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Avaya Operational AnalystRelease 7.0What�s New in Operational Analyst

07-300405Issue 1.0July 2005

© 2005 Avaya Inc.All Rights Reserved.

NoticeWhile reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya Inc. can assume no liability for any errors. Changes and corrections to the information in this document may be incorporated in future releases.

Documentation disclaimerAvaya Inc. is not responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of this documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. Customer and/or End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation to the extent made by the Customer or End User.

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WarrantyAvaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya�s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this product, while under warranty, is available through the following Web site:http://www.avaya.com/support

Preventing toll fraud"Toll fraud" is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, anyone who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or person working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.

Avaya fraud interventionIf you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site:http://www.avaya.com/support

Providing telecommunications securityTelecommunications security (of voice, data, and video communications) is the prevention of any type of intrusion to (that is, either unauthorized or malicious access to or use of) your company's telecommunications equipment by some party.Your company's "telecommunications equipment" includes both this Avaya product and any other voice/data/video equipment that could be accessed via this Avaya product (that is, "networked equipment").An "outside party" is anyone who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or person working on your company's behalf. Whereas, a "malicious party" is anyone (including someone who may be otherwise authorized) who accesses your telecommunications equipment with either malicious or mischievous intent.Such intrusions may be either to/through synchronous (time-multiplexed and/or circuit-based) or asynchronous (character-, message-, or packet-based) equipment or interfaces for reasons of:

� Use (of capabilities special to the accessed equipment)� Theft (such as, of intellectual property, financial assets, or

toll-facility access)� Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)� Mischief (troubling, but apparently innocuous, tampering)� Harm (such as harmful tampering, data loss or alteration,

regardless of motive or intent)Be aware that there may be a risk of unauthorized intrusions associated with your system and/or its networked equipment. Also realize that, if such an intrusion should occur, it could result in a variety of losses to your company (including, but not limited to, human and data privacy, intellectual property, material assets, financial resources, labor costs, and legal costs).

Your responsibility for your company's telecommunications securityThe final responsibility for securing both this system and its networked equipment rests with you, an Avaya customer's system administrator, your telecommunications peers, and your managers. Base the fulfillment of your responsibility on acquired knowledge and resources from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to:

� Installation documents� System administration documents� Security documents� Hardware-/software-based security tools� Shared information between you and your peers� Telecommunications security experts

To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications equipment, you and your peers should carefully program and configure:

� Your Avaya-provided telecommunications systems and their interfaces

� Your Avaya-provided software applications, as well as their underlying hardware/software platforms and interfaces

� Any other equipment networked to your Avaya products.

TrademarksAvaya is a trademark of Avaya Inc.All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Third-party royalty-free license agreementsThis product and future updates and service packs to this product may contain third-party royalty-free technology which is provided to you under terms and conditions which are different from your Avaya product license agreement. A file containing these third-party royalty-free licenses, 3plirdme.txt or a similar name, is in the root directory of the product CD. Your use of this technology described in this file will be subject to the terms and conditions of such other license agreements, and not the Avaya product license agreement.

Avaya supportAvaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or to ask questions about your contact center. The support telephone number is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site:http://www.avaya.com/support

Issue 1.0 July 2005 3

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5About Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Purpose of this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Intended users of this document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Overview of this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Reasons for reissuing this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Safety labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Related documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Upgrade path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Product interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Tabular reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Tabular Report Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Tabular Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

CMS Aux Reason code support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Schema management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Business value reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Maintenance and serviceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Hardware and software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Server machine hardware sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Client software requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Server software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Software required for the historical database and Historical subsystem servers . . . . 17Software required for Real-time servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Software required for report servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Software required for Source-CMS collection subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Software required for Source-EC (Event Collector) collection subsystem . . . . . . . 23Software required for Source-EC Bridge (Event Collector Bridge) collection subsystem. 24

User documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Avaya Operational AnalystRelease 7.0

What�s New in Operational Analyst



4 What�s New in OA 7.0

About Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0

Issue 1.0 July 2005 5


Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 (OA 7.0) offers a number of enhancements to functionality provided by OA Release 6.1.3 and it�s successor Service Pack releases.

