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Hak Cipta pada Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat




Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Jenjang : SMA/MA

Peminatan : MIPA/IPS/IBB


Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

Jam : 07.30 sd 09.30


1. Periksalah naskah soal yang anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang meliputi :

a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman atau urutannya.

b. Kelengkapan dan urutan nomor soal.

c. Kesesuaian nama mata uji dan progran studi/peminatan yang tertera pada kanan

atas naskah soal dengan Lembar Jawaban Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional


2. Laporkan kepada pengawasruang ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang

tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta LJUSBN yang rusak atau robek untuk mendapat


3. Isilah pada LJUSBN Anda dengan :

a. Nama peserta pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya

sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya.

b. Nomor peserta dan tanggal lahir pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan

bulatan di bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf/angka di atasnya.

c. Nama sekolah, tanggal ujian, dan bubuhkan tanda tangan Anda pada kotak yang


4. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan naskah soal tersebut.

5. Jumlah soal pilihan ganda (PG) sebanyak 40 butir dan soal uraian (essay) sebanyak 5


6. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung


7. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian.

8. Lembar soal dan halaman kosong boleh dicoret-coret, sedangkan LJUSBN tidak boleh



Kerjakan dengan jujur, karena kejujuran adalah cermin kepribadian


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In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.

There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

PART I: Questions 1 to 2

Direction: In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The

questions and the dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you

must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue and

the question about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would be the best answer to

the question you have heard.

Now listen to a sample question. You will hear:

Boy : Do you use internet very often?

Girl : Yes, I do. I use it for communication.

Boy : How do you communicate with it?

Girl : I send and receive emails, and I speak with my friends using voice mail.

What is the main topic of the conversation?

A. How do to use email

B. Internet usage

C. Receiving emails

D. Voice mail

E. Communication

The best answer to this question is “Internet usage”, therefore you should choose answer (B)

1. A. Taking extra lesson

B. Studying together

C. Preparing National Exam

D. Studying with friends

E. Pursuing National Exam

2. A. Library

B. Class

C. Beach

D. Gym

E. School


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Questions 3 to 4


In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four

responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will

not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers

are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question.

3. Mark on your answer sheet

4. Mark on your answer sheet


Questions: 5 to 6.


In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues

or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must

listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or

monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which would be the most

suitable one for the dialogue or monologue you have heard.

5. A. D.

B. E.



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6. A. D.

B. E.



Questions 7 to 10.


In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken

twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand

what the speakers are saying. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five

possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

7. A. Drinkable water

B. Safe drinking water

C. Water filter

D. Water Bacteria

E. Drinking manual

8. A. 99.9 % unlimited

B. One time a day

C. 30 days of use

D. Unlimited use

E. Multiple times

9. A. The man‟s exam failure

B. The man‟s history exam

C. Preparation of history test

D. Inevitable experience

E. Reviewing history topics


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10. A. He had finished his history exam

B. He thought he had enough preparations

C. He stayed all night to review on the test

D. The exam was definitely easy for the man

E. He was surprised that the test was difficult



The following text is for questions number 11 to 13

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Universitas Airlangga initiates an event entitled “Airlangga International Student Competition

(AISC). The role of the youth to be Agents of Change for Community Empowerment” which will be

held in Surabaya, Indonesia, on 7-10 November 2016. UNAIR is pleased to invite you all to

participate in the event. As a part of AUN Members, Universitas Airlangga intends to increase more

international cooperation which is very important factor. Moreover, this event aims to increase the

number of student mobility in Universitas Airlangga. This program runs for 3 days and consist of the

following activities:

1. International Seminar Community Empowerment.

2. Competitions

There are various competitions that can be joined by the participants including;

a. Paper Competition

b. Poster Presentation Competition

c. Photography Competition

3. Workshop on Photography focused on “Nature and Journey Photography” and “Capturing

The best Moments”

Furthermore, the events does not only involve students but also lecturer.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact International Office & Partnership

Universitas Airlangga Amerta 206-208 (2nd

floor) – Kantor Manajemen Universitas Airlangga.

11. The above announcement informs us about ….

A. How to enroll to Universitas Airlangga

B. The students‟ participation in competition

C. The events for students held by Universitas Airlangga

D. Seminar held by Universitas Airlangga

E. Workshop on Photography in Universitas Airlangga

12. Which of the following statements is true according to te text?

A. Most students are able to participate in one of the events.

B. International cooperation is less imiportant factor

C. Only students can be involved in the events held.

D. The events will be held in more than 3 weeks.

E. The students who are good at writing can join the Paper competition.


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13. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact ...

