Audiencetheories 131017174659-phpapp02


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Audience theories

Hypodermic syringe theory Suggests that media

messages are injected straight into a passive audience which is immediately influenced by the message

We receive these messages from media products e.g. TV or the radio

Designed to trigger a desired response

Since the audience is young, it is easier for them to accept messages which they read. I am relying on my audience to accept this theory and take in what they read.

The uses and gratifications model Suggests that media users

play an active role in choosing and using the media

Media theorists say that the user seeks out a media source that best fulfils the needs of the user

User has 4 basic needs:

1.) Diversion – they need to relax

2.) Personal relationships – use media to fulfil needs for company (Social groups)

3.) Personal identity – use media to find out about yourselves

4.) Surveillance – using media to find out what is going on around us

The influence model

Dominant – the one that the producer wants you to take (this is what my audience will accept as they are young, and accept most things that they read)

Oppositional – opposite to what the producer wants you to take

Negotiated – recognises dominant reading but changing it to suit themselves