The section includes the following topics:

● About Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 on page 5

● Purpose of this document on page 5

● Intended users of this document on page 6

● Overview of this document on page 6

● Reasons for reissuing this document on page 6

● Safety labels on page 7

● Related documentation on page 7

About Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0Avaya OA 7.0 allows businesses to perform operational reporting for a multimedia contact center. OA is a required component of Avaya Interaction Center 7.0 (IC 7.0), functioning as its operational data store and contact center performance analysis system. OA is also an optional add-on to Avaya Call Management System (CMS) for extended, online historical data storage and multi-site analysis.

Purpose of this documentThe purpose of this document is to describe functionality in OA 7.0 that is new or updated since OA 6.1.3.


6 What�s New in OA 7.0

Intended users of this documentThis document is written for:

● Systems integrators

● Contact Center managers and supervisors

● Contact Center administrators

Users of this document should have working knowledge of IC or CMS, or both, and how they interact with OA. Users who have not installed and configured OA R6.1.3 may not find the information presented in this document to be of interest.

Overview of this documentThis document includes the following topics:

● Upgrade path on page 10

● Product interoperability on page 11

● CMS Aux Reason code support on page 12

● Schema management on page 12

● Business value reporting on page 13

● Maintenance and serviceability on page 14

● Hardware and software requirements on page 14

● User documentation on page 25

● Index on page 27

Reasons for reissuing this documentThis is the first issue of this document.

Safety labels

Issue 1.0 July 2005 7

Safety labelsIf you see any of the following safety labels in this document, take careful note of the information presented.

! CAUTION:CAUTION: Caution statements call attention to situations that can result in harm to

software, loss of data, or an interruption in service.

! WARNING:WARNING: Warning statements call attention to situations that can result in harm to

hardware or equipment.

! DANGER:DANGER: Danger statements call attention to situations that can result in harm to


! SECURITY ALERT:SECURITY ALERT: Security alert statements call attention to situations that can increase the

potential for unauthorized use of a telecommunications system.

Related documentationYou might find the following documentation useful.

Avaya documentation:Avaya documentation is available through the Avaya online support Web site, http://www.avayadocs.com.

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites, document number 07-300071, Issue 2.0, July 2005.

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Installation and Configuration, document number 07-300072, Issue 2.0, July 2005.

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Maintenance and Troubleshooting, document number 07-300073, Issue 2.0, February 2005.

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Reports Reference, document number 07-300074, Issue 2.0, July 2005.

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 6.1.3 Data API Utility, document number 07-300075, issue 1.0, May 2004.


8 What�s New in OA 7.0

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Administration Client Online Help.

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Basic Reports Online Help.

Other documentation:● Troubleshooting information associated with the server you are using. Such information

is typically part of an administration manual.

● Database management documentation for the database you are using.

● Cognos user documentation for information about using the Cognos tools Impromptu, Transformer and PowerPlay.

Issue 1.0 July 2005 9

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 (OA 7.0) offers a number of enhancements to functionality provided by OA Release 6.1.3 and it�s successor Service Pack releases. This section contains an overview of the changes and additions you will find in OA 7.0, and information you need to successfully upgrade to the new version of the software.

This section includes the following topics:

● Upgrade path on page 10

● Product interoperability on page 11

● Tabular reports on page 11

● CMS Aux Reason code support on page 12

● Schema management on page 12

● Business value reporting on page 13

● Maintenance and serviceability on page 14

● Hardware and software requirements on page 14

● User documentation on page 25

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

10 What�s New in OA 7.0

Upgrade pathYou may upgrade to OA 7.0 from OA 6.1.3 or any subsequent OA 6.1.3 service pack release only. If you are running a version of OA prior to OA 6.1.3, you must upgrade to OA 6.1.3 before attempting to upgrade to OA 7.0. The following diagram illustrates the OA upgrade path:

Upgrade instructions are detailed in Upgrading Avaya OA software on page 269 in Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Installation and Configuration.

Note:Note: Instructions for upgrading to OA 6.1.3 from prior versions are available in

"Upgrading Avaya OA software" in Avaya Operational Analyst Release 6.1.3 Installation and Configuration.

Product interoperability

Issue 1.0 July 2005 11

Product interoperabilityOA 7.0 extends the OA product interoperability to include the following Avaya products:

● Interaction Center 7.0

● Interaction Center Thin Client

● CMS R13

Refer to the documentation for those products for details of their functionality.

Tabular reportsOA 7.0 adds the following new Tabular reporting features:

● Tabular Report Wizard

● Tabular Reports

Note:Note: For more information about these new features, refer to Tabular Reports

overview on page 17 in Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Reports Reference.

