ASPROINCA – Biodigesters


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ASPROINCA – Biodigesters

••Since 1997 the technology of plastic bio-digesters is being promoted; an

average of 25 units per year are installed. Between 2005 a 2008 a total of 220

units were built-up.

•In planning of the farms, bio-digester appears as an alternative to adopt

because it can help to solve different problems

•The Revolving Fund supports the purchase of materials USD 400.

•Currently the organization has 35 men and 9 women farmers able to support

the training process for installation and management of bio-digester

•The family must provide the labour required for installation

•Save USD $ 60 per year for the purchase of propane

•Saving wages for firewood; from 4 per month to 1.

Use of biogas for electricity generation


3 pistons, 100 kW (135 HP),

600 r.p.m. generador de 92 Kw

• PERKINS, Engine 6 pistones, 74 kW de potencia (100 HP), 1800 r.p.m. generador de 63 kW

70 % substitution of diesel50 % substitution of diesel

40 % of reduction in the kw/H

“Colombian cattle production 56 million heads in just 28 millon ha”

Plan Estratégico FEDEGAN - MADR 2019

Double the number of animals but in 10 million hectares less.


GANADERÍA COLOMBIANA SOSTENIBLEMainstreaming Biodiversity in Sustainable Cattle


Propuesta de Esquema de Pago por Servicios Ambientales

Silvopastoral systems

Cortinas rompevientos

Cercas vivas multiestrato

Banco forrajero

Silvopastoreo con maderables

Silvoapstoreo intensivo para


Barreras vivas

Árboles dispersos

More than 10,000 shrubs of Leucaena leucocephala for browsing, rotational grazing of star grass and panicum lines of timber and fruit tree species as windbreaks.

IntensiveIntensive-- silvopastoral systemsilvopastoral system

Caribeean Caribeean ColombianoColombiano

Intensive silvopastoral systemIntensive silvopastoral system

Charcoal is the solid residue that remains when the wood is

"charred" or "hydrolyzed" under controlled conditions in a

confined space, such as the coal oven.

The pyrolysis process breaks down cellulose and lignin, which

form the timber does not start before the wood reaches a

temperature of about 300 ° C

The charcoal producers fall into two groups:

- Subsistence farmers.

- Business persons.

Tree species:

•Algarrobo - Prosopis Juliflora

•Samán - Albizia saman

•Matarraton - Gliricidia sepium

•Leucaena - Leucaena


•Guazimo - Guazuma ulmifolia

Assessment of productivity of charcoal in five species of trees integrated in

silvopastoral systems.

Fernández Y 2007

Five artisanal cone-shaped coal

oven about 1 meter in diameter

at the base and about 1 to 1.5

meters tall.

Three to six air intakes, and an

opening up of about 20 cm in

diameter, which allows the exit

of smoke during combustion, all

openings were sealed with earth

when the burning was completed

allowing cooling.

Fernández Y 2007

Assessment of productivity of charcoal in five species of trees integrated in

silvopastoral systems.



Tree Specie Total




Prod. Carbonilla

Residue Efficiency

Algarrobo Prosopis

juliflora493 105 17 29 21.2 %

Guazimo Guazuma

ulmifolia401 55 17 24 13.7 %

Leucaena Leucaena

leucocephala542 63 11 20 11.6 %

Matarraton Gliricidia

sepium643 69 18 23 10.7 %

Samán Albizia saman 456 57 27 38 12.5 %

Fernández Y 2007

Assessment of productivity of charcoal in five species of trees integrated in

silvopastoral systems.

In Colombia

Area planted in oil palm 2009

Region Hectares

Central 99,960

North 110,278

West 18,836

East 135,849

Total 364,923

Fedepalma 2010

Performance of buffaloes and mules carrying of oil palm bunches in

southwestern Colombia

Item Buffalo Mules

No. animals 50 50

Age, years 5 – 8.5 5 – 10

Withers, m 1.58 – 1.68 1.38 – 1.50

Live weight, kg 650 450

Drawers volume, m3 0.20 0.20

Load, kg 380 250

Load Value: body weight 0.58 0.55

Cortés H. 2006

Indicators in oil palm using carts, Bolívar deparment.

Item Buffalo

Cost of animal USD 564.47

Load per trip, kg 500 – 1000

Load per day, kg 3,500 – 5,000

Load transported per year, Ton 1,000

Cost paid per Ton harvested, U.S $ 7.53

Hectare / buffalo 15 - 20

Lifetime, years 10 - 15

Animal price at the end of life, U.S. $ 322.11

Performance of buffaloes vs. tractors in palm fruit transport

Photos: Erazo AL, Bayona JA. 2008

Performance of buffaloes and tractors in fruit palm transport

Item Buffalo Tractor

Fruit collected per worker, kg 1,600 – 1,800 1,900 – 2,600

Income per worker, U.S. $ 19.21 23.7

Hectares worker per day 1.5 – 2.5 3 – 3.5

Workday, hours 5 – 6 8 – 12

Fruit collected per day, Ton 13 – 20* 17 – 35

Cost per Ton transported, U.S.


25.26 22.94

Erazo AL, Bayona JA. 2008

Potential of draft buffaloes in other tasks
