Bahamas Faith ministries international - MMLM … Calendar 2014.pdf · Dear Kingdom Family, Welcome...


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Dear Kingdom Family, Welcome to the New Year 2014! The number “14” means double fulfillment, double perfec-tion, double completion, Justice and Success. Therefore, 2014 brings us into a Year of a sea-son for fulfillment, completion and perfecting of our Goals, desires and Plans in the Kingdom of God. The power of “14” is the spirit of suc-cess and the application of Justice in relation to personal and national Government.


THE NEED FOR GOVERNMENT The number one challenge of the world to-day is dissatisfaction with government. Mil-lions of citizens all over the world are rising up in protests of the governing authorities of their nations demanding transparency, fair-ness, honesty, equal opportunity, Social jus-tice, security, protection, and political purity. The level of suspicion and distrust of political leaders, local and international corporations, institutions and religious organizations add to an atmosphere of intolerance that ends in constant social unrest. Words used to de-scribe today’s governments include corrupt, incompetent, greedy, selfish, dishonest, con-fused, misguided, oppressive, careless, un-compassionate, and self serving. In recent times many governments have been the instigators of civil war among their own citizens turning the machinery of law en-forcement and the military on the very peo-ple they were elected to serve and protect. The conclusion and reality of the global as-sessment of twenty first century governments is that the institutions that were elected to solve problems have become the problem. The result has been an ever increasing sprit of disillusionment among most citizens of nation in both developed and developing na-

tions. In essence winning the reins of govern-ment is one thing but governing is another. The indisputable evidence is that people ev-erywhere in every nation desire and search for the perfect government, one who genu-inely cares for the welfare of the citizen, loves justice, protects the value of human dignity and worth, hates corruption, dedicated to protecting the traditional spiritual values and morals and is faithful to the ideals of equal-ity, fairness, compassion, and opportunity. This desire for the perfect government is in-herent in the human spirit and is the result of the fall of mankind. The creation narrative in the book of Genesis records the Creator con-ferring on mankind the privilege of Domin-ion over earth. The word dominion, Radah, is translated as “Kingdom Governing Authority” thus giving man the first government system on the earth called THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

The concept of Government was created and introduced by the Creator and is defined as the institutional system that oversees the dispensing of the constitutional legal rights, privileges, protections, resources, and re-sponsibilities of the nation in the best inter-est on the citizen. THE KINGDOM OF GOD is therefore the first heavenly Government institution of God dispensing His will and justices for mankind on earth. This is what mankind enjoyed in the Garden of Eden and lost in the fall. This is the source of the unquenchable hunger and thirst in the spirit of all humans for perfect Govern-ment- a government that dispenses the stan-dards, values, morals, nature, qualities and culture of heaven on earth expressed in the concepts of LOVE, JOY, and PEACE and RIGH-TEOUSNESS. These words are the essence of the KINGDOM GOVERNMENT OF HEAVEN.

God’s response to this loss is the restoration of the KINGDOM GOVERNMENT OF HEAVEN

“kingdom government restoring righteousness, justice and peace in the kingdom”2014 the Year oF FulFillment, completion, perFection, justice and successWelcome to a Season of Governing Peace

through the return of the Messiah King, Jesus Christ, to earth to re-establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The following scriptures summarizes this divine program of God: Isaiah 9:6-7 NIV[6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. [7] Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establish-ing and upholding it with justice and righteous-ness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. … Matthew 5:3 NIV[5] Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:6 NIV[6] Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Romans 14:17 NIV[17] For the kingdom of God is not a matter

of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, Therefore, in this year 2014, we will focus on the practical Application, impact and Influ-ence of the Principles, Precepts, and Values of the Government of the Kingdom of God individually, corporately and nationally and re-align ourselves with THE RIGHTEOUS-NESS of Heaven and Experience the JUSTICE contained in the Promises of God’s Constitu-tion resulting in true PEACE.


2014 is the beginning of the season of posi-tive progress, fulfillment and completion of outstanding projects and promises and Suc-cess in all areas of life for those who align their lives with the Law of life in Righteous-ness through Jesus Christ. Welcome to the Year of double Success and perfection.

Dr. Myles and Ruth Munroe

PurPose - To restore a sense of Divine Identity, Heritage, Purpose, Potential and Destiny to all men everywhere.

