24:1-17

Bill Patterson F'15 A 1 Corinthians 8:5-6

Harry D. Champy III F'15 A Genesis 4

F'15 B

Bryan E. Beyer Su'15 A Book of Joshua

David L. Jenkins Su'15 A Joshua 3:3-17

Robert A. Street Su'15 A Joshua 22:11-34

Robert C. Dunston Su'15 A Jonah 1:1; 3:5-8

Michael Priest Su'15 A Revelation 2:1-7

T. Van McClain Su'15 A Nehemiah 1

Jeff Iorg Su'15 A Acts 13:1-3

Dale "Geno" Robinson Su'15 A Luke 14:12-24

Gary Hardin Su'15 A 1 John 1:1-4

C. Mack Roark Su'15 A Letters of John

Leon Hyatt, Jr. Su'15 A 1 John 3:7-19

Timothy N. Boyd Su'15 A Revelation 1

Timothy Faber Su'15 A Revelation 3:7-13

E. Randolph Richards Su'15 A Revelation 5:1-14

Jeff S. Anderson Su'15 A Revelation 12:1-17

Bobby Kelly Su'15 A Revelation 21:1-7

Terry L. Wilder Su'15 A Psalm 119:1-16

Sharon H. Gritz Su'15 A John 2:1-11

Daniel P. Caldwell Su'15 A Exodus 2:1-10

Steve W. Lemke Su'15 A Mark 8:27-33

Paul E. Kullman Su'15 A Luke 11:5-13

Lynn O. Traylor Su'15 A Isaiah 58:6-7; Joel 2:12; Jonah 3:5-8; Matthew 6:16-18

Rudy Gonzalez Su'15 A 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; 9:6-15

Stephen J. Andrews Su'15 A Psalm 96

Mark A. Rathel Su'15 B

Su'15 A

Su'15 A

Harold R. Mosley Spr'15 A Isaiah 53:1-12

Hal Lane Spr'15 A Luke 1:26-36

Randall L. Adkisson Spr'15 A Mark 10:17-22

R. D. Fowler Spr'15 A Matthew 27

Gregory T. Pouncey Spr'15 A Acts 1:3-11

Terry W. Eddinger Spr'15 A Ephesians 1:20-23

Robert E. Jones Spr'15 A John 15:9-14

Roy E. Lucas, Jr. Spr'15 A Acts 11:21-26

Justin Langford Spr'15 A Galatians 5:13-15

W. Wayne VanHorn Spr'15 A Nahum 1:1-8

Kevin C. Peacock Spr'15 A Book of Obadiah

Spr'15 A

Spr'15 A

Claude F. Mariottini Spr'15 A Zephaniah 2:4-7

R. Raymond Lloyd Spr'15 A Zechariah 8–9

Francis X. Kimmitt Spr'15 A Habakkuk 3:1-19

Stephen R. Miller Spr'15 A Book of Haggai

Dorman Laird Spr'15 A Malachi 1:1-11

E. Ray Clendenen Spr'15 A Malachi 3:5

Michael W. Olewski Spr'15 A 1 Corinthians 12:12-30

Rodney Reeves Spr'15 A Book of Revelation

M. Dean Register Spr'15 A Matthew 16:24-28; 1 Peter 4:1-2,12-19

Darryl Wood Spr'15 A Matthew 5:13-16

John Polhill Spr'15 A 1 Corinthians 11:17-32

William Warren Spr'15 A Luke 24:44-49

Charles A. Ray, Jr. Spr'15 A John 20:19-23

Tom Goodman Spr'15 B

D. Larry Gregg, Sr. W'14-15 A Book of Esther

R. Dennis Cole W'14-15 A Psalm 23:1-6

Blakeley Winslow W'14-15 A Psalm 32:1-7

Shawn L. Buice W'14-15 A 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

Joel F. Drinkard, Jr. W'14-15 A Nehemiah 2:1-8,17-18

J. Mark Terry W'14-15 A Ecclesiastes 9:4

Bennie R. Crockett, Jr. W'14-15 A Romans 1

G. Al Wright, Jr. W'14-15 A 2 Timothy 1:8-14

E. LeBron Matthews W'14-15 A Nehemiah 10:28-39

Warren McWilliams W'14-15 A Acts 25–26

R. Kelvin Moore W'14-15 A Psalm 42

Mark R. Dunn W'14-15 A 1 John 4:13-16

Byron Longino W'14-15 A Exodus 23:1-3,6-9

George H. Shaddix W'14-15 A Book of Nehemiah

Timothy Trammell W'14-15 A Matthew 4

Joseph R. Cathey W'14-15 A Esther 3:1-3

Robert D. Bergen W'14-15 A Ecclesiastes 5:10-12

Tom Goodman W'14-15 A Psalm 91

Scott Hummel W'14-15 A Book of Nehemiah

J. Alan Branch W'14-15 A Proverbs 23:20-21

Cecil R. Taylor W'14-15 A 1 Corinthians; 2 Corinthians

T. J. Betts W'14-15 A Book of Ezra; Book of Nehemiah

Argile A. Smith, Jr. W'14-15 A Romans 13:8-14

John Traylor W'14-15 A Ezra 3:1-7,10-11; 6:19-22

W'14-15 A

W'14-15 A

Eric A. Mitchell W'14-15 B

F'14 B

F'14 A

F'14 A

William B. Tolar F'14 A Book of Ephesians

Kendell Easley F'14 A Ephesians 2; 1 Peter 2

Bobby Kelly F'14 A Ephesians 4

Mona Stewart F'14 A Ephesians 4

Steve Booth F'14 A Ephesians 5

Deborah Cantrell F'14 A Genesis 37

Leon Hyatt, Jr. F'14 A Genesis 40

Roberta Jones F'14 A Genesis 45; Genesis 50

Michael Priest F'14 A 2 Corinthians 1

David L. Allen F'14 A Book of Hebrews

Roy E. Lucas, Jr. F'14 A Hebrews 2

Lynn O. Traylor F'14 A Hebrews 2

Kevin Hall F'14 A Hebrews 4; Psalm 95

Bill Patterson F'14 A Hebrews 6; Hebrews 7

T. J. Betts F'14 A Hebrews 9

David L. Jenkins F'14 A Hebrews 12

C. Mack Roark F'14 A Hebrews 13

Ken Cox F'14 A Psalm 148

Gary P. Arbino F'14 A Psalm 95

Stephen J. Andrews F'14 A Judges 16

Harry D. Champy III F'14 A 1 Samuel 16; 1 Samuel 17

David E. Lanier F'14 A Matthew 3

Timothy N. Boyd F'14 A Acts 4

Mark Rathel F'14 A 1 Peter 2

Jerry M. Windsor F'14 A Book of Revelation

James O. Newell Su'14 A Psalm 99:1-9

Randall L. Adkisson Su'14 A Ezekiel 18

Blakeley Winslow Su'14 A Book of John

Argile A. Smith, Jr. Su'14 A Hebrews 6:7-20

Rudy D. Gonzalez Su'14 A Book of 1 Peter

Su'14 A Book of 1 Peter; Book of 2 Peter

Steve W. Lemke Su'14 A 1 Peter 2:13-23

Gerald L. Stevens Su'14 A Book of 1 Peter

John L. Harris Su'14 A Psalm 104:1-5,24-31

T. Van McClain Su'14 A Book of Daniel; Book of Ezekiel

Harold R. Mosley Su'14 A Ezekiel 1:28–2:5

Gregory T. Pouncey Su'14 A Ezekiel 24:15-27

Robert A. Street Su'14 A Ezekiel 21

Tom Goodman Su'14 A Ezekiel 34

Daniel P. Caldwell Su'14 A Daniel 1

Su'14 A Book of Daniel; Book of Ezekiel

Claude F. Mariottini Su'14 A Daniel 5

Jeff S. Anderson Su'14 A Daniel 9:20-27; 12:9-13

W. Wayne VanHorn Su'14 A Book of Deuteronomy

E. Ray Clendenen Su'14 A Exodus 32:1-8; Deuteronomy 5:8-10

Eric A. Mitchell Su'14 A Deuteronomy 5:11; Leviticus 24:10-16

Trent C. Butler Su'14 A Deuteronomy 5:12-15

Robert A. Weathers Su'14 A Deuteronomy 5:18; Proverbs 6:20-29; Matthew 5:27-30

Dorman Laird Su'14 A Deuteronomy 5:19; 25:13-16

Kevin C. Peacock Su'14 A Deuteronomy 5:21

Andy Chambers Su'14 A Matthew 15:1-20

G.B. Howell, Jr. Su'14 B

Alan Ray Buescher Spr'14 A Genesis 1:28; 2:8-9,15-17

Joseph R. Cathey Spr'14 A 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

David M. Wallace Spr'14 A 2 Corinthians 8–9

Shawn L. Buice Spr'14 A 2 Corinthians 9:6-13

Francix X. Kimmitt Spr'14 A Exodus 31:12-17; Proverbs 9; Leviticus 1–3; Hebrews 9

Spr'14 A

Dale "Geno" Robinson Spr'14 A Matthew 8:1-13; Mark 15

Steve Booth Spr'14 A Luke 15:11-32

D. Larry Gregg, Sr. Spr'14 A John 18; Mark 14; Hebrews 13:11-12

Duane A. Garrett Spr'14 A Book of Proverbs

R. Kelvin Moore Spr'14 A Book of Proverbs

Robert D. Bergen Spr'14 A Book of Proverbs

E. LeBron Matthews Spr'14 A Book of Proverbs

Daniel C. Browning, Jr. Spr'14 A Proverbs 6:6-8; 28:19; 31:14-15

Darryl Wood Spr'14 A Mark 14:32–16:8

John "Bud" Traylor Spr'14 A Numbers 21:4-9; Proverbs 23:29-35

J. Alan Branch Spr'14 A Proverbs 5:1-23; 6:20-35

George H. Shaddix Spr'14 A The Song of Songs

Spr'14 A Genesis; Revelation

David L. Jenkins Spr'14 A Genesis 22:1-14

Byron Longino Spr'14 A Exodus 12:3-32

Ken Cox Spr'14 A Leviticus 2:1-3; 5:1-13

R. Raymond Lloyd Spr'14 A Exodus 17:1-7

Leon Hyatt, Jr. Spr'14 A Isaiah 52:13–53:12

Charles A. Ray, Jr. Spr'14 A John 6:25-58

Rodney Reeves Spr'14 A Book of Revelation

Timothy Faber Spr'14 B

Bennie R. Crockett, Jr. W'13-14 A John 12

Kevin Hall W'13-14 A John 12:38-45

Rudy D. Gonzalez W'13-14 A Gospel of John

Mark A. Rathel W'13-14 A John 14:1-6

Paul E. Kullman W'13-14 A John 15:1-8

Robert A. Weathers W'13-14 A John 17

Jeff S. Anderson W'13-14 A John 18

Jerry N. Barlow W'13-14 A John 19:17-42

R. D. Fowler W'13-14 A John 21:15-17

W'13-14 A

W'13-14 A

Paul N. Jackson W'13-14 A Romans 1:16-17; 2:5-11; 3:9-12

M. Dean Register W'13-14 A Romans 1:16-17; 2:5-11; 3:9-12

Sharon H. Gritz W'13-14 A Matthew 1:18-25

Michael W. Olewski W'13-14 A Romans 6:8-18

Timothy Trammell W'13-14 A Romans 7:14–8:2

Timothy N. Boyd W'13-14 A Romans 8:9-27

George H. Shaddix W'13-14 A Psalm 19

Terry J. Betts W'13-14 A Genesis 1:1-27

Hal Lane W'13-14 B

William Warren F'13 A Gospel of John

Mark R. Dunn F'13 A John 1:19-51

Roy E. Lucas, Jr. F'13 A John 2:1-16

W. Wayne VanHorn F'13 A Gospel of John

G. Al Wright, Jr. F'13 A John 4

Robert E. Jones F'13 A John 5

B. Dale Ellenburg F'13 A John 7

B. Dale Ellenburg F'13 A Book of James; John 7

Gregory T. Pouncey F'13 A John 10

Bobby Kelly F'13 A John 11

Thomas H. Goodman F'13 A

F'13 A

Lynn O. Traylor F'13 A James 1:13-16

Mona Stewart F'13 A James 2

Gary Hardin F'13 A James 2:8-13

Steve Booth F'13 A Book of James

Michael Priest F'13 A James 5:7-12

Robert C. Dunston F'13 A 1 Samuel 18; 1 Samuel 24

Daniel P. Caldwell F'13 A Genesis 13–18

C. Mack Roark F'13 A Galatians 2:1-14

Terry W. Eddinger F'13 A Genesis 37–50

David E. Lanier F'13 B

E. Ray Clendenen Su'13 A Book of Job

Byron Longino Su'13 A Job 11:11-15

J. Mark Terry Su'13 A Job 28

James O. Newell Su'13 A Job 33

Rick W. Byargeon Su'13 A Job 38–42

W. Wayne VanHorn Su'13 A Book of Ecclesiastes

Trent C. Butler Su'13 A Book of Ecclesiastes

Claude F. Mariottini Su'13 A Ecclesiastes 5:8–6:12

David L. Jenkins Su'13 A Ecclesiastes 11:1–12:14

T. Van McClain Su'13 A Genesis 1:1–3:24

Roberta Jones Su'13 A Genesis 12:1-7; Genesis 15:5-8,13-17

E. LeBron Matthews Su'13 A Genesis 12; Genesis 15

Kevin C. Peacock Su'13 A Exodus 3:7; Exodus 12:30

Randall L. Adkisson Su'13 A Exodus 20:1-21

John Traylor Su'13 A 2 Samuel 7

Dorman Laird Su'13 A

Joseph R. Cathey Su'13 A Ezra 1; Nehemiah 8; Jeremiah 29

Argile A. Smith, Jr. Su'13 A Matthew 4:12-25

Thomas H. Goodman Su'13 A Mark 15

Kendell Easley Su'13 A Revelation 22

Steven M. Ortiz Su'13 B

Jerry Batson Sp'13 A 1 Timothy; 2 Timothy

Hal Lane Sp'13 A 1 Timothy 4:10; Titus 3:7

Dorman Laird Sp'13 A 1 Timothy 5:1-18

D. Larry Gregg Sp'13 A Matthew 8:1-20

Darryl Wood Sp'13 A 2 Timothy 1:13-18

Dale “Geno” Robinson Sp'13 A 2 Timothy 3:1-17

M. Dean Register Sp'13 A 2 Timothy 4:1-18

Timothy T. Faber Sp'13 A Book of Titus

Charles A. Ray, Jr. Sp'13 A Titus 2:1-15

R. Kelvin Moore Sp'13 A Matthew 15:1-11,17-20

C. Mack Roark Sp'13 A Luke 9:20-26,57-62

David E. Lanier Sp'13 A Luke 10:25-37

Argile A. Smith, Jr. Sp'13 A Luke 22:1-30

Eric A. Mitchell Sp'13 A Exodus 19:1-25

Bradford S. Hummel Sp'13 A Leviticus 5:1,4-5,14-16; 6:1-7

Stephen R. Miller Sp'13 A Leviticus 18; Leviticus 20; Proverbs 3; Proverbs 6

Ken Cox Sp'13 A Proverbs 3; Proverbs 6

Stephen J. Andrews Sp'13 A Proverbs 31:10-31

Leon Hyatt, Jr. Sp'13 A Proverbs 11; Proverbs 17; Proverbs 18; Proverbs 27; Proverbs 28; Proverbs 29

Terry L. Wilder Sp'13 A

Kevin Hall Sp'13 B

Robert D. Bergen W’12-13 A Book of Hosea

Jeff S. Anderson W’12-13 A Hosea 2:1-5

Daniel C. Browning, Jr. W’12-13 A Book of Hosea; Book of Nahum

Francis X. Kimmit W’12-13 A Hosea 4:1-19

Rick W. Byargeon W’12-13 A Psalm 103:1-22; Hosea 8

Terry J. Betts W’12-13 A Hosea 11:1-11

Deborah Cantrell W’12-13 A Hosea 13–14

Terry W. Eddinger W’12-13 A Amos 1:1-2

R. Raymond Lloyd W’12-13 A Amos 2:6-8

Harold R. Mosley W’12-13 A Amos 7:4-17

Robert C. Dunston W’12-13 A Book of Jonah

Gary M. Poulton W’12-13 A Exodus 6:2-13

Kevin Hall W’12-13 A Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 1:18-25

Timothy Trammell W’12-13 A John 10:7-16

Robert A. Street W’12-13 A Book of Nahum

J. Daniel Hays W’12-13 A Book of Habakkuk

George H. Shaddix W’12-13 A Book of Obadiah

Michael W. Olewski W’12-13 A 1 Timothy 1:1-7

Shawn L. Buice W’12-13 A 1 Timothy 4:7-10; Titus 3:1-9

W’12-13 A

G.B. Howell, Jr. W’12-13 B

Mark R. Dunn F'12 A 1 Peter; 2 Peter

G. Al Wright, Jr. F'12 A 1 Peter 1:1-12

Mark A. Rathel F'12 A 1 Peter 2:3

Bill Patterson F'12 A 1 Peter 2:11-17

Randall L. Adkisson F'12 A 1 Peter 3:13-22

Robert E. Jones F'12 A 1 Peter 4:1-11

Gary Hardin F'12 A 1 Peter 5:1-9

Dale “Geno” Robinson F'12 A 2 Peter 1:1-21

William Warren F'12 A Book of Jude

Joseph R. Cathey F'12 A Matthew 5–7

Michael Priest F'12 A Matthew 5:48

Timothy N. Boyd F'12 A Matthew 6:9-13

B. Dale Ellenburg F'12 A Matthew 7:13-29

Rodney Reeves F'12 A John 4:1-42

Alan Ray Buescher F'12 A Genesis 16:1-5

Martha S. Bergen F'12 A Exodus 15; Numbers 12

Lynn O. Traylor F'12 A Acts 6:1-7

Roy E. Lucas, Jr. F'12 A Acts 13:1–14:28

Don H. Stewart F'12 B

Gregory T. Pouncey F'12 A

Daniel P. Caldwell Su'12 A Book of Joshua

T. Van McClain Su'12 A Joshua 7:1-15

James O. Newell Su'12 A Joshua 14:6-15

Dorman Laird Su'12 A Book of Judges

W. Wayne VanHorn Su'12 A Book of Judges

Eric A. Mitchell Su'12 A Book of Judges

Byron Longino Su'12 A Judges 13–16

John Traylor Su'12 A Book of Ruth

Robert D. Bergen Su'12 A Ruth 4

E. Ray Clendenen Su'12 A Book of Malachi

Harry D. Champy III Su'12 A Malachi 2:17–3:12

John Polhill Su'12 A John 16; Romans 8; Ephesians 5–6

David L. Jenkins Su'12 A Romans 7:20–8:8

Bennie R. Crockett, Jr. Su'12 A 1 Corinthians 2:1-16

Joe Beckler Su'12 A Romans 8:14-17

R. Kelvin Moore Su'12 A Jeremiah 1

Claude F. Mariottini Su'12 A Jeremiah 8:4–9:1

E. LeBron Matthews Su'12 A Jeremiah 37–39

D. Larry Gregg Su'12 B

BI Staff Su'12 A

Rodney Reeves Sp'12 A Gospel of Luke

Cecil R. Taylor Sp'12 A Gospel of Luke

Charles A. Ray, Jr. Sp'12 A Luke 2:3-20

R. D. Fowler Sp'12 A Luke 4:16-30

Mark R. Dunn Sp'12 A Luke 6

Robert A. Weathers Sp'12 A Luke 10:25-37

Patrick Ward Sp'12 A Luke 16:13-31

Darryl Wood Sp'12 A Luke 16:13-31

Bobby Kelly Sp'12 A Luke 23:32-49

Mark A. Rathel Sp'12 A Luke 24

J. Mark Terry Sp'12 A Book of Psalms

Becky Lombard Sp'12 A Psalm 91:1-15

Thomas H. Goodman Sp'12 A Psalm 107

Warren McWilliams Sp'12 A Matthew 27:57–28:20; Luke 24:13-35

Jeremy R. Howard Sp'12 A Matthew 27:57–28:20; Luke 24:13-35

Bradford S. Hummel Sp'12 A Matthew 16:13-19

M. Dean Register Sp'12 A Matthew 24:9-44; Revelation 7; Revelation 22:12-14

Francis X. Kimmitt Sp'12 A Deuteronomy 6:1-15

Gary P. Arbino Sp'12 A Genesis 22:1-19

Stephen J. Andrews Sp'12 B Book Review

Sp'12 A

Shawn L. Buice W’11-12 A John 1:1-18

Roberta Jones W’11-12 A Matthew 1–2; Luke 1

Joseph R. Cathey W’11-12 A Matthew 2:1-16

Argile Smith W’11-12 A Luke 2:1-20

Gerald L. Stevens W’11-12 A Ephesians 5:1-21

D. Larry Gregg, Sr. W’11-12 A Acts 10:1-48; Deuteronomy 14

Kevin Hall W’11-12 A Colossians 1:9-23

C. Mack Roark W’11-12 A Colossians 1:24–2:7

Gary M. Poulton W’11-12 A Colossians 2:8-12

William B. Tolar W’11-12 A Colossians 3:1–4:6

R. Dennis Cole W’11-12 A Book of Numbers

George H. Shaddix W’11-12 A Numbers 13–14

Harold R. Mosley W’11-12 A Numbers 32

Jeff S. Anderson W’11-12 A Deuteronomy 24:6-22

Robert C. Dunston W’11-12 A Book of Deuteronomy

Hal Lane W’11-12 A Deuteronomy 6:4-14

Terry J. Betts W’11-12 A Deuteronomy 14

Claude F. Mariottini W’11-12 A Deuteronomy 25:13-16

Terry W. Eddinger W’11-12 A Deuteronomy 34:1-12

W’11-12 A

Mark A. Rathel W’11-12 B

Taylor, Cecil R. F'11 A Romans 1:1-17

Lanier, David E. F'11 A Romans, Book of

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. F'11 A Romans 2:22

Warren, Bill F'11 A Romans 4

Beckler, Joe F'11 A Romans 6

Robinson, Dale "Geno" F'11 A Romans 8

Bergen, Martha S. F'11 A Romans 12

Easley, Kendell F'11 A Romans 14–15

Adkisson, Randall F'11 A Romans 16:10

Jones, Timothy Paul F'11 A 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Traylor, Lynn F'11 A John 1:29-51

McCoy, Glenn F'11 A John 1

Champy, Harry D., III F'11 A John 2:1-11

Lucas, Roy E., Jr. F'11 A Mark 5:1-20

Stewart, Mona F'11 A John 6

Jenkins, David L. F'11 A Exodus 3:1–4:31

Peacock, Kevin C. F'11 A Exodus 32

Cox, Ken F'11 A Numbers 20:1-13

BI Staff F'11 A

Pouncey, Gregory T. F'11 B

Patterson, Bill Su'11 A Matthew 6:19-34

Wood, Darryl Su'11 A Philippians 4:10-20

Gregg, D. Larry Su'11 A Luke 19:1-10

Gonzalez, Rudy D. Su'11 A 2 Peter 2:4-22

Polhill, John Su'11 A Galatians 3

Jones, Roberta Su'11 A Galatians 4:1-7

Smith, Argile Su'11 A Romans 6:8-18

Priest, Michael Su'11 A Galatians 5:13–6:10

Jones, Robert E. Su'11 A John 13:34-35; 1 John 3; 1 John 4

Lemke, Steve W. Su'11 A Romans 14:1-12; Romans 14:19; James 4:11-12

Bergen, Robert D. Su'11 A Book of Jeremiah

Laird, Dorman Su'11 A Jeremiah 3:12b-17; Jeremiah 4:1-4

Newell, James O. Su'11 A Jeremiah 7:1–10:25

Matthews, E. LeBron Su'11 A Jeremiah 19:3-6; Jeremiah 21:1-5; Jeremiah 21:5-11

Buescher, Alan Su'11 A Jeremiah 19:3-6; Jeremiah 21:1-5; Jeremiah 21:5-11

Moore, R. Kelvin Su'11 A Jeremiah 22:13-21

Traylor, John Su'11 A Jeremiah 29:1; Jeremiah 29:4-14

Longino, Byron Su'11 A Jeremiah 40:1–45:5

VanHorn, W. Wayne Su'11 A Jeremiah 46:1–52:34

BI Staff/Jeremy Howard Su'11 B

BI Staff Su'11 A

Dunn, Mark R. Sp'11 A 1 Peter 1:1-12

Kullman, Paul E. Sp'11 A 1 Peter 1:13–2:10

Kelly, Bobby Sp'11 A 1 Peter 2–3

Ward, Patrick D. Sp'11 A John 11

Caldwell, Daniel P. Sp'11 A Psalm 31

Lain, Gil Sp'11 A John 20

Browning, Daniel C., Jr. Sp'11 A Book of Esther

McClain, T. Van Sp'11 A Ezra 7–10

Pouncey, Gregory T. Sp'11 A Acts 11:19-26

Mitchell, Eric A. Sp'11 B

Howell, G.B., Jr. Sp'11 A

Booth, Steve Sp'11 A Philippians 1:1-11

Richards, E. Randolph Sp'11 A Book of Philippians

Hardin, Gary Sp'11 A Book of Philippians

Priest, Michael Sp'11 A Philippians 2:20

Wilder, Terry L. Sp'11 A Philippians 3

Dockery, David S. Sp'11 A Book of Colossians

Jackson, Paul N. Sp'11 A Book of Colossians; Book of Philippians

Weathers, Robert A. Sp'11 A Colossians 1:3-20

Boyd, Timothy N. Sp'11 A Colossians 3:1-17

Woodward, C. Alan Sp'11 A Book of Philemon

Shaddix, George H. W'10-11 A Isaiah 61:1-11

Ray, Charles A., Jr. W'10-11 A Luke 10:25-27

Trammell, Timothy W'10-11 A Matthew 25:14-46

Fowler, R. D. W'10-11 A Acts 8:1-40

Stewart, Don H. W'10-11 A John 13:1-17

Batson, Jerry W. W'10-11 A Luke 21:1-4

Miller, Stephen R. W'10-11 A Book of Hosea

Hummel, Bradford Scott W'10-11 A Hosea 1

Garrett, Duane A. W'10-11 A Hosea 6:1-11

Kimmitt, Francis X. W'10-11 A Hosea 14:1-9

Hall, Kevin W'10-11 B

BI Staff W'10-11 A 1 Kings; 2 Kings

Ortiz, Steven M. W'10-11 A

Beyer, Bryan E. W'10-11 A 1 Kings 3

VanHorn, W. Wayne W'10-11 A 1 Kings; 2 Kings

Branch, Alan W'10-11 A 1 Kings 11:1-13

Lloyd, R. Raymond W'10-11 A 1 Kings 12–14

Dunston, Robert C. W'10-11 A 1 Kings 17–19

Cox, Ken W'10-11 A 1 Kings; 2 Kings

Cole, R. Dennis W'10-11 A 2 Kings 1:1–5:27

Harris, John L. W'10-11 A 2 Kings 9–10

Arbino, Gary P. W'10-11 A 2 Kings 17

Bergen, Martha S. F’10 A Acts 21:26–22:10

Ellis, Terry F’10 A Acts 17:22-29

Poulton, Gary M. F’10 A Acts 17:22-29

Champy, Harry D., III F’10 A Job 38–42

Mariottini, Claude F. F’10 A Genesis 3

Laird, Dorman F’10 A Isaiah 6

Wright, G. Al F’10 A John 6

Beckler, Joe F’10 A Hebrews 12

Taylor, Cecil Ray F’10 A Book of Ephesians

Jones, Robert E. F’10 A John 14–15

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. F’10 A Acts 2

Lucas, Roy E., Jr. F’10 B

BI Staff F’10 A

Eddinger, Terry W. F’10 A

Reeves, Rodney F’10 A Ephesians 1:1-14

Lombard, Becky F’10 A Ephesians 1:1-14

Roark, C. Mack F’10 A Ephesians 2:1-10

Taylor, Cecil Ray F’10 A Book of Ephesians

Traylor, Lynn O. F’10 A Ephesians 2:11-22

Mason, John P. F’10 A Ephesians 4:1-16

Rathel, Mark A. F’10 A Book of Ephesians

McCoy, Glenn F’10 A Ephesians 5:1-14

Lane, Hal F’10 A Ephesians 6:1-9

Bergen, Robert D. Su'10 A 1 and 2 Samuel

Andrews, Stephen J. Su'10 A 1 Samuel 7

Terry, J. Mark Su'10 A 1 Samuel 8

Anderson, Jeff S. Su'10 A 1 Samuel 8

Matthews, E. LeBron Su'10 A 1 Samuel 14

Moore, R. Kelvin Su'10 A 1 Samuel 17

Cathey, Joseph R. Su'10 A

Peacock, Kevin C. Su'10 A 2 Samuel 6

Eddinger, Terry W. Su'10 A 2 Samuel 12

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Su'10 A 2 Samuel 19

Andrews, Stephen J. Su'10 A

Booth, Steve Su'10 B

Lane, Hal Su'10 A 1 Corinthians 1

Patterson, Bill Su'10 A 1 Corinthians 1–3

Trammell, Timothy Su'10 A 1 Corinthians 6:1-9

Smith, Argile A., Jr. Su'10 A 1 Corinthians 5:1–6:20

Gonzalez, Rudy Su'10 A 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Polhill, John Su'10 A 2 Corinthians

Register, M. Dean Su'10 A 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Su'10 A 2 Corinthians 4:1-18

McWilliams, Warren Su'10 A 2 Corinthians 10–13

Pouncey, Gregory T. Sp'10 A 1 Corinthians 1–3

Poulton, Gary M. Sp'10 A 1 Corinthians 5–7

Ellenburg, B. Dale Sp'10 A 1 Corinthians 8; 10:23-33

Howell, G.B., Jr. Sp'10 A 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Browning, Daniel C., Jr. Sp'10 A 1 Corinthians 15

Kelly, Bobby Sp'10 A 2 Corinthians 5:9-21

Warren, William Sp'10 A 2 Corinthians 5:9-21

McClain, T. Van Sp'10 A Genesis 1:1-2:25

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'10 A 1 Peter 3:1-7

Reeves, Rodney Sp'10 B

Sp'10 A

Jenkins, David L. Sp'10 A Book of Exodus

Mosley, Harold R. Sp'10 A Exodus 2:23

Hyatt, Leon Sp'10 A Book of Exodus

Moore, R. Kelvin Sp'10 A Exodus 5

Garrett, Duane A. Sp'10 A Exodus 14

Adkisson, Randal L. Sp'10 A Luke 24

Longino, Byron Sp'10 A Exodus 18

Betts, Terry J. Sp'10 A Exodus 20

Traylor, John Sp'10 A Leviticus 1–7

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. Sp'10 A Leviticus 18:18-24

Goodman, Thomas H. W'09-10 A Micah 5:1-5; 7:18-20

Jones, Robert E. W'09-10 A Book of Philippians

Dukes, Jimmy W. W'09-10 A Philippians 2:5-11

Andrews, Stephen J. W'09-10 A Book of Ecclesiastes

Byargeon, Rick W. W'09-10 A Ecclesiastes 3:1-14

Dunston, Robert C. W'09-10 A Ecclesiastes 2:18-26

Lucas, Roy E., Jr. W'09-10 A 1 Corinthians 2:1-16; 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Taylor, Cecil Ray W'09-10 A Philippians 3:2-15; 4:8

Tolar, William B. W'09-10 A Philippians 3:2-15; 4:8

Buescher, Alan Ray W'09-10 B

Eddinger, Terry W. W'09-10 B

Dunn, Mark R. W'09-10 A Book of Mark

Wood, Darryl W'09-10 A Mark 1; 6; 8

Robinson, Dale G. W'09-10 A Mark 2:15-28

Stevens, Gerald L. W'09-10 A Luke 2:1-35

Windsor, Jerry M. W'09-10 A Mark 4

Lanier, David E. W'09-10 A Mark 6

Gonzalez, Rudy W'09-10 A Mark 7

Easley, Kendell H. W'09-10 A Mark 5:33-42

Priest, Michael W'09-10 A Mark 12:13-17

Dean, Robert J. W'09-10 A Mark 13:1-37

BI Staff W'09-10 A Mark 15:39

Howard, Jeremy R. F'09 A Gospel of Mark

Lemke, Steve F'09 A Mark 2:1–3:12

Jones, Timothy Paul F'09 A Mark 8:27–10:52

Stewart, Mona F'09 A Mark 8:27–10:52

Wright, G. Al F'09 A Mark 11:1–12:12

McCoy, Glenn F'09 A Mark 12:13–13:37

Booth, Steve F'09 A Mark 14; Psalm 51

BI Staff F'09 A

Gritz, Sharon H. F'09 A James 2:14-26

Traylor, Lynn O. F'09 A James 3

Eddinger, Terry W. F'09 A Psalm 9

Cox, Ken F'09 A Psalm 105

Matthews, E. LeBron F'09 A Psalm 105

Butler, Trent C. F'09 A Psalm 105

Mosley, Harold R. F'09 A Psalm 135:1-18

Shaddix, George H. F'09 A Psalm 51

Bergen, Robert D. F'09 A Psalm 73

McClain, T. Van F'09 A Psalm 1

Laird, Dorman F'09 A Psalm 112

Hall, Kevin F'09 A Psalm 119

BI Staff/Daniel Cantrell F'09 A

Easley, Kendell F'09 B

Howell, G.B., Jr. Su'09 B

Trammell, Timothy Su'09 A Galatians, Book of

Cathey, Joseph R. Su'09 A

Mason, John Su'09 A Galatians; James; 1 Peter; 1 John

Rathel, Mark A. Su'09 A 1 John 1:1–2:2

Beckler, Joseph Su'09 A 1 John 2:3-17

Byargeon, Rick W. Su'09 A Exodus 33:12–34:9

Kimmitt, Francis X. Su'09 A Exodus 33:12–34:9

Weathers, Robert A. Su'09 A Colossians 1:1-29

Bergen, Martha S. Su'09 A John 7:10-39

Moseley, Allan Su'09 A Exodus 35:4–36:7

Terry, J. Mark Su'09 A Judges 6:11-40

Harris, John L. Su'09 A Jonah, Book of

Stewart, Don H. Su'09 A Galatians, Book of

Woodward, C. Alan Su'09 A Galatians 1

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Su'09 A Galatians 3:26-29

Ellis, Terry Su'09 A Galatians 5:16-26Roark, C. Mack Su'09 A James, Book of

Fowler, R. D. Su'09 A James 1:19-27

Strong, L. Thomas, III Su'09 A James 2:1-13

Ray, Charles A., Jr. Su'09 A James 4:1-17

Batson, Jerry Su'09 A James 5

Mosley, Harold R. Sp'09 B

Smith, Argile A., Jr. Sp'09 A Luke 23

Patterson, Bill Sp'09 A Nehemiah 1:1-11

Anderson, Jeff S. Sp'09 A Isaiah 38–39

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'09 A 1 Samuel 1–2

Longino, Byron Sp'09 A Isaiah 6:1-13

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'09 A Isaiah 29:13-16

Dunston, Robert C. Sp'09 A Nehemiah 6:1-19

Peacock, Kevin C. Sp'09 A Nehemiah 2

Newell, James O. Sp'09 A Micah 4:1-4

Buescher, Alan Ray Sp'09 A 1 Samuel 25:1-42

Moore, R. Kelvin Sp'09 A Books of Isaiah and Micah

Traylor, John Sp'09 A 1 Kings 2:1-12

Jenkins, David L. Sp'09 A Nehemiah 4

Mariottini, Claude F. Sp'09 A Isaiah 45:1-7,9-13

Kullman, Paul E. Sp'09 A Acts 1–2

Lane, Harry A. Sp'09 A Isaiah 7

Kelly, Bobby Sp'09 A Luke 23:54

Ward, Patrick D. Sp'09 A Acts 8; 21

Caldwell, Daniel P. Sp'09 A Isaiah 53:2-12

Cole, R. Dennis Sp'09 A

Beyer, Bryan E. Sp'09 A Isaiah 55:1-13

McClain, T. Van W'08-09 A Isaiah 49:1-6; 56:3-8; 66:18-20,23

Hummel, Bradford S. W'08-09 A 1 Thessalonians 1

Polhill, John W'08-09 A 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

Hall, Kevin W'08-09 A Psalm 42

Lanier, David E. W'08-09 A Luke 1:26-56; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

Dean, Robert J. W'08-09 A 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

Lucas, Roy E., Jr. W'08-09 A Luke 1-2; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Dunn, Mark R. W'08-09 A Acts 16; 1 Thessalonians 1; 4

Wilder, Terry L. W'08-09 A Matthew 5:21-22

Richards, E. Randolph W'08-09 A Acts 14–16

W'08-09 A

Easley, Kendell L. W'08-09 A 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Hardin, Gary W'08-09 A Acts 13–14

Adkisson, Randal L. W'08-09 A John 17

Dukes, Jimmy W. W'08-09 A Matthew 28:18-20

Jackson, Paul N. W'08-09 A 1 and 2 Thessalonians

McCoy, Glenn W'08-09 A Luke 2

Pouncey, Gregory T. W'08-09 A 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Thessalonians 1:10

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. W'08-09 A Psalm 19:1-14; Luke 2

Betts, Terry J. W'08-09 A

Gonzalez, Rudy W'08-09 B

Ray, Charles A., Jr. F'08 A Matt 18:21-35; Rom 2:4

Poulton, Gary M. F'08 A Matthew 18; 22; 25

Hyatt, Leon Jr. F'08 A 2 Sam 15–18

Ortiz, Steven M. F'08 A

Stewart, Mona F'08 A Matt 25:14-30

Warren, William F'08 A Romans 8:1-30

Matthews, E. LeBron F'08 A 1 Samuel 5

Tate, Marvin E. F'08 A 1 Sam 17; 1 Sam 18; 2 Sam 5; 2 Sam 8

Newell, James O. F'08 A 1 Samuel 18-23

Arbino, Gary P. F'08 A 2 Sam 5–8

Ellis, Terry F'08 A Rom 13:1-14

Meier, Janice F'08 B

Wiles, James F'08 A Matthew

Register, Dean F'08 A Romans

Mosley, Harold R. F'08 A 1 and 2 Samuel

Bergen, Robert F'08 A 1 Samuel 8–12

Laird, Dorman F'08 A 2 Sam 11–12

Anderson, Jeff S. F'08 A 1 Samuel 3–31; 2 Samuel 1-6

Jones, Robert E. F'08 A Romans 3–5

Mitchell, Eric A. F'08 A 1 Samuel 8–10

Rathel, Mark A. F'08 A Romans 10, 14, 15

Traylor, Lynn O. Su'08 A Revelation 21

Boyd, Timothy N. Su'08 A Acts 25–26

Andrews, Stephen J. Su'08 A

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Su'08 A Proverbs 22; 23

Bergen, Martha S. Su'08 A Revelation 19; 21

Trammell, Timothy Su'08 A Acts 8-11; 18; 21; 23; 25

Harris, John L. Su'08 A Acts 9

Eddinger, Terry W. Su'08 A Proverbs 6:1-15

Booth, Steve Su'08 A Acts 21:1-6; 10:1-8

Patterson, Bill Su'08 A Acts 8

Batson, Jerry Su'08 B

Robinson, Dale G. Su'08 A Hebrews 3:1

Dunston, Robert C. Su'08 A Proverbs 3:15; 25:12

Stevens, Gerald L. Su'08 A Acts 21–28

Windsor, Jerry M. Su'08 A Acts 13; 17; 20

Kelly, Bobby Su'08 A Acts 2:9-11

Priest, Michael Su'08 A Hebrews 12:1-5

Wright, G. Al, Jr. Su'08 A Acts 15–18

Bergen, Robert Su'08 A Proverbs

Lemke, Steve Su'08 A Acts 4–6; 22–24

Reeves, Rodney Su'08 A Revelation 4; 5; 14; 21; 22

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Su'08 A Hebrews 5:11-6:12

Shaddix, George H. Sp'08 A Genesis 12:1-13:18

Jones, Roberta Lou Sp'08 A Genesis 29

Habermas, Gary (interview) Sp'08 A

Jenkins, David L. Sp'08 A Genesis 22:1-19

Cox, Ken Sp'08 A Genesis 35; 42–45

Longino, Byron Sp'08 A Genesis 28; 31; 35

Butler, Trent C. Sp'08 A Genesis 12–50

Adkisson, Randal L. Sp'08 A Ephesians 1:15–3:21

Smith, Argile A., Jr. Sp'08 A Philippians 2:20

Quarles,Charles Sp'08 B Genesis—Revelation

Lucas, Roy E., Jr. Sp'08 A The Books of John; 1 John; and Revelation

Beckler, Joseph Sp'08 A I Samuel 17:1-20:42

Wallace, David M. Sp'08 A Genesis 29; 35; 37; 38; 43; 44; 46; 49

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'08 A Genesis 29

Stewart, Don H. Sp'08 A 1 Corinthians 3; 6; Ephesians 2

Miller, Stephen R. Sp'08 A Genesis 39-50

Terry, J. Mark Sp'08 A Genesis 50

Mason, John Sp'08 A 2 Timothy 1:1–4:22

Byargeon, Rick W. Sp'08 A Genesis 32:1–33:20

Caldwell, Daniel P. Sp'08 A Genesis 37

Mariottini, Claude F. W'07-08 A Genesis 26

Poulton, Gary M. W'07-08 A Matthew 2:1-23

W'07-08 A

Hall, Kevin W'07-08 A Genesis 2–4

Fowler, R. D. W'07-08 A Luke 10:1-12, 16

Laird, Dorman W'07-08 A Genesis 11; 13; 14; 19

Moore, Kelvin W'07-08 A Genesis 14

Mosley, Harold R. W'07-08 A Genesis 8

Butler, Trent W'07-08 A Genesis 12:1-9

Ellis, Terry W'07-08 A Luke 15:1-2, 11-24

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. W'07-08 A Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Goodman, Thomas W'07-08 A Psalm 145

Matthews, E. LeBron W'07-08 A Genesis 14

Arbino, Gary P. W'07-08 B Genesis—Revelation

Buescher, Alan Ray W'07-08 A Genesis 20–23

Rathel, Mark W'07-08 A Luke 1–2

Anderson, Jeff S. W'07-08 A Psalm 7

Hummel, Scott W'07-08 A Genesis 11:1-9, 27-32

Newell, James W'07-08 A Genesis 15; 23; 26

Dunn, Mark R. W'07-08 A John 4:4-26

Wiles, James W'07-08 A Luke 1:5-25, 57-80

Polhill, John F'07 A Matthew 5:21-48

Gonzalez, Rudy F'07 A Matthew 6:1-18

Ward, Patrick D. F'07 A

VanHorn, Wayne F'07 A Daniel 5:1-31

Andrews, Stephen J. F'07 B Genesis—Revelation

Stevens, Gerald L. F'07 A BSFL, Matthew 5; ETB, Matthew 1, 5, 19

Capes, David B. F'07 A Matthew 4; 8; 12

Roark, C. Mack F'07 A Matthew 18

Bergen, Robert F'07 A Daniel 1

Ray, Charles A., Jr. F'07 A Matthew 3; 11; 14

McCoy, Glenn F'07 A Matthew 1; 2; 13

Gritz, Sharon F'07 A Matthew 26-28

Eddinger, Terry W. F'07 A Daniel, Book of

Kelly, Bobby F'07 A Matthew 1-2

Lane, Hal F'07 A Matthew 25:31-46

Weathers, Robert A. F'07 A Matthew 12; 13; 16; 19

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. F'07 A Daniel 3

n/a F'07 A Matthew

Jackson, Paul N. F'07 A Matthew 5:13-20

Booth, Steve F'07 A Matthew 9; 11; 25

Beyer, Bryan F'07 A Daniel 5

Su'07 A

Carlson, Stephen W. Su'07 A Acts 13–14

Caldwell, Daniel P. Su'07 A Nahum; Habakkuk; Haggai; Zechariah

Wallace, David M. Su'07 A Habakkuk 1:1-3:19; Deuteronomy 4-5

Trammell, Timothy Su'07 A Acts 9–11

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. Su'07 B

Moseley, Allan Su'07 A Joel 1–3

Dunston, Robert C. Su'07 A Nahum, Book of

Matthews, E. LeBron Su'07 A 1 Kings 3:1-28

Woodward, C. Alan Su'07 A Acts 2:41-47, 4:1-37

Traylor, John Su'07 A 1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 23

Byargeon, Rick Su'07 A Deuteronomy 4–5

Harris, John L. Su'07 A Joel, Book of; Obadiah, Book of; Zephaniah 1; 2; Zechariah 14

Terry, J. Mark Su'07 A Joel 1-3

Cox, Ken Su'07 A Deuteronomy 1-5

Anderson, Jeff S. Su'07 A Malachi, Book of

Lanier, David E. Su'07 A Acts 13–15

VanHorn, Wayne Su'07 A Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk

Jenkins, David L. Su'07 A Deuteronomy 27–34

Lloyd, R. Raymond Su'07 A Deuteronomy, Book of

Bergen, Martha S. Su'07 A Haggai, Book of; Zechariah, Book of

Street, Robert Su'07 A Zechariah 1-8

Jones, Robert E. Sp'07 A John 9:1-41; 11:1-44

Ellis, Terry Sp'07 A 1 and 2 Peter

n/a Sp'07 A

Buescher, Alan Ray Sp'07 A 1 Peter 1:1-12

McClain, T. Van Sp'07 A John 8:2-47

Jones, Roberta Sp'07 A 1 Peter 3:1-12

Hedin, Norma S. Sp'07 A John 8:2-47; 11:1-44; 13–19

n/a Sp'07 A John 13–19

Mosley, Harold R. Sp'07 A Genesis 50:15-21

Patterson, Bill Sp'07 A Galatians 5:13–6:5; Colossians 3:12-17

Warren, William Sp'07 A 2 Peter 3:1-18

Smith, Argile A., Jr. Sp'07 A John 18:1–19:42

Dunn, Mark R. Sp'07 A 1 Peter 4:7-19; 2 Peter 3:1-18

Pouncey, Gregory T. Sp'07 A 1 and 2 Peter

Kelly, Bobby Sp'07 A 1 and 2 Peter

Traylor, Lynn O. Sp'07 A 2 Peter 1:12-21

Windsor, Jerry M. Sp'07 B Genesis—Revelation

Ortiz, Steven M. Sp'07 A John 9:1-41

Batson, Jerry Sp'07 A Luke 24:1-49

Wilder, Terry L. Sp'07 A 1 Peter 4:7-19

Wright, G. Al, Jr. Sp'07 A John 11:1-44

Lombard, Becky Sp'07 A Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 3:12-17

