Batman The Dark Knight: Knight Terrors



In episode one of Batman: The Dark Knight, Batman and the GCPD are hit with a massive breakout at Arkham Asylum and are introduced to a new drug capable of removing someone's fear.Next episode: Batman The Dark Knight: Catch me if you Can

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Batman: The Dark Knight Knight Terrors Written byPaul Jenkins FIRST DRAFT: BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT KNIGHT TERRORS ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. GOTHAM CITY NIGHT LONGSHOT ON GOTHAM CITY Gotham City displaying crystal clear water with the reflection of the sprawling city in it. Refurbished skyscrapers from the 18th century, beams of light lighting up the night sky. POLICE BLIMPS patrolling. THE BATWING. Its sleek black paint shining in the sky. A trail of thick smoke erupting from the thrusters. Going at speeds of a hundred miles per hour. Inside, BATMAN, strapped in, sits. His eyes set on the sky in front of him. Around him, dials, buttons and computer screens shine and blow. A shade of green lighting up the cockpit from the many computer screens. Batman taps a button next to the GEAR stick. A button with a faint green glow. The cockpit opens and the belt unstraps. Batman drops. Grabbing a bag as he falls from beside him. His cape slowing his fall to the rooftops below. He lands on top of a building. A water tower nailed to it. He unzips the bag to reveal- A TUXEDO. Black and white. Complete with tie. Batman takes off his mask, continuing with the gloves, boots and costume. Slipping the tuxedo on, Batman turns to BRUCE WAYNE. BILLIONAIRE. PHILANTROPIST. PLAYBOY. Bruce Wayne runs down an alley, putting on his tie and tucking in his shirt. The bag around his arm, Bruce reaches into it and pulls out a- GRAPPLE GUN. He aims it above him at a building and FIRES. A thin wire unravels out of the gadget and attaches itself to the building balcony. Bruce leans back and lets himself fly towards the balcony. He leaps over the balcony and approaches a SLIDING DOOR and into- INT. OPERA HOUSE NIGHT Bruce stands on stage, behind a podium with his name printed on. His tuxedo is now complete, no clue that he was Batman just minutes ago. THE GUESTS are quiet. Eager to hear Bruces speech. BRUCE Fear is a cannibal that feeds upon itself. It lives in every dark shadow. Waits around every corner. It can be in two places at once. On the path ahead, jet somehow always BEHIND you. Fear hides in every decision, questioning your every move. And its your fault. YOU are the one who gives it life. You are the parent of your own fear. Every instinct tells us we can do nothing in the face of that which terrifies us. But thats what fear is. INSTINCT. We run because that is our nature. Better to run away and fight another day, or so the saying goes. But if we run, the cannibal feeds and grows stronger. Better to run towards your fear. Better still to FACE it. Stare it in the eye. Make it blink. Watch it SHRINK. Now, I may be a man with a substantial amount of money and the willpower to spend it. I may be fashionably LATE from time to time. (laughs from guests) But Im not cut out to be the parent of a cannibal. Neither am I afraid to make decisions or go into DARK PLACES. I am NEVER afraid. And I never WILL be. Thank you. An applause. Bruce makes his way down the stage, followed by TWO WOMEN. CONGRESSMAN STRICKER approaches Bruce. A smile on his face. He reaches out his hand to Bruce, and they shake. CONGRESSMAN A fine speech, MR. WAYNE. Wish I could share your sentiments, but given the economy and the latest jobless figures coming off the hill, Im scared as hell right now. Though we sure do appreciate how many jobs Wayne Industries has created in the technology market over the years. Not to mention your GOTHAM REVITALIZATION PLAN. BRUCE We aim to create more, of course, CONGRESSMAN. I trust Ill have your support on our agreement to purchase with the Chinese? CONGRESSMAN You just let me know what I can do to grease the wheels, Bruce. Call my office on Monday, and well chat a while. The Congressman nods his head in consideration and walks away from Bruce just as- A male, dressed in a tuxedo