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CUtopia – Visit. Stay. Grow.

Conference Highlights

iTeller – Internet Banking

Studies show that online, “wired” members

comprise a credit union’s most loyal, and profitable

member segment. In addition, when the 73 million

millennials in the country’s population – young

adults between the ages of 13 and 30 – go

browsing for a financial services provider, they’ll

look first to your online service offering, and your

online banking package in particular. CUtopia’s

next generation iTeller online banking solution

goes well beyond the basics to inject the “wow”

factor back into the member’s online banking

experience. This learning session will get you up-

to-speed on the power of iTeller 5.0, and cover all

of its new features, which rival those of applications

used by much larger banks and credit unions.

mTeller 5.0 – Mobile Banking

With more than 200 million cell phones in use today

and projections of over 40 million mobile banking

users by 2012, credit unions absolutely need to

have a growth strategy that leverages this

burgeoning and lucrative channel. CUtopia’s

mTeller mobile banking solution delivers robust

capabilities that give your members the freedom to

conduct their banking anytime, anywhere from their

web-enabled phone or PDA. This lab will walk you

through the power, value and features of mTeller,

and share industry best practices for putting this

valuable solution in your members’ hands.

OASYS – Core Data Processing

Your core DP platform is the central hub of your

institution’s member accounting and relationship

building functions. CUtopia’s OASYS solution offers

the industry’s most affordable, full-featured core

processing platform for small- to mid-sized

institutions. This session will provide an overview

of how your staff can get the most out of the

features and power of our OASYS platform.

CUtopia e-Suite – New Look, New Feel

CUtopia strives continually to offer advanced

services with our semi-annual e-Suite product

releases. This session will provide a sneak peek at

what’s on our drawing board for the near future,

such as remodeled user interfaces and layout. We

think you’re going to like what we have to say.

OASYS – Next Generation Core

CUtopia strives continually to offer advanced

services with our semi-annual OASYS product

releases. This session will provide a sneak peek at

what’s on our drawing board for the near future,

such as remodeled user interfaces and layout. We

think you’re going to like what we have to say.

Credit Union- Round Table

CUtopia strives continually to create a networking

community among our valued clients. The Round

Table session is a setting to share what you are

seeing in your area, ask for best practices

pertaining policy ideas, HR items or compliance


CUtopia – Visit. Stay. Grow.

Conference Highlights

Compliance – Concentration Risk

Growing concentrations are a major factor in credit

union failures. With the NCUA emphasizing this

area of review in relations to the total risk of each

credit union, join us to learn best practices and

helpful policy tips.

Compliance – The Latest Hot Topics

Pressing Credit Union Compliance Issues. Join

us for a discussion as we address the latest

compliance hot topics and provide a heads up on

pending regulations. You will have an opportunity

to share best practices and ask our compliance

experts questions.

Security Standards – Physical and Data

In this session, we will provide recommended

practices on physical and data security standards.

From creating the appropriate policy to

implementing and monitoring the policy as the

credit union grows. Awareness is the key to

successful security standards; let our experts help

guide you in protecting your credit union.

Go Green – Going Paperless with Digital


We know that to succeed in the ultra-competitive

financial services market, you’ve got to stand out.

Do things differently. Be bold. Get imaginative.

Look ahead. That’s what you do. Going paperless

with Digital Archiving will help your credit union cut

cost and stand out amongst your competitors. Join

us to learn how to create your digital archiving

framework from what documents to archive to

how to structure your electronic filing system.

Website Presence and Design

Position your credit union website as an interactive branch with content, applications and tools designed to ensure member satisfaction. As trusted experts in the credit union industry, we provide cutting edge web design services, and much more.

CUtopia – Visit. Stay. Grow.

Conference Highlights

Social Networking / New Media

In the past 10 years, Social Media has become a

dominant force in business in a variety of different

ways ranging from marketing and sales to member

service and feedback. According to, “during the average 20-minute

period in 2010, there were: 15,870,000 wall posts,

2,716,00 photos uploaded and 10,208,000

comments posted,” referring only to

Facebook.Com. Numbers like these are proof that

by having a social media presence, users whether

on the business level or personal level, gain access

to a multitude of information and communication

possibilities. In a world where social media has

become a primary source for information, the only

way to be negatively affected by social media, is to

have no presence at all. Join us to learn best

practices on how to launch your Credit Union into

the world of Social Networking / New Media.

Attracting New Members

The aging of credit union membership is a growing trend, since 69% are 55+. Now, many credit unions are asking: “How can we make ourselves relevant to younger generations?” This voyage is designed to answer that question and will be hosted by a member of Gen Y. The elusiveness of this demographic will be tackled from several angles. We will discuss what this generation needs, what they actually respond to and what steps your credit union can take to engage them.

• Understanding Gen Y in the Marketplace • Utilizing new forms of media and using

existing channels more effectively • Developing Products & Services • You attracted them, now what?

CUtopia – Visit. Stay. Grow.

Conference Highlights

Sidney C. Hurlbert is a nationally-recognized human relations consultant and

motivational speaker who takes a lighter, smarter look at managing for results. Sid

combines his powerful messages, humor and insight with an entertaining twist,

creating a dynamic group learning experience that transforms the way people

relate to themselves, fellow employees and their members.

Sid’s topics encompass member service & loyalty, developing leadership, and

overall communications skills while underscoring the power and importance of fun

in both business and personal interactions. His exceptional gift as a motivator

allows Sid to explore anything and everything to deliver member service

accomplishments and stimulate communications success. His professional and

personal experiences propel his outstanding “real world” analysis of

communications skills, motivation, and customer service behavior.

“Beyond This Point There Be Dragons”.

In the days of Columbus and other great explorers, much of the earth was uncharted territory. Legend held that sea monsters and other scary and dangerous creatures lived in the unexplored waters. Map makers placed the words “Beyond This Point There Be Dragons” on areas that were unknown. Thus early explorers were warned to avoid these areas at all costs. This kept the discovery of many great wonders hidden for years! Sometimes we mark our mental charts with the same “Beyond this Point” warnings. We experience similar fears and anxieties when we even think of stepping outside our comfort zones into “new waters”.

Sid’s 5 “STEPS” will take you beyond the “Point Of Dragons” and show you how giving great customer service will make you happier and more successful in your business and personal life!
