Arts and Culture Panel Meeting - Brampton · PDF fileArts and Culture Panel Meeting April 20,...


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Arts and Culture Panel Meeting

April 20, 2017| 6:00PM to 8:30PM

Alderlea, 40 Elizabeth Street, Brampton



Time Activity

6:00PM Welcome and agenda overview

6:05PM Review of project milestones and purpose of today’s session

6:15PM Presentation: findings of research and benchmarking study and opportunity

for questions and feedback (Greg Baeker and Jon Beale, MDB Insight)

7:00PM Connecting the dots: review of the Panel’s vision, service improvements at

the City, MDB’s recommendations

7:10PM Roundtable Panel discussion and report back: developing final

recommendations to Council

8:20PM Summary and wrap up

8:30PM Adjourn

Recap: Panel’s Mandate


(1) To advise on the appropriate role of the

municipality in arts and culture; and

(2) To make recommendations for the development of

the City’s Cultural Master Plan

Recap: Milestones


Timing Milestone

Q2 2016

Panel established by Council resolution

First Panel meeting – vision developed

Budget approved by Council

Q3 2016

Scope of work for research study developed

New leadership in Culture Division

RFP released

Community outreach

Q4 2016 Consultant retained and research study began

Culture Division aligned with Economic Development

Q1 2017 Focus group with MDB Insight

Q2 2017

Draft report from MDB Insight and development of Panel’s

recommendations to Council

Final report from MDB Insight

Report to Committee of Council and Council (May 2017)


Panel’s Vision

Describe a thriving cultural community in Brampton in 2025


Think BIG

Places to Connect

Cultural Awareness:

Networking and Communications

Strong and Supportive

Cultural Ecosystem

Experiences to Engage and Unite

Be Proud

Recap: Scope of Study


• REVIEW of Brampton’s current demographics, cultural planning

context, and creative economy analysis

• CASE STUDIES of comparable cities that have transformed

themselves through arts and culture

• BEST PRACTICES related to successfully structuring and

supporting arts and culture activities in municipalities

• RECOMMENDATIONS on how Brampton may leverage its current

cultural assets

• FACTORS that help define what a thriving, successful cultural

community looks like

Recap: MDB’s Work Plan


Project Initiation

•Work Plan

•Project Charter

•Project Launch

Phase 1 – Current State

•Background review

•Analysis of Brampton’s creative economy

•Focus group with Arts and Culture Panel and Council (present and discuss findings to date; identify critical cultural issues in Brampton to inform case studies/best practices)

Phase 2 – Industry Research

•Case Studies

•Best practices

Phase 3 - Reporting


•Key performance indicators

•Draft report

•Presentation for feedback

•Final report

Purpose of Today’s Session


1. Receive findings of MDB’s research study

2. Provide feedback for finalization of MDB’s


3. Discuss MDB’s findings and develop final

recommendations for Council:

o Role of the municipality in arts and culture

o Development of the Cultural Master Plan

Presented byPresented byPresented byPresented by

Arts and Culture Research and Benchmarking StudyArts and Culture Panel Presentation

April 20, 2017Dr. Greg Baeker, Director Cultural Development

Jon Beale, Senior Development Analyst

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Planning Context

Case Studies and Best Practices


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Purpose of the Research and Benchmarking


To provide recommendations on the role of the

municipality in arts and culture in the city - issues of


To provide advice to Council on how best to undertake and

focus the development of Brampton’s forthcoming Cultural

Master Plan

– Provides a substantial base of information and analysis to

support cultural development and the Master Plan

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Project Approach

Phase III: Reporting

• Recommendations

• Key Performance Indicators

• Draft Report

• Presentations and Feedback

• Final Report

Phase II: Industry


• Case Studies

• Best Practices

Phase I: Current


• Background Review

• Brampton's Creative Economy Analysis

• Focus Group with the Arts and Culture Panel

Nov – Jan Jan - Feb Mar - Apr

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Table of Contents

1. Planning Context– Trends in Cultural Planning Today

– Arts and Culture Planning in Brampton

– Cultural Economy Analysis

2. Engagement Findings

3. Case Studies & Best Practices

4. Strategic Implications– Recommendations

– Key Performance Indicators

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Planning Context

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Leading Trends in Cultural Development