similar to Bruce, walks over to him. A badge is in his hand, hidden. FORBES Id like to speak to Mr. Wayne. ASSISTANT Do you have an appointment, sir? FORBES I dont NEED an appointment. BRUCE Im sorry. Have we met, Mr...? FORBES FORBES. Internal Affairs, Gotham P.D. Forbes holds up his badge. Proof. BRUCE Internal Affairs? Im sorry Lieutenant, you may have me confused with someone else. If this is about that parking ticket outside the Opera House, Im sure my Assistant paid it. FORBES I heard your speech tonight, Mr. Wayne. Wouldve though a man of your stature could afford better writers. The way I see it, one guys fearlessness is another mans RECKLESSNESS. Especially when it comes to the illicit funding of a Vigilante. Bruces face drops. BRUCE Ladies...Would you please give Lieutenant Forbes and me a moment? FORBES Let me tell you what I know, Mr. Wayne. I know even someone with YOUR resources couldnt solve the logistics if financing Batman and his cronies unless you had HELP. That helps gotta come from someone INSIDE Gotham P.D. Someone high up. I want to know WHO. JAINA This is a charitable event, boys. And charity usually begins and ends with a SMILE. JAIN HUDSON. A half-cast woman, with a white dress on up to her thighs. Golden heels on and a white purse in her hand. JAINA JAINA HUDSON. Tonights little function aims to raise money for those left homeless by the Karachi Floods. So think of me as your impromptu hostess. Please let me know if theres a PROBLEM of any kind. I trust Im not interrupting anything? FORBES As a matter of fact you ARE, miss. This is a private conversation. JAINA Mmh. Yknow, for a private conversation, it sure if loud and very PUBLIC. BRUCE Everythings fine, Miss Hudson. The Lieutenant was just leaving. FORBES Sure, I was. Be seeing you soon, Mr. Wayne. BRUCE Thank you for that. JAINA Call me Jai. My friends do. BRUCE So youre Tom Hudsons daughter? I knew your father just before they made him a diplomatic attach to Mumbai. JAINA You must have been very young. BRUCE Flattery will get you everywhere, Miss Hudson. And Ive heard your mother is just as beautiful as you. JAINA Ohh. Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE, Mr. Wayne. BRUCE Call me BRUCE. You know, your dad was always full of surprises, but marrying a BOLLYWOOD actress over here in the States, we call it outpunting his coverage. Meant in the nicest possible way, of course. JAINA Im familiar with the vernacular. Ive attended school here since I was nine. But just so you know, my mother got the better end of that deal. Tell me, do you think you could outpunt ME. Bruce? BRUCE Im not sure what you mean, Jai. JAINA Ill let you think about it while I circulate with the guests. BRUCE Lets hope we run into each other again. JAINA Well, Bruce...Why dont you try to CATCH me? Jaina walks over from Bruce. A wide grin left on his face. Bruce looks down at his watch. 9:30. Bruce Wayne sneaks past the guests and moves over to the exit. EXT. GOTHAM STREETS NIGHT ALFRED PENNYWORTH stands beside a taxi, looking at Bruce. ALFRED TROUBLE, Master Bruce? BRUCE No doubt your mind is ALIVE with the possibilities, ALFRED. INT. ARKHAM ASYLUM NIGHT ALARMS BLARE. Smoke spreads. Gunshots echo. Screams. Yells. Laughing. THE INMATES attack the metal security doors, trying to escape Arkham Asylum. A squad of SECURITY GUARDS stand on the other side of a security door. Their weapons raised and loaded. Inmates are attacking the door, making a lot progress. SECURITY GUARD #1 ...Thats not what I SAID! I said, Weve pulled back from the West Wing! I got fire alarms going off ALL ACROSS the building, an theres no word from anyone inside the pen! I repeat, we have lost containment inside Maximum Security! Control, I got SIXTY-FIVE men at risk in here! I need backup, and I need it NOW! Believe me, this is not a drill, and it is not a situation. This is the MOTHER LODE- A GRENADE explodes. Knocking the officers back and blinding them for a few seconds. When they regain their eyesight they see- CLOSE UP ON SECURITY GUARD #1 All the inmates from Maximum Security run towards the Guards. Everyone ranging from, MR. FREEZE to RAGDOLL. LONGSHOT ON ARKHAM INMATES RAGDOLL(singing) Hush little baby, dont