Fowler, R. D. W'06-07 A Genesis 1; John 1

Adkisson, Randall L. W'06-07 A John 3:1-21

Shaddix, George H. W'06-07 A Genesis 8:15–9:11

Arbino, Gary P. W'06-07 A

Patterson, Bill W'06-07 A John 6

Priest, Michael W'06-07 A Hebrews 10:32–12:2

VanHorn, Wayne W'06-07 A Genesis 2:15–3:24

Dunston, Robert C. W'06-07 A Ezra, Book of

Hall, Kevin W'06-07 B n/a

Dunn, Mark R. W'06-07 A John 6:1-71

Trammell, Timothy W'06-07 A John, Book of

Howell, G. B., Jr. W'06-07 A Nehemiah 8–13

Andrews, Stephen J. W'06-07 A Genesis 11:1–12:9

Dean, Robert J. W'06-07 A Luke 1:26-35; 2:4-7

Rathel, Mark W'06-07 A Luke 2:25-38

Eddinger, Terry W. W'06-07 A Esther, Book of

Laird, Dorman W'06-07 A Esther 8:1–10:3

Arbino, Gary P. W'06-07 A Nehemiah 3

Peacock, Kevin C. W'06-07 A Nehemiah 1:1–3:32

Moore, Kelvin W'06-07 A Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Miller, Stephen R. W'06-07 A Esther, Book of

Davis, Conn W'06-07 A Ezra 1–6

Booth, Steve F'06 A Hebrews, Book of

McCoy, Glenn F'06 A Hebrews 5:11–6:12

Caldwell, Daniel P. F'06 A Joshua 7:1-25

Roark, C. Mack F'06 A Hebrews 6:13–7:28; 12:1-29

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. F'06 A

McLemore, James D. F'06 B

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. F'06 A 1 and 2 Timothy

Simmons, Billy E. F'06 A 1 Timothy 4:6-16

Harris, John L. F'06 A Joshua, Book of

Chambers, Andy F'06 A 1 Timothy 1; 4; 2 Timothy 4

Newell, James F'06 A Isaiah 7:1–9:7

Hall, Kevin F'06 A Isaiah 40–55

Jackson, Paul N. F'06 A Hebrews, Book of

Stewart, Don H. F'06 A Hebrews 8:1–9:28

Young, R. Garland F'06 A Hebrews 10:19-39

Smith, Argile A. F'06 A Hebrews, Book of

Register, Dean F'06 A Hebrews 5:11–6:12

Bergen, Martha S. F'06 A Hebrews 6; 9–10

Gritz, Sharon F'06 A Hebrews 5:11–6:12

Jenkins, David L. F'06 A Joshua 1:1-15; 24:1-31

Weathers, Robert A. F'06 A 1 and 2 Timothy

Byargeon, Rick Su'06 A Ecclesiastes 12

McClain, T. Van Su'06 A Job, Book of

Andrew, Scott A. Su'06 A Job 42:13-14

Poulton, Gary M. Su'06 A Exodus 1:1–2:25

Lloyd, R. Raymond Su'06 A Job 32–36

Anderson, Jeff S. Su'06 A Numbers 13:11–14:38; Joshua 14:1-14

Byargeon, Rick Su'06 A Ecclesiastes, Book of

McClain, T. Van Su'06 A Job 42:14

Champy, Harry D., III Su'06 A Job, Book of

Knowles, Julie Nall Su'06 A Job 1:1–2:13; 42:12

Hummel, Bradford S. Su'06 A Exodus 3:1–4:31

Terry, J. Mark Su'06 A Exodus 13:17–16:36

Poulton, Gary M. Su'06 A

Richards, E. Randolph Su'06 A 1 and 2 Corinthians; Colossians; 1 and 2 Timothy

Beckler, Joseph Su'06 A John 17:12

Hyatt, Leon Jr. Su'06 A Job 32–36

Mariottini, Claude F. Su'06 A Exodus 19:1–20:21

Kimmitt, Francis X. Su'06 A Song of Songs

Wood, Fred Su'06 A Ecclesiastes, Book of

Moseley, Allan Su'06 A Daniel 6:1-24

Howell, G. B., Jr. Su'06 B

McWilliams, Warren Su'06 A Job 1:15; 6:19

Dunston, Robert Sp'06 A Isaiah, Book of; Micah, Book of

Wilder, Terry L. Sp'06 B

Jones, Robert E. Sp'06 A Luke, Book of; Acts Book of

Vanhorn, W. Wayne Sp'06 A Isaiah 44:1–48:22

Arbino, Gary Sp'06 A Isaiah 7–23

Laird, Dorman Sp'06 A Isaiah 17:2-3,7-9; 18:1-7

Mosley, Harold R. Sp'06 A Isaiah, Book of; Micah, Book of

Miller, Stephen R. Sp'06 A Isaiah, Book of

Hardin, Gary Sp'06 A Acts 1:1-26

Pouncey, Gregory T. Sp'06 A Book of Luke

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'06 A Isaiah 36–37; Micah 1–7

Moore, Kelvin Sp'06 A Book of Ruth

Street, Robert Sp'06 A Micah 4:4

Bergen, Robert Sp'06 A Isaiah, Book of; Ruth, Book of

Easley, Kendall Sp'06 A New Testament

Peacock, Kevin C. Sp'06 A Acts 2:1-47

Mason, John Sp'06 A Luke 15:1-32

Browning, Daniel C., Jr. Sp'06 A Isaiah 32:1–39:8

Peacock, Kevin C. Sp'06 A Ruth, Book of

Vanhorn, W. Wayne Sp'06 A Isaiah 44:1–48:22

Wright, G. Al, Jr. Sp'06 A Luke 24:1-53

Matthews, E. LeBron Sp'06 A 1 Samuel 1–2; Book of Isaiah

Traylor, Lynn O. Sp'06 A Luke 24:1-53; Acts 1

Cole, Dennis W'05-06 A Jeremiah, Book of

Eddinger, Terry W. W'05-06 A Jonah 4:1-11

Jenkins, David L. W'05-06 A Romans 12:9-21

Hedin, Norma S. W'05-06 A Luke 2:8-20,36-38

Davis, Conn W'05-06 A Jeremiah 32:1-44

Lanier, David E. W'05-06 A Matthew 1:18-25; 2:1-2,11

Ellis, Terry W'05-06 A Romans, Book of

Andrew, Scott A. W'05-06 A Romans 11:1-36

Kelly, Bobby W'05-06 A Luke 12:13-48

Ray, Charles A., Jr. W'05-06 A Romans 13:1-14

Patterson, Bill W'05-06 B New Testament

Eddinger, Terry W. W'05-06 A Jonah 4:1-11

Eddinger, Terry W. W'05-06 A Jonah 4:1-11

Easley, Kendell H. W'05-06 A Old Testament

Jones, Timothy Paul W'05-06 A Romans 15:14-33

Robinson, Dale G. W'05-06 A Romans, Book of

Draper, Charles W. W'05-06 A Romans 14:13-23

Smith, Marsha Ellis W'05-06 A Romans 15:14-33

Dunn, Mark R. W'05-06 A Matthew 9:18-38; 15:16-20

Goodman, Thomas W'05-06 A Romans 13:11-14

Bailey, D. Waylon W'05-06 A Jeremiah 7:4; 24:1

Jenkins, David L. W'05-06 A Romans 12:9-21

Batson, Jerry W'05-06 A Romans 1:1-7,13-17

Woodward, C. Alan F'05 A New Testament

Wood, Darryl F'05 A Romans 6:1-14

Windsor, Jerry M. F'05 A Ephesians 1:13; 4:30

Capes, David B. F'05 A Romans 8:15-27

Lemke, Steve F'05 A Romans 8:28-39

Jones, Roberta Lou F'05 A Psalm 8:1-6; Hebrews 2:5-18

Ward, Patrick D. F'05 A Ecclesiastes 1:1–2:26

McWilliams, Warren F'05 A Ecclesiastes 3:10-14; 12:13-14

Tolar, William B. F'05 A Romans, Book of

Anderson, Jeff S. F'05 A Job, Book of

Terry, J. Mark F'05 A Job 1:1–2:13

Easley, Kendell H. F'05 A Old Testament

Woodward, C. Alan F'05 A Romans 3:21–4:25

Bergen, Martha S. F'05 A Romans, Book of

Kimmitt, Francis X. F'05 A Ecclesiastes 1:1–2:26

Harris, John L. F'05 A Job 1:1–2:13; Romans 8:14

Polhill, John F'05 A Ephesians, Book of

Hummel, Bradford S. F'05 A Romans 2:1-29

Trammell, Timothy F'05 A 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

Lane, Harry A. F'05 A Romans 2:1-29

Gonzalez, Rudy F'05 A Romans 7:1-25

Andrews, Stephen J. F'05 B Bible

Jackson, Paul N. Su'05 A Romans 3:19-23

Swanson, Phillip J Su'05 A Ezekiel 25:1–32:32

Hall, Kevin Su'05 A Revelation, Book of; Daniel, Book of

Stewart, Mona Su'05 B Bible

Simmons, Bob Su'05 A 1 and 2 Corinthians

Dunston, Robert Su'05 A Ezekiel, Book of

Pouncey, Gregory T. Su'05 A Ephesians 6:10-20

Meier, Janice Su'05 A Jeremiah, Book of; Ezekiel, Book of

Moore, Kelvin Su'05 A Ezekiel 12–24

Champy, Harry D., III Su'05 A Ezekiel 19

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Su'05 A Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Books of

Vanhorn, W. Wayne Su'05 A Ezekiel 18:1–24:27

Peacock, Kevin C. Su'05 A Warfare

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. Su'05 A Philippians, Book of; 2 Thessalonians, Book of

Russell, Dr. David M. Su'05 A Ephesians 5:22-33

Taylor, Cecil Ray Su'05 A 1 Corinthians 9:19-27

Miller, Stephen R. Su'05 A Daniel, Book of

Street, Robert A. Su'05 A Ezekiel, Book of; Daniel, Book of

Rathel, Mark Su'05 A 1 Corinthians 8:9-13

Priest, Michael Su'05 A John 1:1-18

Bergen, Robert D. Su'05 A Ezekiel 40:1–48:25

Stevens, Gerald L. Sp'05 A James 2:1-13

Butler, Trent Sp'05 A Jeremiah 31:27-34

Howell, G. B., Jr. Sp'05 A Jeremiah 42–46

McClain, T. Van Sp'05 A Genesis 12:1-20

Lee, J. W. Sp'05 A Jeremiah 1:1-19; 11:1–15:21; 29:1–33:26

Lain, Gil Sp'05 A Mark 8:27-30

Ferguson, Dayle E. Sp'05 A Genesis 12:1-7,10-18; 24:1-67

Caldwell, Daniel Sp'05 A Jeremiah 40:1–45:5; 46:1–52:34

Laird, Dorman Sp'05 A Jeremiah 40:1–45:5; 46:1–52:34

Matthews, E. LeBron Sp'05 A Jeremiah, Book of

Polhill, John Sp'05 A James, Book of

Lee, J. W. Sp'05 A Jeremiah 11:1–15:21

Mariottini, Claude F. Sp'05 A Jeremiah 21:1–28:17; 29:1–33:26; 37:1–39:18; 40:1–45:5; 46:1–52:34

Young, Garland Sp'05 A John 19:17-42

Drinkard, Joel Sp'05 A Jeremiah 7:1-15

Strong, L. Thomas, III Sp'05 A Acts 3:17-26

Wiles, James Sp'05 A James, Book of

Strong, L. Thomas, III Sp'05 A Hebrews 9:22-26

Ratcliffe, Carolyn Sp'05 A Jeremiah 11:1–15:21; 29:1–33:26

Simmons, Billy E. Sp'05 A John 18:28–19:16

Byargeon, Rick Sp'05 A Jeremiah 1:1-19; 29:1–33:26

Mosley, Harold R. Sp'05 A Genesis 18–19

Wright, G. Al, Jr. Sp'05 B Bible

Ray, Charles A., Jr. W'04-05 A Luke 18:1-43

McCoy, Glenn W'04-05 A John 1:35-51

Andrew, Scott W'04-05 A John 1:19-34

Simmons, Billy E. W'04-05 A Luke, Book of

Boyd, Timothy N. W'04-05 A Luke 23:1-56

Davis, Conn W'04-05 A Luke 18:35–19:10

Hyatt, Leon W'04-05 A Hosea, Book of

Jones, Robert E. W'04-05 A Luke 18:1-43

Eddinger, Terry W. W'04-05 A Hosea 1:1–3:5

Booth, Steve W'04-05 A Luke 2:1-20; 10:25-37

Lane, Hal W'04-05 A Luke 16:1-31

Mason, John W'04-05 A John 4:1-45

Shaddix, George W'04-05 A Hosea 14:1-9

Smith, David W'04-05 A Luke 21:1-38

Anderson, Jeff S. W'04-05 A Jeremiah 19:1-15; 33:1-26

Jones, Roberta Lou W'04-05 B Bible

Harris, John L. W'04-05 A Luke 19:1-48; 21:1-38; 22:1-71

Gritz, Sharon W'04-05 A Luke 2:1-20

Traylor, Lynn W'04-05 A 1 Corinthians 6:9-20

Lunceford, Joe W'04-05 A Luke 14:1,7-15

Patterson, Bill W'04-05 A Luke 20:1-47

Fowler, R. D. F'04 A Luke 11:1-54

F'04 A Bible Background

Wood, Darryl F'04 A Luke 12:1-59

Dean, Robert J. F'04 A Luke 4:1-44

Gonzalez, Rudy F'04 A Luke 7:36-50

Stewart, Don F'04 B Bible Background

Easley, Kendell F'04 A Luke 4:42--5:11

Jones, Timothy Paul F'04 A Revelation 1:1-20

Ellis, Terry F'04 A Luke, Book of

Roark, Mack F'04 A Luke 9:51--10:42

Street, Robert A F'04 A Psalm 33:1-22

Warren, William F'04 A Bible Background

Hardin, Gary F'04 A Revelation 1:1-20

Batson, Jerry W. F'04 A Luke 6:1-49

Robinson, Dale G F'04 A Luke 3:1-38

Lanier, David Emory F'04 A Luke 4:1-44, 8:41

Hummel, Bradford F'04 A Isaiah 6:1-13

Trammel, Timothy F'04 A Luke 2:1-52

Poulton, Gary F'04 A Matthew 8:1-13, Luke 7:1-50

Goodman, Thomas F'04 A Psalm 104:1-35

Williamson, Margie F'04 A Luke 8:1-56

Tolar, William B F'04 A Matthew 19:16-30

Robinson, Dale G F'04 A Luke 1:1-25,57-80

Cole, Dennis F'04 A Luke 7:1-50

Norma Hedin Su'04 A 2 Kings 1-2

D. Larry Gregg Su'04 A 2 Kings 1-2

James Wiles Su'04 A 1 Peter 1:1-12

Daniel C. Browning Jr. Su'04 A 2 Kings 18-19

Martha Bergen Su'04 A Acts 2:36-41, Romans 6:1-10

Dorman Laird Su'04 A 2 Kings 1-2

Robert Bergen Su'04 A Habbakuk 1-3

Claude F. Mariotinni Su'04 A 2 Kings 8-10

Robert Street Su'04 A 2 Kings 22-23

Allan Moseley Su'04 A Lamentations 3:19-24

Francis X. Kimmitt Su'04 A Lamentations 3:19-24

Argile A. Smith Su'04 A Matthew 26:17-30; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

C. Alan Woodward Su'04 A 1 Peter, Book of

Joel Drinkard Su'04 A 2 Kings 3-4

Stephen Carlson Su'04 B

LeBron Matthews Su'04 A 2 Kings 6-7

Charles W. Draper Su'04 A Habbakuk 1

Conn Davis Su'04 A 2 Kings 11-12

Stephen J. Andrews Su'04 A 2 Kings 14-15; 22 Chronicles 25:1-27:9

Trent Butler Su'04 A 2 Kings

Kevin Hall Su'04 A Nehemiah 1:1-2:18

Steve Lemke Sp'04 A 1 Timothy 4:1, 6:10

Hal Lane Sp'04 A 1 John 2

Gregory Pouncey Sp'04 A 2 Timothy 2

Glenn McCoy Sp'04 A 2 Timothy 1

Daniel Caldwell Sp'04 A Daniel 3

Daniel Caldwell Sp'04 A Esther 4; Daniel 3

Kelvin Moore Sp'04 A Judges 4-5

Warren McWilliams Sp'04 A Titus

Jimmy Dukes Sp'04 A 1 Timothy 3

Fred Wood Sp'04 A Judges 4-5

George Shaddix Sp'04 A Judges 4-5

Phillip Swanson Sp'04 A Genesis 27, 32, 33

Lloyd, Raymond Sp'04 A Proverbs 17:17; 18:24; 27:5-6,9-10,17

Paul Jackson Sp'04 A Matthew 27

Smith, Marsha Ellis W'03-04 B

David Dockery Sp'04 A 1 Timothy 3

Sharon Gritz Sp'04 A Matthew 28

Robert A. Weathers Sp'04 B

Janice Meier Sp'04 A Esther 1–4; 7–8

Robert Dunston Sp'04 A Judges 4-5

Gerald Stevens Sp'04 A 1 Timothy; 2 Tim

Michael Priest Sp'04 A Titus 1

Bob Overton Sp'04 A 1 Timothy 5

Traylor, John W'03-04 A Proverbs 1:20-3:8

Hyatt, Leon Jr. W'03-04 A 1 Samuel 26:7-11

Kimmitt, Francis X. W'03-04 A Jonah, Book of

Harris, John L. W'03-04 A Proverbs 18:22

Mosley, Harold W'03-04 A 1 Samuel 17:1-58

VanHorn, Wayne W'03-04 A Jonah 1:1-1, 4:1-11

McClain, Van W'03-04 A Psalm 95

Beyer, Bryan W'03-04 A Jonah 2:10-3:10

Terry, J. Mark W'03-04 A 1 Sam 16:1-13

Anderson, Jeff W'03-04 A 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14-17

Lee, Jerry W. W'03-04 A Proverbs 5

Swanson, Phillip W'03-04 A Ezra 8:21-23

Goodman, Thomas W'03-04 A Psalm 1

Byargeon, Gary W'03-04 A Proverbs, Book of

Traylor, Lynn O'Neal W'03-04 A 2 Corinthians 8:1-24

Drinkard, Joel W'03-04 A Proverbs 22:4; 28:20; 16:16

Eddinger, Terry W. W'03-04 A Proverbs 20:1, 23:19-21, 29-35

Fowler, R. D. W'03-04 A Matthew 20:20-28

Hummel, Bradford S. F'03 A Acts 17:16-31

Polhill, John F'03 A Acts 22:1-16

Jones, Timothy Paul F'03 A Acts 3:1-8,11-16,19-20

Ward, Revelation Patrick D F'03 A Matthew 7:13-27

Karen Rhea Nemet-Nejat F'03 B

Knowles, Julie Nall F'03 A Acts 13:1-3,28-32,38-39,45-48

Hedin, Norma S F'03 A Acts 4:1-3,7,12-13,18-21,23,29-31

Register, M. Dean F'03 A 1 Corinthians 2:1-16

Woodward, C. Alan F'03 A Colossians 1:15-23

Young, R. Garland F'03 A Colossians 3:1-17

Gonzalez, Rudy F'03 A Philippians 1:3-18a

Easley, Kendell H F'03 A Philippians 2:1-11

Dean, Bob F'03 A Philippians 1:1-18

Gramling, Gary Lee F'03 A Colossians 3:18–4:9

Knight, George W F'03 A Philippians 1:3-18a

Strong, Leslie “Thomas”, III F'03 A Matthew 6:1-8,12,14-18

Mims, Gene F'03 A Romans 8:12-16,26-30,35-39

David E. Lanier F'03 A Matthew 5:1-16

Robinson, Dale G F'03 A Philippians 1:3-18a

Ellis, Terry F'03 A John 14:15-17,25-26; 16:7-15

Jackson, Paul N. Su'03 A James 4:1-17

Tolar, Bill Su'03 A Galatians 1:6-7; 2:11-21

Street, Robert A Su'03 A Genesis 37:3-8,23-28,34-36

Langston, Scott Su'03 A Genesis 50:15-25

Smith, Argile A., Jr., Dr Su'03 A 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

Bergen, Martha Su'03 A Ephesians 4:29–5:10

Trammell, Timothy Su'03 A James 1:1-18

Dawson, Robert A. Su'03 A Genesis 45:4-8,25-28; 46:1-5

Draper, Charles W Su'03 A Galatians 3:1-14

Pouncey, Gregory Su'03 A Galatians 5:16-26

Wood, Fred Su'03 A Genesis 50:15-25

Stevens, Gerald L. Su'03 A James 1:1-18

Roark, C. Mack Su'03 A Galatians 2:1-21

Gritz, Sharon Su'03 A Galatians 2:4-5,11-21

Bergen, Robert Su'03 A Genesis 39:2-10,19-23

Simmons, Bob Su'03 A Galatians 3:1-14

McWilliams, Warren Su'03 A Galatians 1–2

Moseley, Allan Su'03 A Genesis 41:15-16,25-28,33-40

Anne Punton Su'03 B

Batson, Jerry Su'03 A Acts 2:42-47; Ephesians 4:1-6

Dockery, David Su'03 A Revelation 5:1-10

Caldwell, Daniel P Sp'03 A Psalm 91:1-16

Moore, R. Kelvin Sp'03 A 1 Kings 1-2; 1 Chronicles 29:21-28

Lemke, Steve Sp'03 A John 6:1-59

John McRay Sp'03 B

Shaddix, Revelation George HSp'03 A 1 Kings 15:1–16:28; 2 Chronicles 13:1–17:1

VanHorn, Wayne Sp'03 A 1 Kings 11:1-13

Wood, Darryl Sp'03 A Acts 4:32–5:11

Traylor, Lynn O'Neal Sp'03 A John 10:11-16,22-30

Laird, Dorman Sp'03 A 1 Kings 5, 7, 9, 10

Anderson, Jeff S. Sp'03 A 1 Kings 21–22

Byargeon, Rick Sp'03 A 1 Kings 12:6-8,10-11,13-14a

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'03 A 1 Kings 19–20

Mosley, Harold R Sp'03 A 1 Kings 18

Arbino, Gary Sp'03 A 1 Kings 16:29–17:24

Mariottini, Claude Sp'03 A 1 Chronicles 4:9-10; 1 Kings 3:5,7-10; Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

Simmons, Bob Sp'03 A John 11:1-57

Lloyd, R. Raymond Sp'03 A Daniel 9:1-10,15-19; 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Drinkard, Joel Sp'03 A 1 Kings 8:1-10:29

Dunston, Robert C Sp'03 A Genesis 13:1-18

Matthews, E. LeBron Sp'03 A Jeremiah 35:1-19

Horn, Curtis Kent, Jr Sp'03 A John 8:12; 9:1-7,35-41

Garrett, L. Manning, III Sp'03 A 1 Kings 3:7-14; 4:29-30,32-34

Tolar, William B Sp'03 A Acts 16:6-10; Philippians 1:12-14,19-26

Reeves, Rodney W'02-03 A John 5:37-40,45-47; Acts 17:2-4,11-12

Fowler, R. D W'02-03 A Mark 10:13-16

Poulton, Gary M W'02-03 A John 13

Jones, Robert Earl W'02-03 A John 14:1-14

Evans and Porter, eds. W'02-03 B

Hardin, Gary W'02-03 A Hebrews 1:1-2; 2 Peter 1:12-21

Cole, Dennis W'02-03 A Matthew 2:1-12

Robuck, Thomas D W'02-03 A Luke 1:26-35,38,46-49

Swanson, Phillip J W'02-03 A Psalm 119:9-16; Jeremiah 36:1-32

Fowler, Revelation R. D. W'02-03 A John 21

Wilder, Terry L W'02-03 A John 19

Billy Simmons W'02-03 A 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; James 1:1-15

Stewart, Don H W'02-03 A Matthew 1:18-25; 2:13-23

Booth, Steve W'02-03 A John 20

Buice, Shawn L W'02-03 A John 18-19

Still, Todd D W'02-03 A Luke 2:21-38

Young, R. Garland W'02-03 A John 15:1-17

Woodward, C. Alan W'02-03 A Luke 2:8-20

Dean, Bob W'02-03 A John 14:15-17,25-26; 15:26-27;16:5-15

McCoy, Glenn W'02-03 A Luke 1:5-7,11-15a,18-20,68-69,76-79

Smith, Argile A., Jr. W'02-03 A Revelation 21:1-5; 22:1-5

Chambers, William A. (Andy) W'02-03 A John 16:16-28,33

Lane, Revelation Harry A W'02-03 A Matthew 6:25-34; 11:28-30

Lee, Jerry W. F'02 A Psalm 51:1-17

Bailey, Waylon F'02 A 1 Kings 17:1-4; 19:9b-18

Kimmitt, Kimmitt, Francis X. F'02 A Genesis 9:1-6,8-17

Tolar, William B. F'02 A John 11:11-16,21-27,41-44

McClain, Van F'02 A 2 Samuel 7:8-16; Psalm 89:1-4; Isaiah 9:6-7

Newell, James F'02 A Ezekiel 18:1-3,19-20,23-32

Hummel, Bradford S. F'02 A John 7:28-44

Wallace, David M. F'02 A Romans, Book of

McGraw, Larry F'02 A John 6:41-47,60-69

Strong, Leslie Thomas F'02 A John, Book of

Dukes, Jimmy W. F'02 A John, Book of

Polhill, John F'02 A Romans, Book of

Robinson, Dale G. F'02 A John 1:19-27,29-37

Andrews, Stephen J. F'02 A Jonah 3 & 4

Smith, Argile A., Jr. F'02 A John, Book of

Still, Elias Coye, III F'02 A John 10:7-18,27-30

McLemore, James D. F'02 B

Easley, Kendell H. F'02 A John 4:7-14,25-26,28-29,39-42

Matthews, E. LeBron F'02 A Exodus 19; 20

Woodward, C. Alan F'02 A John 2:1-11

Street, Robert A. F'02 A 1 Chronicles 16:7-12,15-17,25-29,34-35

Moseley, Allan Su'02 A Nehemiah 8:2-3,5-6,9-17

Gene Henderson reprinted posthumouslySu'02 A Genesis 6:5-9,12-14,22; 7:2-3,5; 8:1

Terry, J. Mark Su'02 A 2 Samuel 13–19

Travis, James Su'02 A 2 Samuel 24:1,10,15,17,21-25

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'02 A Daniel 1:1-15

Pigott, Susan M. Su'02 A 1 Samuel 1:1-2,4-7,10-17,19-20

Drinkard, Joel Su'02 A Genesis 26:17-31

Peacock, Kevin C. Su'02 A 2 Samuel

Davis, Rick Su'02 A Genesis 3:1-3,6,9-17,19,22-23

O'Brien, J. Randall Su'02 A 2 Kings 4:1-17

Dunston, Robert C. Su'02 A 2 Samuel 7:18-29

Arbino, Gary Su'02 A 2 Samuel 11:1–12:31

Mosley, Harold R Su'02 A Genesis 1:1-3,6,9,11,14-18,26,31; 2:1

Eddinger, Terry W. Su'02 A Exodus 18:14-24; Numbers 12:3

Mariottini, Claude Su'02 A 2 Kings 22:1-2,11-13,18-20; 23:21-25

Hyatt, Leon, Jr. Su'02 A 2 Samuel 8:15; 9:3-11

Ratcliffe, Carolyn Su'02 A 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 19:1-7; 20:1-42; 2 Samuel 2:8—4:12

Lombard, Becky Su'02 A 2 Samuel 22:1-7,26-29

Wood, Fred Su'02 A Genesis 4:1-16

Anderson, Jeff S. Su'02 A 2 Samuel 11:1–12:31

Langston, Scott Su'02 A 2 Samuel 1:1-4,17-19; 2:1-4a

Lee, Jerry W. Su'02 A Genesis 2:7-10,15-25

Barlow, Jerry N. Su'02 B

Trammell, Timothy Sp'02 A 1 Corinthians 15:1-26

Tench, Revelation Tony Sp'02 A Ephesians 2:11-22

Williford, Donald Sp'02 A Ephesians, Book of

Roark, C. Mack Sp'02 A Mark 5:21-43

Gramling, Gary Lee Sp'02 A Ephesians 6:1-9

Windsor, Jerry M. Sp'02 A Ephesians 1:1-14

Rathel, Mark Sp'02 A Acts 12:1-17

Kimmitt, Francis X. Sp'02 A Amos, Book of

McLemore, James Sp'02 A John 14-19

Draper, Charles W. Sp'02 A John 17:1-26

Wright, G. Al, Jr., Sp'02 A John 14:1-14

Diehl, Douglas A. Sp'02 A Ephesians 5:1-21

McLemore, James Sp'02 A John 14-19

Gritz, Sharon Sp'02 A Ephesians 1:15-23

Weathers, Robert A. Sp'02 A Ephesians 4:17-32

Smith, David Sp'02 A John 14:16-17; 16:8-11

Jackson, Paul N. Sp'02 A Ephesians 1:1-14

Vinson, Richard B. Sp'02 A 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; 3:1-23

Russell, David M. Sp'02 A Ephesians 5:22-33

Smith, Marsha Ellis Sp'02 B

Knight, George W. Sp'02 A Acts 27:1-28

VanHorn, Wayne Sp'02 A Amos 7:1-17

Dunn, Mark R. Sp'02 A John 15:1-17

Mason, John Sp'02 A Ephesians 1:15-23

Laird, Dorman W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 4:44–5:33

Simmons, Billy W'01-02 A Galatians 3:26–4:7

McClain, Van W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 13:1-3; 16:1-3,9-10,13-17

Gonzalez, Rudy W'01-02 A Philemon 8-21

Pouncey, Gregory T. W'01-02 A John 3:16; 1 John 3:11-24

Hudson, , Tom W'01-02 B

Stevens, Gerald L. W'01-02 A Philippians 3:1-14

Stewart, Don H. W'01-02 A John 3:16; 1 John 3:11-24

Andrews, Stephen J. W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 1:1—3:29

Byargeon, Rick W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 6:4-12,20-25

Davis, Rick W'01-02 A Exodus 1:1–2:10

Birdwhistell, Ira W'01-02 A Luke 2:4-20

Lunceford, Joe W'01-02 A 1 Peter 2:13–3:22

Ward, Revelation Patrick D. W'01-02 A Deuteronomy, Book of

Wallace, David M. W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 1:1–3:29

Newell, James W'01-02 A Deuteronomy, Book of

Lloyd, R. Raymond W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 9:1,3-4; 10:12-16; 11:13-17

Ray, Charles A., Jr. W'01-02 A James 1:22-27; 2:14-18

VanHorn, Wayne W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 9:1,3-4; 10:12-16; 11:13-17

Simmons, Bob W'01-02 A Romans 15:1-13

Matthews, E. LeBron W'01-02 A Deuteronomy, Book of

Kent, Dan Gentry W'01-02 A Deuteronomy 6:1-9,20-24

Traylor, Lynn O'Neal W'01-02 A Luke 12:13-21; 21:1-4

Boyd, Timothy N. F'01 A Acts 17:16-31

Brisco, Thomas V. F'01 A Acts 13:1-6a,13-16,47-48; 14:26-27

Easley, Kendell H. F'01 A 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Smith, Argile A., Jr., F'01 A 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18

Lawless, Charles F'01 A 2 Thessalonians 2:13–3:5

Bailey, Waylon F'01 A Numbers 27:15-20;

James McLemore F'01 B

McGraw, Larry F'01 A Titus 1:5,9; 2:1-8,11-15

Dean, Bob F'01 A 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Borchert, Gerald L. F'01 A 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

James McLemore F'01 A Joshua, Book of

Anderson, Jeff S. F'01 A Joshua 23:14; 24:14-27

Wells, Elgia “Jay” F'01 A Acts 10:1-5,23b-24,33-36,39-43

Laughlin, John C. H. F'01 A Joshua 3:1–4:24

Lee, Jerry W. F'01 A Numbers 13:1-2; 14:6-9,26-30,36-38

Carter, James E. F'01 A 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:5

Young, R. Garland F'01 A 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Martin, Michael F'01 A 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Robinson, Dale G. F'01 A 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Register, M. Dean F'01 A 2 Timothy 1:5-6; 3:14–4:5

Dunston, Robert C F'01 A Joshua 3:1–4:24

Strong, Leslie “Thomas”, III F'01 A 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

McCoy, Glenn F'01 A 1 Thessalonians 2:1-1

Ratcliffe, Carolyn F'01 A Deuteronomy 6:1-7,20-25

Pigott, Susan M. Su'01 A Amos 7:10-17; 9:13-15

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'01 A Amos 6:1-7,12-14

Langston, Scott Su'01 A Amos, Book of

Woodward, C. Alan Su'01 A Matthew 26:36-56; John 19:16-42

Lanier, David Emory Su'01 A Matthew 26:26-29; John 13:1-3o

Jones, Timothy Paul Su'01 A John 20:19-31

Drinkard, Joel Su'01 A Hosea 4:1-3; 5:1-7; 8:1-10; 9:15,17; 10:12

Eakins, J. Kenneth Su'01 A Hosea 13:1-8,12-15

Arbino, Dr. Gary Su'01 A Hosea 4:1-3; 5:1-7

Auvenshine, Donnie Su'01 A Amos 3:1-8,11-15

Kimmitt, Francis X. Su'01 A Amos 1:1–2:16

Arbino, Gary Su'01 A Hosea 4:1-3; 5:1-7

Eddinger, Terry W. Su'01 A Amos 1–2

Williford, Donald Su'01 A Mark 13:1-37

Dukes, Jimmy W. Su'01 A John 19:16-18,28-31,33-42

Stewart, Mrs. Mona Su'01 A John 20:1-6a,8,10-18

Lemke, Steve Su'01 A John 21:4-22

Street, Robert A. Su'01 A Amos 5:4-9,21-27

Polhill, Dr. John Su'01 A Philippians 2:1-11

Mariottini, Claude Su'01 A Amos & 2 Kings, Books of

Polhill, John Su'01 A Philippians 2:1-11

McWilliams, Warren Su'01 B

Mosley, Harold R. Su'01 A Hosea, Book of

Dockery, David S. Su'01 A Matthew 26:36-56; Luke 22:47-49

Wood, Darryl Su'01 A Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:1-8

O'Brien, J. Randall Su'01 A Hosea 4–13

Lane, Revelation Harry A. (Hal)Sp'01 A John 6:1-13

Smith, Argile A., Jr. Sp'01 A Mark 2:1-12

Tolar, William B. Sp'01 A Luke 10:25-37

Easley, Kendell H. Sp'01 A Matthew 13:24-52

Hyatt, Leon, Jr. Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 7:3-13

Wood, Fred Sp'01 A Ruth 4:13-14,17 ; 1 Samuel 16:1—17:58

Byargeon, Rick Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 15:2-3,13-15,19-23

Drinkard, Joel Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 3:10-21

Drinkard, Joel Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 21:1–24:22

Register, M. Dean Sp'01 B

Carter, James E. Sp'01 A Luke 11:1-13

Elmore, Vernon Sp'01 A Ruth

Cox, Steven L Sp'01 A John 11:1-54

Anderson, Jeff S. Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 8:1–10:27

Matthews, E. LeBron Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 11:1–12:25

Jackson, Paul N. Sp'01 A Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Littlejohn, Ronnie Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 18:1–20:42

Gritz, Sharon Sp'01 A Matthew 13:1-23

Young, R. Garland Sp'01 A Mark 4:35-39; 5:18-20

Wood, Fred Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 8:1–10:27

Newell, James Sp'01 A 1 & 2 Samuel

McCoy, Glenn Sp'01 A Matthew 17:1-13

Lee, Jerry Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 8:1–10:27

Simmons, Bob Sp'01 A Matthew 13:1-23

Howard, Fred Sp'01 A Luke 6:12-49

Moseley, Allan Sp'01 A 1 Samuel 7:3-13

Robinson, Dale G. W'00-01 A Acts 27; 28

Poulton, Gary W'00-01 A Acts 25; 26; 27; 28

Robuck, Thomas D. W'00-01 A Acts 19–20

Hummell, Brad S. W'00-01 A Luke 2:1-15,20

Knight, George W. W'00-01 A Acts 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26

Wilder, Terry L. W'00-01 A John 2:1-11

Rathel, Mark W'00-01 A Acts 26:15-23,26-32

Browning, Daniel C. Jr. W'00-01 A Luke 2:40-52

Knowles, Julie W'00-01 A Acts 16:9-15,25-33

Ratcliffe, Carolyn W'00-01 A Luke 1:26-35,38; Matthew 1:18-21

Simmons, Billy E. W'00-01 A Luke 4:16-30

Stevens, Gerald L. W'00-01 B

Gonzalez, Rudy W'00-01 A Acts 17:16,22-34

McLemore, James W'00-01 A Acts

Anderson, Jeff S. W'00-01 A Luke 2:22-33,36-38

Mason, John W'00-01 A Acts 16:9-15,25-33

Jackson, Paul N. W'00-01 A Acts 19:11-17,23-27; 20; 21

Robertson, Glenn E. W'00-01 A Luke 1:5-9,11-17,57-60

Trammell, Timothy W'00-01 A Luke 3:2-17

Pouncey, Greg W'00-01 A Matthew 2:1-15

McGraw, Larry F‘00 A Acts 13:1-4,44-52

Mariottini, Claude F‘00 A Genesis 12:1-3; 22:1-2,7-16a,18

Earwood, Greg F‘00 A Isaiah 7:10-14; 9:6-7; 11:1-5

Roark, C. Mack F‘00 A Acts 15:1-3,7-11,30-32,35

Laughlin, John F‘00 A Acts 9:19b-31

Matthews, E. LeBron F‘00 A 1 Chronicles 17:1-4,7,10b-14,23-27

Carter, James E. F‘00 A Jeremiah 31:31-37; Hebrews 8:6-7,13; 9:11-15

Arbino, Gary F‘00 A Ruth 4:1-3,5-6,9-17

Garrett, Mrs. Linda Oaks F‘00 A Acts 10:9-15,27-29,34-36

Birdwhistell, Ira (Jack) F‘00 A 1 John 4:7-21

Pigott, Susan M. F‘00 A Isaiah 7

Swanson, Phillip J. F‘00 A Exodus 12:1-3,11-13; 13:1-2,11-16

McLemore, James D. F‘00 B

Barlow, Jerry N. F‘00 A Acts 2:1-8,11b-17,37-47; 3:1-10; 4:8-12,32—5:5,11-12

Draper, Charles W. F‘00 A Acts 3:1-10; 4:8-12

McLemore, James D. F‘00 A Acts 8:1-5,26-31,34-35

Matheney, Pierce F‘00 A Psalm 46:1-11

Bean, Albert F‘00 A Isaiah 53:1-12

VanHorn, Wayne F‘00 A Genesis 3:15

Street, Robert A. F‘00 A Exodus 12:1-3,11-13; 13:1-2,11-16

Lee, Jerry W. F‘00 A Isaiah 43:1-3a,10-13,18-21,25

Mosley, Harold R. F‘00 A Genesis 49:9-10; Numbers 24:1-7,9,17-19

Arnold, Stuart F‘00 A Acts

Smith, Elton E. & Esther M.G. F‘00 A Acts 3:1-10; 4:8-12

Gritz, Sharon Su'00 A Ephesians & Acts

McLemore, James Su'00 B

Tolar, William Su'00 A Revelation 14:1,3-4,9-15

Young, R. Garland Su'00 A Colossians 1:15-28; 2:6-19; 3:1-3,5-17

McClain, Dr Su'00 A Psalm 19

Taylor, Cecil Ray Su'00 A Revelation, Book of

Stewart, Don Su'00 A Ephesians 1:1-14; 2:8-22; 6:10-20

Auvenshine, Donnie Su'00 A Isaiah 40:10-11,18-31

Northcutt, Kent & Cherrie Su'00 A Psalm 1:1-6

McCoy, Glenn Su'00 A Revelation 1:1,10-20 + all the book

Still, Todd D. Su'00 A Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; Philemon

Lea, Thomas D. Su'00 A Revelation 17:6-13; 18:2-5; 19:1-21; 20:1-15; 21:1 22:21

Gramling, Gary Lee Su'00 A Revelation 12:1-6,11; 13:1-3,8

Lunceford, Joe Su'00 A 2 Peter 3:1-5

Fowler, Revelation R.D. Su'00 A Philemon 4-21

Vinson, Richard B. Su'00 A Philippians 1:15-18

Andrews, Scott A. Su'00 A Ephesians 2:8-22; 4:1-16

Dunn, Mark R. Su'00 A Philippians 3:7-21

Howard, Fred Su'00 A Romans 8:5-8

Dukes, Jimmy W. Su'00 A Revelation 14:1-20

Evans, Bob Su'00 A Philippians 2:1-13

Reeves, Rodney Su'00 A Pauline Epistles & Acts

Russell, David M. Su'00 A Revelation 1:13; 6:11; 7:9,13,14; 19:1,3,16; 22:14

McLemore, James Sp'00 B

Bailey, Waylon Sp'00 A Joshua 1:1-6,13; 2:8-11,24

Drinkard, Joel Sp'00 A 1 Chronicles 22:1,5-13,17-19

O Brien, J. Randall Sp'00 A 2 Samuel 12:1-14

Hyatt, Leon, Jr. Sp'00 A Judges 17:1-8,12-13; 18:30-31

Byargeon, Rick Sp'00 A 1 Samuel 16:1,6-13

Strong, Leslie Thomas , III Sp'00 A 1 Corinthians 7:1-5,8-16

Lombard, Becky Sp'00 A Revelation 5:12,13; 19:1,3,4,6,16

Steven Andrews Sp'00 A Joshua 11:14-23; 14:6-15; Judges 6:12-16; 7:2-3,7,20-22

Lloyd, R. Raymond Sp'00 A Judges 11:4-6,30-36

Dockery, David S. Sp'00 A Revelation 21:1-4,9-11,18-19,21; 22:1-5; 22:7-17,20-21

Johnson, Rick Sp'00 A Joshua

Harris, John L. Sp'00 A Judges 2:11-22

Wood, Darryl Sp'00 A 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Langston, Scott Sp'00 A Judges 6:12-16; 7:2-3,7,20-22

Lain, Gil Sp'00 A 2 Corinthians 4:5-18

Yarbrough, Slayden Sp'00 A Revelation 4:2-3; 6:9-11,15-17; 7:9,13-17

Eddinger, Terry Sp'00 A 1 Samuel 17:8-11,32-22,27,45-47,50

Richards, E. Randy Sp'00 A 2 Corinthians 13:1-13

Byargeon, Rick Sp'00 A 1 Samuel 16:1,6-13

Capes, David B. Sp'00 A 1 Corinthians12:4-20,26,31--13:13

Laird, Dorman Sp'00 A Joshua 14:6-15

Diehl, Douglas Sp'00 A 1 Corinthians1:2-17; 4:1-13

Ziglar, Toby W'99-00 A Matthew 20:1-16

Jones, Robert Earl W'99-00 A 1 John 2:3-11,15-17; 2:18-27; 2:28 3:10; 3:11-24; 4:7-21; 2 John 1-13

Laughlin, John C. H. W'99-00 A Matthew 3:1-8,11-17

Ray, Charles A., Jr. W'99-00 A 1, 2 John

Stevens, Gerald L W'99-00 A Matthew 27:38-54

Robuck, Thomas D. W'99-00 A 1 John 4:7-21

Tench, Revelation Tony W'99-00 A 1 John 1:1 2:2

Brisco, Thomas V. W'99-00 A Matthew, Book of

Stewart, Mrs. Mona W'99-00 A Luke 1:30-35,38,42-45; 2:33-35,39

Foster, Ruth Ann W'99-00 A Luke 1:5-7,11-16,18-20,68-69,76

James McLemore W'99-00 B

Ward, Revelation Patrick D. W'99-00 A Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Jackson, Thomas A W'99-00 A Matthew 20 28

Chambers, William A. W'99-00 A Revelation 2:8-11; 3:7-13

Polhill, John W'99-00 A 1 John 1:1 2:2; 4:7-21; 5:1-12, 13-21; 3 John 1-14

Downing, Fred W'99-00 A 2 Chronicles 7:13-14

Knight, George W. W'99-00 A Revelation 1-3

Littlejohn, Ronnie W'99-00 A Psalm 90:12; 103:15-16; Ecc. 3:1,17

Trammell, Timothy W'99-00 A 1,2,3 John

Traylor, Lynn O Neal W'99-00 A Matthew 4:18-22; 9:9-12; 10:1-4

Wright, G. Al, Jr., W'99-00 A Revelation 2:1-5,12-16,18-22

Hunt, Harry F'99 A Leviticus 22:18-21; 23:2-4,27-29

McLemore, James F'99 B

Earwood, Greg F'99 A Numbers 22:4-6; 23:18-20; 24:10-11,15-17

Drinkard, Joel F'99 A Exodus 3:1-12

Matthews, E. LeBron F'99 A Genesis 18:18-19; Deuteronomy 6:5-7; Psalm 78:4-8

Kimmitt, Francis X. F'99 A Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy; Joshua

McGraw, Larry F'99 A Psalm 103:20-21; Matthew 13:39b-42; Mark 13:26-27; Acts 12:7-9,11; 27:23-24

Swanson, Phillip J. F'99 A Jonah, Book of

Terry, J. Mark F'99 A Jonah 4:1-11

Cate, Robert L. F'99 A Numbers 13:1-2,30-32; 14:19-24

Mariottini, Claude F'99 A Deuteronomy 31:1-8; 34:5-9

Anderson, Jeff S. F'99 A Leviticus 1:3-4; 2:1-2; 4:32-33,35b; 5:5-6; 6:4-5

Cox, Ken F'99 A Numbers 13:1-2,30-32; 14:19-24

Tobias, Hugh F'99 A Leviticus 11:44-46; 16:6-8,15-16,20-22

Draper, Charles W. F'99 A Psalm 34:7; 91:11; 148:2-5; Matthew 18:10; 26:53-54; Luke 20:34-36; Hebrews 1:14; 2 Peter 2:10b-11

