As a tourist to india



This is the first part of a series of articles of what to know about India, how to behave, what to see, what to eat, how to interact with locals, where to take pictures, which monuments are the best to visit, what time is best suitable for which region, what are the interesting festivals, what are the wildlife reserves, the best means of transport, what to buy and where and many more things on India that one needs to know regarding this vast and varied country which is actually a subcontinent!

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Maavalan Travels

As A Tourist to India This is the first part of a series of articles of what to know about India, how to behave, what to see, what to eat, how to interact with locals, where to take pictures, which monuments are the best to visit, what time is best suitable for which region, what are the interesting festivals, what are the wildlife reserves, the best means of transport, what to buy and where and many more things on India that one needs to know regarding this vast and varied country which is actually a subcontinent! As a foreign tourist, if you are on an India Tour, it is important to know a few things. And if you are aware of these things, your planning for your Trip to India becomes easier. This first article will be a general article on India that will help you decide on what you want to visit. India offers a variety of tourism opportunities from cultural monuments and visits dating back several millennia to the modern shiny world of glitz and glamour of the Indian cinema of Bollywood, from old traditional festivals to avant-garde post modern theatre, from wonderful sunny beaches to the rugged young mountains of the mighty Himalayas, from the Royal Bengal Tiger to the single horned Asian Rhinoceros, the choices are immense.

It is up to you, dear traveller to make a choice. Just taking one option and exploring it fully will take months at times even years. You may choose one or many. And plan your Trip to India

accordingly. This will not only economise on your time and money but also you will be able to make maximise your enjoyment of the choices that you make for your unique India Tour.

Study your destination, let us say historical monuments of region of Orissa for example; there are three major cities for a first visit; Bhubaneswar, Konarak and Puri. There are 16 monuments to be visited dating from 3rd Century BC to the 20th Century AD. It will take a minimum of one week to visit all of them doing justice to them; means of transport are flights, trains and private cars. Things to do along with these visits would be visiting a few village, spend time on the wonderful beaches of Puri which has got some excellent surf, see the lives of fishermen folk at Puri. Thus briefly have an idea of what you want in one particular region in your tour planning for your Trip to India. You may consult freely from travel experts the kind of transportation to use, how to get around and where to stay. Keep in touch with us and watch this space and we will bring you more ideas on how to travel to India. You can also write to us at for more information.