Assessment of energy saving potential of an industrial


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Yuan, B., Zhang, Y., Du, W. et al. (2 more authors) (2019) Assessment of energy saving potential of an industrial ethylene cracking furnace using advanced exergy analysis. Applied Energy, 254. ISSN 0306-2619


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Assessment of energy saving potential of an industrial

ethylene cracking furnace using advanced exergy


Benfeng Yuana, Yu Zhanga, Wenli Dua, Meihong Wanga, b, *, Feng Qiana, *

aState Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology,

130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China. bDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD,

United Kingdom


Steam cracking furnace is a high energy-consuming equipment in the ethylene

plant. Reducing the exergy destruction and losses associated with the steam cracking

furnace can increase the thermodynamic efficiency of the system and thereby reducing

energy penalties. This paper aims to quantitatively evaluate thermodynamic

performance of an industrial steam cracking furnace through conventional and

advanced exergy analysis in order to assess its energy saving potential. A steady state

simulation of an industrial steam cracking furnace with a total feed capacity of 12t/h

was carried out. The simulation was validated by comparing the model prediction

results with the industrial data. The conventional exergy analysis shows that the overall

exergy efficiency of the steam cracking furnace is found to be 43.43% and the

combustion process in the radiation section exhibits the largest exergy destruction

followed by the tube reactors in the radiation section. The advanced exergy analysis

shows that the combustion process has the highest unavoidable exergy destruction.

Moreover, the tube reactors in the radiation section has the highest avoidable exergy


destruction, followed by the combustion process and the feed-steam mixture

superheater in the convection section. Therefore, there is high energy saving potential

in the tube reactors, combustion process and feed-steam mixture superheater. The

advanced exergy analysis also indicates that efforts on improving the radiation and

convection sections should be dedicated to themselves while the thermodynamic

performance of the quench system should be improved by reducing the exergy

destruction of other interacting components.

Keywords: steady state modelling/simulation; thermodynamic performance;

conventional exergy analysis; advanced exergy analysis; steam cracking furnace;

ethylene manufacturing.

Graphical abstract:

Steam cracking furnace Conventional exergy analysis

+ +

Advanced exergy analysis

Energy saving


,Feed inE

,HC inE

,BFW inE

,DS inE


Cracked gasE


iI &







Fuel gas

Cracked gas


,L iE &


,D iE &

Flue gasE

Flue gas

,D totalE


Steady state simulation of steam cracking furnace and model validation

Simulation considering interactions among Convection and Radiation sections, and

Quench system

Conventional and advanced exergy analysis of a steam cracking furnace

Combustion process in radiation section exhibits highest exergy destruction

followed by tube reactors


Tube reactors, combustion process and feed-steam mixture superheater have high

energy saving potential

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Nowadays, energy saving has become an important theme. Energy is a commodity

that the modern world cannot survive without. However, energy consumption is

expected to increase to meet the demand of the population growth in the world. The

petrochemical industry is a typical process industry and the total energy consumption

accounts for about 20% of total industrial energy consumption in china [1]. Steam

cracking is a large energy-consuming process in the petrochemical industries, where

the basic chemicals such as ethylene, propylene and some other light olefins are

produced. As the heart of this process, steam cracking furnace consumes approximately

65% of the total process energy [2]. Thus, reducing the energy losses associated with

the steam cracking furnace is a way to improve the system efficiency.

1.2. Review of model development of steam cracking furnace

Many studies have been performed to model the steam cracking furnace, most of

them only focused on the modelling of different components in the steam cracking

furnace such as convection section and radiation section.

The initial study on the convection section focused on the macroscopic

phenomenon. Liu et al. [3] and Zhou and Yang [4] calculated the heat transfer inside


the tubes of the convection section using Aspen Plus® [5], respectively. Al-Haj Ibrahim

et al. [6] carried out a simulation of the whole convection section using a one-

dimensional model. With the development of computational fluid dynamics (CFD),

more and more attention has been paid to the complicated heat transfer and flow

problems in the convection section. De Schepper et al. [7] conducted a CFD study on

the gas/vapor-liquid flow regimes during the evaporation process in the convection

section. Based on this work, a coupled simulation of the flue gas and process gas in the

convection section was performed [8]. Hu et al. [9] carried out a coupled simulation of

the convection section, they focused on the temperature profile of the flue gas and the

heat flux profile of the external tube wall in the convection chamber.

For study of the radiation section, many achievements have been made in the last

two decades. Heynderickx et al. [10], Oprins et al. [11, 12], Stefanidis et al. [13] carried

out numerical simulations of the radiation section to study the temperature and flow

fields of the flue gas in the furnace, the different combustion mechanisms were also

investigated. Lan et al. [14] and Han et al. [15] simulated different types of the cracking

furnace using CFD method. Habibi et al. [16] and Hu et al. [17] performed a coupled

simulation of the radiation section to study the impact of different radiation models.

Zhang et al. [18] proposed an incident radiative heat flux (IRHF) based method to

calculate the heat flux profile in the furnace side. The prediction results show that the

method overcomes the high computational cost of CFD iterations and has a good



1.3. Review of thermal analysis of steam cracking furnace

For confidentiality reasons, only a few articles in the open literature have presented

quantitative energy analysis of the steam cracking furnace [2]. Today, the thermal

efficiency can be raised above 93% due to the comprehensive use of energy of the steam

cracking furnace, most energy saving technologies concentrated on the operation

condition optimization and cracking technology. Tuomaala et al. [19] carried out a

simulation of the cracking furnace to investigate the impact of the feed rate at range of

25t/h to 28 t/h on the energy efficiency, the results show increasing a hydrocarbon feed

rate would result in improved efficiency. In terms of cracking technology, the use of

catalysts is known for saving energy, the catalyst can reduce coke formation, which

lowers energy efficiency by hindering heat transfer [2].

The energy efficiency assessment and analysis in the previous studies only

considers the amount of energy (first law of thermodynamic) but not energy grade

(second law of thermodynamics). Exergy analysis can overcome this shortcoming and

assess the energy quantitatively and qualitatively [20]. Exergy analysis of the fired

heaters has been investigated by several researchers in recent years. Alghany et al. [21]

focused on the exergy analysis of the combustion process in the fired heater.

Shekarchian et al. [22] performed an exergy analysis of the standalone fired heater to

investigate the effect of the heat recovery and preheating techniques on the associated

penalties and performance efficiency, the results show the heat recovery and preheating

techniques can improve the system performance dramatically. Unlike the common fired

heater, steam cracking furnace is a special fired heater with a complex heat exchange


system and the cracking process. Alizadeh et al. [23] made conventional exergy analysis

of both the radiation section and the convection section in the steam cracking furnace

to study the effect of varying operation conditions on the exergy efficiency of the whole


However, conventional exergy analysis only determines the thermal inefficiency

of the system while it cannot identify the share of inefficiencies that can be avoided and

analyse the interactions between the components of the system [24]. Advanced exergy

analysis is used to address this issue, which further determines how much of the exergy

destruction identified by the conventional exergy analysis is avoidable and how much

is caused by the structure or operation conditions of the component itself. This approach

splits the exergy destruction of the system components into endogenous/exogenous and

avoidable/unavoidable parts [24, 25]. Advanced exergy analysis has been applied to

many industrial systems such as natural gas liquefaction[26], refrigeration system[27,

28], power plant[29] and so on.