Bean, Albert F'99 A Jonah 3:1-10

Cresson, Bruce F'99 A Deuteronomy 1:41-44; 2:1-7,16-18

Lyles, Ron F'99 A Joshua 24:14-15,31

VanHorn, Wayne F'99 A Leviticus 1:3-4; 2:1-2; 4:32-33,35b; 5:5-6; 6:4-5

Jackson, Paul N. F'99 A Psalm 34:7; 91:11; 148:2-5; Matthew 18:10; 26:53-54; Luke 20:34-36; Hebrews 1:14; 2 Peter 2:10b-11

Wood, Fred F'99 A Exodus 20:16

Williford, Donald F'99 A Colossians 2:18-19

Kent, Dan Gentry F'99 A Deuteronomy 6:1-9,20-24

Still, Todd D. Su'99 A Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3; (cf. Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26; Acts 2:10; 11:20; 13:10)

Street, Robert A. Su'99 A Genesis 25:29-34; 27:30-37

Paul Redditt Su'99 A Genesis 37:3-4,17-28

Mosley, Harold R. Su'99 A Malachi 3:13 4:6

Woods, Bob W. Su'99 A Hebrews 10:24-25; 12:1-3; 13:1-3,17-18

Tolar, William B. Su'99 A Acts 8:26-40

Windsor, Jerry M. Su'99 A 2 Corinthians 3:1-8,11-13,15-18

Matheney, M. Pierce, Jr. Su'99 A Malachi 2:1-16

Newell, James Su'99 A Genesis 1:l-2

Elmore, Vernon Su'99 A Genesis 44:18-20,33--45:7

Weaver, C. Douglas Su'99 A 2 Corinthians 1:23 2:8,10-14

Travis, James Su'99 A Genesis 2:7-9,15-25

Langston, Scott Su'99 A Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-4; 9:12-17

Lea, Thomas D. Su'99 A 1 & 2 Corinthians

Vinson, Richard B. Su'99 A 2 Corinthians 12:14-15,19 13:2,5-7

Moseley, Allan Su'99 A Genesis 37:3-4,17-28

Eakins, J. Kenneth Su'99 A Malachi 1:1-14

McLemore, James Su'99 B

McWilliams, Warren Su'99 A Acts 16:1-4; 1 Timothy 1:18-19; 4:11-16; 2 Timothy 2:1-3

Howard, Fred Su'99 A 2 Corinthians 3:1-8,11-13,15-18

Roark, C. Mack Su'99 A 2 Corinthians 11:30,32 12:2,6-12

Mason, John Su'99 A 2 Corinthians 6:3-4a (God),6-17; 7:1

Knowles, Julie Nall Su'99 A Luke 8:1-3; Mark 15:40-41; John 20:1-2,10-18

Simmons, Billy E. Sp'99 A John 1:1-18; 20:30-31

Redditt, Paul L. Sp'99 A 1 Samuel 22:1-5

Arbino, Gary Sp'99 A Psalm 46:1-11

Laird, Dorman Sp'99 A 1 Kings 18 19

Hardin, Gary Sp'99 A Philippians 2:25-30

Wallace, David M. Sp'99 A Psalm 42:1-11

Meier, Janice Sp'99 A Judges 6 8

Ross, Revelation Bob C. Sp'99 B

Dean, Bob Sp'99 A John 13:1-17

Gritz, Sharon Sp'99 A 1 Corinthians 15:1-58

Duncan, John D. Sp'99 A John 3:1-17

Lyles, Ron Sp'99 A Psalm 22

Lunceford, Joe Sp'99 A John 14:15-18,24-26

Young, R. Garland Sp'99 A Center SpreadJohn 4:7,9-15,28-30,39-40

McCoy, Glenn Sp'99 A John, Book of

O Brien, J. Randall Sp'99 A Psalm 19:1-14

Richards, E. Randy Sp'99 A Colossians 3:8-9

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Sp'99 A John 19:16-18,28-30; 20:11-18

Andrews, Steven Sp'99 A Psalm 100:1-5

Cresson, Bruce Sp'99 A Psalm 126:1-6

Gramling, Gary Lee Sp'99 A John 4:7,9-15,28-30,39-40

Byargeon, Rick Sp'99 A Psalm 1:1-6

Goodman, Thomas H. Sp'99 A Exodus 18:17-23

Dockery, David S. Sp'99 A Mark 13:5-13,35-37

Lane, Harry A. W'98-99 A Mark 14:3-36

Collins, A.O. W'98-99 A Acts 17:22-34

Conyers, A.J. W'98-99 A Luke 2:1-17

Arnold, Stuart W'98-99 A Matthew 18:21-35

Trammell, Timothy W'98-99 A 1 Corinthians 11:20-34

Ziglar, Toby W'98-99 A Mark 2:3-7,18-20

Cole, Dennis W'98-99 A Luke 2:1-17

Guthrie, George H. W'98-99 A Romans 13:1-14

Capes, David B. W'98-99 A Mark 15:25-46

Stewart, Don H. W'98-99 A Mark 1:2;3;6

Aldridge, Marion D. W'98-99 A Mark 10:17-31

Browning, Daniel D., Jr. W'98-99 A Mark 6:1-6

Evans, Bob W'98-99 A Mark 1:1-13

Robinson, Dale G. W'98-99 A Philemon 10-21

Weathers, Robert A. W'98-99 A 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5,7; 2 Corinthians 10:1-5

Poulton, Gary M. W'98-99 A Mark 4:37-5:20

Boyd, Timothy N. W'98-99 A James 2:14-17; 1 John 3:17-18

Conyers, A.J. W'98-99 A Mark 4:37-5:3,7-8,15,19-20

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. W'98-99 A Matthew 1:18-23; 2:1-2,9-11

Knight, George W. W'98-99 A Mark 11; 12

Knight, George W. W'98-99 B

Bean, Albert W'98-99 A Genesis 2:7; Ecc. 5:18-20; Psalm 103:1-5; Revelation 22:1-5

Simmons, Harold W'98-99 A Luke 1:1-4

Dukes, Jimmy W. W'98-99 A Luke 24:36-53

Jackson, Paul F'98 B

Lloyd, R. Raymond F'98 A Deuteronomy 5:6-14; Exodus 20:1-17

Jones, Robert Earl F'98 A Ephesians 2:1-10

Mosley, Harold R. F'98 A Exodus 1:8-11; 2:23-25; 3:7-10

Jackson, Thomas A. F'98 A Exodus 1:8-11; 2:23-25; 3:7-10

Trammell, Timothy F'98 A Ephesians

Tobias, Hugh F'98 A Exodus 25

Lombard, Becky F'98 A Nehemiah 12:27-31

Eddinger, Terry W. F'98 A 2 Kings 5:1-15

Swanson, Phillip J. F'98 A Nehemiah 2:11 3:32

Kent, Dan G. F'98 A 1 Samuel 7:15--8:9,19-22

Birdwhistell, Ira (Jack) F'98 A Ephesians 1:8-21; 3:1-13; 6:10-20

Strong, Leslie "Thomas", III F'98 A Acts 18:1-18

Laughlin, John F'98 A Amos 6:1; 7:7-15

Davis, Conn F'98 A Exodus 19; 20; 21; 22

Smith, Marsha Ellis F'98 A 2 Kings 5:2-6,9-14

Auvenshine, Donnie F'98 A Exodus 17:8-13; 18:17-22

Mariottini, Claude F'98 A Exodus 14:9-16,30-31; 15:1

VanHorn, Wayne F'98 A Exodus 13:6-10,17-22

Lee, Jerry W. F'98 A Exodus 12:1-3,5-8,10-14

Brisco, Thomas V. F'98 A Exodus 3; 3; 4

Matthews, E. LeBron F'98 A Nehemiah, Book of

Kimmitt, Francis X. F'98 A Jeremiah19:1-4,10-11; 21:1-2,8-10

Shaddix, George H. F'98 A Judges 2:11-20

Earwood, Greg Su'98 B

Drinkard, Joel Su'98 A Proverbs 6:6-8; 10:4-5; 13:4; 15:19; 18:9; 20:4; 24:30-34

Ray, Charles A., Jr. Su'98 A 1 John 2:15-17

Tatum, Lynn W. Su'98 A Jeremiah 1:1-3,17-19; 2:12-13,27-28; 5:30-31

Fowler, R.D. Su'98 A 1 Peter 4:1-11 (see v, 9)

Stewart, Mrs. Mona Su'98 A 1 Peter 3:1-12

McGraw, Larry Su'98 A Galatians 5:13-15; 6:1-5

Donald Williford Su'98 A

Easley, Kendell H. Su'98 A 1 Peter 5

Davis, Rick Su'98/W'99-2000A Center SpreadJeremiah, Book of

Noel, Timothy L. Su'98 A Luke 15:25-30

Cox, Ken, Jr. Su'98 A Genesis 50:15-21

Lee, Jerry W. Su'98/W'99-2000A Jeremiah 31:31-34

Maltsberger, David C. Su'98 A Jeremiah 28:1-2,5-13,15-17

Richards, E. Randy Su'98 A 1 Peter, Book of

Wallace, David M. Su'98 A 1 Peter 1:13-25

Matheney, M. Pierce Su'98 A Proverbs

Diehl, Douglas A. Su'98 A 2 Peter 1:12-21

Peacock, Kevin C. Su'98 A Ecclesiastes 1:1-3; 2:1-2,10-13; 4:1-3; 12:1,13-14

Bailey, Waylon Su'98 A Job

Draper, Charles Su'98 A 2 Peter 2:1-3,10b-21

Anderson, Jeff S. Su'98 A Ecclesiastes; Job; Proverbs

Littlejohn, Ronnie Su'98 A Proverbs 12:16; 14:17,29; 15:18; 16:32; 19:11; 22:24-25; 25:28; 27:4; 29:20,22

Tolar, William B. Sp'98 A Mark 13:1-7,24-27,32-35

Reeves, Rodney Sp'98 A 1 Corinthians1:1-2,10-13,18,26-31; Ephesians 4:1-7,11-16

Redditt, Paul L. Sp'98 A Psalm 119:65-68; Malachi 3:6-7

Patterson, Bill Sp'98 A Matthew 19:4-6,10-12; Mark 10:1-12

Beyer, Bryan E. Sp'98 A Genesis 3:1-6; Isaiah 5:20-21; Malachi 2:17

Carter, Terry G. Sp'98 A Acts 2:4,14-17,32-33,36-38,41,46-47; Ephesians 4:1-7,11-16

Edwards, David D. Sp'98 A Mark 12:1-12

Ferguson, Dayle E. Sp'98 A Luke 10:30-42

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Sp'98 A Matthew 1:18-23; 2:1-2,10-11

Lea, Thomas D. Sp'98 A Mark, Book of

Cook, William F., III Sp'98 A Luke 10:30-42; 19:1-10

Stewart, Don H. Sp'98 B

Simmons, Billy E. Sp'98 A Mark 15:33-39; 16:1-8

Tench, Tony Sp'98 A Luke 24:13-21a,27,30-35; Mark 15:33-39; 16:1-8

McConkey, David D. Sp'98 A Mark 11:1-10,15-18

Russell, David M. Sp'98 A Revelation 1:9-20

Craver, Revelation Bennie D. Sp'98 A Mark 1:21-27,32-34,40-45; Luke 17:11-19

Foster, Ruth Ann Sp'98 A Luke 1:26-38,46-49

Wright, G. Al, Jr. Sp'98 A James 1:2-4,9-15,17,26-27

Young, R. Garland Sp'98 A Mark 2:3-12; 3:1-5

Newell, James Sp'98 A Ruth, Book of

Polhill, John Sp'98 A Galatians 2:11-21

LeMoyne DeVries Sp'98 A

Vinson, Richard B. Sp'98 A Matthew; Luke; John

Fuhrman, Mike Sp'98 A Mark 7:1-13; Luke 5:4-11,27-32; 7:36-50

Collins, A.O. W'97-98 A Genesis 35:1-15

Auvenshine, Donnie W'97-98 A Old Testament

Cresson, Bruce W'97-98 A Genesis 28:10-22

Lynn Tatum, Stephanie Bierden, Stephanie Cobb, Misty HarrisonW'97-98 A Genesis 27:1 28:9 (27:11-13,21-27a)

Kimball, Charles A. W'97-98 A Luke 2:8-12,16-18,25-32

Dukes, Jimmy W. W'97-98 A Jude 3-4,17-25

Byargeon, Rick W'97-98 A Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 8:3-8

Trammell, Timothy W'97-98 A 1 John 5:1-12

Rowell, Mr. Edmon L. W'97-98 A Acts 13:1-3; 14:26-27; 26:15-19; Galatians 2:7-10

Taylor, Cecil Ray W'97-98 A 1 John; 2 Peter; Jude

McKeever, Joe N. W'97-98 B

Roark, C. Mack W'97-98 A 1 John

Laird, Dorman W'97-98 A 2 Samuel 13:1-2,6-15,19-22

Lyles, Ron W'97-98 A Genesis 41

Terry, J. Mark W'97-98 A Song of Solomon 2:8-10,16a; 4;1-3; 5:10-13; 7:11-13

Mason, John W'97-98 A 1 Corinthians 13:8-10,13

Langston, Scott W'97-98 A Genesis 32

Rathel, Mark W'97-98 A 1 John 5:1-12

Moseley, Allan W'97-98 A Genesis 12:1-3

Street, Robert A. W'97-98 A Genesis 37

Cate, Robert L. W'97-98 A 1 Peter 2:1-10

Carter, James E. W'97-98 A Acts, Book of

O Brien, Randall W'97-98 A Isaiah 42:1-9

E. LeBron Matthews F'97 A Genesis 4:3-12,25-26

Harold Simmons F'97 B

Harry Doyle Champy F'97 A Daniel 5:1-7,25-28

John Laughlin F'97 A

Fred Downing F'97 A Genesis 17:1-5,9-10,15-19,23

Jerry W. Lee F'97 A Nehemiah 4:6-8,15-23

Dan G. Kent F'97 A Genesis 6:5-9,18-19; 8:16-17; 9:11-13

Howard, Fred F'97/Sp'94 A John 16:19-27,30-33

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. F'97/Su'91 A 1 Kings 1:30; 3:13

Wayne VanHorn F'97 A Ezra 6:14-22

Fred Howard F'97 A Psalm 28:6-7; Colossians 4:2-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; 1 Peter 5:6-7

John Duncan F'97 A 2 Corinthians 5:11 6:2

Donald W. Garner F'97 A Genesis 13:5-18

Knight, George W F'97 A Acts 17:16-19,22-28,30-34

Paul L. Redditt F'97 A Genesis 2:7,15-24

Glenn McCoy F'97 A John 14:5-9a; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; 1 John 5:7-12

Hugh Tobias F'97 A Haggai

Joel Drinkard F'97 A Daniel 1:3-5,8-16

Phillip J. Swanson F'97 A Genesis 11:1-9

Stephen R. Miller F'97 A Malachi 3:6-18

Claude Mariottini F'97 A Genesis 12:1-9

David Maltsberger F'97 A Genesis 21:1-7; 22:6-8,15-18

Gritz, Sharon F'97/W'94 A John 1:1-18

Arnold, Stuart Su'97 A 1 Timothy 4:6-16

Jackson, Paul N. Su'97 A Titus 3:1-11

Northcutt, Kent & Cheryl Su'97 B

Chambers, William A. Su'97 A Hebrews 12:1-11

Bean, Albert Su'97 A Psalm 86:1-17; 119; 145; 23; 42

Evans, Bob Su'97 A Hebrews 13:1-16

Center Spread Su'97 A 1 & 2 Corinthians

Stacy, R. Wayne Su'97 A 1 Corinthians 5:1-5,9-13; 6:9-11; 7:1-16

Sullivan, Roger Su'97 A 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; 9:19-23; 10:23-24,31 11:1

Gritz, Sharon Su'97 A 1 Timothy 5:1-10,16; Titus 2:1-5

Johnson, Rick Su'97 A 1 Corinthians

Ray, Charles A., Jr. Su'97 A Hebrews 1; 2; 4; 10

Mosley, Harold Su'97 A Psalm 119; 42; 86; 51

Ireland, William J., Jr. Su'97 A 1 Corinthians 14:12-25

Hardin, Gary Su'97 A 2 Timothy 4:1-8

Ziglar, Toby Su'97 A 1 Corinthians 12:31b 13:13

Earwood, Greg Su'97 A Psalm 91:1-16

Harris, John L. Su'97 A Psalm 50

Morgan, David Su'97 A 1 Corinthians 12:12-15,18-27

Wood, Darryl Su'97 A 1 Timothy 6:6-12,17-19

Robuck, Thomas D. Su'97 A 1 Corinthians 15:58 16:9

Draper, Charlie Su'97 A Hebrews 11

McGraw, Larry Su'97 A Genesis 6:11-13; Psalm 55:9-11; Jonah 3:6-10; 1 Peter 3:9-12

Howard, Fred Su'97 A 1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 3:3-6,16-17,21-23

Shaddix, George Sp'97 A 2 Samuel 7:8-17

Wood, Darryl Sp'97 A Revelation 21:1-7,22-27

Blevins, James L. Sp'97 A Revelation 19:11-16; 20:11-15 (bkg Revelation 19 20)

Littlejohn, Ronnie Sp'97 A Genesis 12:1-3,17:1-9

Duvall, J. Scott Sp'97 A Romans 12:6-10a; 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6,10,31b; Ephesians 4:11-13; 1 Peter 4:8,10,11

Register, Dean Sp'97 A Romans 8:1-17

Dunn, Mark R. Sp'97 A John 7:37-39; 14:15-31;

Elmore, Vernon Sp'97 A Nehemiah 8:9-18

Pigott, Susan M. Sp'97 A Exodus 6:2-9

Weaver, C. Douglas Sp'97 B

Hyatt, Leon, Jr Sp'97 A John 3:1-16

Dehoney, Wayne Sp'97 A Acts 1:8; 2:1-6, 17-21, 36-39

Gray, Elmer Sp'97 A Revelation 1:4-15

Tolar, William B. Sp'97 A Galatians 5:16-26

Dent, John E., Jr. Sp'97 A Revelation 3:7-13

Newell, James Sp'97 A Jeremiah 7:8-15; 9:23-24

Lloyd, R. Raymond Sp'97 A 1 Samuel 10:17-27

Ellis, Terry Sp'97 A Revelation 5:1-10

Dockery, David S. Sp'97 A 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; 5:1-5; Ephesians 1:11-14

Smith, Billy K. Sp'97 A Genesis 1:1-5,31 2:1,15-17

Woodward, C. Alan Sp'97 A Revelation 7:1-3,9-10,13-17

Edwards, David D. W'97 A Matthew 26:1-16

Diehl, Douglas A. W'97 A Matthew 8:29-34; 12:22-29

Quarles, Charles L. W'97 A 1 Thessalonians 3:12 4:12

Cox, Steven L. W'97 A Matthew 8:23-27; 14:22-33

eakins, j. kenneth W'97 A Mark 1:4-11,14-15; Luke 7:18-22

Vinson, Richard B. W'97 A Matthew 28:1-7,16-20

Simmons, Billy E. W'97 A Matthew 28:1-10,16-20

Bailey, John W'97 A Matthew 21:4-14

Cooley, Glen W'97 A Matthew 20:17-28

Wright, G. Al, Jr. W'97 A Matthew 26:20-22,31-35,57-58,69-75

Robertson, Glenn E. W'97 A Matthew 18:1-9,21-22

Davis, Conn W'97 A Mark 1:4-11,14-15; Luke 7:18-22

Reeves, Rodney W'97 A Matthew 9:18-31,36-38

Craver, Bennie D. W'97 A Matthew 25:31-41,46

Polhill, John W'97 A 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Stewart, Mrs. Mona W'97 A Acts 18:1-4,18-19,24-26; Romans 16:3-5

Smith, Marsha Ellis W'97 A Acts 6:8-15; 7:54-60

Robinson, Dale G. W'97 A Matthew 24:3-6,29-31,42-47

O Brien, Randall W'97 A Genesis 1:1,21,27

Goodman, Thomas H. W'97 B

Patterson, Bill W'97 A John 12:1-8

Kimball, Charles A. W'97 A Matthew 27:39-46,50-54

Hankins, Milton L. W'97 A 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Garner, Donald W. F'96 A Exodus 20:15

Swanson, Phillip J. F'96 A Exodus 20:3

Laughlin, John C. H. F'96 A Matthew 16:13-20

Maltsberger, David C. F'96 A Exodus 20:3

Street, Robert A. F'96 A Ezekiel 18:1-5,7-13,19-20

VanHorn, Wayne F'96 A Ezekiel 2:3-7; 3:4-11

Redditt, Paul L. F'96 A Exodus 20:12

Turner, Revelation Randy F'96 A Luke 2:8-20

Weathers, Robert A. F'96 B

Trammell, Timothy F'96 A Matthew, Book of

Bailey, Waylon F'96 A Jeremiah 5:1-6

Young, R. Garland F'96 A Luke 1:5-13,24-25,59-64

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. F'96 A Exodus 20 (CenterSpread)

Langston, Scott F'96 A Exodus 20:8-11

Hunt, Harry F'96 A Ezekiel 4:1-13; 2 Kings 24:20b 25:12

Ward, Revelation Patrick D F'96 A Luke 2:8-20

Knowles, Julie Nall F'96 A Matthew 6:9-15

Boyd, Timothy N. F'96 A Matthew 9:36 10:1,27-39

Knight, George W. F'96 A Matthew 14:22-33

Matheney, M. Pierce F'96 A Exodus 20:4-6

Lee, Jerry W. F'96 A Exodus 20:7

Tench, Revelation Tony F'96 A Matthew 5:3-12

Byargeon, Rick F'96 A Exodus 20:14

Beyer, Bryan E. Su'96 A Jeremiah 7:1-15

Roark, C. Mack Su'96 A Revelation 8:1-3,13 9:4,11,20-21 & Revelation 10:9-10; 11:1-4,7-8,11,15,18

Martin, D. C. Su'96 B

Gabbert, Michael D. Su'96 A Revelation 15:5-7; 16:4-6,10-17 & Revelation 15:5-7; 16:4-6,,10-17

Meier, Janice Su'96 A Proverbs 17:1,6; 22:6; 29:17

Carter, James E. Su'96 A Hebrews 11:1-2,5-6,13-16,39-40

Poulton, Gary M. Su'96 A Hebrews 12:1-3,7a,10-13; 13:14-16

Howard, Fred Su'96 A Psalm 139:1-14,23-24

Tatum, Lynn W. Su'96 A 2 Kings 18:1-8; 20:16-21

Dukes, Jimmy W. Su'96 A Hebrews 1:1-3; 2:1-4,17-18

Chambers, William A. (Andy) Su'96 A Hebrews 3:1-2,12-14; 4:14-16; 5:7-9

Huckabay, Gary Su'96 A Proverbs 20:23; 21:6; 23:10-11; 6:6-8; 11:15; 21:5; 24:27; 22:1; 23:4-5

Browning, Daniel C. Jr Su'96 A Revelation 6:2-5,8-9; 7:2-4,9,14

Wallace, David M. Su'96 A Revelation 1:1,3,9-13,16-20

Brisco, Tommy Su'96 A Revelation 12:1-6,11-12; 13:1-3,18

Tobias, Hugh Su'96 A Psalm 34:2-10,18-22

Lyles, Ron Su'96 A Proverbs 18:21; 21:23; 4:24; 18:6; 20:19; 24:28; 12:25; 16:24; 15:1-2,4,28

Matthews, E. LeBron Su'96 A Psalm 104:24-34

Culpepper, R. Alan Su'96 A Revelation 4:1-3,9; 5:5,9-10; 6:2-5,8-9; 7:2-4,9,14; 12:1-6,11-12; 13:1-3,18; 20:2-7,10-15; 21:1-5a,21-22; 22:1-2,10-12,17

Center spread Su'96 A Revelation, Book of

Bean, Albert Su'96 A Psalm 51:1-13,17

Ellenburg, B. Dale Su'96 A Revelation 15:5-7; 16:4-6,10-17

Mosley, Harold Sp'96 A Obadiah through Malachi (CenterSpread)

Mills, Watson Sp'96 A Matthew 6:19-21,24-34

Taylor, Cecil Ray Sp'96 A Luke 24:13-27

Rowell, Mr. Edmon L. Sp'96 A Romans 15:15-19,23-24,30-32

Gregg, D. Larry, Sr. Sp'96 A 1 Thessalonians 1

Haag, Joe Sp'96 A Romans 12:9-21

Mason, John Sp'96 A James 1:5-8; 3:1-5a,13-18

Gray, Elmer Sp'96 A 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,13-17

Drinkard, Joel Sp'96 A Zechariah 3:1-2,6-8; 4:1-6,8-10a

Gritz, Sharon Sp'96 A Luke 15:1-10

Jackson, Thomas A. Sp'96 A Malachi 3:1-4,7-12a; 4:5-6

O Brien, J. Randall Sp'96 A Joel 1:1-4,14; 2:11-17

Easley, Kendell H. Sp'96 A Matthew 6:5-15

Travis, James Sp'96 A Nahum, Book of

McGraw, Larry Sp'96 A James, Book of

Wood, Fred Sp'96 A Malachi, Book of

Elmore, Vernon Sp'96 A Obadiah, Book of

Sandlin, Bryce Sp'96 A Zechariah, Book of

Ray, Charles A., Sp'96 A 1 Thessalonians 2:4-12; 3:11-13

Paul N. Jackson Sp'96 A 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

Harris, John L. Sp'96 B

McCoy, Glenn Sp'96 A James 2:1-13; 4:11-12

Blevins, James L. Sp'96 A Romans 14:13-18; 15:1-7

Kent, Dan G Sp'96 A Ephesians 1:4-6; 2:1-3; 3:1-4,9-12

Woodward, C. Alan W'96 A Matthew 6:19-24

Smith, Billy K. W'96 A Ruth 1:1-8,16-18

Carter, Terry G. W'96 A Matthew 18:21-35; Matthew 25:14-30

Sullivan, Roger W'96 A Titus 2:1-8,11-14; 3:3-7

Nogalski, James D. W'96 A Jonah 1:1-4,10-15,17; 2;1,10

Wiles, James Wesley W'96 A 1 Timothy 2:1-15

Rowell, Mr. Edmon L., Jr. W'96 A 2 Timothy 1:3-7; 2:14-16,20-26

Pigott, Susan M. W'96 A Ruth 2:1,8-12; 4:13-17

Davis, Conn W'96 A Matthew 7:24-29

McConkey, David D. W'96 B New Testament Books

Cook, William F., III W'96 A Matthew 5:13-20

Turnham, Timothy John W'96 A Matthew 5:21-48

Hankins, L. Milton W'96 A Matthew 7:1-12

Russell, David M. W'96 A Colossians 1:9-23a

Tolar, William B. W'96 A Titus 1:1-15

Duvall, J. Scott W'96 A 1 Timothy 1:3-17

Swanson, Phillip W'96 A Isaiah 42:1-9; 49:1-6

Jones, Timothy Paul W'96 A Matthew 5:21-26�

Dehoney, Wayne W'96 A Matthew 5:1-12

Evans, Bob W'96 A Matthew 5:27-37

Reeves, Rodney W'96 A Matthew 13:1-9,18-23

Foster, Ruth Ann W'96 A 1 Timothy 5:1-12,17-21

Sandlin, Bryce F'95 A Daniel 6:3-5,7,10-11,16,20-23,26-27

Jackson, Thomas A. F'95 A Acts 10:30-39,44-48

Smith, David F 95 A Acts 8:5-6,26-3

Redditt, Paul L. F'95 A John 1:29-34; 10:10-18

Dehoney, Wayne F'95 A Acts 16:9-34

Kent, Dan F'95 A Nehemiah 11:1-2; 12:27,30-31a,43-47

Anderson, William H. U. F'95 A Nehemiah 5:1-14

Meier, Janice F'95 A Genesis 37:2-4,26-28; 50:15-21

Knight, George W. F'95 A Acts 11:19-30; 12:24-25

Lee, Jerry F'95 A Ezra 1:1-3; 3:1-12

Laird, Dorman F'95 A Isaiah 11:1-6

Simmons, D. Glenn F'95 A Isaiah 51:1-6

Littlejohn, Ronnie F'95 A Romans 6:12-13,15-23

Hyatt, Leon F'95 A Nehemiah 1:3-4; 2:4-18

Keown, Gerald F'95 A Isaiah 60:1-4; 61:1-4

Ross, Bob C. F'95 A Acts 9:1-6,10-20

Vardaman, Jerry F'95 A Nehemiah 13:10-26

Mariottini, Claude F'95 A Esther 1; 2

Dean, Bob F'95 A Galatians 6:1-10

Jones, R. Wayne F'95 B

Newell, James F'95 A Isaiah 40:1-11a

Langston, Scott F'95 A Ruth 1:1-5,15-17,22; 2:1,11-12; 4:13-15

Trammell, Timothy F'95 A Ephesians 5:1-18

Garner, Donald W. F'95 A Ezra 4:1-6; 5:2-3; 6:14

Bailey, Waylon Su'95 A Ezekiel 12:22-28; 13:3-6,9-10a

Richards, E. Randy Su'95 A Romans 5:1-11

Collins, A.O. Su'95 A Hosea 1:2-9; 3:1-5

Cate, Robert L. Su'95 A Ezekiel 26:2-3; 28:1-7,24-26

Maltsberger, David C. Su'95 A Daniel 6:3-7,10-11,19-22

Beyer, Bryan E. Su'95 A Ezekiel 20:7-11,36-39; 24:13b-14

Howard, Fred Su'95 A Colossians 1:13-23

Robertson, Glenn E. Su'95 A Romans 1:14-20; 2:17-19,23-24

Duncan, John D. Su'95 A Colossians 2:6-15

Simmons, Billy E. Su'95 A Acts 3:1-8; 4:5-12

Gabbert, Michael Su'95 B

McCoy, Glen Su'95 A Colossians 3:5-16

Culpepper, R. Alan Su'95 A Colossians, Book of

Wright, G. Al Su'95 A Colossians 1:13-23

Bean, Albert Su'95 A Isaiah 6:1-8; 1:14-17

Matthews, E. LeBron Su'95 A Amos 2:4-8; 3:1-2

Byargeon, Rick Su'95 A Daniel 9:24-27; 12:1-4

Huckabay, Gary Su'95 A Isaiah 5:8-12

Hunt, Harry Su'95 A Micah 3:5-12

Yarbrough, Slayden Su'95 A Ezekiel 2:2-6; 3:17-21

Moseley, Allan Su'95 A Daniel 1:8,14-17; 3:17-18,26-28

Lea, Thomas D. Su'95 A Acts, Book of

Robuck, Thomas Su'95 A Colossians 1:24 2:5

Cox, Steven L. Su'95 A Colossians 4:7-18

Culpepper, Alan Sp'95 A Romans 10:4-18

Lain, Gil Sp'95 A Mark 9:33-37; 10:17-22,42-52

Cook, Donald Sp'95 A Acts 13:2-3,46b-48; 14:21-23,26-27

May, David M. Sp'95 A Acts 20:18-21,27-31a,35-37

Davis, Rick Sp'95 B

Drinkard, Joel Sp'95 A 1 Corinthians 8

Swanson, Phillip Sp'95 A Acts 27:20,22-25,30-31,33-36

Tolar, Bill Sp'95 A Acts 21:31; 22:2-3,6-8,21-22; 23:11

Easley, Kendell H. Sp'95 A 1 Corinthians 13

Taylor, Cecil Ray Sp'95 A Acts 28:16-17a,23-26,28,30-31

Ray, Charles A., Jr. Sp'95 A Mark 14:6-8,18-21a,32-36,60-64

Blevins, James L. Sp'95 A Mark 15:12-12.24.29-32,37,39-41a

Langston, Scott Sp'95 A 1 Kings 21:1-4,15-20

Johnson, Rick Sp'95 A 2 Kings 7:1-9

Newman, Carey Sp'95 A 2 Corinthians 9:1-8,10-15

Trammell, Timothy Sp'95 A 1 Corinthians 9:1-7,19-27

Knowles, Julie N. Sp'95 A Luke 24:1-11; 1 Corinthians 15:12-17,56-58

Conyers, A.J. Sp'95 A Mark 2:5-12a,14-17,23-24,27-28

Dunn, Mark R. Sp'95 A Mark 4:35-41; 5:35-42a

Collins, Thomas Sp'95 A Mark 6:1-6a; 7:2-8

Jones Lynn Sp'95 A Mark 13:1-8,24-27,32,35-37

Roark, Mack Sp'95 A Acts 19:8-9,19-20,23-27

Polhill, John Sp'95 A Acts 17:16-19,22-23,31-34a

Fuhrman, Mike Sp'95 A Mark 1:1-5,9-20

Tommy Brisco W'95 A Jeremiah 15:15-19; 18:3-6; 20:7-9,11

James B. Diggs W'95 A Jeremiah 28:5-13,15-16

R. Raymond Lloyd W'95 A Jeremiah 7:1-14

Michael Martin W'95 A Matthew 26:57-68

James Travis W'95 A Jeremiah 38:14-17; 39:6-8; 43:5-7; Jeremiah 46:7-10; 51:1-9

Gary Hardin W'95 A 2 Corinthians 12:19-21; 13:5-13

Elmer Gray W'95 A Matthew 8:28–9:8

Wayne Dehoney W'95 A Mark 1:16-18,21-27,32-34a

Jimmy Dukes W'95 A Mark 7:1-3,5-8,18-23

Sharon Gritz W'95 A Mark 12:13-17,28-31

M. Pierce Matheney, Jr. W'95 A Jeremiah 1:4-10; 4:1-4; 6:16-17

Mona Stewart W'95 B

Linda Oaks W'95 A Matthew 21:1-11,14-16

L. Milton Hankins W'95 A 1 Corinthians 10:1-17

D. Glenn Simmons W'95 A Lamentations 1:1; 2:13-16; 3:22-26; 5:17-22

Richard B. Vinson W'95 A Mark 1:1-11

Daniel C. Browning, Jr. W'95 A Mark 8:34-38; 9:33-37

Fitch, Jim W'95 A Mark 11:8-10,15-17,22-25

Jerry Vardaman W'95 A Mark 13:3-8,26-27,33-37

Darryl Wood W'95 A Matthew 17:1-13

Dale G. Robinson W'95 A Mark 2:14-22

Robert A. Street W'95 A Jeremiah 22:13-17; 23:1,10-15

R. Garland Young F'94 A Ephesians 6:10-24

Foster, Ruth Ann F'94 A Micah 4:1-5; 5:2,4

Jackson, Paul N. F'94 A Ephesians 2:1-10,13-18

Littlejohn, Ronnie F'94 B

Thigpen, Buelah F'94 A Philippians 4:2,4-13,16-19

Russell, David M. F'94 A Ephesians 3:1-10,14-19

Shaddix, George F'94 A Judges 7:2-7,19-21

Terry, J. Mark F'94 A Micah 6:1-8

Fowler, R.D. F'94 A Matthew 1:18-25

Bishop, Ronald F'94 A Judges 2:11-19

Jackson, Thomas A. F'94 A Micah 1:1-5; 3:8-12

Henderson, Gene F'94 A Genesis 6:5-9; 7:1-7

Edwards, David D F'94 A Philippians 3:2-4,7-14,17-19

Grissom, Fred F'94 A Philippians 4:2,4-13,16-19

Weaver, C. Douglas F'94 A Philippians 1:3-6,12-26

Turnham, Timothy J F'94 A 1 Samuel 13:5-14

Kent, Dan F'94 A Hosea 4:1-3; 6:1-6

Pigott, Susan F'94 A Genesis 2:7-9,15-18,21-24

Davis, Conn F'94 A 1 Samuel 8:4-9,19; 12:19-25

Newell, James F'94 A 1 Samuel 9:15-17; 10:1,20-24

Hunt , Harry Su'94 A Job 18:5-8; 19:23-27; 21:7-16,34

Bailey, Waylon Su'94 A Exodus 32:15-19,30-34; 34:4-6

Garland , David Su'94 A 2 Corinthians 5:13 6:2

Mariottini , Claude Su'94 A Numbers 13:25-28,30-31; 14:6-10,28-30

Bailey, John Su'94 B

Lee, Jerry W. Su'94 A Psalm 99:9; Exodus 19:10-12,16,18a; 1 Peter 1:13-16

Tatum, Lynn Su'94 A Exodus 18:13-25

Matthews, LeBron Su'94 A Job 1:8 12,20-30 + Book of Job

Tobias, Hugh Su'94 A Job 1:8-12,20-30 + Book of Job

Richards, Randy Su'94 A 2 Corinthians 4:18–5:10; Romans 2:3-8; 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:3-5

Diehl, Douglas Su'94 A 2 Corinthians 8:1-12

Smith, Billy K. Su'94 A Job, Proverbs, Ecc., Song of Sol.

Mason , John Su'94 A 2 Corinthians 1:1-11

Moseley, Alan Su'94 A Ecclesiastes 1:2-4; 2:24-26; 4:8-11; 5:10-13

Meier , Janice Su'94 A Joshua 2:1,8-14,22-24

Laughlin , John Su'94 A Joshua 24:1-2,11-16

Huckabay , Gary C. Su'94 A Exodus 25:1-8; 29:42-46; 40:33-38

Evans, Bob Su'94 A 2 Corinthians 11:17-18,22-23,30-32; 12:7-10

Redditt , Paul Su'94 A Proverbs 10:14,16-17; 1:2,5,28,30-31; 12:1-3,15; 13:5,20,25; 14:9,12,21; 15:32-33

Tolar, Bill Sp'94 A Galatians 1:6-7; 2:11-21

McKinney, Larry Sp'94 A Galatians 3:1-5,23–4:7

Culpepper, Alan Sp'94 A John 15:1-16

Maltsberger, David Sp'94 A Exodus 3:10b-15a; 4:1-5,10-12

Stacy, R. Wayne Sp'94 A Romans 14:7-19

Drinkard, Joel Sp'94 A John 20:1-2,11-18,30-31

Cooley, Glen Sp'94 A Philippians 3:1-11

Trammell, Timothy Sp'94 A Romans 12:1-18

Anderson, Bill Sp'94 A Philippians 2:5-11

Howard, Fred Sp'94/F'97 A John 16:19-27,30-33

Polhill, John Sp'94 A Philippians 1:12-26

Duncan, John D. Sp'94 A John 12:3,10-13,25-33,42-43

Swanson, Philip Sp'94 A Exodus 1:8-11a; 2:1-25

Yarbrough, Slayden Sp'94 A Philippians 4:10-23

McGraw, Larry Sp'94 A Philippians 4:1-9

Duvall, Sarah Sp'94 A John 16:19-27,30-33

Fuhrman, Mike Sp'94 A John 18:3-5,10-11,17,19-27

Dent, John Sp'94 A Philippians 1:1-11

May, David M. Sp'94 A Galatians 6:1-10,14-18

Byargeon, Rick Sp'94 A Habbakuk 2:18_3:2,16-19

Tench, Tony Sp'94 A John 20:1-8,11-16; 13:33-35; 14:1-6,12-20; 21:3-6,12-19

Dean, Bob Sp'94 A Philippians 2:12-30

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'94 B

Roark, Mack Sp'94 A John 18:3-5,10-11,17,19-27; John 18:33-36-19:5-12,15-16

Smith, Larry Douglas W'94 A Luke 5:17-32

Oaks, Linda W'94 A John 2:3-9,13-22

Sullivan, Roger W'94 A Luke 17:1-10

Martin, Michael W'94 B

Hankins, L. Milton W'94 A Luke 7:36-39,44-50

Blevins, James L. W'94 A Luke 23:33-46

Cook, Donald W'94 A Luke 20:9-19

Vinson, Richard B W'94 A Luke 4:16-28

Duvall, J. Scott W'94 A Romans 5:6-17

Lemke, Steve W'94 A Luke 4:16-28

Wright, G. Al, Jr. W'94 A John 1:1-18

Lain, Gil W'94 A Luke 23; 24

Brisco, Thomas V. W'94 A Luke 22:24-27,31-38

Robinson, Dale G. W'94 A John 1:23-30,40-49

Boyd, Timothy N. W'94 A Luke 18:15-30

Arnold Stuart W'94 A John 4:43-54

Ray, Charles A. W'94 A Luke 23:33-46

Taylor, Cecil Ray W'94 A John 9:4-7,24-41

Ellis, Terry W'94 A Luke 23; 24

Browning, Daniel C., Jr. W'94 A John 6:11-13,32-69

Songer, Harold S. W'94 A John 8:12-16,31-59

Gritz, Sharon W'94/F'97 A John 1:1-18

Martin, D.C. F'93 A Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-18

Ward, Patrick D. F'93 A Deuteronomy 18:21-22

Diggs, James B. F'93 A Deuteronomy 12:2-5

Cate, Bob F'93 A Deuteronomy 1:6,29-32

Craig, Kenneth M. , Jr. F'93 A Deuteronomy 27:2-3,12-16; 28:1-3,47-48

Tatum, Lynn; Julie Burris, Susanna Gooch, C. Brannon Robertson, Liz Stockton F'93 A Genesis 33:1-14

Littlejohn, Ronnie F'93 A Isaiah 6:1-8

McCoy, Glenn F'93 A Luke 2:39-52

Downing, Fred F'93 A Deuteronomy 18:21-22; 25:14-15; 26:5-10a

Johnson, Rick F'93 A Deuteronomy 5:1-9,11-13,16-21

Turnham, Timothy John F'93 A Isaiah 42:1-4; 49:6-7; 50:5-7

VanHorn, Wayne F'93 A Isaiah 7:10-12; 9:2-7

Wood, Fred M. F'93 A Deuteronomy 31:2-3,12-16

O Brien, J. Randall F'93 A Isaiah 7:10-12; 9:2-7

Davis, Conn F'93 A Isaiah 11:1-10

McLaren, Ross F'93 B

Bishop, Ronald F'93 A Genesis 29:15-30

Tatum, Lynn; Karen D. Meyer, Edward R. Perez, Erin E. RedmondF'93 A Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-18

Beyer, Bryan F'93 A Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-18

Weaver, Betty F'93 A Luke 1:5-25,57-80

Jackson, Thomas A. F'93 A Deuteronomy 7:2-4a,6-8a; 8:2-3,18-20

Lloyd, Raymond F'93 A Isaiah 1:2-3,12-20

Simmons, Billy E. Su'93 A Acts 12:12,25; 13:5,13b; 15:37-39; Colossians 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11

Hatfield, Stephen G. Su'93 A Colossians 2:5-19

Moseley, Allan Su'93 A 2 Samuel 19:4,7-8

Weaver, Douglas Su'93 A 2 John 4-9; 3 John 11

Stewart, Mona Su'93 A Ephesians 5:21 6:4

Jones, Lynn Su'93 A Colossians 3:1-17

Aldridge, Marion D. Su'93 A 1 Peter 3:13-16; 4:12-13

Boyd, Timothy N. Su'93 A James, Background to

McWilliams, Warren Su'93 A Psalm 23:4; John 11:24-26; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 21:4; Genesis 50:17

Lassiter, Perry Su'93 B

Diehl, Douglas A. Su'93 a Colossians 1:3-5,11-23

Mason, John Su'93 A Ephesians 2:11-22

Trammell, Timothy Su'93 A 1 Peter 1:13-20; Book of 1 Peter

Ireland, William J. , Jr. Su'93 A Jude 3-4,8-13,20-23

Young, R. Garland Su'93 A 1 Peter 1:1-12

Newman, Carey Su'93 A 1 John

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Su'93 A 1 John 1:3 2:5,9-11

Carter, James Su'93 A James 1:1-15

Haik, Peter Su'93 A Matthew 25:34-41a; Deuteronomy 15:11; Psalm 82:3-4; 1 John 3:17

Easley, Kendell H. Su'93 A Colossians 1:3-5a,11-23

Meier, Janice Sp'93 A John 6:35-51

Borchert, Gerald Sp'93 A Acts 13:1-4,42-43,46-47a,48

Hunt, Harry Sp'93 A Isaiah 44:28 45:2; 45:22-25; 46:8-10; 48:20-22

Vardaman, Jerry Sp'93 A Genesis 49:33 50:1,12-14,22-26

Tolar, Bill Sp'93 A Acts 4:32,34-35; 6:1-5,7

Mills, Watson Sp'93 A Acts 12:1-5,11-16,24

May, David M. Sp'93 A John 7:37-52

Jones, R. Wayne Sp'93 A Acts 10:34-36,39-48

Carter, James Sp'93 A John 1:19-34

Redditt, Paul Sp'93 A Isaiah 40:1-5,25-26; 42:1-4; 43:10-13

Howard, Fred Sp'93 A Luke 24:36-39,45-47; Acts 1:3,6-8

Roark, Mack Sp'93 A Philippians 1:3-14,27-30

Dent, John Sp'93 A Philippians 3:1-16

Lea, Tommy Sp'93 A Acts 4:1-4,7-12,31

Smifth, D. Paul Sp'93 A Acts 9:15-18,20,26-28,31

Larry McGraw Sp'93 A Acts 10:34-36,39-48

Swanson, Phillip Sp'93 A John 4:7-15,20-26

Laughlin, John C.H. Sp'93 A Isaiah 7:1-2,10-17; 9:2,6-7

McGraw, Larry Sp'93 A Acts 10:34-36,39-48

Bailey, Waylon Sp'93 A Isaiah 1:16-20; 6:1-9,11

Bean, Albert Sp'93 A Isaiah 25:1-9; 26:1-4

Matthews, LeBron Sp'93 A Isaiah 55:1-12

Kathleen Kenyon W'93 B

Vinson, Richard B. W'93 A Psalm 2:7

Terry, J. Mark W'93 A Genesis 15:2

Huckabay, Gary C. W'93 A Genesis 32:11; 35:1

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. W'93 A Psalm 35:3

Shaddix, George H. W'93 A Psalm 18:46-50; 66:13-19; 12:1-8

Ellis, Terrence B. W'93 A 1 Corinthians 1:22; Romans 10:12

Bishop, Ronald E. W'93 A Genesis 17:19; 22:2; 24:4,67; 25:11

Travis, James L. W'93 A Genesis 37:28

Tench, Tony W'93 A Genesis 22:14

Lain, Gil W'93 A Ephesians 4:9; Romans10:6-7

Mariottini, Claude F. W'93 A Genesis 39:7; 45:8

Edwards, W.T., Jr. W'93 A Acts 2:14; 1 Peter 1:25; 1 Corinthians 1:18; Luke 24:47; Romans 10:8

