Basics of a video interview


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Need to Attend a Skype Interview. Now What?

Whether you love camera or not, there is no escape to webcam these days. Companies are increasingly using Skype video chat to conduct the first round of job interviews. The percentage of companies using video interviews to select candidates have increased tremendously over the past few years. Despite video interview becoming a common trait, it is only recently that the nuances of maxing a Skype interview are getting recognized.

Many people prepare for Skype interview just as they would for a regular face-to-face or telephonic interview. However, Skype interview is a different game altogether. It is like someone watching you live on a TV. Listed below are few tips you should follow in order to prepare for a Skype interview:

Dress to Impress

Getting dressed for a formal interview is important even while attending a Skype interview. Regardless of your local time, geographical location, or the amount of outfit your interviewer can see, you should dress appropriately. Wearing casual dresses are not only awkward, it is disrespectful for the interviewer.

Use Professional Username and Profile picture

First impression is really important and on the internet, first impression comprise of your username and profile picture. If you are still using the same username since your high school days (read cute_little_girl17 or superman_batman714), you surely need to change that. Choose a professional picture and username that will create a first good impression and prevent the employer from misjudging you.

Check Technical Details

Skype no matter how good a software is, often rife with technical landmines. While most employer are forgiving when it comes to technical problems, you should still check your internet connection, microphone, camera, and ensure everything is working fine. A good idea is to Skype with friend or family member before the interview.

Background and Script

Check your background and clean your surroundings before the interview. Also have your attachments, such as resume, cover letter and other supporting documents loaded up before the call.

Body Language

Watching you give answers in a small computer screen can get boring and the interviewer can easily get distracted. You are hero of the Skype call and you should take care to keep the employer engaged. You can look more interesting by little moving around and using proper hand gestures.

Once you are done with all this, the rules of interview are pretty much same as a general interview. Do proper research and be at your best self. Don’t forget to end the interview with a gentle thank you.

Go ahead, nail the virtual interview. All the best.