ASP.NET MVC 3 Jonathan Canfield Mavin Lisa Giss Professor Kenytt D. Avery


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Jonathan CanfieldMavin Lisa Giss

Professor Kenytt D. Avery

History of ASP.NET

• Active Server Pages (ASP) released in 1998• Replaced by ASP.NET in 2002– Addressed separation of presentation and content

• ASP.NET MVC framework released in 2009– Integrated with ASP.NET– Framework allowing Model – View – Controller

based development


• MVC stands for Model-View-Controller which is a framework that is a lightweight, highly testable framework that is integrated with existing ASP.NET features.

• MVC separates an application into three main components for ASP.NET– Model– View– Controller

• This allows software developers to build web apps as a composition of three roles.

Advantages of MVC

• Makes it easier to manage complexity by dividing app into three roles

• Does not use view state or server-based forms. This gives the developer more control

• Provides better test-driven development • Works well for Web apps that are being

developed by large teams.

Some Key Features

• Separation of input, business and UI logic.• Components are designed so they can be

easily replaced or customized for a specific need. – For example you could plug in your own view

engine. • Allows you to build web apps

comprehensible and searchable URLs.• Supports existing ASP.NET features.

Key features continued

• HTML 5 enabled project templates• Expressive views including Razor View Engine• Dependency Injection and Global Action

Filters• JavaScript support

Building an app

• One nice aspect (for some) is you can use Visual Studio for building apps.

• The Primary language used for ASP.NET MVC is C#

Controller example

Views example

Model Example

Building a sample app

• The default template created for a ASP.NET MVC project.

Adding a controller to the project

Adding a method

Adding a view

Reasons to Learn ASP.NET MVC

• To unit test

• To gain control and extensibility

• To learn something new

– Google Developer Kevin Pang
