Ashley Houtwed Registered Dietitian Bryan Lifepointe · nuts helps you lose weight.” But only in...


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Ashley Houtwed

Registered Dietitian

Bryan Lifepointe

Can you believe the claim?

“People who savor a bowl of soup at the beginning of a meal tend

to consume fewer calories during the whole meal.”

Soup -- which is largely liquid -- causes a feeling of fullness, so you eat less the rest of the meal. Just go easy on high-calorie and high-fat cream-base soups.

“Dairy products promote weight loss.”

A glass of low-fat milk with breakfast, a cup of yogurt for a snack, and a slice of part-skim cheese on your sandwich makes good nutrition sense when you're trying to lose weight, but don't expect it to melt those pounds away.

“ A good belly laugh might trim inches off your waist.”

Research shows that just 15 minutes of laughter can burn 40 calories. So the next time you rent a movie, make it a comedy. How's that for an easy workout?

“Eating a high-protein snack like nuts helps you lose weight.”

But only in moderation. Experts who study the health benefits of nuts say a small snack of almonds is filling and can help to prevent overeating. Replacing your afternoon snack with a handful (about 1/4 cup) of almonds adds fiber and protein to your diet and makes you feel full.

“Eating six small meals a day is better than eating three larger


Experts say it doesn't matter when the calories are consumed. What matters is the total number of calories. Eating more calories -- no matter how they're spread in the day -- will cause you to gain weight, eating fewer calories will cause you to lose.

26% of women and 19% of men in the United States said they were on a diet

60% of adults say “they would like to lose 20 pounds”

Americans spent over 40 billion dollars on diet books, foods, programs, and gimmicks

“Anyone who wants to believe in them is forced to wonder how the thousands of scientists working on obesity research over the past century could possibly have missed such obvious connections.”


Weight loss diet that becomes very popular (often quickly) and then may fall out of favor (sometimes just as quickly)

1. Promises large or fast weight loss

2. Relies on testimonials rather than scientific evidence.

3. Offers rigid menus

4. Neglects active living or lifestyle changes

5. Does not include suggestions to consult with your doctor or dietitian

6. Encourages elimination of entire food group

7. Provides far fewer calories than needed for an energized lifestyle

8. Has miraculous claims

9. Contradicts what most trusted health professionals would say

10. Depends on special products, supplements, or treatments

High Protein Diet/Low Carbs

High Carbohydrate & Low Fat

Controlled Portion Sizes

Food Combining

Liquid Diets

Diet Pills & Herbal Remedies

Weight loss results because of a reduction in calorie intake

If you are increasing protein- protein is the most satisfying, so you will feel fuller and eat less

Provides a guide and eliminates decision making

Shows quick weight loss- people want fast results

Each round of dieting is followed by a rebound of weight to a higher level than before

1. Underestimating calories consumed

2. Overestimating activity and calories burned

3. Poor Timing of Meals

4. Inadequate sleep

Healthy Food Choices


Just buy regular food, not “diet food”

What is “diet” food?!

There is no need for “special” foods, just practice portion control and moderation.

Don ‘t think of it like a “diet”- this is your new lifestyle.

Don’t make drastic changes that you can’t keep up with.

If you slip up one day, make better choices the next day.

It doesn’t have to be!

Use the same ingredients for multiple meals

Plan your menus before going to the store and look at serving sizes

Use coupons and buy foods in season when they are less expensive

You don’t always have to follow the recipe, be willing to experiment!

Put together basic meals that don’t require “cooking”

Many healthy food products are available that take away the trouble of food preparation but still fit into a healthy eating plan.

There is no “perfect” time to change your lifestyle!

Start a healthy meal plan, and deal with tough situations as they arise.

You should not need to cook two completely separate meals.

Encourage healthy eating habits with your family as well.

Portion control or change the way the food is prepared. (baked vs. fried)

New information becomes available regularly

Basic principles will always be the same- variety, moderation, and balance.

Make sure information is from a reliable source

Be realistic - Small changes over time

Be adventurous - Expand your tastes

Be flexible - Balance food and activity over several days

Be sensible - Enjoy all food in moderation

Be active - Walk the dog, don’t just watch the dog walk

Emphasize nutrient dense foods

Eat small portions of foods at each meal

Share a restaurant meal with a friend or take home half for lunch tomorrow

Make legumes, grains, vegetables, and fruits central to your diet plan

Follow the My Plate and Dietary Guidelines

Eat slowly Limit high-fat foods Limit concentrated sweets and alcoholic

beverages Drink plenty of water Participate in physical activity regularly Limit liquid calories: choose whole fruits rather

than juices, and avoid sugary soft drinks and alcohol

Determine a calorie limit for yourself

Develop a meal plan

Include serving sizes

Include foods from all food groups

Include your favorite foods

Set times you will have meals and snacks during the day

Make the most out of 100 calories

Breakfast: 400 calories

Snack: 100 calories

Lunch: 400 calories

Snack: 100 calories

Dinner: 400 calories

Snack: 100 calories

Breakfast: 400 calories

Lunch: 500 calories

Snack: 100 calories

Dinner: 500 calories

Breakfast ~Scrambled eggs (½ C egg whites with 1 Tbsp shredded cheddar cheese and 2 Tbsp salsa, prepared using cooking spray) ~1 slice toasted rye bread, topped with 1 tsp soft margarine ~8 fluid ounces (fl oz) skim milk

Lunch ~Turkey sandwich (2 slices lite wheat bread with 3 slices roasted turkey breast [1- oz slices], 1-oz slice low-fat Swiss cheese, 2 lettuce leaves, 2 slices medium tomato, and 2 tsp deli mustard) ~1 medium pear ~Calorie-free beverage of choice

Snack ~¾ C low-fat frozen yogurt (favorite flavor) ~Calorie-free beverage of choice

Dinner ~5 oz grilled salmon ~⅔ C seasoned brown rice, prepared with 1 tsp olive oil ~1 C cooked summer squash, topped with 1 tsp soft margarine ~Calorie-free beverage of choice