you cry! The Guards start shooting. RAGDOLL (singing) Lifes a bitch. And then you DIE. The inmates attack the Guards. Screaming erupts from their mouths. Blood splatters over the floor. EXT. ARKHAM ASYLUM NIGHT A squad of Guards and REPORTERS stand outside Arkham Asylum. Vehicles parked behind road blockers. Their guns are trained on the security doors, which is being pounded by the inmates. SARGE ...No, I said, Get this TV Crew out of my face before I accidently discharge my weapon in their direction! Someone tell me how come three hundred inmates on Lockdown just bugged out and broke free from their UNBREAKABLE restraints? What the hell is going ON around here?! Control, I dont give a rats rear end about protocol! I got sixty-five good men in there, an we are NOT waiting for permission to go in after them- OFFICER #1 SARGE! We got heavy activity behind the main door. The security doors shatter and the inmates leap out. Attacking the guards waiting for them. CLOSE UP ON SARGE FACE SARGEI guess our permission just arrived. Ill call you back. EXTREME CLOSE UP ON BATMAN FACE BATMAN Sixty-five men. Sixty-five FAMILIES. Batman stands on the roof of an AMBULANCE. The Guards look up, a glimmer of hope of their faces. LONGSHOT ON BATMAN AND GUARDS BATMAN You can tell me what happened later. Right now, why dont we give your men trapped inside a fighting chance? END ACT ONE ACT TWO EXT. ARKHAM ASYLUM - NIGHT BATMAN LEAPS from the ambulance and into the air. Alost immediately throwing a trio of Batarangs at the inmates below him. Batman lands atop THE GREAT WHITE SHARK. The sound of bones cracking following. Mr. Freeze throws a punch behind Batman, but is shot down by a Guard to his left. MAGPIE leaps on the guard, scratching him with her nails. Batman throws his fist at her, knocking her off him and onto the ground. Just as Batman goes in to finish Magpie, Ragdoll leaps onto his back, kicking and screaming. Batman grabs his hair and pulls him over his head, connecting his knuckle to his face afterwards. He looks at the guards, and the gunfire taking down the inmates one by one. BATMAN TWO-FACE. Where is he? OFFICER #1 Maximum Security. H-He didnt come out with the others. BATMAN Then we go in and FIND him. Come with me. Batman sprints into the building. The Officer looks at the Sarge, unsure what to do. SARGE You heard the man. The Guards follow Batman and find him battling more inmates. Batman has his arm around an inmate, throwing a kick to the face to another inmate at the same time. The guards fire their weapons at them. Watching them drop at their feet. Batman head-buts and inmate, knocking him down instantly. KILLER CROC Let ME have him! KILLER CROC charges at Batman, his feet stomping on the ground. The Guards back away as Croc grabs Batman and slams him into the ground. The Guards shoot at Croc. The bullets bounce off his skin. CLOSE UP ON BATMAN KICKING CROC Batman pulls back his legs and push, knocking Croc back. Batman leaps up and climbs onto Killer Crocs back. He holds his mouth and slams it down into the floor. He is down. BATMAN Lets GO. Batman and the Guards continue through Maximum Security, shining a torch to see where they are going. OFFICER #1 This is nuts. Were sitting ducks out here. SARGE Shut it, Myers. Keep your eyes on the shadows and anything that moves. Ahead of them, the silhouette of a woman pops up. OFFICER #1 Over there! The Guards shoot at the silhouette. The torch lights up the corridor revealing- CLOSE UP ON WHITE RABBIT A FEMALE wearing a white and pink costume resembling a WHITE RABBIT. BATMAN Thats not HIM! Hold your fire! Batman runs towards the White Rabbit, who runs around the corner. And is gone. SARGE Who the hell was THAT? BATMAN Someone who shouldnt BE here. They may be trying to spring Dent by causing a distraction. Keep quiet and stay alert. Whoever you are...This is BATMAN. Come out with your hands raised where we can see them. TWO-FACE! SHOW YOURSELF! THE CELL ahead of them explodes. Wood, metal, stone crashes to the floor. CLOSE UP ON COIN FALLING A coin hits the floor too. Both sides scarred. TWO-FACE appears around the corner. His clothes ripped, his height maximised. His muscles bulging. VENOM.

