AS Media Contents Deconstructions



Deconstructions of 3 magazine contents pages

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Target audience:Mature audience (late teens onwards)

Layout:The contents page’s layout is very minimalistic/simple with a plain block colour background. The use of this layout ensures that the reader’s attention is directed towards the main image of the artist on the page and that the actual contents of the page are clearly indicated,

Colour scheme:Has a set colour scheme of various shades of grey and one small use of a bright red colour. The use of this one bright colour being used is significant as it focuses the reader’s attention to the main artist, Kanye West, indicating to the reader that he will be featured inside the magazine and is connoting love with the use of the red heard which also suggests it may feature information about his personal life which could intrigue the reader to want to find out more. The other contents pages feature a variety of colours however and this is due to the different target audiences as this magazine is aimed towards more mature readers in contrast to the other which is aimed at children. The grey colour scheme gives this magazine’s contents page a more professional look and ensures that the text that needs to stand out is contrasting with the colours behind.

Main image:Features an artist which older audiences typically to listen to therefore is being aimed well at their desired target audience, not aimed at younger readers. The image also portrays the cool and modern image of the magazine. Portraying a music artist who is dressed fashionably suggests that the magazine is very stylish and gives it a unique edge.

Title:The name of the magazine has not been featured at the top of the contents page as you would typically expect in most magazines, instead the magazine’s logo has been featured behind the image of the feature artist, suggesting that the magazine’s brand is well established and easily recognised and also that the main selling point of the magazine is the artist on the front, and that’s where the reader's attention should be focused.

Features:Underneath the contents there is a small piece of text/subheadings which tell the reader about what is featured on these pages making it more informative.

Target audience:Pre-teens

Main images:The use of the variety of pictures link to the target audience as it is eye catching and appealing to younger readers as it features artists that younger people listen to e.g. One Direction. There are a significant amount of images on this contents page in comparison to the last cover as people of a younger age prefer to have a lot of images to look at as opposed to a large piece of text to keep their attention/so that they don’t find the magazine boring

Font:A variety of fonts have been used to grab the readers attention and to make the magazine appear fun and eye catching whereas the other contents page has stuck to a limited number of fonts and a set colour. This is because this magazine is taking the exciting, eye grabbing approach whereas the previous cover is trying to look as modern and stylish/minimalistic as possible.

Logo:The logo has been clearly placed in the masthead to make the magazine recognisable whereas the other magazine just has a V for ‘Vibe magazine ’ behind the artist to fit in with the magazines minimalistic and modern theme. The logo has been placed into a speech bubble to indicate that it is aimed towards a less mature audience.

Overall layout:The overall general layout of this contents page seems quite unorganised due to the variety of fonts, colours and pictures throughout however this is not a huge concern as the magazines main concern is keeping the attention of the reader and ensuring that they are entertained, whereas other covers focus more on the magazine looking as organised/aesthetically pleasing as possible

Features:The contents page features a note from the editor which gives the impression that it is a friendly magazine as it is attempting to make a personal connection to the reader.

Colour:Despite the magazine looking quite unorganised, a consistent colour scheme of orange and blue has been consistently used throughout. Orange, the brightest colour on the page, has been used to highlight the most important parts of the magazine which are the page numbers, direct pull quotes from interviews to intrigue the reader and the bar at the bottom indicating posters are included inside which will grab younger audiences attention as that is a main selling point of teen magazines.

Colour:A consistent theme of red, black and yellow has been used throughout the magazine to fit with the genre of music the magazine features (rock, pop-punk, metal) and also makes the magazine look organised and professional. Again, this magazine has used the brightest colours to highlight the most important parts of the page which is the masthead, contents titles, magazine subscription information and competition.Features:This magazine has featured a competition with the chance to meet All Time Low and placed a silhouette of a person with the words ‘this could be you!’ which would definitely grab the attention of fans of the band and will make them want to read on to discover how they could win. The word “win!” has been featured in a yellow bubble to make the readers attention instantly drawn to it.

Features:Kerrang! Have included an advertisement to subscribe to the magazine in the bottom right corner to encourage people to purchase more than one issue.

Essential information:The magazine’s issue number and cover date has been included next to the masthead to use up free space and give the reader extra information.

Overall layout:In contrast to the previous cover where numerous images have been included, this contents page only features two relevant images which fits in with the target audience of late teens onwards. There is a good balance of text and images as they have included one big image and an appropriate amount of text to ensure that the reader does not get bored but the page still looks professional.

Features:This magazine has also included an editors note to again make the magazine seem more personal, informative and laid back. An anecdotes and casual language has been used throughout which entertains the reader and makes it more relatable to a teenage audience.

Masthead:The magazine’s logo has been included to look instantly recognisable and ‘contents’ has been featured with a yellow background to contrast effectively and stand out and indicate to the reader that this is the contents page immediately.

Contents:The articles in the contents section also have subheadings which again informs the reader about what will be included on these pages and enables the reader to navigate their way through the magazine as easy as possible.