Be Thou consciously with them in every thought and act ... · 3 obedlent children. Be Thou...


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..5(. 1:1'... 1i. 1 MARRIAGE CEREMONY

ti \True marriage is more than the joining in the bonds of

matrimony of two people--it l•, in its right relation, the unitingof»,0 souls attuned to each other.

When such a true bond alroady exists between man and woman,it is proper that an outward acknowledgment be made. Thisacknowledgment is the real object of this gathering and this ceremony.

We are here to bear witniss of the Intry into the closerrelationship of husband and vifl of these two beloved friends, whoare already one in Spirit.

If, in the sight of the law, there is any reason why thisunion should not take place, let it nov be known. (Pause). 1

If, under the law of man, or the law of God, there be anyreason known to either of you why you should not be made husbandand wife let it nov be knoin. (Pause).

---- do you take ---- to tie your wedded wife, to love her,to protect her, to provide for hor, and to be unto her a loyalhusband alwaysT (Anavor) I do. +

---- do you take ---- to bo your wedded husband, to love him,.*3- 1


to inspire him with courage and true thoughts and always be unto hima loyal wifeT (Answer) I do.

(Groom places ring on the third finger, left hand of bride.Minister says:)

This ring represents that endless spiritual love which linksyou Spirit to Spirit, and soul to soul, and of which Jesus Christ said:

"Have ye not read, that He vhlch made them from the beginningmado them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leavehis father and mother, and ahall cleave to his wife, and the twainshall become one

fleshT So that they are no more twain, but one  esh.- What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.Please join hands.

---- and ---- under the authority of the law of our land, andin the name of the Holy Spirit, who performs every true marriage, Ipronounce you husband and wife.

Invocation by min18 ter.

Almighty Fatherl Witness of every true marriage, and sealerof every spiritual union, ve invoke thy blessing upon these thy


obedlent children.

Be Thou consciously with them in every thought and act.Bless them with goodness and truth, purity and wisdom, fidelityand forbearance, prosperity and contintaint.

Let their minds be illumined with thy visdom, their Soulsunified with thy life and their bodies purifild with thy substance. Amen.

742 -4 $:-6'0<I ..:k ..:<I .-:7'.1-10$91«=:i·Y··- :- '  •1  ... .:*.75...4=.AE,47FT..... /.0/7772 - .Ii,psemmwi

A  .- :1 0 .<33.=E:efrff\ .etr,·.- · . 4. M«.11.Ze . 11•rriage Ceremony, -819*,Mil,

: -·:.t·:

:36;True marriage is more than the joining in the bonds of matrimony .::


'2 ' of: 6,6 people--it is, in its right relation the uniting for an eteinity, '2of two Bouls attuned to each other.

Have, ye not read, that he which made them from the beginning made -i....... . . ..'.j. them male and female, and Baid, For this cause shall a man leave his

12 father and mother, .and shall oleave to his wife; and the twain shall be-54-. aome one flesh T.So that they are no more twain, but one flesh. What

i:2:.i.;..... .

 Si," r therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Ma£t.19:4)  51*38: r.'.• '

: . 7, 2 r . When Buoh a. trua bond alread, exists between man and woman, it is  . -91; i3, - proper that an outward acknowled/3ment be made. This acknowledgment la

14, e the real object of this gathering and this ceremony.242;.ST.Y.'.

·315/·· • We are here to bear witness of the entry into the closer relation-. .11. . IAbl.

133:.. .. ship of husband and.wife of these two beloved friends, who are already.V.

I · ove in Spirit.r 

=:,SJ,3- '.. .....,- . I .= , I .... I-.2 ..2,.

VIT r-If, in the sight of the law, ere is any reason why this union-uld not take place, let lt·,now Se known. .

..........r 6%' r#*L ....1 .., . .( Pause,) ''il.I . .-·:r, '-1. If, under the law of man, or the law of God, there be any reason

known to either of you why you should not be made husband·and wife, let

it now be known.

ib C P."a. 1(Natne) JRityou take ( Name) to be your wedded Nife, to love.her, to

protect her, to provide for her, and to be unto her a dutiful husband

always ?


C Answer) IPO

4 (Name) TAbli you take C Name) to be your wedded husband, to love

him, to inspire him with courage and. true thoughts and always be unto

.-,'  him a dutiful wife T

C Answer ) I tri&&9 bb .


-,-1 - ': 3. .. . I ...: I 6 f.....,1.'IN'.=im#P.#)'.'. , '.. =,e=Ze'8.