Sullivan, Roger W'93 A John 3:3-5

Browning, Daniel C., Jr. W'93 A Genesis 45:10

Smith, D. Paul W'93 A John 11:1

Craig, Kenneth M., Jr. W'93 A Psalm 58:6

Berry, Donald K. W'93 A Genesis 12:4; 13:12; 19:29

Smith, Billy K. W'93 A Psalm 67:1-7; 75:1-3,7-9; 107:1-7

Pigott, Susan M. W'93 A Genesis 12:5; 16:1; 24:67

Brisco, Thomas V. W'93 A Psalm 68:8

Ray, Charles A. F'92 A Romans 8:15

Severance, Murray W. F'92 A 2 Samuel 5:5

Knowles, Julie Nall F'92 A Luke 1:7

Wright, G. Al, Jr. F'92 A 1 Timothy 3:1

Boyd, Timothy N. F'92 A 1 Timothy 3:8

Lemke, Steve F'92 A 1 Timothy 5:1; Titus 1:5

Halbrook, Gary K. F'92 A Luke 2:7

McCoy, Glenn F'92 A Romans, Background

Ozment, Wayne F'92 a Books of 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy

Register, M. Dean F'92 A Matthew 3:17; 4:3

O Brien, J. Randall F'92 A 1 Samuel 8:5

Blevins, James L. F'92 A Revelation 5:6-14

Cartledge, Tony W. F'92 A Amos 2:1-12; Luke 1:15

Turner, Randy F'92 A Romans 6:4

Dean, Bob F'92 A Romans, Book of

Taulman, James E. F'92 A Romans 16:1

Armes, Paul W. F'92 A 1 Kings 18:38; Hosea 6:6; Micah 6:6

Young, R. Garland F'92 A 2 Timothy 4:8

Swanson, Phillip F'92 A Luke 1:6; Romans 3:2; 1 Kings 2:3; Hosea 6:5; 2 Chronicles 34:31

Turnham, Timothy John Su'92 A Genesis 12:1

Garland, David E. Su'92 A 1 Peter 3:8

Wyrick, Stephen Von Su'92 A 2 Samuel 7:27

Wood, Fred M. Su'92 A 2 Kings 2:9

Mason, John Su'92 A 1 Timothy 1:4

Meier, Janice Su'92 A 1 Samuel 17:4,10

Lloyd, R. Raymond Su'92 A Habbakuk 1:1

Kelm, George L. Su'92 A 2 Samuel 5:1

Downing, Fred L. Su'92 A 2 Kings 18:4

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. Su'92 A 2 Kings 11:2; 12:2

Davis, Conn Su'92 A 2 Kings 17:18

Cate, Robert L. Su'92 A 2 Kings 13:3

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. Su'92 A 2 Kings 11:2; 12:2

Tobias, Hugh Su'92 A 2 Samuel 12:1

Elmore, Vernon Su'92 A 2 Kings 24:11

Ireland, William J., Jr. Su'92 A 2 Timothy 3:10-11

Martin, George H. Su'92 A 1 Samuel 16:13

Carter, James E. Sp'92 A Revelation 1:8; 22:13

Stacy, R. Wayne Sp'92 A Philemon 1-2,4-20

Jones, Lynn Sp'92 A 1 Peter 4:7; 2 Peter 3:3

Poulton, Gary M. Sp'92 A Mark 15:22-39

Fuhrman, Mike Sp'92 A 2 Corinthians 9:3-15

Simmons, Billy E. Sp'92 A 1 Peter 5:4

Bellinger, William H., Jr. Sp'92 A Mark 12:35

Horton, Dennis J. Sp'92 A 2 Corinthians 1:1

May, David M. Sp'92 A Revelation 3:14

Stephens, Shirley Sp'92 A Matthew 28:1; Mark 15:47;

Donhardt, Gary L Sp'92 A Revelation 2:12

Walker, J. Ward Sp'92 A 2 Corinthians 5:18

Noel, Timothy L. Sp'92 A Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39,44

Aldridge, Marion D. Sp'92 A Revelation 3:1

Dent, John E., Jr. Sp'92 A Jonah 1:5; 2 Corinthians 11:25

Trammell, Timothy Sp'92 A Revelation 2:8

McKinney, Larry E. Sp'92 A Revelation 2:18

Hardin, Gary L. Sp'92 A 2 Corinthians 8:6

Moseley, Allan Sp'92 A Jonah 3:10; 4:2

Bishop, Ronald E. W'92 A Amos 1:1-3

Laughlin, John C. H. W'92 A Matthew 8:5

Lain, Gil W'92 A Matthew 6:26

Ellis, Terence B. W'92 A Revelation 15:2-4; 19:4-8

Beck, Rosalie W'92 A Matthew 5:2-11

McGraw, Larry W'92 A Matthew 3:4; Mark 1:6

Laughlin, John C. H. W'92 A Matthew 8:5

Armes, Paul W. W'92 A Amos 5:18-24; Matthew 7:22

Huckabay, Gary C. W'92 A Jonah 1:3

Berry, Don W'92 A Psalm 103:1-17

Lee, Jerry W. W'92 A Hosea 4:1-2,6-10; 5:15--6:7

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. W'92 A Matthew 25:27

Vinson, Richard B. W'92 A Matthew 20:8

Brisco, Thomas V. W'92 A Hosea 11:2; 14:8

Haik, Peter R. W'92 A Hosea 1:1-3

Haik, Peter R. W'92 A Hosea 1:1-3

Beck, Rosalie W'92 A Matthew 5:2-11

Shaddix, George H. W'92 A Hosea 6:3

Cooper, C. Kenny W'92 A Isaiah 5:1-7

Cook, Donald E. W'92 A Matthew 7:24; 18:23; 20:1; 25:19

Lee, Jerry W. W'92 A Hosea 4:1-2,6-10; 5:15--6:7

Vinson, Richard B. W'92 A Matthew 20:8

Lain, Gil W'92 A Matthew 6:26

Davis, M. Stephen W'92 A Mark 7:24-37

Wood, Darryl W'92 A Philippians 2:3; Mark 8:27--9:1

Andrew, Scott A. F'91 A 1 Corinthians 9:1

Polhill, John B. F'91 A Matthew 2:22

Lea, Thomas D. F'91 A 1 Peter 1:25

Stripling, Paul F'91 A Acts 18:26

Stephens, Gerald F'91 A 1 Corinthians 7:11

Music, David W. F'91 A Acts 16:25

Easley, Kendell H. F'91 A 1 Corinthians 12:4; 14:1

Mitchell, Mike F'91 A Deuteronomy 26:1; 30:1b

Hankins, L. Milton F'91 A 2 Timothy 3:16

O'Brien, J. Randall F'91 A Matthew 1:22

Wright, G. Al, Jr. F'91 A Acts 20:17

McCoy, Glenn F'91 A 1 Corinthians 6:15

Halbrook, Gary K. F'91 A Acts 16:11

Cranford, Jeff F'91 A Exodus 15:1; Judges 5:1; 1 Samuel 2:1

Sawyer, W. Thomas F'91 A 1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Young, R. Garland F'91 A Acts 21:39

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. F'91 A 1 Corinthians 2:4-5

Register, M. Dean Su'91 A Nehemiah 4:7

Bridges, Linda M. Su'91 A Acts 14:12; 15:2

Ward, Patrick D. Su'91 A 1 Kings 19:3

Gloer, W. Hulitt Su'91 A Luke 23:33

Terry, J. Mark Su'91 A 1 Kings 19:16; 2 Kings 2:2

Bryan, Sigurd F. Su'91 A 1 Kings 5:2

Redditt, Paul L. Su'91 A Nehemiah 5:8

Collins, A. O. Su'91 A Luke 11:6

Street, Robert A., Jr. Su'91 A 1 Kings 11:29; 12:3; 14:1

Cartledge, Tony Su'91 A Nehemiah 9:2; 10:28; 13:1

Smith, Ralph L. Su'91 A 1 Kings 16:28; 17:1; 18:1

Dockery, David Su'91 A 1 Kings 18:21

Lemke, Steve Su'91 A 1 Kings 18:19-20; 2 Kings 5:15

Tatum, Lynn W. Su'91 A Nehemiah 2:17; 4:6

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. Su'91/F'97 A 1 Kings 1:30; 3:13

McWilliams, Warren Su'91 A Matthew 6:8

Albright, Jimmy Su'91 A 1 Kings 9:3

Boyd, Timothy N. Su'91 A Acts 11:19

Browning, Daniel C., Jr. Su'91 A 1 Kings 14:17; 15:33

Gloer, W. Hulitt Su'91 A Luke 23:33

Jones, R. Wayne Sp'91 A Ezra 1:1

Lea, Thomas D. Sp'91 A Ephesians 4:5

Ireland, William J., Jr. Sp'91 A 2 Corinthians 1:1

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'91 A 2 Corinthians 8:1

Grissom, Fred A. Sp'91 A 1 Corinthians 11:19

Blevins, James L. Sp'91 A Ephesians 1:1

Box, Bobby D. Sp'91 A Ezra 7:11; 10:10

Rathel, Mark Sp'91 A Ephesians 5:21; 2 Corinthians 5:11

Jackson, Thomas A. Sp'91 A 2 Samuel 6:4

Cate, Robert L. Sp'91 A 2 Samuel 21:1

Mason, John Sp'91 A Ephesians 1:3,20; 2:6

Grissom, Fred A. Sp'91 A 1 Corinthians 11:19

Gladson, Jerry A. Sp'91 A 2 Samuel 5:10; 24:16

Wood, Fred M. Sp'91 A 2 Samuel 3:27; 11:1; 14:23; 18:5

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'91 A 2 Corinthians 8:1

Turner, Randy Sp'91 A 2 Corinthians 4:1

Davis, Conn Sp'91 A 2 Samuel 12:10; 15:14; 21:16

Kelm, George L. Sp'91 A Ezra 3:7; 2 Samuel 5:11

Wyrick, Stephen Von Sp'91 A 2 Samuel 15:27; 17:15; 19:11

Lain, Gil W'91 A Matthew 13:3; Luke 17:7

Cook, Donald E. W'91 A John 18:24

McManus, Harold L. W'91 A 1 Corinthians 1:12

Yarbrough, Slayden A. W'91 A Luke 23:18

Poulton, Gary M. W'91 A Luke 20:22; John 19:15

Culpepper, R. Alan W'91 A Luke 20:19;22:66;23:13; John 19:6

Vardaman, Jerry W'91 A 1 Corinthians, Background to

Trammell, Timothy W'91 A Luke 21:20-21

Lain, Gil W'91 A Matthew 13:3; Luke 17:7

McKinney, Larry E. W'91 A 1 Corinthians 8:10

Hearne, Stephen Z. W'91 A Matthew 18:21

Severance, W. Murray W'91 A John 13:1; 19:14

Crutchfield, Larry V. W'91 A John 10:9,14

Carter, James E. W'91 A Luke 10:25

Stacy, R. Wayne W'91 A John 20:30

Aldridge, Marion D. W'91 A John 11:21

Compton, Kevin W'91 A Matthew 13:19; 25:1

Severance, W. Murray W'91 A John 13:1; 19:14

Horton, Dennis J. W'91 A Luke 16:14; 18:10; John. 9:40

Fuhrman, Mike W'91 A Luke 19:35

McKinney, Larry E. W'91 A 1 Corinthians 8:10

Elmore, Vernon O. W'91 A Luke 20:9; John 15:1

Stephens, Shirley W'91 A Luke 18:3

Brisco, Thomas V. F'90 A Luke 10:30

Bishop, Ronald E. F'90 A Isaiah 7:2

Lain, Gil F'90 A Luke 2:1

Jones, Lynn F'90 A Luke 2:25; 6:24

Haik, Peter R. F'90 A Exodus 3:10

Dent, John E., Jr. F'90 A Luke 8:26

Davis, M. Stephen F'90 A 2 Kings 19:14

Martin, George H. F'90 A 2 Kings 9:2

Brisco, Thomas V. F'90 A Luke 10:30

Berry, Don F'90 A Amos 7:9

Hockenhull, Brenda R. F'90 A Luke 6:7; John 5:9

Robertson, Paul E. F'90 A Luke 3:7; John 1:29; 3:36

Conyers, A. J. F'90 A Luke 14:15

Beck, Rosalie F'90 A Matthew 2:1

McClanahan, John H. F'90 B

Tobias, Hugh F'90 A Ezekiel 34:2

Meier, Janice F'90 A Exodus 1:8

Mitchell, Mike F'90 A John 1:45

Edwards, W. T., Jr. F'90 A Luke 12:15

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. F'90 A Luke 3:7; 10:19; Exodus 4:3

McGraw, Larry F'90 A John 4:28

Travis, James L. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 8:20

Huckabay, Gary C. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 14:7

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 18:10

Turnham, Timothy John Su'90 A Ecclesiastes 3

O'Brien, J. Randall Su'90 A 1 Samuel 10:20-21

Richards, E. Randy Su'90 A 1 Peter 2:7

Sandlin, Bryce N. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 3:20

Kent, Dan Gentry Su'90 A 2 Samuel 7:5

Cranford, Jeff Su'90 A Ecclesiastes

Poplin, Wayne W. Su'90 A 1 Kings 21:17

Craver, Bennie D. Su'90 A Deuteronomy 6:13

Andrew, Scott A. Su'90 A James 2:14; 2 Peter 1:5; James 1:

O'Brien, J. Randall Su'90 A 1 Samuel 10:20-21

Cranford, Jeff Su'90 A Ecclesiastes, Book of

Shaddix, George H. Su'90 A Ruth 3:3

Davis, Earl C. Su'90 B

Davis, Rick Su'90 A John 3:16

Smith,T. C. Su'90 A Proverbs 8:25

Ellis, Terence B. Su'90 A 2 Peter 3:13

Reid, Alvin L. Su'90 A John 15:26-27

Lewis, Joe O. Su'90 A 1 Kings 22:15

Smith, Billy K. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 1:20; 8:19; 12:1; 15:22

Armes, Paul W. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 11:5

Hollaway, Wayne, Jr. Su'90 A James 1:1

Turnham, Timothy John Su'90 A Ecclesiastes 3

Cresson, Bruce C. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 31:7

Mariottini, Claude F. Su'90 A 1 Samuel 27:6

Lemke, Steve Sp'90 A Matthew 28:2; Hebrews 1:4; 2:2

McWilliams, Warren Sp'90 A 1 John 2:18

Harbour, Brian L. Sp'90 A John 19:40; Matthew 27:59

McCoy, Glenn Sp'90 A Hebrews 9:28; Jas. 5:7

Glaze, R. E., Jr. Sp'90 A 1 John 1:9

Browning, Daniel C., Jr. Sp'90 A Jeremiah 32:14

Wright, G. Al, Jr. Sp'90 A Matthew 28:2

Register, M. Dean Sp'90 A 3 John 1

Cresson, Bruce C. Sp'90 A Matthew 28:16

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'90 A John 18:29; 19:38

McWilliams, Warren Sp'90 A 1 John 2:18

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'90 A Psalm 1

Sawyer, W. Thomas Sp'90 A James 1:1

Martin, D. C. Sp'90 A Jeremiah 36:28

Bailey, D. Waylon Sp'90 A Jeremiah 1:5

Redditt, Paul L. Sp'90 A Jeremiah 29:4

Bryan, Sigurd F. Sp'90 A Jeremiah 2:8; 3:15

Robinson, Dale G. Sp'90 A James 2:24

Cresson, Bruce C. Sp'90 A Matthew 28:16

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'90 A John 18:29; 19:38

Henderson, Melvin Eugene Sp'90 A Genesis 14:18

Harbour, Brian L. Sp'90 A John 19:40; Matthew 27:59

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'90 A Psalm 1

Mills, Watson E. Sp'90 A Hebrews 11:29

Bridges, Linda M. Sp'90 A John 19:38; 20:19

McGee, Daniel B. W'90 A Joshua 10:10

McKinney, Larry E. W'90 A John 12:20-36a

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. W'90 A John 18:1-4

Martin, George H. W'90 A Joshua 7:11

Jones, R. Wayne W'90 A Mark 8:29-38

Young, J. Terry W'90 A John 16:12-24

Turner, Randy W'90 A Mark 9:29

May, David M. W'90 A Mark 6:38

DeVries, LaMoine W'90 A Joshua 24:14-15

Cooper, C. Kenny W'90 A Joshua 1:1

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. W'90 A Judges 2:18-22

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. W'90 A John 18:1-4

Lee, Jerry W. W'90 A Joshua 8:33

Gloer, W. Hulitt W'90 A Mark, Background of

Boyd, Timothy N. W'90 A John 8:44; 13:2; Mark 1:32,34

Ireland, William J., Jr. W'90 A John 9:1-11

Young, R. Garland W'90 A John 15:1-17

Halbrook, Gary K. W'90 A Mark 15:25

Gray, Elmer L. W'90 A Mark 10:42

Garland, David E. W'90 A Mark 10:24

Savage, Paula A. F'89 A Mark 1:7

Easley, Kendell H. F'89 A Revelation 19:15

Morris, Wilda W. (Wendy) F'89 A Luke 2:36

Donhardt, Gary L. F'89 A John 5:2

Tobias, Hugh F'89 A Genesis 3:24

Robertson, Paul E. F'89 A Galatians, Background to

O'Brien, J. Randall F'89 A Daniel, Background to

Coleman, Robert O. F'89 A Acts 8:26

Albright, Jimmy F'89 A Genesis 12:1

Dockery, David F'89 A 1 Thessalonians 1:4

Davis, M. Stephen F'89 A Jonah 4:1

Vinson, Richard B. F'89 A Galatians 6:8

Bishop, Ronald E. F'89 A 2 Kings 5:1

Conyers, A. J. F'89 A John 3:1,4

Donhardt, Gary L. F'89 A John 5:2

Wood, Darryl F'89 A 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 2 Thessalonians 1:11

Berry, Don F'89 A Daniel 12:1

Vardaman, Jerry F'89 A Luke 2:1

Hardin, Gary F'89 A John 4:26,29

Dockery, David F'89 A 2 Thessalonians 2:13

Jones, Lynn F'89 A 2 Thessalonians 1:1

Mariottini, Claude F. Su'89 A Numbers 13:28

Sandlin, Bryce N. Su'89 A Judges 2:13

Huckabay, Gary C. Su'89 A Ruth 2:5-12,19-20

Elmore, Vernon O. Su'89 A Ezekiel 34:17

Mattingly, Gerald L. Su'89 A Numbers 35:11

Cate, Robert L. Su'89 A Psalm 113:5

Kent, Dan Gentry Su'89 A Ezekiel 1:4-6,15-20,26-28

Crockett, Bennie R., Jr. Su'89 A Psalm 103:15

Poplin, Wayne W. Su'89 A Judges 6:11

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'89 A Judges 4:2

Gladson, Jerry A. Su'89 A Leviticus 11:2-3

Armes, Paul W. Su'89 A Leviticus 1:3

Turnham, Timothy John Su'89 A Numbers 3:6

Cate, Robert L. Su'89 A Genesis—Malachi

Smith, Billy K. Su'89 A Psalm 33:6-9

Hollaway, Wayne, Jr. Su'89 A Proverbs 10:12; 17:9

Armes, Paul W. Su'89 A Leviticus 1:3

Music, David W. Su'89 A Psalms, Background to

Shaddix, George H. Su'89 A Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26

Travis, James L. Su'89 A Psalm 1:3

Smith, T. C. Su'89 A Proverbs 15:17

Cranford, Jeff Su'89 A Proverbs 3:15

Parsons, Mikeal C. Sp'89 A Acts 18:24

Lain, Gil Sp'89 A Acts 17:22

Severance, W. Murray Sp'89 A Joshua 13:6

Wood, Fred M. Sp'89 A Judges 4:4,6

Trammell, Timothy Sp'89 A Acts 21:8

Haik, Peter R. Sp'89 A Joshua 14:6

Lea, Thomas D. Sp'89 A Ephesians 4:11

Culpepper, R. Alan Sp'89 A Acts 27:13

Wood, Fred M. Sp'89 A Judges 4:4,6

Crutchfield, Larry V. Sp'89 A Acts 21:37; 23:10

Laughlin,John C. H. Sp'89 A Joshua 5:9; 4:19

Collins, A. O. Sp'89 A Acts 26:2

Stacy, R. Wayne Sp'89 A Philippians 4:18; Ephesians 5:2

Dent, John E., Jr. Sp'89 A Joshua 1:2; 4:1

Yarbrough, Slayden A. Sp'89 A Acts 13:45; 14:2; 20:19

Boyd, Timothy N. Sp'89 A Acts 13:3; 19:6; 28:8

Martin, Michael Sp'89 A Ephesians 2:8

Hockenhull, Brenda R. Sp'89 A Joshua 22:1

Wyrick, Stephen Von Sp'89 A Judges 16:20

Meier, Janice Sp'89 A Joshua 6:19

Cooper, C. Kenny W'89 A Luke 7:37-38

Edwards, W. T., Jr. W'89 A Luke 12:13-15

Jones, R. Wayne W'89 A Acts 8:29

Carter, James E. W'89 A Acts 6:5

Simmons, Billy E. W'89 A Acts 3:14

Simmons, Billy E. W'89 A Acts 3:14

Simmons, Billy E. W'89 A Acts 3:15

Andrew, Scott A. W'89 A Acts 11:28

Brooks, James A. W'89 A 1 Corinthians, Background to

Wright, G. Al, Jr. W'89 A 1 Corinthians 5:1

Taylor, Cecil W'89 A Luke 18:29

Lee, Jerry W. W'89 A Luke 8:44

Grissom, Fred A. W'89 A Acts 5:34

Taulman, James E. W'89 A 1 Corinthians 8:1

Young, R. Garland W'89 A 1 Corinthians 1:22

Gray, Elmer L. W'89 A Luke 4:16

Ireland, William J., Jr. W'89 A 1 Corinthians 7:1

Lockyer, Herbert, Sr. W'89 B

Lewis, Joe O. W'89 A 1 Corinthians 11:20

Boyd, Timothy N. W'89 A 1 Corinthians 9:24,26; 12:14; 15:20

Sawyer, W. Thomas W'89 A Philemon 4

DeVries, LaMoine W'89 A Acts 1:8

Dehoney, Wayne W'89 A Luke 5:1-2

Gray, Elmer L. W'89 A Luke 4:16

Gloer, W. Hulitt F'88 A 2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:20

Glaze, Joseph E. F'88 A Exodus 12:35

Davis, M. Stephen F'88 A Exodus 25:21

McKinney, Larry E. F'88 A Isaiah 40:9

Delaughter, Thomas J. F'88 A Exodus 19:4-6

Albright, Jimmy F'88 A Acts 14:20

Turnham, Timothy John F'88 A Exodus 14:10

Bruce, Larry D. F'88 A Isaiah 65:21

Young, J. Terry F'88 A 1 Corinthians 15:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Halbrook, Gary K. F'88 A Luke 1:28

Miller, J. Maxwell and Hayes, JohnF'88 B

Redditt, Paul L. F'88 A Exodus 23:28

Jones, Lynn F'88 A Romans 15:19

Conyers, A. J. F'88 A Galatians 2:9

Wood, Darryl F'88 A John 1:1

May, David M. F'88 A Matthew 1:18

Davis, M. Stephen F'88 A Exodus 25:21

Joines, Karen R. F'88 A Isaiah 6:2

McGee, Daniel B. F'88 A Isaiah 53:4-11

Bishop, Ronald E. F'88 A Jeremiah 7:12

O'Brien, J. Randall F'88 A Exodus 6:3

McWilliams, Warren F'88 A Luke 1:5

Poplin, Wayne W. Su'88 A Exodus 32:5

Cate, Robert L. Su'88 A Ezra 7:9

Street, Robert A., Jr. Su'88 A Hosea 4:4

Easley, Kendell H. Su'88 A Matthew 21:1

Huckabay, Gary C. Su'88 A Matthew 16:13

Poulton, Gary M. Su'88 A Exodus 14:11

Hockenhull, Brenda R. Su'88 A Nehemiah 8:14

Smith, T. C. Su'88 A Exodus 12:14

Travis, James L. Su'88 A Hosea 3:1; Judges 2:19

Downing, Fred L. Su'88 A Genesis 28:16

Balentine, Samuel Su'88 A Exodus 18:14

Smith, Ralph L. Su'88 A Job 1:1

Shaddix, George H. Su'88 A Job 4:1; 8:1; 11:1

Bryan, Sigurd F. Su'88 A Hosea 1:1

Elmore, Vernon O. Su'88 B

Laughlin, John C. H. Su'88 A Nehemiah 2:17

Polhill, John B. Su'88 A Matthew 27:40

McCoy, Glenn Su'88 A Matthew 25:41,46

Fuhrman, Mike Su'88 A Matthew 15:2

Music, David W. Su'88 A Exodus 19:16; Hosea 8:1; Nehemiah 2:18

Robertson, Paul E. Su'88 A Matthew 21:32

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'88 A Exodus 35:21

Cranford, Jeff Sp'88 A Hebrews 1:2; 11:3

Rayborn, Tim Sp'88 A Romans 8:16

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'88 A Hebrews 13:12

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'88 A Exodus 11:5

Lain, Gil Sp'88 A Matthew 14:29

Hollaway, Wayne, Jr. Sp'88 A Romans 12:11

Collins, A. O. Sp'88 A Romans 1:1; 6:16; Matthew 8:9

Ratliff, F. William Sp'88 A Romans 14:2

Flamming, Peter James Sp'88 B

Parsons, Mikeal C. Sp'88 A Romans 5:5

Yarbrough, Slayden A. Sp'88 A Matthew 2:1

Lemke, Steve Sp'88 A Romans 3:21

Baly, Denis Sp'88 A Exodus 2:3

McEachern, Alton H. Sp'88 A Romans 1:1

Smith, Billy K. Sp'88 A Matthew 27:62; Hebrews 4:14

Boyd, Timothy N. Sp'88 A Matthew 9:10

Armes,Paul W. Sp'88 A Hebrews 12:2

Roark, C. Mack Sp'88 A Romans 7:17,21; 8:10; 13:13

Trammell, Timothy Sp'88 A Romans 15:24

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'88 A Luke 24:1; Matthew 27:66

Knowles, Julie Nall Sp'88 A Matthew 4:8

Wyrick, Stephen Von W'88 A Genesis 37:25

Wood, Fred M. W'88 A Background

Gray, Elmer L. W'88 A Matthew 5:22

Mariottini, Claude F. W'88 A Genesis 28:19

Youngblood, Clark R. W'88 A Genesis 50:26

McCoy, Glenn W'88 A Matthew 5:45; 5:48

Ireland, William J., Jr. W'88 A Matthew 26:42

Watson E. Mills W'88 A New Testament

Strange, James F. W'88 A Exodus 20:8-11

DeVries, LaMoine W'88 A Genesis 41:37-40

Lea, Thomas D. W'88 A Matthew 16:21

Harbour, Brian L. W'88 A John 15:9-14

Cook, Donald E. W'88 A Luke 12:16; Matthew 13:24

Mills, Watson E. W'88 A Matthew 7:21

Jackson, Thomas A. W'88 A Genesis 42:7

Martin, D. C. W'88 A Genesis 47:11

McCoy, Glenn W'88 A Matthew 8:3

Tobias, Hugh W'88 A Deuteronomy 5:1

Humphreys, Fisher W'88 B

Cook, Donald E. W'88 A Luke 12:16; Matthew 13:24

Jones, R. Wayne W'88 A Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-4

Sandlin, Bryce N. W'88 A Genesis 26:1

Blevins, James L. W'88 A Matthew 25:39

Strange, James F. W'88 A Exodus 20:8-11

Severance, W. Murray W'88 A Matthew 10:5

Peterson, Henry L. W'88 A Genesis 33:18

Lee, Jerry W. W'88 A Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Joines, Karen R. F'87 A Genesis 37:25

Cooper, C. Kenny F'87 A Galatians 4:1; Genesis 25:5

Vardaman, Jerry F'87 A Galatians 2:11

Henderson, Melvin Eugene F'87 A Genesis 33:11

Bunn, John T. F'87 A Genesis 12:1-3

Morris, Wilda W. (Wendy) F'87 A Genesis 9:11

Bruce, Larry D. F'87 A Matthew 4:25

Martin, Michael F'87 A Galatians 5:4

Gist, Richard F'87 A Galatians 4:4

O'Brien, J. Randall F'87 A Galatians 1:5

Zodhiates, Spiros F'87 B

Turnham, Timothy John F'87 A Genesis 21:13; 16:3-4

O'Brien, J. Randall F'87 A Philippians 2:2

Redditt, Paul L. F'87 A Genesis 37:28

Stagg, Frank F'87 A Philippians 2:10-11; Matthew 1:21

Finegan, Jack F'87 A Philippians, Background to

Davis, M. Stephen F'87 A Genesis 30:26

Bishop, Ronald E. F'87 A Genesis 3:15

Young, J. Terry F'87 A Philippians 3:11

Albright, Jimmy F'87 A Genesis 18:20

Hardin, Gary F'87 A Philippians 3:20; Genesis 1:8

Borchert, Gerald L. F'87 A Philippians 4:16

Laughlin, John C. H. Su'87 A Genesis 6:6

McWilliams, Warren Su'87 A Romans 12:19-20

Box, Bobby D. Su'87 A Acts 26:12

Taulman, James E. Su'87 A Background

Culpepper, Hugo H. Su'87 A Romans 6:1-2

Coleman, Lucien, Jr. Su'87 A 2 Timothy 2:15

Glaze, Joseph E. Su'87 A Romans 11:11

Young, R. Garland Su'87 A Revelation 6:2

Easley, Kendell H. Su'87 A Romans 14:15

Bailey, D. Waylon Su'87 A Genesis 11:6-7

Robertson, Paul E. Su'87 A 1 Timothy 6:10

Street, Robert A., Jr. Su'87 A Revelation 1:12,20

Poulton, Gary M. Su'87 A Acts 17:28

Wright, G. Al, Jr. Su'87 A Revelation 4:3

Jones, Lynn Su'87 A 1 Timothy 4:6; 2 Timothy 1:6

Garland, David E. Su'87 A Acts 28:30-31

Brooks, James A. Su'87 A Revelation 1:11

Laughlin, John C. H. Su'87 A Revelation 5:1

Culpepper, R. Alan Su'87 A 1 and 2 Timothy

Bridges, Linda M. Su'87 A Revelation 2:6

Jones, Lynn Su'87 A 1 Timothy 1:18; 2 Timothy 2:3f

Cresson, Bruce C. Sp'87 A Job 14:13-14; 19:25-27; 29:18

Hockenhull, Brenda R. Sp'87 A Hosea 14:3

Cate, Robert L. Sp'87 A Psalm 103:4

Grissom, Fred A. Sp'87 A Acts 8:4; 11:19

Smith, T. C. Sp'87 A Job 8:6; Psalm 145:15-20

Dehoney, Wayne Sp'87 A Acts 11:19-20

Huckabay, Gary C. Sp'87 A Job 2:10; 42:2,11

Downing, Fred L. Sp'87 A Hosea 6:8

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'87 A Job 18:5-6

McGee, Daniel B. Sp'87 A Hosea, Background to

Halbrook, Gary K. Sp'87 A Luke 23:5

Shurden, Robert M. Sp'87 A Luke 23:50-51

Harrison, George W. Sp'87 A Job 9:3; 23:3-7

Conyers, A. J. Sp'87 A Acts 16:14

Harrison, R. K. Sp'87 B

Fuhrman, Mike Sp'87 A Acts 8:27

Hendricks, William L. Sp'87 A Luke 24:6-7; John 20:5

Gloer, W. Hulitt Sp'87 A Luke 23:1-5,13-25,41

Jones, Lynn Sp'87 A Romans 1:4

Cranford, Jeff Sp'87 A Acts 6:9

Travis, James L. Sp'87 A Acts 4:30

Carter, James E. Sp'87 A Acts 2:1-8

Brisco, Thomas V. Sp'87 A Psalm 126:1; 137:1

Lain, Gil W'87 A John 12:24; Luke 8:5; Matthew 9:

Blevins, William L. W'87 A John 11:18; Luke 19:29

Boyd, Timothy N. W'87 A Luke 8:5; 12:24

Yarbrough, Slayden A. W'87 A John 14:6

Haag, H. Joseph W'87 A John 12:5; Jas. 2:15-16

Sawyer, W. Thomas W'87 A John 12:2; Luke 7:37; 15:23

Perkins, David W. W'87 A Luke 5:31; 10:34

Savage, Paula A. W'87 A Luke 14:28-30; 22:1-2

Robbins, Ray Frank W'87 A Revelation 1:9

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. W'87 A John 21:14

Parsons, Mikeal C. W'87 A John 12:13-15; Luke 19:35-37

Trammell, Timothy W'87 A Acts 11:5

Elmore, Vernon O. W'87 A Luke 22:3; John 12:4

Polhill, John B. W'87 A Luke 9:20

McCoy, Glenn W'87 A Luke 7:41

Lemke, Steve W'87 A Luke 19:29; 22:39

Cate, Robert L. W'87 B

Stripling, Paul W'87 A John 14:5

Etheridge, Wayne F'86 A John 1:40

Bruce, Larry D. F'86 A Genesis 11:3

Gray, Elmer L. F'86 A Genesis 9:6

Mills, Watson E. F'86 A Genesis 3:16

Jackson, Thomas A. F'86 A Genesis 1:26

Scalise, Pamela J. F'86 A Genesis 3:14-17; 12:2-3

Robertson, Paul E. F'86 A John 2:9; Luke 1:27

O'Brien, J. Randall F'86 A Genesis 6:5-7

Blevins, James L. F'86 A Luke 1:26

Mitchell, Mike F'86 A Leviticus 25:25

Wyrick, Stephen Von F'86 A 1 Kings 12:28; 2 Kings 17:16

Cook, Donald E. F'86 A John 2:11; 9:6-7

Strange, James F. F'86 A 2 Kings 25:1,3; Ezra 6:15

Severance, W. Murray F'86 A John, Background to

Fallis, William J. F'86 A Luke 1:1-4

Lewis, Joe O. F'86 A John 1:18

McManus, Harold L. F'86 A Luke 2:8

Scalise, Pamela J. F'86 A Genesis 3:14-17; 12:2-3

Davis, M. Stephen F'86 A Genesis 3:1-13

Youngblood, Clark R. F'86 A John 4:7

Hendricks, William L. F'86 B

Songer, Harold S. Su'86 A James 5:14

Smith, Ralph L. Su'86 A Proverbs 16:31

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. Su'86 A Matthew 5:31; Malachi 2:13-16

Schoville, Keith H. Su'86 B

Box, Bobby D. Su'86 A Obadiah 1

Jones, R. Wayne Su'86 A Matthew 6:14-15

Joines, Karen R. Su'86 A Genesis 17:1

Cooper, C. Kenny Su'86 A Isaiah 9:7

Martin, D. C. Su'86 A Genesis 2:23-25

Tobias, Hugh Su'86 A Joel, Background of

Collins, A. O. Su'86 A Joel 1:4

Cooper, C. Kenny Su'86 A Isaiah 9:7

Music, David W. Su'86 A Daniel 3:15

Lee, Jerry W. Su'86/Su'98 A Jeremiah 31:31-34

Polhill, John B. Su'86 A Acts 10:34-35

Travis, James L. Su'86 A Joel 2:28; Daniel 8:1

Coleman, Robert O. Su'86 A Malachi3:7

Bunn, John T. Su'86 A Psalm 51:1-2

Wood, Fred M. Su'86 A Ezekiel 2:4

Sandlin, Bryce N. Su'86 A Genesis 1:26; Genesis 1:28

Mariottini, Claude F. Su'86 A Isaiah 2:4

Glaze, Joseph E., Sp'86 A 1 Thessalonians 1:7

Brooks, James A. Sp'86 A Colossians 4:10

Jones, Lynn Sp'86 A Colossians 2:11

Brisco, Thomas V. Sp'86 A Jeremiah 2:13

Culpepper, R. Alan Sp'86 A Colossians

Redditt, Paul L. Sp'86 A Ezra 2

Boyd, Timothy N. Sp'86 A Acts 2:1

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'86 A Esther 9:20-23,26a

Garland, David E. Sp'86 A Colossians 1:17-19

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. Sp'86 A Ezra 4:5

Conyers, A. J. Sp'86 A Jude

Gray, Elmer L. Sp'86 A Galatians 5:13

Glaze, Joseph E. Sp'86 A 1 Thessalonians 1:7-8

Pierce, Rice A. Sp'86 A Colossians 4:10

Street, Robert A., Jr. Sp'86 A Luke 4:16

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'86 A Nehemiah, Background to

Carter, James E. Sp'86 A 1 Corinthians 12:4-5,28; 1 Thessalonians 5

McWilliams, Warren Sp'86 A 1 Corinthians 12:13; Colossians 3:11

DeVries, LaMoine Sp'86 A Ezra 8:15,21

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'86 A Nehemiah 4:1,7

McWilliams, Warren Sp'86 A Acts 1:8

Newport, John P. Sp'86 B

Harbour, Brian L. W'86 A 2 Timothy 1:15

Albright, Jimmy W'86 A Matthew 15:37

Lea, Thomas D. W'86 A 1 Timothy 3:1-7

Glaze, R. E., Jr. W'86 A 1 John 4:17

Bruce, F. F. W'86 B

Yarbrough, Slayden A. W'86 A Matthew 8:5-9

Polhill, John B. W'86 A 1 Timothy 4:3; 5:11

Collins, A. O. W'86 A 1 Timothy 1:3

Savage, Paula A. W'86 A 1 Timothy 2:11-15

Glaze, R. E., Jr. W'86 A Titus 2:13

McKinney, Larry E. W'86 A Matthew 5:18

Cranford, Lorin W'86 A Matthew 28:1-8

Glaze, R. E.,Jr. W'86 A 2 Peter 3:9

Glaze, R. E., Jr. W'86 A 1 Timothy 6:9

Smith, Billy K. W'86 A Matthew 15:39

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. W'86 A Matthew 28:1

Baly, Denis W'86 A Matthew 18:12

Jackson, Thomas A. W'86 A 1 Timothy 4:14

Blevins, James L. W'86 A 1 Peter 1:5-7,13-20

Laughlin, John C. H. W'86 A Mark 7:4

Glaze, R. E., Jr. W'86 A 1 Peter 1:13

Kelley, Page H. F'85 A Exodus 24:9

Garland, David E. F'85 A Ezekiel 18:8

Hardin, Gary L. F'85 A Luke 2:15

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. F'85 A Exodus 24:6-8

McWilliams, Warren F'85 A 1 Timothy 4:8

Gray, Elmer L. F'85 B

Travis, James L. F'85 A Exodus 15:11; Ezekiel 20:7-8

Brooks, James A. F'85 A Matthew 2:3

Green, Joseph F. F'85 A Daniel 1:17

Kent, Dan Gentry F'85 A Daniel 8:20

Wood, Darryl F'85 A Matthew 13:31-32

Smith, T. C. F'85 A Daniel 8:20

Smith, Ralph L. F'85 A 1 Samuel 12:19

Gloer, W. Hulitt F'85 A 1 Corinthians 4:2; Titus 1:7

Cresson, Bruce C. F'85 A Ezekiel 8:14

Songer, Harold S. F'85 A 1 Corinthians 6:19

Huckabay, Gary C. F'85 A Ezekiel 26:2-3; 28:2

Bunn, John T. Su'85 A Habbakuk 1:6

Koester, Helmut Su'85 A 2 Corinthians 8:1

Humphreys, Fisher and Wise, PhilipSu'85 B

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'85 A Hosea 3:4

DeVries, LaMoine Su'85 A Jeremiah 46:9

McCoy, Glenn Su'85 A Habbakuk 3:17

Lee, Jerry W. Su'85 A Malachi3:3

Albright, Jimmy Su'85 A Job 40:7

Street, Robert A., Jr. Su'85'Su'96 A Habbakuk 3:19

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'85 A Hosea 3:4

Redditt, Paul L. Su'85 A Jeremiah 43:2-4

Coleman, Lucien, Jr. Su'85 A Ephesians 4:13

Coleman, Lucien, Jr. Su'85 A Ephesians 4:13

Mills, Watson E. Su'85 A 2 Corinthians 11:6

Parsons, Mikeal C. Su'85 A 2 Corinthians 2:17

Hendricks, William L. Su'85 A Job 2:1

Bailey, D. Waylon Su'85 A Jeremiah 7:4

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'85 A Hosea 3:4

Severance, W. Murray Su'85 A Jeremiah 28:10-13

Jackson, Thomas A. Su'85 A Zechariah, Background of

Laughlin, John C. H. Su'85 A Jeremiah 38:14-20; 39:6-8

Morton, William H. Sp'85 A Amos 2:9

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'85 A Malachi3:2-3

Travis, James L. Sp'85 A Luke 16:20-22

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'85 A Amos 6:2

Pierce, Rice A. Sp'85 A Amos 5:18-20

Halbrook, Gary K. Sp'85 A Luke 14:26-27

Avigad, Nahman Sp'85 B

McKinney, Larry E. Sp'85 A Job 4:1

Finegan, Jack Sp'85 A Luke 21:20

Brooks, James A. Sp'85 A Luke 18:35

Robbins, Richard S. Sp'85 A Luke 17:35

Sykes, John M. Sp'85 A Amos 6:2

McManus, Harold L. Sp'85 A Luke 23:15

Wood, Fred M. Sp'85 A Amos 1:1; 7:9

Bruce, F. F. Sp'85 B

Brooks, James A. Sp'85 A Luke 18:35

Butler, Trent C. Sp'85 A Amos 5:5

Bunn, John T. Sp'85 A Amos 5:22

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. Sp'85 A Amos 2:1-2,8-9; Micah 7:3

Kelley, Page H. Sp'85 A Amos 5:15

Cranford, Jeff Sp'85 A Job, Background of

Blevins, James L. W'85 A John 10:10

Taulman, James E. W'85 A Luke 3:3,12,16

Brisco, Thomas V. W'85 A John 4:46

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. W'85 A Luke 8:26

Harbour, Brian L. W'85 A John 11:44

Jones, Lynn W'85 A Luke 9:18-20

Strange, James F. W'85 A John 1:43

Savage, Paula A. W'85 A John 10:11,14

Vardaman, Jerry W'85 A Background

Cox, Richard W'85 A John 11:38

Gray, Elmer L. W'85 A John 12:3; Luke 7:37

W'85 B

Blevins, James L. W'85 A John 14:27

Collins, A. O. W'85 A John 7:32; 9:40

Peterson, Henry L. W'85 A Luke 4:9

Robbins, Richard S. W'85 A Luke 10:40

Severance, W. Murray W'85 B

Blevins, James L. W'85 A Luke 9:24; John 10:9

Cate, Robert L. W'85 A John 5:2

Box, Bobby D. W'85 A Luke 4:26

Culpepper, R. Alan W'85 A John 3:13; 6:53; Luke 9:22,26

Coleman, Robert O. W'85 A John 4:28

Lea, Thomas D. F'84 A Acts 22:16; 8:36-39

Glaze, R. E., Jr. F'84 A Romans 10:9-10

Glaze, R. E., Jr. F'84 A Romans 8:17-18

Street, Robert A., Jr. F'84 A Isaiah 45:20

DeVries, LaMoine F'84 A Isaiah, Background to

Laughlin, John C. H. F'84 A Luke 5:1

Hunt, Harry B., Jr. F'84 A Isaiah 14:12

Kent, Dan Gentry F'84 A Isaiah 61:1

Kent, Dan Gentry F'84 A Isaiah 55:7

Trammell, Timothy F'84 A Acts 20:17-18

Kent, Dan Gentry F'84 A Isaiah 61:3

Williams, Richard L. F'84 A Luke 1:5

Carter, James E. F'84 A Philippians 2:6-9

Boyd, Timothy N. F'84 A Acts 8:27

Meyers, Eric M. and Strange, JamesSu'84 B

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. Su'84 A Romans 1:14

Cheavens, Alice D. Su'84 A Matthew 22:19

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'84 A 2 Kings 17:17

Butler, Trent C. Su'84 B

Box, Bobby D. Su'84 A 1 Kings 16:31

Pierce, Rice A. Su'84 A Romans 3:19-20

Shurden, Robert M. Su'84 A 1 Peter 2:9-10

Blevins, James L. Su'84 A Galatians 1:11-17

Huckabay, Gary C. Su'84 A 2 Kings 18:8

Yarbrough,Slayden A. Su'84 A 1 Peter 1:1

Brooks, James A. Su'84 A 1 Peter 1:18; Ephesians 1:7

Harbour, Brian L. Su'84 A Matthew 21:33

Cheavens, Alice D. Su'84 A Matthew 5:41

Songer, Harold S. Su'84 A 1 Peter 2:13-14

McWilliams, Warren Su'84 A Matthew 28:18-20

Cheavens, Alice D. Su'84 A Matthew 25:20,24-25,28

Severance, W. Murray Su'84 A Matthew 28:18-20

Severance, W. Murray Su'84 A 1 Peter 4:3

Boyd, Timothy N.7/84 Sp'84 A Luke 2:42

Laughlin, John C. H. Sp'84 A James 1:12

Spencer, Richard A. Sp'84 A Mark 15:43

Albright, Jimmy Sp'84 A Amos 6:4

Cate, Robert L. Sp'84 A Hosea 12:7

Eakins, J. Kenneth Sp'84 A Amos 9:3

Cox, Richard Sp'84 A Amos 2:8

Wesner, Marlene and Miles Sp'84 B

Jackson, Thomas A. Sp'84 A Amos 1:4

Ratliff, F. William Sp'84 A Mark 15:34

Music, David W. Sp'84 A Mark 14:26

Miller, J. Maxwell Sp'84 B

Bailey, D. Waylon Sp'84 A 1 Samuel 8:5-7

McCoy,Glenn Sp'84 A Luke 1:38

Smith, T. C. Sp'84 A Luke 24:27,44-45

Glaze, R. E., Jr. Sp'84 A James 1:4

Wood, Fred M. Sp'84 A Amos 7:7-8

Halbrook, Gary K. Sp'84 A Amos 7:14

Music, David W. Sp'84 A 1 Samuel 18:6

Hendricks, William L. Sp'84 A Mark 7:8-9

Stephens, Shirley Sp'84 A Luke 8:2-3

McCoy, Glenn Sp'84 A Mark 15:40-41; 16:1-8

Severance, W. Murray W'84 A Mark 10:25

Smith, Ralph L. W'84 A 2 Kings 10:18-19

Street, Robert A., Jr. W'84 A 2 Kings 14:11

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. W'84 A Isaiah 55:2

Severance, W. Murray W'84 A Isaiah 35:2

Sloan, Robert B., Jr. W'84 A Mark 13:8

Pierce, Rice A. W'84 A Mark 1:21,39; 5:36

Latta, Bill W'84 A Isaiah 31:7

Box, Bobby D. W'84 A 2 Kings 21:3,5

Matheney, M. Pierce, Jr. W'84 A Isaiah 42:4

Collins, A. O. W'84 A 2 Kings 22

Coble, William B. W'84 A Mark 1:15; 4:11,26

Glaze, Joseph E. W'84 A Mark 11:8

Butler, Trent C. W'84 A 2 Kings 16:7

Lea, Thomas D. W'84 A Mark 9:33

Culpepper, R. Alan W'84 A Mark 11:15-16

Kent, Dan Gentry W'84 A 2 Kings 19:16

Harbour, Brian L. W'84 A Isaiah 5:6

Stephens, William H. W'84 B

Coleman, Robert O. W'84 A Mark 2:22-23

Gray, Elmer L. F'83 A Isaiah 2:4

Lea, Thomas D. F'83 A John 14:26

McKinney, Larry E. F'83 A 2 Samuel 8:14

Travis, James L. F'83 A Ephesians 4:14

DeVries, LaMoine F'83 A 2 Samuel 18:9

Beal, Richard H. F'83 A 2 Samuel 12:9

Cate, Robert L. F'83 A 2 Samuel 3:24,31

Hendrix, Holland L. F'83 A Ephesians 4:17-19

Williams, Richard L. F'83 A 1 Samuel 16:16

Tullock, John F'83 B

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. F'83 A Philippians 1:12-13