The underlined word means ...

A. worry

B. doubt

C. miss

D. believe

E. consider

The following text is for questions number 14 to 17

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about an article in last Monday‟s newspaper, “Schools fail low-income

children”. As the Head teacher of one of the largest junior high, I feel strongly that the article does not

describe our school.

My school has children from many different economic backgrounds, but a large percentage come

from lower-income families. Nevertheless, our tests show that the children do well and benefit from

the excellent work our teacher do. Last year our school moved from the 24th to 5th place according to

the official assessment by the state government. This clearly not the “failure” that the article suggests.

I would strongly recommend that more careful research should be conducted in the future so that

newspaper will more realistically describe the true situation in our school.

Your sincerely,

Joan Gonzales

14. What does the letter tell you about?

A. Different economic background students.

B. Achievement of low-income children.

C. Complaint about the result of the unreal research.

D. The percentage of the official assessment.

E. The failure of low-income students in study.

15. What does the writer propose to Monday‟s newspaper?

A. To present more information.

B. To carry out the study accurately

C. To describe the school clearly.

D. To be more careful in its report.

E. To report the low-income students

This text is for question numbers 16 and 17

To fill this semester vacation, there will be excursing program to Pulau Seribu held by The

SMANSA Students Board. The program will be held on December 23, 2017. There will be

interesting programs during the excursion. Please be registered before December 20, 2017. For

detailed information, please contact Adinda, the program coordinator, at 08577846817.


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16. The purpose of the text is ....

A. to describe vacation program

B. to tell about Students Board activity

C. to inform about Students Board activity

D. to announce students excursion to Pulau Seribu

E. to introduce new program of the Students Board

17. When is the due date of the registration?

A. On December 20, 2017.

B. On December 23, 2017.

C. Before December 20, 2017.

D. After December 23, 2017.

E. Before December 23, 2017.

This text is for question numbers 18 to 20.

Should People Shop in Online Shop?

Nowadays, the activity of online shopping has risen steadily around the world. It has become a

new lifestyle for people in modern city since 21St

century. Even though there are still many

people who prefer buying their daily needs in a market to shopping online, shopping online for

certain people has more advantages than its drawbacks.

There are strong arguments in favour of online shopping. For some people, particularly working

people, they argue that the existence of online shop is very utilitarian in their life. That is because

they do not have to go to a market which they may spend much time. Moreover, online shop has

offered many types of goods that customer can buy, so they have many preferences to select the

best ones.

Furthermore, nowadays, there have been many online shops which put some buyer testimonies

on their websites. If customers feel worried about the quality of goods, they can see and read

some testimonies concerning the quality of those goods. Therefore, with the presence of

testimony, consumers can easily determine whether the quality of goods is decent or not.

In conclusion, online shopping has advantages and merits for many people. Thus, people can

utilize online shopping as new lifestyle due to its benefits.

18. This passage is mainly concerned with ....

A. the arguments about online shopping

B. the easiness given by online shopping

C. the new lifestyle among carrier woman

D. the rise of online shopping around the world

E. the supportive arguments on online shopping

19. Based on the text, which of the following are reason why people choose online shopping?

A. The high price

B. It can be done everywhere

C. The limited kind the goods

D. The laziness of the customer

E. The practically of transaction


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20. .“Therefore, with the presence of testimony, consumers can easily determine whether the

quality of goods is decent or not.” (paragraph 3). The underlined word may be best replaced

by ....

A. consider

B. respect

C. accept

D. credit

E. rely

The following text is for questions number 21 to 23

The Legend of the Dwarf

Many hundreds of years ago, there lived an old woman, all alone in a tiny hut. She had no children,

and no one to ask after her. The old woman would weep night and day for a child, but of course, with

no result. One day she took an egg, wrapped it carefully in cotton cloth, and put it in a corner of her

hut. Night and day the old woman looked after the egg, in the hope that maybe it would give her a

child. But nothing happened, and every day the old woman grew more and more unhappy.

One morning, as she went to look at the egg, she found that it had broken – and in its shell sat

the tiniest, loveliest baby boy that anyone could imagine. The baby saw the old woman and smiled

and held out its tiny arms. The old woman was delighted – here at last was the child she had wanted

for so long.