Evolving Government Roles

– Shift from a traditional “planner-provider-deliverer” model to an

increasingly collaborative “enabler-convener-catalyst-broker” model

Whole City Approaches

– Call for a balancing of attention to downtowns and neighbourhoods

Culture as the Fourth Pillar of Sustainability

– Social, economic, environmental, and cultural

– Adopting a ‘cultural lens’ on planning and decision-making

Cultural Resources

– A more comprehensive vision of cultural resources or assets

– Connections and synergies across the range of cultural assets

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Arts and Culture Planning in Brampton

Ample evidence that the City recognizes the importance of arts and culture in advancing its plans and priorities

– This despite never having developed a comprehensive Cultural

Master Plan

Momentum building towards more urbanization and ‘game-changing’ opportunities (reflected in the updated Strategic Plan)

A review of relevant City planning and policy documents highlights four areas where arts and culture are tied to broader City ambitions:

– Advancing economic development

– Improving community well-being and quality of life

– Creating a destination for attracting tourists and visitors

– Enhancing the brand and reputation of the city

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Cultural Economy Analysis

Top arts and culture occupations (2011):

Graphic designers and illustrators (630 people employed)

Authors and writers (230 people employed)

Interior designers and interior decorators (200 people


Top arts and culture industries were (2011):

Newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishers (740 people employed)

Motion picture and video industries (615 people employed)

Other information services (290 people employed)


in arts and



grew by 47%


2001 and


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Creation Production Manufacturing Distribution SupportServices

Cultural Economy Analysis

Total of 1,240 cultural enterprises (those with and without employees) within Brampton’s creative chain (2015)

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Case Studies and Best Practices


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Case Studies

Gold Coast, Australia

Oakland, California, USA

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Selection Criteria

A population between 400,000 and 1 million people, with strong projected population growth

Located near a larger metropolitan area that acts as an arts and culture hub for the region

High and growing levels of ethnocultural diversity

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Gold Coast – Context

Undergone a rapid transformation over the past 60 years

Once considered a ‘cultural wasteland’

– Now recognized to be having a

cultural revolution with the city

‘punching well above its weight’

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Gold Coast – Story of Change

Commitment by Council to improve the city’s reputation and take an aggressive approach to diversifying the economy

– Arts and culture identified as one of five priority areas

– Centred on economic development, cultural tourism, and contributions to the

city’s liveability and reputation

City slated to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games

– Has accelerated arts and culture development and investment

– Includes construction of a Cultural Precinct (a $365 million legacy investment)

Growing critical mass in the ‘creative community’ that pressured government to reinvent the city’s cultural identity

City finalized its ten-year Culture Strategy in 2013

– Commitment to play a ‘facilitator’ role to grow the arts and culture sector and

not the more traditional ‘programmer’ role

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Gold Coast – Key Takeaways

Culture Strategy was a critical component in operationalizing interest in the arts and culture into a City priority

– Including a diverse group of committees inside the City together with the wider

community in the planning process also supported a smooth transition into


A focus on artist development and opportunity was essential

– Enable artists to create and be ambitious and innovative, and brokering

partnerships has helped to build a long-term sustainability for the sector

Leveraging investments and commitments to the 2018 Commonwealth Games

– Accelerated the growth and prioritization of the arts and culture

Governance administered through the City’s Arts and Culture Unit (six staff)

– Work closely with the Arts Center to create the new Cultural Precinct

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Oakland – Context

Widely recognized as one of the most vibrant arts and culture communities in the United States