Brooks, James A. F'83 A Ephesians 1:9; 3:3-4,9

Sawyer, W. Thomas F'83 A Romans 5:10; Colossians 1:20-21

Garland, David E. F'83 A Romans 1:28; Ephesians 2:3; Colossians 3:5

Mills, Watson E. F'83 A Romans 8:14; John 1:12

Savage, Paula A. F'83 A Ephesians 2:10

Wood, Fred M. Su'83 A Proverbs 17:15

Collins, A. O. Su'83 A Esther 2:16

Coleman, Robert O. Su'83 A Amos 5:21-24

Bunn, John T. Su'83 A 1 Samuel 4:11

Severance, W. Murray Su'83 A Song of Sol. 4:11

Culpepper, R. Alan Su'83 A Acts 6:9

Laughlin, John C. H. Su'83 A Deuteronomy 34:1

Wood, Fred M. Su'83 A Proverbs 1:7

Wood, Fred M. Su'83 A Proverbs 1:7

Elmore, Vernon O. Su'83 A 2 Chronicles 24:1

Etheridge, Wayne Su'83 A Judges 4:6

Smith, Ralph L. Su'83 A Judges 13:5; 1 Samuel 1:11

Stephens, Shirley Su'83 B

Box, Bobby D. Su'83 A Background

Albright, Jimmy Su'83 A 1 Samuel 1:19; 8:4

Glaze, R. E., Jr. Su'83 A John 6:30

Kelley, Page H. Su'83 A Proverbs 22:17,20-24

Blevins, James L. Su'83 A Luke 10:38-42

Bailey, D. Waylon Sp'83 A Jonah 3:6

Savage, Paula A. Sp'83 A 1 Kings 7:14,51

Stephens, William H. Sp'83 A Acts 18:1

Dever, William G. Sp'83 A 1 Kings 4:25

Blevins, William L. Sp'83 A Matthew 27:41

Lea, Thomas D. Sp'83 A Isaiah 53; Acts 28:23

Baly, Denis Sp'83 A 1 Kings 9:26

Blevins, William L. Sp'83 A Matthew 27:41

Cate, Robert L. Sp'83 A 1 Kings 11:26

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. Sp'83 A Jonah 4:6

Travis, James L. Sp'83 A Acts 14:12

Cate, Robert L. Sp'83 A 1 Kings 11:26

Lewis, Joe O. Sp'83 A Acts 14:12

Cate, Robert L. Sp'83 B

Blevins, William L. Sp'83 A Matthew 27:41

Smith, T. C. Sp'83 A Isaiah 56:3

Meyers, Carol Sp'83 A Isaiah 52:9

DeVries, LaMoine Sp'83 A Isaiah 43:2

Taulman, James E. Sp'83 A Acts 18:5

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'83 A Acts 16:16

Butler, Trent C. Sp'83 A Jonah 1:3

Strange, James F. Sp'83 A 1 Kings 16:17

Albright, Jimmy W'83 A Matthew 7:13

Spencer, Missey W'83 A Matthew 10:34

Finegan, Jack W'83 B

McWilliams, Warren W'83 A Matthew 8:21

Pierce, Rice A. W'83 A Acts 8:27

McCoy, Glenn W'83 A Romans 16:5

Music, David W. W'83 A Acts 2:46-47

Blevins, James L. W'83 A Matthew 23:7

Songer, Harold S. W'83 A Romans 1:16

Gray, Elmer L. W'83 A Matthew 6:2

Harbour, Brian L. W'83 A Matthew 4:8

Brooks, James A. W'83 A Luke 10:25; Matthew 5:20; 23:1

Smith, T. C. W'83 A Luke 11

Hendricks, William L. W'83 A Romans 8:7-9

Taulman, James E. W'83 A Matthew 12:2

Street, Robert A., Jr. W'83 A Matthew 5:13

Brooks, James A. W'83 A Luke 10:25; Matthew 5:20; 23:1

Napier, Susan W'83 A Luke 22:17

Wood, Fred M. W'83 A Matthew 25:35,38

Wood, Fred M. W'83 A Matthew 25:35-38

Stephens, Shirley W'83 A Acts 2:18

Leonard, Bill J. F'82 A 1 John 3:1-10

Box, Bobby D. F'82 A James 1:1

Smith, Ralph L. F'82 A Exodus 6:5

Glaze, R. E., Jr. F'82 A 1 John 1:3-6

McManus, Harold L. F'82 A James 4:1

Brooks, James A. F'82 A 1 John 4:1-3

Latta, Bill F'82 A James 2:2-3

Severance, W. Murray F'82 A Joshua 3:14-17

Culpepper, R. Alan F'82 A 2 Corinthians 1:17-23

Elmore, Vernon O. F'82 A Matthew 2:1,9

Sawyer, W. Thomas F'82 A 2 Corinthians 12:4

Moody, Dale F'82 A 1 John 2:2

Kelley, Page H. F'82 A Exodus 32:14

Coleman, Robert O. F'82 A Judges 6:4

Hinson, E. Glenn F'82 A James 3:1

Coleman, Lucien, Jr. F'82 A Exodus 12:26-27

Sloan, Robert B., Jr. F'82 A Luke 2:24

Neely, H. K. F'82 A 2 Corinthians 4:7-12

Lind, Millard C. F'82 B

Kelm, George L. Su'82 A Genesis 15:1; 17:5

Smith, T. C. Su'82 A Acts 18:24

Street, Robert A., Jr. Su'82 A Hebrews 6:19

DeVries, LaMoine Su'82 A Psalm 84:8-9

Shurden, Robert M. Su'82 A Acts 18:24

Strange, James F. Su'82 A Acts 10:1

Conyers, A. J. Su'82 A Acts 18:2

Cate, Robert L. Su'82 A Genesis 32:11; Hebrews 12:16

Bunn, John T. Su'82 A Hebrews 11:32

Sandlin, Bryce N. Su'82 A Psalm 8; Psalm 67; Psalm 75

Hobbs, Herschel H. Su'82 B

Bailey, D. Waylon Su'82 A Genesis 50:15-26

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. Su'82 A Hebrews 2:6-8

Halbrook, Gary K. Su'82 A Philemon, Background to

Corley, Bruce Su'82 A Acts 18:26

Severance, W. Murray Su'82 A Joshua 2:1

Music, David W. Su'82 A Psalm 75

Fallis, William J. Su'82 A 2 Corinthians 8:17

Jackson, Thomas A. Su'82 A Genesis 2:9

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. Sp'82 A Revelation 5:6

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'82 A Deuteronomy 26:5

Yamauchi, Edwin Sp'82 B

Pierce, Rice A. Sp'82 A Revelation 13:1-4

Peterson, Henry L. Sp'82 A Colossians 4:16

Sawyer, W. Thomas Sp'82 A 1 Corinthians 16:1

Wood, Fred M. Sp'82 A Deuteronomy 24:10-13

Tate, Marvin E. Sp'82 A 2 Samuel 8:1

Severance, W. Murray Sp'82 A Deuteronomy 8:15

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'82 A 2 Samuel 21:1

Butler, Trent C. Sp'82 A 2 Samuel 2:1

McWilliams, Warren Sp'82 A Luke 1:27

Box, Bobby D. Sp'82 A Deuteronomy 15:1-5; 23:24-25

Glaze, R. E., Jr. Sp'82 A 1 Corinthians 15:24,50

Sloan, Robert B., Jr. Sp'82 A John 20:3-4

Tate, Marvin E. Sp'82 A 2 Samuel 8:1

Lea, Thomas D. Sp'82 A 1 Corinthians 15:12-13

Albright, Jimmy Sp'82 A Deuteronomy 8:2

Moody, Dale W'82 A Matthew 24:15

DeVries, LaMoine W'82 A Matthew 21:33,39-41

McWilliams, Warren W'82 A 1 Corinthians, Background to

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. W'82 A Matthew 19:12

Severance, W. Murray W'82 A Matthew 26:37-50

Mills, Watson E. W'82 A 1 Corinthians 14

Tolbert, Malcolm O. W'82 B

Carter, James E. W'82 A Luke 3:19

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. W'82 A Luke 3:15-22; 7:19-23

Culpepper, R. Alan W'82 A Luke 22:24-27

Halbrook, Gary K. W'82 A John 1:4-10; 12:46R. Alan Culpepper W'82 A Luke

Dale, Robert D. W'82 A Luke 6:38

Music, David W. W'82 a 1 Corinthians 14:7-8

Songer, Harold S. W'82 A Matthew 26:2; John 13:1

Cowen, Gerald W'82 A 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5; 1 Corinthians 6:2

Etheridge, Wayne W'82 A Matthew 26:57; 27:2-11

Taulman, James E. W'82 A John 4:7-9,20

Blevins, James L. W'82 A 1 Corinthians 2:1,4-7,13

Shurden, Robert M. F'81 A Galatians 1:17

Lea, Thomas D. F'81 A Matthew 8:5

Simmons, Billy E. F'81 A Matthew 3:9

Bailey, D. Waylon F'81 A Exodus 1:7-8

Brown, Nobel D. F'81 A Matthew 8:20

Hester, H. I. F'81 B

Brooks, D. P. F'81 A Leviticus 25:10,13,18,23-24

Kent, Dan Gentry F'81 A Jeremiah, Background to

Vardaman, Jerry F'81 A Matthew 11:2

Street, Robert A., Jr. F'81 A Micah, Background to

Brisco, Thomas V. F'81 A Exodus 3:1

Brooks, James A. F'81 A John 3:9

Culpepper, R. Alan F'81 A

Napier, Susan F'81 A Matthew 14:15

Box, Bobby D. F'81 A Exodus 18:5

Elmore, Vernon O. F'81 A Exodus 19:2

Stephens, William H. F'81 A Matthew 13:3-8

Albright, Jimmy F'81 A Matthew 4:13

Sandlin, Bryce N. Su'81 A Psalm 37

Durham, John I. Su'81 A Exodus 20:1-17

Cate, Robert L. Su'81 A Deuteronomy 6:10-11

Neely, H. K. Su'81 A Ecclesiastes 3

Harbour, Brian L. Su'81 A Psalm 55:6

Harbour, Brian L. Su'81 A Psalm 42:1

Hester, H. I. Su'81 B

Gray, Elmer L. Su'81 A Hebrews 11:32-40

Coleman, Robert O. Su'81 A Deuteronomy 29:7

Dalglish, Edward R. Su'81 A Hebrews 4:14-16

DeVries, LaMoine Su'81 A Deuteronomy 16:18-20; 24:17

Eakins, J. Kenneth Su'81 A Deuteronomy 12:12; Hebrews 7:5

Meyers, Carol Su'81 A Proverbs 31

McCoy, Glenn Su'81 A Deuteronomy 29:8

Kelley, Page H. Su'81 A Genesis 2:2-3

Smith, Ralph L. Su'81 A Deuteronomy 12:6,11; 14:22-23

Severance, W. Murray Su'81 A Psalm 23:4

Travis, James L. Su'81 A Proverbs 11:1

Littlejohn, Ronnie L. Sp'81 A Hebrews 9:13

Simmons, Billy E. Sp'81 A Hebrews 12:5

Finegan, Jack Sp'81 A 2 Corinthians 8:1

Taylor, J. Rodney Sp'81 A Luke 23:50

Martin, D. C. Sp'81 A 1 Samuel 5:2,4

Simmons, Billy E. Sp'81 A Hebrews 12:2

Kautz, James R. Sp'81 A 1 Samuel 11:14-15

Smith, Billy K. Sp'81 A Hebrews 9:12,24-25

Gray, Elmer L. Sp'81 A Luke 23:50-51

Simmons, Billy E. Sp'81 A Hebrews 12:2

Elmore, Vernon O. Sp'81 A Mat. 26:14

Blevins, James L. Sp'81 A Revelation 20:4

Albright, Jimmy Sp'81 A Hebrews 5:6,10

Polhill, John B. Sp'81 A Revelation 14:1

Colton, C. E. Sp'81 B

Kelm, George L. Sp'81 A Deuteronomy 1:19

Butler, Trent C. Sp'81 A 1 Samuel 1:20

Tate, Marvin E. Sp'81 A 1 Samuel 9:17

Lewis, Joe O. Sp'81 A Revelation 5:1-2,5

Stott, John R. W. W'81 B

Cooper, C. Kenny W'81 A Luke 12:25

Eakins, J. Kenneth W'81 A Luke 10:34

Sharp, Jeffrey R. W'81 A Matthew 19:3

Street, Robert A., Jr. W'81 A Matthew 9:37

Stephens, William H. W'81 A Matthew 5:1-12

Jackson, Thomas A. W'81 A Luke 19:8

Smith, T. C. W'81 A Luke 12:13-14; 1 Corinthians 6:1

Cooper, C. Kenny W'81 A Luke 12:27

Leonard, Bill J. W'81 A 1 Corinthians 14:1-8

Hinson, E. Glenn W'81 A 1 Corinthians 3:12-13

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. W'81 A Luke 13:22

Kroeger, Richard and CatherineW'81 A 1 Corinthians, Background to

Kent, Dan Gentry W'81 A Matthew 19:1

Green, Joseph F. W'81 A Matthew 22:15

Brooks, James A. W'81 A Luke 13:1

Callaway, Joseph A. W'81 A Luke 9:46; Matthew 5:9; 24:5

Box, Bobby D. W'81 A Luke 9:52; Matthew 10:5

Sharp, Jeffrey R. W'81 A Matthew 19:3

Carter, James E. W'81 A Matthew 18:21-22

Lea, Thomas D. W'81 A 1 Corinthians 6:15

Blevins, James L. F'80 A Matthew 1:18

Travis, James L. F'80 A Luke 2:14

Songer, Harold S. F'80 A Luke 2:1

Albright, Jimmy F'80 A Judges 1:19,27-28

Lea, Thomas D. F'80 A Luke 2:2

Elmore, Vernon O. F'80 A 1 Samuel 16:13

Kautz, James R. F'80 A Matthew 4:25

McEachern, Alton H. F'80 A Matthew 1:19

Lewis, Joe O. F'80 A Matthew 3:12

Severance, W. Murray F'80 A Luke 1:26-27

Napier, Susan F'80 A Luke 5:19

Culpepper, R. Alan F'80 A Mark 14:22-25

McCoy, Glenn F'80 A Luke, Background to

Lewis, Joe O. F'80 A Luke 3:1

Sandlin, Bryce N. F'80 A Jeremiah 31:29-34

Gray, Elmer L. F'80 A Luke 3:1

Butler, Trent C. F'80 A 1 Kings 3:1

Collins, A. O. F'80 A 1 Kings 11:4-7

Baly, Denis F'80 A Luke 8:23

McManus, Harold L. F'80 A Luke 3:1

Glaze, R. E., Jr. F'80 A Luke 7:39

Wood, Fred M. Su'80 A Joshua 21:18

Finegan, Jack Su'80 B

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'80 A

Hendrix, Holland L. Su'80 A Acts 2:9

Skelton, Eugene Su'80 A Haggai 1:1

Hinson, E. Glenn Su'80 A Titus 1:5,7

Carter, James E. Su'80 A Ezekiel, Background to

Kent, Dan Gentry Su'80 A Ezra 7:7

Finegan, Jack Su'80 A

Brown, Nobel D. Su'80 A Acts 3:2

Cate, Robert L. Su'80 A Ezra 2:2; Hag. 1:1; Zechariah 4:6

Stephens, William H. Su'80 A

Moody, Dale Su'80 A Revelation 2:28

Austin, Bill Su'80 A

Taylor, J. Rodney Su'80 A Genesis 5:29

Box, Bobby D. Su'80 A Genesis 11:27-29

Green, Joseph F. Su'80 A Matthew 4:15

Street, Robert A., Jr. Su'80 A Psalm 137:1-4

Severance, W. Murray Su'80 A Nehemiah 1:1

Polhill, John B. Sp'80 A

Gray, Elmer L. Sp'80 A Genesis 4:2-5

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'80 A Genesis 37:25

Culpepper, R. Alan Sp'80 A Psalm 74:9

Elmore, Vernon O. Sp'80 A Habakkuk, Background to

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'80 A 2 Kings 18:10

Songer, Harold S. Sp'80 A Acts 14:1

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'80 A Jeremiah 1:10

DeVries, LaMoine Sp'80 A Isaiah 21:5-8

Harbour, Brian L. Sp'80 A Genesis 26:6

Robbins, Richard S. Sp'80 A Joshua 10:13

Eakins, J. Kenneth Sp'80 A 2 Kings 22:1

Butler, Trent C. Sp'80 A 2 Kings 21:11-13

Kelley, Page H. Sp'80 A Jeremiah 21:2

Baly, Denis Sp'80 A Genesis 12:7

Bruce, F. F. Sp'80 B

Collins, A. O. Sp'80 A Mark 1:16

Blevins, James L. Sp'80 A Acts 16:12

Green, Joseph F. Sp'80 A Revelation 2-3

Lewis, Joe O. W'80 A Mark 3:18

Frank, Harry Thomas W'80 B

McCoy, Glenn W'80 A Acts 11:19-20

Severance, W. Murray W'80 A Acts 11:19

Culpepper, R. Alan W'80 A Luke 2:41-52

Albright, Jimmy W'80 A

Harbour, Brian L. W'80 A Joel, Background to

Pierce, Rice A. W'80 A

Harmon, Richard W. W'80 A Matthew 11:2-6; Luke 4:16-21

Blevins, James L. W'80 A 1 John 4:11-12

Glaze, R. E., Jr. W'80 A Acts 6:5

Elmore, Vernon O. W'80 A Exodus 22:27

Finegan, Jack W'80 A Revelation 1:9

Blevins, James L. W'80 A 1 John 4:18

Songer, Harold S. W'80 A

Jackson, Thomas A. W'80 A Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18

Pierce, Rice A. W'80 A Acts 21:8

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. W'80 A Hebrews 10:34

Blevins, James L. W'80 A 1 John 2:2

Hinson, E. Glenn W'80 A Revelation 1:11; 2:8

Elmore, Vernon O. W'80 A John 13:26

Elmore, Vernon O. W'80 A Psalm 84:3

Halbrook, Gary K. W'80 A Deuteronomy 22:22

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. W'80 A Mark 15:25

Albright, Jimmy F'79 A Judges 6:28

Box, Bobby D. F'79 A Matthew 2:1-2

Kitchen, K. A. F'79 B

Coleman, Robert O. F'79 A 2 Kings 25:1

Sykes, John M. F'79 A Acts 19:28-34

Hobbs, Herschel H. F'79 A 1 Timothy 6:20

Collins, A. O. F'79 A Ezra 1:1

Stephens, Shirley F'79 A Genesis 1:27; Deuteronomy 32:18

Severance, W. Murray F'79 A Psalm 7:13

Smith, T. C. F'79 A Matthew 21:9

Butler, Trent C. F'79 A 2 Kings 23:34

Sykes, John M. F'79 A

Martin, D. C. F'79 A Malachi3:1

Severance, W. Murray F'79 A Hebrews 1:3

Stephens, William H. F'79 A

McManus, Harold L. F'79 A Acts 7:58

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'79 A Ephesians 3:1; Philippians 1:13; Colossians 4:10

Simmons, Billy E. F'79 A

Etheridge, Wayne F'79 A Matthew 10:16

Ezell, Douglas F'79 A Exodus 30:1-6

Williams, Richard L. F'79 A Acts 1:13

Eakins, J. Kenneth F'79 A Exodus 3:14

Vos, Howard F. Su'79 B

Callaway, Joseph A. Su'79 A

Wood, Fred M. Su'79 A

Hinson, E. Glenn Su'79 A Acts 11:19-30

Elmore, Vernon O. Su'79 A 1 Kings 19:9-21

Stephens, William H. Su'79 A

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. Su'79 A Acts 24:24

Green, Joseph F. Su'79 A Isaiah 42:5; Ezekiel 6:11

Brooks, James A. Su'79 A Acts 28

McCoy, Glenn Su'79 A Acts 16

Harbour, Brian L. Su'79 A Acts 13:14

Box,Bobby D. Su'79 A 1 Kings 12:12-14

Brisco, Thomas V. Su'79 A 1 Kings 14:25-28

Kent, Dan Gentry Su'79 A 1 Kings 6:7

DeVries, LaMoine Su'79 A 2 Samuel 8:10

Kelm, George L. Su'79 A Acts 21:39

Halbrook, Gary K. Su'79 A Acts 16:11-15

Gray, Elmer L. Su'79 A

Smothers, Tom Sp'79 A 2 Samuel 14:25-26

Harbour, Brian L. Sp'79 A 2 Samuel 3:4

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'79 A 1 Kings 16:30-33

Baly, Denis Sp'79 A Amos 4:7

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'79 A Genesis 37:17

Blevins, James L. Sp'79 A Mark 12:17; Revelation 11:7; 13:10

Polhill, John B. Sp'79 A Romans 1:7; Philippians 1:3-4

Baly, Denis Sp'79 A Isaiah 42:3; Luke 16:19

Street, Robert A., Jr. Sp'79 A Joshua 13:13

Brooks, James A. Sp'79 A 1 Corinthians 8:5-6

Stephens, Shirley Sp'79 A Genesis 15:20

DeVries, LaMoine Sp'79 A Psalm 141:2

Severance, W. Murray Sp'79 A 1 Kings 22:39

Dalglish, Edward R. Sp'79 A 1 Kings 14:23-28

Smothers, Tom Sp'79 A 2 Samuel 2:12-32

Martin, D. C. Sp'79 A Amos, Background to

Dalglish, Edward R. Sp'79 A 1 Kings 14:23-28

Harbour, Brian L. Sp'79 A 1 Kings 22:8

McManus, Harold L. Sp'79 A Matthew 6:4

Hengel, Martin Sp'79 B

Wood, Fred M. Sp'79 A 1 Kings 22:3

McCoy, Glenn Sp'79 A Amos 1:1

Eakins, J. Kenneth Sp'79 A Genesis 31:19; 1 Samuel 15:23

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'79 A 1 Kings 16:30-33

Beasley-Murray, George R. Sp'79 A 1 Corinthians 12:10; 14:4-5

Baly, Denis Sp'79 A 2 Chronicles 11:17

Hinson, E. Glenn W'79 A

Glaze, R. E., Jr. W'79 A Hebrews 11:1

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. W'79 A

Winbery, Carlton W'79 A 1 Corinthians 1:12

Callaway, Joseph A. W'79 A Romans 1:12

Nettles, Tom J. W'79 A

Leonard, Bill J. W'79 A Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:27-31

Glaze, R. E., Jr. W'79 A 1 John 2:2; 4:10

Culpepper, R. Alan W'79 A 1 Corinthians 1:26

Songer, Harold S. W'79 A

Moody, Dale W'79 A 1 Corinthians 1:21; 15:1

Brisco, Thomas V. W'79 A Nehemiah, Background to

Albright, Jimmy W'79 A

Corley, Bruce W'79 A Romans 9-11

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. W'79 A Romans 16

Keathley, Naymond H. W'79 A 1 Corinthians 5:9-11

McEachern, Alton H. W'79 A 1 Corinthians 7:3-5

Palmer, Earl F. W'79 B

Stripling, Paul W'79 A

Harmon, Richard W. W'79 A Romans 1:28

Kelm, George L. W'79 A Nehemiah 2:13-14

Trammell, Timothy W'79 A Romans 1:22

Etheridge, Wayne F'78 A Genesis 19:24-29

Hendrix, Holland L. F'78 A

Lamm, Wilbur C. F'78 A Leviticus 1:2; 22:27; 23:14

Bright, John F'78 B

Kelm, George L. F'78 A

Culpepper, R. Alan F'78 A Mark 14:25

Hinson, E. Glenn F'78 A

Smith, Ralph L. F'78 A Numbers 1:33; 26:37

Harbour, Brian L. F'78 A Exodus 3:1-15

Keathley, Naymond H. F'78 A Exodus 20:9-11; Acts 20:7-12

Coleman, Robert O. F'78 A Genesis 11:32

Stagg, Frank F'78 A Matthew 12:28; 19:24; 21:31,43

Green, Joseph F. F'78 A Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5:27-32

Kent, Dan Gentry F'78 A Hosea, Background to

Collins, A. O. F'78 A Matthew 20:29-34

Williams, Richard L. F'78 A Deuteronomy 28:40

Roberts, Sharon F'78 A Matthew 7:6; 13:45-46

Williams, Richard L. F'78 A Genesis 8:6-7

Trammell, Timothy F'78 A

Jones, Peter Rhea F'78 A Exodus 33:17-23

Halbrook, Gary K. F'78 A John 7:49

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'78 A Daniel 7:13; Matthew 8:20

Williams, Richard L. F'78 A Matthew 13:24-25

McBain, John M. F'78 B

Street, Robert A., Jr. F'78 A Luke 19:12-26

Baly, Denis F'78 A 1 Samuel 17:28

Pierce, Rice A. F'78 A John 1:1

Arnold, A. Stuart Su'78 B

Severance, W. Murray Su'78 A Acts 2:9-10

McBeth, Leon Su'78 A Colossians 3:11

Kelley, Page H. Su'78 A Genesis 35:18

Brooks, James A. Su'78 A Acts 24:24-27

Lewis, Joe O. and Sanford, JackSu'78 A Colossians, Background to

Green, Joseph F. Su'78 A Acts 19:28

Travis, James L. Su'78 A Genesis 31:34

Etheridge, Wayne Su'78 A Philippians 2:25-30; 4:18

Turlington, Henry E. Su'78 A Ephesians, Background to

Hinson, E. Glenn Su'78 A Colossians 4:15

Stevens, William W. Su'78 B

McCoy, Glenn Su'78 A Acts 25:13

McManus, Harold L. Su'78 A Colossians 4:13

Gray, Elmer L. Su'78 A Colossians 4:15

Fallis, William J. Su'78 A

Winbery, Carlton Su'78 A Colossians 2:8

McCoy, Glenn Su'78 A Acts 24:27

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. Su'78 A

Etheridge, Wayne Su'78 A Acts 16:1

Wood, Fred M. Sp'78 A Genesis 20:1-18

Wood, Fred M. Sp'78 A Genesis 21:22; 26:26

Finegan, Jack Sp'78 A

Culpepper, R. Alan Sp'78 A Acts 4:36

Collins, A. O. Sp'78 A Acts 20:4

Harkness, Georgia and Kraft, Charles+ Dan Genry KentSp'78 B

Drinkard, Joel F., Jr. Sp'78 A Acts 12:21-23

Kelm, George L. Sp'78 A Genesis 14:14-15

Etheridge, Wayne Sp'78 A Genesis 3:7

Street, Robert A., Jr. Sp'78 A Genesis 11:26,28

Rhodes, Bennie Sp'78 A Acts 12:1-4

Elmore, Vernon O. Sp'78 A Genesis 37:28

Roberts, Sharon Sp'78 A Acts 15:23

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'78 A Genesis 14:3

Sanford, Jack D. Sp'78 A 2 Timothy 3:11

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'78 A Genesis 4:5-12

Butler, Trent C. Sp'78 A Genesis 1:1

Hobbs, Herschel H. Sp'78 B

Elmore, Vernon O. Sp'78 A Genesis 32:22-32

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. Sp'78 A Acts 16:11-12

Green, Joseph F. Sp'78 A Genesis 2:10-14

Collins, A. O. Sp'78 A 1 Thessalonians 1:8

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'78 A Genesis 11:1-9

Wood, Fred M. Sp'78 A Genesis 10

Etheridge, Wayne Sp'78 A Genesis 13:10

Trammell, Timothy W'78 A Genesis 11:1-9

Wood, Fred M. W'78 A Ezekiel 14:13-14

Harrop, G. Gerald W'78 B

Travis, James L. W'78 A Psalm 111–112

Hinson, E. Glenn W'78 A Luke 7:44; Mark 1:7

McEachern, Alton H. W'78 A Matthew 26:30-56

McManus, Harold L. W'78 A Jonah 1:5-16

Etheridge, Wayne W'78 A Luke 5:10

Gray, Elmer L. W'78 A John 14:22-31

Severance, W. Murray W'78 A John 18:33

Smothers, Tom W'78 A

Collins, A. O. W'78 A Deuteronomy 23:4

Hubbard, David Allan W'78 B

Callaway, Joseph A. W'78 A Jonah 1:2 3:2-3; 4:11

Halbrook, Gary K. W'78 A Genesis 4:2

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. W'78 A Psalm 84

Harbour, Brian L. W'78 A Deuteronomy 4:19

Culpepper, Hugo H. W'78 A

Green, Joseph F. W'78 A John 15:5

Elmore, Vernon O. F'77 A Luke 16:22

Severance, W. Murray F'77 A

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. F'77 A John 1:44; 12:21

McEachern, Alton H. F'77 A 2 Corinthians 11:33

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. F'77 A John 21:2

Finegan, Jack F'77 A

Halbrook, Gary K. F'77 A John 9:34

Lamm, Wilbur C. F'77 A Deuteronomy 16:13

Severance, W. Murray F'77 A Luke 10:25-37

Scammon, John F'77 B

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. F'77 A John 4:1-30

Culpepper, R. Alan F'77 A

Culpepper, R. Alan F'77 A

Smith, T. C. F'77 A Mark 1:20

Harbour, Brian L. F'77 A Job 1:1

Lewis, Joe O. F'77 A John 11:43

Lewis, Joe O. F'77 A

Stephens, William H. F'77 B

Kent, Dan Gentry F'77 A Luke 16:19

Brooks, James A. F'77 A Deuteronomy 11:29-30

Smith, Ralph L. F'77 A Job, Background to

Gray, Elmer L. F'77 A John 5:2

Pierce, Rice A. F'77 A John 9:7

Mills, Watson E. F'77 A Luke 13:2-3

Brooks, James A. F'77 A 2 Kings 17:29; Matthew 10:5

Elmore, Vernon O. F'77 A Matthew 25:14-30

Kent, Dan Gentry F'77 A Job 38:1; 40:6

Green, Joseph F. F'77 A 2 Samuel 5:6-10

Wood, Fred M. Su'77 A

Mendenhall, George E. Su'77 A

Latta, Bill Su'77 A Titus 1:12-13

Street, Robert A., Jr. Su'77 A Joshua 24

Callaway, Joseph A. Su'77 A

Yadin, Yigael Su'77 A

Kelm, George L. Su'77 A

Jack D. Sanford Su'77 A Titus 3:12

Hindson, Edward E. Su'77 B

Gray, Elmer L. Su'77 A

Travis, James L. Su'77 A Joshua 19:8

Travis, James L. Su'77 A Exodus 19:16

Coleman, Robert O. Su'77 A Numbers 13:1-20

Dever, William G. Su'77 A Genesis 12:6-7

Kent, Dan Gentry Su'77 A Exodus 26:15-30

Mendenhall, George E. Su'77 B

McCain, Donald V. Sp'77 A Matthew 21:3

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'77 A

Lewis, Joe O. Sp'77 A Luke 24:13

Callaway, Joseph A. Sp'77 A

Bailey, Robert N. Sp'77 A John 20:5-12

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'77 A James 3:11

Stevens, William W. Sp'77 B

Dale, Robert D. Sp'77 A Mark 3:13-15

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'77 A Deuteronomy 7:1; Joshua 3:10; 24:11

Harbour, Brian L. Sp'77 A Matthew 13:55

Green, Joseph F. Sp'77 A

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'77 A Exodus 2:16-21

Severance, W. Murray Sp'77 A Exodus 11:2

Kelley, Page H. Sp'77 A Exodus 1:8

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'77 A Numbers 16:13

Kelley, Page H. Sp'77 B

Stephens, William H. Sp'77 A Luke 13:1

Roberts, Sharon Sp'77 A 2 Kings 22:14; Judges 4:4

McCain, Donald V. Sp'77 A Hebrews 11:31

Stephens, William H. Sp'77 A Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'77 A James 1:11

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'77 A

Severance, W. Murray Sp'77 A

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'77 A James 4:14

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'77 A

Severance, W. Murray W'77 A Luke 7:36-50

Mills, Watson E. W'77 A Luke 2:7

Green, Joseph F. W'77 A Luke 11:11-12

Callaway, Joseph A. W'77 A Mark 1:6; Matthew 3:4

Gray, Elmer L. W'77 A

Daniel-Rops, Henri W'77 A

Stagg, Frank W'77 A Mark 1:24

Bevens, Walter B. W'77 A Matthew 4:18; Mark 1:16

Green, Joseph F. W'77 A Luke 7:36-50

Gray, Elmer L. W'77 A

McManus, Harold L. W'77 A Luke 2:46

Hiebert, D. Edmond W'77 B

Ferguson, Walter W. W'77 B

Callaway, Joseph A. W'77 A Matthew 3:4

Green, Joseph F. W'77 A

Bevens, Walter B. W'77 A

Dehoney, Wayne W'77 A

Severance, W. Murray W'77 A Luke 7:46; John 12:7

Dehoney, Wayne W'77 A Luke 2:41-50

Wood, Fred M. W'77 A Luke 23:11

Callaway, Joseph A. W'77 A Mark 1:7

Kent, Dan Gentry W'77 A

Green, Joseph F. W'77 A Leviticus 24:5-9

Gray, Elmer L. W'77 A Luke 19:4

McEachern, Alton H. W'77 A Luke 4:16-30

Turlington, Henry E. W'77 A Luke 1:80

Arnold, A. Stuart W'77 A Luke 4:1

Arnold, A. Stuart W'77 A John 3:23

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'76 A Romans 5:11

Coleman, Robert O. F'76 A

Hoekema, Anthony A. F'76 B

Elmore, Vernon O. F'76 A

Finegan, Jack F'76 A Galatians 2:12

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'76 A Romans 8:29

Keathley, Naymond H. F'76 A Luke 2:21-24

Songer, Harold S. F'76 A

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'76 A Romans 7:14 - 8:17

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. F'76 A Luke 2:8-14

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'76 A Romans 12:8

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'76 A Romans 10:6-7

Dehoney, Wayne F'76 A Luke 1:39-40

Finegan, Jack F'76 A 2 Timothy 4:10

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'76 A Romans 8:26,34

Green, Joseph F. F'76 A Romans 8:28

Sanford, Jack D. F'76 A Romans 8:35

Gray, Elmer L. F'76 A Romans 1:28

Beasley-Murray, George R. F'76 A Romans 5:7

Roberts, Sharon F'76 A

Rowell, Henry Thompson F'76 B

Stephens, William H. F'76 A

Beasley-Murray, George F'76 A Romans 14:13

Robertson, A. T. F'76 A Luke 2:14

Harmon, Richard W. F'76 A

Coleman, Robert O. Su'76 A

Severance, W. Murray Su'76 A Acts 8:39-40

Turlington, Henry E. Su'76 A

Dean, Robert J. Su'76 A

McEachern, Alton H. Su'76 A Acts 8:26-30

Gray, Elmer L. Su'76 A Acts 8:39

Stephens, William H. Su'76 A Matthew 19:24

McEachern, Alton H. Su'76 A Acts 8:26

Ashcraft, Morris Su'76 A

Stephens, William H. Su'76 A

McBeth, Leon Su'76 A

Polhill, John B. Su'76 A

Culpepper, Hugo H. Su'76 A

Harbour, Brian L. Su'76 A

Stephens, William H. Su'76 A Acts 8:9-24

Skelton, Eugene Su'76 A

Ezell, Douglas Su'76 A

Stephens, William H. Su'76 A

Kent, Dan Gentry Su'76 A

Barclay, William Sp'76 B

Coleman, Robert O. Sp'76 A

Roberts, Sharon Sp'76 A

Green, Joseph F. Sp'76 A

Knight, George W. Sp'76 A Genesis 12:3

Culpepper, Hugo H. Sp'76 A

Stephens, William H. Sp'76 A

Phillips, Elgene Sp'76 A

Neusner, Jacob Sp'76 B

Dehoney, Wayne Sp'76 A 2 Kings 23:13

Severance, W. Murray Sp'76 A Genesis 13:5-6

Travis, Arthur E. Sp'76 A

Kelm, George L. Sp'76 A

Falk, Randall M. Sp'76 A Exodus 23:16

Skelton, Eugene Sp'76 A

Roberts, Sharon Sp'76 A

Jones, Peter Rhea Sp'76 A

Callaway, Joseph A. Sp'76 A Matthew 27:33

Roberts, Sharon Sp'76 A Mark 16:9; Luke 24:10

Severance, W. Murray W'76 A

Parker, W. Dan W'76 A Mark 12:42-44

Skelton, Eugene W'76 A

Pinson, William M., Jr. W'76 A Matthew 5:31-32

Alexander, David and Patricia, eds.W'76 B

Stephens, William H. W'76 A Mark 8:15

Helton, Roy A. W'76 A Matthew 24:1

Turner, George A. W'76 B

Kent, Dan Gentry W'76 A

Box, Bobby D. W'76 A Jeremiah 17:21-22

McBeth, Leon W'76 A Matthew 16:19

Smith, Ralph L. W'76 A Matthew 23:4

Stephens, William H. W'76 A

Box, Bobby D. W'76 A Jeremiah 17:21-22

Stephens, William H. W'76 A

Carter, James E. W'76 A Matthew 5:1-12

Stephens,William H. W'76 A

Box, Bobby D. W'76 A Jeremiah 17:21-22

Stephens, William H. W'76 A

Eakins, J. Kenneth W'76 A Matthew 9:20-22

Stevens, William W. W'76 A Jeremiah 7:32; Deuteronomy 10:14

Joines, Karen R. F'75 A Genesis 12:5

Lewis, Joe O. F'75 A Genesis 22:9

F'75 B

Stephens, William H. F'75 A Genesis 21:25-31

Dwiggins, James D. F'75 A Genesis 28:19

Severance, W. Murray F'75 A Genesis 12:1

F'75 B

Stephens, William H. F'75 A Genesis 50:22

Dehoney, Wayne F'75 B

Box, Bobby D. F'75 A Matthew 4:2

Maddox, Robert L. F'75 A Matthew 4:23

F'75 B

Henry, Steve F'75 A

F'75 B

F'75 B

F'75 B

Stephens, William H. F'75 A

Hamm, G. Paul F'75 A Genesis 45:4

F'75 B

Burchette, C. Ray, Jr. F'75 A Matthew 2:3

Stephens, William H. F'75 A

Moorehead, Cleatus F'75 A Matthew 2:1

F'75 B

F'75 B

F'75 B

F'75 B

F'75 B

F'75 B

Smith, William F'75 B

Taylor, Larry M. F'75 A Matthew 9:9

F'75 B

F'75 B

F'75 B

Cole, W. Douglas Su'75 A 1 Corinthians 3:6

Ezell, Douglas Su'75 A Genesis 3:13

Law, Jimmy Su'75 A 2 Timothy 1:13

Stephens, William H. Su'75 A Galatians 5:22-23

Willard, Dallas Su'75 A Acts 7:22

Box, Bobby D. Su'75 A Matthew 5:14

Green, Joseph F. Su'75 A 2 Corinthians 4:8

Harbour, Brian L. Su'75 A Acts 4:16-21

Jackson, Thomas A. Su'75 A Philemon

Johnson, Jack Su'75 A Acts 8:26

McEachern,Alton H. Su'75 A Acts 10:22

Eakins, J. Kenneth Su'75 A 1 Kings 16:24

Latta, Bill Su'75 A Genesis 1:31

Moody, Dale Su'75 A John 16:13

Wilson, G. Todd Su'75 A Philippians 3:14

Elmore, Vernon O. Su'75 A 1 Corinthians 12

Gregory, Joel Su'75 A

Phillips, Gordon H. Sp'75 A

Ashcraft, Morris Sp'75 A Jeremiah 7:9; Judges 6:25

Stephens, William H. Sp'75 A

Jackson, Thomas A. Sp'75 A

Lindaman, Edward B. Sp'75 A Psalm 8:3-4

Gray, Elmer L. Sp'75 A

McGee, Daniel B. Sp'75 A Leviticus 19:37

Henry, Steve Sp'75 A

Stephens, William H. Sp'75 A

Rowell, Edmon L., Jr. Sp'75 A Jeremiah 36:4

Brooks, D. P. Sp'75 A Luke 24:45

Duncan, Clarence Sp'75 A

Jackson, Thomas A. Sp'75 A

Steen, John Warren Sp'75 A Exodus 19:20

Joines, Karen R. Sp'75 A Jeremiah 7:12

Estes, Joseph R. Sp'75 A 2 Chronicles 34:15

Craig, Floyd A. Sp'75 A Exodus 20:8-11

Kent, Dan Gentry Sp'75 A

Smith, Ralph L. Sp'75 A Psalm 139:1,7

Stephens, William H. Sp'75 A

Martin, Tony M. W'75 A John 11:1

Eakins, J. Kenneth W'75 A John 19:40

Severance, W. Murray W'75 A Mark 8:27a

Mills, Watson E. W'75 A 1 Corinthians12:4

Lloyd, R. Raymond W'75 A Genesis 9:8-9

Lawson, Linda W'75 A Matthew 28:6a

Sizemore, B. A., Jr. W'75 A Hebrews 8:8b

Knight, George W. W'75 A Exodus 19:5-6a

Dean, Robert J. W'75 A Hebrews 13:20-21

Olsen, Del W'75 A 2 Corinthians 8:1

Stephens, William H. W'75 A

Edwards, W. T., Jr. W'75 A Mark 8:27-29

Harrison, George W. W'75 A Genesis 4:2-8

Knight, George W. W'75 A Exodus 19:5-6

Newport, John P. W'75 A Mark 8:33

Everson, Don M. W'75 A John 11:27; Mark 8:38

Stapp, Robert N. W'75 A 2 Corinthians 8:6

Hinson, E. Glenn W'75 A Acts 2:42

Matheney, M. Pierce, Jr. F'74 A 2 Chronicles 5:7

Skelton, Eugene F'74 A Jeremiah 38:18

Travis, James L. F'74 A 2 Chronicles 5:8

no author given, see p. 40 F'74 A Joshua 20

no author given, see p. 63 F'74 A

Godwin, Johnnie F'74 A Luke 4:17

Faulkner, Brooks F'74 A 01-Old Testament

Hull, William E. F'74 A Galatians 4:4

Smith, T. C. F'74 A Amos 5:15

Dale, Robert D. F'74 A 2 Samuel 7:10

Durham, John I. F'74 A Ezekiel 36:28

Marsh, Alta L. F'74 A John 1:41

Hobbs, Herschel H. F'74 A 2 Samuel 7:9

Turlington, Henry E. F'74 A Matthew 3:1

Shannon, Harper F'74 A Jeremiah 38:17

Box, Bobby D. F'74 A Matthew 1:19

Cole, W. Douglas F'74 A Luke 4:20

Severance, W. Murray F'74 A Matthew 3:5

Stephens, William H. F'74 A Isaiah 55:3

Eakins, J. Kenneth F'74 A Luke 4:18

Douglass, Robert F'74 A 2 Chronicles 5:13

Wood, Fred M. F'74 A Amos 8:5

Goodson, James F'74 A Matthew 3:7

Shannon, Harper F'74 A Jeremiah 38:17

Taylor, Larry M. F'74 A 2 Chronicles 5:1

Cole, W. Douglas F'74 A Luke 4:20

no author given see p. 21 F'74 A Joshua 18:1

no author given, see p. 14 F'74 A Exodus 3:13-15

Category A Category B Category C

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Word Meanings Creation Theology

Word Meanings Theology Customs

Rulers Customs Food

Personalities, O.T. - Daniel History Rulers

Customs Ancient Religions Word Meanings

Ancient Religions Theology Word Meanings

Rulers Personalities, O.T. - Belshazzar Babylon

Rulers History Persia

Word Meanings Creation God

Word Meanings Creation God

Animals (Fauna) - Serpent Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T. - Noah Family Geography

Objects - Tower Architecture Archaeology

Egypt Geography History

Covenant Personalities, O.T. - Abraham God

Customs Personalities, O.T. - Jacob Personalities, O.T. - Esau

Geography Personalities, O.T. - Jacob Israel

Objects - Cistern Food/Drink Nature

Personalities, O.T. - Manasseh Peoples Israel

Word Meanings Customs New Testament; Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. - Angel of the LordWord Meanings God

Geography History Peoples

Ancient Religions Customs First Century

Personalities, O.T. - Cain Word Meanings Theology

Book Review

Personalities, O.T. - Joshua Israel Warfare

Nature Geography History

Personalities, O.T. - Reuben Israel Geography

Personalities, O.T. - Jonah Theology History

Early Church Theology New Testament

Israel Judaism History

Early Church First Century New Testament

Food/Drink Customs First Century

Word Meanings Early Church New Testament

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Personalities, O.T. - Cain Theology New Testament

