Bagpiper February 2015



The newspaper of Highland Park High School, Topeka, Kan.

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February 2015

Art by: Alan Castillo

2 February 2015







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On January 16 and 17 the Highland Park debate team went to state at Derby High 6FKRRO��7KLV�LV�WKH�ÀUVW�WLPH�LQ�four years that Highland Park competed at state debate.

Their toughest competition they faced was Shawnee Heights, Emporia and

themselves. Sophomore Gabe Payne and

junior Brad Kjos had the best VWDWV�DQG�TXDOLÀHG�WR�FRPSHWH�at state.

Debate coach Michelle Kirk said, “I am very proud of our debaters; they represent Highland Park very well.”

!e Prices Go Back UpBrad Kjos and Gabe Payne at Debate Competition

Debaters Go To StateBy: Liz Thompson

By: Harley Vinsonhaler For the new year we all have enjoyed the decrease of gas prices, but as for the month of February, gas prices start to rise again.

Time Topeka USAOne Week Ago 1.922 2.110One Month Ago 1.795 2.129One Year Ago 3.102 3.303

Source: / Feb. 10, 2015

MLK Living !e Dream

1. Christian Wakolee - “What Are You Doing For Others”

2. Alene Pham - “You Are who You Are

3. Jasmine Mares - “King”

Three Highland Park students were honored at the Brown vs. Board of Education site on January 19 for the Living the Dream art exhibit.

Christian Wakolee, senior, ZRQ�ÀUVW�SODFH�DW�WKH���th and 12th grade level.

Jasmine Mares, junior, won third place in the same category.

Sophomore Alene Pham won third place in the 9th and 10th grade level.

Seniors Imani Huggins, Antonio Vega, and Brenda Carrillo won scholarships.

By: Lexie Fuqua



Youth of the year awardKiki Brooks is a real

example of success through hardships. Brooks was recently awarded Youth of The Year for the Boys and Girls Club of Topeka.

The award is for members under the age of 18 who struggled growing up, but after overcoming their hardships, are giving back to the community through the Boys and Girls Club.

“I was super nervous because I have never really talked about everything I’ve been through so the fact that I have to do a speech over it is pretty nerve wracking,” Brooks said. “Yet at the same time I feel super blessed to be able to say I am the Youth of the Year.”

Brooks was born in Germany where her stepfather was stationed in the Army and

she lived there for a while until her stepfather was transferred to Louisiana. Growing up, her stepfather was very abusive towards her mother. Yet even while he abused her in front of Brooks and her siblings, her mother didn’t leave him. After her stepfather was discharged from the Army, they all moved to Baltimore. After another seven years of abusive relations in Brooks’ family, her PRWKHU�ÀQDOO\�GLYRUFHG�KLP��

Still living in Baltimore, Brooks’ and her brothers spent most of their time in a rough neighborhood, while their mother was always working. Brooks’ mother started another abusive relationship and one day the abuse turned to Brooks herself but her mother took her boyfriend’s side and sent 11-year-old Brooks’ to Kansas to live with her father who she

had only seen once before. Brooks’ and her father grew

close and since then she has lived with him and her step mom, creating a better future for herself.

Brooks’ will represent Topeka in the state contest, and if she wins, she will go on to compete nationally for the Boys and Girls Club of America. ´0\�ÀUVW�WKRXJKWV�ZHUH�KRZ�

am I supposed to get people to think that I’m good enough for the award if I didn’t even believe it myself,” she said.

The national winner will be awarded $50,000 in scholarship money and a new car. They would also meet the president and travel around America to speak about the Boys and Girls club and its accomplishments.

“I am truthfully thankful for

KiKi Brooks winner of boys and girls club youth of the year award.

Scots Theatre performsShakespeare’s Cymbeline February 19, 20 and 21

The Scots are performing Cymbeline in the auditorium at 7 p.m. February 19 through 21. It’s their fourth Shakespeare play in eight years.

