As Sharp As It Gets


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As Sharp As It Gets

Taipei 101 English Study GroupPresenter: Fety

Titanium ( 鈦 )

Frank Gehry

• Deconstructionist architect • Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 1997

古根漢基金會( Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation )

Deconstructionist architect

• Deconstruction named by French philosopher Jacques Derrida ( 德希達 )

• An approach which rigorously pursues the meaning of a text to the point of undoing the oppositions on which it is apparently founded, and to the point of showing that those foundations are irreducibly complex, unstable or impossible

• Close intellectual links to critical theory

解構主義建築• 1980 年代晚期開始的後現

代建築思潮• 特點:把整體破碎化• 主要想法是對外觀的處理


• 完成後的視覺外觀產生的各種解構「樣式」以刺激性的不可預測性和可控的混亂為特徵

The MIT Stata Center for Computer, Information and Intelligence Sciences, constructed by Frank O. Gehry during World War II

George Clooney

Actor :2010  超異能部隊  The Men Who Stare at Goats2008  布萊德彼特之即刻毀滅  BRUN AFTER READING2007  瞞天過海 3 :十三王牌  Ocean`s Thirteen2007  全面反擊  Michael Clayton2006  柏林迷宮  The Good German2005  諜對諜  Syriana2005  晚安,祝你好運  Good Night. And, Good Luck2004  瞞天過海 2 :長驅直入  Ocean’s Twelve2003  真情假愛  Intolerable Cruelty2003  小鬼大間諜 3(3D 版 )   Spy Kids 3-D : Game Over2002  各顯神通  Welcome to Collinwood2002  神經殺手  Confessions of A Dangerous Mind2002  索拉力星  Solaris2001  瞞天過海  Ocean’s   Eleven2001  小鬼大間諜  Spy Kids2000  天搖地動  The Perfect Strom1999  奪寶大作戰  Three Kings1998  戰略高手  Out of Sight1998  紅色警戒  The Thin Red Line1997  蝙蝠俠第四集急凍人  Batman&Robin

Producer :2010  超異能部隊  The Men Who Stare at Goats2005  諜對諜  Syriana2005  當真愛碰上八卦  Rumor Has It   - 執行製作2005  晚安,祝你好運  Good Night. And, Good LuckDirector :2005  晚安,祝你好運  Good Night. And, Good Luck2002  神經殺手  Confessions of A Dangerous MindWriting :2005  晚安,祝你好運  Good Night. And, Good Luck

Awards:Won Oscar. Another 41 wins & 78 nominations

Frank Lloyd Wright

• An American architect, interior designer, writer and educator

• Promoted organic architecture ( 有機建築 )

• Leaded the Prairie School ( 大草原學派 ) movement of architecture

• Developed the concept of the Usonian home

Frank Stella

• An American painter and printmaker

• minimalism & post-painterly abstraction

Donald Clarence Judd

• born in Excelsior Springs, Missouri

• a minimalist artist

Betty Woodman

• an American ceramic artist

Henri Matisse (1869~1954)

• French artist• known for his use of colour and his fluid, brilliant

and original draughtsmanship• a master draughtsman( 製圖者 ), printmaker( 版

畫 ), and sculptor, but excelled primarily as a painter

Johannes Vermeer (1632~1675)

• Dutch Baroque genre painter( 荷蘭風俗畫家)

• specialized in exquisite, domestic interior scenes of middle class life

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

• 卡里加利博士的小屋• 德國表現主義經典之作• 電影運動中的表現主義 (1919~1926)

– 利用極度風格化的影像,將畫面製造得像繪畫藝術的作品

– 為達到表現目的,形狀被用扭曲或誇大的手法處理

– 演員上濃妝,配合怪異的肢體動作,以慢迂迴的方式在鏡頭前走位

Claude Monet (1840 ~ 1926)

• Oscar Claude Monet or Claude Oscar Monet

• a founder of French impressionist painting

The Muses (1/2)

• The Muses were nine in number, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, Memory

• At first, like the Graces, they were not distinguished from each other

• “They are all,” Hesiod says, “of one mind, their hearts are set upon song and their spirit is free from care. He is happy whom the Muses love. For though a man has sorrow and grief in his soul, yet when the servant of the Muses sings, at once he forgets his dark thoughts and remembers not his troubles. Such is the holy gift of the Muses to men.”

The Muses (2/2)

Vladimir Tatlin

• a Russian and Soviet painter and architect

• one of the two most important figures in the Russian avant-garde( 前衛派 ) art movement of the 1920s

• later became the most important artist in the Constructivist movement

El Lissitzky

• a Russian artist, designer, photographer, typographer, polemicist and architect

• an important figure of the Russian avant garde

• helping develop suprematism with his mentor, Kazimir Malevich


• 構成主義是一個發生在俄國 1917革命後的藝術運動,在俄國大致持續到 1922 年

• 名字是源於 1922 年史汀寶( Stenberg,V )等藝術家在莫斯科詩人咖啡廳聯展時展出目錄所用的字眼〞 Constructivists〞

• 這個字眼的意思是〞所有的藝術家都該到工廠裡去,在工廠裡才可能造就真實的生命個體〞

• 放棄傳統藝術家躲在贊助人支持的畫室的概念,而將藝術家與大量生產、工業聯繫起來,同時希望接著能界定出新的社會與政治秩序

• 政治動機:將藝術放置於〞服務、構成〞一個新社會的位置.同樣的因為這個政治立場,構成主義者不喜歡用設計師、設計品這樣的字眼,他們最常用的是用〞產品藝術〞這樣的字眼取代設計品這個字眼

• 藝術品是由既成物或既成材料所構成 , ex:蒙太奇( Photomontage )


• a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Florence in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe

• also used more loosely to refer to the historic era• a resurgence of learning based on classical

sources, the development of linear perspective in painting, and gradual but widespread educational reform


• Modernism, in its broadest definition, is modern thought, character, or practice

• More specifically, the term describes both a set of cultural tendencies and an array of associated cultural movements, originally arising from wide-scale and far-reaching changes to Western society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

The Baroque era (1600~1750)

• 巴洛克藝術的誕生地是羅馬,然後向外散佈至全歐洲、及在美洲的屬地

• 喜歡在畫面中用對角線、弧線、斜線來製造誇張的動勢

• 使用強烈的明暗對比,來達到戲劇性的光影及色彩的效果

• 強調感情的自然流露• 這時候的建築也給人興奮而戲劇性的感覺• 建築物正面、裡面充滿裝飾、大量採用弧線造型。圓屋頂、大扶梯也是它的特色。