Rulers Rome History

Objects Early Church Word Meanings

Objects Word Meanings History

Geography History Theology

Christ Theology Eschatology

Bible Early Church Old Testament

Customs Family First Century

Egypt Nature Geography

Personalities, O.T. - Elijah Theology Judaism

Objects History First Century

Word Meanings Theology Food/Drink

Early Church History Geography

Word Meanings God Theology

Book Review



Theology Early Church Old Testament

Personalities, N.T. - Mary Women Word Meanings

Theology Christ New Testament

Customs Rome Death

Christ Early Church Theology

Word Meanings Christ Theology

Word Meanings Christ Theology

Geography History Paul

Paul Theology New Testament

God Word Meanings Warfare

Personalities, O.T. - Obadiah History Theology

Personalities, O.T. History Theology

Personalities, N.T. - Pontius PilateHistory New Testament

Peoples Geography History

Word Meanings Theology Old Testament

Nature Death Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. - Haggai Theology Judah

Personalities, O.T. - Esau History Old Testament

Customs Family Word Meanings

Early Church Paul Theology

Eschatology Theology Christ

Eschatology Theology Heaven/Hell

Objects Food/Drink Minerals

Early Church Theology Customs

Death Christ Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Book Review

Theology History Old Testament

Geography Nature Israel

Ancient Religions God Israel

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Objects Personalities, O.T. - Nehemiah Archaeology

Heaven/Hell Word Meanings Theology

Rome Customs First Century

Word Meanings Theology First Century

Temple Occupations Judaism

Personalities, N.T. - Agrippa II Rulers Rome

Nature Geography Israel

Word Study Theology New Testament

Word Meanings Customs Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. - Sanballat, TobiahHistory Judah

Temple Personalities, N.T. - Herod Judaism

Personalities, O.T. - Xerxes I Rulers History

Money Customs Old Testament

God Theology Old Testament

Objects Occupations Old Testament

Customs Theology Old Testament

Paul Early Church First Century

History Israel Old Testament

Objects Warfare Word Meanings

Geography Peoples Old Testament

Rulers History Persia

Money History Rulers

Book Review

Book Review

Sports First Century New Testament

Geography History Old Testament

Ephesus History First Century

Word Meanings Customs New Testament

Baptism Paul Theology

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Music Word Meanings Theology

Animals Objects History

Rulers Egypt Customs

Personalities, O.T. - Joseph Family Israel

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Bible Theology New Testament

Early Church Theology History

Bible Old Testament New Testament

God Theology Word Meanings

Theology Early Church First Century

Animals Sacrifices Judaism

Christ Word Meanings Theology

Customs Word Meanings First Century

God Angels Theology

God Rulers Theology

Geography Personalities, O.T. - Samson History

Personalities, O.T. - Jesse Israel Old Testament

rulers First Century Judaism

Customs First Century New Testament

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Clothing Eschatology Theology

Word Meanings God Theology

God Theology Israel

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Personalities, O.T. - Melchizedek Theology Old Testament

Bible Theology History

Personalities, N.T. - Peter Geography Bible

Rulers Early Church First Century

Word Meanings Theology First Century

God Theology Word Meanings

Peoples Rulers History

Personalities, O.T. - Ezekiel Theology Old Testament

Customs Judaism Old Testament

Object God Theology

Personalities, O.T. - David Rulers Israel

Rulers Israel History

Rulers Peoples History

Peoples History Warfare

Theology God Israel

Bible Theology Old Testament

Ancient Religions Judaism Theology

Word Meanings God Theology

Word Meanings Theology Early Church

Creation Theology Marriage

Occupations Customs Rulers

Word Meanings Theology Old Testament

Word Meanings Theology Object

Book Review

Word Meanings Creation Theology

Paul Money Theology

Geography History Paul

Paul Money Theology

Word Meanings God Theology

Christ History New Testament

Occupations Rome Warfare

Customs Money First Century

Occupations Judaism Temple

Personalities, O.T. - Solomon Rulers Israel

Word Meanings God Theology

Women Marriage Customs

Customs Theology Old Testament

Food Customs Agriculture

Geography Plants (Flora) Christ

Animals (Fauna) Theology

Women Marriage/Divorce Customs

Objects Women Customs

Plants (Flora) Theology Eschatology

Sacrifices Ancient Religions Theology

Egypt Rulers Theology

Objects Sacrifices Judaism

Objects Customs Occupations

Word Meanings God Theology

Word Meanings Christ Theology

Word Meanings Eschatology Theology

Book Review

Christ Word Meanings Theology

Christ Word Meanings Theology

Christ Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Theology Agriculture Word Meanings

Christ Customs Theology

Geography Archaeology History

Christ Personalities, N.T. History

Occupations First Century Animals

History Peoples Customs

Rome History Peoples

History Customs First Century

God Word Meanings Eschatology

Family Women First Century

Ancient Religions Theology First Century

Rome Customs First Century

Word Meanings Customs First Century

God Nature Word Meanings

Word Meanings Holy Spirit Creation

Book Review

History First Century New Testament

Personalities, N.T. - Nathanael New Testament Bible

Geography First Century Archaeology

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Objects Archaeology New Testament

Christ Judaism Theology

Christ Family Early Church

Personalities, N.T. - James Early Church History

Word Meanings Christ New Testament

Personalities, N.T. - Lazarus Christ New Testament

Customs History Archaeology

Customs Judaism Archaeology

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

First Century Money Customs

Word Meanings Christ Theology

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Objects New Testament Old Testament

Israel Rulers Theology

Personalities, O.T. - Lot Family Old Testament

History Early Church Theology

Personalities, O.T. - Joseph Egypt Israel

Book Review Judaism Customs

Personalities, O.T. - Job Old Testament Bible

Word Meanings Theology Old Testament

Objects Wealth Ancient Knowledge

Theology Word Meanings Old Testament

Theology Word Meanings Old Testament

Theology Death Old Testament

Word Meanings Customs Eschatology

Money Customs Old Testament

Weather Israel Nature

Word Meanings Creation Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. - Abraham Family Customs

Word Meanings Theology Covenant

Israel Egypt Old Testament

Objects Theology Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. - David Rulers Israel

Warfare Occupations Old Testament

Rulers History Old Testament

Occupations First Century Israel

Christ Personalities, N.T. - Pontius PilateHistory

Eschatology Kingdom of Heaven New Testament

Book Review Archaeology First Century

N.T. Personalities, Paul N.T. Personalities, Timothy Early Church

Word Meanings Paul Theology

Customs Family First Century

Rulers Rome First Century

Marriage Customs Family

Bible Religious Writings Judaism

Objects Rulers Clothing/Jewelry

Geography Peoples Early Church

Word Meanings Theology Paul

Judaism Customs First Century

Animals Nature New Testament

Word Meanings Judaism Theology

Judaism Customs First Century

God Israel Theology

Sacrifices Animals Israel

Word Meanings Old Testament New Testament

Word Meanings Theology Old Testament

Objects Archeology Israel

Word Meanings Customs Old Testament

Bible History Early Church

Book Review Judaism Architecture

Israel History Personalities, O.T. - Hosea

Word Meanings Israel Old Testament

Assyria History Old Testament

Word Meanings Personalities, O.T. - Hosea Old Testament

Animals Word Meanings Old Testament

Objects Warfare Old Testament

Animals Warfare Old Testament

Geography History Old Testament

Israel Money History

Israel History Rulers

Word Meanings Personalities, O.T. - Jonah Old Testament

Egypt Customs Occupations

First Century Theology Judaism

Occupations History Israel

Personalities, O.T. - Nahum History Israel

Personalities, O.T. - Habakkuk Theology Old Testament

Geography Peoples History

Personalities, N.T. - Timothy History New Testament

Word Meanings Theology First Century

History Geography Peoples

Book Review

Peter; Personalities, N.T. Early Church History

Geography History New Testament

Early Church First Century History

Early Church History Rome

Eschatology Theology New Testament

Customs First Century Early Church

Occupations Early Church Theology

Peter (Personalities, N.T.) Early Church Theology

Jude (Personalities, N.T.) Theology Bible

Jesus (Personalities, N.T.) Theology Kingdom of God (Kingdom of Heaven)

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Early Church History Custom

Fauna Nature Israel

Jesus (Personalities, N.T.) Women Customs

Abraham (Personalities, O.T.) Geography Israel

Miriam (Personalities, O.T.) Women Israel

Customs Early Church First Century

Barnabas (Personalities, N.T.) Early Church New Testament

Book Review Bible

Early Church History

Peoples History Geography

Israel Peoples Customs

Peoples Geography Old Testament

Israel Peoples Geography

Israel Personalities, O.T. Occupations

Israel Warfare Geography

Judaism Customs Israel

Peoples Geography History

Covenant Customs History

Bible Theology Malachi

Clothing Customs History

Holy Spirit God Theology

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Ancient Knowledge First Century Customs

Word Meanings Customs New Testament

Word Meanings Customs Jeremiah

Word Meanings Jeremiah Old Testament

Israel Warfare History

Book Review Early Church First Century

Israel History Old Testament

Theology Bible New Testament

Peoples Customs New Testament

Word Meanings Bible New Testament

Theology Holy Spirit New Testament

Christ Customs New Testament

Peoples Customs New Testament

Theology Money New Testament

Clothing Customs New Testament

Rome Customs Death

Word Meanings Christ New Testament

Israel Rulers Old Testament

Music Objects Old Testament

Theology God Old Testament

Judaism Theology New Testament

Women History New Testament

Geography Ancient Religions New Testament

Theology Christ New Testament

Theology Judaism Old Testament

Geography Archaeology Old Testament

New Testament

Word Meanings Christ New Testament

Marriage/Divorce Customs First Century

Egypt Theology New Testament

Customs First Century Archaeology

Paul Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Judaism Customs

Paul Philosophy Theology

Early Church Ancient Religions First Century

Medicine Customs First Century

Family Customs First Century

Bible History Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. History Old Testament

Archaeology Customs Occupations

Agriculture Customs Food/Drink

Bible History Old Testament

Theology Christ New Testament

Customs History Old Testament

Weights and Measurements Customs Old Testament

Geography Israel Old Testament

Christ Geography New Testament

Book Review

Paul Theology New Testament

Paul Theology New Testament

Ancient Religions Rome First Century

Theology Personalities, O.T. New Testament

Word Meanings Paul Theology

Early Church History First Century

Theology Customs First Century

Paul Early Church Rome

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Occupations History New Testament

Geography Personalities, N.T. New Testament

Occupations Food/Drink First Century

Geography History First Century

Occupations Food/Drink Customs

God Theology Old Testament

Ancient Religions Sacrifices Old Testament

Geography Theology Old Testament

Rome Rulers History

Book Reviews

Occupations First Century Customs

Personalities, N.T. Early Church First Century

Geography Archaeology First Century

Theology Old Testament New Testament

Paul Early Church New Testament

Family Customs First Century

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Customs Ancient Religions First Century

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Word Meanings Customs First Century

History Judah Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Judah Theology

Personalities, O.T. Judah Theology

Personalities, O.T. Judah Theology

Word Meanings Customs Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Judah

Ancient Religions Theology Old Testament

Ancient Religions Theology Old Testament

History Geography Rulers

Book Reviews Bible

Geography Archaeology New Testament

Early Church First Century Customs

Architecture Customs First Century

Theology Bible Early Church

Geography Bethany First Century

History Warfare Architecture

N.T. Personalities Thomas Early Church

History Persia Rulers

History Persia Personalities, O.T.

History Early Church New Testament

Book Reviews History Old Testament

Feasts Customs Food/Drink

Geography First Century Early Church

Early Church Rome Customs

Paul Early Church Geography

Word Meanings Early Church Theology

Word Meanings Paul Theology

Theology Paul Early Church

Theology Paul Early Church

Christ Theology Customs

Theology Early Church First Century

Early Church First Century Customs

Judaism Customs Old Testament

Judaism Customs Parables

Money Objects History

Personalities, N.T. New Testament

Customs Judaism History

Customs Israel New Testament

Personalities, O.T. Israel History

Word Meanings Customs Old Testament

Word Meanings Israel Old Testament

Plants Israel Old Testament

Book Reviews

Rulers Israel History

Archaeology Israel Old Testament

Assyria Babylon History

Rulers Israel History

Rulers Israel Ancient Religions

Rulers Israel Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Israel Old Testament

Egypt Israel History

Archaeology History Old Testament

Rulers Israel History

History Israel Old Testament

Judaism Customs New Testament

Paul First Century New Testament

Customs First Century New Testament

Nature Objects Ancient Knowledge

Objects Warfare History

God Theology Old Testament

Geography History First Century

Word Meanings Early Church New Testament

Word Meanings Paul Early Church

Holy Spirit Theology God

Objects Archaeology Architecture

Book Review

History Christ New Testament

Archaeology Geography History

Bible Early Church New Testament

Music Early Church Theology

Word Meanings Customs New Testament

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Judaism Customs Temple

Paul Early Church First Century

Word Meanings Customs New Testament

Word Meanings Customs New Testament

Word Meanings Customs New Testament

History Israel Old Testament

Geography History Old Testament

History Israel Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Israel Old Testament

Warfare Israel Old Testament

Peoples Warfare Old Testament

Warfare Peoples Israel

Music Israel Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Israel History

Architecture Israel Old Testament

Archaeology Egypt Old Testament

Book Review New Testament

Early Church Word Meanings New Testament

Personalities, N.T. Early Church New Testament

Rome History Customs

Rome History Customs

Paul Theology New Testament

Paul Early Church New Testament

Rome Customs History

Paul Satan/Demons Theology

Paul Theology New Testament

Early Church Paul New Testament

History Early Church New Testament

Sacrifices First Century New Testament

Early Church First Century New Testament

Ancient Religions First Century New Testament

Word Meanings New Testament

Occupations Customs First Century

Ancient Religions Theology Old Testament

Women Customs First Century

Book Review Paul New Testament

Egypt Death Ancient Religions

Egypt History Old Testament

Egypt Death Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T. Israel Old Testament

Egypt Personalities, O.T. Israel

Egypt Warfare Old Testament

Personalities, N.T. New Testament

Personalities, O.T. Israel Old Testament

Theology Israel Old Testament

Sacrifices Israel Old Testament

Theology Israel Old Testament

Occupations Theology Old Testament

Paul Early Church New Testament

Christ Theology New Testament

Ancient Knowledge Philosophy Old Testament

Death Theology Old Testament

God Theology Old Testament

Paul Philosophy New Testament

Paul Early Church New Testament

Paul Customs New Testament

Book Review


New Testament

Animals (Fauna) Nature New Testament

Medicine Occupations New Testament

Personalities, N.T. Rome Rulers

Nature Weather Geography

Architecture Personalities, N.T. New Testament

Customs Theology New Testament

Christ Theology New Testament

Rulers Israel New Testament

Eschatology Theology New Testament

Occupations Rome Warfare

New Testament

Architecture Customs New Testament

Christ Theology New Testament

Christ Customs New Testament

Geography First Century New Testament

Family First Century New Testament

Christ History New Testament

Architecture Archaeology New Testament

Satan/Demons First Century New Testament

Animals First Century New Testament

Architecture Archaeology Old Testament

Customs Old Testament New Testament

History Nature Old Testament

Peoples History Old Testament

Temple Israel Old Testament

Plants (Flora) Nature New Testament

Word Meanings Ancient Religions Old Testament

Nature Israel Old Testament

Objects Customs Old Testament

Word Meanings Theology Old Testament

Archaelogy Israel Old Testament

Book Reviews Christ New Testament

Book Reviews Paul New Testament

Paul Early Church New Testament

Archaeology Israel Old Testament

Languages History New Testament

New Testament Bible Theology

New Testament Bible Theology

Geography God Old Testament

Customs History Old Testament

Paul History New Testament

Feasts Customs History

History Covenant Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. History Old Testament

History Geography Old Testament

History Geography New Testament

Paul History New Testament

Customs Paul New Testament

Paul Theology Ancient KnowledgeTheology Early Church New Testament

Objects Customs History

First Century Customs Money

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Early Church Theology New Testament

Book Reviews Israel Old Testament

Geography New Testament

Customs Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Rulers Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Family Women Old Testament

Word Meanings Old Testament

Occupations Objects Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Israel Old Testament History

Word Meanings Old Testament

Geography Old Testament

Rulers Israel Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Old Testament

Warfare Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Covenant Israel Old Testament

Architecture Early Church New Testament

Warfare Israel Old Testament

Judaism Customs First Century

Personalities, N.T. Geography New Testament

Death Customs Old Testament

Archaeology Rulers New Testament

God Israel Old Testament

Sacrifices Old Testament

Ancient Religions First Century New Testament

New Testament Marriage/Divorce Theology

Animals Old Testament

Customs First Century New Testament

Eschatology New Testament

Angels New Testament

First Century Geography History

Word Meanings New Testament

Rome First Century Objects

First Century Geography

Paul New Testament Early Church

First Century Food/Drink Judaism

Word Meanings New Testament Theology

Word Meanings New Testament Theology

New Testament First Century Miscellaneous

Personalities, N.T. New Testament

Theology Judaism

God Theology

Archaeology Objects First Century

Book Reviews Paul

Word Meanings New Testament

First Century Customs New Testament

Personalities, O.T.

Archaeology Old Testament

Money First Century New Testament

Word Meanings Theology

Ancient Religions Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. History Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Geography Personalities, O.T.

Rome First Century Rulers

Book Review Old Testament New Testament

Parables New Testament

Paul Rome New Testament

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Warfare Old Testament

Marriage/Divorce Old Testament

Geography Old Testament Objects

Rome Philosophy New Testament

Customs Israel Rulers

Word Meanings New Testament

Heaven/Hell Kingdom of Heaven Eschatology

Personalities, N.T. Rulers

Archaeology History Religious Writings

Geography Objects Customs

Customs Marriage/Divorce New Testament

Geography New Testament

Geography New Testament Paul


Word Meanings New Testament

Geography First Century

Book Review Holy Spirit

Theology Christ

Clothing/Jewelry Old Testament

Paul New Testament

Paul New Testament

Geography Holy Spirit New Testament

Rome Customs

Personalities, N.T. History

Old Testament

Judaism New Testament

Objects Eschatology

Ancient Religions New Testament

Personalities, O.T. History

Marriage/Divorce Old Testament

Death First Century Israel

Geography Israel Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Geography Old Testament

Geography Old Testament

Israel History

Geography History New Testament

Word Meanings New Testament

Christ Book Review

Personalities, N.T. Bible

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Personalities, O.T. Geography History

Marriage/Divorce Customs

Temple First Century

Egypt History Personalities, O.T.

Agriculture Old Testament

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Geography Israel History

Peoples History Old Testament

Nature History

Ruler First Century

Archaeology Old Testament

Geography Old Testament History

Agriculture Occupations First Century

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. History

Geography Old Testament

Ancient Religions Old Testament

Occupations First Century Rome


Bible Old Testament

Rulers History Old Testament

History Geography Book Review

Peoples History Old Testament

Christ First Century

Personalities, O.T. History

Geography History Old Testament

Peoples History Old Testament


Personalities, N.T.

Judaism Christ

Customs New Testament

Archaeology Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, O.T. Rulers History

Archaeology Book Review

Marriage/Divorce First Century

Geography New Testament

Judaism Israel History

History Israel Old Testament

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Occupations

Personalities, N.T.

Rulers History

Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings New Testament

Kingdom of Heaven New Testament

God Ancient Religions

Christ New Testament Judaism

New Testament Judaism

Word Meanings New Testament

Peoples History


Ancient Religions Paul New Testament

Animals (Fauna) Warfare History

Ancient Religions History

Geography History New Testament

Book Review

Animals (Fauna) Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. History

Personalities, O.T. History

Temple New Testament

Ancient Religions Old Testament

Geography Israel History

Theology Old Testament

Weather Israel

Geography Israel History

History Old Testament

New Testament First Century Judaism

History Old Testament Personalities, O.T.

History Geography Israel

Peoples Old Testament

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Occupations

Theology New Testament

Word Study New Testament

Archaeology Geography Israel

Geography New Testament History

Death Customs Old Testament

Clothing/Jewelry First Century

Customs Occupations First Century

Geography New Testament

History Personalities, O.T. Egypt

Word Study New Testament

Bible New Testament History

Food/Drink First Century

Eschatology Theology New Testament

New Testament

Personalities, N.T. Bible

Geography New Testament

Book Review

Archaeology Geography New Testament

Christ Theology

Customs Occupations New Testament

Geography First Century

Music New Testament First Century


Personalities, N.T.

Old Testament Customs Ancient Religions

Archaeology History

Geography New Testament

Word Meanings New Testament

Old Testament Theology

Personalities, O.T. Occupations Temple

Book Review

Geography New Testament

Personalities, N.T.

History Customs Israel

Archaeology Old Testament

First Century Miscellaneous

Word Meanings New Testament

History Old Testament

Feasts Israel Customs

Old Testament Archaeology

Occupations Old Testament

Peoples Old Testament

Personalities, Extrabiblical History Old Testament

Temple Old Testament

Theology New Testament

Agriculture New Testament Food/Drink

Geography Archaeology Old Testament

Weights and Measures

Archaeology Old Testament

Book Review

Geography Personalities, N.T.

Customs Rome First Century

Egypt Old Testament History

Customs First Century Religious Writings

Rulers Old Testament Israel

Peoples Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. New Testament

Customs New Testament

Customs New Testament

Bible New Testament

Geography Israel

Temple Christ Judaism

Food/Drink First Century

Peoples Old Testament History

Paul New Testament

Bible Old Testament

Old Testament Customs

Customs Old Testament

Geography Rulers Egypt

Personalities, O.T. History

Geography History Old Testament

Bible Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Family

Old Testament

Money Animals (Fauna) Old Testament

Peoples Geography Old Testament

Customs Old Testament

Customs Plants (flora)

Paul Religious Writings Customs

Word Study New Testament Theology

History Old Testament

Geography Old Testament

Bible Old Testament Theology

Word Meanings Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Rulers History

Book Review

Peoples Old Testament

Geography History Old Testament

Book Review Archaeology History

Geography New Testament Personalities, N.T. (Luke)

Personalities, Extrabiblical Old Testament History

Geography Old Testament History

Objects History

Personalities, O.T. Religious Writings

Theology Old Testament History

Judaism History Religious Writings

Geography New Testament History

Geography Archaeology History

Customs Old Testament

Flora Agriculture

Geography Old Testament History

History New Testament

Judaism History New Testament

Customs New Testament Personalities, N.T. (Prodigal Son)

Personalities, Extrabiblical Rulers History

Customs Judaism

Archaeology Personalities, Extrabiblical

Geography New Testament Christ

Personalities, O.T. Temple Judaism

Christ Theology

Archaeology Old Testament

Archaeology History

Family First Century Food/Drink

Christ First Century

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Knowledge

Ancient Knowledge New Testament

Peoples Paul Rome

Agriculture Flora

Christ Peoples First Century

Rome Personalities, N.T. First Century

Book Review New Testament


History Old Testament

Old Testament History

Money Paul

Old Testament Paul Bible

Food/Drink First Century Judaism

Paul First Century

Peoples First Century Jesus

Rome First Century

Temple Old Testament

Family First Century Food/Drink

Peoples New Testament Paul

New Testament Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings

Word Studies

First Century Family

Rulers Rome

Clothing/Jewelry Objects

Architecture Israel Ancient Knowledge

Objects Ancient Knowledge

First Century Rome Judaism

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Old Testament

Paul Personalities, O.T.


Word Meanings Old Testament

Word Meanings God Satan/Demons

Word Meanings

Rome Paul

First Century

Word Meanings Paul

Theology Paul Old Testament

Book Review Geography Bible

Word Meanings New Testament

Geography Old Testament

New Testament Eschatology Early Church

Book Review Bible

Geography New Testament History

Personalities, O.T.

Rome Warfare First Century

Personalities, O.T. History

History Old Testament

Animals (Fauna) Old Testament

Rome Paul New Testament

Minerals Occupations Old Testament

History Old Testament

Geography History New Testament

Family First-Century

Rome Paul

Peoples History

Occupations Old Testament

Ancient Religions New Testament

Word Meanings Christ

Peoples Old Testament

Word Studies New Testament

Covenant Old Testament

Egypt Old Testament

Geography Old Testament

Geography Old Testament

Geography New Testament

Animals (Fauna) History

Egypt Ancient Religions

Egypt Personalities, O.T.

Old Testament History Personalities, O.T.

New Testament Peoples

Personalities, O.T. Customs

Personalities, Extrabiblical Rulers

Death Customs New Testament

Geography Old Testament

Temple New Testament

New Testament Religious Writings

Temple New Testament

Rulers History Old Testament

Archaeology New Testament

Personalities, O.T. History

Geography Old Testament

Book Review Bible

Word Studies New Testament

Geography First Century

Personalities, O.T. Christ

Medicine Book of Luke First Century

Personalities, N.T. Rome

Architecture First Century Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, O.T. Book of Hosea Bible

Theology First Century Christ

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Christ Customs First Century

Heaven/hell Satan/demons Theology

Geography New Testament

Plants Old Testament Nature

History New Testament

Ancient Religions Old Testament

Bible History Book Reviews

Geography New Testament

Rome First-Century

First Century Rome Judaism

First Century Marriage/Divorce Family

Peoples New Testament

Satan/Demons Heaven/Hell


Animals (Fauna) Israel


Food/Drink Customs New Testament

Book Review

Word Meanings Christ

Objects New

Personalities, N.T. Medicine

Women Personalities, N.T.

Music Old Testament


Geography New Testament

Judaism First Century Personalities, N.T.

Clothing/Jewelry First Century

Judaism First Century

Personalities, O.T.

Rome Rulers First Century

Rome Warfare

Miscellaneous Creation Religious Writings

Women First Century

Word Meanings Christ

Personalities, N.T. Peoples

Religious Writings Christ

Old Testament Israel

Old Testament Israel Rulers

Word Meanings New Testament

Warfare History

Baptism New Testament Early Church

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament Bible

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Personalities, O.T.

Bible Old Testament

Word Studies Old Testament

Food/Drink Early Church New Testament

New Testament Old Testament Bible

Archaeology History Old Testament

Book Review

Peoples Old Testament

Peoples Old Testament

Old Testament Israel History

Personalities, O.T. History Geography

History Old Testament

Archaeology Old Testament Geography

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Word Meanings New Testament Customs

Personalitites, N.T. Family Women

Personalities, O.T. Occupations Old Testament

Death Warfare

Objects Old Testament Warfare

Peoples New Testament

Early Church New Testament

Personalities, O.T. Occupations Old Testament

Peoples Geography

Peoples Old Testament

Word Meanings Miscellaneaous- Friendship

Christ Personalities: N.T.

Book Review

Early Church New Testament

Rulers Rome Christ

Book Review

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Old Testament

Old Testament Bible Peoples

Personalities, O.T. Paul

Paul Personalities, N.T.

Early Church New Testament

Old Testament Word Meanings Personalities, O.T.

Warfare Rulers Old Testament

Weather Old Testament Geography

Family Old Testament History

Peoples Old Testament

Word Meanings Old Testament Theology

God Theology Old Testament

Old Testament History

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Rulers Old Testament

Family Old Testament

Geography Old Testament

Bible Old Testament

Bible Old Testament

Personalities, N.T. Paul

Money Old Testament Weights and Measures

Food / Drink Old Testament

Personalities, N. T. New Testament

Geography Paul New Testament

Baptism First Century New Testament

Money First Century Temple

Architecture Archaeology New Testament

Book Review

Geography New Testament Paul

First Century Family

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Early Church New Testament

Early Church New Testament

New Testament

Word Meaning New Testament

Paul Rome First Century

Paul New Testament

Archaeology New Testament

Money Early Church New Testament

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Food/Drink Minerals Israel

Rome First Century

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Miscellaneous Money New Testament

Word Meanings Theology

Geography History Old Testament

Death Egypt Customs

First Century New Testament


Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Geography Egypt

Theology Word Meanings New Testament

Theology New Testament

Death Customs

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Paul New Testament

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Word Meanings New Testament

Peoples New Testament

Egypt Rulers

Book Review

Word Meanings New Testament

Word Meanings Heaven/Hell New Testament

Word Meanings Old Testament

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, N.T. Family

Book Review

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Word Meanings New Testament

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament Rulers

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Israel Egypt

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Geography Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Ruler Israel

Rulers Customs Old Testament

Personalities, N.T. Death

Ancient Religions Old Testament

Temple Architecture Old Testament

Geography Old Testament

Peoples Old Testament

Theology Old Testament New Testament

Word Meanings Old Testament Theology

Geography New Testament

Bible Old Testament Judaism

Family Customs New Testament

Customs New Testament

Word Meanings Heaven/Hell

Book Review

New Testament Christ

Geography First Century New Testament

New Testament

Rulers Personalities, O.T.


Personalities, N.T. Death

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Personalities, N.T. Rulers Christ

Personalities, N.T. Temple

First Century Peoples

Angels Christ New Testament

Word Meanings Holy Spirit

Temple New Testament Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Heaven/Hell Theology

Word Meanings Weights and Measures New Testament

Word Meanings Theology New Testament

Theology Creation

History Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Ancient Religions Theology

History Geography Archaeology

History Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Theology Family

Judaism First Century

History Archaeology

Word Meanings Theology

New Testament Religious Writings

Word Meanings Theology

Paul New Testament

Personalities, N.T.

Customs Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings Theology Personalities, N.T.

Feasts Judaism

Book Review

Theology Peoples

Theology Judaism

Agriculture Food/Drink

History Personalities, O.T. Judaism

Objects Customs

Personalities, O.T. Objects

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Geography Personalities, O.T.

Women Customs


Personalities, O.T. Israel


Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Peoples Old Testament

Theology Word meanings

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Customs

Music Personalities, O.T.

Theology Personalities, O.T.

Parables Old Testament

Personalities, O.T. Customs

Word meanings Theology

Book Review

Christ Theology

Theology Word Meanings Customs

Archaeology Early Church

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Bible Personalities, O.T.

Geography Christ

Word Meanings Christ

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Geography Christ

Theology Early Church Word Meanings

Philosophy Theology

Feasts Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Early Church Theology

Family First Century

Book Review

Geography Archaeology

Personalities, O.T. Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

God Theology

Customs Ancient Religions History

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Theology

Book Review

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T. History

Theology History

Personalities, O.T.

Christ Occupations Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Agriculture Geography


Word Meanings Theology Personalities, O.T.

Theology Word meanings

Word Meanings Customs

Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Covenant Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

History, religious Geography

Geography First Century

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T.

Book Review

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, N.T. Word meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Geography History

History Theology

Philosophy Customs Early Church

Objects Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, N.T. Word meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Bible History

Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Objects Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T. History

Personalities, O.T. Geography

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament


Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Geography Theology

Customs Ancient Israel History

Word Meanings Theology

History Backgrounds

History Israel

Word Meanings Theology


Personalities, Extrabiblical History History

Word Meanings Christ

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Theology

God Theology

Paul Word meanings

Personalities, O.T. History

Word Meanings Paul

Book Review

Bible Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Food/Drink Christ

Christ Geography Archaeology

Money Customs

Backgrounds Occupations

Peoples Ancient Religions Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Customs Word meanings Theology

Archaeology Geography

History Geography Archaeology

Book Review

Theology Customs

Customs Family Personalities, O.T.

Theology Judaism First Century

Personalities, O.T. Geography Archaeology

Geography Personalities, O.T.

Christ Geography

Personalities, O.T.

Theology Kingdom of Heaven Judaism

Customs Personalities, N.T. Satan/Demons

Personalities, O.T.

Old Testament Ancient Religions


Customs Old Testament

Parables Christ

Customs Theology Philosophy

Geography Peoples Old Testament

Paul Geography Weather

History Paul Rome

Personalities, N.T. Paul

Rome Christ Personalities, N.T.

Paul Geography Archaeology

Geography Archaeology

Personalities, N.T. History

Geography History Archaeology

Personalities, N.T. Women

Christ Judaism

History & Archaeology Christ Geography

Book Review

Archaeology & History Paul Geography

Geography Paul

History Christ Judaism

Early Church Geography

Geography Early Church Paul

Personalities, N.T. Customs

Backgrounds Personalities, N.T. History

Peoples Personalities, N.T. Ancient Religions

Personalities, N.T. Geography

Peoples Peoples

Backgrounds Word Meanings Theology

Theology Word Meanings

Geography History

Backgrounds Theology Word Meanings

Theology Word Meanings Christ

Theology Word Meanings Backgrounds

Judaism Food/Drink Customs

Word Studies Theology

Geography Warfare

Feasts Backgrounds

Book Review

Personalities, N.T. Theology

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Geography Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Ancient Knowledge

Customs Agriculture

Word Meanings Theology

Israel History

History Early Church

Word Meanings Theology

History Backgrounds

Book Review

Word Meanings Backgrounds

Christ Theology

Theology Word Meanings Bible

History Backgrounds Personalities, Extrabiblical

Theology Word Meanings Heaven/Hell

Israel History Backgrounds

Plants Agriculture

Word Meanings Judaism

Bible Backgrounds History

Marriage/Divorce Family Backgrounds

History Backgrounds

Heaven/Hell Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, N.T.

Paul History

Paul Word Meanings

Paul Word Meanings

Theology Word Meanings Paul

Christ Backgrounds

Christ Word Meanings Theology

Paul History

Backgrounds Word Meanings Theology

Book Review

Personalities, O.T. History

Temple History Peoples

Ancient Religions Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Personalities, O.T History

Family History

Word Meanings Music

History Archaeology

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Word Meanings Theology

History Personalities, O.T. Israel

Personalities, O.T.

Sacrifices First Century

Peoples History

Paul Early Church

Early Church History

Peoples History

History First Century

Personalities, O.T. History

Early Church Customs

Customs History

Personalities, N.T.

Customs Agriculture

Word Meanings Theology

Agriculture Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Christ Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Geography Christ (Galilean Ministry)

First Century Customs

Personalities, N.T. Customs

Book Review

Christ Geography

Christ Geography

Peoples Geography

Word Meanings Theology

Insects Agriculture

Geography History

Philosophy Israel

New Testament Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Occupations

People Philosophy Theology

Peoples Old Testament

Book Review

Personalities, O.T.

People (The tribes in Canaan before Israel)Geography

Family Old Testament

Geography History Old Testament


Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Plants (Flora)

Personalities, O.T.


Personalities, O.T.

Geography History Old Testament

Sacrifices Theology Old Testament

Angels Theology

Personalities, O.T.

Peoples Geography

Covenant Old Testament

Theology Customs

Angels Satan/Demons Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Satan/Demons

Word Meanings Theology

Geography History

Personalities, O.T. Word Meanings

Animals (Fauna) History

Theology Covenant

Word Meanings Early Church

Geography History

Word Meaning Theology

History Israel

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T. History

Geography History

Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. History

Paul Bible Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T.

Sacrifices Theology History

Book Review

Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology History

Personalities, N.T. History

Theology Satan/Demons

Personalities, N.T.

Word Studies Theology

Personalities, O.T.

Israel Archaeology Geography

Personalities, O.T

Personalities, N.T.


Personalities, O.T.

Book Review

Christ Word Studies

Theology Heaven/Hell

Personalities, N.T.


Word Studies Law

Peoples Geography History

Word Studies Theology

Word Studies Theology

Word Studies Theology

Word Studies Theology

Word Studies Theology


Peoples Geography

Geography Word Meanings

Word Studies Theology

Word Studies Theology

Word Meanings Customs

History Customs

Personalities, N.T. History



First Century Customs

First Century Customs

History Customs

Customs Christ

Christ Judaism Customs

Christ Theology

Christ Customs

Personalities, N.T. Christ

Personalities, N.T. History

Customs Early Church Theology

Geography History

Customs Theology Early Church


Personalities, N.T. History Christ

Temple Christ

Book Review

Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, N.T.

Christ Theology

Book Review

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Word Meanings

Egypt History

Egypt History


Judaism Ancient Religion

Music Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Geography

Personalities, O.T. Geography

Customs Ancient Knowledge

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, N.T.

Geography History


Israel History


Egypt History


Judaism Ancient Religion

Personalities, O.T.

Bible Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Religions

Book Review

Customs Nature Archaeology

Christ Word Studies Theology

Archaeology Customs Architecture

Customs Word Meanings

Clothing/Jewelry Women Customs

Word Studies Theology


Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T. History

Law Customs

Personalities, O.T.

Covenant Religious Writings

Customs Nature

Personalities, N.T. Geography First Century

Agriculture Nature

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Geography

Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Customs

Bible Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Backgrounds Theology

Book Review

Word Meanings Theology

Marriage/Divorce First Century

Word Meanings Theology

Baptism First Century

Plants First Century


Word Meanings Theology

Bible New Testament


Book Review


Christ Theology



Medicine First Century

Personalities, N.T. Christ

Word Studies

First Century Judaism

Bible Old Testament

Word Meanings Theology



Judaism Customs First Century

Ancient Religion Sacrifices

Archaeology Old Testament Peoples


Word Meanings Ancient Religion

Christ Word Meanings Backgrounds

Word Meanings Theology

Death Theology Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Backgrounds Word Meanings Early Church

Ancient Religions Backgrounds

Book Review

Bible Backgrounds

Law Customs Backgrounds

Personalities, O.T. Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology


Word Meanings Theology

Customs Backgrounds Word Meanings

Peoples Customs

Backgrounds Theology

Geography Early Church

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Word Meanings

Book Review

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Customs

Archaeology Archaeology

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Customs

Theology Word Meanings

Christ Theology

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel

Personalities, O.T. Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Geography Customs

Geography Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Ancient Religions Customs

Personalities, O.T. Old Testament

Customs Rulers

Geography Customs Word Meanings

Theology Word Meanings

Geography Customs Ancient Religions


Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Book Review

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology


Customs First Century

Customs Ancient Religions First Century

Customs First Century

New Testament Bible

Theology Christ

Theology Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Customs First Century Paul

Old Testament Backgrounds

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Rulers Customs

Early Church Customs

Eschatology Miscellaneous

Geography Israel

Holy Spirit Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Holy Spirit Word Meanings

Feasts Theology

Israel Customs

Book Review

Ancient Religions Christ

Geography Early Church


Holy Spirit Paul Theology


Theology Israel

Personalities, O.T Rulers

Israel Eschatology

Word Meanings Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Word Meanings

Israel Customs

Objects Customs

Satan/Demons Theology

Theology Word Meanings

First Century Ancient Religions

Geography Personalities, N.T.


Christ Word Meanings

Word Meanings Christ

Word Meanings Christ

Christ Customs


Personalities, N.T. Geography

First Century Customs


Paul Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Paul

Customs First Century

Objects Word Meanings

God Word Meanings

Book Review

Customs Objects

Temple Objects


Customs Ancient Knowledge

Word Meanings Theology

Archaeology Geography

Ancient Religions Peoples Theology

Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Theology

FAMILY Customs Ancient Religions

Customs First Century Family

Book Review

Bible Personalities, N.T.

Theology Animals

Christ Family First Century


Customs Israel

Warfare Customs Israel

Christ Archaeology Early Church

Early Church Christ

Personalities, N.T.

Archaeology Geography Occupations

Word Meanings Theology

Theology God

Word Meanings Theology

Marriage/Divorce Family Customs

Geography Israel

Theology Heaven/Hell

Book Review

Theology Geography Word Meanings

Family Israel

Personalities, O.T. Word Meanings

Customs First Century

Heaven/Hell Theology

Personalities, O.T. Geography


Christ Theology Word Meanings

Customs Israel

Theology Word Meanings


Rome Theology

Angels Theology Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Theology God

Theology Word Meanings Geography


Theology Word Meanings

Theology Nature

Israel History

Animals Israel


Geography First Century

Geography First Century

Theology Word Meanings Ethics


Eschatology Theology

Temple Ancient Religions

Family Women

Minerals Occupations

Customs Food/Drink

Ancient Religion First-Century

Bible Religious Writings



Bible Religious Writings


Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology Occupations

Book Review

Bible Word Meanings

Theology Word Meanings

God Theology Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Geography History


Customs Word Meanings


Christ Word Meanings Theology

First-Century Customs

Customs Israel

Customs First Century Christ

Book Review

Customs Israel

Christ Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Bible Early Church Paul

Customs Geography

Early Church First-Century


Word Meanings Theology

Geography Christ

Christ Customs

Parables Geography Customs

Word Meanings Early Church Theology

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Geography Early Church

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Customs Occupations

Geography Early Church

Geography Miscellaneous

Money Occupations Peoples

Customs Personalities, O.T.

Geography First Century Early Church

Geography Israel

Word Meanings Theology

Minerals Ancient Israel occupations

Theology Early Church Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Customs Ancient Israel

Geography Paul

Personalities, O.T. Money

Geography Rulers

Early Church First Century Word Meanings

Book Review

Word Studies Theology

Peoples Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings Theology

Architecture objects Personalities, O.T.

Theology God Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology Paul

Geography Israel

Geography Peoples Warfare

Warfare Peoples Israel

Theology Word Meanings Israel

Christ Theology

Peoples Ancient Religions Early Church

Christ Early Church

First Century Early Church

Book Review

Ancient Religions Early Church God

Bible Early Church

Christ Early Church

Rulers Israel

Customs Ancient Religions

Angels Personalities, O.T. Israel

Music Israel

Occupations Ancient Religions Personalities, O.T.


Personalities, O.T. Israel


Ancient Religions Early Church

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Theology Paul Early Church

Medicine Customs

Early Church Geography

Personalities, N.T. Customs Occupations

Book Review

Early Church Theology

Occupations Geography Paul

Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome

Objects Customs

Geography Paul

Geography Christ

Christ Death

Personalities, O.T. Women

Customs Medicine

Paul Money

Money Rome Occupations

Death First Century Customs

Personalities, N.T. Israel

Customs First Century

Occupations Customs Theology

Customs First Century

Personalities, N.T. Customs

Ancient Religions God Paul

Christ Geography

Occupations Customs

Customs Theology

Theology Temple

Word Meanings Theology

Geography Israel Personalities, O.T.

First Century Customs Early Church

Satan/Demons Theology First Century

Occupations Customs

Food/Drink Customs

Peoples Customs First Century

Personalities, O.T. Bible

Book Review

Word Meanings Music Theology

Israel Early Church Theology

Bible Religious Writings

Personalities, N.T. Bible Religious Writings

Customs First-Century

Temple Occupations Customs

Money Parables

Personalities, O.T. Christ

Objects Food/Drink First Century

Word Meanings Plants Theology

Warfare Clothing/Jewelry Customs

Geography Theology

Theology Word Meanings Paul

Book Review

Women Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Word Meanings Theology Early Church

Warfare Personalities, O.T. Israel

Covenant God Theology

Personalities, N.T. Family Customs

Bible Personalities, O.T.

Bible Personalities, O.T. Israel

Objects Personalities, O.T. Miscellaneous

Paul Israel Theology

Paul Personalities, N.T. Money

Early Church Geography Paul

Peoples Personalities, O.T. Israel

Word Meanings Theology Personalities, O.T.

Geography Creation

Personalities, O.T. Customs Occupations

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T. Theology Ancient Religions

Word Meanings Theology Paul

Peoples Ancient Knowledge Personalities, O.T.

Book Review

God Covenant Theology

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Religions Ancient Knowledge

Theology Eschatology

Early Church Money

Bible Religious Writings

Paul Geography Medicine

Bible Theology

Women Personalities, O.T. Israel

Geography Theology

Objects Israel

Theology Word Meanings

Ancient Religions Religious Writings

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Christ Word Meanings Nature

Geography Israel

First Century Theology Early Church

Death First Century

Word Meanings Paul

Word Meanings Theology

Music Early Church Christ

Christ Theology

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, N.T. Women

Personalities, O.T. Occupations

Personalities, Extrabiblical Rulers

Word Meanings Personalities, N.T.

Christ Medicine Theology

Personalities, N.T.

Bible Paul

Word Meanings Theology

Geography Peoples Ancient Knowledge

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Paul Word Meanings

Book Review

Geography Christ

Personalities, N.T. Customs First Century

First Century Customs Family

Objects Customs

Book Review

Israel Theology

Feasts Theology

First Century Customs

Geography First Century

Word Meanings Theology

First Century Bible

Bible Word Meanings Theology

Christ Rulers


Personalities, N.T.

Objects Christ

Personalities, N.T. Geography

Heaven/hell Christ Theology


Christ Theology

Geography Christ

Israel Personalities, O.T. Peoples

Word Meanings Theology

Geography Peoples Ancient Knowledge

Money Ancient Knowledge Israel

Ancient Religions Customs

Warfare Geography Peoples

Geography Theology

Peoples Geography

Ancient Religion Temple

First Century Feasts Ancient Religions

Sacrifices Temple Food/Drink

God Theology

Word Meanings God

Personalities, O.T. Miscellaneous Theology

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Geography Israel Peoples

Customs Ancient Knowledge Rulers

Book Review

Marriage/divorce Family Customs

Personalities, O.T. Customs Peoples

Covenant Theology Ancient Religions

First Century Temple Personalities, N.T.

Food/Drink Animals, & Geography Nature

Ancient Religions Temple Israel

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Geography Early Church

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Personalities, N.T. Bible Women

Family Rome

First Century Peoples

First Century Customs Bible

Bible Religious Writings

Death Customs

Book Review

Word Meanings Theology

Rome Paul First Century

Personalities, N.T. Christ Bible

Personalities, N.T. Bible

Bible Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings Theology Bible

Bible Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Bible Early Church

Israel customs

Bible Paul


Geography Early Church Paul

Personalities, O.T. Personalities, Extrabiblical

Death Customs Ancient religions

Early Church Philosophy Theology

Rulers Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Christ Nature Theology

First Century Early Church

Personalities, N.T.

Geography Peoples Israel

Personalities, N.T. Bible

Paul Bible Early Church

Word Meanings Paul

First Century Israel

Paul Geography Early Church

Personalities, N.T. Occupations

Geography Personalities, O.T.

Warfare Peoples Geography

Occupations Personalities, N.T.

Temple Ancient Religions Personalities, O.T.

Warfare Customs

Food/Drink Feasts Temple

Book Review McLemore

Personalities, O.T. Theology God

Personalities, O.T. Customs Family

Personalities, O.T. Peoples

God Theology Customs

God Theology Word Meanings

Customs Theology Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T. Peoples

Personalities, O.T. Peoples Geography

God Theology Word Meanings

Christ Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Peoples

Word Meanings Theology Early Church

Kingdom of Heaven Theology God

Geography Customs Peoples

Personalities, N.T. Family

Animals Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T. Geography

Bible Religious Writings

Personalities, O.T. Women Family

Geography Ancient Religions Objects

Family Theology Word Meanings

Geography Peoples

Women Family Customs

Early Church Theology

Early Church Theology

Early Church Theology Word Meanings

Customs Christ Word Meanings

Bible Paul Rome

Bible Paul Personalities, N.T.

