Barge 8 Rose Bay Venue


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Marketing Event ProposalBy Lantis Yu

The foundersMatthew, Chris and Tim Barge

“Heart & Soul of

Customer Patron Segment

New romance segment!

Major celebrity segment !

Business executive segment!

Cooperate function segment!

Food lover segment

Gay Friendly Place

LGBT community is currently one of the largest pop culture trend. !

!Gay people are more likely to influence

their friends than straight.! !

45% of women believes more from gay friends than their straight friends.

LGBT Market Facts

LGBT homeowners in the survey had significantly more equity in their homes and were better financially set for retirement.!

Male same-sex households are especially likely to spend more frequently, shopping nearly 30% more often than the average household!

LGBT consumers at retail to influence their purchase behaviour and brand preferences. 24% more equity in their homes

“Estimates put the buying power of the LGBT community at over $800 billion annually” Business Insider 2014

“IT” place for Wedding Proposal

Wedding ring: 15,000 dollars!

Romantic dinner: 350 dollars !

Romantic & memorable evening: Priceless!!

P.S. Recommend the new engagement couple to reserve 1st year anniversary dinner in one year!

Best Family Dining Place

Barge8 symbolises the eight people in our family. “Matt, Chris, Tim, Stephanie, Lauren and Charlotte and loving parents”!

Family value has always the core of Barge 8 and it should be part of the sailor’s club. !

Family spent over up to 100 dollars per dine out during the weekend

The Social NetworkVine, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Flickr & MORE

Lets Get Social!

Twitter: Major news tweeting & latest update. !

Facebook: Event Promotion posts,!

Key Objective: Increase fan based for maximum public exposure, increase engagement rate, and collaborating with major social event or trends

The social TV “Increase social engagement.”!

• A TV screen with live update of any major tweets about Rose Bay Venue . !

• Motivation: everyday we select the most creative social tweet for a price. (A free drink or gift voucher)!

• During the event promotion, we allow our guests to tag photo and live stream on the social TV and social friends.!


Key Marketing Events

Launch PartyRose Bay Venue!

Bring the glamours & spot light back.

Hottest seafood restaurant in Sydney is here.


Majority Celebrity Spot

Kyle Minogue!

Michael Hutchence!

Princess Mary & Prince Frederik of Denmark!

Celebrity could generate free publicity and social frenzy. !

Fans are more likely to visit a restaurant spot with major celebrity.

Collaborating with major Aussie events

Major event planing for key holidays like Christmas, New year, Valentine’s day, father’s day and mother’s day. !

Partner event marketing with major movies studio. 6 months advance planning required.

50 Shades of Grey Campaigns

Studio: Universal Studio!

Date: February 14 2015!

A romantic dinner with Mr. Grey at Barge 8 RoseBay Venue.

The founders & Programs

Transform founders into STARS

Encourage Matthew, Chris and Tim to appears in major charity events.!

Transform each individual brothers into a highly desirable bachelor in the city. !

Sex sales has always been the best marketing choice in hospitality business. !

Positive charity works would generate more positive restaurant perception and cooperate brand.

ProgramsBirthday Gift Cards!Charitable Event Management!Local business collaboration!Major international event management!

Lantis Yu

“Thanks, More ideas to come”