Tabular Report Wizard

Tabular Report Wizard (TRW) is a thin-client application that allows you to create custom real-time tabular reports without programming ability. TRW offers the opportunity to refine your real-time reports to show the statistics most representative of your organization or business.

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

12 What�s New in OA 7.0

Tabular Reports

Tabular Reports are custom real-time reports created via the Tabular Report Wizard. OA 7.0 provides a set of pre-defined Standard Tabular Reports you can use as examples. Those reports include:

● Service Class and Queue Status

● Agent Performance

● Agent Performance by Service Class and Queue

● Job Performance

● Agent Status for Outbound Jobs

CMS Aux Reason code supportIn support of CMS R13, OA 7.0 adds new columns to the cmsagent and cmsskill data store tables to allow reporting on up to 90 additional CMS Aux Reason Codes. To avoid unneeded updates your database schema, the columns are shipped in disabled state. As your organization defines need for additional CMS Aux Reason Codes, you can enable the exact number of columns required. Additional columns can be enabled as desired.

The new columns are documented in the OA Data Model, available at doc\Data_Models\index.html on the OA 7.0 product CD-ROM.

Note:Note: The data model documentation is not available on the OA 7.0

Documentation CD-ROM.

Schema managementOA 7.0 provides Schema Management, a feature that allows you to modify the schema of the cmsagent and cmsskill historical stores by enabling the CMS Aux Reason Code columns. Schema management utilizes a database vendor-provided utility, alter-table, to provide in-place data management in the most efficient manner possible, reducing the amount of OA downtime required.

To modify the current schema of the historical store, you use the OA Administration Client to specify the columns to enable and then perform the manual schema management tasks described in Schema management on page 14 in Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Maintenance and Troubleshooting.

Business value reporting

Issue 1.0 July 2005 13

Note:Note: A qualified database administrator should perform all data backup and

schema management activities.

Business value reportingOA 7.0 adds the Business Value measure to the Contact Segment cube. This measure is used to provide data for the following PowerPlay reports that show how much business value is generated by various elements of your contact center:

● Business Value by Agent

● Business Value by Media Type

● Business Value by Queue

● Business Value by Service Class

These reports are designed to pull data from an existing, but currently unused, revenue-related field in the TaskPerformed table called RevenueGain. Since the Contact Segment cube is focused on routing event-level records, the Business Value reports sum the value in the TaskPerformed.RevenueGain field across all records associated with a single RoutingEvent record. The sum is a single value that is meaningful across all dimensions of the Contact Segment cube.

Full documentation of business value reporting is available in Business Value reporting on page 358 in Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Reports Reference.

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

14 What�s New in OA 7.0

Maintenance and serviceabilityLog files are the key to maintaining and servicing an Operational Analyst system. In OA 7.0 all OA processes are set by default to collect trace information in OA log files. To further simplify maintenance and servicing, all date formats in OA logs files are consistent and human-readable. For more information, refer to Trace files on page 71 in Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Maintenance and Troubleshooting.

! Important:! Important:Important: Turning trace off (set to zero) for a process results in no logging of trace

messages in OA trace files for that process. However, trace messages continue to be written to the Windows Event Log and to CentralErrorLog.log on UNIX machines whether trace is on or off.

Hardware and software requirementsThis section provides an overview of the OA 7.0 hardware and software requirements. In general, OA 7.0 drops support for:

● DB2 V7.2

● AIX 5.1L

● Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3.1_06

● WebSphere 5.1.3

and adds support for

● DB2 V8.2

● JRE 1.4.2_08

● WebSphere 6.0

Full details about OA 7.0 hardware and software support are available in Hardware requirements on page 33 and Software requirements on page 35 in Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

This section includes the following topics:

● Server machine hardware sizing on page 15

● Client software requirements on page 16

● Server software requirements on page 17

Hardware and software requirements

Issue 1.0 July 2005 15

Server machine hardware sizingThe OA server software can run on the following machines:

● Windows Server 2003 (except SP1)

● Windows 2000 Server

● Solaris 9

● AIX 5.2L

The hardware requirements for servers depend upon the deployment of an Avaya OA system, the volume of contacts in the contact center, and performance requirements. For assistance with sizing an OA configuration, contact your Avaya representative or Avaya Business Partner representative.

