Atoms, Elements and Compunds Lesson 1- Introduction


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Atoms, Elements and Compunds

Lesson 1- Introduction

Learning Objective:1. To understand what

an element and a molecule is

2. To be able to interpret some of

the chemical symbols

Learning Outcome1. To be able to define

what an element is2. To be able to name

some the elements from the symbols

Success CriteriaYou need to be able to work on you own and in a pair in an efficient manner to be able to complete

the main task

What do the symbols stand for?


Take these down in your books and write the answers while we watch the video!


activityWorking in pairs use the laptop to find information

Success CriteriaYou need to be able to work on

you own and in a pair in an efficient manner to be able to

complete the main task

What is an atom?

What is an element? How many are there?

List some examples.

What is a molecule?

What is a compound?

Write a short paragraph about the periodic table.


What is an element?

All substances are made of very tiny particles called atoms.

The elements are the simplest substances in the universe.

The elements are the building blocks of all other substances.



There are about one hundred substances that are made up of just one type of atom. These are the elements.


An element is a substance made up of only one type of atom. Atoms in elements

Copper is an element made up of copper atoms only.

Carbon is an element made up ofcarbon atoms only.

Helium is an element made up ofhelium atoms only.

Atoms and molecules of elements

In some elements, the atoms are joined in groups of two or more. A

particle containing atoms grouped in this way is called a molecule.

An element is a substance made up of only one type of atom.

Other elements, that contain atoms joined in molecules are hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine and bromine.

Oxygen is an element made up of oxygen atoms only.

How many atoms are there in an oxygen


Let’s make an element

1. You have been given a worksheet, in silence read the instructions

2. Pick one element which you will make

3. Start making your element !

Every element is different- it has a different number of electrons and protons!

Chemical symbols game