1.4. Motivation, aim and novel contributions of this study

As reported in literatures [2, 30], the energy efficiency of the steam cracking

furnace can reach above 93% while the exergy efficiency is below 50%. In terms of the

energy efficiency, the steam cracking furnace has a high performance. Energy analysis

based on First Law of Thermodynamics can no longer give any substantial suggestions

for improvement. However, in terms of the exergy efficiency, exergy analysis can

provide more significant guidance in the improvement of the steam cracking furnace.


In addition, from the previous studies reviewed in Section 1.3, there is no

publication on the conventional exergy analysis of all the three sections of the steam

cracking furnace considering their internal interactions. There is also no publication on

the advanced exergy analysis applied to any sections or the whole of the steam cracking

furnace so far.

To fill these gaps, this paper aims to perform conventional and advanced exergy

analysis of the whole steam cracking furnace in order to quantify its energy saving

potential. The novel contributions of this research are listed as follow:

(1) A steady state model for the whole steam cracking furnace was developed, which

considered interactions among three different sections;

(2) Conventional exergy analysis for the steam cracking furnace was carried out, the

thermodynamic inefficiency for each component were analysed;

(3) Based on convectional exergy analysis, advanced exergy analysis was performed

to further determine the energy saving potential of each component.


2. Model development and model validation

2.1. Process description of steam cracking furnace






Cracked gas




A: Convection section

B: Radiation section

C: Steam drum









Quench systemEE E: Burner

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of an industrial steam cracking furnace

A steam cracking furnace with the feedstock of ethane and propane, as shown in

Fig. 1, consists of three sections: convection section, radiation section and quench

system [31]. The convection section contains several sub-sections: the economizer

(ECO-I, II), feed preheater (FPH-I, II), high pressure steam superheater (HPSSH-I, II)

and feed-steam mixture superheater (HTC) [9, 31]. The radiation section contains the

tubular reactors (furnace and coils) and the burner. The fuel combustion in the burner

supplies the heat for the cracking process in the tube reactors. The remaining heat in

the high-temperature flue gas stream goes into the convection section. In the convection


section, the hydrocarbon feedstock (HC) is preheated in FPH sub-section. After mixing

with the dilute steam (DS), the process gas (HC+DS) enters HTC sub-section for further

heating and finally leaves the convection section at around 570-670ć. The quench

system contains two components: steam drum and transfer line exchanger (TLE). The

cracked gases leave the radiation coil at around 750-875ć . To preserve their

composition, the cracked-gas temperature must be cooled rapidly by exchanging heat

with the saturated water at around 9-12MPa from the steam drum. The generated high-

pressure steam (HP) enters HPSSH sub-section for further heating to 520ć and then

is merged into the steam pipe network.

2.2. Model development of steam cracking furnace

Steady state first principle models for all the three sections were developed based

on thermal coupling of the tube and the furnace/convection chamber. Thus, the tube and

the furnace/convection chamber were modelled respectively, as shown in Fig. 2


vapor flow model


liquid flow model

Tube model

Convective heat

transfer model

Radiative heat

transfer model


chamber model

(a) Convection Section

Heat flux

External tube wall


Reaction network


plug flow

Tubular reactor


Convective heat

transfer model

Radiative heat

transfer model

Furnace model

(b) Radiation section

Heat flux

External tube wall


(CIT) Steam drum


(c) Quench system

(bridge wall



(Mass flow rate of steam)


Fig. 2. Model structure of the steam cracking furnace (a) model for the convection section,

(b) model for the radiation section, (c) model for the quench system

2.2.1. Convection section

As shown in Fig. 2(a), the convection section was simulated by thermal coupling

of the tube and convection chamber. Therefore, the tube and convection chamber were

modelled respectively in this work. Development of the tube model

Due to a large length to inner diameter ratio of the tube, the fluid flow inside the

tube can be assumed as ideal plug flow. In addition, there is no reaction in the

convection section. Consequently, the change in component concentration along the

tube axial and radial directions can be ignored. The steady-state conservations for the

momentum and energy are given by Eqs. (1) and (2):



dp f duu u

dz d r dz


i pii

dTF c dq

dz (2)

where 穴 is the inner diameter of the tube, 堅長 is the radius of the bend, 圏 represents

the total heat flux on the internal surface of the tube, which is calculated from the total

heat flux 圏捗鎮通掴 (on the external surface of the tube) via the convection chamber

simulation, by the following expression 槌槌肉如祢猫 噺 帖鳥 . Based on the fluid temperature

inside the tube, the tube metal temperature 劇栂 needed for the convection chamber

simulation can be calculated by Eq. (3):




2wc w

d Dq T T

h d


where 月頂 is the convective heat transfer coefficient inside the tube, which is calculated

by Dittus-Boelter correlation [32]. Therefore, with a certain 圏沈 provided by the

convection chamber simulation, an updated tube metal temperature profile can be

obtained from the tube simulation using Eqs. (1)-(3), which in turn affects the

convection chamber simulation. Development of convection chamber model

The convection chamber model is used to calculate the heat flux on the external

surface of the tube used for the tube simulation. A heat transfer analysis (HTA) model

was developed for the heat transfer calculation in the tube bundle. Through the analysis

of the heat transfer process in the convection section, the heat flux on the external

surface of the tube can be given by Eq. (4):

con rad radflue flue wall


Q Q Qq



where 芸捗鎮通勅頂墜津 and 芸捗鎮通勅追銚鳥 represent the convective heat and the radiative heat

transferred to the external tube wall from the flue gas, respectively. 芸栂銚鎮鎮追銚鳥 is the

radiative heat transferred to the external tube wall from the furnace wall.

The convective heat transferred to the tube from the flue gas can be written as:

conflue gas f g wQ h A T T (5)

where 月捗 is the convective heat transfer coefficient of the flue gas through the tube

bundle. Many experimental and numerical studies have been conducted to investigate

the convective heat transfer of the gas through the tube bundle [33, 34]. A correlation


[35] suitable for the tube bundles with the in-line and staggered arrangements was

adopted to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient in the convection chamber,

given by Eq.(6).

0.6 0.80.33 Re Prc Hh C



where the parameters, 系張 and 閤, are related to the tube arrangement, ratio of tube

pitch to tube diameter.

Due to the numerous tubes in the tube bundle, the contact area of the flue gas and

the tube wall is very large. Thus, the radiation view factor can be considered to equal

one and the radiation form between the flue gas and the tube wall is considered as the

radiation between the gas and the shell. The radiative heat transfer equation of the flue

gas is determine as the following based on Hottel’s model [32].

4 4


2rad tflue gas g g g wQ A T T


The radiative heat transfer from the furnace wall to the tube can be taken as the

radiative heat transfer between two parallel planes (a virtually hot plane and a virtually

cold plane). Eq. (7) gives the radiative heat transfer equation between infinite parallel


4 4( )radwall wall wQ AN T T (8)

where 軽 is the total exchange factor, which is given by the following equation [36].