Mission - To Declare, Communicate, and Demonstrate the Purpose, Power, Precepts and Principles of the Kingdom of God to every Nation and Culture restoring mankind to God’s Dominion - Leadership Mandate.

Vision - To establish a Multi-faceted International Center to Teach, Train, Equip and Empower Individuals to Discover, Develop, Deploy and Maximize the Potential of their inherent Gifts and Purpose.

Focus - Our Primary Focus is on Third World, Developing Nations, and people everywhere who are products of Oppression.

AssignMent - Creating a Model, Establishing a Standard, Setting a Precedence, Stewards of a Global Vision, Custodians of an International Assignment.

BFMI FellowshIp VIsIon

“A Local Kingdom Embassy with an International Vision”- A local church with a global assignment- A local church of 3,000 leaders with a global passion to impact the world with the

Kingdom of Heaven.- A Teaching & Training Center to develop a community representing a Heavenly Kingdom

Society and Culture on earth.- To provide an opportunity for corporate worship, fellowship, friendship, stewardship and


Bahamas Faith ministries international

Scriptural MandateHosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” -NIVActs 26:17-18, “I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” - NIV

Dear Distinguished Kingdom Citizens,As we embrace a new year, I believe it is fitting to pause and give God thanks for his faithful-ness in 2013. I know that this past year was challenging and brought some unexpected changes for some of us but in the midst of it all, God was faithful and his grace brought us through.

In this new year we are anticipating God’s in-fluence in our environment, nation and the world in a powerful way. Our theme: Kingdom Government and the mandate ”Rediscovering Righteousness, Justice and Peace in the King-dom” is a very encouraging, sobering, timely and necessary one.

I want to encourage you this year to expect that the Lord will establish his Government in your life and that as you maintain a life of righteous-ness, he will intervene in your circumstances and ensure that you have justice in every area of your life. There may have been situations that you have been dealing with for years which were unjust; there may have been persons who took advantage of their position and treated you unjustly. This year I believe that the Lord is going to establish justice in those relationships. God has a way of either changing men’s hearts or removing who he needs to move to ensure that justice prevails. This is your year to expect His intervention as never before.

I also believe that this is going to be a year of the outpouring of God’s peace in your life. I am convinced that one of the adversary’s major points of attack in our lives is peace. Any attack on our peace results in an immediate distrac-tion from our purpose as we try to deal with the distraction. If we cannot deal with the dis-traction, we tend to worry about it, which is another point of attack and a weakening of our ability to focus on our assignment. However, I am convinced that the Lord is going to give you a supernatural peace this year in the midst of every circumstance.

Whatever comes your way this year, I encourage you to “cast your care” on the Lord and allow his peace to guard your heart and mind. I am always comforted by the fact that what is un-known to me about the future is not un-known to God and he has already determined how he will bring me through.

I am sure that all of us are concerned about the state our nations are in with economic instabil-ity, moral decay and religious confusion. At no other time in our history is it more necessary to remind leaders and society in general about principles, standards, morals and boundaries as outlined in the Word of God. It is obvious that many nations including our own, are suf-fering from a loss of direction and adherence to principles.

I believe that God is going to use all of us as change agents and standard bearers to impact our environments with Kingdom Principles. Do not be surprised if God makes some of you aware of the need to become more involved in leadership roles in your community and nation so that he can have salt and light in places of power and decision making. I encourage you to let your light shine as never before and see God do what only he can do…. change men’s hearts. Expect God’s presence in your life in a rich way in 2014. Pastor Sheena and I love you and are praying for you.

God bless you and your family richly.

In the Name of our King, Jesus the Christ.

Dr. Richard & Sheena PinderFellowship Pastors

2014 THEME:


2014 scrIptures: isaiah 9:6-7 niV[6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders…. [7] Of the increase and greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

Matthew 23:23 niV [23] “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices---mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law---justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.

psalm 33:5 niV[5] The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. Clouds and thick darkness surround him; righteousness and justice are the founda-tion of his throne.