Director Scott Kickhaefer said most people don’t get to see Shakespeare done well to see and understand it.

“Shakespeare’s language is beautiful even if you don’t understand it.” he said.

The most challenging about Shakespeare is the language. Even

for adults it’s challenging since its not the way were used to speaking, Kickhaefer said.

Cymbeline is about a widower king with three children and two of his kids were kidnapped leaving his daughter Imogen as the only heir to the throne.

Imogen disobeys and marries Posthumus Leonatus.

Outraged, Cymbeline Banishes Posthumus and imprisons Imogen.

CYMBELINE, King of Britain Peter Muraski QUEEN, Wife to Cymbeline Selena HernandezCLOTEN, Son to the Queen by a former husband Derick CoseyIMOGEN, Daughter to Cymbeline by a former Queen Erin Rowzer POSTHUMUS LEONATUS, Husband to Imogen Nathaniel MuriithiBELARIUS, a banished Lord, Dr. Craig Haugsness GUIDERIUS & ARVIRAGUS, Sons to Cymbeline, Brandon Miller & Dereck CoseyPHILARIO, Friend to Pothumus, Cory Jackson

IACHIMO, Friend to Philario Colten Conner CAIUS LUCIUS, General of the Roman Forces Mr. Jaimie CuevasPISANIA, Servant to Posthumus Heather KingCORNELIA, a physician Kayleene CampbellTwo Ladies of Cymbeline’s Court Dy-Esha Risby & Lexie FuquaHELEN, a Lady attending on Imogen Haley BeautlerLords, Ladies, Roman Senators, Tribunes, 2IÀFHUV��&DSWDLQV��6ROGLHUV��-DLOHUV��DQG�RWKHU�Attendants. Emily Novack and Elijah Reed

By Raven Meadows

Cast List

By Lenny Baltazar

all of the teachers and staff members and also friends that have helped me so for with this award,” she said. “I am very excited to do my speech for the students of HP.”


Scot Reunion in JapanWhen high school is over it’s usual for

people to think that they won’t see anyone from their school—other than over social media—but for three former Scots that’s not the case. Actually, the fact that they had a Facebook allowed them to get in contact with one another on the other side of the world.

Joshua Litscher (Marine Corps), Schuyler Baum (Navy), and Jordan Rice (Marine Corps), who are Highland Park graduates of 2011 and 2012, are deployed in Okinawa, Japan for the time being—an island in Japan that has been more Americanized because of the vast amount of service members stationed there.

Litscher and Rice are practically brothers who did a lot together in high school, for Litscher even talked Rice into joining the Marine Corps. As for Baum, he and Litscher were childhood friends who lived a block away from each other. While Rice and Baum just knew one another but weren’t necessarily close.

Going to another country and not knowing much about the culture, people, and fun places to hang out can be a drag but not always. Once the three pals got together they started the day by eating McDonalds—since Litscher had never had McDonalds in Japan—followed by checking out the Okinawa Castle, hanging out at Round 1 which happens to be an

indoor amusement center that’s seven stories tall with a lot of different activity centers like a skating ring, a basketball DQG�YROOH\EDOO�FRXUW��D�VRFFHU�ÀHOG�DQG�even a mechanical bull (it’s kind of like a Chuckie Cheese for adults), and lastly enjoying a meal at Coco Curry House—Japan’s top curry rice restaurant chain.

Another hassle, which is common while in another country, is dealing with the time difference—especially when trying to keep in contact with family and friends who live across the ocean. ´,W·V�GLIÀFXOW�IRU�P\�IDPLO\�DQG�IULHQGV�

to adjust to it; they always call me between midnight and 4 a.m. here,” Rice said when asked about adjusting to the time difference.

Their schedules while on duty it all varies from day to day.

“We always have different kinds of assets come in and we have to do different things for each asset.” Baum said. “I drive a 33 foot boat everyday and protect the ships that come into our port.”

For fun, however, it’s pretty common to go to the ocean and go snorkeling since the ocean water is as clear as pool water.

