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prokaryote: ______________-celled

no membrane bound _________________

much _________________ than eukaryotes

* eubacteria

"True" or ____________________ bacteria

_________________ group of the two (eubacteria/archaebacteria)

They can live _________________________

* archaebacteria = " _________________________"

look similar, but are different from eubacteria because:

_____ ________ don't have peptidoglycan

they have weird _____________(no other species in any

other kingdom has them)

DNA is more like a ____________________ than a


*Five ways of identifying prokaryotes:

1) ____________________________

*bacillus: ___________ shaped

*coccus: ___________ shaped

*spirillum (spirochete): ___________ shaped

2) _______________________ which ______________ cell from harm, found

_________________ cell membrane. There are sometimes a second cell

__________ found outside

peptidoglycan: Main part of cell __________, like cellulose in plants

Gram Stain: Way we identify what kind of cell wall by using ___________

(purple 1st, red 2nd)

*gram positive: Have ___________ of peptidoglycan, so soak up

purple, no room for red, so appear ______________

under the microscope.

*gram negative: Have a second, outer ____________ which repels

purple stain, so absorbs read and appear ______ under


3) __________________________

*flagella: Long, whip-like __________ used to __________ ( ________

are short)

*slime layer: bacteria secretes this to ______________ through

*no movement: ___________ bacteria don't move at all

4) How bacteria obtain _____________________


*photoautotroph: Uses sunlight to _________________ (like plants)

*chemoautotroph: Uses energy from reactions of _______________

molecules to ______________


*heterotrophs: Engulfs or breaks down food like ____________

*photoheterotroph: Does both __________________ and gets

other _____________ from environment

5) _____________________ Requirements

*obligate aerobes: Must have ____________________

(like us). Do aerobic _____________________

*obligate anaerobes: Cannot have ________________

Do ________________________

*facultative anaerobes: Prefer no __________ (anaerobic)

and do ________________, but can do aerobic

____________________ if necessary.

(They can _____________ back and forth)

*Other bacteria vocabulary:

*binary fission: _________________ reproduction; when bacteria gets too

________, it divides in _________ (like ________________)

*conjugation: Exchange of ______ though a hollow ___________ that

forms between two bacteria

*endospore: When conditions are ______ (antibiotics around, hot, dry,

etc.) some bacteria can form an ________________, which is a

_____________ that forms around DNA to ____________ it.

Bacteria can stay "dormant" like this up to 4 years until conditions

improve and they can start growing again.

BACTERIA IN NATURE: "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

*Why do plants and animals need nitrogen?: to make _________________ to

make proteins.

*nitrogen fixation: Process that some bacteria do to turn _____________

in the environment into a ________________ form. This is an

example of _____________________

Pathogens: bacteria that cause harm or __________________

__________ of bacteria actually cause disease

*Two ways bacteria cause disease

1) produce a _____________ (poison): food poisoning is most commonly

caused by ________________________ toxins. Ex. Strep.

causes throat irritation, fever and Salmonella causes food poisoning,

and problems with the ________________ tract

2) tissue damage: infected host _______________ are damaged

Examples of pathogens:

M. tuberculosis: _________________ aerobe, destroys

_________ tissue

Yersina pestis: ______________ facultative anaerobe, causes


C. botulinum: ________________ anaerobe, produces

______________ toxin which is a neurotoxin that causes all

muscle to ________ (called "flaccid paralysis) MOST deadly

biological toxin!! BOTOX (originally used to help people with

muscle spasms) is a 1/1000 dilution

C. tetani: _________________ anaerobe, produces

______________ toxin which is a neurotoxin that causes all

muscles to stay flexed (called "rigid paralysis" or "lock jaw")

* Koch's Postulates: 4 Things to Identify What Causes a Disease

1. ________________ is present in _______ cases.

2. Pathogen can be ______________ and grown in culture.

3. The pathogen from culture will cause the disease when

_____________ into healthy animal.

4. The pathogen is __________________ from that sick animal

and shown to be the same as the _____________


*Human use of bacteria

- For __________: ex. ______________ (fermentation causes holes),

sauerkraut, vinegar, ____________ ("active cultures"), sourdough

bread, sour cream

- For _____-remediation: bacteria can ________________ oil spills, mines

- To make _____________________ : like human __________________

*Controlling Bacteria

-antibiotics: Chemicals that ____________________ growth/reproduction

of bacteria

-sterilization: kills bacteria by 1) __________ (cooking) or 2) __________

like disinfectants (which we cannot eat) or ______________(which

we can eat)

-disinfectants: Chemicals that ____________ bacteria

-chemical treatments (preservatives): sugar and salt (both _____________

solutions), or vinegar ( an _________ )

-refrigeration: cold ___________ bacterial growth (does NOT kill,

remember: food still goes bad in the refrigerator!!)

-canning: high heat, ____________ cans seal quickly, keeps canned food

from ________________ for long periods


Virus: obligate ________________ that must infect a __________ cell;

made of protein coat (___________) and a __________ of DNA or RNA

so small, can only be seen with an _________________ microscope

cannot __________________ (That's why they need a host!)

Host cell: What virus _________________, takes over, and forces to make more


Examples of diseases caused by viruses: _______________________________

* typical structure of a virus

capsid: _________________ coat around virus

bacteriophage: a virus that only infects __________________

Lytic infection/cycle (Hallmark is "bursting immediately")

1. Virus land on/attaches

to _______ cell

2. Virus ____________ its

DNA (or RNA) into


4. Host puts together

virus _______________

3. Host starts making virus

parts using virus' ______

5. Host cell __________ ,

releasing new viruses

(this is called "shedding")

Lysogenic cycle

5. When "safe" (immune system is

down due to another disease,

stress, chemo), ________

will exit host DNA and

continue with _______ cycle

* prophage: _________ DNA that _________________itself into _________

DNA during ______________ cycle

Vaccines: __________________ (non-pathogenic) __________/virus, or pieces

of them that act as an __________________ that gets the body to make

____________________. Now you have in your blood antibodies ready to

attack the real pathogen if you get an infection.

2. Viral DNA forms _______



4. Viral DNA (now a ________)

will get copied along with

host DNA during mitosis

3. Viral DNA ___________ itself

into host DNA 3. Put new virus particles together

4. Viruses _____________

Oncogenic viruses (oncoviruses): Viruses that, when they insert themselves during

the ___________________ cycle, do so in a gene used to control

___________ cycle. A gene for a ________________ does not work

anymore! That causes Cancer. ("Onco" means cancer)

Retroviruses: Retro means "__________________". These viruses have

______, so first, they have to get host to make DNA from it using the

enzyme ______________________ transcriptase. This does

"transcription in reverse"!

RNA ---> DNA

Reverse Transcriptase: _________________ used by retroviruses to make DNA

from RNA

Prions: _______________ that infect; they go to the brain and make ________

"Scrapies" and "Mad Cow Disease" are examples