2014 Mandate:“restoring righteousness,

Justice and peace”

2014 Focus:“The Year of Fulfillment, perfection,

completion, Justice and Success”

2014 MInIsterIal prIorItYreaching out – reaching in

1. Physical Healing Ministry

2. children’s Ministry 3. Youth Ministry 4. Widows Ministry5. single Parents

Ministry 6. college and

educational Ministry 7. Poor Ministry8. Health Ministry9. Legal service Ministry10. Family Ministry

11. Marriage Ministry 12. Financial Aid and

co-operative Ministry 13. elderly and senior

Ministry 14. evangelism Local

outreach 15. Missions & Family

island Ministry 16. global Missions

Ministry 17. Men’s evangelism


the spirit oF the ministrY in 2014

2014 bFM bFM 2014

JanuaryLeadership Planning26th Super Sunday

EvEnts/rEtrEats not with confirmEd datE• Young Men’s retreat/Young

Ladies Retreat (P31)• Teen Praise Night• Youth Leaders Retreat• Youth Leaders Training• Youth Baptism

on GoinG spEcial EvEnts• Strictly Positive School Tour• Emerge /Get Ahead 2014• Winners Touch Youth

Leadership• Kingdom Youth Leadership

Program• Youth Mentoring Program• Youth Leaders Mentoring


fEbruary8th Youth Leaders Training

14th Relationships (Sex,

Dating etc) Event

22nd F.U.E.L Worship

Seminar (For Praise Team

members only)

23rd Super Sunday

march2nd - Young Men’s Retreat

23rd - Super Sunday

TBA - Freeport Missions

april4-7th Teen Mania ATF Tampa

27th Super Sunday

may4th - Youth SundayMovie Release – “Elevation”TYC Offspring Friday Night (A night of all drama and production)

Parenting SeminarEleuthera Missions

JunE5-6th Operation Burnout

(Have a hype worship

concert by TYC F.U.E.L at

the end leading into

reflective worship)

8th - Super Sunday

Date TBD Andros Mission

auGust10th Super Sunday

octobEr17th - Talent Jam


July2-6th Youth Alive – The RedemptionPossibility Week TBD

sEptEmbEr5-7th Back to School Jam & TYC Super Weekend25th–28th Freeport Youth Alive

dEcEmbEr16 th – Christmas Party31st – Watch night New

Years Event (& Super Weekend)

International Third World Leaders Association

ITWLA is an international association encompassing a global network of leaders in over 80 nations focusing on personal, corporate and national leadership develop-ment. Membership in ITWLA is open to you and anyone who desires to further develop his/her leadership skills. Contact our ITWLA office for an application and fur-ther information about member benefits. Contact Pastor Sheena Pinder at (242) 461-6465/ (242) 461-6414 or e-mail us at

Partnership ProgramJoin thousands who partner with Dr. Myles Munroe in fulfilling his vision to reach the

world with the Kingdom message and train leaders for the present and next generation. There are many partner benefits you will receive including a monthly teaching from Dr. Munroe, discounts on leadership and Kingdom resources, conferences, monthly books, CD’s and travels with Dr. Munroe. For more info contact our partnership department at (242) 461-6447/ (305) 396 3823 or e-mail us at

Diplomat MediaBFM and MMI continue to impact mil-lions through Television and Radio pro-grams aired world-wide on networks including ZNS, JCN Channel 14, Cornerstone Network, Black Network, South African Broadcasting Network, and the BFM Global TV Network Internet TV ( LifeStream). Your gift to the media impacts millions of souls.

International LeadershipTraining InstituteILTI is the premier leadership training divi-

sion of ITWLA designed to provide formal in-depth training in leadership with emphasis on theoretical and practical aspects of leadership development and application. Mod-ules are held each semester. Apply today for the next mod-ule and watch your leadership accelerate. Contact Pastor Sheena Pinder at (242) 461-6414 or

Myles Munroe International

Myles Munroe International and Leading Edge Leader-ship are the corporate and global divisions of Dr. Mun-roe’s Ministries, as he travels over 200,000 miles a year to more than 70 nations conducting conferences, seminars and training for universities, governments, businesses and private agencies, schools and ministries. Millions of souls have been personally impacted by these teachings and training sessions. Please review the international calendar for more details on his itinerary.

Faith Life Book & Music CenterThe need for quality educational, inspirational, moti-vational and sound biblically-based material is neces-sary for personal development. Our bookstore offers specially selected books, CD’s, DVD’s, manuals, gifts and study items for your personal development. Visit the bookstore or order online at

SiNGLES MiNiSTRY - P.E.O.P.L.EThe BFM Fellowship Singles Ministry is a dynamic program built on the principles of wholeness and in-spires singles of all ages to embrace the unique op-portunities afforded by unmarried life. “Partners Em-powering Others and Purposely Lead In Excellence” speaks to the passion and goal of our Singles ministry. Each month the Singles come together for exciting fellowship in an atmosphere of safety, joy and friend-ship to cultivate healthy relationships, have fun, and personal development.