TWO-FACE TWO-FACE NO LONGER, BATTY BOY. YOU CAN CALL ME ONE-FACE NOW. OFFICER #1 Oh, CHRIST. Im getting OUT of here. SARGE Right behind you. The Guards run away, leaving Batman alone with Two-Face. BATMAN What HAPPENED to you, Harvey? TWO-FACE I was shown MY weakness. The THING that stops us from REALLY living. BATMAN And whats that? EXTREME CLOSE UP ON TWO-FACE TWO-FACE FEAR. Two-Face swipes at Batman, sending him into the air. He grabs the falling Batman, slamming him into the ground. Next, Two-Face picks Batman up again, throwing him down soon after. He slams his foot on Batmans back and rolls him over. TWO-FACE YOU cant stop me. NO ONE CAN! Two-Face punches Batman in the skull. Twice. Then continues to grab him and raise him over his head. Two-Face swings the wounded Batman. Letting him go. And sending him soaring into the wall. Batman slumps on the floor, blood leaking from his nose and mouth. Two-Face kicks Batman in the stomach. Blood sprays everywhere. He pulls Batman up by the cape and throws him into a door. Creating a dent. Batman attempts to get up. Two-Face looming over him, breathing hard. Two-Face back-hands Batman, ruining his attempts at getting back up. TWO-FACE Mffh. I expected MORE of a fight. You ARE the Batman, after all. Two-Face pulls Batman by the cape and slings him back into the door, holding him by the throat. TWO-FACE Have you thought how it would feel to lose ALL INHIBITION? To shed every shred of doubt? Liberation and release. Do you WANT that release?

Batman stares at Two-Face. CLOSE UP ON TWO-FACE BLOOD begins leaking from Two-Faces eyeballs. TWO-FACE Its coming Batman. A world full of people like me whove finally WOKEN UP. There wont be many of us, but the truly fearless will inherit it all. The blood is rolling down Two-Faces cheek. TWO-FACE If you had lived, you would have been miserable and afraid and master of nothing. But Ive been given a gift... The blood is now dripping from Two-Faces chin. TWO-FACE ...OH...The things I can see... Two-Face collapses atop Batman. His breathing slow, his eyes open. BATMAN See anything with your eyes CLOSED, Dent? EXT. GOTHAM CITY POLICE HQ NIGHT Batman and COMMISSIONER GORDON are situated on the roof. THE BAT-SIGNAL shining brightly beside them. Batman is perched next to the Signal, Gordon in front of it. Smoking. GORDON Thirty-seven injured. Seven in critical condition. Fifteen dead. And YOU couldve been number sixteen. BATMAN SHOULDVE been, Jim. GORDON I guess Two-Face finally did something RIGHT. Speaking of which, a couple of the other inmates are claiming they were INJECTED with something. The ones still alive arent in good shape. One of them says he saw a WHITE RABBIT for Petes sake. BATMAN A White Rabbit? GORDON Its a common visual motif among abduction victims, apparently. Who woulda known? Here...We found these all across the facility. Someone wasnt exactly shy about hiding them. Send me the results when you get it analysed. Gordon hands Batman a syringe. He takes it. BATMAN Did anyone mention seeing a girl? GORDON Please tell me youre not serious. Look, all I know is weve got a mess on our hands. Three inmates whos brains have turned to mush, and were about to get hit with multiple lawsuits from multiple dirtbag lawyers. WE see Two-Face strapped to a bed, his eyes covered. He is screaming in pain. GORDON (V.O) The only one in any shape to talk is Two-Face, but he hasnt said anything coherent since he conveniently started bleeding out of his EYEBALLS. Back to Gordon and Batman. GORDON This couldnt have come at a WORSE TIME. If one of the Doctors at Arkham Asylum is found to have been experimenting on the patients on my watch- BATMAN It was an outside job. Someone got IN. GORDON Uh-Huh...Well, either option isnt exactly going to pad my rsum. Im beginning to wonder if any of this is WORTH it. Forbes is on me like a damn alligator with a Poodle in its mouth. I got temporary reinstatement only because the appeals process is a dinosaur. Even some of the boys I TRUSTED are beginning to look at me sideways now. Forbes got to them, too. Its just my luck the one