“I also love to play basketball and play softball for my command,” Baum says. “Lifting weights is the other thing I enjoy GRLQJ�DQG�VLQFH�,�DP�D�FRPPDQG�ÀWQHVV�leader I have to stay in shape.”

Culture shocks can be very common, as well, especially since the American culture is so different from other cultures around the world. Japan, being an Asian country, is a total 180-degree turn from American culture.

“Everybody here is so nice to each other. Everybody is always smiling, always helping each other,” Litscher said. “It’s an amazing culture. By far the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life.”

Although Japan is very kind to IRUHLJQHUV��LW�GRHV�KDYH�VRPH�ÁDZV��

“While in Japan, I learned that these people can’t drive to save their lives,” Rice said, “It’s horrible.”

After their deployment in Japan the three former Scots will each part their own way. Litscher has already parted on a boat heading to the Philippines. As for Baum, he is going to be stationed in Nebraska for his next duty station in August while Rice will be heading to San Diego, California for Camp Pendleton

And just as Litscher, who was on his way out of Japan on a boat, thought that the reunion was over he came across yet another former Scot graduate of 2013, Jamaja Geusby. Scots are everywhere; you’ll run into them wherever you go, whether it’s at the store, in another state, or even in another country.

by Juliet Diaz

Jordan Rice, Schuyler Baum and Joshua Litscher posing for a picture together in Japan.

The boat Schuyler Baum drives on an everyday basis.

6N\OLQH�YLHZ�RI�%DXP·V�EDVH�LQ�Okinawa, Japan.

In a 2013 survey 78% off teens 12-17 owned a cell phone, and approximately half of the phones were smart phones. Nine in 10 teens have a computer or access to one. With all that, The Bagpiper staff thought that it was time to go digital. will post new content

every week. There will only be two printed issues this semester (February and April). But the normal content you would see in the paper, will be found on the web. We will have pictures and stories from the week’s events; video will come in the future.

Bagpiper Moves Onlineby Alan Castillo

5February 2015

Winter Royalty CandidateQ & A What was your reaction when you got nominated?Marshawn White - “I didn’t have a reaction.”

Brenda Carrillo - “So excited.”

Daniel Kingcannon - “I was happy!”

Alexandra Dilone-Paulino - “I was excited.”

Eddie Mendez - “Really happy because I wanted homecoming but I wasn’t nominated for it.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Tiffany Smith-Elrod - “Go big or go home.”

Colby Randles - “Do your work now so it’s easier in the future.”

Kyra Tucker - “Be yourself because that’s when the magic happens.”

Armando Carrillo Pinedo - “Education is the most important thing.”

Peja’Nae Inyard - “Be patient, good things come to those who wait.”

Winter Royalty candidates.

Ti!any Smith-Elrod and Marshawn White

Brenda Carrillo and Colby Randles

Kyra Tucker and Daniel Kingcannon

Alexandra Dilone-Paulino and Armando Carrillo Pinedo

Peja’Nae Inyard and Eddie Mendez

By: Carley Flowers

6 February 2015

Anything is nice to get for Valentines Day no matter what it is whether its bought at a store or homemade. It’s all the same when it comes from the person you have feelings for. Here are some ideas to get someone:

Best Valentine Gifts

A teddy bear

Candy, preferably chocolate or sweet candy


Love cards or even homemade cards

By Erica Willige

Best Movies and Songs onValentines DayBy Raven Meadows and Tavia McNeal

Under $10Where is the Best Place

to take your date onValentines Day

To the lake-Angel Nieves Renter

Starbucks-Cameron James

To the movies.-Scott Aubert

Shopping and dinner-Tywuan McMurray

By Leigh Amado

The fault in our stars The Notebook

Endless Love Love and Basketball

Fifty shades of GreyAdore You by Miley Cyrus

Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheerah


1. Don’t let the fact that you’re single get to your head. It happens, and you’re young, so make your education and yourself a ¿VWX�TVMSVMX]��

2. Pamper yourself! Run a nice bath, stay inside and watch a movie in your favorite pajamas.

3. Order pizza. Pizza makes everything better.4. ;EXGL�2IXÀM\��FYX�RSX�VSQERGI�QSZMIW�YRPIWW�]SY�VIEPP]�[ERX�XS�torture yourself.