Please Join hands. .0 - 1.1„„„,I .

- (Name ] and (Name ) under authority of the law of our land, and in' 12

-4"Ii'll&d name of the Holy Spirit, who performs every true marriage, I pro- ...rnounce you husband and wife.

Invocation by Minister.

Almighty Fatherl witness of every true marriage, and. Sealer of:

evar, Spiritual union; we invoke thy blessing upon these thy obedient


Be thou consciously with them in all their life' s journey. Bless.7

1. them with goodness, and truth, purity, and wisdom, fidelity and for-1..3beavance, prosperity and contentment. .SLe t their minds be illumined with thy wisdom, their souls unified . 

with thy life and their bodies purified with thy ·Substance.

9 I Amen.

6..:£.- .·.····.·· -·'_ . ·. 4

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rMarrlace Cer/mon'.

'*t'. .1 . . . . . . . .

rue ·an·1*ge 's more than the Joinlne in tho bondh,

Of matrimoto of   tio is. in it• right rilation./ '

the ulotting ge •--*6-s:1*  of two Bouls attuned to each

bther; ! 1i. i

When *uch & true bond already exists between man /ad

f.-1 1. '.,„'.r ... aw out-„ -=.„.-2, -   -*864,1. ; Thi, ack,owl/dememt is th, real object of this ,kath#*1*g  na *41. a.™*i .


2 7• an her«to bear witness of tho Intry lato the ,

closer relltion*hip of hulband and wife or the • t- bo-

lor/4'frlemaa. who are alriady on, in Spirit.

If, 18 the light of the lav. th,re 1, iny reason why

,•1. .,on'.hon,a -t taki „.... lit it .w b. »,™.0. Ip-„1 1 :

«, ujder thi law or man. or thi luil of God. thori i :4be lay r/ason laioin to either of you 1,47 Jou should not ,

1.- --1-.,0 ... " ......,1.-f, 1 A1

1--. *11 509 take , to be your'v,Mid/d Ilfe, to ' love her, to protect her. to provido for her. and to be

1 4- 1, L  rr-' 2sinto-Der a •allid husband alwqil tanswer 1 I  *.

.. 1-. I .'..... 1.,Citio..ak.. to be lour vidd/d *asband, f

'0 ,„. ht., to 1'.„,re hi„ .i.. comuv*90 Ind .„0 „„,#„   6» . _ ·_i _. :.«Z«%8r.Ze/.

r --=rMEl


2.n .iL- , i l bland  1- bo Unt. him . 44*fu .,re 'A„.*1 '1.14**

11 '"- '11... 'ing on third /1.'"1 lon =l o,br14. Minister Bays,) 1 1 11. . ; 1 .- * .1 1

This rina represents that endless spiritual love :' 45 0&,Lt -rb.-L 1 . 1 i j

•hlch links you Bpirit,td 0-1, and of •hich Jeous Christ2 i

-1.1 1- -,-1 illi"Have Ve not riad. that He vhtch mad* thom fron the

,„i» mi„ thin milo a„ 'Ivia'.. an,1 Ia,d' „,1'h„cause shall a man leave his father and nothert and shall01 0 to his *tre. and thi twaln shall 1HconD Jnil fle•hT

  So that tliq are no more t-in. but one fle*h< 17*ttherifori God hath Joined toe,tur. let not 0- put aiR:li-

de.• I   1 ' ' . -f: 1 1 1 1 1

Pleas• Join hands. i t:ii 1 i /

1 1 ' and undar '16 au,1-16 0,1i I tthi law of our land. and in the n„12 of the 1617 Splrlt,

who performs eve,7 true mair iali. 1 pronounce'you has-1


land and wifi.

Invocation by minister. i

Almishty Pathert Witz*ss of every true marriage, and

sealer of every spiritual union, we lirroke thy blessingkil i- upon these thy obedlent children

. :.- =,17 6/1175.,-84 thou goijiologill with tliam, 1- "nlnr•*49#11,*4 f

K... ...--1.. : . . -1 .--- .. --_ 1.----1. '. 1.. -f

r tfzil4-

14 ....

11. i .1 1 6i..

Pea..",• 3108• them vith goodness and th·uth,! purity  1i

and vlsdam. fidelity and forbearance. prosperlt, and  contentment. 1

6 -pr

. 1. 1 aLet their Minds be illuelned with «

thoir souls unified with th, life and th*ir bodies; , v-is

purified vith th:7 Itubstance. bmen.t. 1

·1 1/5f. 4 -t1



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/<t. 'i'.1./.