NURSERY & CHiLD-CARE MiNiSTRYThis ministry area is designed to provide comfort and care for infants and toddlers up to the age of 5 years. Our specially trained workers are equipped to pro-vide spiritual guidance in an atmosphere of love and praise. This service allows parents to have a care free time of worship, teaching and fellowship.

CHiLDREN’S CHURCH MiNiSTRYOur team of Spirit-filled teachers are well equipped to provide molding of children between the ages of 5 through 12. We recognize that these young leaders need to be given the same teaching which the adults receive, and this is provided in the manner best suit-ed for their various age groups.

ADOLESCENT MiNiSTRY - “STAGEZ”This program has been developed to minister to teen-agers ages 13 - 19. They meet on Sundays for worship and fellowship. The focus is on topics and issues that young people face in today’s communities.

FiNE ARTS MiNiSTRYThis department exists for the sole purpose of leading the fellowship of BFM in cultivating the right atmosphere for the presence of God. This involves bringing knowledge, color, movement, sound and creative energy, in order to express the sights of God, the sounds of God and the movement of God in a liberated environment.

Bahamas Faith Ministries International

MInIstrY dIVIsIons

2014 MInIstrY serVIce schedule

JANUARY01 New Years Day - Public Holiday 05 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration05 Corporate Communion10 Majority Rule Day - Public Holiday 12 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration12 First Corporate Fast & Consecra-

tion (12th - 2nd Feb.)17 Total Youth Church Meeting19 Kingdom Citizen’s

Celebration24 Total Youth Church

Meeting24 Kingdom Marriage

Enrichment Ministry (KMEM) Meeting

26 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration31 Total Youth Church Meeting

FEBRUARY02 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration02 Corporate Communion02 Real Men - Superbowl Bash07 Total Youth Church Meeting09 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration10 Kingdom Prayer Congress Begins

11 Church Leadership Council Begins

13 Kingdom Care Net Leadership Planning /Training

14 Total Youth Church Meeting 16 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration16 Real Men First Meeting16 Valentines Kingdom Community

Love Feast17 Kingdom Prayer Congress18 Church Leadership Council Meeting20 Kingdom Care Net Leadership

Planning /Training21 Total Youth Church Meeting22 Women of Excellence Initial Meeting23 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration24 Kingdom Prayer Congress25 Church Leadership Council Meeting27 Kingdom Care Net Leadership

Planning /Training28 Total Youth Church Meeting28 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting

MARCH Kingdom Carenet Ministry01 Business & Finance Weekend

(1st - 2nd) BIG SUNDAY 02 Corporate Communion02 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration03 Kingdom Prayer Congress04 Church Leadership Council Meeting07 Success Marriage & Family

Enrichment Seminar (Required for Fellowship Members planning to be married) 7th - 12th Apr. (6 weekends )

07 Total Youth Church Meeting09 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration09 First Membership Class Begins10 Kingdom Prayer Congress 11 Church Leadership Council Meeting14 Total Youth Church Meeting16 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration16 Real Men’s Meeting17 Kingdom Prayer Congress18 Church Leadership Council Meeting20 Single’s Ministry

(P.E.O.P.L.E.) Begins

2014 MinistrY serVice scHeduLesundaYs10:00am-12:30pm Kingdom Citizens’ Celebration (KCC)Intense corporate worship, fellowship, dynamic practical teaching/ discipleship training in Kingdom Living and Leadership.7:30pm - 9:30pm Monthly Kingdom Healing/ Evangelism CelebrationFeaturing in-house & guest speakers with focus on worship, healing & salvation.MondaYs7:30pm-9:30pm Kingdom Prayer CongressCorporate and intercessory prayer time consisting of a short teaching followed by prayer and interces-sion focusing on the ministry, nation, community, missions, global and personal needs.tuesdaYs7:30pm - 9:30pm Leadership MeetingsBFM Fellowship Pastoral Council and Min-isterial Team meetings for review, planning, spiritual development, management and re-finement of fellowship ministries and programs. Meetings consist of Church Ministerial Council and Pastoral Board.wednesdaYs7:30pm-9:30pm Kingdom Success And Influence School All Kingdom Citizens Intensive Biblical training dealing with Personal Development, Success Strategies and How to Influence Earthly Government with Kingdom Principles! Kingdom Care Home Fellowship (every 4th Wednesday)Fellowship meetings in designated homes designed to foster fellowship and friendships among group members.