guy I can rely on dresses up like a bat so he can get his ribs busted in a dark alley. Youre the only friend Ive got right now. Gordon turns around to look at Batman. Hes gone. CLOSE UP ON GORDON Gordon faintly smiles. EXT. GOTHAM STREETS NIGHT THE BATMOBILE drives along the roads. The thrusters leaving a trail of smoke. Moonlight reflecting off the sleek, black body. A red glow from inside. BATMAN (V.O) Alfred, give me a status report. ALFRED (V.O) Youll no doubt be excited to learn we have numerous reports of drug-addled sociopaths coming in from all across town, sir. We are coordinating efforts, as are the police. BATMAN (V.O) Who do we thank for this? Scarecrow? Hugo Strange? ALFRED (V.O)Oh, lets hope so, sir! Theres nothing better than assisting ones employer in tracking down a homicidal maniac. I keeps one feeling so YOUNG. Inside, Batman places the syringe in a compartment to analyse. A green light scans the syringe. BATMAN Im sorry were keeping you up so late. Just one more task and then you should go to bed. Im depositing a sample of the serum into the database right now. Anything on the girl? INT. BATCAVE NIGHT Alfred sits at the BATCOMPUTER in a purple gown. A cup of tea beside him. ALFRED A half-naked girl in white lingerie. No doubt the World Wide Web is replete with such images, Master Bruce. I shall do my UTMOST to sort through them all. EXT. GOTHAM STREETS NIGHT CLOSE UP ON BATMAN Inside the Batmobile, Batman smiles. He understands the joke. INT. BATCAVE NIGHT ALFRED Early analysis suggests the chemical composition is related to the fear toxin used by the Scarecrow. There are enough similarities to suggest theyre related. BATMAN (V.O)Thats a start. His last know whereabouts? ALFRED He was in Arkham for a short time, sir. EXT. GOTHAM STREETS The Batmobile dodges vehicles on the road. ALFRED (V.O) Ill run the full analysis and have the results uploaded into the Batmobile. In the meantime, a few small matters requiring your attention...Luncheon with Congressman Stricker? BATMAN Regrets. My regards to his wife. ALFRED (V.O)Tickets to the World Series, Game Five? BATMAN Regrets. With gratitude. ALFRED (V.O) Dinner with Miss Jaina Hudson? BATMAN Regrets...No, ACCEPT. Anything else? ALFRED (V.O) Apart from the impending apocalypse, Master Bruce, I do believe were covered... The Batmobile stops in front of a squad of police cars and vans blocking the road. EXT. GOTHAM BANK NIGHT ALFRED (V.O) ...Though do please wake me if we get word from any of our YOUNGER ASSOCIATES. A GCPD OFFICER takes cover behind his car, pointing his gun at the Bank. ROBIN smashes through the window. Landing on the ground. NIGHTWING follows soon after. NIGHTWING UKK! THE VENTRILOQUIST AND SCARFACE follow soon after. The Scarface doll cracked and shattered. VENTRILOQUIST You broke my Doll. The Ventriloquist throws Scarface to the floor in front of Robin and Nightwing. NIGHTWING Okay, who is this guy and what did he do to the real VENTRILOQUIST? Im open to ideas. ROBIN Sfunny...I was just about to say that to you. The Ventriloquist picks up a dead Guard, blood dripping from his mouth. VENTRILOQUIST One of these children broke my Doll. What do we do to naughty boys? TEAR OUT THEIR SPINES. MAKE THEM SQUEAL. LONGSHOT ON VENTRILOQUIST The Ventriloquist is also on VENOM. His clothes are ripped. His muscles bulging. His height maximised. VENTRILOQUIST YES. WE MAKE THEM SQUEAL. AND AFTERWARDS? SEEN AND NOT HEARD. ALL OVER THE RED, RED WALLS. ROBIN Uh...I think were gonna need a little backup. EXT. THE NARROWS NIGHT BATGIRL leaps over a crate, with ZSASZ chasing her. Two knives in his hands. Zsasz swipes at Batgirl. She ducks, only a few strands of hair getting cut. The knife swings back into Zsaszs skin. An accident. ZSASZ Look, Batgirl! I cut myself!