1/ ((1 ) / 1/ (1 ) / )w w t tN F (9)

2.2.2. Radiation section

The radiation section was also simulated by thermal coupling of the tube reactor


and furnace. Development of tube reactor model

In the tube reactor side, as the tube reactors with large length to inner diameter ratio,

the process gas flow inside the reactor coils can be assumed as ideal plug flow [18]. To

simplify the calculation, this assumption was adopted in the present study, as shown in

Fig. 2(b). The tube reactor was modeled using the commercial software package

Coilsim1D [37, 38]. The software Coilsim1D was developed by Ghent University in

Belgium and was specially used for simulation of the tube cracking reactor. It has an

extensive reaction network comprising hundreds of species and thousands of

elementary reactions. Similar to the tube model in the convection, the tube metal

temperature 劇栂 needed for the furnace model is calculated by the tube reactor model

in the radiation section. The modeling process using the software Coilsim1D has been

discussed in literature[18]. Development of furnace model

The steady-state energy balance in the furnace can be written as:

r ab loss flueQ Q Q Q (10)

where 芸追 is the total heat release from the fuel combustion, 芸銚長 represents the heat

absorbed by all reactor coils, 芸捗鎮通勅 is the enthalpy change between the inlet fuel and

air entering the furnace and the hot flue gas leaving the furnace and 芸鎮墜鎚鎚 is the heat

loss through the furnace refractory.

An incident radiative heat flux (IRHF) based method proposed by Zhang et al. [18]

was adopted to calculate the heat flux profile in the furnace side. In IRHF method, a


novel correlation between the heat flux profile on the external surface of the tube and

IRHF was developed by an overall zero-dimensional heat balance. The heat balance

equation can be written as:

4 1flux w inci w wq q T (11)

where 紅 is a constant factor relating the convective heat flux to the net radiative heat

flux. 圏沈津頂沈 is the incident radiative heat flux of the flue gas, which can be updated by

the following expression 圏沈津頂沈┸津勅栂 噺 糠 圏沈津頂沈┸墜追沈直. 糠 is a scaling factor defined as:


= 1+ flue

flue ori




where ッ劇捗鎮通勅 is the difference between the flue gas bridge wall temperature (flue gas

temperature leaving the radiation section) at the new and the original operating

conditions (劇捗鎮通勅┸津勅栂 and 劇捗鎮通勅┸墜追沈).

The original IRHF, heat flux and flue gas bridge wall temperature were calculated

by CFD method as a base case. With a certain 劇栂 , an initial flue gas bridge wall

temperature 劇捗鎮通勅 can be obtained using Eq. (9). Through Eqs. (10)-(11), a new heat

flux profile of the external surface of the tube can be calculated. Therefore, a new flue

gas bridge wall temperature can be obtained using Eq. (9) again. The iteration continues

until the difference of the flue gas bridge wall temperatures between two iterations is

within 1K. Finally, an updated heat flux profile on the external surface of the tube can

be obtained, which in turn affects the tube simulation.

2.2.3. Quench system

Quench system includes steam drum and TLE. The water in the steam drum is the


saturate water at 324冽. The saturate water flows into TLE, exchanging heat with the

cracked gas. The generated steam flows back to the steam drum and then enters HPSSH

section for further heating. Thus in TLE, a vapor liquid two-phase flow occurs in the

water side. Some correlations describing the convective heat transfer coefficient in the

boiling process can be found in literatures [39, 40]. In the cracked gas side, the reactor

model in the radiation section can be used here to calculate the temperature profile and

the heat flux profile. The simulation of TLE was also carried out using the commercial

software package Coilsim1D developed by Ghent University in Belgium.

2.3. Operating conditions and solution strategy for simulation

2.3.1. Operating conditions

All the relevant information about the steam cracking furnace in this work was

provided by a petrochemical company. Due to the corporate intellectual property and

technical know-how, only the geometry dimension and industrial data of the cracking

furnace can be provided.

To carry out the steady state simulation of the convection section, the inlet

conditions of HC, DS, boiler feed water (BFW) and the flue gas should be taken as

input data. The inlet conditions of HC and DS are shown in Table 1 and the

compositions of HC is shown in Table 2. The inlet temperature and mass flow rate of

the flue gas leaving the radiation section are calculated through the steady state model

of the radiation section. To carry out the steady state simulation of the radiation section,

the inlet conditions of the process gas and the fuel gas should be taken as the input data.


The information of the fuel gas is shown in Table 1, the inlet conditions of the process

gas are calculated through the steady state model of the convection section. The input

data of the quench system is from the steady state simulations of the convection and

radiation sections. The detailed geometry parameters of the whole furnace (including

convection section, radiation section and TLE) are shown in Tables 1S-3S in the

supplementary material.

2.3.2. Simulation solution strategy

Iterations are necessary in the simulation process. For simulation of the convection

and the radiation sections, the external tube skin temperature profile is initialized.

Through the convection chamber/furnace model, the heat flux profile of the external

tube wall is calculated and given to the tube model. Then a new external tube skin

temperature profile can be calculated using the tube model. The iteration is repeated

until the difference of each external tube skin temperature between two iterations is less

than 1K.

Iterations are also necessary to simulate the whole furnace. The calculation steps

are listed as follow:

(1) Initializing the coil inlet temperature (CIT) of the process gas in the radiation


(2) Carrying the simulations of the radiation section and quench system, outputting the

bridge wall temperature, the mass flow rate of the flue gas and the amount of the

generated steam.


(3) Carrying out the simulation of the convection section, getting a new CIT

(4) Repeating steps (2)-(3) until the difference of CIT between two iterations is less

than 1K.

Table 1. Inlet conditions for simulation of the steam cracking furnace

Description Value HC mass flow rate (kg/h) 12,800 HC inlet temperature in FPH section (冽) 80 HC inlet pressure in FPH section (MPa) 0.83 DS mass flow rate (kg/h) 4,480 DS inlet temperature (冽) 185 DS inlet pressure (MPa) 0.385 BFW inlet temperature (冽) 91.5 BFW inlet pressure (MPa) 9.9 COT (冽) 847.20

Table 2. Compositions of the hydrocarbon feedstock and the fuel gas

Hydrocarbon feedstock Component Mass fraction (wt/wt) Component Mass fraction (wt/wt)

C2H6 0.8 C3H8 0.2 Fuel gas

Component Mole fraction (mol/mol) Component Mole fraction (mol/mol) H2 0.0985 C3H8 0.0011 CO 0.0016 C3H6 0.0032 CH4 0.8930 C2H2 0.0003 C2H6 0.0017 C4H10 0.0001 C2H4 0.0005

2.4. Model validation

Table 3 shows some process data collected from the industrial ethylene plant. As

shown in Table 3, the validation is performed by comparing the model prediction results

with the industrial data. As not every stream has the measurement point in the industrial

site, only some of industrial data is given to compare with the model prediction results.

As mentioned above, the mass flow rates of BFW/HP and the fuel gas depend on the

exchanged heat in TLE and COT, respectively. The prediction results of the mass flow


rates of BFW/HP and the fuel gas are close to the data from the industry. Table 3 also

shows the temperature distributions of the process gas side and the flue gas side. For

the process gas side, the maximum relative error of the outlet temperature is 4.08% and

the others are within 4%. For the flue gas side, the maximum relative error of the outlet

temperature is 8.4% and the others are within 4.5%. The product yields predicted by

the steady state simulation are also in good agreement with the industrial data.