Long struggled with economic volatility, high crime rates, and disinvestment

A magnet for artists looking for an affordable community to live and work

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Oakland – Story of Change

Growth of arts and culture driven largely by grassroots, informal movements rather than something that emerged out of a centralized strategy

The City of Oakland recognizes that its story of arts and culture is centred on artists and arts and cultural organizations

– Focuses efforts on being a facilitator and trusted intermediary to build


Cultural Funding Program is the main support mechanismfor the sector, providing more than $900,000 annually in grants

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Oakland – Key Takeaways

A focus on playing a strong facilitation role rather than presenter,

producer, or venue provider has built a vibrant, self-generating

arts and culture community

– Ability to distribute funding to a more distributed, grass-roots arts and culture

sector in a variety of neighbourhoods has been important

Proximity to the much larger and more expensive City of San

Francisco allowed Oakland to attract a large number of artists and

arts organizations

– This influx and the economic challenges facing the city encouraged ambition

and initiative that catalyzed major changes within the community

Governance administered through the City’s Cultural Affairs Unit

(5 staff)

– Arts Commission that operates in an advisory role

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Surrey – Context

One of the highest levels of ethnocultural diversity in Canada and is one of the fastest-growing big cities

Had the reputation as a sprawling suburb of Vancouver plagued by gangs, drugs, and crime

Transforming its reputation from an ‘unfocused cluster of suburbs’ into one of BC’s next great metropolitan centres

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City of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

A pivotal moment in 2002 as the City prepared to host the BC Festival of the Arts

– Difficulty finding arts and culture spaces to act as venues for the event

Designated a ‘Cultural Capital’ of Canada in 2008

– Awarded $2 million to Surrey to invest in projects that celebrated diversity,

which was invested in new arts and culture initiatives

City recognizes the important roles that arts and culture play in enhancing urbanization

– Contributes to a high quality of life that helps attract the new residents and

businesses to help it achiever its growth ambitions

– Significant investment in cultural infrastructure (Culture Centre, Library, Art

Gallery, public art), programming, grants, and festivals

– 2012 Cultural Plan and ‘Cultural Corridor’ initiative

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Surrey – Key Takeaways

Recognition as a Cultural Capital of Canada was firmly grounded in the strengths of the city’s ethnocultural diversity

– Embracing this diversity as a stimulant and catalyst for creativity and artistic

development was seen as a defining feature of the City’s bid

Linking arts and culture to sustainable urbanization and attracting residents, business, and investment were central to fulfilling the City’s vision for its future economy

– Arts and culture seen to play a vital role in the urbanization and invigoration of


– Led to major capital and program investments that have done a great deal to

increase the profile of the sector

Governance administered through the City’s Arts Services Unit (100 staff)

– Arts Council hosts events, runs the Newton Culture Centre, and works with

the City

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Best Practices

Eight best practice themes

Highlight innovative and successful principles and practices in cities furthering arts and culture development

Lessons that can be applied in Brampton

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Best Practices

Best Practice Theme Jurisdiction Highlighted Example

Supporting cultural development in

neighbourhoods Coquitlam, British

Columbia Neighbourhood Nights 125 Block Party Challenge

Building collaboration between arts and

culture stakeholders

Orillia, Ontario Richmond Hill,


Cultural Roundtable and issue-based forums

Creative Industries Symposium and Cultural Summit

Supporting arts and culture

entrepreneurs to invigorate under-

utilized neighbourhoods/spaces

Tacoma, Washington, USA

Spaceworks program

Enhancing communications on arts and

culture activities and opportunities Ottawa Valley,

Ontario Ottawa Valley Cultural Portal

Developing and formalizing cultural


Paducah, Kentucky, USA

London, Ontario

Paducah Cultural District Music, Entertainment and

Cultural District

Cultural leadership governance models Oshawa, Ontario Cultural Leadership Council

Increasing the accessibility and

affordability of cultural spaces Oakland,

California, USA ‘Keeping Safe – Oakland’