(laughs) Because YOURE already dead! BATGIRL Oh, brother... EXT. CRIME ALLEY NIGHT THE BIRDS OF PREY stand side-by-side. KATANA. BLACK CANARY. STARLING. BLACK CANARY KATANA. Move outside and flank to the left! STARLING and I will distract from the front! KATANA Thats it, CANARY? Thats our plan? THE CLOCK KING swipes at the Birds of Prey. Starling shoots. Katana swipes her sword. Canary is hit. BLACK CANARY Got a better one? EXT. DEVILS SQUARE NIGHT THE CAVALIER hits BATWOMAN. BATWOMAN AAH! Batwoman retaliates by connecting her fist to the Cavaliers jaw. CAVALIER A HIT from BATWOMAN! Methinks a palpable and bloody HIT. EXTREME CLOSE UP ON BATWOMAN BATWOMAN What the hell is HAPPENING to this planet? END ACT TWO ACT THREE INT. GOTHAM HOSPITAL NIGHT The Camera PANS outside the Hospital and through an open window. Inside, Two-Face lies in a bed. Batman standing over him. BATMAN All that talk of liberation and release, Harvey. And youre right back where you STARTED. CLOSE ON BATMAN TWO-FACE Batman leans in closer to Two-Face. BATMAN We can make this easy or hard. I want to know what happened at Arkham. Who injected three hundred prisoners in a secure facility, and how is the GIRL involved? TWO-FACE You must be SEEING THINGS, Batman. Maybe...Hehh...Maybe youve been burning the candle at both ends. Taking a little extra something to stay on the case. You know that stuff will rot your BRAIN- BATMAN This is not the day to play GAMES with me! Who DID this? TWO-FACE You think youre a Detective but you know NOTHING. BATMAN Ill tell you what I KNOW. Youve had a taste of something you like, and youre going to want it again. But Im going to take it off the streets. So youre trapped even worse than before. That feeling of freedom and power youre so in love with, youll never, ever have it again. The door opens and a DOCTOR enters. Batman escapes out of the window just before he is seen. EXT. TRAIN NIGHT LONGSHOT ON TRAIN A TRAIN runs along the tracks. Batman is fighting a group of JOKER Thugs on top of the train. A NEWS HELICOPTER watches. ALFRED (V.O) Weve found the individual youre looking for. Precisely seven minutes ago, news came through that the Joker has commandeered a commuter train heading north out of Gotham. There has been no word from anyone on board. BATMAN (V.O) The Jokers back already? Tell Gotham PD Im headed that way now. ALFRED (V.O) Understood. Ill send word ahead through our usual channels. Further analysis of the sample you provided confirms our initial test results. Someone seems to have fashioned a drug capable of removing FEAR from a persons mind. CLOSE UP ON BATMAN AND THUG Batman connects his elbow to a thugs face. Then throws his leg, sending the thugs off the train. ALFRED (V.O) But it comes at a price. The human body tries to reject the drugs effects. Hence the sudden flow of blood to the eyes and nasal membranes of those less fortunate. Batman throws one final punch at the penultimate thug. His weapon flies into the air, along with teeth and blood. ALFRED (V.O) Of course, I suppose theyre quite used to it, considering you extract their blood on a REGULAR BASIS... The final thug points his gun at Batman. THUG You got nowhere to run, BAT-FREAK! Nowhere to hide up here! Now whattya gonna do? Behind the thug, a low wall. Batman waits and cover himself as blood splatters everywhere. INT. TRAIN NIGHT Batman climbs into the train. Joker Thugs lie on the floor in pools of blood. Batman checks their pulse. BATMAN Alfred, Im on board now. You still getting this? Looks like Joker took out some of his own people...It doesnt make SENSE. WHITE RABBIT When does it EVER, make sense, Batman? Only at the end, when KNOWING does you no good, anyway. The White Rabbit stands between the carriages. WHITE RABBIT Youll get there a whole lot quicker if you CHASE me. BATMAN Stay right THERE! Batman runs to the White Rabbit, but by the time he gets there- She is on the other side of the carriage. CLOSE UP ON WHITE RABBIT WHITE RABBIT Gotta by quicker than that, Bats. Batman runs towards the White Rabbit. BATMAN Wait! I need to TALK to you! The White Rabbit evades Batman and enters a compartment. JOKER How funny! A clown dressed in a bat suit! Too bad youre just the OPENING ACT. Sitting on a pile of dead bodies. With the White Rabbit on top of him. The Joker, shirtless and muscles bulging. He is on VENOM. JOKER Wait till they get a load of ME. END ACT THREE CREDITS
