Auden Thomas Larkin Hughes


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8/16/2019 Auden Thomas Larkin Hughes 1/5

The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th Edition | Copyright © 2012 W.W. Norton & Company

W. H Auden (1907-1973)

20C Literature – Dr Cristina Pividori 2016

• Wystan Hugh Auden is an Anglo-Amerian !oet" He

is generally onsidered the greatest #nglish !oet o$the t%entieth entury& and his %or' has e(erted a

ma)or in$luene on sueeding generations o$ !oets

on *oth sides o$ the Atlanti"

• He is admired $or his unsurpassed technical virtuosity and an a*ility to %rite !oems in nearly every imagina*le

verse $orm+ the incorporation in his work o popular culture! current events! and vernacular speech+ and also

$or the vast range o$ his intellet& %hih dre% easily $rom an e(traordinary variety o$ literatures& art $orms& soial and

!olitial theories& and sienti$i and tehnial in$ormation" He had a re"arka#le wit& and o$ten mimi'ed the %riting

styles o$ other !oets suh as Di'inson& W" ," eats& and Henry .ames" His !oetry $re/uently reounts& literally ormeta!horially& a )ourney or /uest& and his travels !rovided rih material $or his verse"

8/16/2019 Auden Thomas Larkin Hughes 2/5

The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th Edition | Copyright © 2012 W.W. Norton & Company

W. H Auden (1907-1973)$ %&top all the


20C Literature – Dr Cristina Pividori 2016

riginally a!!eared as a song in a !lay Auden o-%rote %ith Christo!her

sher%ood alled The Ascent of F6 "

he !oem %as then inluded in Auden3s !oetry olletion o$ 1456 sometimes

under the *oo' title Look, Stranger! 7" he !oem %as titled 89uneral ,lues: *y

145;& %hen it %as !u*lished in Collected Poems"

Here it had *een re%ritten as a a*aret song to $it %ith the 'ind o$ *urles/uerevie%s !o!ular in ,erlin& and it %as intended $or Hedli Anderson in a !iee *y

,en)amin ,ritten" t is also sometimes re$erred to as 89uneral ,lues <to! All the

Clo's7: due to its $amous $irst line" t is !erha!s most $amous $or its delivery *y a

harater in the #nglish omedy=drama Four Weddings and a Funeral & in %hih a

harater mourns his dead lover"

8/16/2019 Auden Thomas Larkin Hughes 3/5

The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th Edition | Copyright © 2012 W.W. Norton & Company

. H Auden (1907-1973)$ %&top all the 'locks

20C Literature – Dr Cristina Pividori 2016

8/16/2019 Auden Thomas Larkin Hughes 4/5

The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th Edition | Copyright © 2012 W.W. Norton & Company

ylan *ho"as (191+-19,3)

20C Literature – Dr Cristina Pividori 2016

• Dylan homas is !erha!s Wales> *est-

'no%n %riter"

• He %rote !oems& short stories and

sri!ts $or $ilm and radio& %hih he o$ten

!er$ormed himsel$" His !u*li readings

in Ameria %ere highly alaimed& and

his melli$luous voie %as ele*rated in

his numerous radio *roadasts"

• Dylan homas> most ele*rated %or's

inlude Under Milk Wood & ?Do @ot o

entle nto hat ood @ight3& Fern ill

and A Childs Christmas "n Wales"

• he main themes o$ Dylan homas>

!oetry %ere nostalia! lie! death! and

lost innocence" He %rote o$ten a*out

his !ast as a *oy or as a young man"

 And Wales! and the Welsh

landscapes and people! #eca"e an

interal part o his writin"

8/16/2019 Auden Thomas Larkin Hughes 5/5

The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th Edition | Copyright © 2012 W.W. Norton & Company

ylan *ho"as (191+-19,3)

20C Literature – Dr Cristina Pividori 2016