Especially for the key product such as ethylene, the relative error is less than 1.5%. The

validation proves that the data set produced by the steady state model of the whole

steam cracking furnace are reliable.

Table 3. Comparison between the modeling results and industrial data

Mass flow rate (kg/h) Streams Industrial data Predicted results Relative error (%)

BFW 12,171 12,717.00 -4.49 HPSSH 13,393 13,062.20 -2.47 Fuel gas 1,628.40 1,848 13.79

Outlet temperature of process gas in each component (冽) Main components Industrial data Predicted results Relative error (%)

ECO2 256.7 266.84 3.95 FPH2 459.6 440.85 -4.08

HPSSH1 403.1 412.24 2.27 HPSSH2 498.1 498.08 0.00

HTC1 637.7 650.28 1.97 TLE 508 500.3 -1.52

Outlet temperature of flue gas in each component (冽) Main components Industrial data Predicted results Relative error (%)

ECO1 127.30 122.12 -4.07 FPH1 184.95 189.64 2.54 ECO2 245.35 255.74 4.23 FPH2 378.5 410.31 8.40

HPSSH1 606.08 612.66 1.09 HPSSH2 790.00 793.97 0.50

HTC1 1,037 1,062.10 2.42 Out pressure of Process gas (Mpa)

Main components Industrial data Predicted results Relative error (%) HPSSH2 9.78 9.84 0.06


HTC 2.62 2.71 3.44 Production yield (wt/wt%)

Main components Industrial data Predicted results Relative error (%) H2 3.12 3.40 8.97

CH4 9.8 10.19 4.02 C2H4 49.98 49.37 -1.22 C2H6 30.71 27.06 -11.90 C3H6 2.31 2.12 -8.23 C3H8 0.82 0.72 -12.80

1,3-C4H6 1.29 1.61 24.81 1C4H8 0.28 0.24 -1.25

3. Methodology

In this section, the conventional and advanced exergy analysis is used to calculate

the exergy destruction and assess the energy saving potential of the steam cracking


3.1. Conventional exergy analysis

Exergy is defined as the maximum work which is obtained when the system is

brought to a state of thermodynamic equilibrium with the common components of the

natural surroundings by means of reversible processes[41]. For a steady-state system,

exergy of process streams mainly includes physical exergy (継岌 脹牒) and chemical exergy

(継岌 頂朕).

Physical exergy is defined that the work is obtained by taking the system from the

process state 岫劇┸ 鶏岻 to the reference environment state 岫劇待┸ 鶏待岻 [42]. The physical

exergy is expressed by the following equation.

0 0 0 0 0, , , , , , , ,TPE H T P z H T P z T S T P z S T P z & (13)

where 茎 and 鯨 are the enthalpy and entropy of the system, respectively. In this work,

the natural environment (25ć, 1atm) of the steam cracking furnace is chosen as the


reference environment state.

Chemical exergy is the work that can be obtained by taking a substance from the

environmental state to the standard dead state [42]. The chemical exergy is given in Eq.





chi i i


E y X RT y

& (14)

In this equation, the first item on the right side represents the exergy change caused by

chemical reaction, the second item represents the exergy change caused by the

concentration change. 隙沈待 is the molar standard chemical exergy, which is defined as



0 0 0,


n i

i f i j jj

X G n X


To calculate the chemical exergy, the standard substances in the environment should be

determined. The chemical exergy of reference for substances reported by Szargut et

al.[41] is adopted. In the steam cracking furnace, the chemical reaction occurs in two

process: combustion of the fuel gas and cracking reaction of the hydrocarbon feedstock.

Table 2 gives the detailed components of the fuel gas. To calculate the chemical exergy

of the products, the chemical composition of the cracked gas should also be determined.

The cracked gas contains about eighty components, among which the mass fraction of

the common fifteen components exceed 98.5%. Thus, these fifteen components are

selected to represent the final products, as shown in Table 4.


Table 4. The selected components for representing the cracked gas

Number Component Number Component

1 Hydrocarbon (H2) 9 Butadiene (1,3-C4H6) 2 Methane (CH4) 10 Butene (1-C4H8) 3 Acetylene (C2H2) 11 Butane (n-C4H10) 4 Ethylene (C2H4) 12 Isoprene (C5H8) 5 Ethane (C2H6) 13 Cyclopentadiene(C5H8) 6 Propylene (C3H6) 14 Benzene (C6H6) 7 Propane (C3H8) 15 Toluene (C7H8) 8 Styrene (C8H8)

The rational exergy efficiency [43] was adopted in this study. The rational exergy

efficiency is the ratio of the exergy desired output to the used exergy, the expression is

given by:

Desired output


EDesired output exergy

Used exergy E (16)

Fig. 3. A general presentation of exergy flow process in the steam cracking furnace

Fig. 3 shows the exergy flow processes for the whole steam cracking furnace.

Similar as the energy balance, an exergy balance for the whole furnace can be built as

shown in Eq. (17).


, ,Feed in Fuel Product D totalE E E E & & & & (17)

According to Eq. (16), the desired output exergy and the used exergy for the whole

steam cracking furnace are expressed as:

,Desired output Product Feed inE E E (18)

Used FuelE E (19)

Thus, the rational exergy efficiency for the whole steam cracking furnace is calculated

by Eq. (20).

, , ,,

Cracked gas HP HC in BFW in DS inProduct Feed inwhole furnace

Fuel Fuel




iICold flow Cold flow

Hot flow

Hot flow

,Hot inE

,Hot outE

,Cold inE,Cold outE

,L iE

, ,D i L i iE E I

Fig. 4. A general presentation of exergy flow process in single component

All the components in the steam cracking furnace can be taken as a heat exchanger

except for the combustion process in the burner. Fig. 4 shows the exergy flow processes

of these components, the rational exergy efficiency of the ith component can be given

as [44] :

, , ,

, , ,

Desired out i Cold out Cold ini

Used i Hot in Hot out



& & &

& & & (21)


In order to analyse the distribution of the exergy destruction of the whole furnace,

the ratio of the exergy destruction within ith component to the used exergy is also given


, , ,/ /D i D i Used D i Fuely E E E E & & & & (22)

3.2. Advanced exergy analysis

Through advanced exergy analysis, the exergy destruction within the system

components can be split into endogenous/exogenous and avoidable/unavoidable parts,

which is explained in detailed in Ref. [44].

Endogenous exergy destruction (継帖┸沈帳朝 ) is due to the irreversibility’s inside the

component while the exogenous part of the variable (継帖┸沈帳諜) is imposed on the component

by other components [29].

, , ,EN EX

D i D i D iE E E & & & (23)

The unavoidable exergy destruction (継帖┸沈腸朝 ) cannot be reduced due to technological

limitations, such as availability and costs of materials and manufacturing methods [45].

The avoidable part (継帖┸沈凋蝶) is the difference between the total and unavoidable exergy

destruction as shown in Eq. (13).