Note:Note: When OA-related software is being installed on Avaya IC machines, the

machine must support the minimum requirements for Avaya IC as defined in Avaya Interaction Center Release 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

16 What�s New in OA 7.0

Client software requirementsThe minimum software requirements for a desktop PC running OA reports or using the Administration client are listed in the following table:

! CAUTION:CAUTION: The Report client software must not be installed on an Avaya OA or Avaya

IC server machine. Running reports on a server machine can adversely affect the performance of the server.

Component Minimum requirement

Operating system1

1. You cannot install and operate OA client software (Administration client or the Report client) on a Windows Server 2003 server.

Windows 2000 Professional, SP4orWindows XP Professional (32-bit), SP1a

Web browser Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or later (for Windows 2000)orInternet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later (for Windows XP)

JRE2 3

2. When you install the Administration client software, the JRE software is installed automatically. When you install the Report client support files, you are given the choice to install the JRE software if you do not already have the correct version.

3. Avaya advises that OA 7.0 does not work with versions of JRE other than those versions specifically listed here.

Java Runtime Environment 1.4.2_08 (for Windows and Solaris)orJava Runtime Environment 1.4.2 (for AIX)

Hardware and software requirements

Issue 1.0 July 2005 17

Server software requirementsThis section outlines the generic software requirements for OA components. Every effort was made to ensure that this information was complete and accurate at the time of publication. The actual installation steps for each software package may vary depending upon the version of the software media being used and other site-specific factors.

The following sections detail the OA software infrastructure required for each OA subsystem or client package. This information is intended only for reference. Deployment of software components may vary depending on your system configuration and performance requirements. The version numbers associated with the supporting applications are specific to this release of OA.

This section includes the following topics:

● Software required for the historical database and Historical subsystem servers on page 17

● Software required for Real-time servers on page 20

● Software required for report servers on page 21

● Software required for Source-CMS collection subsystem on page 23

● Software required for Source-EC (Event Collector) collection subsystem on page 23

● Software required for Source-EC Bridge (Event Collector Bridge) collection subsystem on page 24

Software required for the historical database and Historical subsystem servers

The software required for machines with the historical database and the Historical subsystem depends on whether:

● the server machine has the historical database coresident on the same machine with the Historical subsystem (Historical subsystem coresident with the historical database on page 18), or

● the historical database is on a dedicated (back-end) machine and the Historical subsystem is on a separate machine with other OA software (Historical subsystem not coresident with the historical database on page 19).

Since OA 7.0 supports only certain combinations of operating systems and databases. These combinations are explained in Supported database management systems on page 20.

! Important:! Important:Important: The historical database cannot be coresident with any Avaya IC

components. Only OA components, typically the Historical subsystem, are ever installed on the same server with the historical database.

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

18 What�s New in OA 7.0

Historical subsystem coresident with the historical database - The following table lists the software required on a server machine when the historical database is coresident on the same machine with the Historical subsystem.

! Important:! Important:Important: See Supported database management systems on page 20 for allowable

operating system and database combinations.

Component Windows Solaris AIX

Operating system Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with SP4 (consider Enterprise Edition for high capacity OA systems)orWindows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)1

Solaris 8orSolaris 9

AIX 5.2L Maintenance Level 4

Time synchronization utility

For time synchronization software requirements, see Appendix A: Time synchronization in Operational Analyst 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

Historical database Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3a (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)orOracle 8.1.7 Patch 4.0 (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)orOracle 9.2.0 Patch 4.02 (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)

Oracle 8.1.7 Patch 4.0 (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)orOracle 9.2.0 Patch 4.02 (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)

IBM DB2 8.1, FP5 Enterprise Edition (32-bit version)orIBM DB2 8.2 Enterprise Edition (32-bit version)

1. OA 7.0 does not support Windows Server 2003 SP1 on either Standard or Enterprise edition.

2. With Windows 2000 and Solaris 8, Oracle 9i can be used in CMS standalone configurations, not in Avaya IC configurations. With Windows 2003 and Solaris 9, Oracle 9i can be used in all configurations.

Hardware and software requirements

Issue 1.0 July 2005 19

Historical subsystem not coresident with the historical database - The following table lists the software required on a server machine when the historical database is not coresident on the same machine with the Historical subsystem (that is, the historical database is located on a dedicated, back-end database server machine).

! Important:! Important:Important: See Supported database management systems on page 20 for allowable

operating system and database combinations.

