Bacteria and virus. BacteriaVirus Living attributes: Living organismOpinions differ on whether...


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The unseen worldBacteria and virus

Some basic facts.

SEM, bacteria on the surface of tongue.

Bacteria Virus, side by sideFROM:

  Bacteria  VirusLiving attributes: 

Living organism  Opinions differ on whether viruses are a form of life, or organic structures that interact with living organisms.

Number of cells: 

Unicellular; one cell  No cells; not living

Structures:  DNA and RNA floating freely in cytoplasm. Cell wall and cell membrane 

DNA or RNA enclosed inside a coat of protein

  Bacteria  VirusRibosomes (Molecular protein synthesis machine)

Present  Absent

Enzymes:  Yes  Yes, in some

Nucleus:  No  No

Can cause disease? Yes  Yes

Infection:  Localized  Systemic

How is it treated?:  Anibiotics  Vaccines prevent the spread and antiviral medications help to slow reproduction but can not stop it completely.

Beneficial?:  Question of the week

We know that there are some bacteria DIRECTLY beneficial to humans.

Are there viruses, similar to bacteria, that DIRECTLY benefit humans?

Question of the week

  Bacteria  Virus

Reproduction:  Fission- a form of asexual reproduction 

Invades a host cell and takes over the cell causing it to make copies of the viral DNA/RNA. Destroys the host cell releasing new viruses.

Size:  Larger (1000nm)  Smaller (20 - 400nm)

How virus attacks

Engineering virus to help us fight bacteria

Me a few months ago..

Ludwig Angina

Dental infections account for approximately eighty percent of cases of Ludwig's angina.

infection of the gums surrounding the partially erupted lower (usually third) molars.

it is very important to obtain dental consultation for lower-third molars at the first sign of any pain, bleeding from the gums, sensitivity to heat/cold or swelling at the angle of the jaw.

Can also be caused by piercing tongue.

Ludwig's angina

An anaerobic organism or anaerobe is any organism that does not require oxygen for growth.

Anaerobic organism“”
