AT OUR LESSON 1. Аудио разминка. а) метро; b) история метро; 2....


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“ London Underground ”

AT OUR LESSON1. Аудио разминка.

а) метро;

b) история метро;

2. Контроль домашнего задания;

- поиска необходимой информации;

- развитие умений чтения с детальным пониманием прочитанного;

- тестовая работа по тексту.

- ответы на вопросы;

3. Слова- связки в английском языке.

4. Домашнее задание.

March the words.

1. Bеликая история …2. Дизайнер карты; 3. Официальное признание;4. Ближайшие выезды;5. Чтобы сэкономить ценное время;6. С изменениями;

7. Объявление; 8. Предсказуемым.

a) with modifications;

b) the designer of the map;

c) to save valuable time

d) official acknowledgment;

e) the nearest exits;

f) predictable;

g) a great history of..

h) an announcement;

1. The designer of the map. 2. Other cities’ underground maps. 3. Wrong ways people choose due to the map. 4. A pleasant walk. 5. A kind of competition. 6. Helping people to find their way out of the tube.

Read the text about the London Underground map. Tick the points which are mentioned in the text.

Page 137, ex. 38.

№ The statements True


1. The Underground map hasn’t changed a lot since it was designed.

2. The designed of the map was paid a lot for this work.

3. You can see the name of the designed on the Underground .

4. The map was not very popular with people.

5. The map doesn’t give the true distance between the stations.

6. There is no map which gives you a true geographical picture of the system.

7. It is impossible to visit all the stations in one day.

8. Robert Robinson didn’t travelled only by underground to complete the record.

9. Robert Robinson didn’t know the Underground well.

10 “The Way Out” tube map helps you make your journey shorter.

Answers : 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F, 7F, 8F, 9F, 10T.

Questions :

1. How old is London Underground?

2. How many stations are there?

3. How long is the underground?

4. How many lines are there?

5. What have you learned about Harry Beck?

6. What is he famous for?

7. What shows where the nearest exists are?

8. How many steps has the shortest escalator on the system?

Addition Contrast Cause/ Reason

Домашнее задание: EX., 42 P., 138