True marriage is more than the joining in the bonds of I.

matrinany af two people. It is in its right relation the uniting

of t.O.oals already attuned to each other.

When such a true band already exists between man and,·31

woman it la proper that an outward acknowledgmant be made.* 4 This acknowledgment is the real object of this gathering and


I. «-   this ceremony. We are here to bear witness of the entry into ,

I l lthe closer relationship of hu/band and wife of these two be-

T1 , lovid friende who ar& already one in Spirit. ,

If, in the alght of the law, there la any reason whythis union should not take place let it now be known. (Pause). 3

.....),3If, under the law of man, or the law of God, thero is

 i#21&60/i, '.3'0 :3..,2,

........ ,...

* I ::'..4, ' *S: t;..#13

.--I .. , . - . 2-2.2 7 1


ti 2

any reason known to either af you why you ahould not be made  . '1husband and wife, let it now be known. (Pause). 1

-----, do you take -- to be your vedded wife, to love

her, to protect her, to provide for her, and to be unto her a

dutiful husband? (Ahswer, "I dou.)

-----, do you take --- to bo your vedded husband, to

' love him, to inspire him with courage and true thoughts, and

.t. always be unto h/m a dutlful wlfer (Ansver, HI do." )

, (Groam places ring an third finger of left hand of bride.

r Ulnister says:)

This ring represents the endless spiritual love which

links you spirit to spirit and soul to soul; that union of

which Jesus Christ said:

"Have yo not react, that he who na<le thom from the begin-. V,


' - *4

r. » .  isning made them male and female, and said, Fdr this cause shall

a man leave his father and mother, .hall 01.ave to him vife,4and the two shall bicame one fleshT Trhat therefore God hath

joined together, let not man put a/under.*

Please join hands.'*

---- and ----- under the authority of the 11 of ourr land, and in the name of thi Holy Spirit, who performs every


true marriage, I pronounce you husband and vife.

1 :- - - -

Invocation by minister.

Almighty Fathert Witness of every true marriage, andsealer of every spiritual union, w invoke thy blessing uponthese thy obedlent children.



Be-thcu conselously with them in all their vals. Bless Fthem with goodness and truth, purity and wisdom, fidelity

and forbearance, prosperity and cantentment.

Let their minds be illumlned with thy wisdam, their

sou vivified with th, life and their bodies purifie,L withF. th, substance. Ament. 0

" St Ill\.

4 *



True marriage is more than the joining in the bonds of

matrlmony of two people. It is in its rlght relation the

uniting of two souls already attuned to each other.

When such a true bond already exists between man and

woman it is proper that an outward acknowledgment be made.

This acknowledgment is the real object of this gathering and

this ceremony. We are hero to bear witness of the entry 1nto

the closer relationship of husband and wife of these two be-

loved friends who are already one in Spirit.

7 If, in the sight of the law, there is any reason why

f * this union should not take place let it now be known. (Pause).>2.

If, under the law of man, or the law of God, there is


any reason known to either of you why you should not be made

husband and wife, let' it now be known. (Pause)-

s _ - -----, do you take ----- to be your wedded wife, to4 '-love her, to protect her, to provide for her, and to be unto

-her a dutiful hustand? (Answer, "I do.')----, do you take ---- to be your wedded husband, to

love him, to 'inspire him with courage and true thoughts, an.1

always bo unto him a dutiful wife? . (Answer, "I do". )

(Oroom places ring on third finger of left hand of

brlde. » Minister says:*

- This- ring represents the endless spiritual love which• -, links you spirit to spirit and. soul to scul; that union of-1 r

A i which Jesus Christ said:-.

4 "Have ye not read, that he who made them from the begin-


ning made them male ·and, female, and said, For this cause shalla man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife;

1 and thetwo shall become one flesh? - What therefore God hath

joined together, let not man put asunder."e

Please join hands.

----- and ---- under the authority of the law of our

land, and-in the name of the Holy Spirit, who performs every

true marriage, I pronounce you husband and wife.


Invocation by minister.

Almighty Father 1 Witness of every true marriage, andS sealer of every splrltual union, we invoke thy blessing upon

* these thy obedlent children.:.


Be thou consciously with thora in all their ways. Bless

them with goodness and truth, purity and wisdom, fidelity

i and forbearance, prosperity and contentment.

I Let their minds be illumined with thy wisdom, their

soul vivified with thy life and their bodies purifled rd th

thy substance. Amenl


