Banbridge, Newry and Mourne Draft Plan 2015: Technical ... · 3.6 Industry in Gilford 22 ... to...


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Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

Banbridge / Newry and Mourne

Area Plan 2015

Draft Plan – August 2006

Technical Supplement 2


August 2006

Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006





1.1 Background 7

1.2 Regional Planning Policy Context 7

1.3 European Legislation 9

1.4 New Targeting Social Need / Anti-Poverty Strategy 10


2.1 Economic Activity and Unemployment 1981 – 2001 11

2.2 Employment by Sector 13

2.3 Summary of Employment Trends in Banbridge District 16

2.4 Summary of Employment Trends in Newry and Mourne 17



3.1 Uptake of Lands for Industrial Use within the Area Plan

Zonings 18

3.2 Invest NI - lands for Industrial use outside the Area Plan

zonings, in Banbridge District 18

3.3 Location and uptake of lands for Industrial use outside the

Area Plan zonings, in Banbridge District 20

3.4 Industry in Banbridge Town 21

3.5 Industry in Dromore 21

3.6 Industry in Gilford 22

3.7 Industry in Rathfriland 22



4.1 Future Industry Provision for Banbridge District 23

4.2 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Cascum Road, Banbridge 23


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

4.3 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Rathfriland Road, Banbridge 23

4.4 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Banbridge Road, Dromore 23


5.1 Uptake of lands for Industrial Use within the Area Plan

Zonings 25

5.2 Invest NI - lands for Industrial use outside the Area Plan

zonings, in Newry City 27

5.3 Location and uptake of Invest NI holdings in Newry City 27

5.4 Location and uptake of land for Industrial use outside the

Area Plan zonings in Newry City 30

5.5 Industry in Newry City 30

5.6 Industry in Crossmaglen 31

5.7 Industry in Kilkeel 31

5.8 Industry in Newtownhamilton 32

5.9 Industry in Warrenpoint (including Burren / Milltown) 33


6.1 Future industry provision for Newry and Mourne

District 35

6.2 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Newry 35

6.3 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Crossmaglen 36

6.4 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Kilkeel 36

6.5 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Newtownhamilton 36

6.6 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Warrenpoint 36


7.1 Identification of land for Industry 37



7.2 Analysis of Industrial development in Banbridge District 37

7.3 Analysis of Industrial development in Newry and Mourne

District 38

7.4 Justification and amplification 39

List of Tables Page

1 Economic Activity – Banbridge District 12

2 Economic Activity – Newry and Mourne District 12

3 Economic Activity – Northern Ireland 12

4 Trends in Unemployment from 1992 to 2005 13

5 Employment by Sector in Banbridge District from 1981 to 2001 13

6 Employment by Sector in Newry and Mourne District from 1981

to 2001 14

7 Employment by Sector in Northern Ireland from 1981 to 2001 14

8 Uptake of land zoned for Industry in Banbridge District 18

9 Uptake of INI lands at Scarva Road Industrial Estate 19

10 Lands Developed for Industry outside the zoned areas in

Banbridge District 20

11 BNMAP 2015 Lands Zoned for Industry in Banbridge District 23

12 Newry and Mourne Area Plan 1984 – 1999 - Industrial zonings 25

13 Uptake of land zoned for Industry in Newry and Mourne District 26

14 Invest NI sites outside zoned areas in Newry City 27

15 Land uptake at Carnbane Industrial Estate / Carnbane Business

Park Newry 28

16 Land uptake in Carnbane East Industrial Estate 28

17 Land uptake in Greenbank Industrial Estate 29

18 Land uptake in Bessbrook (Millvale Road) 29

19 Lands developed for Industry outside the zoned areas in Newry City 30

20 Lands developed for Industry outside the zoned areas in Kilkeel 32


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21 Uptake on Invest NI land zoned for Industry in Milltown Industrial

Estate, Warrenpoint 33

22 Lands developed for industry outside the zoned areas in Warrenpoint 34

23 BNMAP 2015 Lands Zoned for Industry in Newry and Mourne District 35

24 Banbridge District Council Area – Lands developed for Industry

1986 – 2006 38

25 Newry and Mourne District Council Area – Lands developed for

Industry 1986 – 2006 38

List of Illustrations Page

Fig. 1 Percentages employed in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary

Industries in Banbridge District 15

Fig. 2 Percentages employed in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary

Industries in Newry and Mourne District 15

Fig. 3 Percentages employed in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary

Industries in Northern Ireland 15

List of Appendices Page

1 Definitions for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors 40

2 Acronyms 41




1.1 Background

1.1.1 This technical supplement deals with the industry and employment issues relevant to the Draft Banbridge / Newry and Mourne Area Plan (BNMAP) 2015. It sets out an overview of significant elements of the regional and local planning policies in relation to industry and employment and supporting evidence that contributes to the preparation of the Area Plan. It addresses the following matters:

• An analysis of employment trends in Banbridge and Newry and Districts

• An assessment of the uptake of industrial lands in the two Districts

• An assessment of future industrial land and business requirements in the two Districts

• Details of the lands zoned and designated for industrial and business use in the Draft Plan

1.2 Regional Planning Policy Context

1.2.1 The Regional Development Strategy 2025 (RDS) seeks to support economic development, regarding this as a key challenge for the Region. A key objective of the RDS is to support a sustainable economic drive that will provide jobs and wealth across the region, including the two District Council Areas, and help reduce socio-economic differentials.

1.2.2 The RDS sets out the Spatial Framework to complement the Economic Development Strategy 2010, which was published in 1999. Within the RDS are a number of Strategic Planning Guidelines (SPGs), covering issues such as general locational guidance, infrastructure provision and employability. With regard to the BNMAP 2015, the following 4 SPGs are relevant:

• SPG-ECON 1 - To promote a balanced spread of economic development opportunities across the Region focused on the urban hubs as the main centres for employment and services and make provision for a generous and continuous supply of land for employment purposes (Newry City and Banbridge are identified as urban hubs);

• SPG-ECON 2 - To exploit the economic development potential of the key transport corridors with the potential for a range of special


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

business opportunities to cluster on the Belfast-Dublin corridor (Newry City and Banbridge Town are situated on this key transport corridor);

• SPG-ECON 3 - To promote the regional gateways as economic development opportunities including strengthening Warrenpoint Port;

• SPG-RNI 3 - To support the network of service centres based on main towns, small towns and villages in Rural Northern Ireland by:

- developing a network of strong main towns as the major locations providing employment, services and a range of cultural and leisure amenities for both urban and rural communities (RNI 3.1);

- promoting the vitality and viability of town centres including fostering clusters of economic activities in and around the heart of towns (RNI 3.2); and

- sustaining and consolidating the role of small towns and villages as rural service centres (RNI 3.3).

1.2.3 Planning Policy Statement 4 (PPS 4) - Industrial Development sets out the Department’s land-use policies for industrial development. It is currently being revised and Draft PPS 4 Industry, Business and Distribution was published for public consultation in January 2003.