Component Windows Solaris AIX

Operating system Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with SP4 (consider Enterprise Edition for high capacity OA systems)orWindows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)1

Solaris 8orSolaris 9

AIX 5.2L Maintenance Level 4

Time synchronization utility

For time synchronization software requirements, see Appendix A: Time synchronization in Operational Analyst 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

Historical database Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3a client (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)orOracle 8.1.7 Patch 4.0 client, 32-bit versionorOracle 9.2.0 Patch 4.02 client (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)

Oracle 8.1.7 Patch 4.0 client, 32-bit versionorOracle 9.2.0 Patch 4.02 client (Standard or Enterprise Edition, 32-bit version)

IBM DB2 8.1, client Enterprise Edition (32-bit version)orIBM DB2 8.2 client Enterprise Edition (32-bit version)

1. OA 7.0 does not support Windows Server 2003 SP1 on either Standard or Enterprise edition.

2. With Windows 2000 and Solaris 8, Oracle 9i can be used in CMS standalone configurations, not in Avaya IC configurations. With Windows 2003 and Solaris 9, Oracle 9i can be used in all configurations.

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

20 What�s New in OA 7.0

Supported database management systems - The following table describes the operating system required for each supported database management system.

Software required for Real-time servers

The following table lists the software required on real-time server machines when using the Real-time subsystem.

Server operating


Database management system

Windows SQL 2000

Oracle DB2

8i 9i Version 8.1 Version 8.2

Windows 2000 Yes Yes Yes No No

Windows 2003 Yes Yes Yes No No

Solaris 8 No Yes No No No

Solaris 9 No Yes Yes No No

AIX 5.2L No No No Yes Yes

Component Windows Solaris AIX

Operating system

Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with SP4 (consider Enterprise Edition for high capacity OA systems)orWindows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)1

1. OA 7.0 does not support Windows Server 2003 SP1 on either Standard or Enterprise edition.

Solaris 8orSolaris 9

AIX 5.2L Maintenance Level 4

Time synchronization utility

For time synchronization software requirements, see Appendix A: Time synchronization in Operational Analyst 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

Real-time database

TimesTen 5.0.27 Real-time Database (bundled with OA software)

TimesTen 5.0.27 Real-time Database (bundled with OA software)

TimesTen 5.0.27 Real-time Database (bundled with OA software)

Hardware and software requirements

Issue 1.0 July 2005 21

Software required for report servers

This section provides the software required for report server machines, both Basic and Tabular Report servers and Advanced Report servers.

This section includes the following topics:

● Basic Report and Tabular Report server on page 21

● Advanced Report server on page 22

Basic Report and Tabular Report server - The following table lists the software required on Basic Report server machines when using the Report subsystem.

Component Windows1 Solaris AIX

Operating system

Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with SP4 (consider Enterprise Edition for high capacity OA systems)orWindows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)2

Solaris 8orSolaris 9

AIX 5.2L Maintenance Level 4

Time synchronization utility

For time synchronization software requirements, see Appendix A: Time synchronization in Operational Analyst 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

Web server Microsoft IIS 5.0 for Windows 2000 (installed when the OS is installed)orMicrosoft IIS 6.0 for Windows 2003 (must be installed separately from the OS)

Sun Java System Web Server 6.0 SP5 for Solaris 8orSun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP1 for Solaris 9

IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0, which includes IBM HTTP Server 6.0

1. Accessing reports using a Web browser on a Windows server is not supported. You must access the reports from a client PC.

2. OA 7.0 does not support Windows Server 2003 SP1 on either Standard or Enterprise edition.

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

22 What�s New in OA 7.0

Advanced Report server - The following table lists the software required on Advanced Report server machines when using the Advanced Report subsystem.

Note:Note: The Advanced Report subsystem can be installed only on machines with

Windows server operating system. The Advanced Report subsystem is not supported on Solaris or AIX.


1. This table shows the minimum requirements known at the time of publication for software used to support the Cognos software. For the latest requirements, see http://support.cognos.com/support/products/software_environments.html.


Operating system

Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with SP4orWindows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)2

2. OA 7.0 does not support Windows Server 2003 SP1 on either Standard or Enterprise edition.

Browser (optional)3

3. Required only when Web support is needed.

Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later, or Netscape 4.76 or later

Cognos software4

4. The Cognos software is shipped with the Avaya OA software on a separate CD-ROM.

Cognos PowerPlay Transformation Server, Enterprise or Standard edition, Version 7.1, MR1

Cognos Impromptu Administrator, Enterprise or Standard edition, Version 7.1, MR15

5. To support multibyte report data in OA 7.0 for languages that are not supported by Impromptu Administrator Version 7.1, install the proper localized multibyte version of Impromptu Administrator Version 6.2. If the language you need is still not available in Version 6.2, install the multibyte English version. Note that Impromptu Administrator 6.2 will not support an Oracle 9i database.