5. It’s not you, it’s them. There’s nothing wrong with you so don’t think that. You’re hot.

6. If you want a valentine, but not a romantic one, surprise an elderly friend or neighbor that probably doesn’t have a valentine either.

7. Bake a cake or a pan of brownies and don’t share it with anyone, just eat all of it and regret nothing.

8. Steer away from social media for the day because it will only make you feel lonelier.

9. If you don’t have motivation to do any of these things then take a long nap. Sleep the day away and it will be over before you know it.

10. Go out to eat with some friends that are also single. Enjoy each others company, Valentine’s Day doesn’t only have to be about being in a relationship.

P.S. Ice cream is your best friend.

7February 2015

by Cindy Alfaro-Avila


Valentine’s Day Survival Guide

8 February 2015


To: Natalie RodriquezTe Quiero mucho belleza! Have a good Valentine’s day!

From: Monisa McCrary

To: Skye !omas!ank you for an amazing year! Hoping for many more!

From: Christian Conner

To: Cinthia MaciasHappy Valentines Day! Love you best friend

From: Clarissa Marin

To: Janet TellezHappy Valentines Day sister. I love you.

From: Jeimi Tellez

To: Korynne, Seanissy, Tavia, Raven, Lyric, Heather & Cyndi

Hey, ya’ll are my realest friends, stay up. Love you. From: Joelle Bar"eld

To: Daniela Peraza Munoz

I love you!

From: Anonymous

To: Lyric!ank you for always having my back. You make me a better person day by day. I love you niece!From: Raven Meadows

To: Sara Gering!ank you for being such an awesome link crew coordinator!

From: Michelle Kirk

To: TaviaYou’ve been there since day one, I’m glad we got closer! You know I always got your back twin.

From: Raven Meadows

To: Liz, Emily, Sophie, Nakira, Cattia

To my best friends, I love you. Happy Valentines Day!

From: Guess Who

To: Alyssa Mattingly Happy Valentine’s Day love! You’re an amazing friend! Love you so much.

From: Kayleene

To: 6th Hour Happy Valentine’s Day Friends!I love you! From: Ms. Walton

To: 7th HourHappy Valentine’s Day to my seniors and friends. Love you!

From: Ms. Walton

To: Walton’s SOARSHope you have a Valentine’s Day that’s sweeeet! Love you!

From: Ms. Walton

To: Chad Brown Happy 16th Anniversary, Love you!

From: Melanie Brown

To: Mrs. Walton, Ms. Buckner, Mrs. Hooper, Mr. O’Brien, Ms. Kirk !anks for being there for everything.

From: Ricky Kirk

To: 5th Hour Happy Valentine’s Day warriors and friends. Love you!

From: Ms. Walton

To: 3rd HourHappy Valentine’s Day A children’s book by Walton !e End

From: Ms. Walton

To: 4th HourYou keep getting better! Happy Valentine’s Day.

From: Ms. Walton

To: Mr. WillerBiggest HP Heart Award goes to... Mr. Willer.

From: Ms. Kirk

To: Monisa McCraryYou are what the Scot Family is all about- heart!

From: Ms. Kirk

To: Juli Watson!ank you for putting such heart into your job!

From: Ms. Kirk

To: Kyra Tucker

Happy Valentine’s Day!

From: Alex Tyson

To: Angi KylesHappy Valentine’s Day!

From: Alex Tyson

To: Destiny Pead

Happy Valentine’s Day!

From: Alex Tyson

To: Christian ConnerI’ll love you for in"nite in"nities my one and only.