1.2.4 PPS 4 recognises the importance of the Department’s role in integrating environmental and industrial objectives. While job creation is not a function of the planning system, PPS 4 acknowledges the role planning has to play in creating conditions which are conducive to economic development by ensuring there is an adequate supply of land in accessible locations. The Department is committed to ensuring that there are no unnecessary obstructions of a land use nature which would hinder the creation and maintenance of employment.

1.2.5 PPS 4 advises that the Department will not normally zone land for specific purposes within smaller rural settlements unless there is a clear indication of potential demand, or an especially suitable site. Land within development limits may however be suitable for industrial development. Development plans will not normally make provision for industrial development in the countryside outside the development limits of settlements.

1.2.6 When preparing development plans and zoning land for industry the Department will seek to identify sites which offer a good choice of size and location. Government policy places an increasing emphasis on private sector provision of industrial land. Accordingly, the Department will



endeavour to meet the expected needs not only of Invest NI but also of private sector developers.

1.2.7 Draft PPS 4 recognises that the planning system has a key role to play in achieving a vibrant economy. It seeks to promote economic development through supportive planning policies, zoning land for development, identifying and protecting development opportunities and integrating employment generation with essential supporting provision in terms of housing and infrastructure.

1.2.8 One of the key objectives of Draft PPS 4 is to “ensure the provision of a generous supply of land suitable for business and industry and a choice and range in terms of quality, size and location. Such lands will ideally be well served by infrastructure” and in identifying sites for industrial and business purposes in the Plan, the Department has had regard to:

• the strategic objective of the RDS to focus development within urban areas;

• the potential contribution to regenerating existing urban areas; • accessibility to the various sections of the community; • accessibility to the regional transportation network; • accessibility by a variety of modes of transport; • any potential environmental impact; • the availability of adequate infrastructure; and • the opportunity to avail of local resources and labour markets.

1.3 European Legislation

1.3.1 Directive 96/82/EC, known as the Seveso II Directive, was implemented in Northern Ireland by the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations (NI) 2000 and the Planning (Control of Major-Accident Hazards) Regulations (NI) 2000. Article 12 of the Directive refers specifically to land-use planning. The aim of this Article is to prevent major accidents at sites where processes that involve hazardous materials are used. Limiting the consequences of such accidents is taken into account in preparing land-use planning policies and under Article 12 the Department is obliged to set up appropriate consultation procedures to facilitate implementation of the above Regulations.

1.3.2 The Draft Banbridge/Newry and Mourne Area Plan has not identified sites for businesses for the use or storage of hazardous substances. The determination of planning permission for such proposals is subject to the current regional policies, planning policy statements and in particular Development Control Advice Note 12 (DCAN 12) - Planning Controls for Hazardous Substances.


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1.4 New Targeting Social Need

1.4.1 The Department is committed to implementing the government’s New Targeting Social Need (New TSN) Initiative, since renamed “The Anti-Poverty Strategy”, which aims to direct efforts and available resources towards those objectively assessed as being in social need. Within the context of Draft PPS 4, the planning system aims to ensure that disadvantaged groups and communities are able to benefit from access to employment opportunities. Draft PPS 4 envisages that “this will be achieved primarily through development plans which, in their role of facilitating economic development and creating a framework which will allow investment in job creation to take place, will be strongly influenced by New TSN considerations”.

1.4.2 The Department for Social Development (DSD) has compiled a register of disadvantaged areas, based on the NI Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005. Within Banbridge District there are no “disadvantaged” areas. In the Newry and Mourne District the following Wards / areas fall within the top 10% of a total of 890 Super Output Areas1 across Northern Ireland:

• Ballybot; • Crossmaglen; and • Drumgullion.

1 There are 890 Super Output Areas across Northern Ireland. The 10% most deprived are ranked 89 or less and only Urban Super Output Areas have been considered under the Government’s Neighbourhood Renewal programme.




2.1 Economic Activity and Unemployment 1981 - 2001

2.1.1 The tables below show the level of economic activity and unemployment in both Districts in the Plan Area and Northern Ireland over the period 1981 to 2001 using Census Information. Generally, there has been a continued improved economic situation from 1981 for both Districts and Northern Ireland, with an increase in the proportion of persons economically active / in employment and a decrease in the percentage of persons economically inactive / out of employment.

2.1.2 The percentage of economically active persons (population aged 16 –74 that is available for employment) differs for both Districts over the period. Banbridge District has consistently had a higher percentage of economically active persons than Newry and Mourne District. The Banbridge percentages closely mirrored the Northern Ireland averages in 1981 and 1991. However, by 2001, Banbridge District had a higher proportion of economically active persons than the Northern Ireland average, while in Newry and Mourne District the proportion had reached the Northern Ireland average.

2.1.3 In Banbridge District, the level of unemployment has consistently been lower than the NI rate and has shown a similar downward trend, dropping to below 5% in 2001. By 2005, the unemployment levels for Banbridge District had steadily declined to 1.4% in line with Northern Ireland as shown below.

2.1.4 The level of unemployment in Newry and Mourne District has consistently been higher than the Northern Ireland average. However, there has been a gradual reduction in unemployment in the District from 1991 to 1996. The greatest reduction in unemployment levels in Newry and Mourne District occurred during the years from 1997 to 2005. By 2005 the level of unemployment in the District was below the Northern Ireland average, as shown in Tables 1 to 4 below.


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Table 1: Economic Activity - Banbridge District *

Banbridge District 1981 1991 2001 Population 16-74 21,752 24,892 29,283 Economically Inactive 8,924 41% 9,910 40% 9,650 33% Economically Active 12,828 59% 14,982 60% 19,633 67%

Out of Employment 1,802 14% 1,614 11% 1,342 7%

In Employment 11,026 86% 13,368 89% 18,291 93%

Table 2: Economic Activity – Newry and Mourne District *

Newry & Mourne 1981 1991 2001 Population 16-74 49,203 58,414 59,568 Economically Inactive 22,344 45% 25,648 44% 24,742 42% Economically Active 26,859 55% 32,766 56% 34,826 58%

Out of Employment 7,235 27% 7,149 22% 3,859 11%

In Employment 19,624 73% 25,617 78% 30,967 89%

Table 3: Economic Activity – Northern Ireland *

Northern Ireland 1981 1991 2001 Population 16-74 1,068,710 1,167,938 1,187,079 Economically Inactive 438,951 41% 485,918 42% 447,945 38% Economically Active 629,759 59% 682,020 58% 739,134 62%

Out of Employment 105,465 17% 107,070 16% 77,130 10%

In Employment 524,294 83% 574,950 84% 662,004 90%

* Source: 2001 Census -Table KS09a, p. 26



Table 4: Trends in unemployment 1996 – 2005

Banbridge District Newry and Mourne District % N.I.