eVerY thIrd thursdaYRehearsals and Departmental MeetingsSingle’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.) Monthly MeetingsFrIdaYs

7:30pm-9:30pm Total Youth Church (TYC) Weekly Meetings7:30pm-9:30pm Kingdom Marriage Enrichment Ministry (KMEM) Meeting

(held on 4th Friday of each month) focusing on marriage mentoring and enrichment7:30pm-9:30pm Success Marriage Seminar(This seminar is required to be completed by members before getting married)saturdaYs

REAL MEN’S MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL (RMMI) - Every 3rd Saturday RMMI meets for fellowship, promoting friendships, business, leadership and social develop-

ment. Special events will be announced monthly.WOMEN OF ExCELLENCE (WOE) - Every

4th Saturday the women of the Kingdom come together for exciting fellowship, friendship-building, teaching and practical educational opportunities for personal development and mis-sions outreach.KEENAGERS MINISTRY (KAM) - (to be announced)KINGDOM JUNIOR CORP - (to be announced)4:00pm SUCCESS MARRIAGE SEMINAR

Dr. Myles Munroe Dr. Pat & Adline RolleDr. Richard & Pas. Sheena Pinder Pas. Kersch & Suzette Darville

21 Women’s Focus Weekend (Retreat in Freeport) (21st - 23rd)

21 First Membership Class Ends21 Total Youth Church Meeting23 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration23 Women of Excellence Meeting24 Kingdom Prayer Congress24 Corporate Fast & Consecration

(24th - 26th)25 Church Leadership Council Meeting26 Kingdom Carenet Ministry28 Culture Up28 Total Youth Church Meeting28 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting30 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration

APRiL 01 Church Leadership Council Meeting04 Total Youth Church Meeting05 Law & Legal Profession Weekend

(5th - 6th) BIG SUNDAY 06 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration06 Corporate Communion 07 Kingdom Prayer Congress08 Church Leadership Council Meeting11 Total Youth Church Meeting13 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration14 Kingdom Prayer Congress

15 Church Leadership Council Meeting17 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting18 Good Friday - Public Holiday19 Real Men’s Meeting20 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration21 Easter Monday - Public Holiday 22 Church Leadership Council Meeting23 Kingdom Carenet Ministry23 INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP

TROPICAL MARRIAGE RETREAT (Retreat in Freeport) (23rd - 26th)

25 Total Youth Church Meeting25 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting26 Women of Excellence Meeting27 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration28 Kingdom Prayer Congress29 Church Leadership Council


MAY02 Total Youth Church Meeting03 Water Baptism04 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration04 Corporate Communion04 First Youth Sunday05 Kingdom Prayer Congress06 Church Leadership Council Meeting09 Total Youth Church Meeting10 Women’s Focus Weekend in

Nassau (10th - 11th)

11 Mother’s Day - BIG SUNDAY 11 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration15 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting15 ASAPH (15th - 17th)16 Total Youth Church Meeting17 Real Men’s Meeting18 Kingdom Prayer Congress18 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration18 Health & Medical Profession

Sunday - BIG SUNDAY 20 Church Leadership Council Meeting23 Total Youth Church Meeting23 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting24 Women of Excellence Meeting25 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration25 Kingdom Prayer Congress26 Corporate Fasting (26th - 28th)28 Kingdom Carenet Ministry30 Total Youth Church Meeting

JUNE01 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration01 Corporate Communion02 Kingdom Prayer Congress03 Church Leadership Council Meeting06 Labor Day - Public Holiday 06 Community CareNet

Fun & Sport Day08 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration09 Whit Monday - Public Holiday 13 Real Men’s Focus Weekend

(13th - 15th) 13 Total Youth Church Meeting

15 Father’s Day - BIG SUNDAY 15 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration16 Kingdom Prayer Congress17 Church Leadership Council Meeting19 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting20 Total Youth Church Meeting 21 Real Men’s Meeting22 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration23 Kingdom Prayer