, , ,UN AV

D i D i D iE E E & & & (24)

3.2.1. Combining the two splitting approach

For better insight of the efficiency assessment of the thermal system, the

endogenous and exogenous exergy destruction can also be further divided into the

avoidable and unavoidable parts, such as unavoidable endogenous exergy destruction


(継帖┸沈腸朝┸帳朝), avoidable endogenous exergy destruction (継帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳朝), unavoidable exogenous

exergy destruction (継帖┸沈腸朝┸帳諜) and avoidable exogenous exergy destruction (継帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳諜) [24].

The four splitting combinations can be calculated as:

, , , ,/UNUN R

D i P i D i P iE E E E& & & & (25)

,, , , ,/

UNUN EN END i P i D i P iE E E E& & & & (26)

, ,

, , ,UN EX UN UN END i D i D iE E E & & & (27)

, ,

, , ,AV EN EN UN END i D i D iE E E & & & (28)

, ,

, , ,AV EX EN UN EXD i D i D iE E E & & & (29)

The ratio (継岌帖┸沈【継岌椎┸沈 ), 継岌牒┸沈帳朝 and 継岌帖┸沈帳朝 are first determined from the unavoidable and

theoretical processes.

According to the above equations, the benefit of the advanced exergy analysis is

obvious over the conventional exergy analysis. The advanced exergy analysis can

provide some improvements for designers and find some places where the

improvements are required. For example, 継帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳朝 determines the amount of exergy

destruction due its own irreversibility which can be reduced by improving the

component efficiency. 継帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳掴 determines the amount of exergy destruction which can

be reduced by improving other components’ efficiency.

3.2.2. Conditions for splitting exergy destruction

In general, for splitting the exergy destruction into endogenous and exogenous

parts, the assumption for different components should be made: 継岌帖┸沈 噺 ど or 継岌帖┸沈 噺兼件券 . For the steam cracking furnace, both the convection section and the quench


system are treated as the heat exchanger. As for single heat exchanger, both pressure

drops (ッ喧) and minmum temperature difference at the pinch point (ッ劇陳沈津) should equal

zero. However, the convection section is composed of several heat exchangers in series

and these heat exchangers are rather complicated, because the theoretical condition of

a concurrent heat exchanger may affect its surrounding heat exchangers since the

temperature of the process gas inside the tube out of the heat exchanger working

theoretically may exceed the allowed temperature of its following heat exchanger or

the temperature of the flue gas entering its successive heat exchanger may be lower

than the corresponding process gas temperature[29]. As shown in Fig. 5, one reversible

adiabatic heater (RAH) is added before each heat exchanger and the target of each

heater is set to heat the working fluid to a specified temperature[29, 44, 46]. The RAHs

are not considered under the real condition. In this way, the heat utilized by the process

gas inside the tube is calculated firstly and then the temperature of the flue gas entering

the heater can be obtained with the pre-calculated mass flow rate of the flue gas from

the heat balance. For the radiation section, the fuel gas combustion and the cracking

reaction occur in this section, the conditions (継岌帖┸沈=0 or 綱沈=1) can be achieved only

through fulfilling the exergy balance for the component (継岌庁┸沈 噺 継岌牒┸沈), and by ignoring

the mass and energy balances. A detailed description is given by literatures[47, 48].

For the unavoidable/avoidable exergy destruction, the best performance

characteristics can be derived with investment-efficiency consideration or based on the

understanding and practical experience of the designer[29]. For all heat exchangers in

the convection section, the minimum approach temperature difference (ッ劇陳沈津) is set to


be equal to 5 ć. In the radiation section, the flue gas supplies the heat for the cracking

process inside the tube. Thus, the radiation section can be considered as one heat

exchanger which has a chemical reaction inside the tube and the unavoidable condition

can be define: ッ劇陳沈津 噺 10 冽. Exergy destruction in the combustion process is mainly

affected by the excess air fraction and the inlet temperature of the air. The

thermodynamic inefficiencies of combustion can be reduced by preheating the

combustion air and reducing the oxygen excess ratio. Thus, the air inlet temperature of

200 冽 and oxygen excess ratio of 1.1 are selected as the unavoidable condition of the

combustion process.








Fuel gasCracked gas





Fig. 5. Simplified flow diagram of a steam cracking furnace for advanced exergy analysis (


VIII-burner, IX-quench system)


4. Results and discussion

4.1. Conventional exergy analysis

The results of conventional exergy analysis at the component level are presented

in Table 5. The rational exergy efficiency of the steam cracking furnace is about 43.43%

which means there is a large space to improve the thermodynamic performance of the

steam cracking furnace. Table 5 shows the total exergy destruction within the

convection section is 2,309.46 kW, larger than that within the quench system (746.97

kW) but much lower than that within the radiation section (11677.38 kW). In addition,

the exergy destruction caused by the heat loss is 921.56 kW. It can be found by the

exergy destruction ratio (検帖┸沈 ), the total exergy destruction within the convection

section accounts for 8.31% of the fuel exergy while the exergy destructions within the

radiation section and the quench system account for 41.98% and 2.69%, respectively.

4.1.1. Convection section

As shown in Table 5, Sub-sections I and III have high exergy efficiencies (81.38%,

82.66%). This is because Sub-sections I and III, where the heat transfer is due to single

phase liquid forced convection, has a larger heat transfer efficiency than the other sub-

sections where the heat transfer is due to single phase vapor forced convection.

Moreover, Sub-sections I, III and V (81.38%, 82.66% and 76.06%), where the water or

steam stream flows through, has a higher exergy efficiency than Sub-sections II, IV and

VI (41.65%, 67.45% and 67.73%) where the hydrocarbon gas feedstock flows through.

This is because both the water and steam have a larger heat capacity than the gas


mixture of the ethane and propane, improving the heat transfer efficiency. Table 5 also

shows the exergy destruction of the sub-sections where the same stream flows through,

such as Sub-sections II (190.19 kW), IV (532.24 kW) and VI (943.46kW), increases

from top to bottom. The same goes for Sub-sections I (46.54 kW), III (177.51 kW) and

V (419.51 kW), where the water/steam stream flows through. This can be explained by

literature [44], a larger temperature difference leads to a larger exergy destruction in the

heat exchangers. As shown in Fig. 6, the temperature differences of the sub-sections

gradually increase from top to bottom in the convection section.

4.1.2. Radiation section

Table 5 also shows the thermodynamic inefficiencies of Sub-sections VII and VIII

in the radiation section. The exergy destruction (3,057.55 kW) within Sub-section VII

(i.e. tube reactors), in which the radiative heat transfer is prevailing, is obviously larger

than those in the convection section where the convective heat transfer is prevailing.

The reason for this can be clearly explained by Fig. 6 that the radiative heat transfer can

be the main heat transfer type only when the temperature of the flue gas is extremely

high, causing the large temperature difference between the flue gas and the process gas.