Average Year Total

Unemployed %

Unemployed Total

Unemployed %

Unemployed 1996 * 1,084 8.9% 5,602 16% 10.8% 1997 * 733 6.1% 3,812 11% 7.8% 1998 * 674 5.6% 3,644 10% 7.2% 1999 * 614 5.2% 3,185 9% 6.4% 2000 * 561 4.7% 2,193 6% 5.2% 2001 * 541 4.5% 2,231 6% 4.7% 2002 * 494 4.2% 1,974 5.5% 4.6% 2003 ** 440 1.7% 1,928 3.6% 3.4% 2004 ** 435 1.7% 1,645 3.1% 3.0% 2005 ** 375 1.4% 1,483 2.7% 2.8%

* Total unemployed by District Council Area for 1996 – 2005 based on mid-year figures (June/July) based on DETI Claimant Count

** Figures based on mid-year estimates – July (NISRA)

2.2 Employment by Sector

2.2.1 Since 1981, the general trend in Northern Ireland has been a reduction in the numbers employed in the primary and secondary sectors and a substantial growth in the tertiary sector2. These trends have been reflected within both Districts with the primary sector showing a continued decline as detailed in Tables 5 to 7 below and illustrated in Figures 1, 2 and 3 overleaf.

Table 5: Employment by Sector in Banbridge District 1981 – 2001 *

Banbridge District Council

1981 1991 % Difference 1981-1991

2001 % Difference 1991-2001

Primary Employment 1,257 15% 986 14% -22% 899 5% -9% Secondary Employment 3,034 37% 2,166 30% -29% 5,364 29% +147% Tertiary Employment 3,999 48% 4,102 56% +3% 12,495 66% +205%

2 See Appendix A for definitions of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary


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Table 6: Employment by Sector in Newry and Mourne District 1981 – 2001 *

Newry and Mourne District

1981 1991 % Difference 1981-1991

2001 % Difference 1991-2001

Primary Employment 2,131 12% 1,474 9% -31% 1,390 4% -6% Secondary Employment 5,005 28% 3,929 23% -21% 9,383 30% +139% Tertiary Employment 10,748 60% 11,693 68% +8% 21,036 66% +80%

Table 7: Employment by Sector in Northern Ireland 1981 – 2001 *

N. Ireland 1981 1991 % Difference 1981-1991

2001 % Difference 1991-2001

Primary Employment 28,869 6% 24,151 4% -16% 20,736 3% -14% Secondary Employment 157,613 30% 143,319 26% -9% 161,705 24% +11% Tertiary Employment 327,091 64% 384,982 70% +15% 504,203 73% +14%

* Source: 2001 Census Table KS11a, p.34



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

1981 1991 2001

Figure 1: Percentages employed in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary

sectors in Banbridge District

Primary Employment Secondary Employment Tertiary Employment

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

1981 1991 2001

Figure 2: Percentages employed in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary

sectors in Newry & Mourne District

Primary Employment Secondary Employment Tertiary Employment

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

1981 1991 2001

Figure 3: Percentages employed in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary

sectors in Northern Ireland

Primary Employment Secondary Employment Tertiary Employment

2.2.2 Primary Sector employment within the Banbridge District decreased by 22% between 1981 and 1991, 6% more than the Northern Ireland level. A smaller decrease (9%) was evident between 1991 and 2001.


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2.2.3 Likewise, Primary Sector employment within Newry and Mourne District decreased by 31% between 1981 and 1991, 15% greater than the Northern Ireland rate of decline.

2.2.4 In Banbridge District between 1981 and 1991 employment in the secondary sector fell by 29%, more than three times greater than the decrease for Northern Ireland as a whole. In contrast, between 1991 and 2001 there was an increase of 147% in secondary sector employment, significantly more than the increase for Northern Ireland (11%).

2.2.5 In the Newry and Mourne District, between 1981 and 1991 the Secondary Sector employment decreased by 21% compared to the overall Northern Ireland decrease of 9%. Tertiary sector employment increased 8% between 1981 and 1991, and by 80% between 1991 and 2001, compared with Northern Ireland increases of 15% and 14% respectively.

2.2.6 In Banbridge District, tertiary sector employment increased by 3% between 1981 and 1991. However this increased by 205% by 2001. These increases should be compared to Northern Ireland increases of 15% and 14% over the respective periods.

2.2.7 These patterns reflect national and international trends and increases in the financial and service sectors, a slight increase in light industries and a decrease in the agricultural and heavy manufacturing industries.

2.3 Summary of employment trends in Banbridge District

2.3.1 Between 1996 and mid-2005, levels of unemployment were lower than the Northern Ireland average. In 2004 and 2005, it was half the Northern Ireland average.

2.3.2 Primary Sector Employment in the district is higher than the Northern Ireland figure, showing the importance of agriculture to the District. However, this sector is still experiencing a decline.

2.3.3 Secondary Sector Employment decreased at a faster rate than the Northern Ireland figure between 1981 and 1991. However, by 2001 it represented 29% of all employment within the district. This figure had increased 147% since 1991, illustrating the importance of the sector in today’s environment.

2.3.4 The Tertiary Sector is becoming the main source of employment in Banbridge District. This is indicative of the changing nature of employment on a regional, international and worldwide basis. Tertiary sector employment more than doubled between 1991 and 2001, and now accounts for almost two thirds of all employment in the District.



2.4 Summary of employment trends in Newry and Mourne District

2.4.1 Between 1991 and 2002, levels of unemployment were greater than the Northern Ireland figure. However, by 2003 unemployment levels in the District became more comparable with the Northern Ireland figure and by 2005 the level of unemployment had fallen below the Northern Ireland average.

2.4.2 Primary Sector employment in the District was higher than the Northern Ireland figure between 1981 and 2001 however there was a 31% fall between 1981 and 1991. By 2001 Primary Sector employment was slightly greater than the Northern Ireland average and the gradual decline is consistent with regional, national and global trends.

2.4.3 Secondary Sector employment decreased at a faster rate than the Northern Ireland average between 1981 and 1991. This decrease was reversed significantly between 1991 and 2001. By 2001 the secondary sector accounted for 30% of all employment in the District, indicating its importance.

2.4.4 The Tertiary Sector is becoming the main source of employment not only in Newry and Mourne and Banbridge, but also in Northern Ireland. This is indicative of the changing nature of employment on a local, regional, national and international basis. Between 1991 and 2001 tertiary sector employment increased by 80% and accounted for two-thirds of employees in Newry and Mourne District.


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3.1 Uptake of Lands for Industrial Use within the Area Plan Zonings

3.1.1 Within the Banbridge Area Plan 1984 – 1998, 21.5 hectares of land was zoned for industry in Banbridge, Dromore and Gilford. Of these 21.5 hectares, 11.1 hectares remains to be developed, as detailed in Table 8 below. This included 4 hectares of land owned by the Industrial Development Board, now known as Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI).

3.1.2 In addition, 1.5 hectares of land was zoned for industry in Rathfriland, in the Newry Area Plan 1984 – 1998. Rathfriland was transferred from Newry and Mourne District Council to Banbridge District Council in 1992, following changes in council area boundaries recommended by the Boundaries Commission.