Congress25 Kingdom Carenet Ministry27 Total Youth Church Meeting27 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting28 Women of Excellence Meeting29 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration30 Kingdom Prayer Congress

JULY 01 Church Leadership Council Meeting02 YOUTH ALiVE 04 Total Youth Church Meeting06 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration06 Independence Sunday06 Corporate Communion07 Kingdom Prayer Congress10 Independence Day - Public Holiday 11 Total Youth Church Meeting13 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration14 Kingdom PrayerCongress15 ChurchLeadership Council Meeting17 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting18 Total Youth Church Meeting19 Real Men’s Meeting20 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration21 Kingdom Prayer Congress23 Kingdom Carenet Ministry25 Total Youth Church Meeting25 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting26 Women of Excellence Meeting27 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration28 Kingdom Prayer Congress28 Corporate Fasting (28th - 30th)29 Church Leadership Council Meeting

AUGUST01 Total Youth Church Meeting 03 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration03 Corporate Communion04 Kingdom Prayer Congress06 MMI KINGDOM SEMINAR

(6th - 9th) 08 Total Youth Church Meeting10 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration11 Kingdom Prayer Congress12 Church Leadership Council Meeting15 Total Youth Church Meeting16 Real Men’s

Meeting17 Kingdom Citizen’s

Celebration18 Kingdom Prayer

Congress21 Single’s Ministry

(P.E.O.P.L.E.) Meeting

22 Total Youth Church Meeting

22 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment Ministry (KMEM) Meeting

24 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration25 Kingdom Prayer Congress26 Church Leadership Council Meeting27 Kingdom Carenet Ministry29 Total Youth Church Meeting31 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration

SEPTEMBER01 Kingdom Prayer Congress 05 Total Youth Church Meeting06 Water Baptism07 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration07 Corporate Communion08 Kingdom Prayer Congress

09 Church Leadership Council Meeting12 Total Youth Church Meeting14 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration14 Second Membership Class begins14 Children’s Day15 Kingdom Prayer Congress18 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting19 Total Youth Church Meeting20 Real Men’s Meeting21 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration22 Kingdom Prayer Congress23 Church Leadership Council Meeting24 Kingdom Carenet Ministry26 Singles Focus Weekenend

(26th - 28th) 26 Second Membership Class ends26 Total Youth Church Meeting26 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting28 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration27 Women of Excellence Meeting29 Kingdom Prayer Congress29 Corporate Fasting (29th - 1st Oct.)

OCTOBER - YOUTH MONTH03 Total Youth Church Meeting 05 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration05 Corporate Communion06 Kingdom Prayer Congress07 Church Leadership Council Meeting10 Total Youth Church Meeting12 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration13 Discovery Day - Public Holiday 16 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting17 Talent Jam

18 Real Men’s Meeting19 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration20 Kingdom Prayer Congress21 Church Leadership Council Meeting22 Kingdom Carenet Ministry24 Total Youth Church Meeting24 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting25 Women of Excellence Meeting26 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration27 Kingdom Prayer Congress31 Total Youth Church Meeting

NOVEMBER02 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration02 Corporate Communion03 Kingdom Prayer Congress04 Church Leadership Council Meeting07 Total Youth Church Meeting09 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration


10 Kingdom Prayer Congress14 Total Youth Church Meeting15 Real Men’s Meeting16 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration17 Kingdom Prayer Congress18 Church Leadership Council Meeting20 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting21 Total Youth Church Meeting

22 Women of Excellence Meeting23 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration26 Kingdom Carenet Ministry28 Total Youth Church Meeting28 Kingdom Marriage Enrichment

Ministry (KMEM) Meeting29 Water Baptism30 Kingdom Prayer Congress25 Corporate Fasting (25th - 27th)30 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration

DECEMBER01 Kingdom Prayer Congress 02 Church Leadership Council Meeting04 Board of Governors Annual

Planning (4th - 6th)05 Total Youth Church Meeting07 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration07 Corporate Communion08 Kingdom Prayer Congress12 Total Youth Church Meeting14 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration15 Kingdom Prayer Congress16 Church Leadership Council Meeting18 Single’s Ministry (P.E.O.P.L.E.)