Providing funding and support for the

arts and culture community

Vancouver, British Columbia

Regina, Saskatchewan

Cultural Grants Program Community Partner Grant

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Supporting Cultural Development in Neighbourhoods

City of Coquitlam’s “Neighbourhood Nights” program and “125 Block Party Challenge”

Key Takeaways

Rotating regular events that prioritize new neighbourhoods each week and help mobilize neighbourhoods to come together

Tying these events to arts and cultural activities helps to draw out artists and artisans from across the city who might not otherwise be connected with larger events

Ensure that major risks in hosting a block party are minimized (e.g. free Special Event Liability Insurance coverage)

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Building Collaboration between Arts and Culture


Key Takeaways

Annual events to bring stakeholders together to collaborate, network, and share information are critical to building and maintaining momentum for arts and culture

Issue-based forums empower arts and culture stakeholders to come together to direct change, mobilize resources, and generate buy-in

City of Orillia “Cultural Roundtable” and issue-based forums

City of Richmond Hill events “Creative Industries Symposium” and “Cultural Summit”

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Supporting Arts and Culture Entrepreneurs to

Invigorate Under-Utilized Neighbourhoods/Spaces

City of Tacoma “Spaceworks” program

Key Takeaways

An example of an incentive structure that can help direct arts and culture businesses to certain areas of the city

Leveraged being situated near a larger city facing issues associated with high levels of growth to attract new creative entrepreneurs looking for more freedom and flexibility

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Developing an Effective Cultural Leadership

Governance Model

City of Oshawa Cultural Leadership Council

Key Takeaways

Expanded mandate that gives members a direct stake in the success of arts and culture

Focused on guiding arts and culture implementation, creation of partnerships, generating buy-in, and mobilizing resources

Broad representation to include groups such as youth, artists, ethnocultural organizations in addition to City staff and cultural organizations

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Prioritize the City’s arts and culture role as a facilitator, partner, and promoter

– Centred on the City’s role to create a self-generating arts and culture community where artists and arts and cultural organizations feel

empowered to lead, and where government can broker partnerships

to help build a long-term sustainability for the sector

Continue with plans to create a Cultural Master Plan and develop clear terms of reference

– Have the Cultural Services Unit work directly with the arts and culture

community through the development and approval of the Plan

– As part of the Plan, consider the need for an arm’s length entity to direct

the sector

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Develop a Steering Committee to guide the development of the Cultural Master Plan and ensure that there is broad community and stakeholder representation

Create a clear and consistent definition of what the City of Brampton considers ‘arts and culture'

– Consider using the Cultural Resource Framework as a base

– Consult with other City departments to seek their input to this definition and to engage them in an early phase of the planning process

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Convene a cross-departmental meeting with department heads and senior staff to review the findings from the Research and Benchmarking Study

– Contribute to building shared understanding across departments to assist

in the development and implementation of the Cultural Master Plan

– Consider creating a senior staff working group to support and contribute to

developing the Plan

Make the Research and Benchmarking Study report available as a public resource document at the outset of the Cultural Master Plan process

– Helps to build a shared level of understanding across all stakeholders to

raise the level of discussion and engagement in the planning process

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Thank You

Dr. Greg Baeker, Director of Cultural Development

1-855-367-3535, ext. 228

Jon Beale, Senior Development Analyst

1-855-367-3535, ext. 233

Connecting the Dots


Developing recommendations

MDB’s Research

Changes at the City

Panel’s Vision


In your Vision, you asked us to




We’ve made Culture a Priority.