The old woman loved the child dearly, and looked after it so carefully and so well, that by the

time it was a year old it could walk and talk as well as any grown up. But for some strange reason, no

one knows what, the baby stopped growing. He remained as tiny as a one-year old for the rest of his

life. He began to be called the „Dwarf‟.

The old woman did not care. She still loved the baby devotedly. „You will be a great king one

day, my child,‟ she told him, sure that the baby was destined for great things.

One day the old woman said to the Dwarf, „Go to the king‟s palace, my son, and challenge him to test

his strength against yours.‟

The Dwarf protested. „How can I challenge the king, mother?‟ he said horrified. „He is greater

and much stronger than I. ‟But the old woman insisted, and the Dwarf was forced to do as she said.

The king smiled at the child‟s challenge, and asked him to lift a heavy stone. The Dwarf went

weeping to the old woman. „How can I lift that heavy stone?‟ he asked. „If the king can lift it, so can

you,‟ said the old woman, and sent him back to the palace .And sure enough, the Dwarf was able to

lift the heavy stone.

The king gave him many more tasks to do, but anything the king could do, the Dwarf could do as


(Source :

21. What did the Dwarf do to his mother when the king asked him to lift the heavy stone?

A. Crying

B. Complaining

C. Shouting

D. Protesting

E. Mumbling

22. Based on the text we can conclude that ….

A. The old woman never tried to pray to get a baby

B. The dwarf used super power to fight the king


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C. The dwarf knew his power to fight the king

D. The dwarf‟s mother realized that her son was strong enough

E. The King challenged the dwarf to do harder and harder task

23. Which Statement is not true about the text?

A. The old woman was sad because she lived alone

B. The old woman took care of her child heartily

C. The dwarf was very short as a one-year old

D. The old woman was very persistent

E. The dwarf was able to do anything the king could do

The following text is for questions number 24 to 26

Adam Smith was a great philosopher and economist of the 18th century. He was born in 1723 at

Kirkcaldy in Scotland. His father was also called Adam Smith and he worked as a secretary but he

died 5 months before his son was born.

Adam Smith junior was brought up by his mother Margaret Smith. When he was 14 he went to

Glasgow college. Adam was particularly interested in Mathematics. In 1740 he went to Oxford and

he spent 6 years there. In 1746 Adam Smith returned to Kirkcaldy. Then in 1748 he began giving

lectures at Edinburgh University. Finally, in 1752 Smith also became professor of philosophy.

In 1759 Adam Smith published the first of his two great books, the theory of Moral

Sentiments. In 1776 Adam Smith produced his second great book, An inquiry Into The Nature and

Causes of The Wealth Of Nations. In it, Smith argued strongly for free trade between nations.

Adam Smith said that the market may appear chaotic but is actually guided by invisible hand.

Smith also argued that that division of labor increases production.

In 1778 he was given a post as a commissioners of customs in Edinburgh until he died on 17

July 1790. He was buried in Canon gate churchyard on 22 July 1790.

Taken from Saat-Saat Jelang UN Bahasa Inngris 2018.Tim Alfa Cendikia

24. The text mainly discusses …

A. the achievement of Adam Smith in free trade between nations

B. how Adam Smith published his two incredibly great books

C. the career of a great economist Adam Smith and his advancement

D. The educational background of Adam Smith and his family

E. Adam Smith as a great philosopher and economist from Scotland

25. What was Adam Smith‟s achievement in 1776?

A. He applied free trade and published his first book.

B. He was successful in making a book on economy.

C. He published a book on moral and social sentiments.

D. He founded a publishing company in Edinburgh.

E. He represented himself to talk about natural resources.

26. From the text we can conclude that Adam Smith ....

A. was in Oxford from 1740 until 1746

B. only wrote two great books on philosophy

C.was a commisioner of custom in Scotland

D. did not agree with free trade between nations

E. was brought up by his grandmother, Margaret


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The following text is for questions number 27 to 30

In this science experiment we will make a miniature bolt of lightning using a balloon, piece of wool

and some metal. We will explore static electricity and what causes lightning. We will learn about

electrons, atoms, positive and negative charges.

What to do: 1. Blow up the balloons.

2. Turn off the lights in a room at night and get it as dark as possible.

3. Rub the balloon rapidly against a piece of wool or wool sweater several times. This will give the

balloon a negative charge as electrons jump from the wool to the balloon. When rubbing the wool

against the balloon we are creating static electricity and saving it up in the balloon.

4. Move the balloon close to something metal like

a filing cabinet or a door knob.