Meeting19 Total Youth Church Meeting20 Real Men’s Meeting21 Christmas Sunday21 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration22 Kingdom Prayer Congress24 Kingdom Carenet Ministry25 Christmas - Public Holiday 26 Boxing Day - Public Holiday

28 Kingdom Citizen’s Celebration30 Church Leadership Council Meeting31 Watch Night Service

JanuarY – FeBruarY29- evangel Assembly3 Feb. IFM Leadership Summit Old Branch Ave. Temple Hills , MD Ph. 301 8995940 Host Pastor: Dr. St. Clair Mitchell

March14-16 Leadership conference Christ Ambassador Ministry St. Maarten , W.I. Host Pastor: Dr. Hilton Albert27-4 Apr. Leadership conference Christ United Ministries Liberty House 254 Wellingborough Road Nothhampton . U.K. Ph. 07957 188547 Host Pastor: J. D. Modede

aprIl10-14 Kingdom summit Christian Kingdom Embassy Florissant, Missouri HostPastor:Pas.Griffin

MaY16-19 Leadership conference Christ En Action Evanglisation 2305 Holt Montreal , Qc Host Pastor: Reverend Fofy Ndelo Ph. 514 9312954

June 16-23 Kingdom Leadership conference St. Kitts, W.I. Host Pastor18-23 Kingdom Leadership conference Life Impact Center West End Road Anguilla, W.I. Host Pastor: Pas Lucien Macdonna

dr. richard pinder2014 internAtionAL MinistrY itinerArY

JanuarY30 -Feb. 1 Christian Retreat Family

Church Teaching Seminar /

Conference 1200 Glory Way Blvd., Bradenton, Fl. 34212 Host: Pastor Phil Derstine Contact: Sue Slowik 941-746-28812 ext 448

FeBruarY24 Fisk University Black History Month 1000 17th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37208 Contact: Cathy Hickling 724-334-7000 ext 283 25 National Religious

Broadcasters, Gaylord Opryland Book signing / TV interviews 2800 Opryland Dr. Nashville, TN 37214 Hosts: Whitaker House Contact: Cathy Hickling 724-334-7000 ext 283 March 11-12 Kingdom Chamber Of

Commerce New Jersey Kingdom Leadership Training Conference Conference Center 2323 Route 73 Pennsauken, NJ 08110

Contact: Angela Pipersburg13-14 Champion Christian Center

World Domination Kingdom Summit 12243 Nations Ford Rd. Pineville NC. 28134 Host: Pastor Stacy A. LeMay 352-538-2609

15 Cre8ive House Inc. Five - Fold Leadership Ministry 737 Concourse Village West, Bronx NY. 10451

Host: Adonai Media Ministry Contact: Henry Ayensu 914-510-4546/347-449-589218-26 MMI/PPM Nigeria Leadership

Training Program Logos/Victoria Island Nigeria Host: Pastor Ghandi Olaoye

Contact: Mayowa Ogundiyun28 BFM Culture Up Diplomat Center Nassau Bahamas Contact: 242-461-6427, 242-461-642729-30 Kingdom Living Ambassador Center Kingdom Application for Kingdom Transformation Developing & Deploying Kingdom Leaders 7746 Almeda Genoa Rd. Houston, Texas 77075 Host: Pastor Gary &

Maribel Alaniz Contact: Pastor Gary Alaniz 832-767-8922 31 TWEF Women To Women

Empowerment Conference TWEF Empowerment Center Houston, TX 77037 Contact: Dr. Deavra Daughtry

aprIl1-2 Word Of Restoration Christian Fellowship Pastor Charles Perry Jr Houston, TX3-5 MMI TExAS KINGDOM SUMMIT *** 5401 Trentman Avenue, Dallas, Fort Worth,TX 76119 Host: Dr. Darrell Wilson 7-12 Forward in Faith Ministries Harare, Zimbabwe Host: Pastor Ezekiel H. Guti 12-14 MMI South Africa Leadership

Program Johannesburg, South Africa

Contact: Charlie Masala charlie@ MMI SA office, 2782-896-113822-26 Leadership Tropical Marriage Retreat Marriage Retreat Bahamas Faith Ministries Int. Freeport, Grand Bahama

Host: Dr. Myles Munroe Contact: 242-461-6427, 242-461-642730-May 1 Biazo Conference` Jesus House Washington, DC Contact: Ghandi Olaoye

