Aug 1, 2010



Our VW Jetta can take a bit of a beating!

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Aug 1, 2010

These pictures are from Sunday, August 1st @ 6:00am. My father-in-law was slowing down to

turn left at a “T” intersection when a woman driving (he thinks it was a Honda Accord) at

approximately 45 mph ran through a stop sign without touching her brakes at all. It was foggy, and she claims she didn’t see the stop sign and

assumed her road continued straight ahead. If she had not hit his Jetta, she would have ended up in a


It’s a great example of how it doesn’t matter how many air-bags you have unless you attach them to a significant structure, like our Jetta. They demonstrate our hinge safety, our door beams, our B-pillar, our side air-bags, and especially in-board mounted seats giving you just that much more room away from the doors.

Her car slammed squarely into his driver-side door door. After the collision, the ICRS system activated perfectly (hazards, lights, fuel pump, doors, etc…) and rescue workers were called by my father-in-law!! He simply unbuckled his belt, climbed over the console into the passenger seat and got out of the vehicle…>NO INJURIES!!!! NOTHING!!

They took both drivers to the hospital for observations to be sure…and he was released. Days later, he’s sore (of-course) but nothing broken, damaged or severe enough to slow him down.

She (I think) broke her KNEE or leg….but I have no more information and I don’t have pictures of her car (I’d love to see those).