5. Watch for a flash or spark that jumps from the balloon to the metal object just like lighting.

Please note: The humidity in the air can affect static electricity. If the air is damp, such as during the

winter, then this experiment may not work.

Adopted from: (April 12, 2012)

27. Why is the experiment carried out?

A. To explore the advantages of static electricity.

B. To study static electricity and the cause of lightning.

C. To explain how a bolt of lightning is created.

D. To learn about electrons and positive and negative charges.

E. To explain where and when we can see lightning.

28. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the readers.

B. To explain how something happens.

C. To describe something in general.

D. To show how to do something orderly.

E. To describe a particular thing.

29. What kind of room do we need to do the experiment?

A. A dark room.

B. A large room.

C. A bright room.

D. A small room.

E. A narrow room

This text is for question numbers 30

Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie was born 25 june 1936 is an Indonesian engineer who was President of

Indonesia from 1998 to 1999. He succeeded Suharto, who resigned in 1998. His presidency is seen as

a transition to the post- Suharto era. Upon becoming president, he liberalized Indonesia‟press and

political party laws and held an early democratic election in 1999, which resulted in the end of his

presidency. His presidency was the third, and the shortest, after independence.


30. He succeeded Suharto ......(line 2). The underlined is closest in meaning to.......

A. moved

B. replaced

C. changed


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D. followed

E. aligned

This text is for questions numbers 31 - 33.

Lately, concerns have arisen that Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and its immediate

surroundings are threatened to experience a clean water crisis by 2025. Clean water, which is

produced by two private operators – PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja) and Astra Air Jakarta –

currently totals 18.7 m3 per second. However, by 2025, demand for clean water will reach 41.3

m3/second as the population of Jakarta is estimated to grow to 14.6 million people from 9.6

million currently (the unofficial figure is possibly much higher).

It has been reported that city-owned property developer Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) and

city-owned developer Pembangunan Jaya will acquire a combined 100 percent stake in Palyja. If

the Jakarta administration has a direct stake in the city water operators, it will increase public

supervision on the local clean water industry.

PAM Lyonnaise Jaya, which manages the clean water supply in the west side of Jakarta, is

a private water operator that is partly controlled by Astra International through its subsidiary

Astratel Nusantara. Palyja has been active in Jakarta for about 16 years. However, last year a law

suit was filed demanding that the court will annul the agreement between city water operator

PAM Jaya and Palyja and Aetra Air Jakarta (Aetra) claiming that public access to affordable

clean water has been hindered.

Based on information from the World Bank, Indonesia plans to achieve universal clean

water access by 2019 but almost half of the population still do not have access to clean water at


31. What is the text about? It‟s about ....

A. the growth of water supply

B. PAM Lyonnaise Jaya

C. clean water industry

D. city water operators

E. clean water crisis

32. What is predicted to happen in 2025?

A. Public access to affordable clean water will be hundred.

B. Indonesia to achieve universal clean water access.

C. There will be more water supply operators.

D. The demand for clean water will decrease.

E. Jakarta will experience water crisis.

33. Paragraph one discusses ...

A. the demand for clean water

B. clean water crisis in Jakarta in 2025

C. the rapid growth of Jakarta population

D. the production of clean water in Jakarta

E. two private operators producing clean water


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This text is for questions numbers 34 and 35.

Indonesian Tourism Industry Association Bali offers free accommodation

Jakarta | Tue, November 28, 2017 | 12:35 pm

Indonesian Tourism Industry Association (GIPI) Bali is offering free accommodation for

stranded tourists at the Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali that has been closed since Nov. 27

due to volcanic ash from Mount Agung.

“Not a single tourist should stay overnight at the airport, GIPI Bali together with Badung

regional administration is providing free accommodation for tonight and tomorrow, if the airport

remains closed,” said GIPI Bali head, Gus Agung

“We‟ve set aside two billion rupiahs for two nights, one room is allocated for two guests,” Gus


The accommodation also includes breakfast.

In the era of social media, Gus Agung mentioned, unsatisfied tourists are free to express their

frustrations. “But if they are served well with respect, they will also post their happiness amid the

panicky situation,” he added.

Tourism minister Arief Yahya praised GIPI Bali for initiative, “What is being done by the

Badung regency and GIPI Bali is very good. This is what we call a long-term investment,” he


The two billion rupiahs is relatively small compared to Badung‟s average Locally-Generated

Income (PAD) in a year that is at seven trillion rupiahs.