MaY 2 Victory Christian Church Intl. 7-7 Metropolitan Court Gaithersburg MD 20877 Host: Dr. Dwayne E. Brewington 301-670-16003 Wealth & Freedom Conference Videocom Global Communications Baltimore, Maryland Contact: Candice Villafana 240-888-55838-10 Kingdom Vision Ministries Int. Kingdom Culture Bible

Conference 6101 Limekiln Pike Philadelphia, PA 19120 Host: Dr. Leonard Robinson Contact: Dr. Leonard

Robinson, 267-357-9816 15-17 ASAPH Kingdom Worship

Training Congress BFM Fine Arts Ministries Diplomat Center Nassau, Bahamas Contact: Tracy Knowles 242-461-6400 19-29 Israel Pentecost Kingdom

Summit 2014 Kingdom Impact Conference

Jerusalem Host: Dr. Myles Munroe Contact: Roni Wexler 800-355-999430-Jun 3 Spain Leadership Conference Olas de Espiritu Ministry Madrid, Spain

Contact: Dannyel Velasco ministeriolas

June 3-10 Peculiar People Ministries & Jesus House Nigeria Host: Pastor Ghandi Olaoye Contact: Mayowa Ogundiyun13-14 BFMI Real Men’s

Leadership Event Diplomat Center Nassau, Bahamas 242-461-640027-30 Youth Solutions International Mega Nextgen Conference

Medellin Colombia, South America

Host: Mr. Gary Manderfield Contact: Bryce Manderfield

JulY2-5 YOUTH ALIVE Nassau, Bahamas Contact: 242-461-6430 7-12 Pacific Asia Leadership Conference PAEA International The Solomon Islands- Asia Contact: Samson Maeniuta Rihuoha Email: 19-22 Panama Kingdom

Leadership Summit Iglesia Christiana Geneacion

Sin Limite Panama Host: Pastor Ricardo Herrera23-26 Heal Our Land Ministires

Winter Celebration 2014 Brasilia, Brazil Host: Bishop, Rodovalho

28-30 Comunidad Cristiana Agua Viva Leadership Conference

“Transformacion 2014” Ave. de Parque 211

Lima, Peru Host: Pastor Peter Hornung

Contact: Magaly Uribe de Durand 511-617-3700 Anexo 118

auGust 6-9 Myles Munroe International

Kingdom Training Seminar Bahamas Faith Ministries Int. Nassau, Bahamas Host: Dr. Myles Munroe Contact: 242-461-6427, 242-461-6445

15-22 Italy Kingdom Leadership Conference

Comunidade Evangelica Int’l Zona Sul Italia Milan, Rome, Sicily Host: Asst. Pastor Fernando De Franca25-26 MMI Africa Leadership

Training Program Swaziland, Africa Contact: Charlie Masala charlie@ MMI SA office, 2782-896-113827-28 MMI Africa Leadership Conference Durban, SA Contact: Charlie Masala SA29 MMI Botswana Leadership Training Seminar Botswana, Africa Contact: Charlie Masala charlie@ MMI SA office, 2782-896-113831Sept. 5 Rock Church Annual Conference Bali, Indonesia Host: Dr. Timotius Arifin Contact: Paul Suryanto Assistant to Pastor Arifin septeMBer 11-13 Shake The Nations

Conference Ambassador Worship Center Omaha, NE Host: Pastor Martin Williams 28-2 All Nations Convocation Jerusalem

All Nations Convocation 2014 Host: Pastor Tom Hess

Contact: Nelli Neuvonen Jerusalem, Israel

octoBer7-30 MMI Africa Leadership Training Tour South Africa-Johannesburg,

Durban, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, D.R Congo, Gabon

Contact: Charlie Masala charlie@ MMI SA office, 2782-896-1138

noVeMBer10-13 Global Leadership Summit

Bahamas Faith Ministries Int. Freeport, Grand Bahama Host: Dr. Myles Munroe Contact: 242-461-6427, 242-461-6445

deceMBer4-8 South Africa Leadership

Conference Johannesburg, South Africa Contact: Charlie Masala charlie@ MMI SA office, 2782-896-11389-16 MMI/PPM Nigeria Leadership Training Seminar Nigeria Host: Pastor Ghandi Olaoye Contact: Mayowa Ogundiyun