Table 8: Uptake of Land Zoned for Industry in Banbridge District

Town Location Area

zoned for Industry


Area developed

for industry (Ha)

Area developed for non-industry


Remainder (Ha)

Banbridge Castlewellan Road

6.5 Nil 2.1 (Housing)


Scarva Road 4.0 4.0 - Nil Dromore Banbridge Road 3.5 1.6 0.4

(Church) 0.3



Mossvale Road 6.5 1.2 - 5.3 Gilford Stramore Road 1.0 0.7 0.1

(Existing dwelling)


Total Zoned Land for Industry 21.5 7.5 2.9 11.1

3.2 Invest NI – lands for industrial use outside the Area Plan zonings

3.2.1 The Scarva Road Industrial Estate in Banbridge (a total of 9 hectares owned by Invest NI) has been fully developed; this includes the original zoning of 4 hectares as detailed above and an additional 5 hectares developed outside the zoned site.



3.2.2 Table 9 below illustrates that the uptake of land on the Scarva Road Industrial Estate has two distinct phases. The first phase began prior to 1990 with 4 businesses starting up and one more in August 1992. The second phase began in February 1997. A total of nine businesses located here or expanded their operations between this time and April 1999. There is no remaining capacity at Scarva Road Industrial Estate. The total area is stated at 9.47 ha however some of the site areas incorporate earlier developments and totals have been rounded up or down in some instances.

Table 9: Uptake of Invest Northern Ireland lands at Scarva Road Industrial Estate

Lessee Nature of Business Area (Ha)

Completion Date

Bowman, Victor and Helen

Manufacture of PVC windows 0.55 November 1983

Bowman, Victor and Helen

0.20 November 1983

Bowman Windows Manufacture of PVC windows 0.62 December 1997

Brendan Murdock Builders Suppliers 0.52 December 1984

McConville and McSherry

Building Contractors 0.34 April 1985

J & L Steels Steel Fabrication 0.07 Prior 1990 Banbridge Enterprise Centre

Starter Units for Small Businesses 1.15 July 1990

Brendan McAreavey Adventure Play Systems 0.20 August 1992 MSM Contracts Plastics Production (Radius

Plastics) 2.48 January

1997 Scarva Pottery Supplies

Pottery 0.20 March 1997

Sienna Sport Manufacture of Golf Clubs 0.40 October 1997 Brendan McAreavey (2nd Unit)

Adventure Play Systems 0.06 February 1998

ENE Ltd 0.53 August 1998 ENE Ltd 0.41 August 2003 KE and JE Elliott Underfloor Heating Systems 0.31 August 1998 Radius Plastics Plastics Production 1.23 January 1997 James O’Neill 0.20 June 1988 Total Area 9.47


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3.3 Location and Uptake of Lands for Industrial Use Outside the Area Plan Zonings

3.3.1 Table 10 below provides details of existing industrial provision outside the sites zoned for Industry in the Banbridge Area Plan 1984 – 1998. This demonstrates that not all industrial development occurs on zoned industrial land. A number of extensions and changes of use have occurred on these premises. The table also highlights a number of vacant premises. At the time of writing, this represents 3.77 ha of land potentially available for industrial development, outside of the previously zoned sites.

3.3.2 On the basis of the information contained within Tables 8 to 10, there is an estimated capacity of just under 15 (14.87) ha of industrial land in Banbridge District. This is the total remaining zoned land in addition to the vacant factory sites identified in Table 10. However, when extant planning permissions and current applications for industrial development are taken into account the remaining capacity may be as low as 8 ha.

Table 10: Lands developed for Industry outside the zoned areas inBanbridge District

Location Area Developed


Banbridge Scarva Road Extension 5.0 Extension to industrial estate on

undesignated lands. Brookfield, Scarva Road

0.3 Expansion to Steel Factory

Scarva Road TA Centre 1.4 Change of Use to Light Business Centre/Industrial Units and District Council Depot

Newry Road – Down Shoes Factory

2.8 Pre-1980 - Now a Vacant Factory

Armagh Down Creameries – Rathfriland Road

5.2 Long established Milk Processing Factory – Extensions/new buildings approved

Gordons Chemist Warehouse Scarva Road

0.9 Pre-1988 - Currently a distribution warehouse for Gordons Chemists

Banbridge Business Centre Scarva Road

2.9 Unit A – FCM Ltd, Adept Solutions, E.S.L., Apex Imports, Vibratt Marketing, Victor Cunningham & Co., GRM Solutions, Speechmasters, Premier Homecare, Ashview Software Unit B – Ferguson’s Linen Centre

Titan (Plastics) Factory, Seapatrick

1.8 Pre-1984



Dromore Banbridge Road 1.9 Part of a 7.9 hectare site approved as

industrial park, inclusive of 3.0 hectares of zoned industrial lands.

Mulgrew’s Distribution Warehouse, Lurgan Road

1.3 Pre-1975. Planning permission granted for Change of Use from textile factory to Distribution Warehouse – 1995

Moss Lane 0.37 Dates back to 1974. Now a vacant Concrete Batching Factory

Grahams Engineering Mount Street

1.5 Pre-1973

Mound Road 0.6 Vacant Factory Site (Warners Sewing Factory)

Totals 25.97

3.4 Industry in Banbridge Town

3.4.1 In Banbridge Town, 2.1 hectares of the zoned industrial land on the Castlewellan Road has been developed for residential use. A further application for residential development on this zoned site is under consideration. Thus, whilst 4.4 ha remains undeveloped only 0.7 ha of the zoned industrial land remains available for potential industrial development. However, given the amount of residential development that has occurred and is likely to occur it is arguable whether this land is any longer suited to industrial use.

3.5 Industry in Dromore

3.5.1 In Dromore, 3.5 hectares of land was zoned for industry on Banbridge Road. 0.4 ha has been developed for a Church, 1.6 hectares has been developed for industry and 1.2 hectares remain undeveloped. Planning permission (approval of Reserved Matters) was granted for the erection of 5 dwellings on Barronstown Road, on land zoned for Industrial use (planning application Q/1997/0417). The site measures 0.3 hectares. Approximately 2.0 hectares of land have been developed for industry to the south west of the zoned industrial land.

3.5.2 On Mossvale Road in Dromore, 6.5 hectares of land was zoned for industrial use, of which only 1.2 hectares has been developed for industry. Although 5.3 ha remains undeveloped, full planning permission has been granted for a residential development incorporating 0.9 ha of the zoned industrial land. There is a current planning application to develop a further 2.7 ha of the zoned site for residential use. This leaves 1.7 ha available for potential industrial use. However, an outline application for a site for a civil engineering contractor to include ancillary office and storage facilities


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

and workshops has been submitted. This would develop a further 1.2 ha of the site, leaving only 0.5 hectares available for further industrial development.

3.6 Industry in Gilford

3.6.1 In Gilford, 1 hectare of land was zoned for industry. The zoned land includes a domestic dwelling which occupies less than 0.1 ha. There is an existing metal engineering works operating on the site along with a fireplace manufacturer, a car repair garage and a double glazing manufacturing business (0.3 ha) which no longer appears operational. A planning application for a residential development on the site of the operational factory (0.3 ha site) is under consideration. Planning permission has been granted for a sewage pumping station on part of the undeveloped land. This site measures less than 0.05ha, and thus the remaining capacity (0.2 ha) is severely restricted in terms of size.