Organizational Changes at City Hall

Retained Cultural Planning Expertise

Engaging Panel as Community Leaders

Funding for Master Plan


Changes To Date at the City

September 2016

New leadership in Culture Division with a future ready mindset

• Focus on progress over process

• Agility, speed, responsiveness

• Rally behind common purpose

• Making Brampton a player on the global stage

November 2016

Culture portfolio realigned with Economic Development Division

Establishment of Cultural Services Unit

• Culture

• Theatres

• Tourism

• Festivals & Special Events


Focus on City as facilitator and partner for community success, less emphasis on City-led programming, e.g.:

• Review of Community Grants Program

• Dedicated support services for community events

• Co-production opportunities with Theatres

• Expanding the City’s gallery program

• Developing Indoor Market


Cultural Awareness:

Networking and Communication

Places to Connect

Strong and Supportive

Cultural Ecosystem

Experiences to Engage and Unite

Here are the Visionary areas of focus that are important

to you:

Based on their research, here is how MDB suggests

these areas can be moved forward…


Places to Connect

Examples of ways this can be achieved…

• Increasing the accessibility and affordability of cultural spaces (e.g. Keeping Safe – Oakland, CA)

• Supporting cultural entrepreneurs to invigorate underused spaces (e.g. Spaceworks program, Tacoma, WA)

• Developing and formalizing cultural districts (e.g. Pudacah Cultural District, Pudacah, KT; Music

Entertainment and Cultural District, London, ON)

MDB’s Key Advice

Develop affordable space for

artists and organizations, making

Brampton an attractive location in

the GTA for creative production


Cultural Awareness:

Networking and Communications

Examples of ways this can be achieved…

• Enhancing communication on arts and culture activities and opportunities (e.g. Cultural Portal, Ottawa

Valley, ON)

• Building collaboration between arts and culture stakeholders (e.g. Cultural Roundtable, Orillia, ON)

• Cultural leadership governance models (e.g. Cultural Leadership Council, Oshawa, ON)

MDB’s Key Advice

Prioritize the City’s role as

facilitator, enabling artist

development and opportunity


Strong and Supportive

Cultural Ecosystem

Examples of ways this can be achieved…

• Providing funding and support for the arts and culture community (e.g. Cultural Grants Program,

Vancouver, BC, and Community Partner Grant, Regina, SK)

• Cultural leadership governance models (e.g. Cultural Leadership Council, Oshawa, ON)

• Developing and formalizing cultural districts (e.g. Pudacah Cultural District, Pudacah, KT; Music

Entertainment and Cultural District, London, ON)

MDB’s Key Advice

Link culture with sustainable

urbanization; attracting

residents, business and




to Engage

and Unite

Examples of ways this can be achieved…

• Supporting cultural development in neighbourhoods (e.g. Neighbourhood Nights,125

Block Party Challenge, Colquitlam, BC)

• Building collaboration between arts and culture stakeholders (e.g. Cultural Roundtable,

Orillia, ON)

MDB’s Key Advice

Embrace our ethno cultural

diversity as a unique strength

and catalyst for creativity


Be Proud

Building connections and relationships

Supporting community pride and attachment

Strong foundation for a culturally vibrant city

Discussion and Report Back

Roundtables | 30 minutes

Assign a recorder and a presenter for your table


Discussion Tool for Developing Recommendations

1. MDB’s Recommended Role for the City of Brampton

in Culture: Facilitator, Partner, Promoter

a. What do you see as the benefits of the City playing this role?

b. Do you see any risks? If so, how could they be mitigated?


Discussion Tool for Developing Recommendations

2. Staying Engaged with the City

Part of the City’s responsibility in playing a facilitator, partner and

promoter role is having regular engagement with the cultural


a. How often would you like to have formal touchpoints with the


b. What should these touchpoints look like?


Discussion Tool for Developing Recommendations

3. Beginning Work on the Cultural Master Plan

As a member of the Arts and Culture Panel, we value your interest

and commitment to the future of culture in Brampton.

a. Would you like to be involved in the development of the

Cultural Master Plan?

b. How would you like to be involved?



• Based on discussion and recommendations developed

today, staff will prepare a report to Council

• Committee of Council – May 17, 2017

• Council – May 24, 2017

• Appreciation event: May 26, 2017 VIP Reception@ Rose

Theatre Season Reveal

• Anticipated Cultural Master Plan launch – September


Summary of Next Steps