Additionally, the heat released from the hot side to the cold side by form of radiation is

far much intensive than that by form of the convection, which also increases the exergy


In Sub-section VIII (i.e. burner), the combustion process contributes the largest

exergy destruction (8,619.83 kW), accounting for 55.06% of the total exergy


destruction (15,655.41 kW) of the whole furnace. It can also be found by the exergy

destruction ratio (検帖┸沈), about 31.15% of the fuel exergy is consumed in the combustion


4.1.3. Quench system

As shown in Table 5, the exergy efficiency (79.10%) of the quench system is

obviously higher than those of most sub-sections. This is because in the quench system,

the saturate water is used to cool the cracked gas rapidly from 850冽 to 500冽. The

evaporation of the saturate water promotes the heat transfer efficiency of the water side,

leading to a high exergy efficiency.

Table 5. Results of conventional exergy analysis of the steam cracking furnace

Comp 継岌庁┸沈(kW) 継岌牒┸沈(kW) 継岌帖┸沈(kW) 綱沈(%) 検沈(%)

Convection section

I 249.95 203.41 46.54 81.38 0.17

II 325.95 135.77 190.19 41.65 0.69

III 1,023.68 846.17 177.51 82.66 0.64

IV 1,635.32 1,103.07 532.24 67.45 1.92

V 1,752.16 1,332.65 419.51 76.06 1.52

VI 2,924.03 1,980.57 943.46 67.73 3.41

Radiation section

VII 10,973.62 7,916.07 3,057.55 72.14 11.05

VIII 27,817.00 19,197.17 8,619.83 69.01 31.15

Quench system

IX 3,518.75 2,826.85 746.97 79.10 2.70

streams Input exergy (kW) streams Output exergy(kW)

HC 176164.23 HP 5171.09

DS 904.97 Cracked gas 184062.03

BFW 143.79 Flue gas 352.73

Fuel gas 27675.58 Qloss 568.83

The whole


Rational exergy efficiency (%)

Real exergy efficiency (%)43.43



Fig. 6.Temperature profiles of fluids in different Sub-sections

4.1.4. Location of exergy destruction and losses through conventional exergy analysis

Fig. 7(a) was obtained through normalization of value in 検沈岫ガ岻 column of Table

5. It can be seen from Fig. 7(a) that Sub-section VIII contributes the largest proportion

(55.06%) of the total exergy destruction due to the combustion reaction. The second-

largest proportion (19.53%) occurs in Sub-section VII where the radiative heat transfer

is dominant and the cracking reaction occurs inside the tube reactor. Sub-section VI

(HTC) in the convection section also contributes 6.03% of the total exergy destruction

followed by the quench system (4.77%). The ECO-I (0.30%), FPH-I (1.21%), ECO-II

(1.13%), FPH-II (3.4%), HPSSH (I, II) (2.68%) sub-sections in the convection section

have much lower contributions.

Fig. 7(b) shows the distribution of exergy destruction within three sections of the

steam cracking furnace. As shown in Fig. 7(b), compared with the radiation section


(74.59%), the quench system and the components in the convection section contribute

much less exergy destruction. Thus, the efficient utilization of large amount of exergy

should be further investigated for the high exergy efficiency in the radiation section. In

the actual process, some heat is lost due to the inadequate insulation measures. In

addition, the heat in the flue gas released to the environment is also lost. These heat

losses lead to exergy destruction accounting for 5.89% of the total exergy destruction,

as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Distribution of exergy destruction of the steam cracking furnace (a) Distribution of

exergy destruction for each component; (b) Distribution of exergy destruction for the

convection section, the radiation section and the quench system

4.1.5. Sensitivity analysis

In order to investigate the characteristics of the exergy destruction, it is vital to

perform a sensitivity study with each operation parameter varying while all the other

values fixed. Fig. 8(a) was obtained when HC mass flow rate changes from 11,000 to

15,000 kg/h while DS mass flow rate is fixed at 4,620 kg/h and COT is fixed at 850 冽.


As shown in Fig. 8(a), the exergy efficiency increases with the increase in HC mass

flow rate. This can be explained by that higher HC mass flow rate will promote the

occurrence of chemical reactions and consume heat more efficiently.

Fig. 8(b) was obtained when DS mass flow rate changes from 3,600 to 5,440 kg/h

while HC mass flow rate is fixed at 13,200 kg/h and COT is fixed at 850冽. As shown

in Fig. 8(b), the exergy efficiency decreases with the increase in DS mass flow rate.

This can be explained by that higher steam mass flow rate will prevent the occurrence

of the side reactions and reduce the residence time, more heat is used to heat the process

gas itself not for the cracking reaction. Thus, the heat is consumed less inefficiently.

Fig. 8 (c) was obtained when COT changes from 830 to 870冽 while HC mass flow

rate is fixed at 13,200 kg/h and DS mass flow rate is fixed at 4,620 kg/h. COT is one of

the most important parameter which is controlled for the desired cracking severity. As

shown in Fig. 8(c), t the exergy efficiency increases with the increase in COT. Although

more fuel gas is consumed at the condition of a higher COT, a larger output exergy of

the products is obtained. Thus, the exergy efficiency of the whole furnace increases.

In summary, the exergy efficiency has a slight change with the variation in the mass

flow rates of HC and DS, and COT. In addition, the changes of the mass flow rates of

HC and DS, and COT for a high exergy efficiency may have a negative effect on the

production efficiency. For example, with the increase in COT during a period of

production, the coke formation rate on the inner surface of the tubular reactor will

increase which will decrease the heat transfer efficiency on the inner surface of tubular

reactor and also reduced the run length. As a result, the exergy destruction rate of the


steam cracking furnace will be increased during a period of production. Therefore,

much attention should be paid to optimize the component structure or reconstruct the

overall system in order to improve the thermodynamic efficiency of the steam cracking


Fig. 8. Effect of the mass flow rates of HC and DS, and COT on the real exergy efficiencies

4.2. Advanced exergy analysis

Through advanced exergy analysis, all parts of exergy destruction within each


component of the steam cracking furnace were evaluated. The results of the advanced

exergy analysis are given in Table 6.

Table 6. Results of advanced exergy analysis of the steam cracking furnace

継岌帖┸沈帳朝 継岌帖┸沈帳諜 継岌帖┸沈腸朝 継岌帖┸沈凋蝶 継岌帖┸沈帳朝┸腸朝 継岌帖┸沈帳朝┸凋蝶 継岌帖┸沈帳諜┸腸朝 継岌帖┸沈帳諜┸凋蝶

(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)

Convection section

I 21.62 24.92 7.37 39.17 6.06 15.56 1.31 23.60

II 149.56 40.63 64.73 125.46 54.53 95.03 10.20 30.43

III 149.05 28.46 16.36 161.15 13.49 135.56 2.87 25.59

IV 410.70 121.54 79.86 452.38 68.10 342.59 11.76 109.79

V 321.45 98.06 81.46 338.05 73.24 248.20 8.22 89.84

VI 717.71 225.75 303.56 639.90 261.19 456.51 42.36 183.39

Radiation section

VII 2257.58 799.97 1407.58 1649.97 1194.22 1063.36 213.37 586.60

VIII 8619.83 0.00 7631.01 988.82 7631.01 988.82 0.00 0.00

Quench system

IX 429.46 317.51 507.85 239.12 419.06 10.40 88.79 228.72

4.2.1. Unavoidable and avoidable exergy destruction

Fig. 9 indicates the breakdown of unavoidable and avoidable exergy destruction

for each component. This figure was presented based on the 3rd and the 4th columns in