3.7 Industry in Rathfriland

3.7.1 The lands zoned for industrial use in Rathfriland have not been developed and remain in agricultural use.




4.1 Future Industry Provision for Banbridge District

4.1.1 A total of 50.19 hectares of land has been zoned for Industry in Banbridge District, as shown in Table 11 below.

Table 11: BNMAP 2015 Lands Zoned for Industry in Banbridge District

Settlement Location Area (Hectares) Banbridge Cascum Road (BE 32)

Rathfriland Road (BE 33) 19.30 13.03

Dromore Barronstown Road (DE 22) Quillyburn East (DE 23) Quillyburn West (DE 24) Quillyburn South (DE 25)

1.15 0.88 0.37 13.92

Rathfriland Loughbrickland Road (RD 10) 1.54

4.2 BNMAP 2015: Lands Zoned At Cascum Road Banbridge

4.2.1 19.30 hectares of land at Cascum Road in Banbridge have been zoned for Industry. This site benefits from full planning permission for a business park comprising 29 units for general industry, light industry, storage and distribution. This development was approved on 28th January 2005 under planning application Q/2004/0482/F).

4.3 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Rathfriland Road, Banbridge

4.3.1 Draft PPS 4 notes that development plans will allocate “a generous and continuous supply of land with a range of sites offering a choice of size, location and environmental amenity” for industry. Given the planning approval at Cascum Road and the mixture of uses contained therein, it was deemed prudent to allocate sufficient land for industry elsewhere in Banbridge. The Rathfriland Road is strategically placed and this designation has sought to exploit the economic development potential of the key transport corridors, in this case the A1 Belfast – Dublin route.

4.4 BNMAP 2015: Lands Zoned At Banbridge Road, Dromore (Quillyburn)

4.4.1 On 12th January 1991 outline planning permission was granted for the development of an Industrial Park at Banbridge Road in Dromore (planning application Q/1990/0335). This site measured 7.9 hectares and


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included most of the zoned Industrial land as well as 1.2 hectares of other zoned land.

4.4.2 0.4 hectares of the zoned Industrial land was subsequently developed by a church. Planning permission was granted for an extension to the bakery at Banbridge Road in Dromore on 27th September 2000 (planning application Q/2000/0572). This site measured 1.0 hectares, of which 0.7 hectares was zoned industrial land.

4.4.3 On 28th February 1995, planning permission was granted for the erection of a factory for production of cold dessert food (Cottage Catering) at site No. 3, Quillyburn Business Park (planning application Q/1994/0477). Planning permission was granted for an extension to the factory on 19th

November 1999 (planning application Q/1998/0437). This site measured 0.9 hectares, all of which has been zoned for Industrial use.




5.1 Uptake of Lands for Industrial Use within the Area Plan Zonings

5.1.1 The Newry and Mourne Area Plan 1984 - 1999 zoned a total of 84.13 hectares of land for industrial use, as shown in Table 12 below. 52.5 hectares was zoned in Newry / Bessbrook, 17.0 hectares in Warrenpoint (Burren / Milltown), and 10.9 hectares in Kilkeel. The remaining 3.73 hectares, was zoned in the local towns of Crossmaglen, Newtownhamilton and Rathfriland, although Rathfriland has since transferred to Banbridge District Council.

Table 12: Newry and Mourne Area Plan 1984 – 1999 - Industrial Zonings

City / Town Location Area Zoned (Ha)

Newry / Bessbrook Carnbane 20.8* 2.8

Greenbank 16.6* Camlough Road 3.9 Millvale Road 4.4 Craigmore Road / Armagh Road 4.0

Sub-total 52.5 Warrenpoint (Burren/Milltown)

Milltown West - Greenan Road 10.0* Milltown East - Upper Dromore Road 7.0*

Sub-total 17.0 Kilkeel Harbour West 8.0

Harbour East 2.6 Moor Road 0.3

Sub-total 10.9 Crossmaglen Cullaville Road 1.6 Newtownhamilton Newry Road 0.63 Rathfriland ** Newry Road / Loughbrickland Road 1.5 Sub-total 3.73 Total Area Zoned for Industry 84.13

*Previously owned by Invest Northern Ireland (previously the Industrial Development Board). Invest NI sold sites at Greenbank, Milltown East and Milltown West in 1995.

** Rathfriland was transferred to Banbridge District Council in 1992 following changes in council area boundaries recommended by the Boundaries Commission.


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

5.1.2 Within the Newry and Mourne Area Plan 1984 - 1999, thirteen areas of land were zoned for industry within the District’s settlements. Some of this zoned land belongs to Invest NI and uptake details for their lands have been provided by that organisation, as detailed in section 5.2 and in Tables 14 to 18, and 20. For the remaining areas of industrial use, the uptake has been calculated using planning application history checks and field surveys.

5.1.3 To date, 62% of the land zoned for industry has been taken up for industrial uses with approximately 25 hectares of these zoned lands undeveloped (see Table 13 below).

Table 13: Uptake of Land Zoned for Industry in Newry and MourneDistrict

City / Town Location Area zoned

for Industry


Area developed

for Industry (Ha)

Area developed for Non-Industry


Capacity remaining


Newry / Bessbrook

Carnbane 23.6 20.2 0 3.4

Greenbank 16.6 11.2 0 5.4

Camlough Road

3.9 0 0.1 (crèche)


Millvale Road 4.4 2.6 1.8 (housing)


Craigmore Road

4 0.7 0 3.3

Sub-total 52.5 34.7 1.9 15.9 Warrenpoint Milltown West 10 8.14 0 1.86

Milltown East 7 4.9 2.1 (housing)


Sub-total 17 13.04 2.1 1.86 Kilkeel Harbour West 8 4.1

0.8 (approved industry


3.1 (housing)


Harbour East 2.6 0 0 2.6

Moor Road 0.3 0 0 0.3

Sub-total 10.9 4.9 3.1 2.9 Crossmaglen Cullaville

Road 1.6 0 0 1.6



Newtownhamilton Newry Road 0.63 0.17 0 0.46

Rathfriland Newry Road 1.5 0 0 1.5

Sub-total 3.73 0 0 3.73 Overall Total 84.13 51.84 7.1 25.19

5.2 Invest NI - Lands for Industrial use outside the Area Plan zonings, in Newry City

5.2.1 In addition to the zonings detailed in Table 13 above, Invest NI developed other sites for industry outside the zoned lands within Newry City as detailed in Tables 14 to 18.

Table 14: Invest NI Sites outside Zoned areas in Newry City

Town Location Area (Ha) Newry Carnbane Business Park 26.53

Carnbane East Industrial Estate 9.94 Total 36.47

Source: Invest NI – April 2004

5.3 Location and Uptake of Invest NI Landholdings in Newry City

5.3.1 Invest NI previously owned five sites in Newry City: • Carnbane Industrial Estate (29.52 hectares); • Carnbane Business Park (26.53 hectares); • Carnbane East Industrial Estate (9.94 hectares); • Greenbank Industrial Estate (16.6 hectares); and • Millvale Road Bessbrook (4.4 hectares).