Cognos Impromptu Web Reports for Windows, Enterprise or Standard edition, Version 7.1, MR1 (optional)3

Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server, Enterprise or Standard edition, Version 7.1, MR1 (optional)3 5

Hardware and software requirements

Issue 1.0 July 2005 23

Software required for Source-CMS collection subsystem

The following table lists the software required for Avaya CMS server machines (Solaris only) when OA is used to collect data from the CMS.

Software required for Source-EC (Event Collector) collection subsystem

The following table lists the software required when the Source-EC (Event Collector) subsystem is installed on an Avaya IC machine.

Component Solaris

Operating system Solaris 8 (CMS R3V9 and CMS R3V11)orSolaris 9 (CMS R12 and CMS R13)

Component Windows Solaris AIX

Operating system Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with SP4 (consider Enterprise Edition for high capacity OA systems)orWindows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)1

1. OA 7.0 does not support Windows Server 2003 SP1 on either Standard or Enterprise edition.

Solaris 8orSolaris 9

AIX 5.2L Maintenance Level 4

Time synchronization utility

For time synchronization software requirements, see Appendix A: Time synchronization in Operational Analyst 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

24 What�s New in OA 7.0

Software required for Source-EC Bridge (Event Collector Bridge) collection subsystem

The following table lists the software required when the Source-EC Bridge (Event Collector Bridge) subsystem is installed on an Avaya IC machine where Avaya Business Advocate is already installed.

Note:Note: The Source-EC Bridge subsystem can only be installed on machines with

Windows server operating system. The Source-EC Bridge is not supported on Solaris or AIX.

Component Windows

Operating system Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with SP4orWindows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)1

1. OA 7.0 does not support Windows Server 2003 SP1 on either Standard or Enterprise edition.

XML parser Microsoft XML Parser Version 3.0 SP1 or later2

2. The required XML Parser is provided automatically when Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later is installed on the server.

Time synchronization utility For time synchronization software requirements, see Appendix A: Time synchronization in Operational Analyst 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites.

User documentation

Issue 1.0 July 2005 25

User documentationAll user documentation except Data API Utility is updated for OA 7.0, including the documentation CD-ROM.

The documentation CD-ROM features an HTML-based library of all OA 7.0 documents, allowing cross-document searching. The library runs in a standard Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, providing navigation aids and hyperlinking within and between documents.

Should you desire to print a document (or a section of a document) you can select a link available on the title page of each document to open the PDF version of the document. Once the PDF document is open, you may print individual sections or the complete document.

The documents included in the OA 7.0 documentation library CD-ROM are:

● What�s New in Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Installation Planning and Prerequisites

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Installation and Configuration

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Maintenance and Troubleshooting

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Reports Reference

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 6.1.3 Data API Utility

● Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 Administration Client Online Help

What�s New in Operational Analyst 7.0

26 What�s New in OA 7.0

Issue 1.0 July 2005 27

IndexAAbout Avaya Operational Analyst Release 7.0 . . . . . 5Advanced Report server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

BBusiness value reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

CClient software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 16CMS Aux Reason code support . . . . . . . . . . 12

HHardware and software requirements . . . . . . . . 14historical server

coresident database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18without coresident database. . . . . . . . . . . 19

Historical subsystemcoresident with the historical database . . . . . . 18not coresident with the historical database . . . . 19

IIntended users of this document . . . . . . . . . . . 6

MMaintenance and serviceability . . . . . . . . . . . 14

OOverview of this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

PPreface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Purpose of this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

RReasons for reissuing this document . . . . . . . . . 6Related documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

report servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

SSafety labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Schema management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Server machine hardware sizing . . . . . . . . . . 15Server software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 17software

required for historical servers . . . . . . . . . . 17required for Real-time servers . . . . . . . . . . 20required for report servers . . . . . . . . . . . . 21required for source-CMS collection subsystem . . 23required for source-EC (Event Collector) collection

subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 24required for Source-EC Bridge (Event Collector Bridge)

collection subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

TTabular reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

UUpgrade path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10User documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

28 What�s New in OA 7.0
