Asian Science Deans Summit


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The LearningUniversity

The LearningUniversity

ASDS which is hosted by Univesitas Negeri Malang (State University of Malang), all of the Deans are strongly encouraged

to promote and share their ac�ons regarding the agreement result from the previous summit. This summit is welcome and

bridging to the par�cipants who want to enhance their partnership collabora�on.

Asian Science Deans Summit The Asian Science Deans Summit (ASDS) is the annual mee�ng for Science Deans which provides a

pla�orm for networking and collabora�ons among universi�es in the Asian region. The Dean of

ins�tu�ons is given the speech in order to promote his ins�tu�on. Take advantage of the window of

opportunity to become more known in Asia and to share experiences and brainstorm solu�ons for

be�er prac�ce in interna�onal collabora�on. Since 2015 the ASDS which was founded by Prof.

Seung-Han Park in 2015 has been held in different universi�es.

th The 5 ASDS July 9 – 11, 2019 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

st The 1 ASDS Nov, 5-7, 2015 Yonsei University, Korea

nd The 2 ASDS 2016 University Malaya, Malaysia

rd The 3 ASDS July, 25-27, 2017 Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

th The 4 ASDS July, 5-7, 2018 Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Event Session Host university

All par�cipants + Transporta�onMuseum (free �cket)* Please check your registra�on form

2,700,000 IDR(195 USD)

3,500,000 IDR(265 USD for Foreigners)

Hotel fee and mee�ng(9-12 July, 2019)

Hotel fee and mee�ng(9-12 July, 2019) + Mt.Bromo tour pack

Par�cipants Expense Note (San�ka Hotel)

All par�cipants* Please check your registra�on form

2,000,000 IDR(150 USD)

Hotel fee and mee�ng(9-11 July, 2019)

3,200,000 IDR(230 for Indonesian)

Hotel fee and mee�ng(9-12 July, 2019) + Mt.Bromo tour pack

All par�cipants + Mt. Bromo excursion(�cket included)* Please check your registra�on form** Please check your flight Schedule if you want to join to Bromo Mt.

Transfer bank account information

BNI 0813306741Atsnaita Yasrina

Registra�onh�p// any kind informa�on, please

Contact us atDr. Husni; +62 815 1578 9607Dr. Vivi; +62 812 1851 707




Important DateOnline registra�on:

Deadline for paying the registra�on fee:

May 31, 2019Deadline for submi�ng ins�tu�onal presenta�on:

May 20, 2019

May 31, 2019Deadline for submi�ng personal infor presenta�on:

May 31, 2019

Husni Wahyu Wijaya
Husni Wahyu Wijaya
Husni Wahyu Wijaya
Husni Wahyu Wijaya
Husni Wahyu Wijaya
20 June 2019
Husni Wahyu Wijaya
15 June 2019
Husni Wahyu Wijaya
15 June 2019
Husni Wahyu Wijaya
15 June 2019

The LearningUniversity

The LearningUniversity

Summit Report by The Dean of Faculty of Mathema�cs and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Malang

09.35-10.35 Plenary 1-4: Best prac�ce and Sharing Experiences in Mobility and Networking Ac�vity on Teaching Learning, Research,and Community Services by representa�ve of Science Deans ofIndonesia.


Dr.Hadi Suwono, M.SiWelcoming Remarks by The Rector of Universitas Negeri Malang

Prof. Dr. AH. Rofi’uddin, M.Pd





Address by the ASDS Founder

Declare for opening of the 5th ASDS by Ministry of Research,Technology and Higher Educa�on of the Republic of IndonesiaMoU Signing09.15-09.35 Photo Session and Coffee Break

Prof. Dr. Seung Han-Park


18.30-20.30 Dinner«Thursday, July 11, 2019

08.00-09.30 Summary of Group Discussion«09.30-10.00 Pla�orm for future direc�on of ASDS Announce the next host«

10.00-10.30 Closing by The Dean of Faculty of Mathema�cs and Natural Sciences UM«

11.00-12.00 Lunch«12.00-18.00 Tour to Transporta�on Museum«23.00 Excursion (Night tour to Mt. Bromo and sunrise)«

Summit ProgramTuesday, July 9, 2019

All Day ArrivalRegistra�on14.00-16.00 Malang city tour


08.30-20.30 Opening ceremony

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

«07.30-08.15 Registra�on«

11.50-13.00 Lunch«

10.40-11.50 Plenary 5-8: Best prac�ce and SharingExperiences in Mobility and Networking Ac�vity onon Teaching Learning, Research, and Community Services by representa�ve of Science Deans of Interna�onal par�cipants.


13.00-15.00 Introduc�on of Par�cipants«15.00-17.30 Group Discussion (three Groups)«

1. Teaching and Learning2. Research Collabora�on3. Community Services