Carnbane and Greenbank Industrial Estates have since been transferred to private sector ownership, as has Greenbank Industrial Estate, and the Millvale Road site is no longer under Invest NI ownership. Details of Invest NI land uptake for the years from 1991 to 2005 and details of the occupants are shown in the tables 15 to 18 as follows:


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

Table 15: Land Uptake in Carnbane Business Park Newry

Lessee Nature of Business Area (Ha) Completion Date Ray McGuffin/ Northern Box

0.46 March 2001

Waste Water Controls Ltd

0.36 October 2001

Specialist Plating and Engineering

0.43 January 2002

Sienna Sport Ltd 0.86 August 2002 JK Fabrications 0.61 August 2003 Kilbroney Homes Ltd 0.97 February 2004 Hill Engineering 3.19 October 2004 CCL Services 0.51 April 2005 MJM Marine 4.86 All Clear Environmental 2.62 Total 14.87

Source: Invest NI August 2006

Table 16: Land Uptake in Carnbane East Industrial Estate

Lessee Nature of Business Area (Ha) Completion Date Keelco Ltd Spec Build 0.74 July 1996 McCormick Properties Construct Unit for Adria 5.14 July 1996 M&M Steel Fabrications Ltd


Winterhur Pensions Construct Unit for IDB PDA Scheme

0.86 June 1997

Winterhur Pensions Construct Unit for IDB PDA Scheme

1.10 July 1998

Total 8.94 Freehold Disposal (Norbrook Laboratories Ltd) 5.73 March 2004

5.3.2 Carnbane East Industrial Estate was not zoned for industry in the Newry and Mourne Area Plan 1984 – 1999. Table 16 above shows that four businesses located here - two in 1996 and one each in 1997 and 1998 taking up an area of 7.84 Hectares. This information covers the period from 1990 to December 2005. However, the most up to date information available confirms an overall site area measuring 9.94 ha, of which 0.4 ha is available for further industrial development. Table 17 below provides details of land uptake in Greenbank Industrial Estate in Newry, however Invest NI no longer holds details on leases in Greenbank Industrial Estate, as it was sold in 1995.



Table 17: Land Uptake in Greenbank Industrial Estate, Newry

Lessee Nature of Business Area (Ha) Completion Date C and K Murdock Builders Suppliers 1.55 November 1991 Newry and Mourne District Council

Council Depot 0.24 November 1991

James P Smith Concrete Products 0.20 September 1991 Newry and Mourne District Council

Amenity Area 4.85 October 1991

James P Smith Concrete Products 0.40 September 1992 AJ Plumbing Plumbing Supplier 0.60 September 1991 Newry Building Supplies Builders Supplier 0.72 August 1996 Newry Building Supplies Builders Supplier 7.98 August 1996 Total 16.54

Table 18: Land Uptake in Bessbrook (Millvale Road)

Lessee Nature of Business Area (Ha) Completion Date M and S Brown Agricultural Machinery 0.28 February 1995 Northern Ireland Housing Executive

Disposal 0.22 June 1996

Total 0.50

5.3.3 At Carnbane Industrial Estate, uptake commenced in 1991 with further uptake in 1994. There was then a steady uptake until July 1995.

5.3.4 Uptake in Greenbank Industrial Estate began in 1991 with five businesses commencing and one in 1992. There was a lull in uptake between 1992 and 1995 and two businesses located here in 1996.

5.3.5 The Invest NI lands at Millvale Road, Bessbrook transferred to private sector ownership in 1995. 0.22 ha of this site has not yet been developed.

5.3.6 Overall there appears to be a similar pattern of uptake for each of the zoned industrial sites in the Newry and Mourne District with businesses commencing in 1990. Then there is a period of three years when nothing happens and uptake beginning again in 1993/1994 and a steady uptake in 1995 and 1996.

5.3.7 Additional lands for Industry (12.70 hectares) were approved under the Article 31 procedure outside the development limit for Newry City at Lisduff. This land was ultimately developed as Carnbane Business Park.


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

5.4 Location and Uptake of land for Industrial use outside the Area Plan zonings in Newry City

5.4.1 In addition to the lands zoned for industry and Invest NI land there are a number of other industrial sites throughout the district, as detailed in Table 19 below.

Table 19: Lands developed for Industry outside the zoned areas in Newry City

Town Location Area Developed

Capacity Left


Newry John F. Kennedy Park, Millvale Road

0.91 0.2 Vanstar Meats Factory – Pre-1984. Extension approved 05/08/1999

Camlough Road 7.20 0 Norbrook Factory Pre – 1980’s. Extension approved 11/12/1998

Armagh Road 3.36 0 Norbrook Factory Pre- 1990’s. Erection of Production and Laboratory Buildings approved 18/12/2000

Armagh Road 1.03 0 ITEC Business Park Pre – 1988

Rathfriland Road 5.40 0.13 Ashtree Enterprise Park Pre – 1975

Upper Edward Street 0.57 0 Vita Fresh Factory

Martins Lane 0.63 0 Steel Engineering Works Watson’s Road 1.74 1.15 Joinery Workshop -

approved 1997 Camlough Camlough Road 2.15 0 Industrial Units

Pre - 1974 22.99 ha 1.48 ha

5.5 Industry in Newry City

5.5.1 A total of 52.5 hectares of land was zoned for Industry in Newry City in the Newry Area Plan 1984 – 1999. A site measuring approximately 20 hectares at Carnbane was largely owned by the Industrial Development Board (and subsequently Invest Northern Ireland) with a further 2.8 hectares in private ownership. This area has been almost fully developed with approximately 3 hectares of land remaining undeveloped.

5.5.2 16.6 hectares of land was zoned for Industry at Greenbank in Newry. Approximately two thirds of this area has been fully developed and



planning permission has been granted for a number of industrial developments on the remainder of the zoned land. This land was owned by Invest NI in the past but has since been transferred into private ownership.

5.5.3 Almost 4 hectares of land was zoned for Industry at Camlough Road in Newry. This land is largely undeveloped, although a crèche was developed on a small part of the site (measuring approximately 0.1 ha). An outline application for a site for mixed housing development and Industrial development has been submitted. This includes the eastern portion of the zoned land.

5.5.4 The lands zoned at Millvale Road have been fully developed. 2.6 hectares have been developed for Industry and the remainder has been developed for housing.

5.5.5 The lands zoned for Industry at Craigmore have been partially developed for industry (0.7 ha). An application has been submitted for the erection of 3 no. storage units ancillary to the existing workshop at this location. This site measures a further 0.7 hectares.

5.6 Industry in Crossmaglen

5.6.1 An area of 1.60 Hectares was zoned in the Newry Area Plan 1984 – 1999 for industrial use on Cullaville Road. This site has not been developed and is therefore available for development (see Table 13 above).

5.6.2 Planning permission has been granted for the erection of 9 No Light Industrial Workspace Units on Newry Road, to the rear of the existing supermarket and petrol filling station. An amended proposal for Shop Units, Restaurant, Offices, Staff Accommodation, Canopy over Petrol Pumps, Carwash, Plant Hire and Car Parking has received the grant of full planning permission.