34. The writers intention in writing the above text is ....

A. to tell that people are panic because of the ash

B. to tell the audience about some news worthy

C. to describe the situation due to volcanic ash

D. to tell the audience free accommodation

E. to describe the panicky situation

35. From the text we may conclude that ....

A. all tourists should stay overnight at the airport

B. tourists should stay overnight because of the ash

C. the fund allocated for serving the tourists is reasonable

D. GIPI Bali and Badung regency have served the tourists well

E. unsatisfied tourists express their frustration in social media


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The following text is for question number 36

"Almost Is Never Enough"

(with Nathan Sykes)

I'd like to say we gave it a try

I'd like to blame it all on life

Maybe we just weren't right, but that's a lie, that's a lie

And we can deny it as much as we want

But in time our feelings will show

'Cause sooner or later

We'll wonder why we gave up

The truth is everyone knows

Almost, almost is never enough

So close to being in love

If I would have known that you wanted me the way I wanted you

Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart

But right here in each other's arms

And we almost, we almost knew what love was

But almost is never enough

36. What does the song tell us about? It tells ....

A. how the singer feels about his delightful life

B. what the singer believe is going to happen

C. when the singer was in a very thrilling situation

D. the singer regrets the situation he has

E. the important of having someone we love

The following text is for questions number 37 to 40

Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all that water get into

the sky?

Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot

water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and

windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows.

The world is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it.

Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds

of kilometres. Then the clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops of water

are rain.

The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. And the water from oceans makes

clouds and more rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to oceans. So

the rain on your head was on other heads before! The water in your garden was in other gardens in

other countries.

37. What is the best title of the text above?

A. Why water get into the sky.

B. How clouds goes up and makes rain.


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C. Why rain falls into the river.

D. Where does rain come from.

E. How oceans make clouds.

38. Why is the world like your bathroom? Because ....

A. when the water is warm it goes up

B. the heat makes rain rise and fall again

C. it makes thunder and form electricity

D. when the water drops, it produce rain

E. rain on our head was on other heads before

39. According to the text, what is the result when warm clouds meet the cold walls in window?

A. The drops of water

B. The cloud is formed

C. The water moves to the river

D. The water moves to the ocean

E. The rain makes a cloud

40. “The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it”. The underlined word in the third

paragraph refers to....

A. The water in the oceans

B. Bathroom water

C. Grey cloud

D. The sun shine

E. Water in the rivers


41. Read the following text and answer question number 41

When we had a holiday last year, my family and I went to a place at the seaside and borrowed a

boat from one of our friends. We sailed and finished on the sea all day.

When the sea was rough, we sailed on a small lake near the sea instead. There were not many

fish in the lake, but in the sea we caught a lot with a hook, line and small pieces of bread.

When the weather was fine, we collected pieces of dried wood and fired or grilled our fish over

them on the beach.

41. What kind of experience did the writer have in the text?

Read the following text then answer questions number 42 dan 43

What crosses into your mind when someone says Parijs van Java? You would not think of

the capital of France but a beautiful city here in West Java called Bandung, with a lot of parks in it

and flowers along the sides of the streets.

The city is situated in a mountainous area with the elevation of 768 meters above the sea

level, 140 km Southeast of Jakarta. It has quite cool air with the average average temperature of

23.6 C.


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The city has an area of 167.67 square km and divided into 30 subdistricts. The

population of Bandung is approximately 2.8 million people, making it one of the largest in the

country, and is predominantly Sundanese, with quite a large number of ethnically Chinese and

Javanese as well as a smaller number of Arabian and people from many regions in Indonesia.

42. What can we conclude from the text above?

43. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

Read this text to answer question number 44!

Television is today a part of daily life. It is not only a source of entertainment but also news and

information. Television is also a valuable tool for science, education and industry

What makes television even more interesting is that action is accompanied by sound, so that we can

see as well as hear what on the television. Today we can stay at home and enjoy entertainment that

once could be seen only in cinema, theaters and sport arenas. Television enables to meet important

people. It can bring important guests and important scene to receivers who are located anywhere.

Television has a great influence on our idea about what is right and what is wrong. It influences

the way which we should behave. Television has close related to our life in general. Some times the

value and life style we get from television are in conflict with those that we get at home and school.

Critics point out that crime and TV show often appeal to taste for violence, while many games and

quizzes appeal to greedy. it is important to suggest that television should be used for socially

constructive purpose for the sake of better life.

(Adapted form

44. What is the benefit of Television?

Read this text to answer question number 45!

45. Make an application letter based on the job advertisement above!


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