Table 6. From Fig. 9(a), a significant part (1756.10 kW, 76.04%) of the exergy

destruction within the convection section is avoidable. It can be found in Fig. 9(a) that

the avoidable exergy destruction within Sub-sections I, III and V increases from top to

bottom. The same goes for Sub-sections II, IV and VI. This is because the temperature

differences of the sub-sections where the same stream flows through increase from top


to bottom in the convection section. According to the definition of the avoidable exergy

destruction, the exergy destruction caused by the temperature difference in the heat

exchanger is avoidable. Thus, the avoidable exergy destruction of the sub-sections

where the same stream flows through increases from top to bottom in the convection


Fig. 9(b) shows the breakdown of unavoidable and avoidable exergy destruction

within Sub-section VII (i.e. tube reactor) in the radiation section. As shown in Fig. 9(b),

about 53.96% (1649.97 kW) of the exergy destruction within the component is

avoidable. This is because the temperature difference of the flue gas and process gas in

the component is very large. Therefore, Sub-section VII has great potential to reduce

exergy destruction through reducing the temperature difference. However, the

unavoidable exergy destruction (1407.58 kW) cannot be ignored. This is because a

high-temperature flue gas is necessary for the cracking reaction. Thus, the heat transfer

by form of radiation leads to an intensive energy transfer, which causes a large

unavoidable exergy destruction.

As shown in Fig. 9(c), most of the exergy destruction (7631.01kW, 88.53%) within

Sub-section VIII (i.e. Burner) is unavoidable. This is because most of the exergy

destruction is caused by the combustion reactions, only a small part of the exergy

destruction is caused by the operating conditions such as the air inlet temperature and

the oxygen excess ratio. However, the exergy destruction of 988.82 kW still indicates

the energy saving potential of Sub-section VIII cannot be ignored.

Fig. 9(d) shows the breakdown of unavoidable and avoidable exergy destruction


within the quench system, the unavoidable exergy destruction (507.85kW) is larger than

the avoidable part (239.12 kW). The avoidable exergy destruction is mainly caused by

a large temperature difference between the cracked gas and the steam. Moreover, the

cracked gas is cooled rapidly leading to an intensive heat transfer. Therefore, the quench

system can reduce the exergy destruction through reducing the temperature difference

or using a more effective refrigerants to replace the water.

In summary, Sub-section VII in the radiation section contributes the largest part

(35.60%) of the total avoidable exergy destruction of the whole steam cracking furnace,

followed by Sub-section VIII (21.34%) in the radiation section and Sub-section VI

(13.81%) in the convection section. Therefore, there is the highest energy saving

potential in Sub-section VII, followed by Sub-section VIII and Sub-section VI.

Fig. 9. Advanced exergy analysis into avoidable and unavoidable parts

4.2.2. Endogenous and exogenous exergy destruction

Splitting exergy destruction of each component into endogenous and exogenous

parts, 継岌帖┸沈帳朝 and 継岌帖┸沈帳諜 , provides information about how much exergy destruction is


caused by its own structure or operation conditions and how much is by the interacting

components. Fig. 10 was presented based on the first and second columns in Table 6.

As shown in Fig. 10 (a), about 1770.09 kW (76.65%) of the exergy destruction is

endogenous larger than the exogenous part for the convection section. It can also be

found that the exogenous exergy destruction in the sub-sections where the same stream

flows through increases from top to bottom (i.e. Sub-sections I, III and V, and Sub-

sections II, IV and VI). This is because the hydrocarbon feedstock and water/steam

streams flow from top to bottom, the exergy destruction of this component is easily

affected by the components above. Thus, more exergy destruction is exogenous at the


Fig. 10 (b) shows the breakdown of endogenous and exogenous exergy

destruction within Sub-section VII in the radiation section. A large part (2257.58 kW,

73.84%) of the exergy destruction is endogenous. This is because the exergy destruction

in Sub-section VII is mainly caused by the process itself where the high temperature

difference and the intensive heat transfer are necessary for providing heat for the

cracking reaction inside the tube reactor.

From Fig. 10 (c), all of the exergy destruction in Sub-section VIII (i.e. burner) is

endogenous. This is because the combustion process is independent of any other

components in the steam cracking furnace. Its input variables such as the mass flow

rate of fuel gas and air inlet temperature are not affected by other components. Thus the

exergy destruction within the burner is only caused by the combustion process itself.

Fig. 10 (d) indicates the breakdown of endogenous and exogenous exergy


destruction within the quench system. As shown in Fig. 10 (d), the endogenous exergy

destruction (429.46 kW) is a little larger than the exogenous part (317.51 kW). This can

be explained by two reasons. The reason for endogenous exergy destruction is that the

large temperature difference and the intensive heat transfer are necessary to cool the

cracked gas rapidly. The reason for the exogenous exergy destruction is that the inlet

streams of the quench system are all from the convection and the radiation sections,

thus the exergy destruction of this component is easily affected by the other two sections.

In summary, the exergy destruction within the radiation and convection section is

mainly caused by the component itself while the exergy destruction within the quench

system is caused both by the other components and the component itself.

Fig. 10. Advanced exergy analysis into endogenous and exogenous parts

4.2.3. Combination of the splitting

Splitting the avoidable exergy destruction into the endogenous and exogenous parts, 継岌帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳朝 and 継岌帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳諜, can guide the improvement direction for each component. Fig. 11

was presented based on the 5th to 8th columns in Table 6. It can be seen from Fig. 11(a),


a large part (1293.46 kW, 73.66%) of avoidable exergy destruction within the

convection section is endogenous. Moreover, the exogenous part of the avoidable

exergy destruction within the sub-sections where the same stream flows through also

increases from top to bottom. In general, the convection section should reduce the

exergy destruction by improving the thermodynamic efficiency of the component itself,

especially for the components with a larger temperature difference at the bottom of the

convection section.

Fig. 11(b) shows the breakdown of endogenous and exogenous parts of the

avoidable exergy destruction within Sub-section VII in the radiation section. As shown

in Fig. 11(b), the endogenous part (1063.36kW) of the avoidable exergy destruction is

larger than the exogenous part (586.60 kW). The reason has been clearly explained in

Section 4.2.2. Thus, more improvement measures should focus on Sub-section VII to

reduce the exergy destruction.

From Fig. 11(c), all of the avoidable exergy destruction is endogenous. This is

because the combustion process in Sub-section VIII is independent of any other

components in the steam cracking furnace. Thus the thermodynamic efficiency of Sub-

section VIII should be increased through reducing the exergy destruction of the

component itself.

Fig. 11(d) shows the breakdown of endogenous and exogenous parts of the

avoidable exergy destruction within the quench system. The quench system has an

avoidable-exogenous exergy destruction of about 288.72kW, much larger than the

avoidable-endogenous exergy destruction of 10.40 kW. Thus, the improvement of the


exergy efficiency of the quench system should consider the reduction of exergy

destruction of other components.

In summary, the exergy efficiency of the convection section should be improved

through reducing the exergy destruction of each component itself. The exergy

efficiency of the radiation section also should be improved by reducing their own

exergy destruction. The exergy efficiency of the quench system should be improved

mainly through reducing the exergy destruction of the other interacting components.