5.7 Industry in Kilkeel

5.7.1 The Mourne Area Plan 1984 – 1999 zoned land for industry at Moor Road and the Harbour Area, a total of 10.9 hectares in Kilkeel as detailed in Table 13. An area of 10.6 hectares was zoned at the Harbour and is in two parts - Harbour West and Harbour East.

5.7.2 Of the 8 hectares zoned at Harbour West, 4.1 hectares has been developed for Industry. Full panning permission was granted for the erection of a factory for grading and processing seafood on a site measuring 0.8 ha (Planning application P/2004/0743/F) and the remaining 3.1 hectares has been committed for housing development. This site is


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

therefore regarded as having no capacity for further industrial development.

5.7.3 At Harbour East, the 2.6 hectares zoned for Industry is undeveloped and therefore available for development.

5.7.4 The Moor Road site of 0.3 hectares is undeveloped and available for development.

5.7.5 Table 20 below provides details of the lands developed for industry outside the zoned areas in Kilkeel.

Table 20: Lands developed for Industry outside the zoned areas in Kilkeel

Town Location Area Developed

Capacity Left


Kilkeel Harbour East and West

8.38 0 Walter Young Ltd Scottish Seafoods T. H. Nicholson Rooney Fish R. J. Gracey C & N Chambers Middleton Seafoods A-Fish Selling Company Ltd Anglo North Irish Fish Producers Ltd Kilkeel Fish Selling Co. Ltd.

Moor Road 4.26* * 3.08 hectares

approved on land zoned for

housing. Total 12.64 0

5.8 Industry in Newtownhamilton

5.8.1 An area of 0.63 hectares was zoned for industry in the Newry Area Plan 1984 – 1999 beside an existing factory on Newry Road, as shown in Table 13. Planning permission was granted for an extension to this factory in 1992. However, the area zoned for Industry in the Newry Area Plan 1984 – 1999 has not been developed. In 1990, a preliminary inquiry was received for proposed Nursery Industrial Units on Newry Road opposite the area zoned. However, this was not followed up with a full application.



5.9 Industry in Warrenpoint (including Burren / Milltown)

5.9.1 Invest NI previously owned the 17.0 hectares of land that were zoned for Industry at Warrenpoint (including Burren / Milltown), plus an additional 0.4 hectares. These lands were transferred to private sector ownership in 1995 and Invest NI therefore has no further details on leasing arrangements and uptake. The western portion of the zoned land, on Greenan Road, has an area of 10.0 hectares of which 1.86 hectares remains undeveloped

5.9.2 The eastern portion of the zoned site measures 7.0 ha, of which 4.9 ha has been developed for Industry. A housing development is currently under construction on the remaining 2.1 ha of this part of the zoned site, thus there is no capacity for further industrial development.

5.9.3 On the western portion of the zoned land, uptake commenced in 1990 with two businesses becoming operational. No new businesses arrived until 1993, and four businesses became operational between 1994 and 1995.

5.9.4 Table 21 below provides details of the uptake of Invest NI land within the industrial zoning up to December 2000. Whilst this is outdated in that it does not refer to development that occurred after December 2000, it does offer an insight into the rate of uptake between 1990 and 2000. Invest NI does not have up to date information on uptake and leasing arrangements given that this site was transferred to private sector ownership in 1995.

Table 21: Uptake on Invest NI land Zoned for Industry in Milltown Industrial Estate Warrenpoint

Lessee Location Nature of Business Area (Hectares)

Completion Date

Typerite Ltd Milltown East Typewriter Ribbons 1.54 July 1990

Mrs. M. Boyle Milltown East Disposal 0.93 July 1991

Lauren Properties Milltown East 0.62 November 1994

Point Hire Sales Milltown East Plant Hire Centre 1.20 April 1995

Newry Building Supplies

Milltown East Building Supplier 1.59 October 1996

Total 5.88 WD O’Neill Milltown West Import/Export Trailers 0.44 January

1990 Jenkins Shipping Milltown West Import/Export 0.88 February

1990 Joe Brennan Milltown West Fish Merchant 0.10 July 1993


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

P Braham & Sons Milltown West Electrical Supplies 0.75 August 1993

Noel McKinley Milltown West Garden Furniture 0.77 May 1994

Newry & Mourne District Council

Milltown West Disposal 0.69 August 1995

Total 3.63

5.9.5 Table 22 below shows the lands developed for industry outside the zoned lands in Warrenpoint.

Table 22: Lands developed for Industry outside the zoned areas inWarrenpoint

Town Location Area

Developed for Industry

Capacity Left Comments

Warrenpoint Warrenpoint Industrial Estate Newry Road

5.02 2.11 Gilbert Ash (NI) Ltd - 1988 Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency - 1988




6.1 Future industry provision for Newry and Mourne District

6.1.1 A total of 165.59 hectares of land has been zoned for Industry in Newry and Mourne District, as shown in Table 23 below.

Table 23: BNMAP 2015 Lands Zoned for Industry in Newry and Mourne District

Settlement Location Area (Hectares) Newry City Carnbane North (NY 59)

Carnbane / Cloughanramer Road (NY 60) Carnbane Road / Tandragee Road (NY61) Carnbane Business Park (NY62) Carnbane South (NY63) Craigmore Road (NY 64) Damolly (NY 65) Chancellors Road (NY 66) Loughway (NY 67)

2.28 Hectares

52.38 Hectares

2.89 Hectares 21.65 Hectares 3.95 Hectares 11.30 Hectares 2.86 Hectares 19.46 Hectares 7.28 Hectares

Crossmaglen Newry Road (CM 10) 1.65 Hectares Kilkeel Moor Road - The Harbour (KL19)

Newcastle Road (KL 20 Moor Road / Newcastle Road West (KL 21) Moor Road / Newcastle Road East (KL 22)

18.38 Hectares 2.07 Hectares

0.58 Hectares

3.54 Hectares Newtownhamilton Newry Road (NN 06) 0.46 Hectares Warrenpoint Upper Dromore Road / Burren

Road (WT 19) Newry Road (WT 20)

8.48 Hectares 1.53 Hectares

Burren Burren Village – Milltown West (BU 06) 1.86 Hectares

Jonesborough Jonesborough (JH 05) 1.24 Hectares

6.2 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Newry

6.2.1 A total of 124.05 hectares of land has been zoned for Industry in Newry City, divided between a total of nine sites. Five of these sites measure less than ten hectares, one is just more than ten, two are approximately


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twenty hectares in size and the other is greater than 50 hectares. These sites will provide a generous supply of land and a choice and range of industrial sites in terms of quality, size and location, in accordance with planning policy and guidance.

6.3 Lands zoned at Crossmaglen

6.3.1 This site (CM 11) incorporates the undeveloped land zoned for industry in the Newry Area Plan 1984-1999.

6.4 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Kilkeel

6.4.1 Part of Moor Road - The Harbour industrial site (KL 19), incorporates the undeveloped Harbour East (2.6 hectares) land zoned for industry in the Mourne Area Plan 1984-1999. The Plan therefore includes an additional 15.78 hectares of industrial land at this location.