From: Skye !omas

To: Sophie, Nakira, Emily, Christina, Tim, Lexie

Happy Valentine’s Day I love you all! You’re amazing friends!

From: Bae

9February 2014

Down the LaneBy: Clayton Williams

Going to RegionalsBy: Harley Vinsonhaler

On February 21, the wrestling team will be competing at the regional tournament. If they qualify they will go on to compete at state on Feb 27-28.

As for rankings, Tanner Cornwell, Lazura Osayande, and Chris James are the top three wrestlers that stand out.

Cornwell is in the 120 weight class with a 20-7 record. Osayande weighs in for the 126 weight class with

17 wins and 12 loses. Lastly, James is in the 220 weight class with a record of 22-7.

There are always challenges in sports. One of the biggest challenges facing the wrestling team is not having enough players. That hurts the team when there are not enough practice partners.

Coach Freddy Maisberger said, “Football players end up dropping out.”

When it was announced that HP was going to be getting a new bowling team this year nobody knew what to expect. But the season has been going good so far.

“Most of the team is just now

learning how to bowl, but they continue to improve overall,” said coach Barb Engler. “Once we gain enough experience we can become big threats to the other schools.”

Harley Vinsonhaler, junior, rolling his ball.


Coach EnglerQ: What improvements have the players made so far?A: “Exponential improvements, they’re improving their ap-proach and control of the ball.”Q: Who is your biggest opponent?A: “At this point all of them are, if we keep gaining experience we can become actual threats.”Q: Who are some stand-out bowlers?A: “Earl Wallace, Christian Rodriguez, and Armaud Battle have made the most improvements, but Ricky Kirk and Gabe Baldwin have been leading the boys and Marcella Dominguez has been a big standout for the girls.”

10 February 2015

With a record of 7-7, Coach Jason Jones compares this season to a roller coaster. The Runnin’ Scots are not performing to the level that Highland Park fans are used to seeing, under the leadership of Ken Darting. After the graduation of four big-time players, Coach Jones took over with almost a whole new starting squad.

Even without their former “all-stars,” the Runnin’ Scots have had success, such as placing third in the Blue Valley Invitational. Although they do not have an undefeated record, Coach Jones still believes the team can come back and compete for the title, but the road to become champions is much more steep than former years.�³>7KH�WHDP@�FDQ¶W�VHHP�WR�¿QG�FRQVLVWHQF\�´�VDLG�-RQHV��

He said that the major problems that the team is facing are in getting used to the transition of a new coaching staff and the team getting the chemistry necessary to fully be a team.

“I feel like everybody is trying to be the star,” said small forward Marshawn White, “the team is not really a team.” He said that in order for the team to be successful and contend for the championship, as they have the past two years, every player needs to have trust in everyone involved with the team, especially the coaching staff.&RDFK�-RQHV�LV�DZDUH�WKDW�FKDQJH�LV�DOZD\V�GLI¿FXOW�WR�JHW�

accustomed to and that time is the only solution to the team’s struggles. He said that the player’s reaction to their unfolding season is good and bad, which makes sense considering their “roller coaster” of a season. He said that every time the team suffers a loss, they’d get frustrated. Although the frustration is understandable, Jones wants them to learn from their mistakes

and frustration in order to get better.With the eyes of the whole Highland Park community

pointed at every move Coach Jones makes, he continues to not ZRUU\�DQG�IRFXV�RQ�WKH�WDVN�DW�KDQG��7KH�SUHVVXUH�RI�¿OOLQJ�LQ�Coach D’s shoes still doesn’t affect him as he believes that the pressure is only external.

“No one can put more pressure on me than I put on myself,” VDLG�-RQHV��³,¶P�FRQ¿GHQW�LQ�ZKDW�ZH¶UH�GRLQJ��LW¶V�ZRUNHG�everywhere else.” Jones’ main goal for the remainder of the season is still to contend for the title and bring a trophy where it belongs, with Highland Park High School and the strong community that supports it.