Fig. 11. Advanced exergy analysis into avoidable endogenous and avoidable exogenous parts

5. Conclusion

The conventional and advanced exergy analysis of the steam cracking furnace

based on newly developed simulation was performed in this paper, allowing a

consistent and detailed evaluation of its energy consumption from the thermodynamic

point of view. The conventional exergy analysis evaluates the exergy destruction within

each component of the whole furnace. The advanced exergy analysis reveals the real

potential for reducing the exergy destruction of each component and points to the new


direction for energy saving. Here, the main conclusions or insights for energy saving

significance are list as follows: (1) From the conventional exergy analysis, the

combustion process in the radiation section contributes the largest part of the total

exergy destruction, followed by the tube reactor in the radiation section and the feed-

steam mixture superheater in the convection section. (2) From the advanced exergy

analysis, the tube reactor has the highest avoidable exergy destruction, followed by the

combustion process and the feed-steam mixture superheater. Therefore, there is high

energy saving potential in the three components. (3) The exergy destruction of the

convection and radiation sections are mainly caused by the component itself while the

exergy destruction of the quench system is caused both by the other components and

the component itself. (4) The improvement approaches differ from component to

component based on advanced exergy analysis. For example, efforts on improving the

convection and radiation sections should be dedicated to themselves while improving

the quench system should focus much on other components.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program: 61333010), National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (61725301), International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Project (61720106008) and the Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (the 111 Project) under Grant B17017.


Nomenclature 系張 correlation coefficient, - 穴 inner diameter, m 経 external diameter, m 継岌 exergy, kW 継岌 頂朕 chemical exergy, kW 継岌 脹牒 physical exergy at process state 岫劇┸ 鶏岻, kW 継岌喋庁調┸沈津 inlet exergy of boiler feed water, kW 継岌寵追銚頂賃勅鳥 直銚鎚 exergy of the cracked gas, kW 継岌寵墜鎮鳥┸沈津【継岌寵墜鎮鳥┸墜通痛 inlet /outlet exergy of the cold fluid inside the tube, kW 継岌帖勅鎚沈追勅鳥 墜通痛椎通痛 the exergy desired output of the system, kW 継岌帖┸沈 exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸痛墜痛銚鎮 total exergy destruction, kW 継岌帖聴┸沈津 inlet exergy of dilute steam, kW 継岌帖┸沈凋蝶 avoidable exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸沈腸朝 unavoidable exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸沈帳朝 endogenous exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸沈帳諜 exogenous exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳朝 avoidable endogenous exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸沈凋蝶┸帳諜 avoidable exogenous exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸沈腸朝┸帳朝 unavoidable endogenous exergy destruction of component i, kW 継岌帖┸沈腸朝┸帳諜 unavoidable exogenous exergy destruction of component i, kW


継岌庁┸沈 exergy of feedstock in component i, kW 継岌庁勅勅鳥┸沈津 inlet exergy of the feedstock, kW 継岌庁通勅鎮 inlet exergy of the fuel gas, kW 継岌庁鎮通勅 直銚鎚 outlet exergy of the flue gas, kW 継岌張墜痛┸沈津【継岌張墜痛┸墜通痛 inlet /outlet exergy of the hot fluid outside the tube, kW 継岌張寵┸沈津 inlet exergy of hydrocarbon feedstock, kW 継岌張椎 inlet exergy of the high pressure steam, kW 継岌沈津 total input exergy of the system, kW 継岌挑┸沈 exergy loss of component i, kW 継岌牒追墜鳥通頂痛 product exergy, kW 継岌椎┸沈帳朝 product exergy of component i in the theoretical condition, kW 継岌椎┸沈 product exergy of component i, kW 継岌椎┸沈眺 product exergy of component i in the real condition, kW 継岌牒┸墜通痛 product exergy of the system, kW 継岌腸鎚勅鳥 used exergy of the system, kW 血 Fanning friction factor, - 繋 radiative view factor, - ッ罫捗待 standard Gibbs energy of formation, J/mol 月頂 convective heat-transfer coefficient of the process gas, W/m2/K 月捗 convective heat-transfer coefficient of the flue gas, W/m2/K 茎 enthalpy, kJ/kg 荊岌沈 internal exergy destruction of component i, kW 軽 total exchange factor, - 鯨 entropy, kJ/kg/K


鶏 pressure of process stream, Pa 鶏待 initial pressure of the process stream, Pa 鶏沈津 inlet pressure of the process stream in a tube segment, Pa 鶏墜通痛 outlet pressure of the process stream in a tube segment, Pa ッ鶏 pressure drop of each component, Pa 圏 heat flux of the internal surface of the tube, kJ/m2s 圏捗鎮通掴 heat flux of the external surface of the tube, kJ/m2s 圏沈津頂沈 incident radiative heat flux, kJ/m2s 芸銚長 heat absorbed by all reactor coils, kW 芸捗鎮通勅 enthalpy change between the inlet fuel and air entering the

furnace and the hot flue gas leaving the furnace, kW 芸捗鎮通勅頂墜津 convective heat from the flue gas to tubes, kW 芸捗鎮通勅追銚鳥 radiative heat from the flue gas to tubes, kW 芸栂銚鎮鎮追銚鳥 radiative heat to from the furnace wall to tubes, kW 芸鎮墜鎚鎚 heat loss of the steam cracking furnace, kW 芸追 heat released by fuel combustion, kW 迎 gas constant, 8.31451 kJ/kmol/K 堅長 bend radius, m/s 劇 temperature of process stream, K 劇捗鎮通勅 flue gas bridge wall temperature, K 劇待 initial temperature of the process stream, K 劇栂 external skin temperature of the tube, K ッ劇陳沈津 pin point temperature, K 券 molar flow, mol/s u velocity, m/s 隙沈待 molar standard chemical exergy, kJ 検沈 mole fraction of the components, - 検帖┸賃 exergy loss ratio, -


Z global composition of material stream, -

Greek symbols ぴ Stefan−Boltzmann constant, W/m2/K4, ぴ = 5.672 × 10−8 が ratio of radiative heat flux to convective heat flux ぢ thermal conductivity of the flue gas, W/m/K 膏栂 metal thermal conductivity, W/m/K び density, kg/m3 綱頂墜津 conventional exergy efficiency, - 綱直 blackness of the flue gas, - 綱痛 blackness of the tube wall, - 綱追銚痛 rational exergy efficiency, - 綱沈 exergy efficiency of component i, - 綱栂 blackness of the furnace wall, - 綱栂朕墜鎮勅 捗通追津銚頂勅 rational exergy efficiency of the whole furnace, - 閤 correlation coefficient of the tube bundle, - ど local drag coefficient, -

Subscript 経 destruction 詣 loss 兼件券 minimum 鶏 product

Acronyms AV avoidable CIT coil inlet temperature COT coil outlet temperature DS dilute steam


ECO economizer EN endogenous EX exogenous FPH feed preheater HC hydrocarbon feedstock HP high pressure steam HPSSH high pressure steam superheater HTC feed-steam mixture superheater TLE transfer line exchanger IRHF incident radiative heat flux UN unavoidable


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