6.5 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Newtownhamilton

6.5.1 BNMAP 2015 proposes that the site zoned for industry in the Newry Area Plan 1984-1999 be zoned again for industry. The existing factory on the Newry Road, east of the site is acknowledged as a Major Area of Existing Industry with the remaining undeveloped portion of the site (0.46 hectares), zoned as Industry in the Draft Plan.

6.6 BNMAP 2015: Lands zoned at Warrenpoint

6.6.1 The Industrial land at Milltown which was within the Newry Area Plan 1984-1999 composite development limit for Warrenpoint (including Burren & Milltown) is now within the separate development limit for Burren Village as detailed in Volume 3 of BNMAP 2015.




7.1 Identification of land for Industry

7.1.1 In relation to the identification of land for industrial, business and distribution development, Draft PPS 4 has pointed out that development plans will seek to ensure there is an ample supply of land available to meet industrial and business needs within the plan area, which is suitable for such development and ideally well served by infrastructure.

7.1.2 Sites have been identified using a criteria-based approach, and the following factors represented important material considerations:

• Sites previously identified for employment / industry in development plans;

• Sites which accorded with Strategic Planning Guidelines for the Plan area in the Regional Development Strategy;

• Sites which exploit the economic development potential of the key transport corridors;

• Sites which assist in the regeneration of urban areas; • Sites which promote regional gateways as economic development

opportunities; • Sites which minimise impact on natural and built heritage; • Sites which are adjacent to existing employment / industrial

development; • Sites which are accessible by public transport; and • Sites which are consistent with the objective of facilitating economic

development in locations which are accessible to disadvantaged urban areas.

7.1.3 PPS4 requires Planning Service to consult with relevant agencies in assessing the amount of industrial land required over the Plan period. Accordingly, consultations were carried out with Invest NI and with Banbridge and Newry and Mourne District Councils.

7.1.4 It is normal practice for development plans to take account of past trends in the take up of industrial land as a guide to future requirements.

7.2 Analysis of Industrial development in Banbridge District

7.2.1 Table 24 below provides details on the total uptake of industrial lands in Banbridge District between 1986 and 2006.


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

Table 24: Banbridge District Council Area – Lands developed for Industry 1986 - 2006

Land Zoned for Industry (ha) 21.5 Land developed for industry on zoned industrial land (ha) 7.5 Land developed for Industry outside zoned land (ha) 25.97

7.2.2 In Banbridge District, a total of 33.47 hectares of land was developed for Industry between 1986 and 2006. The uptake of lands for industry over the period 1986 to 2006 averages 1.67 ha per year. Analysis of these figures suggests that 15.03 hectares of land will be required for Industry in the Banbridge District over the Plan period, and the Plan has designated 50.19 hectares.

7.3 Analysis of Industrial development in Newry and Mourne District

7.3.1 Table 25 below provides details on the total uptake of industrial lands in Newry and Mourne District between 1986 and 2006.

Table 25: Newry and Mourne District Council Area – Lands developed for Industry 1986 - 2006

Land Zoned for Industry (ha) 84.13 Land developed for industry on zoned industrial land (ha) 51.84 Land developed for Industry outside zoned land (ha) 77.4

7.3.2 Table 13 identified the amount of land developed for industry on zoned industrial sites in Newry and Mourne District.

7.3.3 The land developed for industry outside the zoned industrial sites has been calculated using the data contained within Tables 14, 18, 19, 20 and 22.

7.3.4 In Newry and Mourne District, a total of 129.24 hectares of land was developed for Industry between 1986 and 2006. The uptake of lands for industry over the period 1986 to 2006 averages 6.46 ha per year. Analysis of these figures suggests that 58.14 hectares of land will be required for Industry in the Newry and Mourne District over the Plan period, and the Plan has designated 163.84 hectares.



7.4 Justification and amplification

7.4.1 It is considered that the above projections, based solely on past trends in industrial development should be treated with caution however as there is no sound basis for assuming that future industrial land requirements will reflect past trends, particularly given the ongoing changes in the global economy, technology and communications. Also in both Districts there is actually more industrial development on lands that have not been zoned for Industry than on zoned Industrial land; therefore any projection based on zoned industrial land alone is unlikely to yield an accurate estimate of total requirements over the Plan period.

7.4.2 The Department is satisfied that the amount of land designated for industry is proportionate to the likely levels of demand and uptake, based upon past trends and other material considerations. For example, there are no “Deprived” wards in Banbridge District, whilst there are three in Newry and Mourne, and therefore additional land would have been required in Newry and Mourne to help create conditions that are conducive to the creation of employment and wealth. This is in keeping with the RDS objective of supporting a sustainable economic drive that will provide wealth and jobs across the Region, thereby helping reduce socio­economic differentials.

7.4.3 The Plan has sought to promote a balanced spread of economic development opportunities across the Plan Area, focused on the urban hubs as the main centres for employment and services, whilst providing a generous and continuous supply of land for employment purposes.

7.4.4 In designating lands for industrial use, the Plan has aimed to exploit the economic development potential of the Belfast – Dublin road and rail corridor, along with the potential for a range of special business opportunities to cluster in Newry City and Banbridge in particular. The Plan has made provision for the promotion of gateways as economic development opportunities including the strengthening the role of Warrenpoint Port in particular, in conformity with the aims and objectives of the RDS.

7.4.5 The Plan will help support a network of service centres based upon City / Main Towns / Small Towns / Villages and Small Settlements by developing a network of strong main towns as the major locations providing employment, services and a range of cultural and leisure amenities for urban and rural communities. The vitality and viability of town centres has been protected by fostering clusters of economic activities in and around the heart of the towns and the role of smaller towns and villages will be sustained and consolidated.


Technical Supplement 2 – August 2006

Appendix 1: Definitions for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors

Sector Division Class Description Primary Division 0 All Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

Division 1 Part 11 Coal Extraction Part 13 Extraction of Mineral Oil and Natural

Gas Division 2 Part 21 Extraction of Metalliferous Ores

Part 23 Extraction of Minerals not specified elsewhere

Secondary Division 1 Part 12 Coke Ovens Part 14 Mineral Oil Processing Part 15 Nuclear Fuel Production

Division 2 Part 22 Metal Manufacturing Part 24 Manufacturing of Non- Metallic

Mineral Products Part 25 Chemical Industry Part 26 Production of Man Made Fibres

Division 3 All Metal Goods, Engineering and Vehicle Industry

Division 4 All Other Manufacturing Division 5 Construction

Tertiary Division 1 Part 16 Production and Distribution of Electricity, Gas and other forms of energy

Part 17 Water Supply Industry Division 6 All Distribution, Hotels and Catering,

Repairs Division 7 All Transport and Communications Division 8 All Banking, Finance, Insurance,

Business Services and Leasing Division 9 All Other Services



Appendix 2: List of Acronyms

BNMAP Banbridge, Newry and Mourne Area Plan

COMAH Control of Major Accident Hazards

DCAN Development Control Advice Note

DSD Department for Social Development

IDB Industrial Development Board

INI Invest Northern Ireland

New TSN New Targeting Social Need

NI Northern Ireland

PPS Planning Policy Statement

RDS Regional Development Strategy

SPG Strategic Planning Guideline