Rolller coaster Season

When most people think about rowing they think about a boat and a lake. Well, senior James Beutler takes it a step further by competing in the Topeka Indoor Rowing Club.

%HXWOHU�¿UVW�OHDUQHG�DERXW�indoor rowing his sophomore year when his cousin asked him to come to winter conditioning. Now Beutler practices Monday through Saturday doing different exercises from a 1000 meter stroke to a 2k race every Saturday.

“Some people think that rowing is easy but it really isn’t,” said Beutler.

Beutler hoping to defend his title of third in state, will compete at the state competition on February 21 at the Pepsi Center in North Topeka.

There will be indoor rowers there from Nebraska, Missouri, Lawrence, Manhattan, and Kansas City.

Also competing is freshman Gabe Baldwin.

Coach Jones on the sideline giving his team instructions

James Beutler using a rowing machinePhoto courtesy: James Beutler

Row, row, row Your MachineBy: Sophia Snepp

By: Eduardo Gamez

11february 2015

Girls BasketballCoach Mike Calhoun

and the Lady Scots are facing the injury bug this year. With so many of the athletes jumping on and off the roster. It’s been a tough season but they ÀJKW�WKURXJK�LW�DOO��

The Bagpiper caught up with Calhoun to ask how the season is going; he said, “Despite the injuries we have done a pretty good job.”

The injuries also “affects chemistry on WKH�ÁRRU��DQG�KDYLQJ�WR�make adjustments at the last minute is not how we plan it to go.”

Coach has his eyes on junior Don’tajah Jones,

who is having a breakout season and has the potential to do more next year.

“ She can’t see it yet but hopefully next year she will realize her full talent,” Calhoun said.

The Lady Scots took a tough loss to Emporia (26-51) Calhoun said, “They were missing loose balls and shots just weren’t falling in.”

The team although facing growing pains with the program and with each other is coming together as a family. Buying into a creed that’s more than just what’s on the court.

Alex Tyson shooting the free throw.


Being the son of 1985’s Mr. Kansas Basketball, senior Daniel Kingcannon was bound to have great potential.

“My dad [HP ‘85 graduate Danny Kingcannon] is my inspiration,” Kingcannon said. “I remember going to watch him play in pickup games and looking up to him. He had so much talent back in the day.”

At the age of 6, .LQJFDQQRQ�ÀQDOO\�SLFNHG�up a basketball and found out exactly what he was destined to do.

“It was just something that kept me occupied,” he said.

“Eventually I fell in love with it.”+LV�ÀUVW�\HDU�RQ�YDUVLW\�

in his sophomore year, Kingcannon scored 15 points in wins against multiple schools, including Topeka High and Washburn Rural, going undefeated the whole season and making it to the state championships three years in a row.

With having all this talent and experience, he’s also a big role model for his team.

“Daniel is a great leader and knows how to bring the best out of us.” said teammate Da’Shawn Williams.

“He is our only returning

starter,” said Coach Jason Jones. “Also a great senior leader.”

Daniels advice to the upcoming varsity players is “Enjoy every last moment of freshmen and JV, you’re going to miss playing in those games. Stay focused, dedicate yourself to the game, and work hard at getting better in certain areas that you think you need to.”

Most likely to be top ranked in the 2014 – 2015 school year, Kingcannon

said, “I do plan on going to college for basketball and I will especially miss all the fans that came to watch me and my team play.”


A Step Into My Father’s Shoes





What is your thoughts on the weather this winter?

12 February 2015

Wacky Winter Weather




















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th Confused about the weather? You’re not alone! Kansas is

bipolar this winter and the weather is up and down like a roller coaster. One day it feels like spring and the next day it’s freezing

outside! If this is winter what will spring be like this year?

Source: National Weather Service

Dressed for Winter?

“I like it, it’s amazing.”

-Freshman, Aja Morris

“It’s beautiful outside.”

-Freshman, Janaya

“The weather is nice and warm.” -Sophomore, Ryan Rafferty