Christ Theology God

Rulers Customs Peoples

Word Meanings Languages Theology

Word Meanings Customs Ancient Religions

Theology Philosophy Early Church

Bible Paul

Women Personalities, N.T. Geography

Sacrifices Ancient Religions Theology

Customs Objects Theology

Word Meanings Ancient Religions Theology

Personalities, O.T. Israel Covenant

Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel

Personalities, O.T.

Miscellaneous Ancient Knowledge

Personalities, O.T. Customs Warfare

Personalities, O.T. Israel


Objects Ancient Religions Israel

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Peoples Israel

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Personalities, O.T. Occupations

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Paul Early Church

Holy Spirit

Christ Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, N.T. Paul

Eschatology Early Church Theology

Customs First Century

First Century Food/Drink Early Church


Christ Israel



Personalities, N.T. Women


Word Meanings

Rome Warfare Occupations


Customs Occupations



Personalities, N.T. Paul

God Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T.


Objects Architecture Weights and Measures

Theology Eschatology

Christ Word Meanings



God Eschatology


Animals Rome Objects

Peoples Israel

Money First Century

Occupations First Century

Ancient Religions Objects

Bible Religious Writings

Bible Religious Writings

Christ Word Meanings


Religious Writings Bible Parables

Parables Christ

Peoples Israel

Occupations First Century

Objects Architecture Weights and Measures


Theology Christ

Early Church First Century

Personalities, N.T. Rulers

Religious Writings Bible

Religious Writings Early Church

Marriage/Divorce Family

Music Early Church

Holy Spirit Theology

Geography Israel

Religious Writings Israel

Bible Religious Writings


Occuaptions First Century Women




Geography Paul

Philosophy Ancient Knowledge


Personalities, N.T. Early Church


Geography Christ Death

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Israel Ancient Religions

Customs Food/Drink

Personalities, O.T. Israel Rulers

Israel Theology

Personalities, O.T. Israel Rulers

Theology God Ancient Religions


Architecture Archaeology Geography

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel

Philosophy Theology Weights and Measures

Temple Israel Architecture

Personalities, N.T. Early Church


Geography Christ Death


Baptism Early Church

Early Church First Century

Early Church

Early Church Theology


Personalities, O.T.

God Word Meanings



Heaven/Hell Theology Word Meanings

Early Church Theology First Century


Personalities, O.T.

Early Church First Century

Word Meanings

Objects Warfare


Personalities, O.T.

Customs Occupations First Century

Personalities, N.T. Israel

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Personalities, N.T.

Rulers Rome Personalities, N.T.

Israel Occupations

Paul Personalities, N.T.

Warfare Rome Israel

Customs Occupations First Century

First Century Architecture Ancient Religions

Word Meanings Religious Writings

Israel Feasts Sacrifices

Christ Parables

Occupations Israel

Religious Writings Bible

Personalities, N.T. Women

Kingdom of Heaven Religious Writings Word Meanings

Israel Feasts Sacrifices

Israel Occupations

Animals Customs

First Century Architecture Ancient Religions

Customs Food/Drink Plants

Women First Century



Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome

Israel Theology

Rulers Personalities, O.T.


Israel Rulers

Rulers Israel Personalities, O.T.


Israel Rulers Personalities, O.T.

Customs Israel

Baptism Theology Israel

Theology Kingdom of Heaven Bible

Christ Peoples Ancient Knowledge

Book Review

Theology Religious Writings Bible

Rulers Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Money First Century



Peoples Israel


God Holy Spirit

Customs Miscellaneous Ancient Knowledge

Theology Ancient Religions God

Objects Architecture


Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel

Ancient Knowledge Bible Religious Writings

Personalities, O.T. Israel

God Word Meanings

Word Meanings

God Customs

Bible Religious Writings Ancient Knowledge

Marriage/Divorce Customs

Book Review

God Word Meanings Theology


Eschatology Heaven/Hell

Early Church Theology


Personalities, O.T. Israel

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel

Israel Peoples

Customs Weights and Measurements Ancient Knowledge




Eschatology Theology

Customs Death First Century

Christ Eschatology Theology

Word Meanings

Objects Customs

Geography Nature

Personalities, N.T.


Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome

Eschatology Theology

Bible Religious Writings

Bible Religious Writings

Israel Rulers Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Geography Israel

Israel Rulers

Word Meanings


Rulers Rome Personalities_ N.T.

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Religions

Customs Death First Century

Bible Religious Writings


Ancient Knowledge Customs




Theology Customs Word Meanings

Christ Theology

Theology God Holy Spirit

Customs Food/Drink Word Meanings

Animals Geography

Ancient Religions Theology

Personalities, O.T

Israel Rulers


Peoples Israel

Religious Writings Bible Early Church

Theology Philosophy

Architecture Geography

Customs Ancient Religions

Rome Death Customs

Rulers Peoples

Money Christ Kingdom of Heaven

Clothing/Jewelry Objects


Personalities, N. T. Women

Objects Architecture

Ancient Religions Objects Temple

Early Church Geography

Personalities, O.T



Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, O.T Religious Writings

Theology Heaven/Hell

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, N. T.

Objects Architecture

Theology Word Meanings Customs


Rome Customs

Theology Christ Eschatology

Word Meanings Theology

Personalities, N. T.


Objects Ancient Religions Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T


Israel Customs Objects

Theology God Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T.

Nature Plants

Personalities, O.T. Israel Rulers


Food/Drink Israel Ancient Religions

Sacrifices Israel Ancient Religions

Israel Peoples Ancient Religions

Ancient Religions Ancient Religions Theology

Religious Writings Israel Ancient Religions

Word Meanings

Sacrifices Israel Ancient Religions

Religious Writings Word Meanings

Money Customs Sacrifices

Plants Nature

Animals Customs

Philosophy Ancient Knowledge




Personalities, O.T. Israel Rulers


Personalities, O.T.

Early Church Occupations


Personalities, O.T. Israel Rulers

Warfare Architecture Objects

Geography Ancient Religions Israel

Personalities, N.T. Rulers

Sacrifices Theology Ancient Religions


Early Church Peoples

Customs Early Church

Theology Word Meanings

Israel Personalities_ O.T. Peoples

Personalities, O.T. Israel Rulers

Minerals Objects

Minerals Plants

Weights and Measures

Objects Warfare

Early Church Personalities, N.T.

Christ Theology Word Meanings

Christ Theology Word Meanings

Christ Theology Word Meanings

Rulers Rome Personalities N.T.


First Century Customs Philosophy

First Century Architecture

Clothing/Jewelry First Century

Personalities, N.T.

Ancient Religions

Ancient Knowledge Philosophy

Israel Ancient Religions

Occuaptions Languages Customs

Book Review

Paul Customs Early Church

Paul Theology

Personalities, N. T.



Israel Ancient Religions

Christ Early Church Paul

Objects Clothing/Jewelry

Objects Ancient Religions Israel


Covenant Israel Theology



Architecture Objects

Christ Theology

Religious Writings Bible

Book Review



Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Theology Religious Writings Christ

Personalities, N.T. Christ

Objects Ancient Religions Israel

Animals Ancient Religions

Religious Writings Theology



Personalities, N.T.

Objects Sacrifices


Word Meanings



Death Customs

Feasts Israel

Feasts Food/Drink Israel

Israel Ancient Religions God

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Israel Geography

Book Review

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Temple Christ Israel

Heaven/Hell Theology

Customs Israel Ancient Knowledge

Music Objects

Word Meanings Theology

Objects Ancient Religions Israel

Ancient Knowledge Creation

Family First Century Customs

Objects Customs Architecture

Death Family

Objects Occupations

First Century Occupations

First Century Customs


Book Review

Holy Spirit Theology


Religious Writings Ancient Religions Israel


Paul Personalities, N.T.

Ancient Religions Israel

Occupations Rome

Customs Occupations

Theology Paul

Geography Paul

Death Architecture Objects

Geography First Century

Occupations Animals Customs


Religious Writings Languages Bible

Geography Archaeology Israel

Customs Death

God Theology

Religious Writings Languages Bible

God Kingdom of Heaven Theology

Customs Israel

Peoples Rulers

Geography Israel Archaeology

Christ Theology

Parables Christ

Kingdom of Heaven Theology God

Geography Peoples Israel

Geography Rulers

Miscellaneous Death Customs

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Book Review

Parables Christ

Family Customs


Objects First Century Rome

Customs Israel


Geography Archaeology Israel

Religious Writings God Israel

Geography Ancient Knowledge

Customs Family Money

Geography Early Church

Custom Family Word Meanings

Covenant Personalities, O.T. Theology

Covenant Personalities, O.T. Theology


Theology Paul

Theology Christ Paul

Word Meanings

Book Review

Personalities, O.T.

Word Meanings Paul


Christ Personalities, N.T.


Marriage/Divorce Customs

Word Meanings Theology

Theology Eschatology


Theology Heaven/Hell


God Theology

Early Church Theology Paul


Rulers Rome

Early Church Theology

First Century Family Customs



Customs Early Church Theology



Israel Objects Ancient Religions

Ancient Knowledge Philosophy

Objects Word Meanings

Ancient Knowledge

Geography Rome

Early Church Geography Theology

Objects Customs

Personalities, N.T. Paul Religious Writings

Peoples Early Church

Early Church Theology Warfare

Theology Death Ancient Knowledge


Word Meanings God

Early Church Geography



God Theology


Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Theology

Geography Christ

Personalities, N.T.

Religious Writings Word Meanings Ancient Knowledge

Personalities, N.T.

Book Review

Israel Theology

Christ Eschatology Theology

Rome Customs

Holy Spirit Theology

Israel Ancient Religions

Temple Ancient Religions

Languages Early Church

Israel Geography

First Century Customs Occupations



Early Church Theology

Early Church Money

Feasts First Century Customs

First Century Medicine Customs

Architecture First Century



Christ Customs


Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Money First Century


Book Review

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T.

Occupations Objects

Customs Death

Family Customs Women

Creation Ancient Knowledge

Customs Word Meanings

First Century Customs Marriage/Divorce

Ancient Knowledge Nature Theology


Family Israel

Israel Objects Ancient Religions


Israel Ancient Knowledge

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Religious Writings

God Theology

Occupations Animals

Customs Word Meanings

Ancient Knowledge Theology Ancient Religions


Book Review

Customs Early Church Minerals

Customs Family

Marriage/Divorce Customs Israel

Book Review

Geography Peoples

Word Meanings

God Theology Word Meanings

God Heaven/Hell Israel

Family Marriage/Divorce

Personalities, O.T.


God Ancient Religions Israel

Music Objects

Covenant Religious Writings

God Peoples Theology

Holy Spirit Customs Ancient Knowledge

Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings

Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology Creation

Warfare Eschatology Israel


Personalities, N.T.

Customs Israel


Geography New Testament


Feasts Customs Israel

Feasts Israel

Ancient Knowledge First Century Personalities, Extrabiblical

Rulers Personalities, O.T. Personalities, Extrabiblical

Personalities, N.T. Religious Writings

Word Meanings


Personalities, N.T.



Paul Early Church

Paul Theology


Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Geography Early Church

Book Review


Objects Weights and Measures

Early Church Personalities, Extrabiblical Rulers

Word Meanings

Book Review

Warfare Rome Occupations

Marriage/Divorce Early Church

Geography Paul Early Church

Clothing/Jewelry Customs Women

Word Meanings

Language First Century

Christ Death Objects

Word Meanings

Word Meanings

Geography Israel

Women Personalities, N.T.


Early Church Customs

Eschatology Religious Writings Christ

Customs Objects Ancient Religions

Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Religions

Money Customs

Geography Israel

Customs Ancient Religions

Customs First Century Architecture

Book Review

Ancient Religions

Rulers Rome Israel

Ancient Knowledge Peoples Customs

Geography Peoples


Geography Peoples

Personalities, O.T. Israel

First Century Occupations

Ancient Religions

Temple Rome Ancient Religions


Peoples Ancient Knowledge

Early Church Geography First Century

Book Review

Objects Ancient Religions


Plants Objects


Customs Clothing/Jewelry


Word Meanings Ancient Religions Objects


Ancient Knowledge Early Church Paul

Ancient Knowledge Early Church Paul

Paul Ancient Knowledge First Century

Early Church Paul


Temple Israel

Objects Ancient Religions Word Meanings


Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Rulers


Minerals Customs Occupations

Occupations Customs


God Israel Eschatology

Philosophy Customs Word Meanings

Book Review

Personalities, O.T Geography

Geography Israel First Century

Geography First Century

Food/Drink Customs Plants


Rulers Roman Israel

Rulers Israel

Book Review

Geogrpahy First Century

Temple Ancient Religions

Sacrifices Ancient Religions

Rulers Israel Money

Covenant Israel Theology

Religious Writings Bible

Word Meanings

Baptism Customs Ancient Religions


Geography Peoples

Customs First Century Death

Christ First Century Israel


Christ Theology


Personalities, N.T. Objects Geography

Plants Minerals

Book Review

Word Meanings

Ancient Religions Israel

Temple Architecture

Food/Drink Customs First Century

Book Review

Word Meanings



Christ Theology


Baptism Early Church Customs

Word Meanings

Word Meanings

Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T.


Word Meanings Religious Writings Heaven/Hell

Word Meanings

Word Meanings

Geography Paul First Century

Word Meanings Customs

Personalities, N.T. Women

Early Church Christ Theology


Book Review



Sacrifice Ancient Religions Customs

Book Review

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Religious Writings Israel First Century

Covenant Theology Early Church

Paul Early Church



Word Meanings

Plants Occupations Customs

Rome Weights and Measures

Rome First Century Customs

Early Church First Century

Money Weights and Measures

Christ Geography

Food/Drink Rome

Customs Israel Family

Objects Rulers



Peoples Occupations



Book Review

Rulers Personalities, O.T. Geography

Christ Death God

Music Christ Customs

Book Review

Covenant Rulers Israel

Personalities, N.T.

Christ Theology

Word Meanings



Music Objects

Ancient Knowledge Philosophy Theology

Women Christ

Women Christ Personalities, N.T.


Ancient Religions Objects




Nature Geography

Ancient Religions Israel First Century

Ancient Religions Minerals

Angels Heaven/Hell Israel


Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel

Kingdom of Heaven Religious Writings


Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Architecture Geography

Temple Money Customs

Personalities, O.T. Rulers


Book Review



Word Meanings

Warfare Geography Israel

Theology Paul

Plants Geography

Peoples Geography

Personalities, O.T. Warfare

Ancient Knowledge Architecture

Music Objects

Book Review

Paul Early Church

Paul Theology

Word Meanings

Rome Philosophy

Theology Rome

Architecture Objects Occupations

Word Meanings

Rulers Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Covenant Objects Ancient Religions

Plants Geography


Geography Israel Peoples

Word Meanings

Word Meanings Ancient Knowledge Customs

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel


Customs Family

Book Review

Religious Writings Ancient Knowledge Theology


Religious Writings

Ancient Knowledge Customs Philosophy

Women First Century Israel

Rulers Personalities, Extrabiblical

Objects Minerals

Geography Paul Early Church

Geography Israel

First Century Ancient Religions Israel

Early Church Theology


First Century Ancient Religions Israel

Rulers Israel Personalities_ O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Plants

Ancient Religions

Personalities, O.T. Israel Rulers

Ancient Religions Paul

Book Review

First Century Ancient Religions Israel

Ancient Religions Peoples Occupations

Archaeology Geography


Personalities, N.T. Early Church

First Century Customs Occupations



Architecture Customs Objects

Objects Warfare

Book Review

Death Customs Family

Personalities, N.T. Rulers

Early Church Geography

Music Early Church

First Century Ancient Religions

Peoples Philosophy

Word Meanings


Occupations Israel First Century


Paul Theology Religious Writings

Ancient Religions Customs


Occupations First Century Ancient Religions

Objects Early Church

Customs Miscellaneous Word Meanings

Customs Miscellaneous Word Meanings

Women Early Church

Personalities, N.T.


Customs Israel

Word Meanings

Warfare First Century

Ancient Knowledge Theology Early Church

Objects Clothing/Jewelry


Peoples Early Church

Miscellaneous Ancient Knowledge

Heaven/Hell Theology

Theology Word Meanings



Early Church Customs

Family Customs Ancient Knowledge

Sacrifices Customs Animals

Early Church

Book Review

Personalities, O.T.



Objects Warfare

Personalities, N.T.


Rulers Rome Personalities N.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Music Word Meanings

Book Review

Personalities, O.T.

Religious Writings

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T.

Geography Plants


Personalities, N.T.

Plants Ancient Knowledge

Christ Sacrifice Theology


Book Review

Rulers Eschatology Theology

Early Church Geography


Clothing/Jewelry Customs

Personalities, O.T. Peoples Israel

Animals Nature



Israel Christ

Israel Customs

Kingdom of Heaven Paul Religious Writings

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, O.T. Peoples Israel

Rome Philosophy Death

Geography Israel

Eschatology Theology

Objects Food/Drink

Early Church Geography

Customs Peoples

Geography Christ

Languages Early Church

Book Review

Objects Geography

Personalities, N.T.

Kingdom of Heaven Religious Writings God

Religious Writings Ancient Knowledge PhilosophyGod Kingdom of Heaven Religious Writings

Weights and Measures Objects

Music First Century Objects

Feasts Israel

Paul Theology Christ

Geography Christ

Christ Theology

Ancient Knowledge Paul Religious Writings

Peoples Geography

Rome Warfare

Israel First Century Theology

Geography Peoples


Book Review

Israel Theology Covenant

Personalities, O.T.


Personalities, O.T.


Personalities, N.T.

Israel First Century Peoples

Christ Geography

Covenant Customs

Israel Geography

Nature Parables

Peoples Israel Geography

Languages Religious Writings

Theology Ancient Religions

Geography Israel

Ancient Knowledge



Book Review

Personalities, Extrabiblical Israel


Occupations Ancient Religions Israel

Israel Rulers Warfare

Peoples Israel Ancient Religions

Religious Writings Customs

Geography Peoples Israel

Customs Israel

Money Theology Word Meanings

Geography Theology

Weights and Measures

Sacrifices Animals Ancient Religions

Word Meanings

Early Church Geography

Rulers Israel Ancient Religions

Ancient Religions

Word Meanings


Ancient Religions Israel Architecture

Personalities, N.T.

Word Meanings

Personalities, N.T.

Theology Eschatology Rulers

Personalities, O.T. Religious Writings

Theology Eschatology

Book Review

Geography Israel

Personalities, O.T.

Rulers Israel Personalities, O.T.

Objects Religious Writings

Book Review

Weights and Measures

First Century Medicine

Personalities, Extrabiblical Ancient Knowledge Israel

Customs Food/Drink Occupations

Kingdom of Heaven

Customs Israel

Customs First Century


Early Church Theology

Rome Rulers Personalities, Extrabiblical


Peoples Geography


Israel Ancient Religions

Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome

Peoples Israel Warfare


Personalities, Extrabiblical Ancient Knowledge Israel

Customs Miscellaneous Word Meanings

Ancient Religions Occupations

Marriage/Divorce Customs First Century

Christ Religious Writings

Rulers Rome Personalities, N.T.

Geography Archaeology

Rulers Rome Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel


Marriage/Divorce First Century Customs


Objects Ancient Religions

Objects Architecture

Early Church Customs Food/Drink

Personalities, N.T.

Rulers Rome Personalities, N.T.

Covenant Theology

Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome

Rulers Israel Personalities, O.T.

Ancient Religions Rulers


Rulers Rome Personalities_ N.T.

Customs Theology


Book Review

Ancient Religions Warfare


Rulers Personalities, O.T.

Early Church First Century

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Rulers



Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Customs Women

Christ Religious Writings

Personalities, O.T. Religious Writings Israel

Personalities, O.T. Israel

Peoples Personalities_ O.T.

Peoples Geography

Rulers Israel Customs


Personalities, N.T. Religious Writings

Personalities, O.T.


Israel Ancient Religions Occupations

Personalities, O.T.

Rulers Israel Personalities, O.T.


Geography Personalities, O.T.

Objects Warfare

Personalities, O.T.

Religious Writings Ancient Knowledge Israel

Rulers Israel Personalities_ O.T.

Rulers Israel Personalities_ O.T.

Rulers Personalities, O.T.


Book Review

Personalities, N.T.


Geography Early Church Religious Writings

Personalities, N.T.

Book Review


First Century Geography Early Church

Christ Family Personalities, N.T.

Christ Israel Religious Writings

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, Extrabiblical Early Church


Word Meanings

Personalities, N.T. Early Church



Word Meanings

Personalities, Extrabiblical Rome Rulers

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T.

Customs Early Church

Theology Word Meanings


Food/Drink Customs


Israel Customs Family


Ancient Religions Objects

First Century Ancient Knowledge Occupations

Book Review

Warfare Israel

Early Church Geography

Ancient Knowledge Early Church Theology

Rulers Personalities, O.T.


Warfare Objects

First Century Israel Christ

Rulers Israel Personalities_ O.T.


Personalities, O.T.




Paul Religious Writings


Animals Ancient Religions

Ancient Religions Customs Minerals


God Word Meanings

Book Review


Geography Rulers Peoples

Early Church Geography

Personalities, O.T.

Feasts Israel

Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome

Israel Theology Creation

Paul Rome Early Church

Geography Paul


Personalities, O.T. Rulers Israel

Warfare Israel Geography

Temple Architecture

Geography Rulers

Geography Paul


Rulers Israel Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Rulers Israel Personalities, O.T.



Early Church Rome Rulers

Early Church First Century Religious Writings

Plants Clothing/Jewelry


Ancient Religions Architecture


Objects Ancient Religions Sacrifices

Animals Objects Minerals

Rulers Israel Personalities_ O.T.

Personalities, O.T. Warfare

Personalities, O.T.

Rulers Israel Personalities_ O.T.

Israel Personalities, O.T.

Early Church Money Objects

Book Review



Objects Ancient Religions

Rulers Israel Personalities_ O.T.

Early Church Customs Ancient Religions


Baptism Early Church Customs

Word Meanings

Early Church Rome

Early Church Theology Paul

Early Church Rome Geography

Early Church

Early Church Holy Spirit

Word Meanings

Personalities, Extrabiblical Religious Writings

First Century Rome Israel

Theology Word Meanings

Personalities, O.T. Rulers


Paul Israel Theology

Personalities, N.T. Paul Customs

Paul Religious Writings Early Church

Paul Customs Family

Book Review

Customs First Century Rome

First Century Rome Philosophy

Geography Archaeology

Ancient Knowledge Philosophy


Family Rome Customs

Word Meanings Ancient Religions

Book Review

Geography Archaeology

Feasts Kingdom of Heaven Eschatology

Early Church Objects

Peoples Israel

God Word Meanings

Customs Early Church Israel


Kingdom of Heaven Religious Writings Theology

Personalities, N.T. Occupations

Personalities, O.T.

Geography First Century

Plants Food/Drink

Clothing/Jewelry Objects Animals


Customs First Century Ancient Religions

God Word Meanings

Word Meanings Theology

Christ Theology Word Meanings


Book Review

Personalities, N.T. Parables Rulers

Geography Nature

Word Meanings Christ

Book Review


Peoples Word Meanings

Peoples Israel Personalities_ O.T.

Rome Rulers Personalities, Extrabiblical


Ancient Religions

Ancient Religions Objects

Personalities, N.T.


First Century Early Church

Book Review

Rulers Personalities, N.T. Rome



Word Meanings Paul Theology

Philosophy Ancient Knowledge

Rulers Rome Personalities, N.T.

Warfare Objects Rome

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, O.T. Rulers

Personalities, O.T.

Nature Ancient Knowledge

Personalities, N.T. Geography

Geography Paul

Book Review





Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome


Early Church Personalities_ N.T.



Personalities, O.T. Miscellaneous

Ancient Knowledge Creation

Book Review

Geography Word Meanings


Geography Nature


Architecture Objects




Personalities, O.T. Religious Writings

Book Review

Religious Writings Ancient Religions Israel


Geography Christ

Israel Nature Occupations

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Geography

Architecture Christ Rome



Book Review


Occupations Animals

Music Occupations

Nature Ancient Religions

Personalities, N.T. Early Church Geography

Plants First Century Occupations

Death Word Meanings

Objects Customs


Architecture First Century



Customs Ancient Religions

Feasts Israel

Geography Parables

Book Review

Food/Drink Objects

Personalities, N.T. Geography

Personalities, N.T. Peoples

Personalities, N.T.


Personalitites, N.T.

Objects Death

Book Review

Clothing/Jewelry Customs Word Meanings


Religious Writings Ancient Knowledge

Geography Customs Objects

Geography Customs

First Century Miscellaneous


Occupations Money First Century

Nature Bible


Warfare Customs

Covenant Customs Theology


Ancient Religions


Warfare Personalities_ O.T. Objects



Book Review



Objects Ancient Religions Animals

Israel Geography


Ancient Religions Objects Israel

Book Review

Animals Christ



Peoples Warfare

First Century Death Architecture

Nature Food/Drink

Book Review

Early Church Medicine


Personalities, N.T. Christ


Personalities, O.T. Peoples


Rulers Israel


Book Review

Personalities, N.T. Rulers Rome

Women Israel Occupations

Personalities, O.T. Occupations Israel

Christ Death

Nature Plants






Family Customs First Century

Objects Animals Food/Drink

Clothing/Jewelry Animals

Plants Food/Drink

Satan/Demons Nature

Satan/Demons First Century

Animals Occupations Geography


Food/Drink Plants Animals

Ancient Knowledge Ancient Religions

Book Review

Book Review

Animals Food/Drink

Word Meanings Customs





Clothing/Jewelry Objects

Clothing/Jewelry First Century


Food/Drink Ancient Religions Word Meanings


Ancient Religions First Century Israel

Personalities, N.T.

Geography Christ

Geography Baptism

Word Meanings

Death Rome Early Church

Book Review

Personalities, Extrabiblical Early Church

Food/Drink Rome Ancient Religions

Christ Word Meanings Theology

First Century Women Medicine

First Century Rome Occupations

Word Meanings


Word Meanings Theology

Word Meanings Heaven/Hell Theology



Word Meanings

Theology Ancient Religions

Word Meanings Theology

Rome Customs

Word Meanings

Rome Money

Book Review

Rome Geography

Word Meanings


Rome Ancient Religions



Baptism Customs



Geography Early Church

Objects Customs


Ancient Religions Rome


Early Church Theology

Religious Writings

Geography Early Church

Peoples Customs Money

Personalities, N.T.



Early Church


Book Review


Plants Christ

Death Christ

Family Customs

Early Church Miscellaneous

Languages Geography Peoples

Family Miscellaneous

Book Review




Feasts Customs First Century


Customs First Century

Plants Christ



Women Christ Customs


Sacrifices Money Customs

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Marriage/Divorce First Century Christ

Book Review

Rulers First Century Geography

Temple Israel

Book Review

Israel Personalities_ O.T. Religious Writings

Israel Customs

Kingdom of Heaven Heaven/Hell Christ

Religious Writings Israel

Customs Israel

Israel Customs


Geography Christ


Israel Customs

Religious Writings Israel Ancient Knowledge


Heaven/Hell Theology

Personalities, O.T. Ancient Religions

Ancient Religions Objects

Book Review




Book Review


Book Review

Food/Drink Customs

Geography Christ

Book Review

Christ Religious Writings

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review


Personalities, O.T.

Book Review

Personalitites, N.T. Rulers



Book Review

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review

Customs Money

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review

Personalities, N.T.

Satan/Demons Theology

First Century Early Church

Paul Holy Spirit Theology

Ancient Knowledge

Christ Early Church


Early Church

Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, N.T. Early Church

Rome Warfare



Holy Spirit Early Church

Customs Occupations

Early Church


Religious Writings

Ancient Religions Customs

Religious Writings Bible Personalities, Extrabiblical

Religious Writings Bible


Religious Writings Bible Geography

Ancient Religions Bible

Religious Writings Bible Personalities, Extrabiblical

Religious Writings Bible

Bible Religious Writings

Bible Religious Writings

Bible Religious Writings

Religious Writings Bible



Religious Writings Bible


Religious Writings Bible


Religious Writings Bible Personalities, Extrabiblical

Geography Israel

Death Customs Israel


Early Church Holy Spirit

Covenant Word Meanings Theology

Christ Theology


Ancient Religions Israel Occupations

Heaven/Hell Death Eschatology



Eschatology Israel Christ

Sacrifices Ancient Religions

Occupations Israel Ancient Religions

Satan/Demons Bible

Christ Theology

Personalities, N.T. Religious Writings

Early Church Ancient Religions First Century

Objects Covenant Ancient Religions

Geography Peoples

Ancient Religions Animals


Ancient Religions Israel

Religious Writings Bible


Christ Theology Paul

Customs Architecture

God Israel Geography

Peoples God



Personalities, N.T.

Personalities, O.T.

Marriage/Divorce Customs

Ancient Religions Israel


God Theology

Medicine Customs

Music Objects

Weights and Measures

Ancient Religions Israel

Personalities, O.T.

Temple Architecture

Ancient Religions Israel

Objects Ancient Religions


Publish Date BI Plus Publish Date






























































































































































































12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

12/1/2013 W'13-14

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13, W'13-14

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

9/1/2013 F'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

6/1/2013 Su'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13, W'13-14

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

3/1/2013 Sp'13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13, F'13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

12/1/2012 W'12-13

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12, F'13

9/1/2012 F'12, F'13

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12

9/1/2012 F'12, W'13-14

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12, Sp'13, Su'13

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

6/1/2012 Su'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12, W'12-13

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12, F'13

3/1/2012 Sp'12, W'12-13

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12, Su'13

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12, W'13-14

3/1/2012 Sp'12

3/1/2012 Sp'12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

12/1/2011 W'11-12

9/1/2011 F'11, Su'12

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11, W'13-14

9/1/2011 F'11, F'12, W'12-13, W'13-14

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11, F'13

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11, Sp'12, Sp'13, F'13

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11

9/1/2011 F'11, F'12

9/1/2011 F'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11, W'12-13

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11, Su'13, W'13-14

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

6/1/2011 Su'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11, F'12

3/1/2011 Sp'11, F'12

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11, W'13-14

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11, W'12-13

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11, W'13-14

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11

3/1/2011 Sp'11, W'13-14

3/1/2011 Sp'11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11, W'13-14

12/1/2010 W'10-11, Sp'12

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11, W'12-13

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11

12/1/2010 W'10-11, Su'13

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10, Su'12

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10, F'11

9/1/2010 F'10, Su'12, W'13-14

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10, Sp'13

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

9/1/2010 F'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10, F'13

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10, Sp'13

6/1/2010 Su'10, F'13

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

6/1/2010 Su'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10, Su'13

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10, Sp'13

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10, F'12

3/1/2010 Sp'10, W'12-13, Su'13

3/1/2010 Sp'10, Su'13, W'13-14

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10

3/1/2010 Sp'10, W'12-13, Su'13

3/1/2010 Sp'10, F'11, W'11-12, Sp'13

3/1/2010 Sp'10, Sp'13

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10, F'10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10, F'11, Su'13

12/1/2009 W'09-10, W'11-12, Su'13

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10, W'13-14

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10, F'11

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

12/1/2009 W'09-10

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09, F'12

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09, Sp'10

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09, Sp'12

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09, W'12-13

9/1/2009 F'09, W'11-12, Sp'13

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09, W'10-11

9/1/2009 F'09

9/1/2009 F'09

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09, W'10-11

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09, F'13, W'13-14

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09, W'11-12

6/1/2009 Su'09, W'13-14

6/1/2009 Su'09, W'11-12, W'13-14

6/1/2009 Su'09, F'10, F'13

6/1/2009 Su'09, F'11, W'11-12, Su'13

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09, W'12-13

6/1/2009 Su'09, W'10-11

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09, Su'116/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09

6/1/2009 Su'09, F'13, W'13-14

6/1/2009 Su'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09, Sp'12

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09, Su'11

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09, W'12-13

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09, F'13

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09, Su'13

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

3/1/2009 Sp'09

12/1/2008 W'08-09, W'11-12

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09, Sp'12

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09, W'11-12

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09, F'12

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09

12/1/2008 W'08-09, F'13

12/1/2008 W'08-09, Sp'12, Sp'13

12/1/2008 W'08-09, W'09-10

12/1/2008 W'08-09, Sp'12

12/1/2008 W'08-09, F'10

12/1/2008 W'08-09, Su'13

12/1/2008 W'08-09, W'11-12

12/1/2008 W'08-09

9/1/2008 F'08, W'11-12

9/1/2008 F'08, W'09-10, Sp'13

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08, W'13-14

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08, F'13

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08, F'11

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08

9/1/2008 F'08, Su'10, Sp'12

9/1/2008 F'08, Su'10

9/1/2008 F'08, W'12-13, Sp'13

9/1/2008 F'08, Su'10

9/1/2008 F'08, F'11

9/1/2008 F'08, F'11

9/1/2008 F'08, F'11, W'12-13

6/1/2008 Su'08, F'11

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08, W'11-12

6/1/2008 Su'08, W'09-10

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08, Sp'11

6/1/2008 Su'08, Sp'10, Sp'13

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08, Sp'13

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08, F'10

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08

6/1/2008 Su'08, F'12

6/1/2008 Su'08, Su'13

6/1/2008 Su'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08, Su'13

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08, W'08-09, F'10

3/1/2008 Sp'08, Sp'11

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08, Su'10

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08, F'10

3/1/2008 Sp'08, F'13

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08, W'12-13, Sp'13

3/1/2008 Sp'08

3/1/2008 Sp'08

12/1/2007 W'07-08, W'12-13

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08, Sp'10, Sp'13, F'13

12/1/2007 W'07-08, Su'11, F'13

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08, Su'12

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08, Sp'08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08

12/1/2007 W'07-08, Su'09, F'12, F'13

12/1/2007 W'07-08

9/1/2007 F'07, F'12

9/1/2007 F'07, F'12

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07, F'12, W'13-14

9/1/2007 F'07, Su'13, F'13

9/1/2007 F'07, F'08, W'11-12, Sp'12

9/1/2007 F'07, W'11-12, Su'12

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07, Su'09, W'09-10, W'12-13

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07, W'09-10

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07

9/1/2007 F'07, W'11-12, F'12

9/1/2007 F'07, F'08

9/1/2007 F'07

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07, W'12-13

6/1/2007 Su'07, Su'11, W'11-12, W'12-13

6/1/2007 Su'07, Su'08

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07, W'12-13

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07, Su'08, Sp'09

6/1/2007 Su'07, W'10-11, W'12-13

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07, W'08-09, W'12-13

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07, W'11-12

6/1/2007 Su'07, Su'12

6/1/2007 Su'07, Su'08

6/1/2007 Su'07, W'12-13

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07

6/1/2007 Su'07, W'12-13

6/1/2007 Su'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07, F'11

3/1/2007 Sp'07, Sp'11

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07, Sp'10, F'12, Sp'13

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07, Sp'11, Su'11

3/1/2007 Sp'07, W'08-09

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07, F'12

3/1/2007 Sp'07, Sp'11, F'12

3/1/2007 Sp'07, Sp'11, F'12

3/1/2007 Sp'07, F'12

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07, F'13

3/1/2007 Sp'07, W'12-13, Sp'13

3/1/2007 Sp'07, Su'09, F'10, Sp'11

3/1/2007 Sp'07

3/1/2007 Sp'07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Su'13

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, W'08-09

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, F'11

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Su'08

12/1/2006 W'06-07, W'11-12

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, W'09-10, F'13

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Sp'11

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Su'13

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, F'07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Sp'11

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Sp'09

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Sp'09

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Su'07, Sp'11

12/1/2006 W'06-07

12/1/2006 W'06-07, Sp'09, Su'13

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06, Su'08

9/1/2006 F'06, Su'12

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06, W'12-13, Sp'13

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06, Sp'13

9/1/2006 F'06, Sp'09

9/1/2006 F'06, Sp'09, Su'11

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06, W'13-14

9/1/2006 F'06, Su'08

9/1/2006 F'06

9/1/2006 F'06, Su'08, Sp'11

9/1/2006 F'06, Su'08, F'10

9/1/2006 F'06, Su'08

9/1/2006 F'06, Su'12

9/1/2006 F'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, Su'13

6/1/2006 Su'06, W'09-10, Su'13

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, W'08-09, Sp'10

6/1/2006 Su'06, Su'13

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, W'09-10, W'11-12

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, Su'13

6/1/2006 Su'06, Sp'09, Su'13

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, Sp'08, Su'10

6/1/2006 Su'06, W'08-09

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, W'08-09, Sp'13

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, W'11-12, Su'13

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06

6/1/2006 Su'06, Su'13

3/1/2006 Sp'06, Sp'09, F'10, W'10-11

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, Sp'09

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, Sp'09

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, F'13

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, Sp'09, W'09-10

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, Sp'09, Su'12

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, Su'07, Su'08

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, W'10-11

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06

3/1/2006 Sp'06, Sp'09, W'12-13

3/1/2006 Sp'06, F'08, Su'10

3/1/2006 Sp'06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, Su'11, Su'12

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, W'06-07

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, W'10-11

12/1/2005 W'05-06, F'08, F'10, F'11

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, W'08-09, W'10-11

12/1/2005 W'05-06, F'08

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, Su'09

12/1/2005 W'05-06, W'12-13

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, W'11-12

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, F'08, Su'11, F'11

12/1/2005 W'05-06, F'08

12/1/2005 W'05-06, F'07, W'08-09, Su'11

12/1/2005 W'05-06, F'08, F'11, W'11-12, W'13-14

12/1/2005 W'05-06, Su'11

12/1/2005 W'05-06

12/1/2005 W'05-06, F'10

9/1/2005 F'05

9/1/2005 F'05, Su'11, F'11

9/1/2005 F'05, W'08-09, W'10-11, Su'12

9/1/2005 F'05, F'10, Sp'12

9/1/2005 F'05, W'11-12

9/1/2005 F'05, F'06, Su'08

9/1/2005 F'05, Su'06, W'09-10, W'11-12

9/1/2005 F'05, W'09-10, F'10, Su'13

9/1/2005 F'05, F'08

9/1/2005 F'05, Su'06, Su'11

9/1/2005 F'05, Su'06, Su'13

9/1/2005 F'05

9/1/2005 F'05, F'11

9/1/2005 F'05

9/1/2005 F'05, W'09-10, W'11-12, Su'13

9/1/2005 F'05, F'08, Su'13

9/1/2005 F'05, W'08-09

9/1/2005 F'05

9/1/2005 F'05

9/1/2005 F'05, F'10, F'11, W'13-14

9/1/2005 F'05, F'08

9/1/2005 F'05

6/1/2005 Su'05, W'12-13, W'13-14

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05, F'07, Sp'12

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05, Sp'11

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05, F'08, W'09-10, F'10

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05, F'07

6/1/2005 Su'05, Sp'08

6/1/2005 Sp'04, Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05, Su'06, F'07

6/1/2005 Su'05

6/1/2005 Su'05, Sp'10, Su'10

6/1/2005 Su'05, F'13

6/1/2005 Su'05

3/1/2005 Sp'05, F'05, Su'09, F'09, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05, W'05-06, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05, Sp'08, F'11, Su'13

3/1/2005 Sp'05, W'05-06, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05, W'09-10

3/1/2005 Sp'05

3/1/2005 Sp'05

3/1/2005 Sp'05, Sp'09, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05, W'05-06

3/1/2005 Sp'05, F'09

3/1/2005 Sp'05, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05, W'05-06, Su'11, Su'12

