Band of Skulls- Himalayan album review


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I expected The Band of Skulls album Himalayan to be another typical alternative rock n roll album that all seemed to sound the same. Well, boy was I mistaken. Don’t get me wrong, they are all about that rowdy up-beat rock on the outside, but their album had passion and most of the tracks gave me this surreal feeling of being on this cagey mission. The first track, “Asleep at the Wheel” gave off this disruptive mindset, like I could be as reckless as I wanted while still being in control of the wheel. Russell Marsden’s raspy, strong voice had me lured in the second he let loose on the words “Cause where we are going, is anyone’s guess”. These lyrics mark the mysterious journey this album will take me on. Emma Richardson’s back up vocals gave this track a balance of exactly what it needed. The heavy rock and roll vibe instantly hooked me in and I couldn’t wait for what was next. This band reminded me of a fiercer “Kings of Leon”. The track “Himalayan”, which was named after the album had me swinging my head and tapping my feet. The fact that I didn’t care that I was in public doing this proves this band really knew how to fully capture its listeners. The lyrics “When you lick your lips”, gives off a sort of sensual vibe which anyone can really relate too, especially when Russell Marsden is singing it. Most of the tracks from Himalayan keep up with that “on a mission, in control” ambiance. Although this band is far from something you would lean towards when you want to just sit back and relax, it really gets you going and is a great album to listen to when your getting ready, or even if you just need some pump-up music to get you off the couch. The track “Cold Sweat” changes the mood a bit and is slower than most of the other tracks. I commend Band of Skulls in keeping me wanting more. Although this song starts off slower and a bit gloomier than others, I felt like I could slow dance, but still have power and motivation to run a marathon after. I felt pretty inspired by track six. The lyrics “We are all brothers and sisters in the end” are deeper than usual and easy to relate to. It’s like their reaching out to everyone and letting them know that at the end of the day, as different as we may appear, were all equal. The album closes up with “Get Yourself Together”, and this track was actually one of my favorites. Marsden lets go of a small part of his rough tone in this, giving you a chance to hear his true talent at singing. “I just need your love to make me feel brand new”, reveals that soft spot this album has…that is if you’re willing to let yourself feel it. Himalayan never failed to keep up with its over-all edgy, passionate theme. Seriously, after listening to this album you feel as if you completed a mission.