Assign 33 storyboard


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Assign 33 - Storyboard


• Illustrates a frame• Show shot/angle• Have description of shot/movement

underneath• Transitions in between• You can draw yourself• Use templates online• Storyboard creation websites/apps



Storyboards – EBI?

Storyboards - levelsLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Format:-hand drawn or not clear

Drawings:-rushed and minimal

Presentation/organisation:-messy and very little

organisation of text, sequence is not clear

Descriptions:-extremely minimal or no

written descriptions to identify frames/shots etc

Format:-may have

chosen/development a basic template

Drawings:-some development but

shots/angles may not be clear

Presentation/organisation:-some understanding of

sequence of shots but text organisation may need


Descriptions:-written descriptions are

basic, (such as just frame #s or type of shots) may not

provide enough of detail in description

Format:-selection & application of an effective template for good


Drawings:-fairly good representations of people/objects/locations with clarity of shots/angles

Presentation/organisation:-neat & clear,

frames/drawings are nicely presented with clear text

organisation, may need some development in detail

Descriptions:-neat & clear,

frames/drawings are nicely presented with clear text


Format:-selection & application of an excellent template for superb

presentation, small details may have been

designed/created by student

Drawings:-excellent representations of

people/objects/locations with clarity of shots/angles

including small details such as lighting

Presentation/organisation:-neat & clear, all aspects are

well presented including small detail of text (such as shots/descriptions/subtitles

are all clear)

Descriptions:-all details of text are fully

clear and describe & complements visual frames



• Should be for EVERY shot!

• Identify match on action (multiple boxes is better but in a frame at minimum)

• Consider TIMING ……… .10secs …….. .35secs