3/1/2005 Sp'05, W'12-13

3/1/2005 Sp'05, Su'10

3/1/2005 Sp'05

3/1/2005 Sp'05

3/1/2005 Sp'05, F'06

3/1/2005 Sp'05, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05

3/1/2005 Sp'05, W'05-06, W'10-11, Su'12

3/1/2005 Sp'05, Su'11

3/1/2005 Sp'05

12/1/2004 W'04-05, W'08-09, Sp'12

12/1/2004 W'04-05, F'11, Sp'12

12/1/2004 W'04-05, F'13

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Sp'12

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Sp'07, Sp'09

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Sp'06

12/1/2004 W'04-05, W'06-07

12/1/2004 W'04-05

12/1/2004 W'04-05, W'10-11

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Sp'12, Sp'13

12/1/2004 W'04-05, W'08-09, F'11, W'11-12, Sp'12, Su'13, W'13-14

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Sp'10, F'12, F'13

12/1/2004 W'04-05, W'10-11, Su'11, Su'12

12/1/2004 W'04-05, W'12-13

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Su'11, Su'13

12/1/2004 W'04-05

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Sp'12, W'12-13

12/1/2004 W'04-05, Sp'12, W'13-14

12/1/2004 W'04-05, F'10

12/1/2004 W'04-05

12/1/2004 W'04-05

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04, Su'11

9/1/2004 F'04, W'08-09, F'11

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04, Su'08, F'13

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04, F'07, W'11-12

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04, W'09-10

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04, Sp'09

9/1/2004 F'04, Sp'11, F'12

9/1/2004 F'04, F'07, F'11

9/1/2004 F'04, Sp'09, F'09

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

9/1/2004 F'04

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04, W'06-07, Sp'07

6/1/2004 Su'04, W'10-11, Sp'11

6/1/2004 Su'04, F'05, F'10, Su'13

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04, W'10-11

6/1/2004 Su'04, Su'07

6/1/2004 Su'04, Su'11

6/1/2004 Su'04, Sp'11, Su'11

6/1/2004 Su'04, Sp'10

6/1/2004 Su'04, W'06-07, Sp'07, Sp'11, F'12

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04, W'12-13

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04

6/1/2004 Su'04, W'05-06, Sp'09

3/1/2004 Sp'04, F'05, F'06, F'07, Sp'13

3/1/2004 Sp'04, W'06-07, F'10

3/1/2004 Sp'04, F'06

3/1/2004 Sp'04,Su'06, Sp'08

3/1/2004 Sp'04, Su'13

3/1/2004 Sp'04, Sp'11

3/1/2004 Sp'04, W'10-11

3/1/2004 Sp'04

3/1/2004 Sp'04, Sp'13

3/1/2004 Sp'04

3/1/2004 Sp'04, W'10-11

3/1/2004 Sp'04, Sp'08

3/1/2004 Sp'04, W'06-07, Sp'08, Su'08

3/1/2004 Sp'04, F'07


3/1/2004 Sp'04, W'12-13

3/1/2004 Sp'04, Sp'07, F'07, Sp'09, W'12-13

3/1/2004 Sp'04

3/1/2004 Sp'04, W'06-07, Sp'11

3/1/2004 Sp'04

3/1/2004 Sp'04, F'06, F'11, W'12-13

3/1/2004 Sp'04

3/1/2004 Sp'04, Sp'13

12/1/2003 Su'08, Sp'13

12/1/2003 F'08

12/1/2003 W'12-13

12/1/2003 Su'08

12/1/2003 F'06

12/1/2003 W'05-06, W'12-13

12/1/2003 W'04-05, Su'05, F'06, F'09, Su'12

12/1/2003 Su'09

12/1/2003 F'08, Su'10

12/1/2003 F'08, Su'10, Su'11

12/1/2003 Sp'05, W'05-06, Sp'10

12/1/2003 W'06-07

12/1/2003 F'09

12/1/2003 Sp'08, Su'08

12/1/2003 Su'10

12/1/2003 W'04-05, F'07, Su'13

12/1/2003 W'04-05, Su'08, Su'11

12/1/2003 F'07


9/1/2003 Su'08

9/1/2003 Sp'05, Su'08

9/1/2003 F'07


9/1/2003 Su'07

9/1/2003 Su'08

9/1/2003 Su'09, Su'12

9/1/2003 Su'09, Sp'11, W'13-14

9/1/2003 Su'06, Sp'07, W'09-10, W'13-14

9/1/2003 Sp'11

9/1/2003 Sp'07, W'09-10, Sp'11

9/1/2003 Sp'11

9/1/2003 W'05-06, Su'09, Sp'11, W'11-12, W'13-14

9/1/2003 Sp'11

9/1/2003 F'07, F'10

9/1/2003 F'08

9/1/2003 Su'06, F'07, F'12

9/1/2003 Sp'11

9/1/2003 Sp'07, F'10

6/1/2003 Sp'05, Sp'07, Su'09, F'09

6/1/2003 W'08-09, Su'09, F'13

6/1/2003 Sp'08

6/1/2003 Sp'08

6/1/2003 Su'05, Sp'10

6/1/2003 F'05, F'10, W'11-12

6/1/2003 Sp'05

6/1/2003 Sp'08

6/1/2003 F'05, Su'09

6/1/2003 Su'09, Su'11

6/1/2003 Sp'08

6/1/2003 Sp'05, F'09, F'13

6/1/2003 Sp'07, W'08-09, F'13

6/1/2003 F'05

6/1/2003 Sp'08

6/1/2003 Su'09, W'10-11, Su'11

6/1/2003 Su'09, W'10-11

6/1/2003 Sp'08


6/1/2003 F'05, W'08-09, Sp'09

6/1/2003 Su'08

3/1/2003 F'09

3/1/2003 Sp'09

3/1/2003 W'06-07, Sp'07


3/1/2003 W'10-11

3/1/2003 Sp'10, Su'10, W'10-11

3/1/2003 Su'08, Sp'09

3/1/2003 Sp'07, W'12-13, F'13

3/1/2003 W'10-11



3/1/2003 Su'07, W'10-11

3/1/2003 W'12-13


3/1/2003 Su'06, Su'07, W'10-11, W'11-12

3/1/2003 Sp'07, Su'08, F'13


3/1/2003 Su'06, Su'11


3/1/2003 Sp'05, Su'11

3/1/2003 Sp'05, Sp'07, W'13-14

3/1/2003 Su'07

3/1/2003 Sp'06, Su'08

12/1/2002 W'06-07, Sp'10, Sp'12

12/1/2002 W'09-10, W'12-13

12/1/2002 Sp'07, W'10-11, W'13-14

12/1/2002 F'04, Su'13


12/1/2002 F'06, Sp'07, Su'08, F'12

12/1/2002 W'05-06, F'07, Sp'12, W'12-13

12/1/2002 W'04-05

12/1/2002 Sp'05, F'09, Su'11


12/1/2002 Sp'05

12/1/2002 Sp'05, F'09, F'13

12/1/2002 W'05-06

12/1/2002 Sp'05

12/1/2002 Sp'05

12/1/2002 W'05-06, W'06-07, W'08-09, W'10-11

12/1/2002 Sp'07

12/1/2002 W'05-06, W'08-09

12/1/2002 Sp'07, W'08-09, F'10, Su'12, Su'13, W'13-14

12/1/2002 W'09-10

12/1/2002 Su'05, Su'08

12/1/2002 W'08-09

12/1/2002 F'07, Su'11

9/1/2002 F'09, Sp'10

9/1/2002 Su'07, W'10-11

9/1/2002 W'06-7

9/1/2002 Sp'07, Su'08

9/1/2002 F'06, W'06-07, Sp'09, Su'10, W'12-13, Su'13

9/1/2002 Su'05

9/1/2002 F'13

9/1/2002 W'05-06

9/1/2002 Su'06, W'06-07

9/1/2002 W'06-07, Sp'07


9/1/2002 F'05, W'05-06, F'11

9/1/2002 W'04-05

9/1/2002 W'05-06, Su'09, W'12-13

9/1/2002 Su'06, W'06-07, Sp'07, F'13

9/1/2002 Sp'07


9/1/2002 W'04-05

9/1/2002 Su'06, W'08-09, W'11-12

9/1/2002 F'13

9/1/2002 Su'10

6/1/2002 W'06-07


6/1/2002 W'05-06, F'08

6/1/2002 F'08



6/1/2002 Sp'08

6/1/2002 W'06-07, Sp'08, F'08

6/1/2002 W'06-07, F'08


6/1/2002 F'08

6/1/2002 F'08, Su'10, W'10-11

6/1/2002 W'05-06, W'06-07, Sp'10, W'12-13, W'13-14


6/1/2002 Su'04, Su'07, W'10-11

6/1/2002 F'08, Su'10


6/1/2002 F'08, Su'10, F'10, F'13

6/1/2002 W'08-09

6/1/2002 F'08

6/1/2002 F'08

6/1/2002 W'05-06, Sp'10


3/1/2002 Sp'08, Su'13, W'13-14

3/1/2002 Sp'04, F'05

3/1/2002 F'05, F'10

3/1/2002 W'09-10

3/1/2002 Sp'04, Su'05, F'10

3/1/2002 F'05, W'05-06, F'08, F'10

3/1/2002 Su'08


3/1/2002 Sp'07

3/1/2002 Su'06, W'08-09, Su'13, W'13-14

3/1/2002 F'04, W'13-14



3/1/2002 F'05, Sp'08, F'10

3/1/2002 F'05, W'08-09, F'10

3/1/2002 Sp'07, Sp'10, F'10

3/1/2002 F'05


3/1/2002 Sp'04, F'05


3/1/2002 Su'08

3/1/2002 W'12-13

3/1/2002 Sp'12

3/1/2002 Sp'08, F'10

12/1/2001 Su'07, Su'13

12/1/2001 Su'09, W'10-11


12/1/2001 Sp'08, Sp'11, Su'11

12/1/2001 W'06-07, Su'11


12/1/2001 Sp'11

12/1/2001 W'06-07, Sp'08, Su'11, F13

12/1/2001 Su'07

12/1/2001 Su'07, Sp'08, W'11-12, Sp'12

12/1/2001 W'04-05, Su'06, W'08-09



12/1/2001 Sp'10, Sp'13

12/1/2001 Su'07

12/1/2001 Su'07

12/1/2001 Su'06, Su'07, W'10-11, Su'13

12/1/2001 Su'09, F'09

12/1/2001 Su'07

12/1/2001 W'05-06, F'11

12/1/2001 Su'07, F'09, W'11-12


12/1/2001 W'04-05, Su'05, F'06, Su'13

9/1/2001 F'10


9/1/2001 W'08-09

9/1/2001 W'08-09




9/1/2001 Sp'04, W'04-05, Sp'13

9/1/2001 W'08-09, Sp'11


9/1/2001 F'06

9/1/2001 F'06, Su'12

9/1/2001 Su'07, Su'08


9/1/2001 Su'06

9/1/2001 W'08-09

9/1/2001 W'04-05, W'08-09

9/1/2001 Su'05

9/1/2001 W'08-09

9/1/2001 Sp'04, Sp'13

9/1/2001 F'06

9/1/2001 W'08-09

9/1/2001 W'08-09, Sp'13

9/1/2001 Sp'08



6/1/2001 W'12-13

6/1/2001 F'04, Sp'05, F'07

6/1/2001 Su'04, Sp'07, Sp'12, W'13-14

6/1/2001 Sp'05, W'13-14

6/1/2001 W'04-05


6/1/2001 W'04-05, W'12-13

6/1/2001 W'12-13

6/1/2001 W'10-11



6/1/2001 W'09-10

6/1/2001 Sp'05, F'05, Sp'10

6/1/2001 Sp'05, Sp'13

6/1/2001 F'12

6/1/2001 W'12-13

6/1/2001 W'05-06, Sp'11

6/1/2001 Su'04



6/1/2001 W'12-13

6/1/2001 W'04-05, Sp'06, Su'09, W'12-13

6/1/2001 Sp'06, Su'08, W'08-09, Sp'12, Su'13


3/1/2001 F'11, F'13

3/1/2001 W'04-05

3/1/2001 F'04, W'04-05, Sp'06

3/1/2001 F'07

3/1/2001 F'08, Su'12

3/1/2001 F'08

3/1/2001 F'08

3/1/2001 F'08

3/1/2001 F'08


3/1/2001 F'04, W'05-06, F'10

3/1/2001 Sp'06, Su'12


3/1/2001 F'08




3/1/2001 F'07

3/1/2001 F'11

3/1/2001 F'08

3/1/2001 Sp'06, F'08, Sp'09, Sp'12

3/1/2001 Sp'07, F'07, Su'11

3/1/2001 F'08, Sp'12

3/1/2001 Sp'06, F'08, W'09-10

3/1/2001 F'04, W'04-05, Sp'12

3/1/2001 Sp'05, F'08, Su'10

12/1/2000 Su'08

12/1/2000 Su'08


12/1/2000 W'04-05

12/1/2000 Su'08


12/1/2000 Su'08

12/1/2000 F'04

12/1/2000 Sp'06, W08-09

12/1/2000 W'04-05, W'05-06, W'06-07, W'08-09

12/1/2000 F'04, W'04-05


12/1/2000 Su'08

12/1/2000 F'05, Su'08

12/1/2000 W'06-07, W'10-11

12/1/2000 Sp'06, W'08-09

12/1/2000 Su'06


12/1/2000 F'04

12/1/2000 F'07

9/1/2000 Su'07, F'12

9/1/2000 Sp'05


9/1/2000 Sp'07, Su'07, Su'08



9/1/2000 Sp'05, W'05-06, F'10

9/1/2000 Sp'06

9/1/2000 Su'07



9/1/2000 Sp'10, W'12-13


9/1/2000 Su'04, Sp'07, Sp'09

9/1/2000 Sp'07

9/1/2000 Su'07, Su'08, W'10-11

9/1/2000 F'09, Sp'12

9/1/2000 F'06, Sp'09

9/1/2000 W'06-07

9/1/2000 Su'06

9/1/2000 Sp'06, F'06, Sp'09

9/1/2000 Sp'06

9/1/2000 Su'08





6/1/2000 Su'05, Sp'11, W'11-12

6/1/2000 W'08-09, F'09


6/1/2000 Su'05, F'05, W'09-10, F'10, F'11


6/1/2000 F'09, W'10-11

6/1/2000 Sp'08

6/1/2000 Su'06

6/1/2000 Su'05

6/1/2000 Su'08


6/1/2000 Sp'08


6/1/2000 Sp'04, F'05, F'10

6/1/2000 F'05

6/1/2000 W'04-05, F'05, W'09-10, Su'10, Su'12


6/1/2000 Sp'07, F'10

6/1/2000 F'05, W'05-06

6/1/2000 F'04, Su'08


3/1/2000 F'06, Su'12, W'12-13

3/1/2000 Su'05


3/1/2000 Su'12

3/1/2000 F'08

3/1/2000 Sp'04

3/1/2000 Su'08



3/1/2000 Su'05, Su'08, Sp'12, Su'13

3/1/2000 F'06

3/1/2000 Su'12

3/1/2000 Su'05

3/1/2000 Su'09, Su'12

3/1/2000 Su'05, Su'10





3/1/2000 Su'04

3/1/2000 Su'12



12/1/1999 Sp'04, Sp'08, Su'09


12/1/1999 Sp'04, W'06-07, Su'09

12/1/1999 Sp'04


12/1/1999 Sp'04


12/1/1999 W'04-05, Sp'05, W'09-10, Sp'10, Su'10, W'11-12



12/1/1999 W'04-05, W'05-06, F'07



12/1/1999 Sp'04, W'06-07, Su'09


12/1/1999 F'04, Sp'08, W'12-13


12/1/1999 Su'04, W'06-07, Su'09

12/1/1999 Su'04, W'05-06





9/1/1999 Su'06, W'08-09, Su'13

9/1/1999 Sp'05, W'11-12, Sp'12

9/1/1999 Su'07

9/1/1999 F'07, Su'08

9/1/1999 W'12-13

9/1/1999 Su'09, W'12-13


9/1/1999 Su'07, W'11-12

9/1/1999 Sp'10, Sp'13

9/1/1999 W'11-12


9/1/1999 W'04-05, F'07, W'08-09, F'12



9/1/1999 F'06, Su'12

9/1/1999 Su'06, F'06, Sp'10, W'11-12

9/1/1999 W'04-05, Sp'07, Su'08, F'12

9/1/1999 Su'06, W'11-12, Sp'13

9/1/1999 Su'05, Sp'11, W'11-12


6/1/1999 W'04-05, W'08-09, Sp'09

6/1/1999 W'05-06


6/1/1999 Su'07, Su'12

6/1/1999 Su'04, Sp'05, Su'08, F'10


6/1/1999 W'08-09, Sp'10, F'11

6/1/1999 Su'12

6/1/1999 Su'13

6/1/1999 Sp'08


6/1/1999 Sp'10

6/1/1999 W'06-07, F'12, W'12-13

6/1/1999 W'09-10, Sp'10, Sp'11, Su'12


6/1/1999 Sp'08



6/1/1999 Sp'04, Su'06, F'06, Su'10, F'11, Sp'13

6/1/1999 Sp'10, Su'10



6/1/1999 F'04, Sp'07, Sp'11, Sp'13, W'13-14

3/1/1999 Su'05, W'11-12



3/1/1999 W'05-06

3/1/1999 Sp'08

3/1/1999 W'08-09, Sp'12

3/1/1999 Sp'04, Su'09, Su'12


3/1/1999 Sp'07, W'10-11

3/1/1999 Su'05, Sp'10, Su'10, Su'13

3/1/1999 Su'05



3/1/1999 W'07-08



3/1/1999 Su'09, W'09-10, Sp'11, W'11-12

3/1/1999 Sp'07, Sp'08

3/1/1999 F'09, Sp'10, Su'11, W'12-13, F'13


3/1/1999 W'04-05

3/1/1999 F'09

3/1/1999 Sp'09

3/1/1999 W'09-10

12/1/1998 Sp'08, F'09

12/1/1998 Su'08, F'12

12/1/1998 W'11-12

12/1/1998 F'07, F'08

12/1/1998 Su'04, Sp'10


12/1/1998 W'09-10

12/1/1998 W'05-06, F'08, F'11

12/1/1998 F'09, W'09-10

12/1/1998 F'09, W'09-10


12/1/1998 W'04-05

12/1/1998 F'09

12/1/1998 Sp'08

12/1/1998 F'05, F'06, W'08-09, Su'09, W'09-10, Su'10


12/1/1998 Sp'05, F'09, Su'11

12/1/1998 F'11

12/1/1998 W'05-06, W'06-07, F'07, W'11-12, W'12-13

12/1/1998 F'05, F'09, W'09-10, W'12-13



12/1/1998 F'04

12/1/1998 W'04-05, Sp'05, Sp'07, W'12-13


9/1/1998 Su'13, F'13

9/1/1998 Sp'04, F'05

9/1/1998 W'04-05, Su'06, F'11, Su'13




9/1/1998 F'04, W'05-06, W'06-07


9/1/1998 W'05-06, W'06-07, Sp'09





9/1/1998 W'11-12

9/1/1998 Su'04, Su'07, W'10-11


9/1/1998 Su'06, F'12

9/1/1998 Su'06, Sp'10, W'12-13

9/1/1998 Sp'10


9/1/1998 Su'04, W'05-06

9/1/1998 Sp'05, W'05-06

9/1/1998 Su'04


6/1/1998 W'05-06, Su'08, Sp'10

6/1/1998 Su'09


6/1/1998 Sp'11, F'12

6/1/1998 Sp'07, Sp'10, F'12

6/1/1998 Sp'07, Su'09, W'10-11, Su'11


6/1/1998 W'04-05, W'11-12, F'12

6/1/1998 W'05-06

6/1/1998 W'04-05

6/1/1998 Sp'07,Sp'08

6/1/1998 W'12-13


6/1/1998 Su'04, Sp'07


6/1/1998 Su'08


6/1/1998 F'05, Su'13

6/1/1998 F'05, Su'06, Su'13

6/1/1998 Su'11, W'11-12

6/1/1998 F'05, Su'08, W'11-12, W'12-13, Su'13


3/1/1998 W'09-10



3/1/1998 F'07

3/1/1998 Sp'06, Su'07, Sp'13

3/1/1998 Su'04, F'05, Sp'06


3/1/1998 F'04, W'04-05, Sp'06, W'10-11, Sp'12

3/1/1998 W'06-07, W'10-11, W'12-13

3/1/1998 W'04-05

3/1/1998 Su'04, W'09-10, Sp'13


3/1/1998 Sp'05

3/1/1998 W'04-05, Sp'07, Sp'09, Su'13

3/1/1998 W'12-13

3/1/1998 F'04, Sp'08



3/1/1998 F'06, Su'09, F'13

3/1/1998 F'09, W'09-10, F'11

3/1/1998 Sp'06, Su'08, Su'12

3/1/1998 Su'09



3/1/1998 F'04, W'04-05, F'09

12/1/1997 Sp'06,Sp'08




12/1/1997 F'04, W'04-05


12/1/1997 F'05, F'09, W'09-10

12/1/1997 Su'04, F'05, Sp'07, Su'09


12/1/1997 Su'04, W'06-07, Sp'07, F'12, Su'13


12/1/1997 Su'04, W'06-07, Su'09

12/1/1997 F'08

12/1/1997 Sp'08

12/1/1997 Su'06

12/1/1997 W'05-06, Su'06, W'06-07, Su'10

12/1/1997 Sp'08

12/1/1997 Su'04, F'06, F'13

12/1/1997 Sp'05, F'06

12/1/1997 Sp'08




9/1/1997 W'08-09


9/1/1997 Su'05, F'07


9/1/1997 F'12

9/1/1997 W'05-06, W'06-07, Sp'09



9/1/1997 Su'06

9/1/1997 Su'05, W'06-07, Su'07, Sp'09, Sp'11

9/1/1997 Su'05, Sp'07, W'08-09, Su'09, F'09, Sp'12, F'12

9/1/1997 Su'05, Su'06, F'08, Su'10

9/1/1997 Sp'05



9/1/1997 Sp'04, Su'04, Sp'13


9/1/1997 Su'05, F'07

9/1/1997 W'06-07

9/1/1997 Sp'10, W'11-12

9/1/1997 Sp'05, Sp'08

9/1/1997 Sp'05

9/1/1997 W'06-07, F'13


6/1/1997 Sp'04, W'04-05, W'12-13, Sp'13


6/1/1997 F'06

6/1/1997 F'04, W'04-05, W'08-09




6/1/1997 Su'05, Su'10

6/1/1997 Sp'04, W'04-05, Sp'13

6/1/1997 Sp'10, Su'10

6/1/1997 F'05, F'06, Su'08, Su'13

6/1/1997 F'09, Sp'12


6/1/1997 F'06, Sp'08



6/1/1997 F'09

6/1/1997 Su'04, Su'10

6/1/1997 Sp'04, F'06, Sp'13



6/1/1997 Sp'07, F'12

6/1/1997 Su'06, Sp'08

4/1/1997 F'08, Sp'09, Su'10, Su'13

4/1/1997 Su'05, Su'13



4/1/1997 Su'04, F'05, F'08, F'12, Su'13

4/1/1997 F'05, Su'12

4/1/1997 Sp'07, Su'09

4/1/1997 Su'06, W'06-07



4/1/1997 Su'05, W'06-07



4/1/1997 Su'09


4/1/1997 Sp'05

4/1/1997 Su'10

4/1/1997 Su'08

4/1/1997 Su'09, Su'12

4/1/1997 F'06, W'06-07, Su'09




1/1/1997 F'05, W'08-09




1/1/1997 Sp'04, Sp'06, Sp'09

1/1/1997 F'07



1/1/1997 Sp'08, F'08

1/1/1997 F'04

1/1/1997 W'05-06, F'07


1/1/1997 Sp'12

1/1/1997 Sp'04


1/1/1997 Sp'04, F'07





1/1/1997 Sp'04, F'05, W'08-09

10/1/1996 Sp'10

10/1/1996 Sp'10


10/1/1996 Sp'10, F'11, Sp'13

10/1/1996 Su'05, Su'06, F'08

10/1/1996 Su'05


10/1/1996 F'04


10/1/1996 F'07


10/1/1996 F'04

10/1/1996 W'05-06

10/1/1996 Sp'10

10/1/1996 Su'05

10/1/1996 W'05-06

10/1/1996 F'07, Sp'10, Sp'12

10/1/1996 F'07

10/1/1996 F'07

10/1/1996 W'04-05, Sp'05, W'10-11, Su'12

10/1/1996 W'08-09, F'09

10/1/1996 F'07, F'12

10/1/1996 Sp'07

7/1/1996 Sp'05, Su'12





7/1/1996 F'06, W'06-07

7/1/1996 F'06, W'06-07, Su'08

7/1/1996 Su'06, Sp'09, F'09, W'11-12


7/1/1996 F'05, F'06

7/1/1996 F'06, Su'08

7/1/1996 W'05-06

7/1/1996 F'10




7/1/1996 Su'08

7/1/1996 F'04, Sp'08, W'08-09, F'09





4/1/1996 Su'07, W'12-13


4/1/1996 W'04-05, Sp'12


4/1/1996 W'04-05, Su'05, W'08-09

4/1/1996 W'05-06, F'11

4/1/1996 Su'09, F'09

4/1/1996 F'05, W'08-09


4/1/1996 W'04-05



4/1/1996 F'07, Sp'12, F'12

4/1/1996 Su'07

4/1/1996 Su'09, F'09

4/1/1996 Su'07, Su'11, Su'12

4/1/1996 Su'07, W'12-13

4/1/1996 Su'07

4/1/1996 W'08-09, W'13-14

4/1/1996 F'05


4/1/1996 Sp'05, Su'09, F'09, Su'11



1/1/1996 F'07, Su'11, W'13-14


1/1/1996 F'07

1/1/1996 Sp'04, W'04-05, F'10

1/1/1996 W'12-13

1/1/1996 Sp'04, Sp'13



1/1/1996 F'07, Sp'12


1/1/1996 F'07, W'09-10, F'12

1/1/1996 W'08-09

1/1/1996 Sp'07, F'07, F'12

1/1/1996 Su'09

1/1/1996 Sp'13

1/1/1996 Su'04, W'12-13

1/1/1996 Sp'06, F'06, W'08-09

1/1/1996 Sp'05, F'07

1/1/1996 F'07

1/1/1996 F'07

1/1/1996 W'09-10


10/1/1995 Su'05, Su'07, F'07


10/1/1995 Su'06, Sp'09


10/1/1995 W'08-09


10/1/1995 W'05-06

10/1/1995 Sp'07

10/1/1995 Su'07

10/1/1995 W'06-07, W'12-13

10/1/1995 Sp'06



10/1/1995 Su'04, W'05-06, Sp'09

10/1/1995 Sp'06, W'10-11, Sp'13



10/1/1995 Sp'04

10/1/1995 Sp'07


10/1/1995 Sp'06, F'06

10/1/1995 Su'12

10/1/1995 W'04-05, F'05, Sp'06, W'11-12, Sp'12

10/1/1995 W'06-07, Su'07

7/1/1995 Su'05

7/1/1995 Su'05, F'05, F'11

7/1/1995 W'04-05


7/1/1995 Su'05, Su'06

7/1/1995 Su'05

7/1/1995 W'11-12

7/1/1995 F'05, W'05-06

7/1/1995 Su'05, W'11-12



7/1/1995 W'04-05, Sp'05, F'10, W'11-12


7/1/1995 Sp'11, W'11-12, Su'13

7/1/1995 F'04, F'06


7/1/1995 Su'05

7/1/1995 Sp'06

7/1/1995 Sp'06, W'09-10


7/1/1995 Su'05, F'07, W'12-13





4/1/1995 W'04-05

4/1/1995 W'08-09, F'12



4/1/1995 Sp'10, Su'10


4/1/1995 F'10

4/1/1995 W'06-07, Su'10


4/1/1995 F'09, W'09-10, Sp'12


4/1/1995 W'10-11

4/1/1995 Su'04, W'04-05



4/1/1995 Sp'06, Sp'08, F'11

4/1/1995 F'09

4/1/1995 W'09-10

4/1/1995 F'09, W'09-10

4/1/1995 W'09-10

4/1/1995 Su'06

4/1/1995 F'10, F'12

4/1/1995 F'09


1/1/1995 Sp'05

1/1/1995 Sp'05, Su'11



1/1/1995 W'05-06

1/1/1995 F'04, W'05-06, W'08-09, W'09-10


1/1/1995 W'05-06

1/1/1995 F'05, F'09

1/1/1995 Sp'05, W'05-06, Su'09, Su'12



1/1/1995 Su'05

1/1/1995 Su'04, Sp'05, Su'11, Su'13


1/1/1995 F'09, Sp'13

1/1/1995 F'09



1/1/1995 F'09


10/1/1994 Su'05


10/1/1994 Sp'04


10/1/1994 Sp'04, Su'05, Sp'07, Sp'11



10/1/1994 Sp'06

10/1/1994 W'05-06, W'06-07





10/1/1994 W'08-09, Su'11

10/1/1994 Sp'11

10/1/1994 F'08, Su'10



10/1/1994 Su'10


7/1/1994 Su'06, W'08-09, Su'11, Su'13

7/1/1994 Su'09, Sp'10, F'11


7/1/1994 Su'06, Su'12


7/1/1994 W'06-07, Sp'07, W'08-09, Sp'13


7/1/1994 F'05, Su'06, Su'13


7/1/1994 Su'05, W'05-06, W'09-10, Sp'10, Su'10, Sp'11, F'11, W'13-14


7/1/1994 F'05, Su'06

7/1/1994 Su'10, Sp'11

7/1/1994 Su'06

7/1/1994 Su'12


7/1/1994 Sp'10, F'11




4/1/1994 Su'09, W'10-11, Su'11


4/1/1994 F'11


4/1/1994 Sp'11

4/1/1994 Su'05, W'09-10

4/1/1994 W'04-05, F'08, F'11

4/1/1994 W'09-10, F'10, Sp'11

4/1/1994 W'08-09

4/1/1994 F'10

4/1/1994 F'13

4/1/1994 Su'06, Su'08, W'08-09, F'11, W'12-13


4/1/1994 Sp'04, Sp'11

4/1/1994 W'08-09



4/1/1994 Su'05, Su'09

4/1/1994 Su'04

4/1/1994 F'04, Sp'05, Sp'11, W'13-14

4/1/1994 Su'05, Sp'08, Sp'11



1/1/1994 F'04, W'04-05, F'11




1/1/1994 F'04, F'05


1/1/1994 W'04-05


1/1/1994 W'13-14

1/1/1994 Sp'12

1/1/1994 Su'05, W'05-06, W'11-12, Su'13



1/1/1994 W'04-05, F'11

1/1/1994 F'04

1/1/1994 F'13

1/1/1994 W'06-07, Sp'12

1/1/1994 F'10

1/1/1994 Sp'06, Sp'07, Sp'10, F'11, Sp'12






10/1/1993 Sp'04, Sp'10, W'11-12







10/1/1993 Su'07


10/1/1993 F'06

10/1/1993 W'11-12


10/1/1993 Sp'06, F'09


10/1/1993 Sp'08


10/1/1993 F'09, Sp'10, Su'12, W'12-13



10/1/1993 F'13

7/1/1993 W'04-05, F'06, Su'07, Su'08, Sp'11

7/1/1993 Sp'11, W'11-12


7/1/1993 W'06-07

7/1/1993 Sp'10, F'10, F'12

7/1/1993 W'09-10



7/1/1993 W'08-09, F'09, Su'13



7/1/1993 F'10

7/1/1993 Sp'07, Sp'11


7/1/1993 Su'04, Sp'07, Sp'11, F'12


7/1/1993 Sp'04, W'06-07

7/1/1993 Su'09, F'09, F'13

7/1/1993 W'10-11, W'11-12, Sp'13, Su'13

7/1/1993 Su'09, W'11-12



4/1/1993 Sp'06, Sp'09


4/1/1993 Su'07, F'12



4/1/1993 W'11-12

4/1/1993 F'11, F'13


4/1/1993 Sp'06


4/1/1993 Sp'04, Su'05, Sp'11

4/1/1993 Su'07

4/1/1993 Su'08, Sp'09




4/1/1993 Su'07, W'11-12

4/1/1993 F'04


4/1/1993 Sp'06, F'06, Sp'09




1/1/1993 Su'12


1/1/1993 Sp'06

1/1/1993 W'05-06, F'08, F'10

1/1/1993 Sp'05, Sp'12, F'12


1/1/1993 Sp'08, Sp'12, Su'13

1/1/1993 W'05-06, F'08

1/1/1993 F'13


1/1/1993 F'13


1/1/1993 Sp'07

1/1/1993 W'10-11

1/1/1993 Su'11

1/1/1993 W'05-06, F'09, F'10, Sp'12



10/1/1992 F'11, Su'12

10/1/1992 Sp'06

10/1/1992 F'04

10/1/1992 F'06, W'12-13

10/1/1992 W'12-13, Sp'13

10/1/1992 W'05-06


10/1/1992 F'08, F'11


10/1/1992 F'07



10/1/1992 F'04

10/1/1992 F'11, Sp'12

10/1/1992 W'05-06


10/1/1992 W'10-11

10/1/1992 Sp'13

10/1/1992 F'05, Sp'09, W'11-12

7/1/1992 F'06


7/1/1992 Su'10

7/1/1992 Su'04

7/1/1992 Sp'13

7/1/1992 Su'10

7/1/1992 Su'04, Su'07


7/1/1992 Su'04, Su'13


7/1/1992 Su'04, Su'13




7/1/1992 Su'04, Sp'05, W'06-07



4/1/1992 Sp'12


4/1/1992 Sp'07, Sp'11, F'12

4/1/1992 F'09, W'09-10

4/1/1992 Sp'10

4/1/1992 F'12

4/1/1992 F'09

4/1/1992 Su'10




4/1/1992 Sp'10, Su'10, W'13-14

4/1/1992 F'09, W'09-10, F'11, Sp'12






4/1/1992 W'12-13

1/1/1992 W'12-13


1/1/1992 F'07


1/1/1992 F'12



1/1/1992 Su'12, F'12

1/1/1992 W'12-13

1/1/1992 W'12-13

1/1/1992 W'10-11, W'12-13

1/1/1992 F'08



1/1/1992 W'12-13

1/1/1992 W'12-13



1/1/1992 Sp'09

1/1/1992 Sp'06, F'07, F'08, W'10-11












10/1/1991 W'05-06


10/1/1991 F'11, Sp'13


10/1/1991 Su'08

10/1/1991 W'04-05, Sp'10, Su'10


10/1/1991 Sp'06, F'08, F'12, W'12-13

10/1/1991 Su'10, Sp'11

10/1/1991 F'10


7/1/1991 W'06-07, Sp'09

7/1/1991 Su'07, F'12

7/1/1991 Su'07



7/1/1991 W'10-11


7/1/1991 Su'06


7/1/1991 W'05-06



7/1/1991 Su'04, Su'07


7/1/1991 Su'06

7/1/1991 F'07

7/1/1991 F'04

7/1/1991 Sp'11



4/1/1991 W'06-07, Su'07, Sp'11

4/1/1991 F'10, W'10-11


4/1/1991 Su'11




4/1/1991 Su'06, Su'10, F'10, W'11-12



4/1/1991 F'05, Sp'08, F'10

4/1/1991 Sp'10


4/1/1991 Sp'08, Su'10


4/1/1991 Sp'06

4/1/1991 Su'10

4/1/1991 Su'05, W'06-07

4/1/1991 F'08, Sp'09

1/1/1991 W'10-11








1/1/1991 W'09-10

1/1/1991 Su'05

1/1/1991 Sp'06, F'06, W'11-12

1/1/1991 Sp'12

1/1/1991 Sp'07, W'12-13

1/1/1991 W'10-11, Sp'13


1/1/1991 Sp'11

1/1/1991 F'08


1/1/1991 W'04-05, Sp'07, Sp'12



1/1/1991 Sp'10, W'12-13



10/1/1990 Sp'09

10/1/1990 W'11-12

10/1/1990 W'08-09

10/1/1990 Sp'10


10/1/1990 Su'04, Sp'06, W'08-09

10/1/1990 Su'04


10/1/1990 W'12-13


10/1/1990 F'04, W'04-05

10/1/1990 W'04-05, Sp'06

10/1/1990 W'12-13







10/1/1990 W'04-05

7/1/1990 Su'10



7/1/1990 Su'06, W'09-10, Su'13



7/1/1990 F'08



7/1/1990 Su'04


7/1/1990 Su'09, Sp'11, F'13


7/1/1990 Su'06, Su'13

7/1/1990 Su'12


7/1/1990 Sp'08, Sp'10, Su'10, F'10

7/1/1990 F'04




7/1/1990 F'08


7/1/1990 Sp'05







4/1/1990 Sp'05, F'06, Su'09

4/1/1990 Sp'06

4/1/1990 Sp'05, W'05-06




4/1/1990 F'12





4/1/1990 Sp'05, W'05-06, Su'12


4/1/1990 Sp'05, Su'11







4/1/1990 Sp'10

4/1/1990 W'13-14


1/1/1990 Sp'12, W'13-14


1/1/1990 F'06, Su'12

1/1/1990 Sp'05, Sp'12

1/1/1990 Su'12, Su'13



1/1/1990 F'06

1/1/1990 Sp'11, Su'12

1/1/1990 Su'12


1/1/1990 F'11


1/1/1990 W'10-11, F'13


1/1/1990 Sp'12

1/1/1990 Su'11, W'12-13

1/1/1990 W'09-10







10/1/1989 Su'09, W'10-11


10/1/1989 Su'06, Su'08, W'10-11






10/1/1989 F'13

10/1/1989 F'13

10/1/1989 Su'05, F'07, Sp'08, W'08-09

10/1/1989 Su'05


10/1/1989 F'12

10/1/1989 Su'06, W'06-07, Su'08, W'08-09

10/1/1989 W'08-09

7/1/1989 Sp'09

7/1/1989 Su'12

7/1/1989 Su'12

7/1/1989 F'04, Su'05




7/1/1989 W'12-13

7/1/1989 Su'09, Su'12






7/1/1989 F'09, F'10

7/1/1989 Sp'13



7/1/1989 W'11-12

7/1/1989 F'09


7/1/1989 Sp'13


4/1/1989 F'10, F'12

4/1/1989 Sp'12



4/1/1989 Su'12

4/1/1989 F'10


4/1/1989 Su'12

4/1/1989 F'10




4/1/1989 F'06, W'10-11, Sp'11


4/1/1989 Su'08, F'12

4/1/1989 F'10, W'13-14


4/1/1989 Su'12


1/1/1989 F'04


1/1/1989 W'10-11

1/1/1989 Su'07, Sp'09, F'12


1/1/1989 Sp'05

1/1/1989 Sp'05

1/1/1989 Su'08

1/1/1989 Sp'10, Su'10

1/1/1989 Sp'10

1/1/1989 W'04-05

1/1/1989 F'04



1/1/1989 Su'12

1/1/1989 F'04



1/1/1989 Su'04

1/1/1989 F'11

1/1/1989 Sp'11

1/1/1989 Sp'06

1/1/1989 F'04, Sp'12



10/1/1988 Sp'10



10/1/1988 Sp'07, Su'12


10/1/1988 Su'06


10/1/1988 Sp'10, Su'10

10/1/1988 Sp'12



10/1/1988 W'05-06, F'08

10/1/1988 F'13

10/1/1988 W'06-07, F'13

10/1/1988 W'10-11, W'12-13

10/1/1988 Sp'10

10/1/1988 Sp'09

10/1/1988 Sp'06, F'06, Sp'09, Su'13

10/1/1988 Su'11


10/1/1988 W'09-10



7/1/1988 W'04-05


7/1/1988 F'07

7/1/1988 Sp'10


7/1/1988 Sp'10

7/1/1988 W'04-05

7/1/1988 Sp'08, Su'11



7/1/1988 F'05, Su'13




7/1/1988 F'13

7/1/1988 W'09-10, Sp'10

7/1/1988 Sp'13


7/1/1988 W'09-10


4/1/1988 F'06

4/1/1988 F'11

4/1/1988 F'06, Sp'09


4/1/1988 F'07


4/1/1988 F'04, F'05, W'05-06, W'06-07, Su'11, F'12

4/1/1988 W'05-06, W'09-10, Su'11, F'11, Sp'13


4/1/1988 Su'05, F'05, Sp'07, F'07, F'10, F'11


4/1/1988 Su'05, F'10



4/1/1988 F'06, Sp'12


4/1/1988 Su'08

4/1/1988 F'08, F'11, W'11-12, Su'12

4/1/1988 W'05-06

4/1/1988 F'04, Sp'09, Sp'12

4/1/1988 Su'04



1/1/1988 F'12

1/1/1988 Sp'08


1/1/1988 F'07, F'10, Sp'12



1/1/1988 Sp'05

1/1/1988 Sp'08



1/1/1988 W'09-10

1/1/1988 Sp'13







1/1/1988 F'10, Su'13

1/1/1988 Sp'08, Su'10, Sp'12




1/1/1988 W'05-06,Sp'08

1/1/1988 W'11-12, Sp'12


10/1/1987 Su'11



10/1/1987 F'06, Sp'08, Sp'13

10/1/1987 Sp'09


10/1/1987 Su'09, W'10-11

10/1/1987 Su'11



10/1/1987 F'12







10/1/1987 W'09-10


10/1/1987 W'09-10



7/1/1987 W'05-06, F'11



7/1/1987 Su'04, F'05, F'11

7/1/1987 F'06

7/1/1987 W'05-06


7/1/1987 W'05-06, F'11

7/1/1987 W'06-07

7/1/1987 Sp'04, F'07, F'10, Sp'13




7/1/1987 Sp'04






7/1/1987 F'06, W'12-13




4/1/1987 Su'08

4/1/1987 Su'06

4/1/1987 Sp'11

4/1/1987 Su'06

4/1/1987 W'10-11, Su'12


4/1/1987 W'04-05



4/1/1987 F'05, Su'13

4/1/1987 W'08-09


4/1/1987 Su'08



4/1/1987 F'11



4/1/1987 Sp'09


1/1/1987 F'04, W'13-14

1/1/1987 F'04



1/1/1987 Sp'05, F'07

1/1/1987 W'04-05

1/1/1987 F'04, W'10-11

1/1/1987 Sp'06



1/1/1987 Sp'06, F'09

1/1/1987 Su'08

1/1/1987 W'04-05, Sp'06, Sp'07

1/1/1987 F'04, Sp'07, W'08-09, F'12, Sp'13


1/1/1987 W'04-05, Sp'12



10/1/1986 W'04-05



10/1/1986 Sp'09



10/1/1986 F'11, W'11-12, Sp'12, F'13




10/1/1986 W'10-11

10/1/1986 F'10

10/1/1986 Su'04

10/1/1986 Sp'11


10/1/1986 F'11, W'11-12

10/1/1986 W'05-06, Sp'12, F'12, W'12-13

10/1/1986 W'06-07, F'10

10/1/1986 F'10

10/1/1986 Sp'10


7/1/1986 Sp'05, Su'09


7/1/1986 Su'07, Su'86



7/1/1986 Sp'06,Sp'08

7/1/1986 Su'06

7/1/1986 F'06



7/1/1986 Su'07

7/1/1986 Sp'09


7/1/1986 Sp'05

7/1/1986 Su'08, W'11-12

7/1/1986 Su'05, Su'07

7/1/1986 F'06, Su'07, W'08-09, Sp'09, Su'11, Su'12

7/1/1986 Su'06, Sp'07, F'09

7/1/1986 Su'05

7/1/1986 W'12-13, Su'13




4/1/1986 Sp'05, W'11-12, W'13-14




4/1/1986 Sp'09



4/1/1986 W'06-07, Su'07


4/1/1986 Sp'07


4/1/1986 Sp'11

4/1/1986 Sp'12


4/1/1986 W'08-09, Su'10

4/1/1986 Su'04

4/1/1986 W'06-07

4/1/1986 Su'04, W'05-'06, Sp'09

4/1/1986 Su'13




1/1/1986 Sp'04, Su'04





1/1/1986 F'06



1/1/1986 W'11-12

1/1/1986 Sp'09


1/1/1986 Sp'04










10/1/1985 W'09-10

10/1/1985 Sp'10

10/1/1985 W'12-13


10/1/1985 W'12-13

10/1/1985 W'11-12

10/1/1985 F'07



10/1/1985 Su'05





10/1/1985 Su'05

7/1/1985 W'10-11





7/1/1985 W'12-13

7/1/1985 Su'12

7/1/1985 F'05, F'10, Su'13

7/1/1985 Su'07





7/1/1985 F'05

7/1/1985 Sp'10




7/1/1985 Sp'05



4/1/1985 Su'10


4/1/1985 W'04-05, Sp'12


4/1/1985 Su'12

4/1/1985 W'04-05


4/1/1985 Su'06

4/1/1985 W'04-05, Su'05


4/1/1985 W'04-05


4/1/1985 F'12

4/1/1985 W'12-13



4/1/1985 W'12-13

4/1/1985 W'08-09, Sp'10, Su'10

4/1/1985 Sp'06, Sp'09


4/1/1985 F'05, Su'06






1/1/1985 F'04

1/1/1985 W'04-05

1/1/1985 F'13


1/1/1985 Sp'11, F'13




1/1/1985 Sp'13, F'13


1/1/1985 F'13







10/1/1984 W'10-11



10/1/1984 Sp'06, Sp'09

10/1/1984 Sp'06, F'06







10/1/1984 W'09-10


10/1/1984 Sp'09







7/1/1984 F'05, Sp'12, W'12-13



7/1/1984 W'10-11


7/1/1984 Su'09


7/1/1984 F'07

7/1/1984 Sp'07

7/1/1984 W'08-09, Sp'13

7/1/1984 F'08

7/1/1984 Sp'13

7/1/1984 Sp'07, F'10, Sp'13










4/1/1984 Su'13




4/1/1984 W'11-12

4/1/1984 W'09-10, Sp'10, Sp'12

4/1/1984 W'05-06


4/1/1984 W'12-13




4/1/1984 Sp'05, Sp'10



1/1/1984 Su'04




1/1/1984 F'09, W'09-10




1/1/1984 Su'04, Su'07, W'10-11

1/1/1984 W'04-05


1/1/1984 Su'04

1/1/1984 F'09, W'09-10







10/1/1983 F'10


10/1/1983 F'10, W'10-11


10/1/1983 Su'10


10/1/1983 F'10




10/1/1983 F'10

10/1/1983 Su'05, F'08, F'11


10/1/1983 F'08, F'11



7/1/1983 W'06-07


7/1/1983 F'08, Sp'10, Su'11

7/1/1983 Su'11



7/1/1983 F'04, Su'06, Su'08, Su'12, W'12-13, Su'13

7/1/1983 Su'08


7/1/1983 Su'12













4/1/1983 Sp'07, Su'13







4/1/1983 Su'08



4/1/1983 Sp'06


4/1/1983 Sp'12



4/1/1983 W'08-09


1/1/1983 F'12

1/1/1983 F'10







1/1/1983 F'05

1/1/1983 Sp'07, F'12


1/1/1983 W'04-05, F'07, W'11-12

1/1/1983 Sp'06







1/1/1983 W'10-11






10/1/1982 Sp'05, Su'09

10/1/1982 Su'09

10/1/1982 Su'09



10/1/1982 W'11-12

10/1/1982 Sp'06





10/1/1982 W'11-12


10/1/1982 W'12-13





7/1/1982 Su'04





7/1/1982 F'06



7/1/1982 F'13


7/1/1982 Sp'11, Su'11

7/1/1982 Sp'10

7/1/1982 Su'12


7/1/1982 Su'10





4/1/1982 Su'08

4/1/1982 Sp'11


4/1/1982 W'11-12





4/1/1982 W'08-09





4/1/1982 Sp'10, Su'10




1/1/1982 Sp'10, Su'10

1/1/1982 Sp'10







1/1/1982 Su'111/1/1982




1/1/1982 W'08-09, Su'10








10/1/1981 Sp'10





10/1/1981 Sp'09, Su'09, W'09-10


10/1/1981 F'13




10/1/1981 Sp'13



7/1/1981 F'04

7/1/1981 Su'13


7/1/1981 Su'06




7/1/1981 W'06-07


7/1/1981 F'06

7/1/1981 W'11-12


7/1/1981 Sp'13

7/1/1981 Su'07, W'11-12






4/1/1981 F'06

4/1/1981 Su'10



4/1/1981 F'06, F'10




4/1/1981 F'06







4/1/1981 F'08

4/1/1981 F'13









1/1/1981 Su'10, F'10




1/1/1981 F'04

1/1/1981 Su'10







1/1/1981 F'08



10/1/1980 W'10-11, W'11-12




10/1/1980 Su'10, Su'11, F'13




10/1/1980 W'06-07, W'08-09, W'09-10

10/1/1980 F'11




10/1/1980 Su'11


10/1/1980 W'10-11


10/1/1980 W'09-10







7/1/1980 Su'07, W'12-13


7/1/1980 Su'05







7/1/1980 Su'06



7/1/1980 W'09-10

7/1/1980 Sp'09

7/1/1980 W'06-07





4/1/1980 W'12-13


4/1/1980 Sp'04


4/1/1980 Sp'06




4/1/1980 Su'04




4/1/1980 W'09-10

























1/1/1980 Sp'10


10/1/1979 Su'10, W'10-11




10/1/1979 Su'06


10/1/1979 Su'13



10/1/1979 Sp'13

10/1/1979 Su'11



10/1/1979 F'06



10/1/1979 F'10, Sp'11



10/1/1979 Sp'10





7/1/1979 W'10-11, W'12-13


7/1/1979 W'10-11



7/1/1979 Su'05

7/1/1979 Su'08









7/1/1979 W'12-13

4/1/1979 Su'10






4/1/1979 F'11



4/1/1979 Sp'10





4/1/1979 F'08




4/1/1979 F'13






4/1/1979 Su'10

4/1/1979 Su'10














1/1/1979 F'10, F'11


1/1/1979 Sp'10





1/1/1979 W'06-07, Sp'09

1/1/1979 F'05, F'08

10/1/1978 Sp'05












10/1/1978 F'11


10/1/1978 W'09-10

10/1/1978 Su'12

10/1/1978 F'07, W'09-10, F'12


10/1/1978 Sp'13



10/1/1978 Su'05, W'10-11, Sp'13

10/1/1978 W'09-10



10/1/1978 F'09, Sp'12

10/1/1978 W'11-12








7/1/1978 Sp'08

7/1/1978 Sp'11, Su'11











7/1/1978 Su'10, Sp'11













4/1/1978 Su'08

4/1/1978 Sp'05

4/1/1978 Sp'04, Sp'13


4/1/1978 Su'09, Sp'10





4/1/1978 Sp'12







1/1/1978 F'09




1/1/1978 W'09-10




1/1/1978 W'11-12



1/1/1978 F'09, Sp'10




1/1/1978 W'05-06, W'09-10







10/1/1977 F'10, F'13









10/1/1977 Sp'11




10/1/1977 Su'12






10/1/1977 F'08




7/1/1977 W'12-13

7/1/1977 Sp'13

7/1/1977 Su'12




7/1/1977 Sp'13


7/1/1977 Sp'10


7/1/1977 Su'10

7/1/1977 W'11-12






4/1/1977 Sp'12


4/1/1977 Sp'11

4/1/1977 Su'09, F'09












4/1/1977 Su'07, Su'12



4/1/1977 Su'09


4/1/1977 Sp'10

















1/1/1977 W'10-11





1/1/1977 Sp'09




1/1/1977 Su'11





10/1/1976 F'05, F'08





10/1/1976 F'05



10/1/1976 F'05, W'06-07, F'08, W'09-10, Su'10, Su'12


10/1/1976 F'08, F'11



10/1/1976 Sp'13

10/1/1976 F'05, Su'12

10/1/1976 F'10

10/1/1976 F'05


10/1/1976 Su'05, F'08, W'13-14




10/1/1976 F'08, F'11

10/1/1976 W'09-10


























4/1/1976 F'10




4/1/1976 W'09-10









4/1/1976 Sp'10, Sp'12, W'12-13
















1/1/1976 F'12






10/1/1975 Su'13

10/1/1975 Sp'08, W'08-09




























10/1/1975 W'09-10




7/1/1975 Sp'10

7/1/1975 F'13













7/1/1975 Sp'11, W'12-13

7/1/1975 F'11






















1/1/1975 F'13




1/1/1975 Sp'10

1/1/1975 Sp'13


1/1/1975 Sp'13

1/1/1975 F'06




1/1/1975 W'08-09, Sp'10, F'11


1/1/1975 W'09-10

1/1/1975 F'09, Sp'11




10/1/1974 Sp'05, W'10-11, Su'11, Su'12




10/1/1974 Sp'12









10/1/1974 Sp'05


10/1/1974 Sp'12




10/1/1974 Sp'12



10/1/1974 Su'12

10/1/1974 W'10-11, Su'11


10/1/1974 Sp'10, W'11-12

10/1/1974 Sp'10
